PCjs Machines

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Microsoft C Compiler 2.03

We do not have an original distribution disk for Microsoft C Compiler 2.03. It included the following files.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of MS C 2.03 (Installed)

 Volume in drive A is INSTALLE
 Directory of A:\

CAT      C         640   7-06-83   5:53p
CC       BAT       239   7-26-93   5:42p
CONIO    C        3067   9-19-99   3:30p
CS       OBJ      1003  11-22-83  12:32p
CTYPE    H        2198  11-22-83  11:09a
DM8086   H         532   9-19-83   2:31a
DOS      H        5481  11-21-83   9:36p
ERROR    H        2048   8-01-82   1:03a
FCNTL    H         896   6-09-83  11:40p
FTOC     C         640   7-06-83   5:53p
FXU      C        4352   7-06-83   5:54p
FXU      EXE      9600  11-22-83  10:08p
IOS1     H        1092   9-22-83   5:31p
LIB      EXE     22866   2-15-84   5:44p
LINK     EXE     39680  12-09-83  12:17p
LM8086   H         640   7-23-83   9:38a
M8086    H         640   7-26-90   6:47p
MAIN     C        2383  10-12-83   6:12p
MC1      EXE     64896   4-09-84   3:52p
MC2      EXE     65664   4-09-84   4:09p
MCS      LIB     79360   4-06-84   8:49p
MSDOS    H         128   7-22-83   3:20p
OMD      EXE     25984  11-22-83  10:04p
PM8086   H         532   9-19-83   2:37a
SM8086   H         532   9-19-83   2:29a
STDIO    H        1920   1-19-87   5:45a
TINYMAIN C         896   7-06-83   5:53p
       27 file(s)     337909 bytes
                       11264 bytes free