PCjs Machines

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IBM TopView 1.10

The machine below is configured to automatically start TopView 1.10 on top of PC DOS 2.00. No mouse driver is loaded, so you must use TopView’s “Keyboard Mouse” support: arrow keys move the cursor and Home, PgUp, and Alt act as mouse buttons.

While TopView 1.01 ran with Keyboard support enabled “out of the box,” TopView 1.10 appears to require some configuration, which is why the SETUP batch file is run first.

NOTE: This disk image is from the PCjs disk collection. Presumably, as in TopView 1.01, there was a second (Tutorial) disk, but we don’t have a copy of it.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of IBM TopView 1.10

 Volume in drive A is TVP022086
 Directory of A:\

TV       PIF      9909   2-20-86  12:00p
TV       PII      1001   2-20-86  12:00p
ADD      EXT     21248   2-20-86  12:00p
ATRIBUTE DEF        32   2-20-86  12:00p
AUTOPIF            369   2-20-86  12:00p
AUTORUN  COM      1652   2-20-86  12:00p
BATCHPGM COM      3420   2-20-86  12:00p
CHANGE   EXT     13056   2-20-86  12:00p
CRITERR  MSG      1171   2-20-86  12:00p
DELETE   EXT      7936   2-20-86  12:00p
DOS      EXT     37632   2-20-86  12:00p
DOSCMDS  DEF       600   2-20-86  12:00p
DOSHELP  PLB      6417   2-20-86  12:00p
DW1      TBL        51   2-20-86  12:00p
FD       BAT      9158   2-20-86  12:00p
FDPGM    COM      1480   2-20-86  12:00p
FDR      BAT        46   2-20-86  12:00p
FDTUT    BAT     10011   2-20-86  12:00p
FILTER   EXT      3930   2-20-86  12:00p
G        BAT        28   6-29-87  11:31a
GROUP    EXT     19456   2-20-86  12:00p
GROUP    HLP      3019   2-20-86  12:00p
GROUP    PNL      3992   2-20-86  12:00p
PDIO     EXT      3410   6-29-87  11:31a
PDIOKEYB EXT      3328   2-20-86  12:00p
PDIOMICP EXT      3410   2-20-86  12:00p
PDIOMICS EXT      3404   2-20-86  12:00p
PDIOMSY1 EXT      3168   2-20-86  12:00p
PDIOVIS1 EXT      3409   2-20-86  12:00p
PE       TBL        44   2-20-86  12:00p
PRINTFAC PLB      1211   2-20-86  12:00p
PROFED   TBL        65   2-20-86  12:00p
PROGRAMS COM     12800   2-20-86  12:00p
PROGRAMS HLP      7041   2-20-86  12:00p
SETSYS   EXT     18944   2-20-86  12:00p
SETUP    BAT       139   6-29-87  11:31a
SYSTEM              84   2-20-86  12:00p
TUTORPIF           369   2-20-86  12:00p
TV       COM     39168   2-20-86  12:00p
TV       EXT     15648   2-20-86  12:00p
TVDP     EXT     52263   2-20-86  12:00p
TVPRINT  COM      1551   2-20-86  12:00p
WA       TBL        56   2-20-86  12:00p
WELCMPIF           369   2-20-86  12:00p
WELCOME  EXT      2560   2-20-86  12:00p
VENDOR-# DO1*        0   7-04-83
       46 file(s)     328055 bytes
                        8192 bytes free