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id Software: Wolfenstein 3D

This is a shareware version (1.4) of Wolfenstein 3D. Directory listings and screenshots are below.

[PCjs Machine "deskpro386"]

Waiting for machine "deskpro386" to load....

Directory of Wolfenstein 3D 1.4

 Volume in drive A is 1WOLF14
 Directory of A:\

FILE_ID  DIZ       350   1-01-93  12:40p
INSTALL  EXE    142181   1-01-93  12:40p
W3DSW14  SHR    790409   1-01-93  12:40p
        3 file(s)     932940 bytes
                      280576 bytes free

Directory of C:\WOLF3D

 Volume in drive C has no label
 Directory of  C:\WOLF3D

.            <DIR>      5-07-18   7:55p
..           <DIR>      5-07-18   7:55p
W3DHELP  EXE    33161   1-01-93   1:40p
WOLF3D   EXE   109959   1-01-93   1:40p
AUDIOHED WL1     1156   1-01-93   1:40p
AUDIOT   WL1   132613   1-01-93   1:40p
GAMEMAPS WL1    27425   1-01-93   1:40p
MAPHEAD  WL1      402   1-01-93   1:40p
VGADICT  WL1     1024   1-01-93   1:40p
VGAGRAPH WL1   326568   1-01-93   1:40p
VGAHEAD  WL1      471   1-01-93   1:40p
VSWAP    WL1   742912   1-01-93   1:40p
VENDOR   DOC     7641   7-22-98  11:45a
ORDER    FRM     5714   4-21-98   1:24p
       14 File(s)   9076736 bytes free

Wolfenstein 3D 1.4 Intro Screenshot

Wolfenstein 3D 1.4 Closing Screenshot