PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


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Exploring the IBM PC (MDA)

There are four versions of this software, which you can Explore by clicking the appropriate link on the left. For more information about this software, see the PCjs blog.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Directory of Exploring the IBM PC (MDA)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     1920   5-07-82  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*     6400   5-07-82  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     17698   3-07-83  12:01a
DLSM99           74752   4-22-83   3:16a
DLSM01            6656   2-28-83  12:15a
DLSM02            4864  12-13-82  12:15a
DLSM03            2304  12-02-82  12:08a
DLSM04            3968   2-21-83  12:30a
DLSM05            2304  12-08-82   3:20a
DLSM06            2688   2-23-84  12:15a
DLSS00             918   1-19-83  12:20a
DLSS01            3764   1-17-83  12:58a
       12 file(s)     128236 bytes
                       29696 bytes free

Exploring the IBM PC (MDA)