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Undocumented Windows

(Covers Windows 3.1 and 3.0) by Schulman, Maxey, Pietrek

A directory listing of the Undocumented Windows diskette that accompanied the book is provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of Undocumented Windows

 Volume in drive A is UNDOC_WIN
 Directory of A:\

CHAP1    ZIP      3658   6-10-92   4:09a
CHAP10   ZIP     35761   6-10-92   4:13a
CHAP2    ZIP    205837   6-10-92   4:10a
CHAP3    ZIP     18055   6-10-92   4:10a
CHAP4    ZIP    119052   6-10-92   4:11a
CHAP5    ZIP    211928   6-10-92   4:12a
CHAP6    ZIP     92798   6-10-92   4:12a
CHAP8    ZIP     50174   6-10-92   4:13a
CHAP9    ZIP     15233   6-10-92   4:13a
INSTALL  BAT       728   6-09-92   1:55p
PKUNZIP  EXE     23528   3-15-90  12:10a
READ     ME      29473   6-10-92   3:56a
SOURCE   ZIP     55240   6-10-92   4:14a
WINIOBC  ZIP     67255   6-10-92   4:13a
WINIOMS6 ZIP     68728   6-10-92   4:14a
WINIOMS7 ZIP    107955   6-10-92   4:14a
       16 file(s)    1105403 bytes
                      104960 bytes free