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Inside the IBM PC (1983)

by Peter Norton

A note about the diskettes that accompanied this book: there were only two physical diskettes, but the first was a “flippy” diskette, which appeared as Diskette #1 when inserted normally and as Diskette #2 when inserted upside-down. The second physical diskette was a single-sided diskette containing the contents of Diskette #3. We have preserved all three sides as separate single-sided 160Kb disk images.

WARNING: We were unable to successfully read the entire contents of Diskette #3, due to its age, so the files on that diskette are unfortunately incomplete.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Directory of Inside the IBM PC (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DISKLOOK BAT       384   2-01-83   1:10p
DL       COM     32704   6-01-83   2:00p
CHARS    BAS      2109   2-01-83   1:10p
ATTRIB   BAS      2621   2-01-83   1:10p
MEMLIST  BAS      2560   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYBITS  BAS      2412   2-01-83   1:10p
TONETEST BAT       289   2-01-83   1:10p
BEEP     ASM      2384   2-01-83   1:10p
BEEP     COM        65   2-01-83   1:10p
WARBLE   ASM      1237   2-01-83   1:10p
WARBLE   COM        63   2-01-83   1:10p
UPSCALE  ASM      2513   2-01-83   1:10p
UPSCALE  COM        94   2-01-83   1:10p
A440     ASM      1408   2-01-83   1:10p
A440     COM        52   2-01-83   1:10p
PORTTEST EXE     25856   2-01-83   1:10p
PORTTEST PAS      3503   2-01-83   1:10p
INPORT   ASM       947   2-01-83   1:10p
ROMSAVE  EXE     27392   2-01-83   1:10p
ROMCOMP  EXE     27008   2-01-83   1:10p
BIOSDATE PAS      1142   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKBASE PAS      3584   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEODEM PAS      6144   2-01-83   1:10p
GRAPHDEM PAS      6820   2-01-83   1:10p
       24 file(s)     153291 bytes
                        1536 bytes free

Inside the IBM PC (Disk 1)

Directory of Inside the IBM PC (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DIR      INC      2229   2-01-83   1:10p
FAT      INC      2432   2-01-83   1:10p
DIRFAT   PAS     17024   2-01-83   1:10p
DIRFAT   OBJ      6824   2-01-83   1:10p
DIRFAT   INC      1024   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTA ASM      7808   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTA OBJ       353   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTA BLD       226   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTA INC      1920   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTP PAS      8064   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTP OBJ      1905   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECTP INC      1536   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECT  PAS      5632   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECT  EXE     32896   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECT  INC      2816   2-01-83   1:10p
PROTECT  BAS      1536   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSA     ASM     54005   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSA     OBJ      3469   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSA     BLD      1051   2-01-83   1:10p
       19 file(s)     152750 bytes
                        3584 bytes free

Directory of Inside the IBM PC (Disk 3)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

DOSA     INC      9240   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSP     PAS      3712   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSP     OBJ      1050   2-01-83   1:10p
DOSP     INC       896   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKA    ASM     13113   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKA    OBJ       671   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKA    BLD       328   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKA    INC      2146   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKP    PAS      3552   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKP    OBJ      1401   2-01-83   1:10p
DISKP    INC       798   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOA   ASM     26819   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOA   OBJ      1420   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOA   BLD       550   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOA   INC      4640   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOP   PAS      4864   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOP   OBJ      1388   2-01-83   1:10p
VIDEOP   INC       742   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYA     ASM      4735   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYA     OBJ       300   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYA     BLD       103   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYA     INC       863   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYP     PAS      3496   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYP     OBJ       858   2-01-83   1:10p
KEYP     INC       396   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCA    ASM     23331   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCA    OBJ      1351   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCA    BLD       416   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCA    INC      4018   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCP    PAS      6667   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCP    OBJ      2587   2-01-83   1:10p
MISCP    INC      1419   2-01-83   1:10p
       32 file(s)     127870 bytes
                       24064 bytes free

Inside the IBM PC (Disk 3)


Inside the IBM PC (1983)