PCjs Machines

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Source files for the original IBM EGA BIOS were recreated by OS/2 Museum and have been archived here on diskette.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-msdos320"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-msdos320" to load....

Directory of IBM EGA BIOS Source (V1)

 Volume in drive A is EGAV1
 Directory of A:\

EGABIG   ASM    176717   2-23-22   3:56p
MK       BAT       178   2-23-22   4:23p
V1-5     INC     12622   2-23-22   4:15p
VBIOS    ASM     25679   2-23-22   4:20p
VCGDDOT  ASM     15311   2-23-22   3:54p
VCGMN    ASM     25717   2-23-22   2:32p
VCGMNFDG ASM      3168   2-23-22   3:53p
VCHGEN   INC      8605   2-23-22   4:36p
VDOT     INC     13841   2-23-22   4:06p
VEND     ASM       114   2-23-22  12:09p
VFRONT   INC     20992   2-23-22   4:19p
VGRW     INC     26166   2-23-22   4:08p
VPARMS   INC     12030   2-23-22   4:17p
VPOST    INC     33381   2-23-22   4:19p
VPRSC    INC      4750   2-23-22   4:00p
VSCROLL  INC     17916   2-23-22   4:10p
       16 file(s)     397187 bytes
                      812032 bytes free