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PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #1287)

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Information about “ZOOMRACKS 1 OF 2 (ALSO 1288)”

Organize everything in your home or business with one of the premier
information management systems in all the IBM PC world -- ZOOMRACKS.
More than just a great database, ZOOMRACKS uses its patented card and
rack metaphor to allow you to organize everything from business letters
to your finances.  Whole businesses are running on ZOOMRACKS alone.

ZOOMRACKS is based on a simple, real world object: racks containing
cards that have information on them. Imagine a rack hanging on the
door of a doctor's examining room that holds cards containing the
patients' medical records. The top of every card is visible when
looking at the entire rack, so you look for the desired patient's
record, then pull that card and view it. Essentially, this is how
ZOOMRACKS operates on your computer.

This simple idea makes ZOOMRACKS one of the fastest and easiest
databases to use, according to COMPUTE! MAGAZINE which bestowed its
1989 Choice award on ZOOMRACKS, as one of the 13 best products of the
year, and the best database. With full text searching, a powerful
macro language, online help and the multi-talents of database and word
processor -- as well as many of the functions of a spreadsheet -- there
should be little wonder why ZOOMRACKS is zooming into both homes and
businesses as the "do all" program everyone wants.

Unlike a traditional database where you are limited by the specified
fields, with ZOOMRACKS you have the option of putting anything you want
on a card, including information into preset fields. If you want to
write a letter, go to a card and start writing. Word processing is an
integral part of ZOOMRACKS. If you want to organize class notes,
maintain records of all business correspondence with your clients, or
manage you home budget, ZOOMRACKS is a powerful solution.

Like a spreadsheet, ZOOMRACKS uses templates. You define what kind of
information you will be storing in a rack by defining a rack template.
Change the format of any rack at any time. Add fields, sort fields,
rearrange and move fields, perform mathematical functions, change the
names or the widths of fields, even change the name of the rack, if you
like. You can easily build your own templates or use pre-designed
templates (also available from PC-SIG) for home management, general
business and accounting.

It does takes time to learn the initial commands, but the program is
very convenient to use, once learned. Help screens and a tutorial are
included. Works great with or without a mouse.


Disk No: 1287
Program Title:  ZOOMRACKS
PC-SIG version: 1.2

Organize everything--home or business--with one of the premier
information management systems in all the IBM PC world, ZOOMRACKS.  More
than a great database, ZOOMRACKS uses its patented card and rack
metaphor to allow you to organize everything from business letters, to
your finances.  Whole businesses are running on ZOOMRACKS alone.

ZOOMRACKS is based on a simple, real world object: Racks which contain
cards that have information on them.  Imagine a rack hanging on the door
of a doctor's examining room that holds cards containing the patients'
medical records.  The top of every card is visible when looking at the
entire rack, so you look for the desired patient's record then pull that
card and view it.  Essentially, this is how ZOOMRACKS operates on your

This simple idea makes ZOOMRACKS one of the fastest and easiest
databases to use, according to COMPUTE!  MAGAZINE which bestowed its
1989 Choice award on ZOOMRACKS as one of the 13 best products of the
year, and the best database.  With full text searching, a powerful macro
language, online help and the multi-talents of database and word
processor---as well as many of the functions of a spreadsheet---there
should be little wonder why ZOOMRACKS is zooming into both homes and
businesses as the "do all" program everyone wants.

Unlike a traditional database where you are limited by the fields
specified, ZOOMRACKS gives you have the option of putting anything you
want on a card, including information into preset fields.  If you want
to write a letter, go to a card and start writing.  Word processing is
an integral part of ZOOMRACKS.  If you want to organize class notes,
maintain records of all business correspondence with your clients, or
manage you home budget, ZOOMRACKS is a powerful solution.

Like a spreadsheet, ZOOMRACKS uses templates.  You define what kind of
information you will be storing in a rack by defining a rack template.
You can change the format of any rack at any time.  You can add fields,
sort fields, rearrange and move fields, perform mathematical functions,
change the names or the widths of fields, even change the name of the
rack, if you like.  You can easily build your own templates or use
pre-designed templates, which are also available from PC-SIG, for home
management, general business and accounting.

Many will see a similarity between ZOOMRACKS' ability to zoom-in on a
part of the screen and pull up additional information, even pictures, to
that of the "HyperCard" concept.  Interestingly, ZOOMRACKS was actually
developed before HyperCard.

This program does take a little time to learn the initial commands, but
is very convenient to use once learned.  Works great with or without a

Usage:  Database/General Multiuse Computing Platform.

Special Requirements:  384K memory.

How to Start:  Type GO (press enter).

Suggested Registration:  $89.95

File Descriptions:

ZR       EXE  Main program file to start ZOOMRACKS.
F1HELP   ZRX  A rack of help for use within ZOOMRACKS.
KEYHELP  ZRX  More help in the form of a rack.
MACDEMO  ZRX  A rack of macros to be loaded for use with QDEMO.
PCSIG    ZRX  A rack with program information.
QCHECKS  ZRX  A sample rack of checkbook entries.
QDEMO    ZBK  File used with ZRX.
QDEMO    ZRX  A rack to demonstrate the capabilities of ZOOMRACKS.
QFORMS   ZRX  A sample rack of output formats from ZOOMRACKS.
QINVOICE ZRX  A sample rack of invoices.
QLETTERS ZRX  A sample rack of letters.
QNAMES   ZRX  A sample rack of names and addresses.

1030D E. Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.


║                       Most-Used Zoomrack Keys                           ║
║                       ═══════════════════════                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F1 - Loads Help Rack                                                  ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F2 - Pulls cards out of rack so you can read them & puts them back    ║
║        in the rack after you are through with them.                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F3 - Moves you to Disk Directory Rack if you are in a database rack,  ║
║        or loads a highlighted rack if you are in the Disk Directory     ║
║        rack.                                                            ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F4 - Toggle the "Multi-Rack" mode on and off.                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F5 - Expands the view of a field that is highlighted on a card.       ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F6 - Allows you to edit the field you have highlighted on a card.     ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F7 - Allows you to activate a macro you have defined.                 ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F8 - Search for an iten in a highlighted field on a card.             ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F9 - Moves you backward one card in a rack.                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║   F10 - Moves you forward one card in a rack.                           ║
║                                                                         ║
║   ESC - Puts the command menu in a "Safety Zone"; Sort of a Panic       ║
║         Button.                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Up & Down Cursor Keys - Moves the highlight bar up and down through   ║
║                           a rack.                                       ║
║                                                                         ║
║   CTRL + Cursor Keys - Lets you move the highlight bar around in the    ║
║                        Menu Window.                                     ║
║                                                                         ║
║   --------------> How to start demonstration rack <------------------   ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Type ZR at a DOS prompt to start the program.                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Zoomracks will load and it will display the disk directory rack.      ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Use the cursor key to move the highlight bar down to the file         ║
║   MACDEMO.                                                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Press [F3] to load the rack into memory.                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Follow the instructions on the cards. They will show you what can be  ║
║   done with Zoomracks. To move forward through the cards, press the     ║
║   F10 key.                                                              ║
║                                                                         ║
║   ----------------------->  How To Quit  <---------------------------   ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Alt-E followed by Q followed by D - Quits Zoomracks program and       ║
║                                       Discards racks.                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Alt-E followed by Q followed by S - Quits Zoomracks program and       ║
║                                       Saves racks.                      ║
║                                                                         ║
║   Alt-E followed by Q followed by R - Saves Racks but doesn't quit      ║
║                                       program (Save work in progress)   ║
║                                                                         ║


License Agreement

Copyright 1985-1988, by Quickview Systems for this software, the
software documentation and the user interface.  Patents no.
4,736,308 and 4,486,857 also apply.

Quickview Systems grants a license to reproduce, distribute, and
use copies of this shareware version of Zoomracks including the
on-disk documentation under the express condition you do not
receive payment, commercial benefit, or other consideration for
such reproduction or distribution or change this license
agreement or copyright notice.

The commercial and non-commercial distribution of information
along with the shareware version of Zoomracks as a supporting
platform is encouraged and permitted; as is the use of Zoomracks
as a supporting platform for non-commercial applications.

However, the distribution or use of Zoomracks as the platform for
commercial applications which, in the sole opinion of Quickview
Systems, are not primarily for information distribution or
non-commercial are not permitted under this license.

Users are encouraged to use Zoomracks at no charge for (a) general
evaluation and (b) accessing, searching, distributing, and printing
information provided by others in Zoomracks format.

After an intial evaluation, Users who use Zoomracks for the entry,
organization, or modification of information, are required to register
their copy of Zoomracks.  Registered users are provided with a copy of
Zoomracks including a manual, technical support, and are put on a
mailing list to be notified of updates and Zoomracks based products.

Quickview Systems reserves the right to terminate or modify the rights
granted to any or all parties by this license provided it gives one
years notice by registered letter to any parties concerned or by a
public announcement.


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #1287

 Volume in drive A is #1287 v1.2
 Directory of A:\

F1HELP   ZRX     21504   1-20-89  10:31a
FILE1287 TXT      3744   1-20-89   3:38p
GO       EXE      9216   9-13-88   1:00p
HELP     TXT      4852   1-10-89  10:36a
KEYHELP  ZRX     43008  11-22-85   7:19p
LICENSE  TXT      2366   1-20-89  10:37a
MACDEMO  ZRX     18432   1-03-80   7:22a
PC-SIG   DAT       271   1-20-89  10:39a
QCHECKS  ZRX      4096   1-03-80   7:23a
QDEMO    ZRX     22528   1-01-80  12:32a
QFORMS   ZRX      8192   1-03-80   7:23a
QINVOICE ZRX      4096  11-22-85   7:20p
QLETTERS ZRX      6144   1-03-80   7:23a
QNAMES   ZRX      6144  11-22-85   7:20p
ZR       EXE    194462   1-01-80   1:20a
       15 file(s)     349055 bytes
                       11264 bytes free

PC-SIG Library Disk #1287