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6502 Overflow Tests

This program from 6502.org verifies 6502 Overflow (V) Flag behavior.

; The following code comes from:
;	http://www.6502.org/tutorials/vflag.html
; and is built with:
;	ca65 vflag.asm -I ../.. -l -o vflag.obj
;	ld65 vflag.obj -o vflag.bin --target none
; An ASCII hex file which the OSI machine-language monitor can load
; is produced with the following commands:
;	echo -n ".0200/" > vflag.txt
;	hexdump -e '1/1 "%02X\n"' -v vflag.bin >> vflag.txt
;	echo -n ".0200" >> vflag.txt
		.include "sim.inc"

; Demonstrate that the V flag works as described
; Returns with ERROR = 0 if the test passes, ERROR = 1 if the test fails
; Five (additional) memory locations are used: ERROR, S1, S2, U1, and U2
; which can be located anywhere convenient in RAM
; The program below takes about 16 seconds to complete at 1 MHz.
TEST:	CLD       ; Clear decimal mode (just in case) for test
		LDA #1
		STA ERROR ; Store 1 in ERROR until test passes
		LDA #$80
		STA S1    ; Initalize S1 and S2 to -128 ($80)
		STA S2
		LDA #0
		STA U1    ; Initialize U1 and U2 to 0
		STA U2
		LDY #1    ; Initialize Y (used to set and clear the carry flag) to 1
		CPX #1
		BEQ ERR   ; End if V and unsigned result do not agree (X = 1)
		JSR SUB   ; Test SBC
		CPX #1
		BEQ ERR   ; End if V and unsigned result do not agree (X = 1)
		INC S1
		INC U1
		BNE LOOP  ; Loop until all 256 possibilities of S1 and U1 are tested
		INC S2
		INC U2
		BNE LOOP  ; Loop until all 256 possibilities of S2 and U2 are tested
		BPL LOOP  ; Loop until both possiblities of the carry flag are tested
		LDA #0
		STA ERROR ; All tests pass, so store 0 in ERROR
; Test ADC
; X is initialized to 0
; X is incremented when V = 1
; X is incremented when the unsigned result predicts an overflow
; Therefore, if the V flag and the unsigned result agree, X will be
; incremented zero or two times (returning X = 0 or X = 2), and if they do
; not agree X will be incremented once (returning X = 1)
ADD:	CPY #1   ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
		LDA S1   ; Test twos complement addition
		ADC S2
		LDX #0   ; Initialize X to 0
		INX      ; Increment X if V = 1
ADD1:	CPY #1   ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
		LDA U1   ; Test unsigned addition
		ADC U2
		BCS ADD3 ; Carry is set if U1 + U2 >= 256
		BMI ADD2 ; U1 + U2 < 256, A >= 128 if U1 + U2 >= 128
		INX      ; Increment X if U1 + U2 < 128
ADD3:	BPL ADD4 ; U1 + U2 >= 256, A <= 127 if U1 + U2 <= 383 ($17F)
		INX      ; Increment X if U1 + U2 > 383
; Test SBC
; X is initialized to 0
; X is incremented when V = 1
; X is incremented when the unsigned result predicts an overflow
; Therefore, if the V flag and the unsigned result agree, X will be
; incremented zero or two times (returning X = 0 or X = 2), and if they do
; not agree X will be incremented once (returning X = 1)
SUB:	CPY #1   ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
		LDA S1   ; Test twos complement subtraction
		SBC S2
		LDX #0   ; Initialize X to 0
		INX      ; Increment X if V = 1
SUB1:	CPY #1   ; Set carry when Y = 1, clear carry when Y = 0
		LDA U1   ; Test unsigned subtraction
		SBC U2
		PHA      ; Save the low byte of result on the stack
		LDA #$FF
		SBC #$00 ; result = (65280 + U1) - U2, 65280 = $FF00
		CMP #$FE
		BNE SUB4 ; Branch if result >= 65280 ($FF00) or result < 65024 ($FE00)
		PLA      ; Get the low byte of result
		BMI SUB3 ; result < 65280 ($FF00), A >= 128 if result >= 65152 ($FE80)
SUB2:	INX      ; Increment X if result < 65152 ($FE80)
SUB4:	PLA      ; Get the low byte of result (does not affect the carry flag)
		BCC SUB2 ; The carry flag is clear if result < 65024 ($FE00)
		BPL SUB5 ; result >= 65280 ($FF00), A <= 127 if result <= 65407 ($FF7F)
		INX      ; Increment X if result > 65407 ($FF7F)

ERROR:	.byte	0
S1:		.byte	0
S2:		.byte	0
U1:		.byte	0
U2:		.byte	0