PCjs Machines

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Microsoft C Compiler 1.04

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of MS C 1.04 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

FXU      EXE      8960   4-09-83   8:02a
MC1      EXE     61824   4-16-83  10:05a
MC2      EXE     55296   4-16-83  10:07a
OMD      EXE     24448   4-09-83   8:08a
C        ASM      3200   4-19-83   8:03a
CC       ASM      3584   4-19-83   8:04a
MC       BAT       128   4-09-83   8:02a
        7 file(s)     157440 bytes
                        1536 bytes free

MS C 1.04 (Disk 1)

Directory of MS C 1.04 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

CAT      C         640   4-09-83   8:01a
CONIO    C        4096   4-19-83   8:11a
FTOC     C         640   4-09-83   8:01a
FXU      C        4352   4-09-83   8:01a
MAIN     C        3712   4-09-83   8:02a
SIEVE    C         512   4-09-83   8:08a
TINYMAIN C         896   4-09-83   8:08a
CONIO    H         512   4-19-83   8:11a
CTYPE    H        2304   4-19-83   8:15a
STDIO    H        1792   4-19-83   8:17a
MC       LIB     59904   4-09-83   8:03a
C        OBJ       377   4-19-83   8:19a
CC       OBJ       416   4-19-83   8:21a
LINK     EXE     41856   3-15-82   2:03p
LIB      EXE     32128   2-18-82   4:26p
IO       ASM      1024   4-09-83   8:02a
       16 file(s)     155161 bytes
                        2560 bytes free

MS C 1.04 (Disk 2)