PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


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PCjs Library

The PCjs Library contains documentation for various hardware and software featured on the website. Some of it was from my own personal collection, but much of it was obtained from bitsavers.org, with additional hardware resources from minuszerodegrees.net and assorted software documentation from the OS/2 Museum and the Internet Archive.

Unfortunately, I did not always do a good job of recording where a given document (or piece of software) came from. Going forward, I hope to be more conscientious, and in the documentation displayed below, you’ll now see that many documents include a link to the original [Source]. However, there’s no guarantee that that source is definitive, or the best available, or even still in existence; it is simply where I happened to obtain a copy.

Over the years, I’ve also added to my personal collection with physical copies of software and documentation from ebay and generous PCjs users, which I’ve scanned and posted as well. In those cases, no source link is displayed; internally, the source is recorded as PCjs.

For example, I purchased and scanned a complete collection of PC Tech Journal magazines and posted them here; someone else later downloaded those scans and uploaded them to the Internet Archive, but their source is still PCjs.


As you can see from the PCjs Explorer, each piece of documentation is filed under one of three general areas: Hardware, Software, or Documents. The idea is to have a single page for a given machine and its manuals, or for a given piece of software and its manuals. Anything else (ie, any document not created by the manufacturer of a piece of hardware or software featured here) is filed under an appropriate category within Documents.

There are a few gray areas. For example, there are programming books that also came with supplemental software, and in a few cases, I have archived that software supplement as well. So, because this is primarily a software-driven site, and to keep related materials together as much as possible, such a book will generally be filed with its Software, with a reference to the book within Documents.

For example, see Graphics for the IBM PC, which is filed under Software / IBM PC / Shareware / Books. However, you will also find the book referenced under Documents / Books / Programming, in the section titled “Books with Software”.

All Hardware Documents

AT&T 6300

CDP MPC 1600


DeskPro 286

DeskPro 386


PC (Model 5150)

PC XT (Model 5160)

PC AT (Model 5170)

PCJr (Model 4860)

PC Hard Drives

PC Video Adapters

Zenith Z-150






VT100 Terminal

Challenger 1P


All Software Documents

MS OS/2 SDK 1.02



DR DOS 5.00

PC DOS 1.00

PC DOS 1.10

PC DOS 2.00

MS-DOS 2.00

DESQview 1.02

Microsoft Adventure

Dune II (1992)

Hero's Quest I (1989)

Microsoft Multiplan 4.20

SuperCalc 1.10

WordStar 3.20

Pascal/MT+ 3.11


IBM Macro Assembler 1.00

IBM COBOL Compiler 1.00

Macro Assembler 3.00

Macro Assembler 5.00

Microsoft C Compiler 4.00

Microsoft C Compiler 5.00

Microsoft C Compiler for OS/2 5.10

QuickPascal 1.00

DOS Internals (1994)

Graphics for the IBM PC

Inside the IBM PC

Unauthorized Windows 95

Undocumented DOS

The Undocumented PC

PC Magazine Diskettes

All Other Documents




National Semiconductor



Microsoft Languages

Microsoft Systems Journal

PC Disk Magazine

PC Tech Journal



Electronic Computer Project

Tom Estelita


Programming Notes

DOS Protected Mode Interface