PCjs Machines

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Microsoft Macro Assembler 4.00

Directory listing of the 360Kb distribution diskette is provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of MS Macro Assembler 4.00

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

MASM     EXE     85566  10-16-85   4:00a
LINK     EXE     43988  10-16-85   4:00a
SYMDEB   EXE     37021  10-16-85   4:00a
MAPSYM   EXE     18026  10-16-85   4:00a
CREF     EXE     15028  10-16-85   4:00a
LIB      EXE     28716  10-16-85   4:00a
MAKE     EXE     24300  10-16-85   4:00a
EXEPACK  EXE     10848  10-16-85   4:00a
EXEMOD   EXE     11034  10-16-85   4:00a
COUNT    ASM      5965  10-16-85   4:00a
README   DOC      7630  10-16-85   4:00a
       11 file(s)     288122 bytes
                       69632 bytes free