PCjs Machines

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SuperCalc 1.10

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Directory of SuperCalc 1.10

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SC       COM     29184
SC       OVL     16512
SC       HLP      8064   1-01-82
BALANCE  CAL     13824
BARRIER  CAL      3200
BRKEVN   CAL      4096
COLOR    COM        22
MONO     COM        22
AUTOEXEC BAT         5   4-19-82
AUTOBW   BAT         9   4-19-82
AUTO40   BAT        14   4-19-82
AUTOBW40 BAT        18   4-19-82
       12 file(s)      74970 bytes
                       81408 bytes free

SuperCalc 1.10
