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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2565)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2565                                                           
Disk Title: Dan Buerg Utilities                                         
PC-SIG Version: S1.0                                                    
Program Title: Dan Buerg Utilities (List)                               
Author Version: 7.5F                                                    
Author Registration: 20.00                                              
Special Requirements: None.                                             
LIST lets you scroll up, down, left, and right through documentation or 
data files.  Search for specific data.  LIST uses wildcards to let you  
browse a series of related files with only one command.  LIST also has  
hex display, screen wrap, strip high bits, split screen, rulers, and    
much more.  Supports 43-line and 132-column modes on EGA.  Prints files 
and has a phone dialer.                                                 
Other features include:                                                 
 ~ View contents of ZIP, ARC, and LZH files (including self-extracting  
   files).  You need PKZIP, LHARC, and a hard disk to use this feature. 
 ~ A small file management utility to copy, delete, rename, etc.  Call  
   your favorite text editor from this DIR listing.                     
 ~ Bookmark, DOS shell now callable from within the program.            
 ~ Supports mouses and LANs.                                            
 ~ Paste data from the file being viewed to another file.               
 ~ Execute programs from within LIST itself.                            
LIST also has the ability to search a group of files for hex data or    
text strings. with one command.                                         
Other niceties are the split screen display, extensive documentation,   
and the 3-program setup.  There are small, medium, and large versions   
included.  Pick the one that has just enough features and a small enough
.COM file size (from 9k to 20k) for you.                                
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


    ║           <<<<  DISK #2565  DAN BUERG UTILITIES  >>>>         ║
    ║ To print the documentation for LIST, type:                    ║
    ║                 COPY LIST.DOC PRN  (press Enter)              ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║ To start List, type:  "LIST" (press Enter)                    ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║ To print out the mailer form, type:  COPY MAILER PRN  (Enter) ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║ To view update information, type:  TYPE WHATSNEW  (Enter)     ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║                                                               ║
    ║                              (c) Copyright 1991, PC-SIG Inc.  ║

Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2565

 Volume in drive A is #2565 S1.0
 Directory of A:\

GO       TXT      1066   3-28-91   5:58a
COLOR    PAT       236   2-03-90   7:30a
DIALER   PAT       201   2-03-90   7:30a
LICENSE           9290   9-27-90   7:55a
LIST     COM     21729  10-26-90   7:56a
LIST     DOC    102938   9-27-90   7:55a
LIST     HST     10742  10-26-90   7:56a
LISTR    COM     11139  10-26-90   7:56a
LISTS    COM      9831  10-26-90   7:56a
MAILER            1357  10-26-90   7:56a
PROGRAMS          9004  10-26-90   7:56a
WHATSNEW          7680  10-26-90   7:56a
GO       BAT        28  11-13-90   9:23a
FILE2565 TXT      3331   3-18-91  11:29a
       14 file(s)     188572 bytes
                      164864 bytes free

PC-SIG Library Disk #2565