PCjs Machines

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IBM BASIC Compiler 2.00

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of IBM BASIC Compiler 2.00

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BASCOM   EXE     56064   7-12-86   9:38p
BASCOM20 LIB    165888   7-12-86   9:38p
BASCOM20 PIF       369   7-12-86   9:38p
BASRUN20 EXE     63232   7-12-86   9:39p
BASRUN20 LIB      6656   7-12-86   9:39p
IBMCAS   OBJ      2121   7-12-86   9:39p
IBMCOM   OBJ      2796   7-12-86   9:39p
LINK     EXE     38144   7-12-86   9:39p
SAMPLE1  BAT        81   7-12-86   9:39p
SAMPLE2  BAT        64   7-12-86   9:39p
SMALLERR OBJ       246   7-12-86   9:39p
       11 file(s)     335661 bytes
                       20480 bytes free