PCjs Machines

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Norton Utilities 2.00

Norton Utilities 2.00 was distributed as two single-sided 160K disks on a single “flippy” diskette, which we have preserved as two separate (side “A” and side “B”) disk images. Presumably this was done to ensure that the diskette would work on every IBM PC, including the earliest machines that shipped only with single-sided drives.

Directory listings of Side A and Side B are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of Norton Utilities 2.00 (Side A)

 Volume in drive A is NU-2.00, #1
 Directory of A:\

DISKLOOK BAT       384   6-01-83   2:00p
BATHIDE  COM      7477   6-01-83   2:00p
BEEP     COM       151   6-01-83   2:00p
BLOAD    COM     17685   6-01-83   2:00p
CLEAR    COM       140   6-01-83   2:00p
CLS      COM       140   6-01-83   2:00p
DISKOPT  COM      6245   6-01-83   2:00p
DL       COM     32712   6-01-83   2:00p
FH       COM     14036   6-01-83   2:00p
FILEFIX  COM      7287   7-01-83   2:00p
FILESORT COM      6924   6-01-83   2:00p
HL       COM     35607   6-01-83   2:00p
HM       COM     21590   6-01-83   2:00p
       13 file(s)     150378 bytes
                        6144 bytes free

Norton Utilities 2.00 (Side A)

Directory of Norton Utilities 2.00 (Side B)

 Volume in drive A is NU-2.00, #2
 Directory of A:\

DISKLOOK BAT       384   6-01-83   2:00p
HU       COM     27490   6-02-83   2:00p
LABEL    COM      8063   6-01-83   2:00p
LPRINT   COM     24125   6-01-83   2:00p
REVERSE  COM      1298   6-01-83   2:00p
SCRATR   COM      3426   6-01-83   2:00p
SM       COM     19168   6-01-83   2:00p
SSAR     COM     23768   6-01-83   2:00p
TIMEMARK COM      7045   6-01-83   2:00p
UE       COM     26026   6-01-83   2:00p
       10 file(s)     140793 bytes
                       17408 bytes free

Norton Utilities 2.00 (Side B)