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MS C 6.0 Reference

The following document is from the Microsoft Programmer’s Library 1.3 CD-ROM.

Microsoft  C - REFERENCE

                        Microsoft (R) C - REFERENCE

                                VERSION 6.0

                            MICROSOFT CORPORATION

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does
not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation. The
software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement
or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy
the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or
nondisclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written
permission of Microsoft.
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1989. All rights reserved.

Simultaneously published in the U.S. and Canada.

Printed and bound in the United States of America.

Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, XENIX, CodeView, and QuickC are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.

Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development

Tandy is a registered trademark of Tandy Corporation.

Document No. LN0802a-600-R00-0989

Part No. 06515


Table of Contents

        About This Book
        Document Conventions

PART I  Utilities

            CL (Compiler)
            ILINK (Incremental Linker)
            LINK (Linker)
            Programmer's WorkBench

PART II  Language Reference

            Language Reference

PART III  Run-time Library Functions

Routines by Category

            Buffer Manipulation
            Character Classification and Conversion
            Data Conversion
            Directory Control
            File Handling
            Input and Output
            Memory Allocation
            Process and Environment Control
            Searching and Sorting
            String Manipulation
            System Calls
            Variable-Length Argument Lists

Appendix A  printf/scanf Format Specifiers

Appendix B  Compiler Limits and Numerical Ranges

            Compiler Limits
            Numerical Ranges
            Numerical Values Defined in FLOAT.H


The Microsoft(R) C Reference contains essential information about the
language, run-time library, and utility programs that comprise version 6.0
of the Microsoft C Professional Development System. This book is aimed at
the experienced programmer who needs a particular fact─the meaning of an
option, the syntax of a pragma, the arguments to a library function. Much of
the information is in lists and tables, organized to help you find it at a

The C Reference is designed to complement the other Microsoft C
documentation, including Installing and Using the Professional Development
System,  Advanced Programming Techniques, and the Advisor (on-line help).
For example, while Installing and Using introduces you to Microsoft C and
teaches you how to use the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB), the C Reference
assumes that you are already familiar with using PWB. Thus, it lists all the
functions and keystrokes, both alphabetically and by use, as well as return
values and editor switches─but it does not teach you how to use them. You'll
find a discussion about how to optimize C programs to best advantage in
Advanced Programming Techniques. In this C Reference you'll find a complete
list of all the compiler options, including those for optimization, and a
short description of what each one does─but not which is best in a
particular situation.

About This Book

The parts of this book and what they contain are discussed below.


Part 1 of the Microsoft C Reference summarizes the utility programs included
with the Microsoft C Professional Development System. The utilities are
listed alphabetically. A brief description and the syntax appear at the
beginning of each utility's description, followed by command-line options.
The description may also include other useful information. For example, the
coverage of LINK lists module-definition file statements used in Windows(tm)
and OS/2 applications; the pages on the CodeView(R) debugger list dialog
commands as well as size and format specifiers.

Language Reference

Part 2 includes the basic elements of the C language: it lists keywords and
escape sequences, and gives the syntax and a short explanation of
statements, preprocessor directives, and pragmas. It also provides tables of
information on operators and data type sizes.

Run-Time Library Functions

The Microsoft C libraries contain over 500 functions. Part 3 of this book
first lists the functions by category. It then provides an alphabetical
overview of each function, listing the function prototype, the include file,
the parameter list, a brief description, and compatibility.


The appendixes contain various useful tables, such as one on printf and
scanf formatting codes. They also list compiler limits and program limits at
run time, the data ranges defined in LIMITS.H, and the numerical values
defined in FLOAT.H. Finally, there are numeric and ASCII conversion tables.


The pages that follow use the term "OS/2" to refer to the OS/2
systems─Microsoft Operating System/2 (MS(R) OS/2) and IBM(R) OS/2.
Similarly, the term "DOS" refers to both the MS-DOS(R) and IBM Personal
Computer DOS operating systems. The name of a specific operating system is
used when it is necessary to note features that are unique to the system.

Document Conventions

This book uses the following document conventions :

Example                           Description
STDIO.H                           Uppercase letters indicate file names,
                                    segment names, registers, and terms used
                                    at the
                                    operating-system command level.

_far                              Boldface letters indicate C keywords,
                                    language-specific characters, and
                                    library routines. Within discussions of
                                    syntax, bold type indicates that the
                                    text must be entered exactly as shown.

expression                        Words in italics indicate placeholders
                                    for information you must supply, such as
                                    a file name. Italics are also
                                    occasionally used for emphasis in the

«option»                          Items inside double square brackets are

#pragma pack {1|2}                Braces and a vertical bar indicate a
                                    choice among two or more items. You must
                                    choose one of these items unless double
                                    square brackets surround the braces.

#include <io.h>                   This font is used for examples, user
                                    input, program output, and error
                                    messages in text.

CL options «files...»             Three dots following an item indicate
                                    that more items having the same form may

while()                           A column of three dots tells you that
{                                 part of the program has been
    .                              intentionally omitted.

CTRL+ENTER                        Small capital letters are used for the
                                    names of keys on the keyboard. When you
                                    see a plus sign (+) between two key
                                    names, you should hold down the first
                                    key while pressing the second.

                                    The carriage-return key, sometimes
                                    marked as a bent arrow on the keyboard,
                                    is called ENTER.

                                    The cursor-movement keys are called the
                                    arrow keys. Individual keys are referred
                                    to by their direction (LEFT, UP) or by
                                    the name on the key (PGUP).

"argument"                        Quotation marks enclose a new term the
                                    first time it is defined in text.

"C string"                        Some C constructs, such as strings,
                                    require quotation marks. Quotation marks
                                    required by the language have the form "
                                    " and ' ' rather than " " and ' '.

Color Graphics                    The first time an acronym is used, it is
Adapter (CGA)                     often
                                    spelled out.

PART I  Utilities



The BIND utility converts protected-mode programs that use Family API
functions to access system services, allowing them to run in both real mode
and protected mode.


    BIND infile «implibs» «linklibs» «/O outfile» «/N@file» «/N functions»

In the syntax above, infile contains the name of the OS/2 application,
implibs contains the name of one or more import libraries, and linklibs
contains the name of one or more standard libraries and object files.


/HELP                             Provides on-line help for BIND. First
                                    BIND attempts to execute the QuickHelp
                                    program, QH.EXE. If QuickHelp or its
                                    database is unavailable, the /HELP
                                    option lists BIND syntax and options to
                                    the standard output.

/M«AP» mapfile                    Causes a link map to be generated to
                                    mapfile for the real mode environment of
                                    the executable file.

/N«AMES» functions                Allows the listing of functions
                                    supported in protected mode only. Use
                                    with a list of functions or a file
                                    specification preceded by @.

/NOLOGO                           Suppresses display of the sign-on banner.

/O«UTFILE» outfile                Specifies the name for the bound
                                    application, outfile.

/?                                Displays the syntax of the BIND utility.

CL (Compiler)


The CL utility compiles and links one or more C source files.


    CL «options » « filename» ... «libraries link-options»


/A {T|S|M|C|L|H}                  Selects one of these standard memory

                                    Option      Comments
                                    /AT         Tiny memory model. Code and
                                                data are limited to 64K
                                                total. Must link with
                                                CRTCOM.LIB. Creates a .COM
                                                file for real mode. (Same as

                                    /AS         Small memory model. Code and
                                                data are limited to 64K each.
                                                (Same as  /Asnd.)

                                    /AM         Medium memory model. Data is
                                                limited to 64K. (Same as

                                    /AC         Compact memory model. Code
                                                is limited to 64K. (Same as

                                    /AL         Large memory model. No
                                                limits on code or data.
                                                (Same as  /Alfd.)

                                    /AH         Huge memory model. Same as
                                                large model, but individual
                                                arrays can exceed 64K. (Same
                                                as  /Alhd.)

/Astring                          Sets up a customized memory model. The
                                    string consists of three characters in
                                    any order, indicating code and data
                                    pointer size and segment setup.

Group           Code        Description
Code pointers   s           Small (Near)
                l           Large (Far)
Group           Code        Description
                l           Large (Far)

Data pointers   n           Near
                f           Far
                h           Huge

Segment setup   d           SS == DS
                u           SS != DS; DS loaded for each function entry
                w           SS != DS; DS not loaded at function entry


/B1 «path»                        Invokes an alternative preprocessor
                                    called C1L.EXE. Use this option to
                                    compile programs that generate the
                                    the compiler is out of near heap. The
                                    drive and path where C1L.EXE resides are
                                    optionally specified in path.

/B2 «path»                        Invokes an alternative compiler pass two
                                    called C2L.EXE.

/B3 «path»                        Invokes an alternative compiler pass
                                    three called C3L.EXE.

/C                                Preserves comments when preprocessing a
                                    file; use only with /E, /P, or /EP.

/c                                Compiles without linking. Creates an
                                    object file but not an executable file.

/D id « = «value» »               Defines the symbolic constant id to the
                                    preprocessor. If value is defined, the
                                    value of id is value. If the equal sign
                                    is given without value, the value of id
                                    is empty. If id is given without the
                                    equal sign, the value of id is 1.

/E                                Preprocesses the source file, copying
                                    the result to the standard output and
                                    inserting #line directives.

/EP                               Preprocesses the source file, copying
                                    the result to the standard output
                                    without #line directives.

/F hexnum                         Sets stack size to hexnum bytes (this is
                                    the same as
                                    /link /STACK:number). The value must be
                                    expressed in
                                    hexadecimal notation.

/Fa «listfile»                    Produces an assembly listing. If
                                    listfile is unspecified, /Fa
                                    defaults to sourcefilename.ASM. Not
                                    available with the /qc

/Fbbound-exe                      Creates a bound executable file. Use
                                    only with /Lp.

/Fc «listfile»                    Produces a combined source-assembly code
                                    listing. If listfile is unspecified, /Fc
                                    defaults to sourcefilename.COD. Not
                                    available with the /qc option.

/Fe exefile                       Names the executable file.

/Fl «listfile»                    Generates an object-code listing. If
                                    listfile is not given, /Fl
                                    defaults to sourcefilename.COD. Not
                                    available with the /qc

/Fm «mapfile»                     Creates a linker map file. If mapfile is
                                    not given, /Fm defaults to

/Fo objfile                       Names the object file.

/FPa                              Generates floating-point calls and
                                    selects the alternate math library. Not
                                    available with the /qc option.

/FPc                              Generates floating-point calls and
                                    selects the emulator library (which uses
                                    an 80x87 coprocessor if one is present).
                                    Not available with the /qc option.

/FPc87                            Generates floating-point calls and
                                    selects an 80x87 library (which requires
                                    an 80x87 coprocessor at run time). Not
                                    available with the /qc option.

/FPi                              Generates in-line 80x87 instructions and
                                    selects an emulator library (uses an 80x
                                    87 coprocessor if one is present). This
                                    is the default /FP option.

/FPi87                            Generates in-line 80x87 instructions and
                                    selects an 80x87 library (which requires
                                    an 80x87 coprocessor at run time).

/Fr «browsefile»                  Generates a standard PWB Source Browser
                                    database. If
                                    browsefile is unspecified, /Fr defaults
                                    to basename.SBR.

/FR «browsefile»                  Generates an extended Source Browser
                                    database. If browsefile is unspecified,
                                    /FR defaults to basename.SBR.

/Fs «listfile»                    Produces a source listing. If listfile
                                    is unspecified, /Fs defaults to
                                    sourcefilename.LST. Not available with
                                    the /qc option.

/Fx«xreffile»                     Specifies a name for the Microsoft Macro
                                    Assembler (MASM) cross-reference file.
                                    If xreffile is unspecified, /Fx
                                    defaults to sourcefilename.CRF.

/G0                               Generates 8086/8088 instructions. This
                                    is the default /G

/G1                               Generates 80186/80188 instructions.

/G2                               Generates 80286 instructions.

/Gc                               Specifies use of FORTRAN- or
                                    Pascal-style function calling and naming

/Gd                               Specifies standard (default) C calling

/Ge                               Enables calls to the stack-checking
                                    routine (default).

/Gi                               Compiles incrementally (when used in
                                    conjunction with the /qc option); only
                                    functions that have changed are
                                    recompiled. Without /qc, /Gi
                                    incrementally links by padding object
                                    files. Implies /Li.

/Gm                               Stores strings in the constant (CONST)
                                    segment. Not available with the /qc

/Gr                               Enables the new _fastcall function to
                                    call conventions for eligible functions.
                                    When possible, values are passed in
                                    registers instead of on the stack.

/Gs                               Suppresses generation of calls to the
                                    stack-checking routine.

/Gt«number»                       Places data items greater than or equal
                                    to number bytes in a new segment.
                                    Default is 256 if no number is specified.

/Gw                               Generates entry/exit code sequences
                                    suitable for use in
                                    Microsoft Windows(tm) applications.

/GW                               Same as /Gw, but generates more
                                    efficient entry sequences. Used for code
                                    other than user callback functions.

/H number                         Restricts external names to number
                                    significant characters. The default is
                                    31 characters. Not available with the
                                    /qc option.

/HELP                             Calls the QuickHelp utility. If the
                                    QuickHelp program is not available, CL
                                    displays the most commonly used options
                                    to the standard output. This option is
                                    not case sensitive.

/I directory                      Adds directory to the beginning of the
                                    list of directories to be searched for
                                    include files.

/J                                Changes the default for char type from
                                    signed to unsigned.

/Lc                               Causes the linker to create a
                                    compatibility mode executable file. Same
                                    as /Lr.

/Li«number»                       Invokes the incremental linker ILINK
                                    instead of the standard linker LINK.
                                    ILINK runs faster than LINK while
                                    creating larger executable files. The
                                    optional number specifies the byte
                                    boundary to which the linker pads all
                                    near functions.

/Lp                               Causes the linker to create a
                                    protected-mode executable file.

/Lr                               Causes the linker to create a real-mode
                                    executable file.

/link link-libinfo                Passes linker options or library names
                                    in link-libinfo to LINK.

/MAMASM_option                    Passes the specified option to the
                                    Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM). MASM
                                    is automatically invoked for files
                                    listed on the command line with the
                                    extension .ASM.

/MD                               Creates a dynamically linked C run-time
                                    library (OS/2 only). Equivalent to /ALw
                                    /FPi /G2 /DDLL /DMT. No library search

/ML                               Statically links the C run-time library
                                    as part of a dynamic-link library (OS/2
                                    only). Equivalent to /ALw /FPa /G2 /DMT.
                                    Library search record is changed to

/MT                               Enables support for multithread programs
                                    (OS/2 only). Equivalent to /ALw /FPi /G2
                                    /DMT. Library search record is changed
                                    to LLIBCMT.LIB.

/NDdataseg                        Sets the data segment name.

/NMmodule                         Sets the module name.

/nologo                           Suppresses display of the sign-on banner.

/NTtextseg                        Sets the code segment name.

/O«opt_codes»                     Controls optimization. When no codes are
                                    included, default optimization is
                                    enabled. The optional opt_codes argument
                                    may contain one or more of the following

                                    Code        Description
                                    a           Assumes no aliasing

                                    c           Enables default (block-level)
                                                local common expressions

                                    d           Disables all optimizations

                                    e           Enables global register

                                    g           Enables global optimizations
                                                and global common

                                    i           Enables generation of
                                                intrinsic routines

                                    l           Enables loop optimizations

                                    n           Disables unsafe loop
                                                optimizations (default)

                                    p           Improves consistency in

                                    r           Disables in-line returns
                                                from functions

                                    s           Favors smaller code size

                                    t           Favors faster execution
                                                speed (default)

                                    w           Assumes no aliases except
                                                across function calls (not
                                                available with the /qc

                                    x           Maximizes optimizations
                                                (equivalent to /Oecilgt/Gs)

                                    z           Enables maximum loop and

/P                                Preprocesses the source file and sends
                                    output to a file
                                    having the base name of the source file
                                    and the extension .I

/qc                               Invokes the quick compile option. The
                                    following options produce an error
                                    during a quick compile: /Fa, /Fc, /Fl,
                                    /FPa, /FPc, /FPc87, /Fs, /Gm, /H, /Ow,

/Sl linewidth                     Sets the line width of source listing in
                                    characters per line. Range is 79-132.
                                    Default is 79.

/Sp pagelength                    Sets the page length of source listing
                                    in lines per page. Range is 15-255.
                                    Default is 63.

/Ss subtitle                      Specifies subtitle for source listing.

/St title                         Specifies title for source listing.

/Ta asm_srcfile                   Specifies that asm_srcfile is to be
                                    treated as an assembler source file,
                                    whether or not it has an .ASM extension.

/Tc c-srcfile                     Indicates that c-srcfile is a C source
                                    file, whether or not it has a .C

/u                                Removes (undefines) definitions of all
                                    predefined identifiers.

/U identifier                     Removes the definition of the given
                                    predefined identifier.

/V string                         Copies the version string to the object

/w                                Suppresses compiler warning messages;
                                    same as /W0.

/W{0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}             Sets the output level for compiler
                                    warning messages. The default is 1.

/WX                               Makes all warnings fatal; no object file
                                    is generated when a warning occurs.

/X                                Ignores the list of "standard places" in
                                    the search for include files.

/Za                               Enforces American National Standards
                                    Institute (ANSI)
                                    language compatibility, disabling
                                    extensions specific to
                                    Microsoft C.

/Zc                               Causes functions declared as _pascal to
                                    be treated without regard to case. Not
                                    available with the /qc option.

/Zd                               Generates line-number information
                                    required for the SYMDEB debugger.

/Ze                               Enables extensions specific to Microsoft
                                    C. This is the default /Z option.

/Zg                               Generates function prototypes from
                                    function definitions and writes
                                    declarations to standard output, without
                                    compiling the program.

/Zi                               Generates symbolic information required
                                    by the Microsoft CodeView(R)
                                    window-oriented debugger.

/Zl                               Suppresses emission of library search
                                    records in the object file.

/Zp«{1 | 2 | 4}»                  Packs structure members on the specified
                                    byte boundary.

/Zr                               Generates code that checks for null
                                    pointers and out-of-range far pointers
                                    (in the CL command, use only with /qc).

/Zs sourcefiles                   Performs a syntax check only.



The Microsoft CodeView window-oriented debugger runs the compiled program
while simultaneously displaying the program source code, program variables,
memory locations, processor registers, and other pertinent information.


    CV «options» executablefile «arguments»

To debug protected-mode programs, set IOPL = YES in your CONFIG.SYS file and
use the following syntax:

    CVP «options» executablefile «arguments»


/2                                Permits the use of two monitors

/25                               Starts in 25-line mode

/43                               Starts in EGA 43-line mode

/50                               Starts in VGA 50-line mode

/B                                Starts in black-and-white mode with CGA
                                    or EGA

/Ccommands                        Executes commands on start up

/D«buffersize»                    Enables disk overlays (DOS only)

/E                                Enables Expanded Memory Support (EMS)
                                    (DOS only)

/F                                Does not swap video pages between
                                    CodeView and the program you are
                                    debugging; exchanges debug and output
                                    screens by flipping between video pages
                                    (faster than /S)

/Inumber                          Turns nonmaskable interrupts and
                                    8259-interrupt trapping on (/I1) or off

/K                                Disables installation of keyboard
                                    monitors for the program being debugged

/L dynlib                         Enables CodeView to search OS/2
                                    dynamic-link libraries for symbolic

/M                                Disables CodeView support of the mouse
                                    (use this option when debugging an
                                    application that supports the mouse)

/Nnumber                          /N0 tells CodeView to trap; /N1 tells it
                                    not to

/O                                Enables debugging of multiple processes
                                    under OS/2 protected mode

/R                                Enables 80386 debug registers (not
                                    available under OS/2)

/S                                Starts with screen swapping (exchanges
                                    screens by changing buffers, primarily
                                    for use with graphics programs)

/X                                Uses extended memory to increase
                                    debugging capacity (DOS only)

CodeView Commands

Action                   Keyboard                Mouse
Display help about the   F1                      Click Help menu
selected topic

Display contents of      SHIFT+F1                Click Help menu Contents
help                                             command

Go to next help screen   CTRL+F1                 ─

Go to previous help      SHIFT+CTRL+F1           ─
Action                   Keyboard                Mouse
Go to previous help      SHIFT+CTRL+F1           ─

Go to previously viewed  ALT+F1                  Click Back button on help
help screen                                      screen

Toggle register window   F2                      Click View menu
                                                    Registers command

Toggle                   F3                      Click Options menu Source
source/assembly/mixed                            Window command

Toggle memory window     SHIFT+F3                Click Options menu Memory
formats                                          Window command

Switch to output screen  F4                      Click View menu Output

Action                   Keyboard                Mouse

Close window             CTRL+F4                 Click button in upper
                                                    left corner of window

Go to next Breakpoint    F5                      Click Left button on Go
or to program end                                on
                                                    status line

Switch to next window    F6                      Click desired window

Switch to previous       SHIFT+F6                Click desired window

Execute to cursor        F7                      Click Right button at
                                                    location on status line

Trace into procedure     F8                      Click Left button on

Action                   Keyboard                Mouse

Display previous         SHIFT+F8                ─
command in history

Change window size       CTRL+F8                 Click Left button on
                                                    window border and drag

Toggle Breakpoint at     F9 at location          Double-click Left button
line with cursor                                 at
                                                    location and drag

Step over procedure      F10                     Click Left button on Step

Display next command in  SHIFT+F10               ─

Maximize window          CTRL+F10                Click button in upper
                                                    right corner of window

Action                   Keyboard                Mouse

Change flag in register  Any printing character  Double-click Left button
window                                           on flag

Delete character at      DEL                     ─

Toggle insert and        INS                     ─
overstrike modes

Copy text into delete    CTRL+INS                Click Edit menu Copy
buffer                                           command

Paste text from delete   SHIFT+INS               Click Edit menu Paste
buffer                                           command

Move to next command     TAB                     Click Left button at
(Command                                         location
window only)
Action                   Keyboard                Mouse
window only)

Move to previous         SHIFT+TAB               Click Left button at
command (Command                                 location
window only)

Find selected text       CTRL+\                  Click Search menu
                                                    Selected Text command

Repeat last find         ALT+/                   Click Search menu Repeat
                                                    Find command

Add Watch expression     CTRL+W                  Click Watch menu Add
                                                    Watch command

Delete Watch expression  CTRL+U                  Click Watch menu Delete
                                                    Watch command

Open QuickWatch window   SHIFT + F9              Click Watch window
Action                   Keyboard                Mouse
Open QuickWatch window   SHIFT + F9              Click Watch window
for a variable                                   QuickWatch command

Scroll up one line in    CTRL+UP                 Click Left button on up
window                                           arrow on scroll bar

Scroll down one line in  CTRL+DOWN               Click Left button on down
window                                           arrow on scroll bar

Scroll up one page in    PGUP                    Click Left button above
window                                           vertical elevator

Scroll down one page in  PGDN                    Click Left button below
window                                           vertical elevator

Scroll window to the     CTRL+PGUP               Click Left button on left
                                                    arrow or to left of
Action                   Keyboard                Mouse

Scroll window to the     CTRL+PGDN               Click Left button on
right                                            right arrow or to right
                                                    of horizontal elevator

Move cursor to           HOME                    Click Left button at
beginning of line                                location

Move cursor to end of    END                     Drag elevator to bottom

Scroll to top of file    CTRL+HOME               Drag vertical elevator to

Scroll to end of file    CTRL+END                Drag elevator to bottom

Move cursor one word     CTRL+LEFT/              Click Left button at
Action                   Keyboard                Mouse
Move cursor one word     CTRL+LEFT/              Click Left button at
                            CTRL+RIGHT              location

Move cursor one line     UP/DOWN                 Click Left button at


Dialog Commands

Name                 Syntax                                     Description
address              « «segment | register»: »offset            Identifies th
                        (type *) constant                          of an express
                                                                various comma
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
                                                                various comma

Add Watch            W? expression«, format»                    Displays expr
                                                                memory range
                                                                Watch window

Assemble             A «address»                                Assembles mne
                                                                starting at a

Breakpoint Clear     BC {list | * }                             Clears breakp
                                                                list or in al
                                                                breakpoints (

Breakpoint           BD {list | * }                             Turns off bre
Disable                                                         in list or in
                                                                breakpoints (

Breakpoint Enable    BE {list | * }                             Enables break
                                                                list or in al
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
                                                                list or in al
                                                                breakpoints (

Breakpoint List      BL                                         Lists breakpo
                                                                the status of

Breakpoint Set       BP «address» «=symbol«range» » | «?        Breaks execut
                        expression» «, passcount»                  address is re
                        «,"commands"»                              Breaks execut
                                                                the value of
                                                                changes; if a
                                                                listed, the e
                                                                is evaluated
                                                                that address

                                                                Breaks execut
                                                                expression is
                                                                address is li
                                                                expression is
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
                                                                expression is
                                                                only at that

Comment              *comment                                   Displays expl

Compare Memory       C range address                            Compares byte
                                                                with bytes be
                                                                address; disp
                                                                mismatched pa

Current              .                                          Displays the
Location                                                        location

Delay                :                                          Delays execut
                                                                redirected co
                                                                (may be repea
                                                                longer delays

Name                 Syntax                                     Description

Delete Watch         Y {number | *}                             Deletes (yank

Display              ? expression«, format»                     Displays expr
Expression                                                      format

Dump                 D«type» «address | range»                  Dumps memory
                                                                range in type

Enter                E«type» address «list»                     Enters memory
                                                                type format

Examine              X«L|*|?«module!» «function.»               Displays spec
Symbols              «symbol» «*» »                             symbols

Execute              E                                          Executes in s

Fill Memory          F range list                               Fills address
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
Fill Memory          F range list                               Fills address
                                                                range with va

Go                   G «breakaddress»                           Executes to

List Watch           W                                          Lists current

Move Memory          M range address                            Copies values
                                                                memory block

Options              O«option«+ | -» »                          Views or sets
                                                                options, incl
                                                                bytes coded (
                                                                flip/swap (F)
                                                                sensitivity (
                                                                symbol addres
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
                                                                symbol addres
                                                                symbols (S),
                                                                386 (3)

Pause                "                                          Interrupts ex
                                                                redirected co
                                                                waits for key

Port Input           I port                                     Reads and dis
                                                                from port

Port Output          O port byte                                Sends byte to

Program Step         P «count»                                  Executes sour
                                                                or instructio
                                                                stepping over
                                                                procedure, an
                                                                interrupt cal
                                                                repeats count
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
                                                                repeats count

Quick Watch          ?? symbol                                  Displays loca
                                                                variables and
                                                                data structur
                                                                dialog box

Quit                 Q                                          Exits and ret

Radix                N «radixnumber»                            Sets input ra

Redirection          « « «T»>«>» » | < | =»devicename           Redirects inp
                                                                output to or

Redraw               @                                     Redraws the screen

Register             R «registername « «=»expression» »         Displays regi
Name                 Syntax                                     Description
Register             R «registername « «=»expression» »         Displays regi
                                                                flags, or set
                                                                registers and

Restart              L «arguments»                              Restarts prog

Screen               \ «time»                                   Exchanges the
Exchange                                                        and output sc

Search               / «regularexpression»                      Searches for

Search Memory        S range list                               Searches rang
                                                                values in lis

Shell Escape         !«command»                                 Escapes to a
                                                                OS/2 shell an

Name                 Syntax                                     Description

Source Display Mode  S « + | - | & »                            Sets display
                                                                assembly, or

Stack Trace          K                                          Displays acti
                                                                routines on t

Tab Set              #number                                    Sets number s
                                                                each tab char

Trace                T «count»                                  Executes sour
                                                                or instructio
                                                                tracing into
                                                                cedure, or in
                                                                calls; repeat

Name                 Syntax                                     Description

Unassemble           U «viewaddress»                            Displays

View                 V « «viewaddress».line number»             Displays sour

8087                 7                                          Displays 80x8


Size Specifiers

Use these data types with Dump and Enter dialog commands:

Data Type                         Description
None                              Default type

A                                 ASCII (8-bit) characters

B                                 Byte (8-bit) hexadecimal values

D                                 Double-word (32-bit) hexadecimal values

I                                 Signed integer (16-bit) decimal values;
                                    equivalent to C
                                    signed int

L                                 Long (64-bit) floating-point (real)
                                    values; equivalent to C double

S                                 Short (32-bit) floating-point values;
                                    equivalent to C float

T                                 10-byte (80-bit) floating-point values;
                                    equivalent to C
                                    long double

U                                 Unsigned integer (16-bit) decimal
                                    values; equivalent to C
                                    unsigned int

W                                 Word (16-bit) hexadecimal values

Format Specifiers

Character                         Output Format
d                                 Signed decimal integer

i                                 Signed decimal integer

u                                 Unsigned decimal integer

o                                 Unsigned octal integer

x | X                             Hexadecimal integer

f                                 Signed value in floating-point decimal
                                    format with six decimal places

e | E                             Signed value in scientific-notation
                                    format with up to six decimal places
                                    (trailing zeros and decimal point

g | G                             Signed value with floating-point decimal
                                    or scientific-notation format, whichever
                                    is more compact

c                                 Single character

s                                 Characters printed up to the first null


The prefix h can be used with the integer-type specifiers (d, o, u, x, and
X) to specify a short int. The prefix l can be used with the same types to
specify a long int.

Command-Window Commands (Protected Mode)

Syntax                            Description
None                              Default type

|                                 Displays process ID number (PID) and
                                    session (screen group) ID number

| processID                       Enables direct debugging of the child
                                    process identified

Thread Commands


    ~«specifier«command» »

In the syntax above, the specifier specifies the thread or threads, and
command determines debugging activity.

The legal values for specifier and their effects are listed below.

Specifier                         Function
Blank                             Displays the status of all threads. If
                                    you omit the specifier field you cannot
                                    enter a command. Instead, you enter the
                                    tilde (~) by itself.

#                                 Specifies the last thread that was
                                    executed, which is not necessarily the
                                    current thread.

*                                 Specifies all threads.

number                            Specifies the indicated thread, where
                                    number must be a number corresponding to
                                    an existing thread. You can determine
                                    corresponding numbers for all threads by
                                    entering the command ~*, which gives the
                                    status of all threads.

.                                 Specifies the current thread.

The legal values for command and their effects are listed below.

Command                           Function
Blank                             Displays the status of the selected
                                    thread (or threads).

BP                                Sets the breakpoint for the specified
                                    thread or threads.

E                                 Executes the specified thread in slow
                                    motion. The command ~*E is legal only in
                                    source mode, where it executes the
                                    current thread in slow motion but lets
                                    all other unfrozen threads run.

F                                 Freezes the specified thread (or
                                    threads). A frozen thread will not run
                                    in the background or in response to the
                                    debugger Go command. However, if you use
                                    the E, G, P, or T variation of the
                                    Thread command, the specified thread is
                                    temporarily unfrozen while the debugger
                                    executes the command.

G                                 Passes control to the specified thread
                                    until it terminates or until a
                                    breakpoint is reached. If you give the
                                    command ~*G, all threads execute
                                    concurrently (except for those that are
                                    frozen). If you specify a particular
                                    thread, the debugger temporarily freezes
                                    all other threads and executes the
                                    specified thread.

P                                 Executes a program step for the
                                    specified thread. The command ~*P is
                                    legal only in source mode and causes the
                                    debugger to step to the next source line
                                    while letting all other threads run
                                    (except for those that are frozen). You
                                    see only the current thread execute in
                                    the debugger display.

S                                 Selects the specified thread as the
                                    current thread. Can apply to only one
                                    thread at a time. Thus, the command ~*S
                                    results in an error message.

T                                 Traces the specified thread. Identical
                                    to P, except that T traces through
                                    function calls and interrupts, whereas P
                                    does not.

U                                 Unfreezes the specified thread or
                                    threads. Reverses the effect of a freeze.

Effect of Threads on CodeView Commands

Whether or not you use the Thread Command, the existence of threads affects
your CodeView debugging session at all times. Particular debugger commands
are strongly affected. Each of these commands is discussed below.

Command                           Behavior in Multiple-Thread Programs
.                                 The Current Location command always uses
                                    the current value of CS:IP to determine
                                    what the current instruction is. Thus,
                                    the Current Location command applies to
                                    the current thread.

E                                 When the debugger is in source mode, the
                                    Execute command is equivalent to the ~*E
                                    command. The current thread is executed
                                    in slow motion while all other threads
                                    are also running. When the debugger is
                                    in mixed or assembly mode, the
                                    Execute command is equivalent to the
                                    command ~.P, which does not let other
                                    threads run concurrently.

BP                                The Breakpoint Set command is equivalent
                                    to the ~*BP command; the breakpoint
                                    applies to all threads.

G                                 The Go command is equivalent to the ~*G
                                    command; control is passed to the
                                    operating system, which executes all
                                    threads in the program except for those
                                    that are frozen.

P                                 When the debugger is in source mode, the
                                    Program Step command is equivalent to
                                    the command ~*P, which lets other
                                    threads run concurrently. When the
                                    debugger is in mixed or assembly mode,
                                    the Program Step command is equivalent
                                    to the command ~.P, which lets no other
                                    threads run.

K                                 The Stack Trace command displays the
                                    stack of the current thread.

T                                 When the debugger is in source mode, the
                                    Trace command is equivalent to the
                                    command ~*T, which lets other threads
                                    run concurrently. When the debugger is
                                    in mixed or assembly mode, the Trace
                                    command is equivalent to the command ~.T,
                                    which lets no other threads run.



The CVPACK utility reads through an .EXE file and combines multiple-module
debugging information into one table at the end of the file. CodeView can
then load the file more quickly.


    CVPACK «options» filename


/HELP                             Causes CVPACK to attempt to call the
                                    QuickHelp program

/P                                Packs the file to the smallest possible



The EXEHDR utility displays and modifies the contents of an executable-file


    EXEHDR «options» filename


/HEAP:nnnn                        Sets the heap allocation field to nnnn
                                    for segmented executable files.

/HELP                             Calls the QuickHelp utility. If the
                                    QuickHelp program is not available,
                                    EXEHDR displays the usage message to the
                                    standard output.

/MAX:nnnn                         Sets the maximum allocation field to
                                    nnnn paragraphs for DOS.

/MIN:nnnn                         Sets the minimum allocation field to
                                    nnnn paragraphs for DOS.

/NOLOGO                           Directs EXEHDR to suppress the sign-on

/PMTYPE:type                      Sets the window type for Presentation
                                    Manager programs, where type is one of
                                    PM (equivalent to WINDOWAPI), VIO
                                    (equivalent to WINDOWCOMPAT), or NOVIO
                                    (equivalent to NOTWINDOWCOMPAT).

/RESETERROR                       Resets the error bit in the header of an
                                    OS/2 or Windows executable file. It has
                                    no effect on DOS executable files.

/STACK:nnnn                       Sets the stack allocation field to nnnn
                                    for DOS and segmented-executable files.

/VERBOSE                          Provides more information about
                                    protected mode (OS/2) executable files
                                    and DLLs, including the default flags in
                                    the segment table, all run-time
                                    relocations, and additional fields from
                                    the .EXE header.



The EXP utility expunges (removes) all files from the DELETED subdirectory.
Copies of deleted files are placed in DELETED by PWB (when the backup switch
is on) and by RM.


    EXP «options» «directory»

If no directory is specified, the current directory's DELETED subdirectory
is used.


/HELP                             Causes EXP to attempt to call the
                                    QuickHelp program

/Q                                Specifies quiet mode (the deleted file
                                    names are not displayed on the screen)

/R                                Causes EXP to operate recursively on all



The HELPMAKE utility creates help files and customizes the help files
supplied with Microsoft language products. It creates a help database from
one or more input files that contain information specially formatted for the
help system.


    HELPMAKE «options» {/E«n» | /D}  sourcefiles

You must supply the /HELP, /E (encode), or /D (decode) option.


/Ac                               Specifies c as an application-specific
                                    control character for the help database,
                                    marking a line that contains special
                                    information for internal use by the

/C                                Indicates that the context strings are
                                    case sensitive. At run time, all
                                    searches for help topics are case

/D«letter»                        Decodes the input file into its
                                    component parts. If a destination file
                                    is not specified with the /O option, the
                                    help file is decoded to stdout. HELPMAKE
                                    decodes the file in different ways,
                                    depending on the letter specified.

                                    Letter      Effect
                                    /D          "Decode." Fully decodes the
                                                help database, leaving all
                                                cross-references and
                                                formatting information

                                    /DS         "Decode split." Splits the
                                                concatenated, compressed
                                                help database into its
                                                components, using their
                                                original names. If the
                                                database was created without
                                                concatenation (the default),
                                                HELPMAKE simply copies it to
                                                a file with its original
                                                name. No decompression

                                    /DU         "Decode unformatted."
                                                Decompresses the database
                                                and removes all screen
                                                formatting and
                                                cross-references. The output
                                                can still be used later for
                                                input and recompression, but
                                                all of the screen formatting
                                                cross-references are lost.

/E«n»                             Creates ("encodes") a help database from
                                    a specified text file (or files). The
                                    optional n indicates the amount of
                                    compression to take place. If n is
                                    omitted, HELPMAKE compresses the file as
                                    much as possible, thereby reducing the
                                    size of the file by about 50 percent.
                                    The more compression requested, the
                                    longer HELPMAKE takes to create a
                                    database file. The value of n is a
                                    number in the range 0-15. It is the sum
                                    of successive powers of 2 representing
                                    these compression techniques:

                                    Value       Technique
                                    0           No compression

                                    1           Run-length compression

                                    2           Keyword compression

                                    4           Extended-keyword compression

                                    8           Huffman compression

                                    Add values to combine compression
                                    techniques. For example, use /E3 to get
                                    run-length and keyword compression.

/H                                Displays a summary of HELPMAKE syntax
                                    and then exits.

/HELP                             Calls the QuickHelp utility. If the
                                    QuickHelp program is not available,
                                    HELPMAKE displays the most commonly used
                                    HELPMAKE options to the standard output
                                    (without encoding or decoding any files).

/K filename                       Specifies a file containing
                                    word-separator characters. This file
                                    should consist of a single line of text
                                    containing characters that separate
                                    words. ASCII characters from 0 to 32
                                    (including the space), and character 127,
                                    are always separators. If the /K option
                                    is not specified, the following
                                    characters are also considered


/L                                Locks the generated file so that it
                                    cannot be decoded by HELPMAKE at a later

/Ooutfile                         Specifies outfile as the name of the
                                    help database. The name outfile is
                                    optional with the /D option.

/Sn                               Specifies the type of input file,
                                    according to the following n values:

                                    Option      File Type
                                    /S1         Rich Text Format (RTF)

                                    /S2         QuickHelp Format (default)

                                    /S3         Minimally Formatted ASCII

/T                                During encoding, translates dot commands
                                    to application-specific commands. During
                                    decoding, translates application
                                    commands to dot commands.

/V«n»                             Indicates the "verbosity" of diagnostic
                                    and informational output, depending on
                                    the value of n. If you omit this option
                                    or specify only /V, HELPMAKE gives you
                                    its most verbose output. The possible
                                    values of n are listed below:

                                    Option      Effect
                                    /V          Maximum diagnostic output

                                    /V0         No diagnostic output and no

                                    /V1         Prints only HELPMAKE banner

                                    /V2         Prints pass names

                                    /V3         Prints contexts on first

                                    /V4         Prints contexts on each pass

                                    /V5         Prints any intermediate
                                                steps within each pass

                                    /V6         Prints statistics on help
                                                file and compression

/Wn                               Indicates the fixed width of the
                                    resulting help text in number of
                                    characters. The value of n can range
                                    from 11 to 255. If /W is omitted, the
                                    default is 76. When encoding RTF source
                                    (/S1), HELPMAKE automatically formats
                                    the text to n. When encoding QuickHelp
                                    (/S2) or minimally formatted ASCII (/S3)
                                    files, HELPMAKE truncates lines to n

ILINK (Incremental Linker)


The ILINK utility invokes the Microsoft Incremental Linker.


    ILINK «options» projname «modulelist»


/A                                Directs ILINK to check for changes in
                                    the object files since the last linking

/C                                Specifies case sensitivity for all
                                    public symbol names.

/E "commands"                     Specifies commands to be executed if
                                    incremental linking fails. The option /E
                                    "LINK /INC" is the default.

/HELP                             Provides on-line help about the
                                    incremental linker. First /HELP attempts
                                    to execute the QuickHelp program QH.EXE.
                                    If QuickHelp or its database is
                                    unavailable, /HELP lists ILINK options
                                    to the standard output.

/I                                Specifies that only an incremental link
                                    is to be attempted. If the incremental
                                    link fails, a fatal error follows the
                                    incremental violation message.

/NOLOGO                           Causes ILINK to suppress the sign-on

/V                                Verbose mode. Directs ILINK to list all
                                    changed modules.

/X                                Prevents ILINK from allocating memory
                                    from an expanded memory manager if one
                                    is present.



The LIB utility helps create, organize, and maintain run-time libraries.


    LIB inlibrary «options» «commands» «,«listfile» «,«outlibrary» » » « ; »


/HELP                             Provides on-line help for LIB. First
                                    /HELP attempts to execute the QuickHelp
                                    program QH.EXE. If QuickHelp or its
                                    database is unavailable, /HELP lists the
                                    LIB options to the standard output.

/I«GNORECASE»                     Directs LIB to ignore case when
                                    comparing symbols (the default). Use to
                                    combine a library marked /NOI with an
                                    unmarked library for a new unmarked

/NOE«XTDICTIONARY»                Prevents LIB from creating an extended

/NOI«GNORECASE»                   Directs LIB not to ignore case when
                                    comparing symbols.

/NOL«OGO»                         Causes LIB to suppress the sign-on

/PA«GESIZE»:n                     Specifies the library-page size of a new
                                    library, or changes the library-page
                                    size of an existing library. The default
                                    page size for a new library is 16 bytes.


+filename                         Appends an object file or library file
                                    to the given library

-filename                         Deletes a module from the library

-+filename                        Replaces a module by deleting it from
                                    the library and appending to the library
                                    an object file with the same name

*filename                         Extracts a module without deleting it
                                    from the library and saves the module as
                                    object file with the same name
                                    (copies it)

-*filename                        Extracts a module and deletes it from
                                    the library after saving it in an object
                                    file with the same name (moves it)

Place an ampersand (&) at the end of an input line to continue the command
codes on the next line.

LINK (Linker)


The Microsoft Segmented-Executable Linker (LINK) combines object files into
a single executable file.


    LINK «options» objfiles «,«exefile» «,« mapfile» «,«libraries» «,«deffile»
    » » » » « ; »


/A                                /A«LIGNMENT»:size

                                    Directs LINK to align segment data in
                                    the executable file along the boundaries
                                    specified by size, where size must be a
                                    power of two. Default is 512.

/BA                               /BA«TCH»

                                    Suppresses prompts for library or object
                                    files not found. LINK generates error or
                                    warning messages instead, if appropriate.
                                    Also prevents LINK from printing the
                                    sign-on banner and echoing input from
                                    response files.

/CO                               /CO«DEVIEW»

                                    Creates a special-format executable file
                                    containing the symbolic data and
                                    line-number information needed by the
                                    Microsoft CodeView debugger.

/CP                               /CP«ARMAXALLOC»:bytes

                                    Sets the program's maximum memory
                                    allocation to bytes.

/DO                               /DO«SSEG»

                                    For assembly-language programs only.
                                    Forces segments in the executable file
                                    to be ordered as follows:

    1.  Segments with class name ending in CODE

    2.  All other segments outside DGROUP

    3.  DGROUP segments, in the following order:

        a.  Segments of class BEGDATA

        b.  Segments not of class BEGDATA, BSS, or STACK

        c.  Segments of class  BSS

        d.  Segments of class STACK

/DS                               /DS«ALLOCATE»

                                    For assembly-language programs only.
                                    Directs the linker to load all data
                                    starting at the high end of the data
                                    segment instead of the low end.

/E                                /E«XEPACK»

                                    Packs the executable file during linking
                                    by removing repeated series of bytes.

/F                                /F«ARCALLTRANSLATION»

                                    Directs the linker to optimize far calls
                                    to procedures that lie in the same
                                    segment as the caller. Use in
                                    conjunction with /PACKCODE. Far-call
                                    translation is turned on by default.

/HE                               /HE«LP»

                                    Provides on-line help about the linker.
                                    First LINK attempts to execute the
                                    QuickHelp program QH.EXE. If QuickHelp
                                    or its database is unavailable, LINK
                                    lists all available options to the
                                    standard output.

/HI                               /HI«GH»

                                    Places the executable file as high in
                                    memory as possible.  For real-mode
                                    assembly-language programs only.

/INC                              /INC«REMENTAL»

                                    Prepares for subsequent incremental
                                    linking with ILINK. Incompatible with /E
                                    and /TINY.

/INF                              /INF«ORMATION»

                                    Causes the linker to display phase of
                                    linking and names of object files being
                                    linked to the standard output.

/LI                               /LI«NENUMBERS»

                                    Includes source-file line numbers and
                                    associated addresses in the map file. In
                                    addition, an object file with
                                    line-number information must be given to
                                    LINK. The /Zd option can be used with
                                    most Microsoft compilers to include line
                                    numbers in the object file. If LINK is
                                    given an object file without linenumber
                                    information, the /LI option has no

/M                                /M«AP»

                                    Creates a listing file containing all
                                    public (global) symbols defined in the
                                    input modules.

/NOD                              /NOD«EFAULTLIBRARYSEARCH» «:filename»

                                    Causes default libraries to be ignored.
                                    If filename is specified, LINK searches
                                    all libraries except filename.

/NOE                              /NOE«XTDICTIONARY»

                                    Prevents the linker from searching the
                                    extended dictionary (an internal list of
                                    intermodule dependencies).  Use this
                                    option to suppress error messages about
                                    multiple symbol definitions.

/NOF                              /NOF«ARCALLTRANSLATION»

                                    Turns off far-call translation
                                    (translation of far calls to near calls
                                    where possible). Far-call translation is
                                    off by default.

/NOI                              /NOI«GNORECASE»

                                    Causes the linker to distinguish between
                                    uppercase and lowercase letters.

/NOL                              /NOL«OGO»

                                    Causes the linker to suppress the
                                    sign-on banner.

/NON                              /NON«ULLSDOSSEG»

                                    Directs the linker to arrange segments
                                    in the executable file in the same order
                                    as they are arranged by the /DOSSEG
                                    option, with no additional bytes at the
                                    beginning of the _TEXT segment (if it is

/NOP                              /NOP«ACKCODE»

                                    Turns code-segment packing off (if
                                    code-segment packing has been turned on).

/O                                /O«VERLAYINTERRUPT»:number

                                    Allows the user to select an interrupt
                                    number other than 63 (the default) for
                                    passing control to overlays.

/PACKC                            /PACKC«ODE» «:number»

                                    Directs the linker to group neighboring
                                    code segments together in the medium,
                                    large, and huge memory models, where
                                    number specifies the maximum size of
                                    groups formed by /PACKCODE.  When used
                                    with /FARCALLTRANSLATION, this produces
                                    smaller code.

/PACKD                            /PACKD«ATA» «:number»

                                    Directs the linker to group neighboring
                                    data segments together in the compact,
                                    large, and huge memory models, where
                                    number specifies the maximum size of
                                    groups formed by /PACKDATA.

/PADC                             /PADC«ODE»:padsize

                                    Directs the linker to add filler bytes
                                    to the end of each code module for
                                    subsequent linking with ILINK; padsize
                                    specifies the number of bytes.

/PADD                             /PADD«ATA»:padsize

                                    Adds padsize bytes to each data segment.

/PAU                              /PAU«SE»

                                    Causes the linker to pause in the
                                    linking session so that disks can be
                                    changed. This option is provided for
                                    floppy-disk users.

/PM                               /PM«TYPE»:type

                                    Sets the window type for Presentation
                                    Manager (PM) programs, where type is:

                                    Type        Windows Equivalent

                                    PM          WINDOWAPI keyword in a
                                                definition (.DEF) file

                                    VIO         WINDOWCOMPAT

                                    NOVIO       NOTWINDOWCOMPAT

/Q                                /Q«UICKLIB»

                                    Produces a Quick library for use with
                                    Microsoft QuickC(R) (early versions only)
                                    or Microsoft QuickBASIC.

/SE                               /SE«GMENTS»:number

                                    Sets the maximum number of segments the
                                    program can have, which can be any
                                    positive value up to 3,072 bytes. The
                                    default is 128.

/ST                               /ST«ACK»:number

                                    Sets the stack size to number, which can
                                    be any positive value up to 65,535 bytes.
                                    The default for C programs is 0x800
                                    (2,048) bytes.

/T                                /T«INY»

                                    Causes the linker to produce .COM files.
                                    Incompatible with /INCREMENTAL.

/W                                /W«ARNFIXUP»

                                    Issues a warning for each segment offset
                                    previously at the beginning of a group
                                    but altered during linking to no longer
                                    be at the beginning of a group.

Default File-Name Extensions

File Type                         Default Extension
Object                            .OBJ

Executable                        .EXE (or .COM with /T option)

Map                               .MAP

Standard Library                  .LIB

Dynamic-Link Library              .DLL (OS/2 and Windows only)

Module Definitions                .DEF (OS/2 and Windows only)

Module-Definition Files

A module-definition file is required for Windows applications and libraries
and for dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that run under OS/2. Such files are
optional (but desirable) for all OS/2 applications. Each file contains one
or more module statements that describe the module name, attributes of
program segments, and number and names of exported and imported functions.
Following the list of module statements below is a description of each one,
including syntax and fields.

NAME            DATA            IMPORTS         OLD
LIBRARY         SEGMENTS        STUB            REALMODE
CODE            EXPORTS         PROTMODE

NAME Statement


The NAME statement identifies the executable file as an application and
optionally defines the name and type.


    NAME «app_name» «app_type»


app_name                          Name of the application. Can be any
                                    valid file name.

app_type                          {WINDOWAPI | WINDOWCOMPAT |

                                    Defines the type of application to be
                                    linked in a Windows environment.
                                    WINDOWAPI specifies a Presentation
                                    Manager (PM) application using the API
                                    provided by PM and must be executed in
                                    the PM environment. This is equivalent
                                    to linker option /PMTYPE:PM.
                                    WINDOWCOMPAT specifies a PM-compatible
                                    application that can run inside a PM
                                    window or in a separate screen group
                                    using the proper subset of OS/2 video,
                                    keyboard, and mouse functions supported
                                    in PM applications. This is equivalent
                                    to linker option /PMTYPE:VIO.
                                    NOTWINDOWCOMPAT specifies that the
                                    application is not compatible with PM
                                    and must operate in a separate screen
                                    group from PM. This is equivalent to
                                    linker option

LIBRARY Statement


The LIBRARY statement identifies the executable file as a dynamic-link
library. It can specify the name of the library or the type of
library-module initialization required.


    LIBRARY «libraryname» «initialization»


libraryname                       Name of the library. Can be any valid
                                    file name.

initialization                    {INITGLOBAL | INITINSTANCE}

                                    Determines the type of initialization
                                    required. INITGLOBAL specifies that the
                                    library-initialization routine is called
                                    only when the library module is
                                    initially loaded into memory.
                                    INITINSTANCE specifies that the
                                    library-initialization routine is called
                                    each time a new process gains access to
                                    the library. This option is necessary
                                    for DLLs that use the C library



The DESCRIPTION statement inserts the specified text into the application or


    DESCRIPTION 'text'

The text is a one-line string enclosed in single quotation marks.

CODE Statement


The CODE statement defines the default attributes for code segments within
the application or library. The SEGMENTS statement can override this


    CODE «load» «executeonly» «iopl» «conforming» «shared» «movable» «discard»

Each attribute field can appear one time at most, and order is not


load                              {PRELOAD | LOADONCALL}

                                    Determines when a code segment is loaded.
                                    PRELOAD specifies that the segment is
                                    loaded automatically at the beginning of
                                    the program. LOADONCALL (default)
                                    specifies that the segment is not loaded
                                    until accessed.

executeonly                       {EXECUTEONLY | EXECUTEREAD}

                                    Determines whether a code segment can be
                                    read as well as executed. EXECUTEONLY
                                    specifies that the segment can only be
                                    executed. EXECUTEREAD (default)
                                    specifies that the segment can be both
                                    executed and read.

iopl                              {IOPL | NOIOPL}

                                    Determines whether or not a segment has
                                    I/O privilege (OS/2 only). IOPL
                                    specifies that the code segment has I/O
                                    privilege. NOIOPL (default) specifies
                                    that the code segment does not have I/O

conforming                        {CONFORMING | NONCONFORMING}

                                    Determines whether or not a code segment
                                    is a 80286 "conforming" segment.
                                    CONFORMING specifies that the segment is
                                    conforming, which means it can be called
                                    from either Ring 2 or Ring 3 and it
                                    executes at the caller's privilege level.

                                    NONCONFORMING (default) specifies that
                                    the segment is

shared                            {SHARED | NONSHARED}

                                    Determines whether all instances of the
                                    program can share an EXECUTEREAD code
                                    segment. SHARED specifies that one copy
                                    of the code segment is loaded and shared
                                    among all processes accessing the module
                                    (the default for dynamic-link libraries).
                                    NONSHARED specifies that the segment
                                    cannot be shared and must be loaded
                                    separately for each process (the default
                                    for applications).

movable                           {MOVABLE | FIXED}

                                    Determines whether a segment can be
                                    moved around in memory. For use with
                                    real-mode Windows only. FIXED is the

discard                           {DISCARDABLE | NONDISCARDABLE}

                                    Determines whether a segment of memory
                                    can be discarded to fill a different
                                    memory request. If the discarded memory
                                    contains a function that is called later,
                                    it is reloaded from disk. For use with
                                    real-mode Windows only. NONDISCARDABLE
                                    is the default.

DATA Statement


The DATA statement defines the default attributes for the data segments
within the application or module.


    DATA «load» «readonly» «instance» «iopl» «shared» «movable» «discard»

Each field attribute can appear one time at most, and order is not


load                              {PRELOAD | LOADONCALL}

                                    Determines when a code segment is loaded.
                                    PRELOAD specifies that the segment is
                                    loaded automatically at the beginning of
                                    the program. LOADONCALL (default)
                                    specifies that the segment is not loaded
                                    until accessed.

readonly                          {READONLY | READWRITE}

                                    Determines access rights to a data
                                    segment. READONLY specifies that the
                                    segment can only be read. READWRITE
                                    (default) specifies that the segment can
                                    be both read and
                                    written to.

instance                          {NONE | SINGLE | MULTIPLE}

                                    Affects the sharing attributes of the
                                    automatic data segment represented by
                                    the group name DGROUP. NONE specifies
                                    that no automatic data segment is
                                    created. SINGLE specifies that a single
                                    automatic data segment is shared by all
                                    instances of the module (default for
                                    dynamic-link libraries). MULTIPLE
                                    specifies that the automatic data
                                    segment is copied for each instance of
                                    the module (default for applications).

iopl                              {IOPL | NOIOPL}

                                    Determines whether or not a segment has
                                    I/O privilege (OS/2 only). IOPL
                                    specifies that the code segment has I/O
                                    privilege. NOIOPL (default) specifies
                                    that the code segment does not have I/O

shared                            {SHARED | NONSHARED}

                                    Determines whether all instances of the
                                    program can share an EXECUTEREAD code
                                    segment. SHARED specifies that one copy
                                    of the code segment is loaded and shared
                                    among all processes accessing the module
                                    (the default for dynamic-link libraries).
                                    NONSHARED specifies that the segment
                                    cannot be shared and must be loaded
                                    separately for each process (the default
                                    for applications).

movable                           {MOVABLE | FIXED}

                                    Determines whether a segment can be
                                    moved around in memory. For use with
                                    real-mode Windows only. FIXED is the

discard                           {DISCARDABLE | NONDISCARDABLE}

                                    Determines whether a segment of memory
                                    can be discarded when not needed. If the
                                    discarded memory contains data that is
                                    accessed later, it is reloaded from disk.
                                    For use with real-mode Windows only.
                                    NONDISCARDABLE is the default.

SEGMENTS Statement


The SEGMENTS statement defines the attributes of one or more segments in the
application or library on a segment-by-segment basis. The attributes
specified by this statement override defaults set in CODE and DATA


    SEGMENTS  « ' » segmentname« ' » «CLASS 'classname'» «load»  «readonly»
    «executeonly» «iopl» «conforming» «shared» «movable» «discard»

The SEGMENTS keyword marks the beginning of the segment definitions. This
keyword can be followed by one or more segment definitions, each on a
separate line (limited by the number set by the linker's /SEGMENTS option,
or 128 if the option is not used). The CLASS keyword specifies the class of
the segment.


load                              {PRELOAD | LOADONCALL}

                                    Determines when a code segment is loaded.
                                    PRELOAD specifies that the segment is
                                    loaded automatically at the beginning of
                                    the program. LOADONCALL (default)
                                    specifies that the segment is not loaded
                                    until accessed.

readonly                          {READONLY | READWRITE}

                                    Determines access rights to a data
                                    segment. READONLY specifies that the
                                    segment can only be read. READWRITE
                                    (default) specifies that the segment can
                                    be both read and
                                    written to.

executeonly                       {EXECUTEONLY | EXECUTEREAD}

                                    Determines whether a code segment can be
                                    read as well as executed. EXECUTEONLY
                                    specifies that the segment can only be
                                    executed. EXECUTEREAD (default)
                                    specifies that the segment can be both
                                    executed and read.

iopl                              {IOPL | NOIOPL}

                                    Determines whether or not a segment has
                                    I/O privilege (OS/2 only). IOPL
                                    specifies that the code segment has I/O
                                    privilege. NOIOPL (default) specifies
                                    that the code segment does not have I/O

conforming                        {CONFORMING | NONCONFORMING}

                                    Determines whether or not a code segment
                                    is a 80286 "conforming" segment.
                                    CONFORMING specifies that the segment is
                                    conforming, which means it can be called
                                    from either Ring 2 or Ring 3 and it
                                    executes at the caller's privilege level.

                                    NONCONFORMING (default) specifies that
                                    the segment is

shared                            {SHARED | NONSHARED}

                                    Determines whether all instances of the
                                    program can share an EXECUTEREAD code
                                    segment. SHARED specifies that one copy
                                    of the code segment is loaded and shared
                                    among all processes accessing the module
                                    (the default for dynamic-link libraries).
                                    NONSHARED specifies that the segment
                                    cannot be shared and must be loaded
                                    separately for each process (default for

movable                           {MOVABLE | FIXED}

                                    Determines whether a segment can be
                                    moved around in memory. For use with
                                    real-mode Windows only. FIXED is the

discard                           {DISCARDABLE | NONDISCARDABLE}

                                    Determines whether a segment of memory
                                    can be discarded to fill a different
                                    memory request. If the discarded memory
                                    contains a function that is called later,
                                    it is reloaded from disk. For use with
                                    real-mode Windows only. NONDISCARDABLE
                                    is the default.



The STACKSIZE statement specifies the size of the stack segment. (The
STACKSIZE statement overrides the /STACKSIZE linker option.)


    STACKSIZE number

The number must be an integer; it is considered to be in decimal format by
default, but C notation can be used to specify hexadecimal or octal format.

EXPORTS Statement


The EXPORTS statement declares the names and attributes of the functions
exported to other modules and the functions that run with I/O privilege. The
EXPORTS statement also declares Windows callback functions such as dialog
boxes and timer functions. It is unnecessary to export callback functions
within an OS/2 Presentation Manager program.


    EXPORTS entryname «=internalname» «@ord«RESIDENTNAME» » «pwords» «NODATA»

The EXPORTS keyword marks the beginning of the export definitions. It can be
followed by up to 3,072 export definitions, each on a separate line.

The optional keyword NODATA is ignored by OS/2, but is provided for use by
real-mode Windows. It means there is no static data in the function.


entryname                         Defines the function name as known to
                                    other modules.

internalname                      Defines the actual export function name
                                    as it appears within the module. Default
                                    is the same as entryname.

ord                               Defines the function's ordinal position
                                    within the moduledefinition table. Can
                                    contain the optional keyword
                                    RESIDENTNAME, which specifies that the
                                    function name
                                    be kept resident in memory at all times.

pwords                            Specifies the total size of the
                                    function's parameters in words.

IMPORTS Statement


The IMPORTS statement defines the names of the functions to be imported for
the application or library.


    IMPORTS «internalname=»modulename.entry

The IMPORTS keyword marks the beginning of the import definitions. This
keyword is followed by one or more import definitions, each on a separate
line. Note that if you supply an import library, you need not list the
individual functions.


internalname                      Specifies the name that the importing
                                    module actually uses to call the
                                    function. By default, internalname is
                                    the same as the name given in entry.

modulename                        Name of the application or library
                                    containing the function.

entry                             Determines the function to be imported
                                    and can be a name or an ordinal value.

STUB Statement


The STUB statement adds a DOS executable file to the beginning of the
application or library being created. Typically, the stub displays a message
and terminates execution.


    STUB 'filename'

The filename specifies the DOS executable file to be added. If the linker
does not find filename in the current directory, it searches in the list of
directories specified in the PATH environment variable.

HEAPSIZE Statement


The HEAPSIZE statement defines the size of the application's local heap in
bytes. This value affects the size of the automatic data segment.


    HEAPSIZE {bytes | MAXVAL}

The bytes field is a decimal integer value by default. However, hexadecimal
and octal numbers can be entered by using C notation. MAXVAL is an optional
keyword which can be substituted for bytes to set the field parameter.
MAXVAL sets the heap size to 64K minus the size of DGROUP.

PROTMODE Statement


The optional PROTMODE statement specifies that the module runs only in
protected mode and not in Windows or dual mode.



OLD Statement


The OLD statement directs the linker to search another dynamic-link module
for export ordinals.


    OLD 'filename'

REALMODE Statement


The REALMODE statement specifies that the application runs only in real



EXETYPE Statement


The optional EXETYPE statement specifies in which operating system the
application (or dynamic-link library) is to run.





The NMAKE utility automates the process of compiling and linking project
files. NMAKE is upwardly compatible with the older MAKE utility if the /MAKE
option is used.


    NMAKE «options» «macrodefinitions» «targets»


/A                                Executes commands to build all the
                                    targets requested even if they are not

/C                                Suppresses the NMAKE copyright message
                                    and prevents nonfatal error or warning
                                    messages from being displayed.

/D                                Displays the modification date of each
                                    file when the date is checked.

/E                                Causes environment variables to override
                                    macro definitions within description

/F filename                       Specifies filename as the name of the
                                    description file to use. If a dash (-)
                                    is entered instead of a file name, NMAKE
                                    accepts input from the standard input
                                    device instead of using a description
                                    file. If /F is not specified, NMAKE uses
                                    MAKEFILE as the description file.

/HELP                             Calls the QuickHelp utility.  If the
                                    QuickHelp program is not available,
                                    NMAKE displays the most commonly used
                                    NMAKE options to the standard output.

/I                                Ignores exit codes (also called return
                                    or error codes) returned by programs
                                    called from the NMAKE description file.
                                    NMAKE continues executing the rest of
                                    the description file despite the errors.

/N                                Displays the commands from the
                                    description file that NMAKE would
                                    execute, but does not execute these
                                    commands. This option is useful for
                                    checking which targets are out-of-date
                                    and for debugging description files.

/NOLOGO                           Suppresses the sign-on banner when NMAKE

/P                                Prints all macro definitions and target

/Q                                Returns a zero exit code if the target
                                    is up-to-date and a nonzero exit code if
                                    it is not. This option is useful when
                                    invoking NMAKE from within a batch file.

/R                                Ignores inference rules and macros
                                    contained in the TOOLS.INI file.

/S                                Suppresses display of commands as they
                                    are executed.

/T                                Changes the modification dates for
                                    outdated target files to the current
                                    date. The file contents are not modified.

/X filename                       Sends all error output to filename,
                                    which can be either a file or a device.
                                    If a dash is entered instead of a file
                                    name, the error output is sent to the
                                    standard output device.

/Z                                Internal option for use by the
                                    Programmer's WorkBench.

/?                                Displays a brief summary of NMAKE syntax
                                    and exits to the operating system.

NMAKE Macro Statements

Description Block Format


    target... :  «dependent» «;command» «#comment»
    «#comment» | «command»

The following symbols are used in description blocks:

Symbol                            Meaning
#                                 Introduces comment field

*, ?                              DOS wild-card characters; NMAKE expands
                                    them in target names when it reads the
                                    description file

^                                 Introduces any escape character in a
                                    description file, including these: # ( )
                                    $ ^ \ { } ! @

Command Modifiers

These characters can be placed in front of a command to modify its effect.
The character must be preceded by at least one space.

Character                         Action
-                                 Turns off error checking for the command

@                                 Prevents NMAKE from displaying the
                                    command as it executes

!                                 Causes the command to be executed for
                                    each dependent file if the command uses
                                    one of the special macros $? or $**




The macroname can be any combination of alphanumeric characters and the
underscore (_) character. The macrostring can be any valid string.

Having defined the macro, use the following reference to include it in a
dependency line or command:


Use the following syntax to substitute text within a macro:

    $(macroname:string1 = string2)

Specific Macro Names

The following macro names have specific meanings:

Macro                             Meaning
$*                                The target's base name with the
                                    extension deleted.

$@                                The full name of the current target.

$**                               The complete list of dependent files.

$<                                The dependent file that is out-of-date
                                    with respect to the target (evaluated
                                    only for inference rules).

$?                                The list of dependents that are
                                    out-of-date with respect to the target.

$$@                               The target that NMAKE is currently
                                    evaluating. A dynamic dependency
                                    parameter used only in dependency lines.

$(CC)                             The command to invoke the C compiler. By
                                    default, NMAKE predefines this macro as
                                    CC = cl.

$(AS)                             The command that invokes the Microsoft
                                    Macro Assembler. NMAKE predefines this
                                    macro as AS = masm.

$(MAKE)                           The name with which NMAKE is invoked.
                                    Used to invoke NMAKE recursively. It
                                    causes the line on which it appears to
                                    be executed even if the /N option is on.
                                    Redefine this macro if you want to
                                    execute another program.

$(MAKEDIR)                        The directory from which NMAKE was

$(MAKEFLAGS)                      The NMAKE options currently in effect.
                                    If you invoke NMAKE recursively, use the
                                    command $(MAKE)
                                    $(MAKEFLAGS). You cannot redefine this

Inference Rules

Inference rules are templates that NMAKE uses to generate files with a given


    . fromext.toext: command «command»...

NMAKE uses these predefined inference rules:

Inference Rule  Command                  Default Action
.C.OBJ          $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /C $*.C  CL /C $*.C
.C.EXE          $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.C     CL $*.C
.ASM.OBJ        $(AS) $(AFLAGS) $*;      MASM $*;


The following directives conditionally execute commands, display error
messages, include the contents of other files, and turn on or off some of
NMAKE's options.

Directive                         Description
!IF expression                    Executes the statements between the !IF
                                    keyword and the next !ELSE or !ENDIF
                                    directive if expression evaluates to a
                                    nonzero value. The expression consists
                                    of integer constants, string constants,
                                    or program invocations. Integer
                                    constants can use the C unary operators
                                    for numerical negation (-), one's
                                    complement (~), and logical negation (!),
                                    and can also use the C binary operators
                                    (+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, &&, ||, <<, >>,
                                    ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=).

!ELSE                             Executes the statements between the
                                    !ELSE and !ENDIF directives if the
                                    statements preceding the !ELSE directive
                                    were not executed.

!ENDIF                            Marks the end of the !IF, !IFDEF, or
                                    !IFNDEF block of statements.

!IFDEF macroname                  Executes the statements between the
                                    !IFDEF keyword and the next !ELSE or
                                    !ENDIF directive if macroname is defined
                                    in the description file. NMAKE considers
                                    a macro with a null value to be defined.

!IFNDEF macroname                 Executes the statements between the
                                    !IFNDEF keyword and the next !ELSE or
                                    !ENDIF directive if macroname is not
                                    defined in the description file.

!UNDEF macroname                  Marks macroname as being undefined in
                                    NMAKE's symbol table.

!ERROR text                       Causes text to be printed, and then

!INCLUDE filename                 Reads and evaluates the file filename
                                    before continuing with the current
                                    description file. If filename is
                                    enclosed by angle brackets (< >), NMAKE
                                    searches for the file in the directories
                                    specified by the
                                    INCLUDE macro; otherwise it looks in the
                                    current directory only. The INCLUDE
                                    macro is initially set to the value of
                                    INCLUDE environment variable.

!CMDSWITCHES {+ | -}opt           Turns on or off one of four NMAKE
                                    options: /D, /I, /N, and /S. If no
                                    options are specified, the options are
                                    reset to the way they were when NMAKE
                                    was started. Turn an option on by
                                    preceding it with a plus sign (+), or
                                    turn it off by preceding it with a minus
                                    sign (-). Using this directive updates
                                    the MAKEFLAGS macro.


A "pseudotarget" is not a file. It is a name that serves as a handle for
building a group of files or executing a group of commands. The NMAKE
utility includes these four predefined pseudotargets that provide special
rules within a description file.

Pseudotarget                      Action
.SILENT :                         Does not display lines as they are
                                    executed. Has same effect as invoking
                                    NMAKE with the /S option.

.IGNORE :                         Ignores exit codes returned by programs
                                    called from the description file. Has
                                    the same effect as invoking NMAKE with
                                    the /I option.

.SUFFIXES : extensions...         Lists file suffixes for NMAKE to try if
                                    it needs to build a target file for
                                    which no dependents are specified.

.PRECIOUS : targets...            Tells NMAKE not to delete a target if
                                    the commands that build it are
                                    interrupted. Overrides the NMAKE default.

Programmer's WorkBench


The Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) provides an integrated environment for
developing programs in C. It runs under OS/2 1.1 and DOS 3.0 and above. With
PWB, you can write and edit source and other text files, define development
projects, and build applications from one or more files.


    PWB «options» «files»


The options are case sensitive.

/D«init»                          Prevents PWB from examining
                                    initialization files, where init is one
                                    or more of the following characters:

                                    T           Ignore TOOLS.INI

                                    S           Ignore CURRENT.STS (implies

                                    P           Ignore current program list

                                    If the /D option does not include an
                                    init character, all three files are

/e cmdstr                         Specifies a command on start-up. The
                                    entire string of the argument cmdstr
                                    should be placed in double quotes if it
                                    contains a space.

/m mark                           Moves the cursor to the specified mark
                                    instead of moving it to the last known

/r                                Specifies that PWB starts in read-only
                                    mode. Editing of the file is not

/t «file«/t«file » »...»          Specifies that any files that follow are
                                    temporary. If a single file is specified,
                                    the editor attempts to load it. If
                                    multiple files are specified, the first
                                    file is loaded. When the Exit function
                                    is invoked, the editor saves the current
                                    file and loads the next file in the list.

/?                                Lists the command-line options available
                                    for starting PWB.

Arguments to PWB Functions

Arg                               Introduces an argument or function. Type

Meta                              Modifies the actions of a function. Type

Textarg                           A text argument. Type arg, then the text
                                    to be passed to the PWB function.

Numarg                            A text argument consisting of characters
                                    in the range 0-9.

Markarg                           A text argument holding the name of a
                                    bookmark defined by the Mark function.

Linearg                           When PWB is in line mode, entire lines
                                    of text are manipulated (deleted, moved,
                                    and so on). To select a range of lines,
                                    hold down the SHIFT key while moving the

Streamarg                         When PWB is in stream mode, the text is
                                    treated as a stream of characters. Any
                                    stream of characters can be manipulated.

Boxarg                            When PWB is in box mode, columns of text
                                    (boxes) can be manipulated.

Categories of PWB Functions

Command Manipulation

FunctionDefault Description

CancelESCCancels the current operation

GraphicMost KeysInserts the ASCII value of the key into the file

LastselectCTRL+URecalls the last cursor-movement argument

LasttextCTRL+ORecalls the last textarg entered

QuoteCTRL+PTreats the next keystroke literally

Repeat─Repeats the previous command

UndoALT+BKSPReverses the effect of the last editing change

File Operation


ExitF8Exits the editor,, with or without saving

Noedit─Toggles the no-edit restriction

RefreshSHIFT+F7Rereads the file,, discarding edits

Saveall─Saves all modified files

SetfileF2Saves the current file or loads a new file

Cursor Movement


BacktabSHIFT+TABMoves the cursor left to the previous tab stop

BegfileCTRL+HOMEMoves the cursor to the beginning of file

BeglineHOMEMoves the cursor left to the beginning of the line

DownDOWNMoves the cursor down one line

EndfileCTRL+ENDMoves the cursor to the end of the file

EndlineENDMoves the cursor to the right of the last character of the line

HomeNUM 5Moves the cursor to the upper-left corner of the window

LeftLEFTMoves the cursor left by one character

MpagePGUPMoves the cursor back by one page

Mpara─Moves the cursor back by paragraphs

MwordCTRL+LEFTMoves the cursor back by words

Newline─Moves the cursor down to the next line

PpagePGDNMoves the cursor forward by one page

Ppara─Moves the cursor forward by paragraphs

PwordCTRL+RIGHTMoves the cursor forward by words

RightRIGHTMoves the cursor right by one character

TabTABMoves the cursor right to the next tab stop

UpUPMoves the cursor up one line

Mark/Goto Position


MarkCTRL+MMoves the cursor to the specified position in the file

Restcur─Restores the cursor position saved with Savecur

Savecur─Saves the cursor position for use with Restcur



MaximizeCTRL+F10Expands the window to its maximum size

MlinesCTRL+WMoves the window back by lines

PlinesCTRL+ZMoves the window forward by lines

ResizeCTRL+F8Enlarges or shrinks the active window

SetwindowCTRL+]Redisplays the window

WindowF6Creates, removes, or moves between windows



Mgrep─Searches a series of files

Mreplace─Replaces throughout a series of files

MsearchF4Searches backward

PsearchF3Searches forward

QreplaceCTRL+\Replaces with confirmation

ReplaceCTRL+LReplaces without confirmation

Searchall─Highlights all occurrences of a string

Special Insert


Curdate─Inserts the current date (example: 28-Nov-1990)

Curday─Inserts the current day (example: Sun)

Curfile─Inserts the name of the current file

Curfileext─Inserts the extension of the current file

Curfilenam─Inserts the base name of the current file

Curtime─Inserts the current time (example: 13:45:55)



CdeleteCTRL+GDeletes the character to the left, excluding line breaks

CopyCTRL+INSCopies the lines to the Clipboard

DeleteDELDeletes the highlighted area

EmacscdelBKSPDeletes the character to the left, including line breaks

EmacsnewlENTERStarts a new line, breaking the current line

Insert─Inserts spaces into the highlighted area

InsertmodeINSToggles insert mode on and off

LdeleteCTRL+YDeletes lines to the Clipboard

LinsertCTRL+NInserts blank lines

PasteSHIFT+INSInserts text from the Clipboard

Sdelete─Deletes a stream of text, including the line breaks

SinsertCTRL+JInserts blanks, breaking lines if necessary



CompileCTRL+F3Executes the compile or build command

NextmsgSHIFT+F3Moves the cursor to the next error message

PbalCTRL+[Balances the parentheses and the brackets

Macro Creation


AssignALT+=Defines macros and sets switches

ExecuteF7Executes a series of editor or macro commands

Message─Displays a message on the dialog line

RecordSHIFT+CTRL+RTurns macro recording on or off

TellCTRL+TDisplays an assignment or macro definition

Usercmd─Executes a command added to the PWB Run menu



Pwbhelp─Displays Microsoft Advisor help screens

PwbhelpnextCTRL+F1Displays the next physical topic in Microsoft Advisor

SethelpSHIFT+CTRL+SAdds or deletes single help files



Environment─Displays or modifies environment settings

InformationSHIFT+F10Displays a list of previously edited files

InitializeSHIFT+F8Rereads the initialization file

Print─Prints all or part of a file

ShellSHIFT+F9Spawns a command-line shell

PWB Functions

The PWB functions and the syntax for each are listed alphabetically below.
Default keystrokes, if available, are given in parentheses.

Function                      Syntax                   Description
Arg                           Arg                      Introduces a function
(ALT+A)                                                argument for a functio

Assign                        Assign                   Treats the entire line
(ALT+=)                                                the line break) on whi
                                                        is positioned as a fun
                                                        assignment or macro de

                                Arg Assign               Treats the text from t
                                                        cursor position to the
                                                        line (not including th
                                                        as a function assignme

Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg boxarg Assign        Treats each line of th
                                                        an individual function
                                                        or macro definition. I
                                                        lines and
                                                        comment lines.

                                Arg linearg Assign       Treats each line as a
                                                        function assignment or
                                                        definition, ignoring b
                                                        and comment lines.

                                Arg textarg Assign       Treats textarg as a fu
                                                        assignment or macro de

                                Arg ? Assign             Displays the current f
                                                        assignments for all fu
Function                      Syntax                   Description

Backtab                       Backtab                  Moves the cursor to th
(SHIFT+TAB)                                            tab stop. Tab stops ar
                                                        be every nth character
                                                        defined by the tabstop

Begfile                       Begfile                  Places the cursor at t
(CTRL+HOME)                                            of the file.

Begline                       Begline                  Places the cursor on t
(HOME)                                                 nonblank character on

                                Meta Begline             Places the cursor in t
                                                        character position of

Cancel                        Cancel                   Cancels the current op
(ESC)                                                  an operation is in pro
Function                      Syntax                   Description
(ESC)                                                  an operation is in pro
                                                        canceled. If there is
                                                        but a message is on th
                                                        the dialog line is res
                                                        help window is open, t
                                                        closes it.

Cdelete                       Cdelete                  Deletes the previous c
(CTRL+G)                                               excluding line breaks.
                                                        cursor is in column 1,
                                                        moves the cursor to th
                                                        previous line. If issu
                                                        Cdelete deletes the pr
                                                        reducing the length of
                                                        1; otherwise, it delet
                                                        previous character and
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        previous character and
                                                        with a blank. If the c
                                                        beyond the end of the
                                                        function is invoked, t
                                                        moved to the immediate
                                                        last character on
                                                        the line.

Compile                       Compile                  Displays the status of
(CTRL+F3)                                              compilation (if any) o

                                Arg Compile              Compiles and links the
                                                        Uses the extmake comma
                                                        matches the file-name
                                                        the current file.

                                Arg textarg Compile      Uses the command line
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                Arg textarg Compile      Uses the command line

                                                        extmake:text. The text
                                                        %s in the command line

                                Arg Arg textarg Compile  Invokes the specified
                                                        program. Assumed to di
                                                        errors in the format
                                                        file row column messag

                                Arg Meta Compile         OS/2 only. Halts a pro
                                                        compilation running in
                                                        background after promp

Copy                          Copy                     Copies the current lin
(CTRL+INS)                                             Clipboard.

Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg Copy                 Copies text from the i
                                                        position to the end of
                                                        places it in the Clipb
                                                        the line break.

                                Arg boxarg Copy          Copies the highlighted
                                Arg linearg Copy         Clipboard.
                                Arg streamarg Copy
                                Arg textarg Copy

                                Arg markarg Copy         Copies the range of te
                                                        the cursor and the loc
                                                        file marker to the Cli
                                                        stream mode, a stream
                                                        selected. In box mode,
                                                        treated as a boxarg or
                                                        depending on the relat
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        depending on the relat
                                                        of the initial cursor
                                                        the file marker. In li
                                                        lines between the curs
                                                        file marker are copied

                                Arg numarg Copy          Copies the specified n
                                                        lines to the Clipboard
                                                        with the current line.

Curdate                       Curdate                  Inserts the current da
                                                        cursor in the format o

Curday                        Curday                   Inserts the current da
                                                        cursor in the format o

Curfile                       Curfile                  Inserts the fully qual
                                                        name of the current fi
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        name of the current fi

Curfileext                    Curfileext               Inserts the extension
                                                        current file at the cu

Curfilenam                    Curfilenam               Inserts the base name
                                                        current file at the cu

Curtime                       Curtime                  Inserts the current ti
                                                        cursor in the format o

Delete                        Delete                   Deletes the single cha
(DEL)                                                  the cursor, excluding
                                                        SHIFT+DEL places the d
                                                        character in the Clipb
                                                        deletes without copyin
                                                        to the Clipboard.
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        to the Clipboard.

                                Arg Delete               Deletes all text from
                                                        cursor position to the
                                                        line. The deleted text
                                                        the line break) is pla
                                                        Clipboard. This comman
                                                        effect of joining line

                                Arg boxarg Delete        Deletes the highlighte
                                Arg linearg Delete       deleted text is placed
                                Arg streamarg Delete     Clipboard.

                                Arg Meta Delete          Performs the deletions
                                Arg boxarg Meta Delete   above, except the dele
                                Arg linearg Meta Delete  not placed in the Clip

                                Arg streamarg Meta
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                Arg streamarg Meta

                                Meta Delete              Deletes the current ch
                                                        current selection. The
                                                        is not copied to the C

Down                          Down                     Moves the cursor down
(DOWN or CTRL+X)                                       the cursor moves out o
                                                        the window is adjusted
                                                        the number of lines sp
                                                        the vscroll switch.

                                Meta Down                Moves the cursor to th
                                                        the window without cha
                                                        column position.

Emacscdel                     Emacscdel                Performs similarly to
Function                      Syntax                   Description
Emacscdel                     Emacscdel                Performs similarly to
(BKSP)                                                 except that at the beg
                                                        line while in insert m
                                                        Emacscdel deletes the
                                                        between the current li
                                                        previous line, joining
                                                        lines together.

Emacsnewl                     Emacsnewl                Performs similarly to
(ENTER)                                                except that when in in
                                                        breaks the current lin
                                                        cursor position.

Endfile                       Endfile                  Places the cursor at t
(CTRL+END)                                             file.

Endline                       Endline                  Moves the cursor to th
(END)                                                  right of the last nonb
Function                      Syntax                   Description
(END)                                                  right of the last nonb
                                                        character on the line.

                                Meta Endline             Moves the cursor one c
                                                        beyond the column corr
                                                        the rightmost edge of

Environment                   Environment              Executes the current l
                                                        environment-variable s

                                Arg boxarg Environment   Executes each highligh
                                Arg linearg Environment  line fragment as an
                                                        environment-variable s

                                Arg textarg Environment  Executes the text argu
                                                        environment-variable s

                                Arg ? Environment        Displays all current
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                Arg ? Environment        Displays all current
                                                        environment-variable s

                                Meta Environment         Performs environment "
                                                        all environment variab
                                                        the current line, when
                                                        variable appears in th




                                                        For each such environm
                                                        appearing on the line,
                                                        the variable with the
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        the variable with the

                                Arg Meta Environment     Performs environment m
                                                        description above) for
                                                        from the cursor positi
                                                        of the line.

                                Arg linearg Meta         Performs environment m
                                Environment Arg boxarg   description above) for
                                Meta                     highlighted text.
                                Environment Arg
                                streamarg Meta

Execute                       Execute                  Executes a PWB functio
(F7)                                                   macrolist.

Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg Execute              Treats the line from t
                                                        cursor position to the
                                                        series of PWB commands
                                                        executes them.

                                Arg linearg Execute      Treats the specified t
                                Arg textarg Execute      commands and executes
                                                        following the standard
                                                        macro execution.

Exit                          Exit                     Exits PWB. If the auto
(F8)                                                   is set
                                                        to yes, the file in me
                                                        automatically saved. I
                                                        files are specified on
                                                        line, PWB proceeds to
Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Meta Exit                Performs similarly to
                                                        that the current file

                                Arg Exit                 Performs similarly to
                                                        that if multiple files
                                                        specified on the comma
                                                        exits without advancin

                                Arg Meta Exit            Performs similarly to
                                                        except that PWB does n
                                                        current file.

Graphic                       Graphic                  Inserts the ASCII valu
( ' )                                                  specified key into the

Function                      Syntax                   Description

Home                          Home                     Places the cursor in t
(Keypad 5)                                             corner of the current

Information                   Information              Loads an information f
(SHIFT+F10)                                            contains a list of all
                                                        memory along with the
                                                        of files that you have
                                                        size of this list is c
                                                        the tmpsav switch, whi
                                                        default value of 20.

Initialize                    Initialize               Reads all the editor s
(SHIFT+F8)                                             from the [PWB] section

                                Arg Initialize           Reads the editor state
                                                        the TOOLS.INI file, us
                                                        continuous string of n
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        continuous string of n
                                                        characters, starting w
                                                        initial cursor positio

                                Arg textarg Initialize   Reads all the editor s
                                                        from the [PWB-textarg]

Insert                        Insert                   Inserts a single blank
                                                        current cursor positio

                                Arg Insert               Inserts a carriage ret
                                                        initial cursor positio
                                                        the line.

                                Arg streamarg Insert     Inserts blank spaces i
                                Arg linearg Insert       highlighted area.
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                Arg linearg Insert       highlighted area.
                                Arg boxarg Insert

Insertmode                    Insertmode               Toggles between insert
(INS or CTRL+V)                                        overtype mode.

Lastselect                    Lastselect               Recalls the last curso
(CTRL+U)                                               argument. This functio
                                                        the same result as ret
                                                        last Arg position, inv
                                                        function, and then rec
                                                        last cursor-movement a

Lasttext                      Lasttext                 Recalls the last texta
(CTRL+O)                                               function produces the
                                                        as typing arg once and
                                                        retyping the previous

Function                      Syntax                   Description

Ldelete                       Ldelete                  Deletes the current li
(CTRL+Y)                                               it in the Clipboard.

                                Arg Ldelete              Deletes text, starting
                                                        initial cursor positio
                                                        end of the line, and p
                                                        the Clipboard. Note th
                                                        not join the current l
                                                        next line.

                                Arg boxarg Ldelete       Deletes the specified
                                Arg linearg Ldelete      file and places it in
                                                        treating the argument
                                                        or boxarg regardless o
                                                        PWB is in.

Left                          Left                     Moves the cursor one c
Function                      Syntax                   Description
Left                          Left                     Moves the cursor one c
(LEFT or CTRL+S)                                       the left. If this resu
                                                        cursor moving out of t
                                                        the window is adjusted
                                                        by the number of colum
                                                        by the hscroll switch.

                                Meta Left                Moves the cursor to th
                                                        position in the window

Linsert                       Linsert                  Inserts one blank line
(CTRL+N)                                               current line.

                                Arg Linsert              Inserts or deletes bla
                                                        beginning of a line to
                                                        first nonblank charact
                                                        under the cursor.
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        under the cursor.

                                Arg boxarg Linsert       Fills the specified ar
                                Arg linearg Linsert      blanks, treating the a
                                                        linearg or boxarg rega
                                                        what mode PWB is in.

Mark                          Mark                     Moves the cursor to th
(CTRL+M)                                               of
                                                        the file.

                                Arg Mark                 Restores the cursor to
                                                        location. PWB remember
                                                        location prior to the

                                Arg numarg Mark          Moves the cursor to th
                                                        of the specified line,
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        of the specified line,
                                                        specifies the line num

                                Arg textarg Mark         Moves the cursor to th
                                                        file marker.

                                Arg Arg textarg Mark     Defines a file marker
                                                        initial cursor positio
                                                        markfile switch contai
                                                        name for saving marks,
                                                        be added to the file w

                                Arg Arg textarg Meta     Deletes a marker defin

Maximize                      Maximize                 Expands the window to
Function                      Syntax                   Description
Maximize                      Maximize                 Expands the window to
(CTRL+F10)                                             size.

                                Meta Maximize            Restores the window to

Message                       Message                  Clears the dialog line

                                Arg textarg Message      Prints the text argume
                                                        dialog line.

                                Meta Message             Forces a screen update

Meta                          Meta                     Modifies the action of
(F9)                                                   it is used with. Refer
                                                        individual functions f

Function                      Syntax                   Description

Mgrep                         Mgrep                    Searches for the previ
                                                        string or pattern. PWB
                                                        files listed in the mg

                                Arg Mgrep                Searches files for the
                                                        defined as the charact
                                                        initial cursor positio
                                                        first blank character.

                                Arg textarg Mgrep        Searches files for the

                                Arg Arg Mgrep            Searches files for the
                                                        expression defined as
                                                        characters from the in
                                                        position to the first
Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg Arg textarg Mgrep    Searches files for a r
                                                        expression as defined

                                Meta Mgrep               Performs similarly to
                                Arg Meta Mgrep           form above, except tha
                                Arg textarg Meta Mgrep   of the case switch is
                                Arg Arg Meta Mgrep       reversed.
                                Arg Arg textarg Meta

Mlines                        Mlines                   Moves the window back
(CTRL+W)                                               of lines specified by

                                Arg Mlines               Moves the window until
                                                        that the cursor is on
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        that the cursor is on
                                                        bottom of the window.

                                Arg numarg Mlines        Moves the window back
                                                        specified number of li

Mpage                         Mpage                    Moves backward in the
(PGUP or CTRL+R)                                       window.

Mpara                         Mpara                    Moves the cursor to th
                                                        line preceding the cur

                                Meta Mpara               Moves the cursor to th
                                                        previous line that has

Mreplace                      Mreplace                 Performs a search-and-
                                                        across multiple files,
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        across multiple files,
                                                        for the search and rep
                                                        strings, and prompting
                                                        occurrence for confirm
                                                        function searches all
                                                        in the mgreplist macro

                                Arg Arg Mreplace         Performs the same acti
                                                        Mreplace, but uses
                                                        regular-expression syn

Msearch                       Msearch                  Searches backward for
(F4)                                                   previously defined str
                                                        pattern. If the string
                                                        is found, the window i
                                                        display it and the mat
                                                        or pattern is highligh
                                                        match is found, no cur
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        match is found, no cur
                                                        takes place and a mess

                                Arg Msearch              Searches backward in t
                                                        the string defined as
                                                        characters from the in
                                                        position to the first

                                Arg streamarg Msearch    Searches backward for
                                Arg textarg Msearch      text.

                                Arg Arg Msearch          Searches backward in t
                                                        the regular expression
                                                        the characters from th
                                                        cursor position to the
Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg Arg textarg Msearch  Searches backward for
                                                        expression as defined

                                Meta Msearch             Performs similarly to
                                Arg Meta Msearch         form above, except tha
                                Arg textarg Meta         of the case switch is
                                Msearch                  reversed.
                                Arg Arg Meta Msearch
                                Arg Arg textarg Meta

Mword                         Mword                    Moves the cursor to th
(CTRL+LEFT                                             of the current word. I
or CTRL+A)                                             is not currently in a
                                                        at the first character
                                                        the beginning of the p
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        the beginning of the p

                                Meta Mword               Moves the cursor to th
                                                        right of the previous

Newline                       Newline                  Moves the cursor to a
(SHIFT+ENTER)                                          tries to place the cur
                                                        appropriate position b
                                                        type of file. If the f
                                                        program and the softcr
                                                        set, PWB tries to tab
                                                        based on continuation
                                                        open blocks. If the ne
                                                        blank,  PWB places the
                                                        the column correspondi
                                                        nonblank character of
                                                        line. If neither of th
Function                      Syntax                   Description
                                                        line. If neither of th
                                                        true,  PWB places the
                                                        first nonblank charact

                                Meta Newline             Moves the cursor to co

                                                        next line.

Nextmsg                       Nextmsg                  Advances to the next e

                                Arg numarg Nextmsg       Moves forward or backw
                                                        error messages. A numa
                                                        moves to the next mess
                                                        of -1 moves back to th

Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Arg Nextmsg              Moves to the next erro
                                                        (within the current se
                                                        that does not refer to

                                Arg Arg Nextmsg          Positions the text-fil
                                                        the line with the erro
                                                        in the error message a
                                                        cursor position in the
                                                        pseudofile. This messa
                                                        the current error mess
                                                        equivalent of Nextmsg
                                                        arguments is executed.
                                                        following Nextmsg comm
                                                        the next error message
                                                        <compile> pseudofile.

Function                      Syntax                   Description

                                Meta Nextmsg             OS/2 only. Advance to
                                                        of error messages, in
                                                        corresponds to all the
                                                        messages for a single
                                                        After this command is
                                                        previous set is delete
                                                        can still view all sub
                                                        of error messages in t
                                                        pseudofile until it is

PWB Functions (continued)

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
Noedit                       Noedit                        Reverses the no-ed
                                                            condition, so that
                                                            was started with t
                                                            (read-only) option
                                                            command removes th
                                                            limitation. If PWB
                                                            the no-edit state,
                                                            command disallows
                                                            editing commands t
                                                            a file.

                                Meta Noedit                   Reverses the no-ed
                                                            condition for the

Paste                        Paste                         Inserts the conten
(SHIFT+INS)                                                Clipboard above th
                                                            line if the conten
                                                            placed there in a
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            placed there in a
                                                            line-oriented way,
                                                            with linearg or nu
                                                            Otherwise, inserts
                                                            contents of the Cl
                                                            the current cursor

                                Arg streamarg Paste           Replaces the speci
                                Arg linearg Paste             with the contents
                                Arg boxarg Paste              Clipboard.

                                Arg Paste                     Inserts the text f
                                                            initial cursor pos
                                                            the end of the lin
                                                            initial cursor pos

                                Arg textarg Paste             Places the specifi
                                                            the Clipboard and
                                                            that text at the i
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            that text at the i
                                                            cursor position.

                                Arg Arg textarg Paste         Interprets textarg
                                                            name and inserts t
                                                            contents of that f
                                                            the current file a
                                                            current line.

                                Arg Arg !textarg Paste        Treats the text as
                                                            OS/2 command and i
                                                            output to stdout i
                                                            current file at th
                                                            cursor position.

Pbal                         Pbal                          Scans backward thr
(CTRL+[)                                                   file, balancing pa
                                                            and brackets. The
                                                            unbalanced one is
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            unbalanced one is
                                                            highlighted when f
                                                            it is found and is
                                                            visible, PWB displ
                                                            matching line on t
                                                            line, with the hig
                                                            matching character
                                                            corresponding char
                                                            placed into the fi
                                                            current cursor pos
                                                            Note that the sear
                                                            not include the cu
                                                            cursor position an
                                                            scan looks only fo
                                                            left brackets or p
                                                            than right, not ju
                                                            unequal number.

                                Arg Pbal                      Performs similarly
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg Pbal                      Performs similarly
                                                            except that it sca
                                                            in the file and lo
                                                            more right bracket
                                                            parentheses than l

                                Meta Pbal                     Performs similarly
                                                            except that the fi

                                Arg Meta Pbal                 Performs similarly
                                                            Pbal, except that
                                                            is not updated.

Plines                       Plines                        Adjusts the cursor
(CTRL+Z)                                                   by the number of l
                                                            specified by the v

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Arg Plines                    Moves the cursor d
                                                            the line that the
                                                            on is at the top o

                                Arg numarg Plines             Moves the cursor f
                                                            specified number o

Ppage                        Ppage                         Moves forward in t
(PGDN or                                                   one window.

Ppara                        Ppara                         Moves the cursor f
                                                            paragraph and plac
                                                            cursor on the firs
                                                            the new paragraph.

                                Meta Ppara                    Moves the cursor t
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Meta Ppara                    Moves the cursor t
                                                            first blank line f
                                                            the current paragr

Print                        Print                         Prints the current
                                                            the printcmd switc
                                                            this function uses
                                                            system-level comma
                                                            in the switch. Oth
                                                            the function copie
                                                            to LPT1.

                                Arg textarg Print             Prints all the fil
                                                            in the text argume
                                                            names should be se
                                                            with a space. Macr
                                                            lists are allowed.

                                Arg linearg Print             Prints the highlig
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg linearg Print             Prints the highlig
                                Arg boxarg Print
                                Arg streamarg Print

Prompt                       Prompt                        Allows macros to p
                                                            text arguments.

                                Arg Prompt                    Uses the text from
                                                            cursor to the end
                                                            line as the prompt

                                Arg textarg Prompt            Uses the specified
                                                            argument as the pr

                                Arg linearg Prompt            Uses the selected
                                Arg boxarg Prompt             the first line of
                                Arg streamarg Prompt          selected area as t

                                Meta Prompt                   Uses the selected
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Meta Prompt                   Uses the selected
                                                            the first line of
                                                            selected area as t
                                                            and passes it to t

Psearch                      Psearch                       Searches forward f
(F3)                                                       previously defined
                                                            pattern. If the st
                                                            pattern is found,
                                                            is moved to displa
                                                            the matched string
                                                            pattern is highlig
                                                            it is not found, t
                                                            does not move and
                                                            is displayed.

                                Arg Psearch                   Searches forward i
                                                            for the string def
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            for the string def
                                                            the characters fro
                                                            initial cursor pos
                                                            the first blank ch

                                Arg textarg Psearch           Searches forward f
                                                            specified text.

                                Arg Arg Psearch               Searches forward i
                                                            for the regular ex
                                                            defined as the cha
                                                            from the initial c
                                                            position to the fi

                                Arg Arg textarg Psearch       Searches forward f
                                                            regular expression
                                                            defined by textarg

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Meta Psearch                  Performs similarly
                                Arg Meta Psearch              command form above
                                Arg textarg Meta Psearch      that the value of
                                Arg Arg Meta Psearch          switch is temporar
                                Arg Arg textarg Meta          reversed.

Pwbhelp                      Pwbhelp                       Microsoft Advisor

                                Arg Pwbhelp                   Displays help on t
                                                            at the cursor posi

                                Arg                           Displays help on t
                                single-line-cursor-movement   argument highlight
                                Pwbhelp                       screen.

                                Arg textarg Pwbhelp           Displays help on t
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg textarg Pwbhelp           Displays help on t
                                                            specified text arg

                                Meta Pwbhelp                  Prompts the user f
                                                            keystroke and disp
                                                            on the function as
                                                            with that keystrok
                                                            this command to wo
                                                            cursor cannot be r
                                                            a help topic.

Pwbhelpnext                  Pwbhelpnext                   Displays the next
(CTRL+F1)                                                  topic in the
                                                            Microsoft Advisor

                                Meta Pwbhelpnext              Displays the previ
                                                            topic on the backt

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Arg Pwbhelpnext               Displays the next
                                                            of the current hel
                                                            within the Microso
                                                            help system.

Pword                        Pword                         Moves the cursor f
(CTRL+RIGHT                                                the beginning of t
or CTRL+F)                                                 word.

                                Meta Pword                    Moves the cursor t
                                                            immediate right of
                                                            current word or, i
                                                            cursor is not in a
                                                            the right of the n

Qreplace                     Qreplace                      Performs a
(CTRL+\)                                                   search-and-replace
                                                            prompting for the
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            prompting for the
                                                            replacement string
                                                            prompting at each
                                                            for confirmation.
                                                            begins at the curs
                                                            position and conti
                                                            through the end of

                                Arg boxarg Qreplace           Performs the
                                Arg linearg Qreplace          search-and-replace
                                Arg streamarg Qreplace        the highlighted ar
                                                            prompting at each
                                                            for confirmation.

                                Arg markarg Qreplace          Performs the
                                                            the cursor positio
                                                            specified file mar
                                                            prompting at each
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            prompting at each
                                                            for confirmation.

                                Arg numarg Qreplace           Performs the
                                                            specified number o
                                                            starting with the
                                                            line, prompting at
                                                            occurrence for con

                                Arg Arg Qreplace              Performs the same
                                Arg Arg boxarg Qreplace       corresponding comm
                                Arg Arg linearg Qreplace      above, except that
                                Arg Arg streamarg Qreplace    search pattern is
                                Arg Arg markarg Qreplace      expression and the
                                Arg Arg numarg Qreplace       replacement patter
                                                            select special tag
                                                            sections of the se
                                                            selective replacem
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            selective replacem

Quote                        Quote                         Reads one keystrok
(CTRL+P)                                                   keyboard and treat

Record                       Record                        Toggles the macro
(SHIFT+CTRL+R)                                             When a recording i
                                                            PWB assigns all th
                                                            commands to the de
                                                            macro name RECORDV
                                                            During the recordi
                                                            name of each comma
                                                            written to the <re
                                                            pseudofile, which
                                                            placed in a window
                                                            viewed as it is dy

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Arg textarg Record            Toggles the macro
                                                            and names the macr

                                Meta Record                   Toggles the macro
                                                            but no editing com
                                                            executed until the
                                                            is turned off.

                                Arg Record                    Performs identical
                                Arg Arg textarg Record        corresponding comm
                                Arg Arg Meta Record           above, but appends
                                                            commands to the en

Refresh                      Refresh                       Asks for confirmat
(SHIFT+F7)                                                 then rereads the f
                                                            disk, discarding a
                                                            since the file was
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            since the file was

                                Arg Refresh                   Asks for confirmat
                                                            then discards the
                                                            memory and from th
                                                            history. The most
                                                            edited previous fi
                                                            the current file.

Repeat                       Repeat                        Repeats the last e
                                                            command, using pre
                                                            same arguments and
                                                            condition used by
                                                            command. However,
                                                            command is execute
                                                            to the new cursor

                                Arg numarg Repeat             Performs the last
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg numarg Repeat             Performs the last
                                                            command for the nu
                                                            times specified by
                                                            Note that Repeat m
                                                            assigned to a key
                                                            execute this comma

Replace                      Replace                       Performs a
(CTRL+L)                                                   search-and-replace
                                                            confirmation, prom
                                                            the search string
                                                            replacement string
                                                            search begins at t
                                                            position and conti
                                                            through the end of

                                Arg boxarg Replace            Performs the
                                Arg linearg Replace           search-and-replace
                                Arg streamarg Replace         highlighted area.
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg streamarg Replace         highlighted area.

                                Arg markarg Replace           Performs the
                                                            the cursor and the
                                                            file marker.

                                Arg numarg Replace            Performs the
                                                            specified number o
                                                            starting with the

                                Arg Arg Replace               Performs the same
                                Arg Arg boxarg Replace        corresponding comm
                                Arg Arg linearg Replace       above, except that
                                Arg Arg streamarg Replace     search pattern is
                                Arg Arg markarg Replace       expression and the
                                Arg Arg numarg Replace        replacement patter
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg Arg numarg Replace        replacement patter
                                                            select special tag
                                                            sections of the se
                                                            selective replacem

Resize                       Resize                        Enlarges or shrink
(CTRL+F8)                                                  active window. You
                                                            at least two windo
                                                            use this function.

Restcur                      Restcur                       Restores the curso
                                                            saved with Savecur

Right (RIGHT or CTRL+D)      Right                         Moves the cursor o
                                                            character to the r
                                                            this would move th
                                                            off the screen, th
                                                            moves right by the
                                                            columns specified
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            columns specified
                                                            hscroll switch.

                                Meta Right                    Moves the cursor t
                                                            window's rightmost

Saveall                      Saveall                       Saves to disk all
                                                            have been altered
                                                            yet saved.

Savecur                      Savecur                       Saves the current
                                                            position. Restores

Sdelete                      Sdelete                       Deletes the single
                                                            under the cursor,
                                                            line breaks. It do
                                                            place the deleted
                                                            in the Clipboard.
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            in the Clipboard.

                                Arg Sdelete                   Deletes from the c
                                                            line at the point
                                                            cursor position.Th
                                                            deleted (including
                                                            break) is placed i

                                Arg streamarg Sdelete         Deletes the stream
                                                            from the initial c
                                                            position up to the
                                                            cursor position an
                                                            it in the Clipboar
                                                            regardless of the
                                                            selection mode.

Searchall                    Searchall                     Highlights all occ
                                                            of the previously
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            of the previously
                                                            string or pattern.
                                                            string exists in t
                                                            the cursor moves t
                                                            first occurrence.

                                Arg Searchall                 Highlights all occ
                                                            of the string defi
                                                            characters from th
                                                            cursor position to
                                                            blank character.

                                Arg textarg Searchall         Highlights all occ
                                                            of the specified t

                                Arg Arg Searchall             Highlights all occ
                                                            of the regular exp
                                                            defined as the cha
                                                            from the initial c
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            from the initial c
                                                            position to the fi

                                Arg Arg textarg Searchall     Highlights all occ
                                                            of a regular expre
                                                            defined by textarg

                                Meta Searchall                Performs similarly
                                Arg Meta Searchall            command above, exc
                                Arg textarg Meta Searchall    the value of the c
                                Arg Arg Meta Searchall        is temporarily rev
                                Arg Arg textarg Meta

Selcur                       Selcur                        Selects a portion
                                                            (box, stream, or l
                                                            the current cursor
                                                            to an anchor marke
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            to an anchor marke
                                                            Savecur function.

Selmode                      Selmode                       Toggles between st
                                                            line mode, and box

Select                       Select                        In combination wit
(SHIFT+DOWN)                                               cursor-movement ke
                                                            a box, stream, or
                                                            text to be passed
                                                            PWB function.

Setfile                      Setfile                       Switches to the pr
(F2)                                                       edited file, savin
                                                            any changes made t
                                                            current file if th
                                                            switch is set to y

                                Arg Setfile                   Switches to the fi
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg Setfile                   Switches to the fi
                                                            under the cursor b
                                                            at the initial cur

                                Arg textarg Setfile           Switches to the fi
                                                            specified by texta
                                                            text argument is a
                                                            directory, PWB cha
                                                            current drive or d

                                Meta Setfile                  Performs similarly
                                Arg Meta Setfile              corresponding comm
                                Arg textarg Meta Setfile      above, but does no
                                                            changes made to th

                                Arg Arg textarg Setfile       Saves the current
                                                            the name specified
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            the name specified

                                Arg Arg Setfile               Saves the current

Sethelp                      Sethelp                       Adds or deletes in
(SHIFT+CTRL+S)                                             help files from th
                                                            files PWB searches
                                                            on-line help. Unli
                                                            helpfiles switch,
                                                            lists the complete
                                                            help files to be u
                                                            Sethelp adds or re
                                                            individual files f
                                                            help-file list wit
                                                            affecting the rest
                                                            list. Sethelp affe
                                                            the current PWB se

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Arg Sethelp                   Adds the file name
                                                            current cursor pos
                                                            the list of help f

                                Arg streamarg Sethelp         Adds the highlight
                                                            name to the list o

                                Arg textarg Sethelp           Adds the file name
                                                            by textarg to the
                                                            help files searche

                                Arg ? Sethelp                 Lists all currentl
                                                            help files.

                                Arg Meta Sethelp              Removes the file n
                                                            the current cursor
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            the current cursor
                                                            from the list of h

                                Arg Streamarg Meta Sethelp    Removes the highli
                                                            name from the list

                                Arg textarg Meta Sethelp      Removes the file n
                                                            specified as texta
                                                            the list of files

Setwindow                    Setwindow                     Redisplays the ent

                                Arg Setwindow                 Adjusts the window
                                                            the initial cursor
                                                            becomes the home p
                                                            (upper left corner
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            (upper left corner

                                Meta Setwindow                Redisplays the cur

Shell                        Shell                         Saves the current
(SHIFT+F9)                                                 the autosave switc
                                                            to yes and runs th

                                Meta Shell                    Runs the command s
                                                            without saving the

                                Arg Shell                     Uses the text on t
                                                            from the cursor up
                                                            end of the line as
                                                            to the shell.

                                Arg boxarg Shell              Treats each line o
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg boxarg Shell              Treats each line o
                                Arg linearg Shell             argument as a sepa
                                                            command to the she

                                Arg textarg Shell             Uses textarg as a
                                                            the shell.

Sinsert                      Sinsert                       Inserts a single b
(CTRL+J)                                                   at the current cur

                                Arg Sinsert                   Inserts a carriage
                                                            the initial cursor
                                                            splitting the line

                                Arg streamarg Sinsert         Inserts a stream o
                                                            between the initia
                                                            position and the c
                                                            cursor position.
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            cursor position.

Tab                          Tab                           Moves the cursor t
(TAB)                                                      tab stop. Tab stop
                                                            defined by the tab

Tell                         Tell                          Prompts for a keys
(CTRL+T)                                                   then displays the
                                                            the keystroke and
                                                            function assigned
                                                            the format functio

                                Arg Tell                      Identical to Tell,
                                                            the keystroke has
                                                            a macro attached,

                                Arg Arg Tell                  Prompts for a keys
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                Arg Arg Tell                  Prompts for a keys
                                                            then displays the
                                                            the macro attached
                                                            key. If a function
                                                            assigned to the ke
                                                            displays the name

                                Arg textarg Tell              Performs like Arg
                                                            obtains the macro
                                                            a textarg rather t

                                Meta Tell                     Performs the same
                                Arg Meta Tell                 command listed abo
                                Arg Arg Meta Tell             PWB inserts the ou
                                Arg textarg Meta Tell         the file rather th
                                                            dialog line.

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

Undo                         Undo                          Reverses the last
(ALT+BKSP)                                                 change. The
                                                            undocount switch (
                                                            value: 10)
                                                            sets the limit for

                                Meta Undo                     Recalls a command
                                                            canceled with Undo
                                                            command is often c

Up                           Up                            Moves the cursor u
(UP or                                                     If this would move
CTRL+E)                                                    cursor out of the
                                                            the window moves u
                                                            the number of line
                                                            specified by the v
Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description
                                                            specified by the v

                                Meta Up                       Moves the cursor t
                                                            of the window, ret
                                                            column position.

Usercmd                      Usercmd                       Executes a command
                                                            the PWB Run menu b

                                Arg numarg Usercmd            Executes the given
                                                            user-customized co
                                                            the Run menu. The
                                                            be '1', '2', '3',
                                                            or '6'.

Window                       Window                        Moves the cursor t
(F6)                                                       window.

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

                                Arg Window                    Splits the current
                                                            horizontally at th
                                                            position. All wind
                                                            contain at least f

                                Arg Arg Window                Splits the current
                                                            vertically at the
                                                            position. All wind
                                                            contain at least t

                                Meta Window                   Closes the window.

Winstyle                     Winstyle                      Toggles between wi
(CTRL+F6)                                                  styles: two scroll
                                                            horizontal only, v
                                                            only, or no scroll

Function (Default)           Syntax                        Description

Return Values of PWB Functions

The return values of PWB functions are useful in conditional macros.

Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Arg          Always                         Never

Assign       Assignment successful          Invalid assignment

Backtab      Cursor moved                   Cursor at left margin

Begfile      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Begfile      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Begline      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Cancel       Always                         Never

Cdelete      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Compile      Compilation successfully       Compilation unsuccessfully
                initiated, or background       initiated, or background
                compilation running            compilation not running

Copy         Always                         Never

Curdate      Date inserted                  Insertion would make line too

Curday       Day inserted                   Insertion would make line too
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE

Curfile      File inserted                  Insertion would make line too

Curfileext   File extension inserted        Insertion would make line too

Curfilenam   File name inserted             Insertion would make line too

Curtime      Time inserted                  Insertion would make line too

Delete       Always                         Never

Down         Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Emacscdel    Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Emacscdel    Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Emacsnewl    Always                         Never

Endfile      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Endline      Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Environment  Successful set or map          Syntax error or line too long

Execute      Last command successful        Last command failed

Exit         No return condition            No return condition

Graphic      Character inserted             Insertion would make line too

Home         Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE

Information  Always                         Never

Initialize   Found tagged section in         Did not find tagged section in
                TOOLS.INI                      TOOLS.INI

Insert       Always                         Never

Insertmode   Insert mode turned on          Insert mode turned off

Lastselect   Selection re-created           Arg already selected

Lasttext     Value of function eventually   Bad argument

Ldelete      Always                         Never

Left         Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE

Linsert      Always                         Never

Mark         Definition or move successful  Bad argument, or specified
                                            file marker not found

Message      Always                         Never

Meta         Meta turned on                 Meta turned off

Mgrep        String found                   String not found or specified,
                                            or search terminated by
                                            CTRL+BREAK, or background
                                            compilation in progress

Mlines       Movement occurred              Bad argument

Mpage        Movement occurred              Bad argument

Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE

Mpara        Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Mreplace     Replacement successful         Replacement failed, or was

Msearch      String found                   Bad argument, or string not

Mword        Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Newline      Always                         Never

Nextmsg      Message found                  No more messages found

Noedit       File or editor in no-edit      File or editor is editable

Paste        Usually                        Tried Arg Arg filename Paste
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Paste        Usually                        Tried Arg Arg filename Paste
                                            and file did not exist

Pbal         Balance successful             Bad argument, or string not

Plines       Movement occurred              Bad argument, or not balanced

Ppage        Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Ppara        Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Print        Print successfully submitted   Could not start print job

Psearch      String found                   Bad argument, or string not

Pword        Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE

Qreplace     At least one replacement       String not found, or invalid

Quote        Almost always                  Insertion would make line too

Record       Recording turned on            Recording turned off

Refresh      File read in or deleted        Canceled, or bad argument

Repeat       Function repeated and          Function repeated and returned
                returned TRUE                  FALSE, or no function to

Replace      At least one replacement       String not found, or invalid

Restcur      Position previously saved      Position not saved with
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Restcur      Position previously saved      Position not saved with
                with                           Savecur

Right        Cursor on the text of a line   Cursor beyond end of line

Saveall      Always                         Never

Savecur      Always                         Never

Sdelete      Always                         Never

Searchall    Something found                Nothing found

Setfile      File switch successful         No alternate file, or current
                                            file needs to be saved and
                                            can't be saved

Setwindow    Always                         Never
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE
Setwindow    Always                         Never

Shell        Shell successful               Bad argument, or program not

Sinsert      Always                         Never

Tab          Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved, or program
                                            not found

Tell         Key pressed has function       Key pressed has no function
                assigned                       assigned

Undo         Usually                        If nothing to undo

Up           Cursor moved                   Cursor not moved

Window       Successful split, join, or     Any error
Function     Returns TRUE                   Returns FALSE


PWB Switches

To set a numeric or text switch, invoke the Options menu Editor Settings
command. Within the list of PWB settings, switches are followed by a colon
and the current setting:


where switch is the name of the switch and value is a string of digits
(numeric switch) or a string of text (text switch).

After modifying the switch, save the PWB settings file with the File menu
Save command.

The following table lists switches, along with their type, default value,
and description.

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
askexit         Boolean  No                                           Prompts
                                                                        exit fr

askrtn          Boolean  Yes                                          Prompts
                                                                        ENTER w
                                                                        from a

autosave        Boolean  Yes                                          Saves t
                                                                        is set
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        is set
                                                                        of file
                                                                        such as
                                                                        lose ed

backup          Text     bak                                          Determi
                                                                        to the
                                                                        file wh
                                                                        is save
                                                                        value o
                                                                        that no
                                                                        A value
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        file is
                                                                        the DEL
                                                                        so that
                                                                        bak spe
                                                                        file na
                                                                        will be

browwindow      Boolean  Yes                                          Defines
                                                                        a split
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        the cur

build           Text     ─                                            Defines
                                                                        that PW
                                                                        of the
                                                                        the NMA
                                                                        uses th
                                                                        to defi
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        list (i

                                                                        - NMAKE
                                                                        - Build
                                                                        - Build
                                                                        build s
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        - NMAKE
                                                                        used in
                                                                        - Comma
                                                                        and deb
                                                                        - Files
                                                                        in the
                                                                        - Error
                                                                            if t

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        need to
                                                                        you can
                                                                        of your
                                                                        link op
                                                                        the Opt
                                                                        to set

                                                                        - Compi
                                                                        that ar
                                                                        - Use o
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        - Perfo

case            Boolean  No                                           Conside
                                                                        and rep
                                                                        For exa
                                                                        set to

                                                                        as a ma

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

color           Text     ─                                            Specifi
                                                                        table o
                                                                        name, d
                                                                        and des
                                                                        this ta

dblclick        Numeric  ─                                            Sets th
                                                                        the max
                                                                        the uni
                                                                        in unit
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        are mil

deflang         Text     ─                                            Defines
                                                                        and the
                                                                        C (*.C)
                                                                        and NON

defwinstyle     Numeric  7                                            Defines
                                                                        style a
                                                                        or abse
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        or abse

                                                                        0   No
                                                                        1   Bor
                                                                        3   Bor
                                                                        5   Bor
                                                                        7   Bor
                                                                        and hor

doslibs         Text     Override                                     Tells P
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
doslibs         Text     Override                                     Tells P
                                                                        have be
                                                                        if so,
                                                                        have de
                                                                        with de
                                                                        with ex

edit            Boolean  Yes, unless the /r command-line option has   Allows
                            been specified                               edited.
                                                                        set to

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

editreadonly    Boolean  Yes                                          Allows
                                                                        be edit

entab           Numeric  1                                            Control
                                                                        which P
                                                                        when ed
                                                                        value o
                                                                        are not
                                                                        1 means
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

enterinsmode    Boolean  Last state of                                Starts
                            insert or overtype mode from previous        mode in
                            editing session                              overtyp
                                                                        in the

enterselmode    Text     Stream mode                                  Determi
                                                                        line, b

factor          Numeric  ─                                            With th
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip


                                                                        means "
                                                                        10% eve


                                                                        means "
                                                                        60 ever

fastfunc        Text     ─                                            Enables
                                                                        for PWB
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        for PWB
                                                                        that au
                                                                        Down, L
                                                                        speed a
                                                                        is cont

filetab         Numeric  8                                            Determi
                                                                        This sw
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        This sw
                                                                        tabs fo
                                                                        when en
                                                                        value o
                                                                        gives t
                                                                        each ta
                                                                        tab col
                                                                        Every t
                                                                        tab cha
                                                                        it load
                                                                        with th
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        to the

friction        Numeric  ─                                            With th
                                                                        of the
                                                                        A large
                                                                        the rep

height          Numeric  25                                           Control
                                                                        lines i
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        in 43-l
                                                                        IBM PC
                                                                        43. Vid
                                                                        (VGA) i
                                                                        uses a

helpfiles       Text     $PATH:                                       Specifi
                            PWB.HLP                                      files s

helplist        Boolean  Yes                                          If the
                                                                        yes and
                                                                        topic f
                                                                        are sev
                                                                        PWB dis
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        PWB dis
                                                                        If the
                                                                        no or i
                                                                        one hel
                                                                        first i
                                                                        finds a

helpwindow      Boolean  Yes                                          Control
                                                                        PWB doe

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

hike            Numeric  4                                            Specifi
                                                                        the top
                                                                        when th
                                                                        moved o
                                                                        than vs

hscroll         Numeric  10                                           Control
                                                                        right w
                                                                        is scro

load            Text     ─                                            Specifi
                                                                        PWB ext
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        new val
                                                                        its Whe

markfile        Text     ─                                            Specifi
                                                                        the fil
                                                                        when lo
                                                                        the in-
                                                                        file ca
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

                                                                        line co

                                                                        Here, l
                                                                        the fil
                                                                        the mar

menukey         Text     ALT                                          Defines

msgflush        Boolean  Yes                                          Determi
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        the swi
                                                                        yes, th
                                                                        When it
                                                                        the old

noise           Numeric  50                                           Control
                                                                        lines c
                                                                        when se
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        value i
                                                                        the low
                                                                        of the
                                                                        set to
                                                                        noise t

os2libs         Text     Override                                     Tells P
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

printcmd        Text     ─                                            Specifi
                                                                        that PW
                                                                        you iss

readonly        Text     ─                                            Specifi
                                                                        PWB att
                                                                        file. T
                                                                        name re

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

realtabs        Boolean  Yes                                          Preserv
                                                                        PWB pre
                                                                        are add

rmargin         Numeric  72                                           Control
                                                                        right o
                                                                        on and
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        on and

savescreen      Boolean  Yes                                          Saves a
                                                                        DOS or
                                                                        (used w
                                                                        and Exi

searchwrap      Boolean  No                                           Causes
                                                                        wrap pa
                                                                        the fil
                                                                        once. W
                                                                        is set
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        is set
                                                                        stop at
                                                                        or end

shortnames      Boolean  Yes                                          Allows
                                                                        file by
                                                                        base na

softcr          Boolean  Yes                                          Attempt
                                                                        based u
                                                                        of the

                                                                        when yo

Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

tabalign        Boolean  No                                           Determi
                                                                        a tab f
                                                                        the cur
                                                                        tab fie
                                                                        (and if
                                                                        also se

tabdisp         Numeric  32                                           Specifi
                                                                        value o
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        space i
                                                                        be used

tabstops        Numeric  4                                            Control
                                                                        the Tab
                                                                        This sw

tmpsav          Numeric  20                                           Control
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
tmpsav          Numeric  20                                           Control
                                                                        which i
                                                                        kept be
                                                                        exit PW
                                                                        of the
                                                                        you edi
                                                                        is rest
                                                                        this sw
                                                                        PWB let
                                                                        files e
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        files e
                                                                        in the

traildisp       Numeric  0                                            Specifi
                                                                        value o
                                                                        to be d
                                                                        to yes.

traillines      Boolean  No                                           If this
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
traillines      Boolean  No                                           If this
                                                                        to yes,
                                                                        the end
                                                                        is save
                                                                        is set
                                                                        not sav
                                                                        lines f
                                                                        last no

traillinesdisp  Numeric  Space ASCII 32                               Specifi

trailspace      Boolean  No                                           Preserv
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

undelcount      Numeric  No limit                                     Control
                                                                        saved w
                                                                        When th
                                                                        the old

undocount       Numeric  10                                           Control
                                                                        times y
                                                                        redo an

unixre          Boolean  Yes                                          Specifi
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        the syn

user            Text     ─                                            Customi
                                                                        menu by
                                                                        The use
                                                                        these p

                                                                        user: t

                                                                        The fir
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        name of
                                                                        it appe
                                                                        and pat

                                                                        The rem

                            ─                                            arg: co
                            ─                                            argumen
                            Current directory                            output:
                            None                                         dir: wo
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                            No                                           left si
                            No                                           runtime
                            ─                                            run-tim
                                                                        the pro
                                                                        is to p
                                                                        runs in
                                                                        key: As
                                                                        key to
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        key to

viewonly        Boolean  No                                           When se
                                                                        file in

vscroll         Numeric  7                                            Control
                                                                        lines s
                                                                        down wh

width           Numeric  80                                           Control
                                                                        the dis
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip
                                                                        the dis
                                                                        than 80
                                                                        other t

winlibs         Text     Override                                     Tells P
                                                                        been in
                                                                        so, whe
Switch          Type     Value                                        Descrip

wordwrap        Boolean  No                                           Breaks
                                                                        when yo


Color Switch Values

The following table lists the color names used with the color switch, along
with the default value and description of each. The syntax


is used.

Color Names     Description                                  Default Value
alert           MessageBox alerts                            70

border          Window borders                               07

buttondown      Pushed button color                          07

dialogaccel     Dialog box accelerators                      7f

dialogaccelbor  Dialog box accelerator border                7f

dialogbox       Dialog box background                        70

Color Names     Description                                  Default Value

disabled        Disabled items                               78

elevator        Scroll bar elevator                          07

enabled         Enabled items                                70

helpbold        Help boldface text                           1f

helpitalic      Help italic text                             1a

helpnorm        Help normal text                             17

helpunderline   Help underline text                          1c

helpwarning     Help warning text                            70

hilitectrl      Highlighted control items                    07

Color Names     Description                                  Default Value

info            Status line without buttons                  3f

itemhilitesel   One highlighted character (under selection   0f

listbox         Listbox background                           70

menu            Menu bar color                               70

menubox         Background for menus                         70

menuhilite      One highlighted character                    7f

menuhilitesel   One highlighted character (under selection   0f

menuselected    Selected menus                               07

Color Names     Description                                  Default Value

pushbutton      Pushbutton color                             70

scrollbar       Scroll bar background and arrows             70

selection       Area highlighted by "Arg cursor-movement"    71

shadow          Shadows                                      08

status          Status information                           70

text            Normal text color                            17


Regular Expressions

A "regular expression" is a special search string that matches a pattern of
text rather than a specific sequence of characters. PWB supports two
versions of regular-expression syntax: UNIX(R) and Microsoft Editor version
1.0. The unixre switch controls which version is in effect.

UNIX Special Characters

The following list describes the UNIX special characters. All characters
should be interpreted literally, except class, which has a special meaning
(defined below).


\                                 Escape. Causes PWB to ignore the special
                                    meaning of the next character.

.                                 Wild card. Matches any single character.

^                                 Beginning of line. Matches the following
                                    pattern only when it occurs at the
                                    beginning of a line.

$                                 End of line. Matches the preceding
                                    pattern only when it occurs at the end
                                    of a line.

[class]                           Character class. Matches any one
                                    character in the class. A dash (-)
                                    specifies a contiguous range of ASCII
                                    values. For example, [a-zA-Z0-9]
                                    matches any letter or digit, and  [abc]
                                    matches  a,  b, or  c.

[^class]                          Inverse of character class. Matches any
                                    character not specified in the class.


X*                                Repeat operator. Matches zero or more
                                    occurrences of X, where X represents a
                                    regular expression that is either a
                                    single character, a group of characters
                                    enclosed in brackets ([ ]), or the
                                    regular-expression delimiters '\ (' and
                                    '\ )'. This operator always matches as
                                    many characters as possible.

\ ( ... \ )                       Tagged expression. A marked substring
                                    that you can refer to elsewhere in the
                                    search string or in a replacement string.
                                    When a tagged expression is referred to
                                    in a search string, PWB finds text with
                                    the tagged expression repeated. When
                                    a tagged expression is referred to in a
                                    replacement string, PWB reuses part of
                                    the text it is replacing. Characters
                                    falling between '\ (' and '\ )' are
                                    treated as a group.

\n                                Reference to the characters matched by a
                                    tagged expression. The one-digit number
                                    n indicates which expression.

Non-UNIX Special Characters

The following list describes the special characters originally used in the
Microsoft Editor version 1.0. The term class has a special meaning (defined
below). All other characters should be interpreted literally.


\                                 Escape. Causes PWB to ignore the special
                                    meaning of the next character.

?                                 Wild card. Matches any single character.

^                                 Beginning of line. Matches the following
                                    pattern only when
                                    it occurs at the beginning of a line.

$                                 End of line. Matches the preceding
                                    pattern only when it occurs at the end
                                    of a line.

[class]                           Character class. Matches any one
                                    character in the class.
                                    A dash (-) specifies a range of values.
                                    For example,
                                    [a-zA-Z0-9]  matches any character or
                                    digit, and
                                    [abc]  matches  a,  b, or  c.

[~class]                          Inverse of character class. Matches any
                                    character not specified in the class.


X*                                Minimal matching. Matches zero or more
                                    occurrences of X, where X represents a
                                    regular expression that is either a
                                    single character or a group of
                                    characters enclosed in parentheses
                                    (( )), brackets ([ ]), or braces ({ }).

X+                                Minimal matching plus (shorthand for XX*
                                    ). Matches one or more occurrences of X.

X@                           Maximal matching. Identical to X*,
                                    except that it matches as many
                                    characters as it can.

X#                                Maximal matching plus. Identical to X+,
                                    except that it matches as many
                                    characters as it can.

(X1!X2!...!Xn)                    Alternation. Matches either X1, X2, or
                                    Xn. It tries to match the expressions in
                                    order, and switches from Xi to Xi+1 only
                                    if the rest of the expression fails to

~X                                The not function. Matches nothing, but
                                    checks to see whether the string matches
                                    X at this point and fails if it does.

X^n                               Power function. Matches exactly n copies
                                    of X.

{...}                             Tagged expression, which is a string of
                                    characters you identify so that you can
                                    refer to them elsewhere as $n. By
                                    referring to a tagged expression in a
                                    search string, you cause PWB to look for
                                    patterns involving duplication. By
                                    referring to a tagged expression in a
                                    replacement string, you cause PWB to
                                    reuse part of the text that it is
                                    replacing. Characters within braces are
                                    treated as a group.

$n                                Reference to a previously tagged
                                    substring. The number n indicates which
                                    substring. The first tagged substring is
                                    represented as $1, the second as $2, and
                                    so on. The tag $0 represents the entire
                                    matched string.

:letter                           Predefined string. See the predefined
                                    regular expressions listed below.

Predefined Regular Expressions

Letter  Meaning                                     Description
:a      [a-zA-Z0-9]                                 Alphanumeric

:b      ([ \ t]#)                                   White space

:c      [a-zA-Z]                                    Alphabetic
Letter  Meaning                                     Description
:c      [a-zA-Z]                                    Alphabetic

:d      [0-9]                                       Digit

:f      ( [ ~ / \\ \\ " \ [ \ ] \ : <|>+=;           Portion of a file name

:h      ([0-9a-fA-F]#)                              Hexadecimal number

:i      ([a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z0-9_$]@)                 C-language identifier

:n      ([0-9]#.[0-9]@! [0-9]@.[0-9]#![0-9]#)       Number

:p      (([a-z] \ :!)( \ \ !)(:f(.:f !)\ \) @:f     Path
        (.:f !))

:q      ("[~"]@"! ''[~ ']@ ')                  Quoted string

:w      ([a-zA-Z]#)                                 Word
Letter  Meaning                                     Description
:w      ([a-zA-Z]#)                                 Word

:z      ([0-9]#)                                    Integer




QuickHelp is a stand-alone utility that displays help files. Specify the
options in the QH environment variable or on the command line. When
QuickHelp starts, it first processes all options in the QH environment. It
then processes any additional options on the command line.


    QH «options» topic


/d filename                       Specifies either a specific database
                                    name or a path where the databases are
                                    found. If filename is specified, then
                                    that data-base is loaded. If a path is
                                    specified, all files with the extension
                                    .HLP are loaded.

                                    Instead of a path, you can specify an
                                    environment variable by preceding it
                                    with a dollar sign and following it with
                                    a colon; for example, /d $INCLUDE:*.HLP.

/lnumber                          Specifies the number of lines the
                                    QuickHelp window should occupy. If you
                                    specify more lines than the current
                                    screen mode allows, QuickHelp uses the
                                    maximum number allowed by the current
                                    screen mode.

/mnumber                          Changes the screen mode to display the
                                    specified number of lines, where number
                                    is in the range 25-50.

/p filename                       Sets the name of the paste file. This
                                    option must be followed by a fully
                                    qualified file name. This option acts in
                                    the same way as the Rename Paste File
                                    command on the File menu. The default
                                    paste file is PASTE.QH, and the file is
                                    placed in the TMP directory.

/pa «filename»                    Specifies that pasting operations are to
                                    be appended to the current paste file
                                    (rather than overwriting the file). You
                                    can follow this option with the name of
                                    a file if you do not want paste
                                    operations to go to the default file
                                    PASTE.QH in the TMP directory.

/q                                Prevents the version box from being
                                    displayed when QuickHelp is installed as
                                    a keyboard monitor.

/r command                        Specifies the command that QuickHelp
                                    should execute when the Right mouse
                                    button is pressed. The default action is
                                    to simulate double-clicking the Left
                                    mouse button. In other words,
                                    single-clicking the Right mouse button
                                    is identical to double-clicking the Left
                                    mouse button. The following commands are
                                    available to change this behavior:

                                    Command     Meaning
                                    l           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will display the last
                                                topic viewed. This is
                                                identical to the View Last
                                                command on
                                                the View menu.

                                    i           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will display a
                                                history of the last topics
                                                viewed. This is identical to
                                                the View History command on
                                                the View menu.

                                    w           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will temporarily hide
                                                the QuickHelp window,
                                                allowing you to select a
                                                topic from the screen that
                                                was displayed prior to
                                                activating QuickHelp. This
                                                is identical to the Hide
                                                Window command on the View

                                    b           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will display the
                                                historically previous topic.
                                                This is identical to
                                                pressing ALT+F1.

                                    e           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will continue the
                                                search for a
                                                topic─displaying the next
                                                topic found, if there are
                                                any additional topics with
                                                the same name. This is
                                                identical to the Continue
                                                Search command on the View

                                    t           Pressing the Right mouse
                                                button will display the
                                                table of contents for the
                                                current topic. This is
                                                identical to the Contents
                                                command on the View menu.

/s                                Specifies that clicking the mouse above
                                    or below the scroll box causes QuickHelp
                                    to scroll by lines rather than by pages.

/sgnumber                         Specifies the number of screen groups
                                    that QuickHelp should monitor, where
                                    number is in the range 1-12. This option
                                    is valid only when QuickHelp is detached
                                    from an OS/2 protected-mode screen group.
                                    The default is to monitor the first six
                                    screen groups created.

/t name                           Directs QuickHelp to copy the specified
                                    section of the given topic to the
                                    current paste file. This option must be
                                    followed by a section name. If the
                                    paste-file mode is Append (/pa),
                                    QuickHelp displays the specified topic
                                    in the window. If the paste-file mode is
                                    Overwrite (/p), QuickHelp exits
                                    immediately after copying the section to
                                    the paste file. The following lists the
                                    possible topic sections:

                                    Topic       Description
                                    All         Specifies the entire topic

                                    Syntax      Specifies the syntax section
                                                of the topic

                                    Example     Specifies the example of the

                                    When this option is specified, QuickHelp
                                    does not display its window. Instead, it
                                    searches for the topic specified on the
                                    command line, pastes the topic to the
                                    paste file, and exits. This command is
                                    normally used only with DOS editors that
                                    spawn a shell to QuickHelp to get the
                                    paste file. This option is ignored if
                                    QuickHelp is installed as a keyboard

/u                                Specifies that QuickHelp is being run by
                                    a utility. If the topic specified on the
                                    command line is not found, QuickHelp
                                    immediately exits with an exit mode of 3.



RM moves a file to the DELETED directory. You can use the UNDEL command to
recover the file.


    RM «options» files


Options can be grouped.

/f                                Deletes read-only files without

/help                             Displays the help file you are reading.

/i                                Inquires for user permission before

/k                                Keeps read-only files without prompting.

/r                                Recurses into subdirectories. A
                                    subdirectory to recurse into must be
                                    specified. If one is not specified, RM
                                    interprets the file name as the name of
                                    the subdirectory.



UNDEL undeletes a deleted file by moving it from the DELETED subdirectory to
the parent directory.


    UNDEL «/HELP» «filename»

The /HELP option causes UNDEL to attempt to call the QuickHelp program.

If filename is not given, the contents of the DELETED subdirectory are
listed. If there is more than one version of the file, you are given a list
to choose from. If another copy of the deleted file exists in the parent
directory, the current version is moved to the DELETED directory and the
previously deleted version is moved to the parent directory.

PART II  Language Reference

Language Reference


Keywords preceded by an underscore (_) are specific to Microsoft C.

_asm            _emit             int             short
    auto            enum          _interrupt        signed
_based          _export         _loadds           sizeof
    break           extern          long            static
    case          _far            _near             struct
_cdecl          _fastcall       _pascal           switch
    char            float           register        typedef
    const           for             return          union
    continue      _fortran        _saveregs         unsigned
    default         goto          _segment          void
    do            _huge           _segname          volatile
    double          if            _self             while


A C statement consists of program-control keywords, expressions, and
function calls. All single statements end with a semicolon. In the following
list, statement can be either a single statement ending with a semicolon or
a block of statements enclosed in braces.

Statement                         Action
break;                            Terminates the smallest enclosing do,
                                    for, switch, or while statement in which
                                    it appears.

continue;                         Passes control to the next iteration of
                                    the smallest enclosing do, for, or while
                                    statement in which it appears.

do                                Executes statement repeatedly until
    statement                      expression becomes false (0). The
while( expression );              statement always executes at least once
                                    because the exit condition is tested at
                                    the end of the loop.

for( «initexpr»;                  Executes statement repeatedly. First the
«condition»;                      initializing expression initexpr is
«loopexpr» )                      evaluated (separate multiple
    statement                      initializing expressions with commas).
                                    Then while condition evaluates to a
                                    nonzero value, statement is executed and
                                    loopexpr is evaluated. When condition
                                    becomes 0, control passes to the
                                    statement following the for loop.

goto name;                        Transfers control directly to the
    .                                statement specified by the label name.
    .                                The label name must be in the same
    .                                function as the goto statement.
name: statement

if( expression )                  Executes statement1 if expression is
    statement1                     true (nonzero). If
«else                             expression is false and an else is
    statement2»                    present, control passes to statement2.

;                                 Empty statement; has no effect.

return «expression»;              Terminates execution of the function in
                                    which it appears and returns control and
                                    the value of expression to the calling

switch( expression )              Evaluates expression and executes any
{                                 statement associated with the constant
«case constexpr:»                 expression constexpr whose value matches
    .                              the initial expression. All statements
    .                              following case are executed until a
    .                              break is encountered or the switch block
        «statement»                 ends. If there is no match with a
        .                           constant expression, the statement
        .                           associated with the default keyword is
        .                           executed. If the default keyword is not
    «default :                     used, control passes to the statement
        statement»                  following the switch block.

while( expression )               Executes statement repeatedly until
    statement                      expression becomes 0. The exit condition
                                    is tested on entry. If expression is
                                    initially false, statement never

Escape Sequences

\a                                Alert (bell)

\b                                Backspace

\f                                Form feed

\n                                Newline

\r                                Carriage return

\t                                Horizontal tab

\v                                Vertical tab

\'                                Single quotation mark

\"                                Double quotation mark

\\                                Backslash

\0ddd                             ASCII character in octal notation

\xdd                              ASCII character in hexadecimal notation


C operators have two properties: precedence and associativity. Within a
given level, all operators have the same precedence. The levels are listed
from highest to lowest precedence.

Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A
( )                                        Function call                    L
[ ]                                        Array element
.                                          Member selection
->                                         (structure or union)
                                            Member selection
                                            (pointer to structure)


++                                         Increment                        R
- -                                        Decrement


Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A

:>                                         Base operator                    L


!                                          Logical NOT                      R
~                                          Bitwise complement
-                                          Arithmetic negation
+                                          Unary plus
&                                          Address
*                                          Indirection
sizeof                                     Size in bytes
(type)                                     Type cast


*                                          Multiplication                   L
/                                          Division
%                                          Remainder
Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A
%                                          Remainder


+                                          Addition                         L
-                                          Subtraction


<<                                         Left shift                       L
>>                                         Right shift


<                                          Less than                        L
<=                                         Less than or equal to
>                                          Greater than
>=                                         Greater than or equal to

Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A


==                                         Equality                         L
!=                                         Inequality


&                                          Bitwise AND                      L


^                                          Bitwise exclusive OR             L


|                                          Bitwise inclusive OR             L

Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A

&&                                         Logical AND                      L


||                                         Logical OR                       L


e1?e2:e3                                   Conditional                      R


=                                          Simple assignment                R
*=                                         Multiplication assignment
/=                                         Division assignment
%=                                         Modulus assignment
+=                                         Addition assignment
Operator                                   Name or Meaning                  A
+=                                         Addition assignment
-=                                         Subtraction assignment
<<=                                        Left-shift assignment
>>=                                        Right-shift assignment
&=                                         Bitwise-AND assignment
^=                                         Bitwise-exclusive-OR assignment
|=                                         Bitwise-inclusive-OR assignment


,                                          Comma                            L


Data Type Sizes

The /J command-line option makes the char default to unsigned instead of
signed. Any integral type that can be modified by the unsigned keyword can
also be modified by signed, which is most useful when the /J option is in

Type Name       Alternative        Storage   Range of Values
char            signed char        1 byte    -128 to 127

unsigned char   ─                  1 byte    0 to 255


int             signed, signed     2 bytes   -32,768 to 32,767

short           short int, signed  2 bytes   -32,768 to 32,767
                short, signed
                short int
Type Name       Alternative        Storage   Range of Values
                short int

unsigned short  unsigned short     2 bytes   0 to 65,535


long            long int, signed   4 bytes   -2,147,483,648 to
                long, signed long            2,147,483,647

unsigned long   unsigned long int  4 bytes   0 to 4,294,967,295


_segment        ─                  2 bytes   0 to 65,535

enum            ─                  2 bytes   -32,768 to 32,767
Type Name       Alternative        Storage   Range of Values
enum            ─                  2 bytes   -32,768 to 32,767

float           ─                  4 bytes   Approximately 1.2E-38 to
                                                3.4E+38 (7-digit precision)

double          ─                  8 bytes   Approximately 2.2E-308 to
                                                1.8E+308 (15-digit precision)

long double     ─                  10 bytes  Approximately 1.2E+4932 to
                                                3.4E-4932 (19-digit precision)


Preprocessor Directives

#define id sub                    Defines a text-substitution macro or a
#define id(param) sub             function macro. All subsequent cases of
                                    the identifier id are replaced by the
                                    substitution text sub. If a
                                    parenthesized parameter list param
                                    follows id, each occurrence of id(param)
                                    is replaced with a version of sub
                                    modified by substituting actual
                                    arguments for formal parameters.

#undef identifier                 Removes (undefines) the current
                                    definition of identifier.

#error message                    Displays a diagnostic message on the
                                    standard error and returns a nonzero
                                    (error) code when the compiler

#include "path-spec"              Treats the contents of the file
#include <path-spec>              specified by path-spec as if it were
                                    part of the current file. If path-spec
                                    is enclosed in double quotation marks,
                                    the current directory is searched first,
                                    followed by any other directories in the
                                    path. If path-spec is enclosed in angle
                                    brackets, the standard include directory
                                    (defined by the environment variable
                                    INCLUDE) is searched first.

#if expression                    Checks each expression associated with a
    «text»                         #if or #elif directive until a nonzero
«#elif expression                 restricted constant expression is found,
    text»                          then processes the text associated with
    .                                that restricted constant expression. If
    .                                there is a #else clause, the text
    .                                associated with it is only processed if
«#else                            no restricted constant expression in the
    text»                          #if or #elif clauses has a nonzero value.

#ifdef id                         Checks to see whether id is currently
    #if defined (id)               defined. The #ifdef directive processes
.                                 the statements within the block if id is
.                                 currently defined, or skips ahead to the
.                                 #endif if it isn't. The #ifndef
#endif                            directive processes the statements if
                                    the definition is missing, or skips
                                    ahead if it is present. The #ifdef
                                    directive is equivalent to the
                                    ANSI-standard directive #if defined(id),
                                    and #ifndef is equivalent to #if

#line constant                    Changes the compiler's internally-stored
«"name "»                         line number to
                                    constant, and changes the internal file
                                    name to filename. The
                                    current line number and file name are
                                    available through the predefined
                                    identifiers __LINE__ and __FILE__.

#pragma directive                 Instructs the compiler to effect the
                                    implementation-specific feature
                                    indicated by directive.

Preprocessor Operators

#operand                          Puts quotation marks around operand,
                                    treating it as a string

token1##token2                    Pastes token1 and token2 together

#@parameter                       Expands the argument to a quoted


alloc_text                        #pragma alloc_text ( text-segment,
                                    function1«, function2»... )

                                    Places the specified functions in the
                                    given text segment.

check_pointer                     #pragma check_pointer ( «{ on | off }» )

                                    Instructs the compiler to turn off
                                    pointer checking if off is specified, or
                                    turn on pointer checking if on is
                                    specified. The check _pointer pragma
                                    only works when you compile with the
                                    Quick Compile (/qc) option. If check
                                    _pointer is specified with no arguments,
                                    it toggles the pointer-checking setting
                                    currently in effect.

check_stack                       #pragma check_stack ( «{ on | off }» )

                                    Instructs the compiler to turn off stack
                                    probes if off is given, or turn on stack
                                    probes if on is given. If no argument is
                                    given, stack probes are treated
                                    according to the default (on unless /Gs
                                    was used).

comment                           #pragma comment( commenttype «,"
                                    commentstring"»... )

                                    Directs the compiler to place a comment
                                    record in the object file. The parameter
                                    commenttype specifies a compiler, exestr,
                                    lib, or user comment record, and
                                    commentstring (enclosed in quotation
                                    marks) provides additional information.

function                          #pragma function( function1«, function2
                                    ...» )

                                    Directs the compiler to generate
                                    function calls instead of the intrinsic
                                    forms for each function listed.

intrinsic                         #pragma intrinsic( function1«, function2
                                    ...» )

                                    Instructs the compiler to generate the
                                    intrinsic forms of the listed functions.

linesize                          #pragma linesize( «characters» )

                                    Sets the number of characters per line
                                    in the source listing.

loop_opt                          #pragma loop_opt( «{ off | on }» )

                                    Turns loop optimizing on or off. Without
                                    an argument, the pragma directs the
                                    compiler to revert to the behavior
                                    specified on the command line.

message                           #pragma message( messagestring )

                                    Sends a message to the standard output.
                                    The messagestring parameter is a string
                                    literal that contains the message.

optimize                          #pragma optimize( "«o_string»" { off |
                                    on } )

                                    Enables or disables one or more
                                    optimizing options. The optional
                                    o_string list can include one or more of
                                    the following characters:

                                    a           Assume no aliases in the
                                                following code

                                    c           Enable local common

                                    e           Enable global register

                                    g           Enable global common

                                    l           Optimize loops

                                    n           Disable unsafe loop

                                    p           Ensure floating-point

                                    t           Optimize for speed

                                    w           Assume no aliases except
                                                across function calls

                                    If the list is empty, the compiler
                                    reverts to the default settings. If on
                                    or off is omitted, the given option is

pack                              #pragma pack( «number» )

                                    Specifies packing alignment for struct
                                    types, where number is 1, 2, or 4.
                                    Without an argument, packing reverts to
                                    the behavior specified on the command
                                    line. The /Zp option without number is
                                    equivalent to #pragma pack(1). In the
                                    absence of the /Zp option, the default
                                    is #pragma pack(2).

page                              #pragma page( «pages» )

                                    Directs the compiler to skip the
                                    specified number of pages in the source
                                    listing where the pragma appears.

pagesize                          #pragma pagesize( «lines» )

                                    Sets the number of lines per page in the
                                    source listing.

same_seg                          #pragma same_seg( variable1«, variable2
                                    »... )

                                    Directs the compiler to assume that the
                                    external far variables are allocated in
                                    the same segment. The /ND option must be
                                    used when compiling the modules
                                    containing the listed variables to
                                    ensure that these variables are actually
                                    allocated in the given data segment.

skip                              #pragma skip( «lines» )

                                    Skips specified number of lines and
                                    generates a newline in the source
                                    listing at the point where the pragma

subtitle                          #pragma subtitle( "subtitlename" )

                                    Sets a subtitle in the source listing.

title                             #pragma title( "titlename" )

                                    Sets the title for the source listing.
                                    It appears in the upper left corner of
                                    each page of the listing.

PART III  Run-time Library Functions

Routines by Category

The Microsoft C run-time library contains approximately 500 routines useful
for performing common programming tasks. In this part of the C Reference the
routines are listed first by category of tasks and then alphabetically.

The alphabetical listing is more complete. It gives the following
information for each routine: the prototype, the header files that contain
the routine, a definition of each argument, the return value, and a brief
description of the function the routine performs. In addition, check boxes
indicate whether the routine is ANSI-compatible and the operating systems it
works under.

This section lists and briefly describes the library routines according to
the categories of tasks they perform. These are the main categories of
library routines:

Buffer manipulation               Memory allocation

Character classification and      Process and environment
conversion                        control

Data conversion                   Searching and sorting

Directory control                 String manipulation

File handling                     System calls

Graphics input and output         Time

Internationalization              Variable-length argument lists


Buffer Manipulation

The buffer-manipulation routines are useful for working with areas of memory
on a character-by-character basis. Routines preceded by the _f prefix are
model-independent versions.

Routine                           Use
memccpy, _fmemccpy                Copies characters from one buffer to
                                    another, until a given character or a
                                    given number of characters has been

memchr, _fmemchr                  Returns a pointer to the first
                                    occurrence, within a specified number of
                                    characters, of a given character in the

memcmp, _fmemcmp                  Compares a specified number of
                                    characters from two buffers

memcpy, _fmemcpy                  Copies a specified number of characters
                                    from one buffer to another

memicmp, _fmemicmp                Compares a specified number of
                                    characters from two buffers without
                                    regard to the case of the letters
                                    (uppercase and lowercase treated as

memmove,                          Copies a specified number of characters
_fmemmove                         from one buffer to another

memset, _fmemset                  Uses a given character to initialize a
                                    specified number of bytes in the buffer

swab                              Swaps bytes of data and stores them at
                                    the specified location

Character Classification and Conversion

The character classification and conversion routines let you test individual
characters in a variety of ways and convert between uppercase and lowercase

Routine                           Use
isalnum                           Tests for alphanumeric character

isalpha                           Tests for alphabetic character

isascii                           Tests for ASCII character

iscntrl                           Tests for control character

isdigit                           Tests for decimal digit

isgraph                           Tests for printable character except

islower                           Tests for lowercase character

isprint                           Tests for printable character

ispunct                           Tests for punctuation character

isspace                           Tests for white-space character

isupper                           Tests for uppercase character

isxdigit                          Tests for hexadecimal digit

toascii                           Converts character to ASCII code

tolower                           Tests character and converts to
                                    lowercase if

_tolower                          Converts character to lowercase

toupper                           Tests character and converts to
                                    uppercase if

_toupper                          Converts character to uppercase

Data Conversion

The data-conversion routines convert numbers to strings of ASCII characters,
and vice versa. These routines are implemented as functions.

Routine                           Use
abs                               Finds absolute value of integer

atof                              Converts string to float

atoi                              Converts string to int

atol                              Converts string to long

_atold                            Converts string to long double

ecvt                              Converts double to string

fcvt                              Converts double to string

gcvt                              Converts double to string

itoa                              Converts int to string

labs                              Finds absolute value of long integer

ltoa                              Converts long to string

strtod                            Converts string to double

strtol                            Converts string to a long integer

_strtold                          Converts string to long double

strtoul                           Converts string to an unsigned long

ultoa                             Converts unsigned long to string

Directory Control

These routines let a program access, modify, and obtain information about
the directory structure. These routines are functions.

Routine                           Use
chdir                             Changes current working directory

_chdrive                          Changes current drive

getcwd                            Gets current working directory

_getdcwd                          Gets current working directory for the
                                    specified drive

_getdrive                         Gets the current disk drive

mkdir                             Makes a new directory

rmdir                             Removes a directory

_searchenv                        Searches for a given file on specified

File Handling

The file-handling routines let you create, manipulate, and delete files.
They also set and check file-access permissions.

Routine                           Use
access                            Checks file-permission setting

chmod                             Changes file-permission setting

chsize                            Changes file size

filelength                        Gets file length

fstat                             Gets file-status information on handle

_fullpath                         Makes an absolute path name from a
                                    relative path name

isatty                            Checks for character device

locking                           Locks areas of file (available with OS/2
                                    DOS versions 3.0 and later)

_makepath                         Merges path-name components into a
                                    single, full path name

mktemp                            Creates unique file name

remove                            Deletes file

rename                            Renames file

setmode                           Sets file-translation mode

_splitpath                        Splits a path name into component pieces

stat                              Gets file-status information on named

umask                             Sets default-permission mask

unlink                            Deletes file


Microsoft C graphics routines offer a wide variety of graphics functions,
low-level graphics primitives, font functions, and presentation graphics
(displays such as graphs and pie charts).

Low-Level Graphics and Character-Font Functions

Routine                           Use
_arc, _arc_w,  _arc_wxy           Draws an arc

_clearscreen                      Clears the screen and fills it with the
                                    current background color

_displaycursor                    Sets the cursor on or off on exit from a
                                    graphics routine

_ellipse, _ellipse_w,             Draws an ellipse or circle

_floodfill,                       Flood-fills an area of the screen with
_floodfill_w                      the current color

_getactivepage                    Gets the current active page number

_getarcinfo                       Determines the end points in viewport
                                    coordinates of the most recently drawn
                                    arc or pie

_getbkcolor                       Returns the current background color

_getcolor                         Gets the current color

_getcurrentposition,              Obtains the current graphics-output
_getcurrentposition_w             position used by _lineto and _outgtext

_getfillmask                      Gets the current fill mask

_getfontinfo                      Obtains the current font characteristics

_getgtextextent                   Determines the width in pixels of
                                    specified text in the current font

_getgtextvector                   Gets orientation of font text output

_getimage,                        Stores a screen image in memory

_getlinestyle                     Gets the current line style mask

_getphyscoord                     Converts view coordinates to physical

_getpixel, _getpixel_w            Obtains a pixel's color

_gettextcolor                     Obtains the current text color

_gettextcursor                    Returns the current cursor attribute
                                    (text modes only)

_gettextposition                  Obtains the current text-output position

_gettextwindow                    Gets the current text window boundaries

_getvideoconfig                   Obtains status of current graphics

_getvisualpage                    Gets the current visual page number

_getviewcoord                     Converts physical coordinates to view

_getviewcoord_w                   Converts window coordinates to view

_getviewcoord_wxy                 Converts window coordinates in _wxycoord
                                    structure to view coordinates

_getwindowcoord                   Converts view coordinates to window

_getwritemode                     Gets the current logical write mode for
                                    line drawing

_grstatus                         Returns the status of the most recent
                                    graphics function call

_imagesize,                       Returns the size (in bytes) of the
_imagesize_w,                     buffer needed to store the image

_lineto, _lineto_w                Draws a line from the current graphics
                                    output position to a specified point

_moveto, _moveto_w                Moves the current graphics-output
                                    position to a specified point

_outgtext                         Outputs the null-terminated text string
                                    using the current font and rotation on
                                    the screen at the current
                                    graphics-output position

_outmem                           Prints text of a specified length from a

_outtext                          Outputs a text string to the screen at
                                    the current text position

_pie, _pie_w, _pie_wxy            Draws a pie-slice-shaped figure

_polygon,                         Draws or scan-fills a polygon

_putimage,                        Retrieves an image from memory and
_putimage_w                       displays it

_rectangle,                       Draws or scan-fills a rectangle

_registerfonts                    Initializes the font graphics system

_remapallpalette                  Changes all colors in the current

_remappalette                     Changes a single color in the current

_scrolltextwindow                 Scrolls the current text window up or

_selectpalette                    Selects a predefined palette

_setactivepage                    Sets memory area for the current active

_setbkcolor                       Sets the current background color

_setcliprgn                       Limits graphic output to a region of the

_setcolor                         Sets the current color

_setfillmask                      Sets the current fill mask

_setfont                          Finds a single font from the set of
                                    registered fonts

_setgtextvector                   Sets the current orientation for font
                                    text output

_setlinestyle                     Sets the current line style mask

_setpixel, _setpixel_w            Sets a pixel's color

_settextcolor                     Sets the current text color

_settextcursor                    Sets the current cursor attribute (text
                                    modes only)

_settextposition                  Sets the current text position

_settextrows                      Sets the number of text rows

_settextwindow                    Defines the current text-display window

_setvideomode                     Sets the video mode for the display

_setvideomoderows                 Sets the video mode and the number of
                                    text rows

_setvieworg                       Positions the view coordinate origin

_setviewport                      Limits graphics output to a region of
                                    the screen and positions the view
                                    coordinate origin to the upper left
                                    corner of that region

_setvisualpage                    Sets memory area for the current visual

_setwindow                        Defines a floating-point window
                                    coordinate system

_setwritemode                     Sets logical write mode for line drawing

_unregisterfonts                  Frees memory previously allocated and
                                    used by _registerfonts

_wrapon                           Enables or disables line wrap

Presentation Graphics Functions

Routine                           Use
_pg_analyzechart                  Analyzes a single series of data for a
                                    bar, column, or line chart

_pg_analyzechartms                Analyzes a multiple series of data for a
                                    bar, column, or line chart

_pg_analyzepie                    Analyzes data for a pie chart

_pg_analyzescatter                Analyzes a single series of data for a
                                    scatter diagram

_pg_analyzescatterms              Analyzes a multiple series of data for a
                                    scatter diagram

_pg_chart                         Displays a single-series bar, column, or
                                    line chart

_pg_chartms                       Displays a multiple-series bar, column,
                                    or line chart

_pg_chartpie                      Displays a pie chart

_pg_chartscatter                  Displays a scatter diagram for a single
                                    series of data

_pg_chartscatterms                Displays a scatter diagram for more than
                                    one series of data

_pg_defaultchart                  Initializes all necessary variables in
                                    the chart environment for a specified
                                    chart type

_pg_getchardef                    Retrieves the current 8-by-8-pixel bit
                                    map for a specified character

_pg_getpalette                    Retrieves current colors, line styles,
                                    fill patterns, and plot characters for
                                    all presentation graphics palettes

_pg_getstyleset                   Retrieves the contents of the current

_pg_hlabelchart                   Writes text horizontally on the screen

_pg_initchart                     Initializes the presentation graphics

_pg_resetpalette                  Sets current colors, line styles, fill
                                    patterns, and plot characters to the
                                    default values for the current screen

_pg_resetstyleset                 Resets the contents of the current
                                    styleset to the default value for the
                                    current screen mode

_pg_setchardef                    Sets the 8-by-8-pixel bit map for a

_pg_setpalette                    Sets current colors, line styles, fill
                                    patterns, and plot characters for all
                                    presentation graphics palettes

_pg_setstyleset                   Sets the contents of the current

_pg_vlabelchart                   Writes text vertically on the screen

Input and Output

The input and output (I/O) routines of the standard C library allow you to
read and write data to and from files and devices.

Stream Routines

Routine                           Use
clearerr                          Clears the error indicator for a stream

fclose                            Closes a stream

fcloseall                         Closes all open streams

fdopen                            Associates a stream with an open file

feof                              Tests for end-of-file on a stream

ferror                            Tests for error on a stream

fflush                            Flushes a stream

fgetc                             Reads a character from a stream
                                    (function version)

fgetchar                          Reads a character from stdin (function

fgetpos                           Gets the position indicator of a stream

fgets                             Reads a string from a stream

fileno                            Gets file handle associated with a

flushall                          Flushes all streams

fopen                             Opens a stream

fprintf                           Writes formatted data to a stream

fputc                             Writes a character to a stream (function

fputchar                          Writes a character to stdout (function

fputs                             Writes a string to a stream

fread                             Reads unformatted data from a stream

freopen                           Reassigns a FILE pointer to a new file

fscanf                            Reads formatted data from a stream

fseek                             Moves file position to a given location

fsetpos                           Sets the position indicator of a stream

_fsopen                           Opens a stream with file sharing

ftell                             Gets current file position

fwrite                            Writes unformatted data items to a

getc                              Reads a character from a stream

getchar                           Reads a character from stdin

gets                              Reads a line from stdin

getw                              Reads a binary int item from stream

printf                            Writes formatted data to stdout

putc                              Writes a character to a stream

putchar                           Writes a character to stdout

puts                              Writes a line to a stream

putw                              Writes a binary int item to a stream

rewind                            Moves file position to beginning of a

rmtmp                             Removes temporary files created by

scanf                             Reads formatted data from stdin

setbuf                            Controls stream buffering

setvbuf                           Controls stream buffering and buffer

sprintf                           Writes formatted data to string

sscanf                            Reads formatted data from string

tempnam                           Generates a temporary file name in given

tmpfile                           Creates a temporary file

tmpnam                            Generates a temporary file name

ungetc                            Places a character in the buffer

vfprintf                          Writes formatted data to a stream

vprintf                           Writes formatted data to stdout

vsprintf                          Writes formatted data to a string

Low-Level Routines

Routine                           Use
close                             Closes a file

creat                             Creates a file

dup                               Creates a second handle for a file

dup2                              Reassigns a handle to a file

eof                               Tests for end-of-file

lseek                             Repositions file pointer to a given

open                              Opens a file

read                              Reads data from a file

sopen                             Opens a file for file sharing

tell                              Gets current file-pointer position

umask                             Sets default file-permission mask

write                             Writes data to a file

Console and Port I/O

Routine                           Use
cgets                             Reads a string from the console

cprintf                           Writes formatted data to the console

cputs                             Writes a string to the console

cscanf                            Reads formatted data from the console

getch                             Reads a character from the console

getche                            Reads a character from the console and
                                    echoes it

inp                               Reads one byte from the specified I/O

inpw                              Reads a two-byte word from the specified
                                    I/O port

kbhit                             Checks for a keystroke at the console

outp                              Writes one byte to the specified I/O

outpw                             Writes a two-byte word to the specified
                                    I/O port

putch                             Writes a character to the console

ungetch                           "Ungets" the last character read from
                                    the console so that it becomes the next
                                    character read


Internationalization routines are useful for creating different versions of
a program for international markets.

Routine                           Use
localeconv                        Sets a structure with appropriate values
                                    for formatting numeric quantities

setlocale                         Selects the appropriate locale for the

strcoll                           Compares strings using locale-specific

strftime                          Formats a date and time string

strxfrm                           Transforms a string based on


The math routines allow you to perform common mathematical calculations.
Many math routines work with floating-point values and therefore require
floating-point support, which is linked in from the C run-time library.
Routines ending with l support an 80-bit data type for the corresponding
routines. These routines return a long double value.

Routine                           Use
acos, acosl                       Calculates the arccosine

asin, asinl                       Calculates the arcsine

atan, atanl                       Calculates the arctangent

atan2, atan2l                     Calculates the arctangent

bessel1                           Calculates Bessel functions

cabs, cabsl                       Finds the absolute value of a complex

ceil, ceill                       Finds the integer ceiling

_clear87                          Gets and clears the floating-point
                                    status word

_control87                        Gets the old floating-point control word
                                    and sets a new control-word value

cos, cosl                         Calculates the cosine

cosh, coshl                       Calculates the hyperbolic cosine

dieeetomsbin                      Converts IEEE double-precision number to
                                    Microsoft (MS) binary format

div                               Divides one integer by another,
                                    returning the quotient and remainder

dmsbintoieee                      Converts Microsoft binary
                                    double-precision number to IEEE format

exp, expl                         Calculates the exponential function

fabs, fabsl                       Finds the absolute value

fieeetomsbin                      Converts IEEE single-precision number to
                                    Microsoft binary format

floor, floorl                     Finds the largest integer less than or
                                    equal to the

fmod, fmodl                       Finds the floating-point remainder

fmsbintoieee                      Converts Microsoft binary
                                    single-precision number to IEEE format

_fpreset                          Reinitializes the floating-point-math

frexp, frexpl                     Calculates an exponential value

hypot, hypotl                     Calculates the hypotenuse of right

ldexp, ldexpl                     Calculates the argument times 2exp

ldiv                              Divides one long integer by another,
                                    returning the quotient and remainder

log, logl                         Calculates the natural logarithm

log10, log10l                     Calculates the base-10 logarithm

_lrotl, _lrotr                    Shifts an unsigned long int item left (
                                    _lrotl) or right (_lrotr)

matherr, _matherrl                Handles math errors

max, min                          Returns the larger or smaller of two

modf, modfl                       Breaks down the argument into integer
                                    and fractional parts

pow, powl                         Calculates a value raised to a power

rand                              Gets a pseudorandom number

_rotl, _rotr                      Shifts an unsigned int item left (_rotl)
                                    or right (_rotr)

sin, sinl                         Calculates the sine

sinh, sinhl                       Calculates the hyperbolic sine

sqrt, sqrtl                       Finds the square root

srand                             Initializes a pseudorandom series

_status87                         Gets the floating-point status word

tan, tanl                         Calculates the tangent

tanh, tanhl                       Calculates the hyperbolic tangent

1 The bessel routine does not correspond to a single function, but to 12
functions named j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn, _j0l, _j1l, _jnl, _y0l, _y1l, and

Memory Allocation

The memory-allocation routines allow you to allocate, free, and reallocate
blocks of memory.

Routine                           Use
alloca                            Allocates a block of memory from the
                                    program's stack

_bfreeseg                         Frees a based heap

_bheapseg                         Allocates a based heap

calloc, _bcalloc,                 Allocates storage for an array
_fcalloc, _ncalloc

_expand, _bexpand,                Expands or shrinks a block of memory
_fexpand, _nexpand                without moving its location

free, _bfree,                     Frees an allocated block
_ffree, _nfree

_freect                           Returns approximate number of items of
                                    given size that could be allocated in
                                    the near heap

halloc                            Allocates storage for huge array

_heapadd, _bheapadd               Adds memory to a heap

_heapchk, _bheapchk, _fheapchk,   Checks a heap for consistency

_heapmin,                         Releases unused memory in a heap

_heapset, _bheapset,              Fills free heap entries with a specified
_fheapset, _nheapset              value

_heapwalk,                        Returns information about each entry in
_bheapwalk,                       a heap

hfree                             Frees a block allocated by halloc

malloc, _bmalloc,                 Allocates a block of memory
_fmalloc, _nmalloc

_memavl                           Returns approximate number of bytes
                                    available for allocation in the near

_memmax                           Returns size of largest contiguous free
                                    block in the near heap

_msize, _bmsize,                  Returns size of an allocated block
_fmsize, _nmsize

realloc, _brealloc,               Reallocates a block to a new size
_frealloc, _nrealloc

stackavail                        Returns size of stack space available
                                    for allocation with alloca

Process and Environment Control

The process-control routines allow you to start, stop, and manage processes
from within a program. Environment-control routines allow you to get and
change information about the operating-system environment.

Routine                           Use
abort                             Aborts a process without flushing
                                    buffers or calling functions registered
                                    by atexit and onexit

assert                            Tests for logic error

atexit                            Schedules routines for execution at

_beginthread                      Creates an execution thread (OS/2 only)

_cexit                            Performs the exit termination procedures
                                    (such as flushing buffers) and returns
                                    control to the calling program

_c_exit                           Performs the _exit termination
                                    procedures without performing clean-up
                                    operations and returns control to the
                                    calling program

cwait                             Suspends the calling process until a
                                    specified child process terminates (OS/2

_endthread                        Terminates an execution thread (OS/2

execl                             Executes child process with argument

execle                            Executes child process with argument
                                    list and given environment

execlp                            Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable and argument list

execlpe                           Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable, given environment, and
                                    argument list

execv                             Executes child process with argument

execve                            Executes child process with argument
                                    array and given environment

execvp                            Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable and argument array

execvpe                           Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable, given environment, and
                                    argument array

exit                              Calls functions registered by atexit and
                                    onexit, then flushes all buffers and
                                    closes all open files before terminating
                                    the process

_exit                             Terminates process without processing
                                    atexit or onexit functions or flushing

getenv                            Gets the value of an environment

getpid                            Gets process ID number

longjmp                           Restores a saved stack environment

onexit                            Schedules routines for execution at

_pclose                           Waits for a child command and closes the
                                    pipe on the associated stream

perror                            Prints error message

_pipe                             Creates a pipe

_popen                            Creates a pipe and asynchronously
                                    executes a child copy of the command

putenv                            Adds or changes the value of an

raise                             Sends a signal to the calling process

setjmp                            Saves a stack environment

signal                            Handles an interrupt signal

spawnl                            Executes child process with argument

spawnle                           Executes child process with argument
                                    list and given environment

spawnlp                           Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable and argument list

spawnlpe                          Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable, given environment, and
                                    argument list

spawnv                            Executes child process with argument

spawnve                           Executes child process with argument
                                    array and given environment

spawnvp                           Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable and argument array

spawnvpe                          Executes child process using PATH
                                    variable, given environment, and
                                    argument array

system                            Executes an operating-system command

wait                              Suspends the calling process until any
                                    of the caller's immediate child
                                    processes terminate (OS/2 only)

Searching and Sorting

Search and sort routines provide binary-search, linear-search, and
quick-sort capabilities.

Routine                           Use
bsearch                           Performs binary search

lfind                             Performs linear search for given value

lsearch                           Performs linear search for given value,
                                    which is added to array if not found

qsort                             Performs quick sort

String Manipulation

The string functions allow you to compare strings, copy them, search for
strings and characters, and perform various other operations.

Routine                           Use
strcat, _fstrcat                  Appends one string to another

strchr, _fstrchr                  Finds first occurrence of a given
                                    character in string

strcmp, _fstrcmp                  Compares two strings

strcpy, _fstrcpy                  Copies one string to another

strcspn, _fstrcspn                Finds first occurrence of a character
                                    from given character set in string

strdup, _fstrdup, _nstrdup        Duplicates a string

strerror                          Maps an error number to a message

_strerror                         Maps a user-defined error message to a

stricmp, _fstricmp                Compares two strings without regard to

strlen, _fstrlen                  Finds length of string

strlwr, _fstrlwr                  Converts string to lowercase

strncat, _fstrncat                Appends characters of string

strncmp, _fstrncmp                Compares characters of two strings

strncpy, _fstrncpy                Copies characters of one string to

strnicmp, _fstrnicmp              Compares characters of two strings
                                    without regard to case

strnset, _fstrnset                Sets characters of string to given

strpbrk, _fstrpbrk                Finds first occurrence of character from
                                    one string in another

strrchr, _fstrrchr                Finds last occurrence of given character
                                    in string

strrev, _fstrrev                  Reverses string

strset, _fstrset                  Sets all characters of string to given

strspn, _fstrspn                  Finds first substring from given
                                    character set in string

strstr, _fstrstr                  Finds first occurrence of given string
                                    in another string

strtok, _fstrtok                  Finds next token in string

strupr, _fstrupr                  Converts string to uppercase

System Calls

The following routines give access to IBM-PC BIOS (Basic Input/Output
System) interrupts and DOS system calls.

BIOS Interface

Routine                           Use
_bios_disk                        Issues service requests for both hard
                                    and floppy disks, using INT 0x13

_bios_equiplist                   Performs an equipment check, using INT

_bios_keybrd                      Provides access to keyboard services,
                                    INT 0x16

_bios_memsize                     Obtains information about available
                                    memory, using INT 0x12

_bios_printer                     Performs printer output services, using
                                    INT 0x17

_bios_serialcom                   Performs serial communications tasks,
                                    INT 0x14

_bios_timeofday                   Provides access to system clock, using
                                    INT 0x1A

DOS Interface

Routine                           Use
bdos                              Invokes DOS system call; uses only DX
                                    and AL registers

_chain_intr                       Chains one interrupt handler to another

_disable                          Disables interrupts

_dos_allocmem                     Allocates a block of memory, using DOS
                                    system call 0x48

_dos_close                        Closes a file, using DOS system call

_dos_creat                        Creates a new file and erases any
                                    existing file having the same name,
                                    using DOS system call 0x3C

_dos_creatnew                     Creates a new file and returns an error
                                    if a file having the same name exists,
                                    using DOS system call 0x5B

_dos_findfirst                    Finds first occurrence of a given file,
                                    using DOS system call 0x4E

_dos_findnext                     Finds subsequent occurrences of a given
                                    file, using DOS system call 0x4F

_dos_freemem                      Frees a block of memory, using DOS
                                    system call 0x49

_dos_getdate                      Gets the system date, using DOS system
                                    call 0x2A

_dos_getdiskfree                  Gets information on a disk volume, using
                                    DOS system call 0x36

_dos_getdrive                     Gets the current default drive, using
                                    DOS system call 0x19

_dos_getfileattr                  Gets current attributes of a file or
                                    directory, using DOS system call 0x43

_dos_getftime                     Gets the date and time a file was last
                                    written, using DOS system call 0x57

_dos_gettime                      Gets the current system time, using DOS
                                    system call 0x2C

_dos_getvect                      Gets the current value of a specified
                                    interrupt vector, using DOS system call

_dos_keep                         Installs terminate-and-stay-resident
                                    (TSR) programs using DOS system call

_dos_open                         Opens an existing file, using DOS system
                                    call 0x3D

_dos_read                         Reads a file, using DOS system call 0x3F

_dos_setblock                     Changes the size of a previously
                                    allocated block, using DOS system call

_dos_setdate                      Sets the current system date, using DOS
                                    system call 0x2B

_dos_setdrive                     Sets the default disk drive, using DOS
                                    system call 0x0E

_dos_setfileattr                  Sets the current attributes of a file,
                                    using DOS system call 0x43

_dos_setftime                     Sets the date and time that the
                                    specified file was last written, using
                                    DOS system call 0x57

_dos_settime                      Sets the system time, using DOS system
                                    call 0x2D

_dos_setvect                      Sets a new value for the specified
                                    interrupt vector, using DOS system call

_dos_write                        Sends output to a file, using DOS system
                                    call 0x40

dosexterr                         Obtains in-depth error information from
                                    DOS system call 0x59

_enable                           Enables interrupts

FP_OFF                            Returns offset portion of a far pointer
                                    (OS/2 and DOS)

FP_SEG                            Returns segment portion of a far pointer
                                    (OS/2 and DOS)

_harderr                          Establishes a hardware error handler

_hardresume                       Returns to DOS after a hardware error

_hardretn                         Returns to the application after a
                                    hardware error

int86                             Invokes DOS interrupts

int86x                            Invokes DOS interrupts with segment
                                    register values

intdos                            Invokes DOS system call using registers
                                    other than DX and AL

intdosx                           Invokes DOS system call using registers
                                    other than DX and AL with segment
                                    register values

segread                           Returns current values of segment
                                    registers (OS/2 and DOS)


The time functions allow you to obtain the current time, then convert and
store it. The current time is always taken from the system time.

Routine                           Use
asctime                           Converts time from type struct tm to
                                    character string

clock                             Returns the elapsed CPU time for a

ctime                             Converts time from long integer to
                                    character string

difftime                          Computes the difference between two

ftime                             Puts current system time in variable of
                                    type struct tm

gmtime                            Converts time from integer to struct tm

localtime                         Converts time from integer to struct tm
                                    with local correction

mktime                            Converts time to a calendar value

_strdate                          Returns the current system date as a

strftime                          Formats a date and time string

_strtime                          Returns the current system time as a

time                              Gets current system time as long integer

tzset                             Sets external time variables from
                                    environment time variable

utime                             Sets file-modification time

Variable-Length Argument Lists

The va_arg, va_end, and va_start routines are macros that provide a portable
way to access the arguments to a function when the function takes a variable
number of arguments.

Routine                           Use
va_arg                            Retrieves argument from list

va_end                            Resets pointer

va_start                          Sets pointer to beginning of argument


    void abort( void );

Include                           PROCESS.H or STDLIB.H

Returns                           No return value

Aborts the current process.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int abs( int n );

Include                           STDLIB.H or MATH.H

n                                 Value whose absolute value is sought

Returns                           The absolute value of n

Calculates the absolute value of its argument.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int access( char *pathname, int mode );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

pathname                          File or directory path name

mode                              00 (exist), 02 (write), 04 (read), 06

Returns                           0 if the file has the given access mode
                                    or if the directory exists; -1 if the
                                    directory or file does not exist or does
                                    not have the given mode

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Determines whether a specified file or directory exists, and (in the case of
a file) whether it can be accessed in the specified mode.



    double acos( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arccosine is sought

Returns                           0 if x is less than -1 or greater than 1

errno                             EDOM

Returns the arccosine of x in the range 0 to pi radians.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double acosl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arccosine is sought

Returns                           0 if x is less than -1 or greater than 1

errno                             EDOM

Returns the arccosine of x in the range 0 to pi radians. Long
double-precision floatingpoint version of acos.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *alloca( size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

size                              Bytes to be allocated from the stack

Returns                           A void pointer to the allocated space;
                                    NULL if the space cannot be

Allocates size bytes from the program's stack.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _arc( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, short x3, short
    short x4, short y4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

x3, y3                            Start vector

x4, y4                            End vector

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws an elliptical arc using the view coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _arc_w( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3,
    double y3,
    double x4, double y4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

x3, y3                            Second point of start vector (center of
                                    bounding rectangle is first point)

x4, y4                            Second point of end vector (center of
                                    bounding rectangle is first point)

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws an elliptical arc using the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _arc_wxy( struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1, struct _wxycoord _far
    *pwxy2, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy3, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

pwxy1                             Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy2                             Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy3                             Start vector

pwxy4                             End vector

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws an elliptical arc using the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2○  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *asctime( const struct tm *timeptr );

Include                           TIME.H

timeptr                           Time/date structure defined in TIME.H

Returns                           A pointer to the character string result

Converts a value stored as a tm time structure to a character string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double asin( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arcsine is sought

Returns                           0 if x is less than -1 or greater than 1

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arcsine of a value in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double asinl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arcsine is sought

Returns                           0 if x is less than -1 or greater than 1

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arcsine of a value in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians. Long
double-precision floating-point version of asin.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void assert( int expression );

Include                           ASSERT.H, STDIO.H

expression                        A logical expression

Returns                           No return value

Prints a diagnostic message and calls the abort routine if a logical
expression is false (0). Activated only if NDEBUG is defined at compile

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double atan( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arctangent is sought

Returns                           The arctangent result; 0 if x is 0

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arctangent of x in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double atanl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Value whose arctangent is sought

Returns                           The arctangent result; 0 if x is 0

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arctangent of x in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. Long
double-precision floating-point version of atan.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double atan2( double y, double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

y/x                               Value whose arctangent is sought

Returns                           The arctangent result; 0 if x or y is 0

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arctangent of y/x in the range -pi to pi.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double atan2l( long double y, long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

y/x                               Value whose arctangent is sought

Returns                           The arctangent result; 0 if x or y is 0

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the arctangent of y/x in the range -pi to pi. Long
double-precision floating-point version of atan2.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int atexit( void( *func )( void ) );

Include                           STDLIB.H

func                              Function to call on exit

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Calls the specified function at exit. Successive calls create a register of
up to 32 functions to be called (last in, first out).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double atof( const char *string );

Include                           MATH.H or STDLIB.H

string                            String to be converted

Returns                           The converted string; 0 if the string
                                    cannot be converted

Converts a character string to a double-precision floating-point value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int atoi( const char *string );

Include                           STDLIB.H

string                            String to be converted

Returns                           The converted string; 0 if the string
                                    cannot be converted

Converts a character string to an integer value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long atol( const char *string );

Include                           STDLIB.H

string                            String to be converted

Returns                           The converted string; 0 if the string
                                    cannot be converted

Converts a character string to a long integer value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double _atold( const char *string );

Include                           MATH.H or STDLIB.H

string                            String to be converted

Returns                           The converted string; 0 if the string
                                    cannot be converted

Converts a character string to a long double-precision floating-point value.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _based( void ) *_bcalloc( _segment seg, size_t num, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

num                               Number of elements

size                              Length in bytes of each element

Returns                           A based pointer to the allocated space;
                                    _NULLOFF if there is insufficient memory
                                    available, if num or size is 0, or if
                                    the specified segment has not been
                                    initialized as part of the based heap

Allocates array storage on the specified based heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int bdos( int dosfunc, unsigned int dosdx, unsigned int dosal );

Include                           DOS.H

dosfunc                           Function number

dosdx                             DX register value

dosal                             AL register value

Returns                           The value of the AX register after the
                                    system call has completed

Invokes the DOS system call specified by a function number.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _beginthread( void( _far *start_address )( void _far * ),
    void _far *stack_bottom, unsigned stack_size, void _far *arglist );

Include                           PROCESS.H, STDDEF.H, ERRNO.H

start_address                     Address where execution begins

stack_bottom                      Address of the thread stack or NULL

stack_size                        Stack space to reserve

arglist                           Address of data item to pass to new

Returns                           The thread identification number of the
                                    new thread if successful;
                                    -1 to indicate an error if not

errno                             EINVAL, EAGAIN

Creates a thread that begins execution at start_address.

▼ ANSI  ▼ DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _based( void ) *_bexpand( _segment seg, void _based( void )
    size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A based pointer to the resized memory
                                    block if successful;
                                    _NULLOFF if not

Changes the size of a block in the based heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _bfree( _segment seg, void _based( void ) *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Segment selected

memblock                          Allocated memory block

Returns                           No return value

Frees a memory block in the based heap (previously allocated by a call to
_bmalloc or _brealloc).

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bfreeseg( _segment seg );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 in the case of an

Frees a specified based-heap segment.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bheapadd( _segment seg, void _based( void ) *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

memblock                          Pointer to based memory

size                              Size in bytes of memory to add

Returns                           A segment selector if successful; -1 if

Adds an unused piece of memory to the specified based heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bheapchk( _segment seg );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment to check or _NULLSEG
                                    to check all based-heap segments

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency in the based heap specified by the selector
value seg.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bheapmin( _segment seg );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment to minimize, or
                                    _NULLSEG for all based-heap segments

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Releases unused memory in the based heap, minimizing the heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    _segment _bheapseg( size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

size                              Segment size to allocate

Returns                           The selector for the newly allocated
                                    segment if successful; -1 if not

Allocates a based-heap segment.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bheapset( _segment seg, unsigned int fill );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector or _NULLSEG
                                    for all based-heap

fill                              Fill character

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency in the based-heap segment specified by the
selector value seg, and then sets the heap's free entries with the fill

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _bheapwalk( _segment seg, _HEAPINFO *entryinfo );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap selector or _NULLSEG for all
                                    based-heap segments

entryinfo                         Structure to contain information about
                                    the next heap entry, defined in MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADPTR,
                                    _HEAPBADBEGIN, _HEAPBADNODE, _HEAPEND

Walks through the based-heap segment specified by the selector seg (or all
based-heap segments if seg is equal to _NULLSEG), one entry per call,
returning a pointer to a _HEAPINFO structure that contains information about
the next based-heap entry.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_disk( unsigned service, struct diskinfo_t *diskinfo );

Include                           BIOS.H

service                           _DISK_RESET, _DISK_STATUS, _DISK_READ,
                                    _DISK_WRITE, _DISK_VERIFY, _DISK_FORMAT

diskinfo                          Disk parameters structure defined in

Returns                           The value stored in the AX register upon
                                    return from the BIOS

Calls BIOS disk-access services (INT 0x13).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_equiplist( void );

Include                           BIOS.H

Returns                           A set of bits indicating what is

Calls INT 0x11 to determine what hardware and peripherals are currently
installed on the machine.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_keybrd( unsigned service );

Include                           BIOS.H

service                           _KEYBRD_READ, _N_KEYBRD_READ,
                                    _KEYBRD_READY, _N_KEYBRD_READY,

Returns                           The value returned in the AX register
                                    upon return from the BIOS

Calls BIOS keyboard services (INT 0x16).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_memsize( void );

Include                           BIOS.H

Returns                           The total amount of installed memory in
                                    1K blocks

Calls BIOS memory-size service (INT 0x12) to determine the total amount of
main memory installed.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_printer( unsigned service, unsigned printer, unsigned data

Include                           BIOS.H

service                           _PRINTER_WRITE, _PRINTER_INIT,

printer                           Target printer port

data                              Output data

Returns                           The value returned in the AX register
                                    upon return from the BIOS

Calls BIOS printer services (INT 0x17) to perform printer tasks for parallel

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_serialcom( unsigned service, unsigned serial_port, unsigned
    data );

Include                           BIOS.H

service                           _COM_INIT, _COM_RECEIVE, _COM_SEND,

serial_port                       Serial port to use

data                              _COM_CHR7, _COM_CHR8, _COM_STOP1,
                                    _COM_STOP2, _COM_NOPARITY,
                                    _COM_ODDPARITY, _COM_110, _COM_150,
                                    _COM_300, _COM_600, _COM_1200, _COM_2400,
                                    _COM_4800, _COM_9600

Returns                           A 16-bit integer whose meaning varies
                                    depending on the service

Calls BIOS communications services (INT 0x14) to provide serial

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _bios_timeofday( unsigned service, long *timeval );

Include                           BIOS.H

service                           _TIME_GETCLOCK, _TIME_SETCLOCK

timeval                           Clock count

Returns                           The value returned in the AX register
                                    upon return from the BIOS

Calls BIOS time and date services (INT 0x1A) to get or set the current
system clock count.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _based( void ) *_bmalloc( _segment seg, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

size                              Number of bytes to allocate

Returns                           A void pointer to the allocated space;
                                    _NULLOFF if it fails

Allocates a memory block of at least size bytes in the based-heap segment
specified by the selector seg.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2   ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _bmsize( _segment seg, void _based( void ) *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

memblock                          Pointer to based-heap memory block

Returns                           The size in bytes

An unsigned integer representing the size in bytes of the based-heap memory
block allocated by a call to _bcalloc, _bmalloc, or _brealloc.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _based( void ) *_brealloc( _segment seg, void _based( void )
    size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

seg                               Based-heap segment selector

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A void _based pointer to the reallocated
                                    memory block if successful; _NULLOFF if

Changes the size of a previously allocated based-heap memory block, possibly
relocating it.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *bsearch( const void *key, const void *base, size_t num, size_t
    int ( *compare )( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) );

Include                           STDLIB.H, SEARCH.H

key                               Pointer to object to search for

base                              Pointer to base of search data

num                               Number of elements

width                             Width of elements

compare                           Comparison function

elem1                             Pointer to the key for the search

elem2                             Pointer to the array element to be
                                    compared with the key

Returns                           A pointer to the first occurrence of the
                                    object pointed to by key in the array
                                    that base points to; NULL if key is not

Performs a binary search of a sorted array. Note that key is a pointer to an
object of size width.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double cabs( struct complex z );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

z                                 Complex number structure defined in

Returns                           HUGE_VAL on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the absolute value of a complex number.



    long double cabsl( struct _complexl z );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

z                                 Long double-precision complex number
                                    structure defined in MATH.H

Returns                           The absolute value if successful;
                                    _LHUGE_VAL on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the absolute value of a complex number. Long double-precision
floating-point version of cabs.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *calloc( size_t num, size_t size );

Include                           STDLIB.H or MALLOC.H

num                               Number of elements

size                              Length in bytes of each element

Returns                           A pointer to the allocated space; NULL
                                    if there is insufficient memory

Allocates storage for an array of num elements of size bytes. All bytes are
initialized to 0.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double ceil( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           A value representing the smallest
                                    integer that is greater than or equal to
                                    the argument

Calculates the ceiling of a value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double ceill( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The long double result, rounded up

Returns a long double-precision floating-point value representing the
smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _cexit( void );

Include                           PROCESS.H

Returns                           No return value

Performs the exit termination procedures (e.g., flushing buffers) but
returns control to the caller; does not terminate the process.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _c_exit( void );

Include                           PROCESS.H

Returns                           No return value

Performs _exit termination procedures (i.e., without cleanup operations),
but returns control to the caller; does not terminate the process.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *cgets( char *buffer );

Include                           CONIO.H

buffer                            Storage location for data

Returns                           A pointer to the start of a string of

Reads a string of characters (excluding terminal \n) directly from the
console and stores the string and its length in buffer.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _chain_intr( void( _interrupt _far *target )( ) );

Include                           DOS.H

target                            Target interrupt routine

Returns                           No return value

Chains one interrupt handler to another interrupt handler.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int chdir( char *dirname );

Include                           DIRECT.H, ERRNO.H

dirname                           Path name of new working directory

Returns                           0 if the working directory is
                                    successfully changed; -1 if the
                                    specified path name could not be found

errno                             ENOENT

Changes the current working directory.



    int _chdrive( int drive );

Include                           DIRECT.H

drive                             Number of new working drive (A: = 1, B:
                                    = 2)

Returns                           0 if the working drive is successfully
                                    changed; -1 if not

Changes the current working drive.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int chmod( char *filename, int pmode );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, IO.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Path name of existing file

pmode                             Permission setting for file

Returns                           0 if the permission setting is
                                    successfully changed; ENOENT if the
                                    specified file could not be found

errno                             ENOENT

Changes file permission settings.



    int chsize( int handle, long size );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

size                              New length of file in bytes

Returns                           0 if the file size is successfully
                                    changed; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, EBADF, ENOSPC

Changes the size of a file.



    unsigned int _clear87( void );

Include                           FLOAT.H

Returns                           A word whose bits indicate the
                                    floating-point status

Gets and clears a floating-point status word.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void clearerr( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to FILE structure

Returns                           No return value

Resets the error and end-of-file indicators for a stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far _clearscreen( short area );

Include                           GRAPH.H

area                              _GCLEARSCREEN, _GVIEWPORT, _GWINDOW

Returns                           No return value

Clears the screen and fills it with the current background color.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    clock_t clock( void );

Include                           TIME.H

Returns                           The elapsed processor time; -1, cast as
                                    clock_t, if the processor time is not

Calculates how much processor time in seconds has been used by the calling

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int close( int handle );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

Returns                           0 if the file was successfully closed;
                                    -1 if the file-handle argument is

errno                             EBADF

Closes a file.



    unsigned int _control87( unsigned int new, unsigned int mask );

Include                           FLOAT.H

new                               New control-word bit values

mask                              Mask for new control-word bits to set

Returns                           A word whose bits indicate the
                                    floating-point control state

Gets and sets the floating-point control word.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double cos( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Radians

Returns                           The cosine of x; 0 if x is so large that
                                    significance is completely lost

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the cosine of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double cosh( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic cosine of x; 0 if x is so
                                    large that significance is completely
                                    lost; HUGE_VAL if the result is too

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double coshl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic cosine of x if
                                    successful; 0 if x is so large that
                                    significance is completely lost;
                                    _LHUGE_VAL if the result is too large

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of x. Long double-precision floating-point
version of cosh.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long double cosl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Radians

Returns                           The cosine of x if successful; 0 if x is
                                    so large that significance is completely

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the cosine of x. Long double-precision floating-point version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int cprintf( char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           CONIO.H

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments

Returns                           The number of characters printed

Formats and prints to the console. See printf/scanf format table.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int cputs( char *string );

Include                           CONIO.H

string                            Output string

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Writes a null-terminated string directly to the console.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int creat( char *filename, int pmode );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, IO.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Path name of new file

pmode                             S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE

Returns                           A handle for the created file if
                                    successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT

Creates a new file or opens and truncates an existing file.



    int cscanf( char *format  [[, argument]]... );

Include                           CONIO.H

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments

Returns                           The number of fields that were
                                    successfully converted and assigned; EOF
                                    for an attempt to read at end-of-file

Reads formatted data directly from the console into a specified location.
See printf/scanf format table.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *ctime( const time_t *timer );

Include                           TIME.H

timer                             Pointer to stored time

Returns                           A pointer to the character string
                                    result; NULL if timer represents a date
                                    before 1980

Converts time stored as a time_t value to a character string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int cwait( int *termstat, int procid, int action );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

termstat                          Termination status and return code

procid                            Child process identification

action                            WAIT_CHILD, WAIT_GRANDCHILD

Returns                           The child process identification after
                                    normal termination;
                                    -1 otherwise

errno                             EINTR, EINVAL, ECHILD

Suspends the calling process until the child process terminates, and updates
the termstat variable.

▼ ANSI  ▼ DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int dieeetomsbin( double *src8, double *dst8 );

Include                           MATH.H

src8                              Buffer containing number to convert

dst8                              Buffer for converted number

Returns                           0 if the conversion is successful; 1 if
                                    the conversion causes an

Converts a double-precision number in IEEE format to Microsoft binary

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double difftime( time_t timer1, time_t timer0 );

Include                           TIME.H

timer1, timer0                    Time value structures defined in TIME.H

Returns                           The difference between two times

Computes the elapsed time in seconds between two time values.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _disable( void );

Include                           DOS.H

Returns                           No return value

Disables interrupts by executing an 8086 CLI machine instruction.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _displaycursor( short toggle );

Include                           GRAPH.H

toggle                            _GCURSOROFF, _GCURSORON

Returns                           The previous value of toggle

Determines whether the cursor will be displayed.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    div_t div( int numer, int denom );

Include                           STDLIB.H

numer                             Numerator

denom                             Denominator

Returns                           The quotient and remainder in a
                                    structure defined in STDLIB.H

Divides the numerator by the denominator computing the quotient and

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int dmsbintoieee( double *src8, double *dst8 );

Include                           MATH.H

src8                              Buffer containing number to convert

dst8                              Buffer for converted number

Returns                           0 if the conversion is successful; 1 if
                                    the conversion causes an

Converts a double-precision number in Microsoft binary format to IEEE

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_allocmem( unsigned size, unsigned *seg );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

size                              Block size to allocate

seg                               Segment descriptor return buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOMEM

Allocates a block of memory size paragraphs long (16 bytes each).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_close( int handle );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Target file handle

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EBADF

Uses system call 0x3E to close a file.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_creat( char *filename, unsigned attrib, int *handle );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          File path name

attrib                            _A_ARCH, _A_HIDDEN, _A_NORMAL, _A_RDONLY,
                                    _A_SUBDIR, _A_SYSTEM, _A_VOLID

handle                            Handle return buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOENT, EMFILE, EACCESS, EEXIST

Uses system call 0x3C to create a new file.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_creatnew( char *filename, unsigned attrib, int *handle );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          File path name

attrib                            _A_ARCH, _A_HIDDEN, _A_NORMAL, _A_RDONLY,
                                    _A_SUBDIR, _A_SYSTEM, _A_VOLID

handle                            Handle return buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOENT, EMFILE, EACCESS, EEXIST

Uses system call 0x5B to create a new file.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int dosexterr( struct DOSERROR *errorinfo );

Include                           DOS.H

errorinfo                         Error-information structure defined in

Returns                           The value in the AX register (identical
                                    to the value in the exterror structure

Uses system call 0x59 to get extended error information.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_findfirst( char *filename, unsigned attrib, struct find_t
    *fileinfo );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Target file name

attrib                            _A_ARCH, _A_HIDDEN, _A_NORMAL, _A_RDONLY,
                                    _A_SUBDIR, _A_SYSTEM, _A_VOLID

fileinfo                          File-information return structure
                                    defined in DOS.H

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOENT

Uses system call 0x4E to return information about the first instance of a

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_findnext( struct find_t *fileinfo );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

fileinfo                          File-information return structure
                                    defined in DOS.H

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOENT

Uses system call 0x4F to find the next file that matches the name and
attributes specified in a prior call to _dos_findfirst.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_freemem( unsigned seg );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

seg                               Block to be released

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOMEM

Uses system call 0x49 to release a block of memory previously allocated by

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_getdate( struct dosdate_t *date );

Include                           DOS.H

date                              Current date structure defined in DOS.H

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x2A to get the current system date.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_getdiskfree( unsigned drive, struct diskfree_t *diskspace );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

drive                             Target disk drive

diskspace                         Disk-information structure defined in

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EINVAL

Uses system call 0x36 to get information on a disk drive.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_getdrive( unsigned *drive );

Include                           DOS.H

drive                             Current drive return buffer

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x19 to get the current disk drive (A: = 0, B: = 1).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_getfileattr( char *pathname, unsigned *attrib );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

pathname                          Full path of target file or directory

attrib                            _A_ARCH, _A_HIDDEN, _A_NORMAL, _A_RDONLY,
                                    _A_SUBDIR, _A_SYSTEM, _A_VOLID

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOENT

Uses system call 0x43 to get the current attributes of a file or directory.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_getftime( int handle, unsigned *date, unsigned *time );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Target file

date                              Date-return buffer

time                              Time-return buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EBADF

Uses system call 0x57 to get the time and date a file was last written.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_gettime( struct dostime_t *time );

Include                           DOS.H

time                              Current system time structure defined in

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x2C to get the current system time.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void( _interrupt _far *_dos_getvect( unsigned intnum ) )( );

Include                           DOS.H

intnum                            Target interrupt vector

Returns                           Far pointer to the current interrupt

Uses system call 0x35 to get the current value of an interrupt vector.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_keep( unsigned retcode, unsigned memsize );

Include                           DOS.H

retcode                           Exit status code

memsize                           Allocated resident memory in 16-byte

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x31 to install a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program
in memory.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_open( char *filename, unsigned mode, int *handle );

Include                           DOS.H, FCNTL.H, SHARE.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Path name to an existing file

mode                              O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, SH_COMPAT,
                                    SH_DENYRW, SH_DENYWR, SH_DENYRD,
                                    SH_DENYNO, O_NOINHERIT

handle                            Handle-return buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EINVAL, ENOENT, EMFILE, EACCESS

Uses system call 0x3D to open an existing file, with modes specified by

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_read( int handle, void _far *buffer, unsigned count,
    unsigned *numread );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            File to read

buffer                            Buffer to write to

count                             Number of bytes to read

numread                           Number of bytes actually read

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EACCESS, EBADF

Uses system call 0x3F to read data from a file.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_setblock( unsigned size, unsigned seg, unsigned *maxsize );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

size                              New segment size

seg                               Target segment

maxsize                           Maximum size buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             ENOMEM

Changes the size of a segment previously allocated by _dos_allocmem.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_setdate( struct dosdate_t *date );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

date                              System date structure defined in DOS.H

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EINVAL

Uses system call 0x2B to set the current system date.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_setdrive( unsigned drive, unsigned *numdrives );

Include                           DOS.H

drive                             New default drive

numdrives                         Total drives available

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x0E to set the current default drive.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_setfileattr( char *pathname, unsigned attrib );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

pathname                          Full path of target file or directory

attrib                            _A_ARCH, _A_HIDDEN, _A_NORMAL, _A_RDONLY,
                                    _A_SUBDIR, _A_SYSTEM, _A_VOLID

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Uses system call 0x43 to set the attributes of a file or a directory.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_setftime( int handle, unsigned date, unsigned time );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Target file

date                              Date of last write

time                              Time of last write

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EBADF

Uses system call 0x57 to set the date and time a file was last written.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_settime( struct dostime_t *time );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

time                              System time structure defined in DOS.H

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EINVAL

Uses system call 0x2D to set the current system time.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _dos_setvect( unsigned intnum, void( _interrupt _far *handler )( ) );

Include                           DOS.H

intnum                            Target interrupt vector

handler                           Interrupt handler to assign

Returns                           No return value

Uses system call 0x25 to set the current value of an interrupt vector.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned _dos_write( int handle, void _far *buffer, unsigned count,
    unsigned *numwrt );

Include                           DOS.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            File to write to

buffer                            Buffer to write from

count                             Number of bytes to write

numwrt                            Number of bytes actually written

Returns                           0 if successful; the DOS error code if

errno                             EACCESS, EBADF

Uses system call 0x40 to write data to a file.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int dup( int handle );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle of an open file

Returns                           A new file handle if successful; -1 if

errno                             EBADF, EMFILE

Associates a second file handle with the currently open file.



    int dup2( int handle1, int handle2 );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle1                           Handle of an open file

handle2                           Any handle value

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EBADF, EMFILE

Associates the specified second handle with the currently open file.



    char *ecvt( double value, int count, int *dec, int *sign );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Number to be converted

count                             Number of digits stored

dec                               Stored decimal-point position

sign                              Sign of converted number

Returns                           A pointer to the string of digits

Converts a floating-point number to a character string.



    short _far _ellipse( short control, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws an ellipse using view coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _ellipse_w( short control, double wx1, double wy1, double wx2,
    double wy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

wx1, wy1                          Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

wx2, wy2                          Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws an ellipse using window coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _ellipse_wxy( short control, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

pwxy1                             Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy2                             Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws an ellipse using window coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _enable( void );

Include                           DOS.H

Returns                           No return value

Enables interrupts by executing an 8086 STI machine instruction.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _endthread( void );

Include                           PROCESS.H

Returns                           No return value

Terminates a thread created by _beginthread.

▼ ANSI  ▼ DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int eof( int handle );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

Returns                           1 if the current position is
                                    end-of-file; 0 if not; -1 if an error

errno                             EBADF

Determines whether the end of the file has been reached.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int execl( char *cmdname, char *arg0, ... char *argn, NULL );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed individually.



    int execle( char *cmdname, char *arg0, ... char *argn, NULL, char **envp

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed individually. An array of pointers to
environment arguments is explicitly passed to the child process.



    int execlp( char *cmdname, char *arg0, ... char *argn, NULL );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed individually. Uses the PATH environment
variable to find the file to be executed.



    int execlpe( char *cmdname, char *arg0, ... char *argn, NULL, char **envp

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed individually. Uses the PATH environment
variable to find the file to be executed. An array of pointers to
environment arguments is explicitly passed to the child process.



    int execv( char *cmdname, char **argv );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed as an array of pointers.



    int execve( char *cmdname, char **argv, char **envp );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed as an array of pointers. An array of
pointers to environment arguments is explicitly passed to the child process.



    int execvp( char *cmdname, char **argv );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed as an array of pointers. Uses the PATH
environment variable to find the file to be executed.



    int execvpe( char *cmdname, char **argv, char **envp );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           Does not normally return to the calling
                                    process, but if it does, an error has
                                    occurred and the return value is -1

errno                             E2BIG, EACCESS, EMFILE, ENOENT, ENOEXEC,

Loads and executes a new child process, terminating the calling process.
Command-line arguments are passed as an array of pointers. Uses the PATH
environment variable to find the file to be executed. An array of pointers
to environment arguments is explicitly passed to the child process.



    void exit( int status );

Include                           PROCESS.H or STDLIB.H

status                            Exit status

Returns                           No return value

Terminates a process after normal cleanup operations (e.g., flushing

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _exit( int status );

Include                           PROCESS.H or STDLIB.H

status                            Exit status

Returns                           No return value

Terminates a process without normal cleanup operations.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double exp( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           Exponential function of x if successful;
                                    0 on underflow; HUGE_VAL on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Returns the exponential function of the floating-point argument x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void *_expand( void *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A pointer to the resized memory block;
                                    NULL if there is insufficient memory to
                                    expand the block

Changes the size of a previously allocated memory block by attempting to
expand or contract the block without moving its location in the heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long double expl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           Exponential function of x if successful;
                                    0 on underflow; _LHUGE_VAL on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Returns the exponential function of the floating-point argument x. Long
double-precision floating-point version of exp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double fabs( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The absolute value of x

Gets the absolute value of a double-precision floating-point value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double fabsl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The absolute value of x

Gets the absolute value of a long double-precision floating-point value.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far *_fcalloc( size_t num, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

num                               Number of elements

size                              Length in bytes of each element

Returns                           A far pointer to the allocated space if
                                    successful; NULL if there is
                                    insufficient memory available

Allocates storage space for an array in the far heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fclose( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Target stream

Returns                           0 if the stream is successfully closed;
                                    EOF if not

Closes an open stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int fcloseall( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           The total number of streams closed; EOF
                                    if an error occurs

Closes all open streams.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *fcvt( double value, int count, int *dec, int *sign );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Number to be converted

count                             Number of digits after decimal point

dec                               Pointer to stored decimal-point position

sign                              Pointer to stored sign indicator

Returns                           A pointer to the string of digits

Converts a floating-point number to a character string.



    FILE *fdopen( int handle, char *mode );

Include                           STDIO.H

handle                            Handle of open file

mode                              Access permissions: "r", "w", "a", "r+",
                                    "w+", "a+", "t", "b"

Returns                           A pointer to the open stream if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Associates a stream with a file handle, allowing a file opened for low-level
I/O to be buffered and formatted.



    int feof( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to a stream

Returns                           A nonzero value after the first read
                                    operation that attempts to read past the
                                    end of the file; 0 if the current
                                    position is not end-of-file

Determines whether the end of stream has been reached.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int ferror( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to a stream

Returns                           A nonzero value if an error occurred; 0
                                    if not

Tests for a reading or writing error on stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far *_fexpand( void _far *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A far pointer to the resized memory
                                    block if successful; NULL if not

Changes the size of a block in the far heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fflush( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           0 if successful or where the specified
                                    stream has no buffer or is open for
                                    reading only; EOF otherwise

Writes the contents of the buffer associated with the stream to the
associated file.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _ffree( void _far *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Allocated memory block in the far heap

Returns                           No return value

Frees a memory block in the far heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fgetc( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The character read; EOF if an error
                                    occurred or at end-of-file

Reads a character from stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int fgetchar( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           The character read; EOF if an error
                                    occurred or at end-of-file

Reads a character from the standard input stream, stdin.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fgetpos( FILE *stream, fpos_t *pos );

Include                           STDIO.H, ERRNO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

pos                               Position-indicator buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EBADF, EINVAL

Gets the current value of the stream file-position indicator.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *fgets( char *string, int n, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

string                            Storage location for data

n                                 Maximum number of characters read and

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           string if successful; NULL to indicate
                                    an error or end-of-file

Reads a string of, at most, n characters from the input stream and stores it
in string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int _fheapchk( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency in the far heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _fheapmin( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Releases unused memory in the far heap back to the operating system.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _fheapset( unsigned int fill );

Include                           MALLOC.H

fill                              Fill character

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency in the far heap and then sets the heap's free
entries with the fill value.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _fheapwalk( _HEAPINFO *entryinfo );

Include                           MALLOC.H

entryinfo                         Structure to contain information about
                                    the next far heap entry,
                                    defined in MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADPTR,
                                    _HEAPBADBEGIN, _HEAPBADNODE, _HEAPEND

Walks through the far heap, one entry per call, returning a pointer to a
_HEAPINFO structure that contains information about the next far heap entry.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fieeetomsbin( float *src4, float *dst4 );

Include                           MATH.H

src4                              Value to convert

dst4                              Buffer for converted value

Returns                           0 if successful; 1 if the conversion
                                    causes an overflow

Converts a single-precision floating-point number in IEEE format to
Microsoft binary format.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long filelength( int handle );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Target file handle

Returns                           The file length in bytes if successful;
                                    -1 if not

errno                             EBADF

Gets the length in bytes of a file.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fileno( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The file handle

Returns the file handle currently associated with stream.



    short _far _floodfill( short x, short y, short boundary );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Starting point

boundary                          Fill boundary color

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if the
                                    fill could not be completed, the
                                    starting point lies on the boundary
                                    color, or the starting point lies
                                    outside the clipping region

Fills an area of the display beginning at the view coordinate point using
the current color and fill mask.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _floodfill_w( double wx, double wy, short boundary );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Starting point

boundary                          Fill boundary color

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if the
                                    fill could not be completed, the
                                    starting point lies on the boundary
                                    color, or the starting point lies
                                    outside the clipping region

Fills an area of the window using the current color and fill mask.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double floor( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The floating-point result

Returns a floating-point value representing the largest integer that is less
than or equal to x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double floorl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           Long double-precision floating-point
                                    result, rounded down

Returns a long double-precision floating-point value representing the
largest integer that is less than or equal to x.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int flushall( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           The number of open streams

Writes the contents of all buffers for open output streams to their files
and clears all buffers for open input streams of their contents.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far *_fmalloc( size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

size                              Number of bytes to allocate

Returns                           A far pointer to the allocated space;
                                    NULL if it fails

Allocates a memory block of at least size bytes in the far heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far * _far _fmemccpy( void _far *dest, void _far *src, int c,
    unsigned int count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

dest                              Far pointer to destination

src                               Far pointer to source

c                                 Last character to copy

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A far pointer to the byte in dest that
                                    immediately follows the copied character
                                    (c) if successful; NULL if count bytes
                                    copied before c was found

Copies zero or more far bytes of src to dest, copying up to and including
the first occurrence of the character c or until count bytes have been
copied, whichever comes first. Model-independent version of memccpy.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far * _far _fmemchr( const void _far *buf, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf                               Far pointer to buffer

c                                 Character to copy

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A far pointer to the first location of c
                                    in buf if successful; NULL
                                    if not

Looks for the first occurrence of c in the first count bytes of buf.
Model-independent version of _memchr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fmemcmp( const void _far *buf1, const void _far *buf2, size_t
    count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf1, buf2                        Far pointers to buffers to compare

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the size of
                                    the buffer pointed to by buf1 is less
                                    than, equal to, or greater than the size
                                    of the buffer pointed to by buf2

Compares the first count bytes of two buffers and returns a value indicating
their relationship. Model-independent version of memcmp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far * _far _fmemcpy( void _far *dest, const void _far *src, size_t
    count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

dest                              Far pointer to the destination buffer

src                               Far pointer to the buffer to copy from

count                             Number of characters to copy

Returns                           dest

Copies count bytes of src to dest. Model-independent version of memcpy.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fmemicmp( void _far *buf1, void _far *buf2, unsigned int count

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf1, buf2                        Far pointers to buffers to compare

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the size of
                                    the buffer pointed to by buf1 is less
                                    than, equal to, or greater than the size
                                    of the buffer pointed to by buf2

Compares a specified number of characters from two buffers without regard to
letter case. Model-independent version of memicmp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far * _far _fmemmove( void _far *dest, const void _far *src, size_t
    count );

Include                           STRING.H

dest                              Far pointer to destination buffer

src                               Far pointer to source buffer

count                             Number of characters to copy

Returns                           The value of dest

Copies count characters from src to dest. Model-independent version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far * _far _fmemset( void _far *dest, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

dest                              Far pointer to destination

c                                 Character to set

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A far pointer to dest

Sets the first count bytes of dest to the character c. Model-independent
version of memset.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double fmod( double x, double y );

Include                           MATH.H

x, y                              Floating-point values

Returns                           The floating-point remainder

Calculates the floating-point remainder f of (x, y) such that x = i * y + f,
where i is an integer, f has the same sign as x, and the absolute value of f
is less than the absolute value of y.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double fmodl( long double x, long double y );

Include                           MATH.H

x, y                              Floating-point values

Returns                           The floating-point remainder

Calculates the long double-precision floating-point remainder f of (x, y)
such that x = i * y + f, where i is an integer, f has the same sign as x,
and the absolute value of f is less than the absolute value of y. Long
double-precision floating-point version of fmod.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fmsbintoieee( float *src4, float *dst4 );

Include                           MATH.H

src4                              Value to convert

dst4                              Buffer for converted value

Returns                           0 if successful; 1 if the conversion
                                    causes an overflow

Converts a floating-point number in Microsoft binary format to IEEE format.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _fmsize( void _far *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to far memory block

Returns                           An unsigned integer representing the
                                    size in bytes of the far-heap memory
                                    block allocated by a call to _fcalloc,
                                    _fmalloc, or _frealloc

Returns the size of the memory block pointed to by memblock.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    FILE *fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode );

Include                           STDIO.H

filename                          Path name of file

mode                              Access permissions: "r", "r+", "r+b",
                                    "r+t", "w", "w+", "w+b", "w+t", "a",
                                    "a+", "a+b", "a+t"

Returns                           A pointer to the open file if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Opens a specified file for stream I/O.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned FP_OFF( void _far *address );

Include                           DOS.H

address                           Far pointer to memory address

Returns                           An offset

Sets or gets the offset portion of a far address.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _fpreset( void );

Include                           FLOAT.H

Returns                           No return value

Reinitializes the floating-point math package.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fprintf( FILE *stream, const char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments

Returns                           The number of characters printed if
                                    successful; a negative value if not

Formats and prints a series of characters and values to the output stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned FP_SEG( void _far *address );

Include                           DOS.H

address                           Far pointer to memory address

Returns                           A segment

Sets or gets the segment selector portion of a far address.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fputc( int c, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

c                                 Character to be written

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The character written if successful; EOF
                                    if not

Writes a single character to the target stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int fputchar( int c );

Include                           STDIO.H

c                                 Character to be written

Returns                           The character written if successful; EOF
                                    if not

Writes a single character to the standard output stream, stdout.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fputs( const char *string, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

string                            Output string

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           A nonnegative value if successful; EOF
                                    if not

Copies a string to the target stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    size_t fread( void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

buffer                            Storage location for data

size                              Item size in bytes

count                             Maximum number of items to be read

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The number of items actually read, which
                                    may be less than count if an error

Reads up to count items of size bytes from the input stream and stores them
in buffer.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far *_frealloc( void _far *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated far
                                    memory block

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A far pointer to the reallocated memory
                                    block if successful; NULL
                                    if not

Changes the size of a previously allocated far memory block, possibly moving

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void free( void *memblock );

Include                           STDLIB.H, MALLOC.H

memblock                          Allocated memory block

Returns                           No return value

Frees a memory block previously allocated by calloc, malloc, or realloc.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned int _freect( size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

size                              Item size in bytes

Returns                           The number of items that can be
                                    allocated in the near heap

Determines how much memory is available for dynamic memory allocation in the
near heap by returning the number of times an item can be allocated.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    FILE *freopen( const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

filename                          Path name of new file

mode                              Access permission: "r", "r+", "r+b",
                                    "r+t", "w", "w+", "w+b", "w+t", "a",
                                    "a+", "a+b", "a+t"

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           A pointer to the newly opened file if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Closes the file currently associated with stream and reassigns stream to the
file specified by filename.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double frexp( double x, int *expptr );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

expptr                            Pointer to stored integer exponent

Returns                           The mantissa if successful; 0 if x is 0

Breaks down the floating-point value (x) into a mantissa (m) and an exponent
(n) such that the absolute value of m is greater than or equal to 0.5 and
less than 1.0, and x = m * 2n.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double frexpl( long double x, int *expptr );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

expptr                            Pointer to stored integer exponent

Returns                           The mantissa if successful; 0 if x is 0

Breaks down the long double-precision floating-point value (x) into a
mantissa (m) and an exponent (n) such that the absolute value of m is
greater than or equal to 0.5 and less than 1.0, and x = m * 2n. Long
double-precision floating-point version of frexp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fscanf( FILE *stream, const char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments

Returns                           The number of fields that were
                                    successfully converted and assigned, or
                                    EOF for end-of-file

Reads data from the current position of stream into the locations given by
argument (if any).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int origin );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

offset                            Number of bytes from origin

origin                            Initial position: SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END,

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Moves the file-position indicator associated with stream to a new location
that is offset bytes from origin. It has limited use in text mode.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int fsetpos( FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos );

Include                           STDIO.H, ERRNO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

pos                               Position-indicator storage

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EBADF, EINVAL

Sets the file-position indicator for stream to the value of pos.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    FILE *_fsopen( const char *filename, const char *mode, int shflag )

Include                           STDIO.H, SHARE.H

filename                          File path name

mode                              Access permissions: "r", "r+", "r+b",
                                    "r+t", "w", "w+", "w+b", "w+t", "a",
                                    "a+", "a+b", "a+t"

shflag                            SH_COMPAT, SH_DENYRW, SH_DENYWR,
                                    SH_DENYRD, SH_DENYNO

Returns                           A pointer to the stream if successful;
                                    NULL if not

Opens a file as a stream and prepares it for shared reading and writing.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int fstat( int handle, struct stat *buffer );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle of open file

buffer                            Pointer to structure to store results

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EBADF

Gets information about the open file associated with handle and stores it in
the structure that buffer points to.



    char _far * _far _fstrcat( char _far *string1, const char _far *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to destination string

string2                           Far pointer to source string

Returns                           A far pointer to the concatenated string

Appends string2 to string1. Model-independent version of strcat.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrchr( const char _far *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to source string

c                                 Character to be located

Returns                           A far pointer to the first occurrence of
                                    c in string

Searches for the first occurrence of c in string. Model-independent version
of strchr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fstrcmp( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Far pointers to strings to compare

Returns                           A value less than 0 if string1 < string2
                                    ; 0 if string1 = string2; a value
                                    greater than 0 if string1 > string2

Compares two strings. Model-independent version of strcmp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrcpy( char _far *string1, const char _far *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to destination string

string2                           Far pointer to source string

Returns                           string1

Copies string2 to string1. Model-independent version of strcpy.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _far _fstrcspn( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to source string

string2                           Far pointer to character set

Returns                           The index of the first character in
                                    string1 that belongs to the set of
                                    characters specified by string2

Finds first substring in string1 consisting of characters not in string2.
Model-independent version of strcspn.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrdup( const char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to source string

Returns                           A far pointer to the storage space
                                    containing the duplicate string

Duplicates string, copying it to memory allocated by _fmalloc.
Model-independent version of strdup.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fstricmp( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Far pointers to strings to compare

Returns                           A value less than 0 if string1 < string2
                                    ; 0 if string1 = string2; a value
                                    greater than 0 if string1 > string2

Compares two strings without regard to case. Model-independent version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _fstrlen( const char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to null-terminated string

Returns                           The length in bytes of string, not
                                    including the terminating null
                                    character ('\0')

Finds length of string. Model-independent version of strlen.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrlwr( char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to string to be converted

Returns                           A far pointer to the converted string

Converts any uppercase letters in the given null-terminated string to
lowercase. Other characters are not affected. Model-independent version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrncat( char _far *string1, const char _far *string2,
    size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to destination string

string2                           Far pointer to source string

count                             Number of characters appended

Returns                           A far pointer to the concatenated string

Appends, at most, the first count characters of string2 to string1 and
terminates the resulting string with a null character ('\0').
Model-independent version of strncat.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fstrncmp( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2,
    size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Far pointers to strings to compare

count                             Number of characters compared

Returns                           A value less than 0 if string1 < string2
                                    ; 0 if string1 = string2; a value
                                    greater than 0 if string1 > string2

Compares, at most, the first count characters of string1 and string2.
Model-independent version of strncmp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrncpy( char _far *string1, const char _far *string2,
    size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to destination string

string2                           Far pointer to source string

count                             Number of characters copied

Returns                           string1

Copies exactly count characters of string2 to string1. Model-independent
version of strncpy.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _far _fstrnicmp( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2,
    size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Far pointers to strings to compare

count                             Number of characters compared

Returns                           A value less than 0 if string1 < string2
                                    ; 0 if string1 = string2; a value
                                    greater than 0 if string1 > string2

Compares, at most, the first count characters of string1 and string2,
without regard to letter case. Model-independent version of strnicmp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrnset( char _far *string, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to string to be initialized

c                                 Character setting

count                             Number of characters set

Returns                           A far pointer to the altered string

Sets, at most, the first count characters of string to the character c.
Model-independent version of strnset.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrpbrk( const char _far *string1, const char _far
    *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to source string

string2                           Far pointer to character set

Returns                           A far pointer to the first occurrence of
                                    any character from string2 in string1

Finds the first occurrence of a character from one string in another.
Model-independent version of strpbrk.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrrchr( const char _far *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to searched string

c                                 Character to be located

Returns                           A far pointer to the last occurrence of
                                    c in string

Finds the last occurrence of a given character in a string.
Model-independent version of strrchr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrrev( char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to string to be reversed

Returns                           A far pointer to the altered string

Reverses the order of the characters in string. The terminating null
character ('\0') remains in place. Model-independent version of strrev.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrset( char _far *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to string to be set

c                                 Far pointer to character setting

Returns                           A far pointer to the altered string

Sets all of the characters of string to c, except the terminating null
character ('\0'). Model-independent version of strset.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _far _fstrspn( const char _far *string1, const char _far *string2

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to searched string

string2                           Far pointer to character set

Returns                           An integer value specifying the length
                                    of the segment in string1 consisting
                                    entirely of characters in string2

Returns the index of the first character in string1 that does not belong to
the set of characters specified by string2. This value is equivalent to the
length of the initial substring of string1 that consists entirely of
characters from string2. Model-independent version of strspn.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrstr( const char _far *string1, const char _far
    *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to searched string

string2                           Far pointer to string to search for

Returns                           A far pointer to the first occurrence of
                                    string2 in string1

Finds the first occurrence of a given string in another string.
Model-independent version of strstr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrtok( char _far *string1, const char _far *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Far pointer to string containing token(s)

string2                           Far pointer to set of delimiter

Returns                           A far pointer to the first token in
                                    string1; successive calls against the
                                    same string return the subsequent tokens
                                    in the string

Reads string1 as a series of zero or more tokens and string2 as the set of
characters serving as delimiters of the tokens in string1. Model-independent
version of strtok.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _far * _far _fstrupr( char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Far pointer to string to be capitalized

Returns                           A far pointer to the converted string

Converts any lowercase letters in string to uppercase. Other characters are
not affected. Model-independent version of strupr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long ftell( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H, ERRNO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The current position if successful; -1L
                                    if not

errno                             EBADF, EINVAL

Gets the current position of the file-position indicator associated with
stream. Use with fseek.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void ftime( struct timeb *timeptr );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\TIMEB.H

timeptr                           Pointer to structure defined in

Returns                           No return value

Gets the current time and stores it in the structure that timeptr points to.



    char *_fullpath( char *buffer, const char *pathname, size_t maxlen );

Include                           STDLIB.H

buffer                            Pointer to user path name buffer

pathname                          Pointer to path name fragment

maxlen                            Maximum length of buffer

Returns                           A pointer to the absolute path in buffer
                                    if successful; NULL if not

Expands the path name fragment pathname to form a fully qualified path that
is stored in buffer.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t fwrite( const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream

Include                           STDIO.H

buffer                            Pointer to data to be written

size                              Item size in bytes

count                             Maximum number of items to be written

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The number of full items actually
                                    written, which may be less than count if
                                    an error occurs

Writes up to count items of length size from buffer to the output stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *gcvt( double value, int digits, char *buffer );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Value to be converted

digits                            Number of significant digits stored

buffer                            Storage location for result

Returns                           A pointer to the string of digits

Converts a floating-point value to a character string and stores the string
in buffer.



    short _far _getactivepage( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The number of the current active page

Determines the current active page.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getarcinfo( struct xycoord _far *start, struct xycoord _far
    struct xycoord _far *fillpoint );

Include                           GRAPH.H

start                             Starting point of arc

end                               Ending point of arc

fillpoint                         Point to begin pie fill

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Finds the endpoints in viewport coordinates of the arc most recently drawn
by _arc or _pie.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _getbkcolor( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The current background color value

Determines the current background color.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int getc( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The character read if successful; EOF to
                                    indicate an error or

Reads a single character from the current stream position and increases the
associated file-position indicator to point to the next character.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int getch( void );

Include                           CONIO.H

Returns                           The character read

Reads without echoing a single character from the console.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int getchar( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           The character read if successful; EOF to
                                    indicate an error or

Reads a single character from the current standard input stream, stdin, and
increases the associated file-position indicator to point to the next

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int getche( void );

Include                           CONIO.H

Returns                           The character read

Reads a single character from the console and echoes the character read.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getcolor( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The current color index

Determines the current color.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _getcurrentposition( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The current position as an xycoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Gets the current graphics output position in view coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct _wxycoord _far _getcurrentposition_w( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The current position as a _wxycoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Gets the current graphics output position in window coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *getcwd( char *buffer, int maxlen );

Include                           DIRECT.H, ERRNO.H

buffer                            Storage location for path name

maxlen                            Maximum length of path name

Returns                           buffer if successful; NULL if not

errno                             ENOMEM, ERANGE

Gets the full path name (including disk drive specification) of the current
working directory and stores it at buffer.



    char *_getdcwd( int drive, char *buffer, int maxlen );

Include                           DIRECT.H, ERRNO.H

drive                             Disk drive (A: = 1, B: = 2)

buffer                            Storage location for path name

maxlen                            Maximum length of path name

Returns                           buffer if successful; NULL if not

errno                             ENOMEM, ERANGE

Gets the full path name (including disk drive specification) of the current
working directory on drive and stores it at buffer.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _getdrive( void );

Include                           DIRECT.H

Returns                           The integer indicating the current
                                    working drive (A: = 1, B: = 2)

Gets the current working drive.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *getenv( const char *varname );

Include                           STDLIB.H

varname                           Name of environment variable

Returns                           A pointer to the environment table entry
                                    containing the current string value of
                                    varname; NULL if the variable is not

Searches the list of environment variables for an entry corresponding to

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned char _far * _far _getfillmask( unsigned char _far *mask );

Include                           GRAPH.H

mask                              Mask array

Returns                           NULL if no mask is set

Returns the current fill mask used in the _floodfill, _pie, _ellipse,
_polygon, and _rectangle functions.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getfontinfo( struct _fontinfo _far *fontbuffer );

Include                           GRAPH.H

fontbuffer                        Font information

Returns                           -1 if a font has not been registered or

Returns the current font characteristics in a _fontinfo structure defined in

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getgtextextent( unsigned char _far *text );

Include                           GRAPH.H

text                              Text to be analyzed

Returns                           The width in pixels; -1 if a font has
                                    not been registered

Returns the width required to print the text string in the current font,
using _outgtext.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short xycoord _far _getgtextvector( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           Vector determining the direction of font
                                    text rotation as an xycoord structure
                                    defined in GRAPH.H

Finds the orientation for font text output by _setgtextvector.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _getimage( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, char _huge
    *image );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

image                             Storage buffer for screen image

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Stores the screen image defined by a specified bounding rectangle into the
buffer image.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _getimage_w( double wx1, double wy1, double wx2, double wy2,
    char _huge *image );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx1, wy1                          Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

wx2, wy2                          Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

image                             Storage buffer for screen image

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Stores the screen image defined by a specified bounding rectangle into the
buffer image. Defines the bounding rectangle with the window coordinates
(wx1, wy1) and (wx2, wy2).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _getimage_wxy( struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy2, char _huge *image );

Include                           GRAPH.H

pwxy1                             Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy2                             Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

image                             Storage buffer for screen image

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Stores the screen image defined by a specified bounding rectangle into the
buffer image. Defines the bounding rectangle with the window coordinate
pairs pwxy1 and pwxy2.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned short _far _getlinestyle( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The default mask if no mask has been set

Returns the current line-style mask, which is used by the _lineto, _polygon,
and _rectangle functions.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _getphyscoord( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              View coordinate to translate

Returns                           The physical coordinates in an xycoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Translates the view coordinate (x, y) to physical coordinates, returning
them in an xycoord structure.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int getpid( void );

Include                           PROCESS.H

Returns                           The process identification

Gets the identification number of the calling process.



    short _far _getpixel( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Pixel location

Returns                           The color index if successful; -1 if not

Determines the pixel value at the location specified in viewport

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getpixel_w( double wx, double wy );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Pixel location

Returns                           The color index if successful; -1 if not

Determines the pixel value at the location specified in window coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *gets( char *buffer );

Include                           STDIO.H

buffer                            Storage location for input string

Returns                           The argument if successful; NULL if not,
                                    or if end-of-file is reached

Reads a line from the standard input stream, stdin, and stores it at buffer.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    short _far _gettextcolor( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           Index of the current text color

Determines the current text attribute.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _gettextcursor( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The current cursor attribute if
                                    successful; -1 if not

Determines the current cursor shape in text modes.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct rccoord _far _gettextposition( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The text position as an rccoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Gets the current text position as an rccoord structure.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _gettextwindow( short _far *r1, short _far *c1, short _far *r2,
    short _far *c2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

r1                                Top row of current text window

c1                                Leftmost column of current text window

r2                                Bottom row of current text window

c2                                Rightmost column of current text window

Returns                           No return value

Gets the boundaries of the current text window.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct videoconfig _far * _far _getvideoconfig( struct videoconfig _far
    *config );

Include                           GRAPH.H

config                            Configuration information

Returns                           The video configuration information in a
                                    videoconfig structure defined in GRAPH.H

Gets information about the current graphics environment as a videoconfig

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _getviewcoord( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Physical coordinates to translate

Returns                           View coordinates in an xycoord structure
                                    defined in GRAPH.H

Translates the specified physical coordinates to view coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _getviewcoord_w( double wx, double wy );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Window coordinates to translate

Returns                           View coordinates in an xycoord structure
                                    defined in GRAPH.H

Translates the specified window coordinates to view coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _getviewcoord_wxy( struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

pwxy1                             Window coordinate to translate

Returns                           View coordinates in an xycoord structure
                                    defined in GRAPH.H

Translates the specified window coordinate structure to view coordinates.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getvisualpage( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The number of the current visual page

Gets the current visual page number.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int getw( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The integer value read if successful;
                                    EOF to indicate failure or

Reads the next binary value of type int from stream and increases the
associated file pointer to point to the next unread character.



    struct _wxycoord _far _getwindowcoord( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Physical coordinates to translate

Returns                           The coordinates in an _wxycoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Translates the view coordinates (x, y) to window coordinates and returns
them in an _wxycoord structure.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _getwritemode( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           _GPSET, _GXOR, _GAND, _GOR, _GPRESET; -1
                                    if an error

Returns the current logical write mode used by _lineto, _rectangle, and

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct tm *gmtime( const time_t *timer );

Include                           TIME.H

timer                             Pointer to stored Greenwich mean time

Returns                           A pointer to the structure result

Converts the timer value to a structure.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    short _far _grstatus( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           The status of the most recently called
                                    graphics function

Determines whether errors or warnings were generated by the most recently
called graphics function.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _huge *halloc( long num, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

num                               Number of elements

size                              Length in bytes of each element

Returns                           A pointer to the allocated space

Allocates a huge array from the operating system consisting of num elements,
each of which is size bytes long.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _harderr( void( _far *handler )( ) );

Include                           DOS.H

handler                           New INT 0x24 handler

Returns                           No return value

Establishes the user-defined routine that handler points to as the handler
for DOS INT 0x24, which is invoked when a hardware error occurs during the
execution of an I/O request.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _hardresume( int result );

Include                           DOS.H

result                            _HARDERR_IGNORE, _HARDERR_RETRY,
                                    _HARDERR_ABORT, _HARDERR_FAIL

Returns                           No return value

Allows a user-defined hard I/O error handler to return to DOS.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _hardretn( int error );

Include                           DOS.H

error                             Error to return from

Returns                           No return value

Allows a user-defined hard I/O error handler to return directly to the
application program.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _heapadd( void _far *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Far pointer to heap memory

size                              Size in bytes of memory to add

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Adds an unused piece of memory to the heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _heapchk( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks the heap for minimal consistency.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _heapmin( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Releases unused memory in the heap back to the operating system.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _heapset( unsigned int fill );

Include                           MALLOC.H

fill                              Fill character

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks the heap for minimal consistency and then sets the heap's free
entries with the fill value.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _heapwalk( _HEAPINFO  *entryinfo );

Include                           MALLOC.H

entryinfo                         Structure to contain information about
                                    the next heap entry, defined in MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADPTR,
                                    _HEAPBADBEGIN, _HEAPBADNODE, _HEAPEND

Walks through the heap, one entry per call, returning a pointer to a
_HEAPINFO structure that contains information about the next heap entry.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void hfree( void _huge *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to allocated memory block

Returns                           No return value

Deallocates a huge memory block obtained with halloc and returns the freed
memory to the operating system.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double hypot( double x, double y );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x, y                              Floating-point values

Returns                           The length of the hypotenuse if
                                    successful; HUGE_VAL on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the
length of the two sides x and y.



    long double hypotl( long double x, long double y );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x, y                              Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The length of the hypotenuse if
                                    successful; _LHUGE_VAL on

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, given the
length of the two sides x and y, using the long double-precision
floating-point version of arguments and return values.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _imagesize( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           The storage size of the image in bytes

Calculates the number of bytes needed to store the image defined by the
bounding rectangle specified by the coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _imagesize_w( double wx1, double wy1, double wx2, double wy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx1, wy1                          Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

wx2, wy2                          Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           The storage size of the image in bytes

Calculates the number of bytes needed to store the image defined by the
bounding rectangle specified by the window coordinates (wx1, wy1) and (wx2,

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _imagesize_wxy( struct _wxycoord _ far *pwxy1,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

pwxy1                             Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy2                             Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

Returns                           The storage size of the image in bytes

Calculates the number of bytes needed to store the image defined by the
bounding rectangle specified by the window coordinate pairs pwxy1 and pwxy2.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int inp( unsigned port );

Include                           CONIO.H

port                              Port number

Returns                           The byte read from port

Reads a byte from the specified port. (Note: For protected-mode libraries,
use a .DEF file containing this line: SEGMENTS _IOSEG CLASS "IOSEG_CODE"

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned inpw( unsigned port );

Include                           CONIO.H

port                              Port number

Returns                           The word read from port

Reads a word from the specified port. (Note: For protected-mode libraries,
use a .DEF file containing this line: SEGMENTS _IOSEG CLASS "IOSEG_CODE"

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int intdos( union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs );

Include                           DOS.H

inregs                            Register values on call

outregs                           Register values on return

Returns                           The value of the AX register after the
                                    system call is completed

Invokes the DOS system call specified by register values defined in inregs
and returns the effect of the system call in outregs.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int intdosx( union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs, struct SREGS
    *segregs );

Include                           DOS.H

inregs                            Register values on call and return

outregs                           Register values on return

segregs                           Segment-register values on call and on

Returns                           The value of the AX register after the
                                    system call is completed

Invokes the DOS system call specified by register values defined in inregs
and segregs and returns the effect of the system call in outregs and
segregs. It accepts segment-register values specifying segments and

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int int86( int intnum, union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs );

Include                           DOS.H

intnum                            Interrupt number

inregs                            Register values on call

outregs                           Register values on return

Returns                           The value of the AX register after the
                                    interrupt returns

Executes the 8086-processor-family interrupt specified by the interrupt
number intnum.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int int86x( int intnum, union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs,
    struct SREGS *segregs );

Include                           DOS.H

intnum                            Interrupt number

inregs                            Register values on call

outregs                           Register values on return

segregs                           Segment-register values on call and on

Returns                           The value of the AX register after the
                                    interrupt returns

Executes the 8086-processor-family interrupt specified by the interrupt
number intnum. It accepts segment-register values specifying segments and

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int isalnum( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for alphanumeric character ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', or '0'-'9').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isalpha( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for letter ('A'-'Z' or 'a'-'z').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isascii( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for ASCII character (0x00 - 0x7f).



    int isatty( int handle );

Include                           IO.H

handle                            Handle referring to device to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the device is a
                                    character device; 0 if not

Determines whether handle is associated with a character device (a terminal,
console, printer, or serial port).



    int iscntrl( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for control character (0x00 - 0x1f or 0x7f).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isdigit( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for digit ('0'-'9').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isgraph( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for graphical characters (any printable character except white space).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int islower( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for lowercase character ('a'-'z').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isprint( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for printable character (0x20 - 0x7e).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int ispunct( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for punctuation character.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isspace( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for white space character (0x09 - 0x0d or 0x20).

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isupper( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for uppercase character ('A'-'Z').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int isxdigit( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Integer to be tested

Returns                           A nonzero value if the integer satisfies
                                    the test condition; 0 if not

Tests for hexadecimal digit ('A'-'F','a'-'f', or '0'-'9').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *itoa( int value, char *string, int radix );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Number to be converted

string                            String result

radix                             Base of value

Returns                           A pointer to string

Converts the digits of the given value to a null-terminated character string
and stores the result (up to 17 bytes) in string.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double jn( int n, double x );

Include                           MATH.H

n                                 Integer order

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order n).



    long double _jnl( int n, long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

n                                 Integer order

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order n). Long
double-precision floating-point version of jn.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double j1( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order 1).



    long double _j1l( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order 1). Long
double-precision floating-point version of j1.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double j0( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order 0).



    long double _j0l( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x

Returns the Bessel function of the first kind (order 0). Long
double-precision floating-point version of j0.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int kbhit( void );

Include                           CONIO.H

Returns                           A nonzero value if a key has been
                                    pressed; 0 if not

Checks the console for an unread keystroke.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long labs( long n );

Include                           STDLIB.H or MATH.H

n                                 Long integer value

Returns                           The absolute value of n

Calculates the long-integer absolute value of n.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double ldexp( double x, int exp );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

exp                               Integer exponent

Returns                           The value of x * 2exp if successful;
                                    HUGE_VAL (depending on the sign of x) on

errno                             ERANGE

Converts the mantissa and exponent to a floating-point value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double ldexpl( long double x, int exp );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

exp                               Integer exponent

Returns                           The value of x * 2exp if successful;
                                    _LHUGE_VAL (depending on the sign of x)
                                    on overflow

errno                             ERANGE

Converts the mantissa and exponent to a floating-point value. Long
double-precision floating-point version of ldexp.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    ldiv_t ldiv( long int numer, long int denom );

Include                           STDLIB.H

numer                             Numerator

denom                             Denominator

Returns                           The quotient and remainder as an ldiv_t

Computes the quotient and remainder for a pair of long integer values.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *lfind( const void *key, const void *base, unsigned int *num,
    unsigned int width, int( *compare )( const void *elem1, const void *elem2
    ) );

Include                           SEARCH.H

key                               Object to search for

base                              Pointer to base of search data

num                               Number of elements

width                             Element width

compare                           Pointer to comparison function

elem1                             Pointer to the key for the search

elem2                             Pointer to the array element to be
                                    compared with the key

Returns                           A pointer to an array element
                                    corresponding to key if successful; NULL
                                    if not

Performs a linear search for the value key in an array of num elements, each
of width bytes in size.



    short _far _lineto( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              End point

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws a line from the current position up to and including the view
coordinate (x, y).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _lineto_w( double wx, double wy );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            End point

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws a line from the current position up to and including the window
coordinate (wx, wy).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct lconv *localeconv( void );

Include                           LOCALE.H

Returns                           A pointer to a structure of type lconv

Gets detailed information on locale settings.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct tm *localtime( const time_t *timer );

Include                           TIME.H

timer                             Pointer to stored time structure

Returns                           Pointer to a structure resolved; NULL if
                                    time cannot be interpreted

Converts a time stored as a long value to a structure of type tm.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int locking( int handle, int mode, long nbytes );

Include                           SYS\LOCKING.H, IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            File handle

mode                              LK_LOCK, LK_RLCK, LK_NBLCK, LK_NBRLCK,

nbytes                            Number of bytes to lock

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, EBADF, EDEADLOCK, EINVAL

Locks or unlocks nbytes bytes of the file specified by handle.



    double log( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The natural logarithm of x

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Calculates the natural logarithm of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double logl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The natural logarithm of x

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Calculates the natural logarithm of x. Long double-precision floating-point
version of log.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double log10( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The base-10 logarithm of x

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Calculates the base-10 logarithm of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double log10l( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The base-10 logarithm of x

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Calculates the base-10 logarithm of x. Long double-precision floating-point
version of log10.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void longjmp( jmp_buf env, int value );

Include                           SETJMP.H

env                               Variable in which environment is stored

value                             Value to be returned to setjmp call

Returns                           No return value

Restores a stack environment and execution locale previously saved in env by

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned long _lrotl( unsigned long value, int shift );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Value to be rotated

shift                             Number of bits to shift

Returns                           The rotated value

Rotates the value to the left by shift bits.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned long _lrotr( unsigned long value, int shift );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Value to be rotated

shift                             Number of bits to shift

Returns                           The rotated value

Rotates the value to the right by shift bits.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *lsearch( const void *key, const void *base, unsigned int *num,
    unsigned int width, int( *compare )( const void *elem1, const void *elem2
    ) );

Include                           SEARCH.H

key                               Object to search for

base                              Pointer to base of search data

num                               Number of elements

width                             Element width

compare                           Pointer to comparison function

elem1                             Pointer to the key for the search

elem2                             Pointer to the array element to be
                                    compared with the key

Returns                           A pointer to the array element base that
                                    matches key if the key is found; a
                                    pointer to the newly added item at the
                                    end of the array

Performs a linear search for the value key in an array of num elements, each
of width bytes in size. If the value is not found, it adds key to the end of
the list.



    long lseek( int handle, long offset, int origin );

Include                           IO.H, STDIO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

offset                            Number of bytes from origin

origin                            SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END

Returns                           The offset in bytes of the new position
                                    if successful; -1L if not

errno                             EBADF, EINVAL

Moves the file pointer associated with handle to a new location that is
offset bytes from origin.



    char *ltoa( long value, char *string, int radix );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Number to be converted

string                            String result

radix                             Base of value

Returns                           A pointer to string

Converts the digits of value to a null-terminated character string and
stores the result (up to 33 bytes) in string.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _makepath( char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *fname, char *ext

Include                           STDLIB.H

path                              Full path-name buffer

drive                             Drive letter

dir                               Directory path

fname                             File name

ext                               File extension

Returns                           No return value

Creates a single path name, composed of a drive letter, directory path, file
name, and file-name extension.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *malloc( size_t size );

Include                           STDLIB.H or MALLOC.H

size                              Number of bytes to allocate

Returns                           A pointer to the allocated space

Allocates a memory block of at least size bytes.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int matherr( struct exception *except );

Include                           MATH.H

except                            Math exception information

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Processes errors generated by the functions of the math library. The user
can provide a different matherr definition for special treatment of math



    int _matherrl( struct _exceptionl *except );

Include                           MATH.H

except                            Math exception information

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Processes errors generated by the long double-precision functions of the
math library.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    type max( type a, type b );

Include                           STDLIB.H

type                              Any numerical data type

a, b                              Values to compare

Returns                           The larger of the two arguments

Compares two values of the same data type, returning the larger one.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _memavl( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           The size in bytes as an unsigned integer

Returns the approximate amount of memory available for dynamic memory
allocation in the near heap (default data segment).

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *memccpy( void *dest, void *src, int c, unsigned int count );

Include                           STRING.H or  MEMORY.H

dest                              Pointer to destination

src                               Pointer to source

c                                 Last character to copy

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A pointer to the byte in dest that
                                    immediately follows the copied character
                                    (c) if successful; NULL if count bytes
                                    copied before c
                                    was found

Copies zero or more bytes of the source to the destination, up to and
including the first occurrence of the character c or until count bytes have
been copied, whichever comes first.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *memchr( const void *buf, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf                               Pointer to buffer

c                                 Character to search for

count                             Maximum number of characters to scan

Returns                           A pointer to the first location of c in
                                    buf if successful; NULL if not

Looks for the first occurrence of a character in the first count bytes of
the buffer.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int memcmp( const void *buf1, const void *buf2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf1, buf2                        Pointers to buffers to compare

count                             Maximum number of characters to compare

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0 if the size of the buffer pointed
                                    to by buf1 is less than, equal to, or
                                    greater than the size of the buffer
                                    pointed to by buf2.

Compares the first count bytes of two buffers and returns a value indicating
their relationship.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void *memcpy( void *dest, const void *src, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

dest                              Pointer to destination buffer

src                               Pointer to the buffer to copy from

count                             Number of characters to copy

Returns                           dest

Copies count bytes of src to dest. The first count bytes of src and dest
should not overlap.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int memicmp( void *buf1, void *buf2, unsigned int count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

buf1, buf2                        Pointers to buffers to compare

count                             Number of characters

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0 if the size of the buffer pointed
                                    to by buf1 is less than, equal to, or
                                    greater than the size of the buffer
                                    pointed to by buf2.

Compares the first count bytes of buf1 and buf2 byte-by-byte, without
regarding case (all letters are considered lowercase), and returns a value
indicating their relationship.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _memmax( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           The size of the largest contiguous block
                                    of memory that can be allocated from the
                                    near heap if successful; 0 if nothing
                                    more can be allocated from the near heap

Determines the size of the largest contiguous free memory block in the near

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *memmove( void *dest, const void *src, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

dest                              Pointer to destination buffer

src                               Pointer to source buffer

count                             Number of characters to copy

Returns                           The value of dest

Copies count characters from src to dest and handles overlap properly.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void *memset( void *dest, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

dest                              Pointer to destination buffer

c                                 Character to set to

count                             Number of characters to be set

Returns                           A pointer to dest

Sets the first count bytes of dest to the character c.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    type min( type a, type b );

Include                           STDLIB.H

type                              Any numeric data type

a, b                              Values to compare

Returns                           The smaller of the two arguments

Compares two values of the same data type and returns the smaller of them.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int mkdir( char *dirname );

Include                           DIRECT.H, ERRNO.H

dirname                           Path name for new directory

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Creates a new directory with the specified directory name.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *mktemp( char *template );

Include                           IO.H

template                          File-name pattern

Returns                           A pointer to the modified template if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Creates a unique file name by modifying the given file-name pattern.



    time_t mktime( struct tm *timeptr );

Include                           TIME.H

timeptr                           Local time structure

Returns                           The calendar time encoded as a type
                                    time_t value if successful;
                                    -1 cast as type time_t if not

Converts the local time to a calendar value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double modf( double x, double *intptr );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Floating-point value

intptr                            Pointer to stored integer portion

Returns                           The signed fractional portion of x

Breaks down the floating-point value x into fractional and integer parts
with the same sign as x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double modfl( long double x, long double *intptr );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

intptr                            Pointer to stored integer portion

Returns                           The signed fractional portion of x

Breaks down the long double-precision floating-point value of x into
fractional and integer parts with the same sign as x.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void movedata( unsigned int srcseg, unsigned int srcoff, unsigned int
    unsigned int destoff, unsigned int count );

Include                           STRING.H or MEMORY.H

srcseg                            Segment address of source

srcoff                            Segment offset of source

destseg                           Segment address of destination

destoff                           Segment offset of destination

count                             Number of bytes

Returns                           No return value

Copies count bytes from the source address specified by srcseg:srcoff to the
destination address specified by destseg:destoff.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _moveto( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Target position

Returns                           The coordinates of the previous position
                                    in an xycoord structure

Moves the current graphics-output position to the specified view

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct _wxycoord _far _moveto_w( double wx, double wy );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Target position

Returns                           The coordinates of the previous position
                                    in a _wxycoord structure

Moves the current graphics-output position to the specified window

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _msize( void *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to memory block

Returns                           The size in bytes

An unsigned integer representing the size in bytes of the memory block
allocated by a call to calloc, malloc, or realloc.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _near *_ncalloc( size_t num, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

num                               Number of elements

size                              Length in bytes of each element

Returns                           A near pointer to the allocated space if
                                    successful; NULL if there is
                                    insufficient memory available

Allocates storage for an array of num elements, each of length size bytes in
the near heap. Storage is initialized to zero.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _near *_nexpand( void _near *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A near pointer to the resized block if
                                    successful; NULL if there is
                                    insufficient memory

Changes the size of a previously allocated memory block by attempting to
expand or contract the block without moving its location in the near heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _nfree( void _near *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Allocated memory block in the near heap

Returns                           No return value

Frees a memory block in the near heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _nheapchk( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency on the dynamically allocated memory space in
the default data segment, or "near heap." The consistency check determines
whether all the near heap entries are within the bounds of the heap's
current memory allocation.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _nheapmin( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Releases unused memory in the near heap back to the operating system.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _nheapset( unsigned int fill );

Include                           MALLOC.H

fill                              Fill character

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADBEGIN,

Checks for minimal consistency in the near heap and then sets the heap's
free entries with the fill value.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _nheapwalk( _HEAPINFO *entryinfo );

Include                           MALLOC.H

entryinfo                         Structure to contain information about
                                    the next near heap entry defined in

Returns                           _HEAPOK, _HEAPEMPTY, _HEAPBADPTR,
                                    _HEAPBADBEGIN, _HEAPBADNODE, _HEAPEND

Walks through the near heap, one entry per call, returning a pointer to a
_HEAPINFO structure that contains information about the next near heap

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _near *_nmalloc( size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

size                              Number of bytes to allocate

Returns                           A near pointer to the allocated space if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Allocates a memory block of at least size bytes in the near heap.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t _nmsize( void _near *memblock );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to near memory block

Returns                           The size in bytes

An unsigned integer representing the size in bytes of the near-heap memory
block allocated by a call to _ncalloc, _nmalloc, or _nrealloc

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _near *_nrealloc( void _near *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A near pointer to the reallocated memory
                                    block if successful; NULL if not

Changes the size and possibly the location of a memory block in the near

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char _near * _far _nstrdup( const char _far *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Source string

Returns                           A near pointer to the storage space
                                    containing the duplicate string

Duplicates string, copying it to memory allocated by _nmalloc.
Model-independent form of strdup.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    onexit_t onexit( onexit_t func );

Include                           STDLIB.H

func                              Function to call on exit

Returns                           A pointer to the function if successful;
                                    NULL if there is no space left to store
                                    the function pointer

Creates a register of functions to be called (last-in, first-out) when the
program terminates normally.



    int open( char *filename, int oflag [[, int pmode]] );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, IO.H, ERRNO.H,

filename                          File path name

oflag                             O_APPEND, O_BINARY, O_CREAT, O_EXCL,
                                    O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_TEXT, O_TRUNC,

pmode                             S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE

Returns                           A handle for the opened file if
                                    successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, EEXIST, EINVAL, EMFILE, ENOENT

Opens the file specified by filename and prepares the file for subsequent
reading or writing, as defined by oflag and, optionally, pmode.



    void _far _outgtext( unsigned char _far *text );

Include                           GRAPH.H

text                              Text to be output

Return                            No return value

Outputs the null-terminated string text using the current font and rotation
on the screen at the current graphics-output position.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _outmem( unsigned char _far *text, short length );

Include                           GRAPH.H

text                              Text to be output

length                            Number of characters to be output

Returns                           No return value

Outputs the specified number of characters from a buffer.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int outp( unsigned port, int databyte );

Include                           CONIO.H

port                              Port number

databyte                          Output value

Returns                           The output data

Writes a byte to the specified output port. (Note: For protected-mode
libraries, use a .DEF file containing this line: SEGMENTS _IOSEG CLASS,

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned outpw( unsigned port, unsigned dataword );

Include                           CONIO.H

port                              Port number

dataword                          Output value

Returns                           The output data

Writes a word to the specified output port. (Note: For protected-mode
libraries, use a .DEF file containing this line: SEGMENTS _IOSEG CLASS

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _outtext( unsigned char _far *text );

Include                           GRAPH.H

text                              Text to be output

Return                            No return value

Outputs the null-terminated string, text, at the current text position using
the current text color.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _pclose( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Return value from previous call to

Returns                           The exit status of the child command if
                                    successful; -1 if not

Closes stream and waits for the associated child command.



    void perror( const char *string );

Include                           STDIO.H

string                            User-supplied message

Returns                           No return value

Prints an error message to stderr. The string argument is printed first,
followed by a colon, then by the system error message for the last library
call that produced the error, and finally by a newline character.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    short _far _pg_analyzechart( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far
    float _far *values, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment variable

categories                        Array of category variables

values                            Array of data values

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Analyzes a single series of data and fills the chart environment with
default values for a single-series bar, column, or line chart, depending on
the type specified in the function call.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_analyzechartms( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far
    float _far *values, short nseries, short n, short arraydim,
    char _far * _far *serieslabels );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment variable

categories                        Array of category variables

values                            Array of data values

nseries                           Number of series to chart

n                                 Number of data values to chart

arraydim                          Row dimension of data array

serieslabels                      Array of labels for series

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Analyzes a multiple series of data and fills the chart environment with
default values for a multiseries bar, column, or line chart, depending on
which type is specified in the function call.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_analyzepie( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far
    float _far *values, short _far *explode, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

categories                        Array of category labels

values                            Array of data values

explode                           Array of explode flags

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Analyzes a single series of data and fills the chart environment for a pie
chart using the data contained in the array values.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_analyzescatter( chartenv _far *env, float _far *xvalues,
    float _far *yvalues, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

xvalues                           Array of x-axis data values

yvalues                           Array of y-axis data values

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Analyzes a single series of data and fills the chart environment for a
single-series scatter diagram.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_analyzescatterms( chartenv _far *env, float _far *xvalues,
    float _far *yvalues, short nseries, short n, short rowdim,
    char _far * _far *serieslabels );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

xvalues                           Array of x-axis data values

yvalues                           Array of y-axis data values

nseries                           Number of series to chart

n                                 Number of data values to chart

rowdim                            Row dimension of data array

serieslabels                      Array of labels for series

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Analyzes a multiple series of data and fills the chart environment for a
multiseries scatter diagram.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_chart( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far *categories,
    float _far *values, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment variable

categories                        Array of category variables

values                            Array of data values

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Displays a single-series bar, column, or line chart, depending on the type
specified in the chart environment variable.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_chartms( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far *categories,
    float _far *values, short nseries, short n, short arraydim,
    char _far * _far *serieslabels );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment variable

categories                        Array of category variables

values                            Array of data values

nseries                           Number of series to chart

n                                 Number of data values to chart

arraydim                          Row dimension of data array

serieslabels                      Array of labels for series

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Displays a multiseries bar, column, or line chart, depending on the type
specified in the chart environment.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_chartpie( chartenv _far *env, char _far * _far *categories,
    float _far *values, short _far *explode, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

categories                        Array of category labels

values                            Array of data values

explode                           Array of explode flags

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Displays a pie chart for the data contained in the array values. Pie charts
are formed from a single series of data (there is no multiseries version of
pie charts as there is for other chart types).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_chartscatter( chartenv _far *env, float _far *xvalues,
    float _far *yvalues, short n );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

xvalues                           Array of x-axis data values

yvalues                           Array of y-axis data values

n                                 Number of data values to chart

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Displays a scatter diagram for a single series of data.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_chartscatterms( chartenv _far *env, float _far *xvalues,
    float _far *yvalues, short nseries, short n, short rowdim,
    char _far * _far *serieslabels );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

xvalues                           Array of x-axis data values

yvalues                           Array of y-axis data values

nseries                           Number of series to chart

n                                 Number of data values to chart

rowdim                            Row dimension of data array

serieslabels                      Array of labels for series

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Displays a scatter diagram for more than one series of data.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_defaultchart( chartenv _far *env, short charttype, short
    chartstyle );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

charttype                         _PG_BARCHART, _PG_COLUMNCHART,
                                    _PG_LINECHART, _PG_SCATTERCHART,

chartstyle                        Chart style 1 or 2

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Initializes all necessary variables in the chart environment for the chart
type by the variable charttype.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_getchardef( short charnum, unsigned char _far *chardef );

Include                           PGCHART.H

charnum                           ASCII number of character

chardef                           Pointer to 8-by-8 bit map array

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Retrieves the current 8-by-8 pixel bit map for the character with the ASCII
number charnum. The bit map is stored in the chardef array.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_getpalette( paletteentry _far *palette );

Include                           PGCHART.H

palette                           Pointer to first palette structure in

Returns                           0 if successful; _BADSCREENMODE if
                                    current palettes have not been
                                    initialized by a previous call to

Retrieves palette colors, line styles, fill patterns, and plot characters
for all palettes. The pointer palette points to an array of palette
structures that will contain the desired palette values.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _pg_getstyleset( unsigned short _far *styleset );

Include                           PGCHART.H

styleset                          Pointer to current styleset

Return                            No return value

Retrieves the contents of the current styleset.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_hlabelchart( chartenv _far *env, short x, short y, short
    char _far *label );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

x                                 Pixel x-coordinate for text

y                                 Pixel y-coordinate for text

color                             Color code for text

label                             Label text

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Writes text horizontally on the screen. The arguments x and y are pixel
coordinates for the beginning location of text relative to the upper left
corner of the chart window.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_initchart( void );

Include                           PGCHART.H

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Initializes the presentation graphics package. It initializes the color and
style pools, resets the chartline styleset, builds default palette modes,
and reads the presentation graphics character font definition from the disk.
This function is required in all programs that use presentation graphics.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_resetpalette( void );

Include                           PGCHART.H

Returns                           0 if successful; _BADSCREENMODE if the
                                    screen mode is not valid

Sets the palette colors, line styles, fill patterns, and plot characters for
the palette to the default for the current screen mode.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _pg_resetstyleset( void );

Include                           PGCHART.H

Returns                           No return value

Reinitializes the styleset to the default values for the current screen

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_setchardef( short charnum, unsigned char _far *chardef );

Include                           PGCHART.H

charnum                           ASCII number of character

chardef                           Pointer to 8-by-8 bit map array

Returns                           No return value

Sets the 8-by-8 pixel bit map for the character with the ASCII number
charnum. The bit map is stored in the chardef array.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_setpalette( paletteentry _far *palette );

Include                           PGCHART.H

palette                           Pointer to first palette structure in

Returns                           0 if successful; _BADSCREENMODE if the
                                    new palettes are not valid

Sets palette colors, line styles, fill patterns, and plot characters for all
palettes. The pointer palette points to an array of palette structures that
contains the desired palette values.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _pg_setstyleset( unsigned short _far *styleset );

Include                           PGCHART.H

styleset                          Pointer to new styleset

Returns                           No return value

Sets the current styleset.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pg_vlabelchart( chartenv _far *env, short x, short y, short
    color, char _far *label );

Include                           PGCHART.H

env                               Chart environment structure

x                                 Pixel x-coordinate for text

y                                 Pixel y-coordinate for text

color                             Color code for text

label                             Label text

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Writes text vertically on the screen. The arguments x and y are pixel
coordinates for the beginning location of text relative to the upper left
corner of the chart window.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pie( short control, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2,
    short x3, short y3, short x4, short y4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GBORDER, _GFILLINTERIOR

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

x3, y3                            Start vector

x4, y4                            End vector

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws a pie-shaped wedge by drawing an elliptical arc whose center and two
endpoints are joined by lines. Points are defined using the view coordinate

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pie_w( short control, double x1, double y1, double x2, double
    double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           Fill-control constant

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

x3, y3                            Start vector

x4, y4                            End vector

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws a pie-shaped wedge by drawing an elliptical arc whose center and two
endpoints are joined by lines. Points are defined using the window
coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _pie_wxy( short control, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy2, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy3,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy4 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GBORDER, _GFILLINTERIOR

pwxy1                             Upper left corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy2                             Lower right corner of bounding rectangle

pwxy3                             Start vector

pwxy4                             End vector

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Draws a pie-shaped wedge by drawing an elliptical arc whose center and two
endpoints are joined by lines. Points are defined using the window
coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int _pipe( int *phandles, unsigned int psize, int textmode );

Include                           IO.H, FCNTL.H, ERRNO.H

phandles                          Pointer to read and write handles (
                                    phandles[0] and phandles[1],

psize                             Amount of memory, in bytes, reserved for
                                    the pipe

textmode                          O_BINARY, O_TEXT

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EMFILE, ENFILE

Creates a pipe for both reading and writing, generally in preparation for
linking it to a child process.



    short _far _polygon( short control, struct xycoord _far *points, short
    numpoints );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

points                            Array of xycoord structures specifying
                                    the polygon's vertices

numpoints                         Number of vertices

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws or scan-fills a polygon, using the view coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _polygon_w( short control, double _far *points, short numpoints

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

points                            Values specifying the polygon's vertices

numpoints                         Number of vertices

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws or scan-fills a polygon, using the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _polygon_wxy( short control, struct _wxycoord _far *points,
    short numpoints );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

points                            Array of _wxycoord structures specifying
                                    the polygon's vertices

numpoints                         Number of vertices

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws or scan-fills a polygon, using the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    FILE *  _popen( char *command, char *mode );

Include                           STDIO.H

command                           Command string

mode                              Access permissions: "r", "rt", "rb", "w",
                                    "wt", "wb"

Returns                           A stream associated with one end of the
                                    pipe if successful; NULL
                                    if not

Creates a pipe and asynchronously executes a child copy of the command



    double pow( double x, double y );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Number to be raised

y                                 Power of x

Returns                           The value of x y; 1 if x is not 0 and y
                                    is 0;  HUGE_VAL if x is 0 and y is
                                    negative; 0 if both x and y are 0 or if
                                    x is negative and y is not an integer

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Computes the value of x y.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double powl( long double x, long double y );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Number to be raised

y                                 Power of x

Returns                           The value of xy; 1 if x is not 0 and y
                                    is 0;  _LHUGE_VAL if x is 0 and y is
                                    negative; 0 if both x and y are 0 or if
                                    x is negative and y is not an integer

errno                             EDOM, ERANGE

Computes the value of xy. Long double-precision floating-point version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int printf( const char *format [[, argument ]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments, variables of the
                                    type specified in the formatcontrol

Returns                           The number of characters printed if
                                    successful; a negative value if not

Formats and prints a series of characters and values to the standard output
stream, stdout.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int putc( int c, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

c                                 Character to be written

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The character written if successful; EOF
                                    may indicate failure

Writes the single character c to the output stream at the current position.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int putch( int c );

Include                           CONIO.H

c                                 Character to be output

Returns                           c if successful; EOF if not

Writes the character c directly to the console.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int putchar( int c );

Include                           STDIO.H

c                                 Character to be written

Returns                           The character written if successful; EOF
                                    may indicate failure

Writes the single character c to the standard output stream, stdout.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int putenv( char *envstring );

Include                           STDLIB.H

envstring                         Environment-string definition

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

Adds or removes an environment variable or modifies the value of an existing



    void _far _putimage( short x, short y, char _huge *image, short action );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Position of upper left corner of image

image                             Stored image buffer

action                            _GAND, _GOR, _GPRESET, _GPSET, _GXOR

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Transfers to the screen the image stored in the buffer image, placing the
upper left corner of the image at the view coordinate (x, y).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _putimage_w( double wx, double wy, char _huge *image, short
    action );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Position of upper left corner of image

image                             Stored image buffer

action                            _GAND, _GOR, _GPRESET, _GPSET, _GXOR

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Transfers to the screen the image stored in the buffer image, placing the
upper left corner of the image at the window coordinate (wx, wy).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int puts( const char *string );

Include                           STDIO.H

string                            String to be output

Returns                           A nonnegative value if successful; EOF
                                    if not

Writes string to the standard output stream, stdout, replacing the string's
terminating null character ('\0') with a newline character (\n) in the
output stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int putw( int binint, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

binint                            Binary integer to be output

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The value written if successful; EOF may
                                    indicate an error

Writes a binary value of type int to the current position of the stream.



    void qsort( void *base, size_t num, size_t width,
    int( *compare )( const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) );

Include                           STDLIB.H, SEARCH.H

base                              Start of array

num                               Number of elements in array

width                             Element size in bytes

compare                           Comparison function

elem1                             Pointer to key for the search

elem2                             Pointer to the array element to be
                                    compared with the key

Returns                           No return value

Implements a quick-sort algorithm to sort an array of num elements, each of
width bytes.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int raise( int sig );

Include                           SIGNAL.H

sig                               SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGINT, SIGSEGV,
                                    SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGUSR3,

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Raises the sig signal condition in the executing program.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int rand( void );

Include                           STDLIB.H

Returns                           A pseudorandom integer in the range 0 to

Generates a pseudorandom number.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int read( int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int count );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

buffer                            Storage location for data

count                             Maximum number of bytes

Returns                           The number of bytes read if successful;
                                    -1 if not

errno                             EBADF

Attempts to read count bytes into buffer from the file associated with



    void *realloc( void *memblock, size_t size );

Include                           STDLIB.H or MALLOC.H

memblock                          Pointer to previously allocated memory

size                              New size in bytes

Returns                           A void pointer to the reallocated memory
                                    block if successful; NULL if not

Changes the size and, possibly, the location of a previously allocated
memory block.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    short _far _rectangle( short control, short x1, short y1, short x2, short
    y2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

x1, y1                            Upper left corner

x2, y2                            Lower right corner

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws a rectangle with the current color, line style, and write mode, using
the view coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _rectangle_w( short control, double wx1, double wy1,
    double wx2, double wy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

wx1, wy1                          Upper left corner

wx2, wy2                          Lower right corner

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws a rectangle with the current color, line style, and write mode, using
the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _rectangle_wxy( short control, struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy1,
    struct _wxycoord _far *pwxy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

control                           _GFILLINTERIOR, _GBORDER

pwxy1                             Upper left corner

pwxy2                             Lower right corner

Returns                           A nonzero value if anything is drawn; 0
                                    if nothing is drawn

Draws a rectangle with the current color, line style, and write mode, using
the window coordinate system.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _registerfonts( unsigned char _far *pathname );

Include                           GRAPH.H

pathname                          Path name specifying .FON files to be

Returns                           The number of fonts registered if
                                    successful; a negative value if not

Initializes the font graphics system. Font files must be registered with the
_registerfonts function before any other font-related library function can
be used.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _remapallpalette( long _far *colors ):

Include                           GRAPH.H

colors                            Array of color values

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Remaps all of the available colors simultaneously.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _remappalette( short index, long color );

Include                           GRAPH.H

index                             Color index to redefine

color                             Color value to assign to index

Returns                           The previous color value of index if
                                    successful; -1 if not

Remaps the specified color index to color, which must be a color value
supported by the current video configuration.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int remove( const char *filename );

Include                           STDIO.H or IO.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Path name of file to be removed

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Deletes the file specified by filename.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname );

Include                           STDIO.H or IO.H, ERRNO.H

oldname                           Pointer to old name

newname                           Pointer to new name

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT, EXDEV

Renames the file or directory specified by oldname to the name given by

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void rewind( FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           No return value

Repositions the file pointer associated with stream to the beginning of the

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int rmdir( char *dirname );

Include                           DIRECT.H, ERRNO.H

dirname                           Path name of directory to be removed

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Deletes the directory specified by dirname.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int rmtmp( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           The number of temporary files closed and

Cleans up all the temporary files in the current directory. The function
removes only those files created by tmpfile and should be used only in the
same directory in which the temporary files were created.



    unsigned int _rotl( unsigned int value, int shift );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Value to be rotated

shift                             Number of bits to shift

Returns                           value rotated to the left by shift bits

Rotates bits to the left.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    unsigned int _rotr( unsigned int value, int shift );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Value to be rotated

shift                             Number of bits to shift

Returns                           value rotated to the right by shift bits

Rotates bits to the right.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int scanf( const char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments; pointers to
                                    variables of the types specified in the
                                    format-control string

Returns                           The number of fields successfully
                                    converted and assigned; EOF if input
                                    failure occurs before any conversion

Reads data from the standard input stream, stdin, into the locations given
by an argument.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far _scrolltextwindow( short lines );

Include                           GRAPH.H

lines                             Number of lines to scroll

Returns                           No return value

Scrolls the current text window. A positive value for lines scrolls the
window up, and a negative value scrolls down.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _searchenv( char *filename, char *varname, char *pathname );

Include                           STDLIB.H

filename                          Name of file to search for

varname                           Environment to search

pathname                          Buffer to store complete path

Returns                           No return value

Searches for the target file in the specified varname domain.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void segread( struct SREGS *segregs );

Include                           DOS.H

segregs                           Segment-register values

Returns                           No return value

Fills the structure pointed to by segregs with the current contents of the
segment registers.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _selectpalette( short number );

Include                           GRAPH.H

number                            Palette number

Returns                           The previous palette number; -1 if an
                                    error occurs

Selects one of several predefined palettes, depending on video mode and
hardware (_MRES4COLOR, _MRESNOCOLOR, and _ORESCOLOR modes only).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setactivepage( short page );

Include                           GRAPH.H

page                              Memory page number

Returns                           The number of the previous active page
                                    if successful; -1 if an error occurs

Specifies the area in memory where output is written for hardware and mode
configurations with enough memory to support multiple-screen pages. Note
that OS/2 supports only one page. Page 0 is always supported.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long _far _setbkcolor( long color );

Include                           GRAPH.H

color                             Desired background color

Returns                           The previous background color

Sets the current background color to color.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void setbuf( FILE *stream, char *buffer );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

buffer                            User-allocated buffer of size BUFSIZ or
                                    NULL for no buffering

Returns                           No return value

Allows the user to assign a buffer or disable buffering for stream. The
argument stream must refer to an open file before it has been read or

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far _setcliprgn( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of clip region

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of clip region

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Limits the display of subsequent graphics output and font text output to the
part that fits within a particular area of the screen, known as the clipping

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setcolor( short color );

Include                           GRAPH.H

color                             Desired color index

Returns                           The previous color index if successful;
                                    -1 if not

Sets the current color index (used by graphics and font text output) to

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _setfillmask( unsigned char _far *mask );

Include                           GRAPH.H

mask                              Mask array

Returns                           No return value

Sets the current fill mask. The mask is an 8-by-8 array of bits, where each
bit represents a pixel. A 1 bit sets the corresponding pixel to the current
color, whereas a 0 bit leaves the pixel unchanged.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setfont( unsigned char _far *options );

Include                           GRAPH.H

options                           String describing font characteristics

Returns                           The font index number if successful; a
                                    negative value if not

Finds a single font from the set of registered fonts that has the
characteristics specified by the options string and returns the index of
that font.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _setgtextvector( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Values defining a vector that determines
                                    the direction of font text

Returns                           The previous vector in an xycoord
                                    structure defined in GRAPH.H

Sets the current orientation for font text output. (0, 0) is ignored.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int setjmp( jmp_buf env );

Include                           SETJMP.H

env                               Variable in which environment is stored

Returns                           0 after saving the stack environment;
                                    the value argument of longjmp if setjmp
                                    returns as a result of a longjmp call; 1
                                    if the longjmp argument is 0

Saves a stack environment that can subsequently be restored using longjmp.
Used together this way, setjmp and longjmp provide a way to execute a
nonlocal goto.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void _far _setlinestyle( unsigned short mask );

Include                           GRAPH.H

mask                              Desired line-style mask

Returns                           No return value

Selects the mask used for line drawing. The mask is a 16-bit number, where
each bit represents a pixel in the line being drawn. If a bit is 1, the
corresponding pixel is set to the current color. If a bit is 0, the
corresponding pixel is left unchanged.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *setlocale( int category, const char *locale );

Include                           LOCALE.H

category                          LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_TYPE, LC_MONETARY,
                                    LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME, NULL

locale                            "C"

Returns                           A pointer to the string associated with
                                    category for the new locale, if valid; a
                                    null pointer if invalid

Sets categories specified for a certain location.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int setmode( int handle, int mode );

Include                           FCNTL.H, IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            File handle

mode                              O_TEXT, O_BINARY

Returns                           The previous translation mode if
                                    successful; -1 if not

errno                             EBADF, EINVAL

Sets the translation mode of the file given by handle to mode.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setpixel( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              Target pixel

Returns                           The previous value of the target pixel
                                    if successful; -1 if not

Sets a pixel at the specified view coordinate location to the current color.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setpixel_w( double wx, double wy );

Include                           GRAPH.H

wx, wy                            Target pixel

Returns                           The previous value of the target pixel
                                    if successful; -1 if not

Sets a pixel at the specified window coordinate location to the current

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _settextcolor( short index );

Include                           GRAPH.H

index                             Desired color index

Returns                           The color index of the previous text

Sets the current text attribute to the color index specified by index.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _settextcursor( short attr );

Include                           GRAPH.H

attr                              0x0707, 0x0007, 0x0607, 0x2000, etc.

Returns                           The previous cursor attribute if
                                    successful; -1 if not

In text modes, sets the BIOS cursor attribute (the shape) to the value
specified by attr.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct rccoord _far _settextposition( short row, short column );

Include                           GRAPH.H

row, column                       New text output start position

Returns                           The previous text position

Sets the current text position to the location (row, column) within the
current text window.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _settextrows( short rows );

Include                           GRAPH.H

rows                              Number of text rows requested

Returns                           The number of rows actually set if
                                    successful; 0 if an unexpected error

Requests the number of text rows to be used in the current video mode.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _settextwindow( short r1, short c1, short r2, short c2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

r1, c1                            Upper left corner of window

r2, c2                            Lower right corner of window

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Specifies a window in row and column coordinates where all the text output
to the screen is confined.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int setvbuf( FILE *stream, char *buffer, int mode, size_t size );

Include                           STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

buffer                            User-supplied buffer or NULL

mode                              _IOFBF, _IOLBF, _IONBF

size                              Size of buffer

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

Allows the user to control both buffering and buffer size for stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    short _far _setvideomode( short mode );

Include                           GRAPH.H

mode                              _MAXRESMODE, _MAXCOLORMODE, _DEFAULTMODE,
                                    _TEXTBW40, _TEXTC40, _TEXTBW80, _TEXTC80,
                                    _MRES4COLOR, _MRESNOCOLOR, _HRESBW,
                                    _TEXTMONO, _HERCMONO, _MRES16COLOR,
                                    _ERESNOCOLOR, _ERESCOLOR, _VRES2COLOR,
                                    _VRES16COLOR, _MRES256COLOR, _ORESCOLOR

Returns                           The number of text rows if successful; 0
                                    if not

Selects a screen mode appropriate for a particular hardware/display
configuration. Only text modes are available in OS/2.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setvideomoderows( short mode, short rows );

Include                           GRAPH.H

mode                              _MAXRESMODE, _MAXCOLORMODE, _DEFAULTMODE,
                                    _TEXTBW40, _TEXTC40, _TEXTBW80, _TEXTC80,
                                    _MRES4COLOR, _MRESNOCOLOR, _HRESBW,
                                    _TEXTMONO, _HERCMONO, _MRES16COLOR,
                                    _ERESNOCOLOR, _ERESCOLOR, _VRES2COLOR,
                                    _VRES16COLOR, _MRES256COLOR, _ORESCOLOR

rows                              Number of text rows requested

Returns                           The number of rows actually set if
                                    successful; 0 if not

Selects a screen mode for a particular hardware/display combination, and
requests the number of text rows to be used. Only text modes are available
in OS/2.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    struct xycoord _far _setvieworg( short x, short y );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x, y                              New origin point

Returns                           The physical coordinates of the previous
                                    view origin

Moves the viewport origin (0, 0) to the physical point (x, y). (All other
view coordinate points move the same direction and distance.)

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _far _setviewport( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

x1, y1                            Upper left corner of viewport

x2, y2                            Lower right corner of viewport

Returns                           No return value; check _grstatus

Redefines the graphics viewport (the active drawing area within the
boundaries of the physical screen).

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setvisualpage( short page );

Include                           GRAPH.H

page                              Visual page number

Returns                           The number of the previous visual page
                                    if successful; a negative value if not

Specifies the area in memory where output is displayed for hardware and mode
configurations with enough memory to support multiple-screen pages. Note
that OS/2 supports only one page. Page 0 is always supported.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setwindow( short finvert, double wx1, double wy1,
    double wx2, double wy2 );

Include                           GRAPH.H

finvert                           Invert flag

wx1, wy1                          Upper left corner of window

wx2, wy2                          Lower right corner of window

Returns                           A nonzero value if successful; 0 if not

Defines a virtual window bounded by the specified coordinates within the
current viewport. All w and wxy drawing functions produce output relative to
this window.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    short _far _setwritemode( short action );

Include                           GRAPH.H

action                            _GPSET, _GPRESET, _GAND, _GOR, _GXOR

Returns                           The previous write mode; -1 if an error

Sets the current logical write mode used when drawing lines with the
_lineto, _rectangle, and _polygon functions.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void( *signal( int sig, void( *func)( int sig [[, int subcode]] ) ) )( int
    sig );

Include                           SIGNAL.H, ERRNO.H

sig                               SIGABRT, SIGBREAK, SIGFPE, SIGILL,
                                    SIGINT, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1,
                                    SIGUSR2, SIGUSR3

func                              Function address or one of SIG_IGN,
                                    SIG_DFL, SIG_SGE, SIG_ACK

subcode                           Optional subcode to the signal number

Returns                           The previous value of func associated
                                    with the given signal if successful; -1
                                    if not

errno                             EINVAL

Allows a process to choose one of several ways to handle an interrupt signal
from the operating system.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double sin( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The sine of x

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the sine of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double sinh( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic sine of x;   HUGE_VAL if

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the hyperbolic sine of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double sinhl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic sine of x if successful;
                                    _LHUGE_VAL if not

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the hyperbolic sine of x. Long double-precision floating-point
version of sinh.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long double sinl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The sine of x

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the sine of x. Long double-precision floating-point version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int sopen( char *filename, int oflag, int shflag [[, int pmode]] );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, FCNTL.H,
                                    SHARE.H, IO.H

filename                          File path name

oflag                             O_APPEND, O_BINARY, O_CREAT, O_EXCL,
                                    O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_TEXT, O_TRUNC,

shflag                            SH_COMPAT, SH_DENYRW, SH_DENYWR,
                                    SH_DENYRD, SH_DENYNO

pmode                             S_IWRITE, S_IREAD, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE

Returns                           A file handle for the opened file if
                                    successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCES, EEXIST, EINVAL, EMFILE, ENOENT

Opens the file specified by filename and prepares the file for subsequent
shared reading or writing, as defined by oflag, shflag, and, optionally,

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnl( int mode, char *cmdname, char *arg0, char *arg1, ... char
    *argn, NULL );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process, and passes a copy of the current
process's environment to the child. Command-line arguments are passed
individually to the function.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnle( int mode, char *cmdname, char *arg0, char *arg1, ... char
    *argn, NULL, char **envp );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process. Command-line arguments are passed
individually to the function. The child process is passed an array of
pointers to environment strings instead of a copy of the current process's
environment strings.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnlp( int mode, char *cmdname, char *arg0, char *arg1, ... char
    NULL );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process, and passes to the child a copy of
the environment of the current process. Command-line arguments are passed
individually to the function. The PATH environment variable is used to find
the file to be executed if a relative path name is given.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnlpe( int mode, char *cmdname, char *arg0, char *arg1, ... char
    *argn, NULL, char **envp );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

arg0, ... argn                    List of pointers to arguments,
                                    terminated by NULL

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process. Command-line arguments are passed
individually to the function. The PATH environment variable is used to find
the file to be executed if it is specified by a relative path name. The
child process is passed an array of pointers to environment strings, instead
of a copy of the environment strings of the current process.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnv( int mode, char *cmdname, char **argv );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process, and passes a copy of the current
process's environment to the child. Command-line arguments are passed to the
function as an array of pointers.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnve( int mode, char *cmdname, char **argv , char **envp );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process. Command-line arguments are passed
to the function as an array of pointers. The child process is passed an
array of pointers to environment strings, instead of a copy of the
environment strings of the current process.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnvp( int mode, char *cmdname, char **argv);

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process, and passes a copy of the current
process's environment to the child. Command-line arguments are passed to the
function as an array of pointers. The PATH environment variable is used to
find the file to be executed if necessary and if the file is specified by a
relative path name.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int spawnvpe( int mode, char *cmdname, char **argv, char **envp );

Include                           STDIO.H, PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

mode                              P_WAIT, P_NOWAIT, P_NOWAITO, P_OVERLAY,

cmdname                           Path name of file to be executed

argv                              Array of pointers to arguments

envp                              Array of pointers to environment

Returns                           The exit status of the child process
                                    (synchronous spawn) or the process ID of
                                    the child process (asynchronous spawn)

errno                             E2BIG, EINVAL, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Creates and executes a new child process. Command-line arguments are passed
to the function as an array of pointers. The PATH environment variable is
used to find the file to be executed. It explicitly passes to the child
process the strings, instead of a copy of the current process's environment
strings array of pointers to environment.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void _splitpath( char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *fname, char
    *ext );

Include                           STDLIB.H

path                              Full path-name buffer

drive                             Drive letter

dir                               Directory path

fname                             File name

ext                               File extension

Returns                           No return value

Breaks the full path-name buffer path into its four components.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

buffer                            Storage location for output

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments; pointers to
                                    variables of the types specified in the
                                    format-control string

Returns                           The number of characters stored in
                                    buffer, not counting the terminating
                                    null character ('\0')

Formats and stores a series of characters and values in buffer.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double sqrt( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Nonnegative floating-point value

Returns                           The square root of x if successful; 0 if

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the square root.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double sqrtl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Nonnegative long double-precision
                                    floating-point value

Returns                           The square root of x if successful; 0 if

errno                             EDOM

Calculates the square root. Long double-precision floating-point version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void srand( unsigned int seed );

Include                           STDLIB.H

seed                              Seed for random-number generation

Returns                           No return value

Sets the starting point for generating a series of pseudorandom integers.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int sscanf( const char *buffer, const char *format [[, argument]]... );

Include                           STDIO.H

buffer                            Stored data

format                            Format-control string

argument                          Optional arguments; pointers to
                                    variables of types specified in the
                                    format-control string

Returns                           The number of fields that were
                                    successfully converted and assigned

Reads data from buffer into the locations given by each argument. Every
argument must be a pointer to a variable with a type that corresponds to a
type specifier in format.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    size_t stackavail( void );

Include                           MALLOC.H

Returns                           The size in bytes as an unsigned integer

Gets the approximate size in bytes of the stack space available for dynamic
memory allocation with alloca.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int stat( char *pathname, struct stat *buffer );

Include                           SYS\STAT.H, SYS\TYPES.H, ERRNO.H

pathname                          Path name of existing file

buffer                            Pointer to structure to receive results

Returns                           0 if successful; a nonzero value if not

errno                             ENOENT

Gets information about the file or directory specified by pathname and
stores it in the structure that buffer points to.



    unsigned int _status87( void );

Include                           FLOAT.H

Returns                           A floating-point status word whose bits
                                    are defined in FLOAT.H

Gets the current 8087 floating-point status word.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strcat( char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Destination string

string2                           Source string

Returns                           A pointer to the beginning of the
                                    concatenated string

Appends string2 to string1.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strchr( const char *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Source string

c                                 Character to be located

Returns                           A pointer to the first occurrence of c
                                    in string

Searches for the first occurrence of c in string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int strcmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Strings to compare

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the string
                                    pointed to by string1 is less than,
                                    equal to, or greater than the string
                                    pointed to by string2

Compares two strings.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int strcoll( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Strings to compare

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the string
                                    pointed to by string1 is less than,
                                    equal to, or greater than the string
                                    pointed to by string2

Compares two strings for locale-specific collating sequences.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strcpy( char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Destination string

string2                           Source string

Returns                           string1

Copies string2 to string1.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    size_t strcspn( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Source string

string2                           Character set

Returns                           The length of the maximum initial
                                    segment of string1 that consists of
                                    characters not in string2

Finds first substring in string1 of characters not in string2.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *_strdate( char *datestr );

Include                           TIME.H

datestr                           Current date

Returns                           A pointer to the date

Copies the current date to the buffer that datestr points to, formatted as

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strdup( const char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Source string

Returns                           A pointer to the storage space
                                    containing the duplicate string

Duplicates string, copying it to memory allocated by malloc.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strerror( int errnum );

Include                           STRING.H

errnum                            Error number

Returns                           A pointer to the error-message string

Maps errnum to an error-message string, returning a pointer to the string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *_strerror( char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            User-supplied message

Returns                           No return value

Returns a pointer to a string containing, in order, the string message, a
colon, a space, the system error message for the last library call producing
an error, and a newline character. The supplied string message can be a
maximum of 94 bytes long.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t strftime( char *string, size_t maxsize, const char *format,
    const struct tm *timeptr );

Include                           TIME.H

string                            Output string

maxsize                           Maximum length of string

format                            Format-control string

timeptr                           tm data structure

Returns                           The number of characters placed in
                                    string if the total number, including
                                    the terminating null character ('\0'),
                                    is less than maxsize; 0 otherwise

Copies text into a string related to date and time values from a tm
structure and specified by format.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int stricmp( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Strings to compare

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the string
                                    pointed to by string1 is less than,
                                    equal to, or greater than the string
                                    pointed to by string2

Compares two strings without regard to case.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t strlen( const char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            Null-terminated string

Returns                           The length in bytes of string, not
                                    including the terminating null character

Gets the length of a string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strlwr( char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be converted

Returns                           A pointer to the converted string

Converts any uppercase letters in the given null-terminated string to
lowercase. Other characters are not affected.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strncat( char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Destination string

string2                           Source string

count                             Maximum number of characters to append

Returns                           A pointer to the concatenated string

Appends, at most, the first count characters of string2 to string1 and
terminates the resulting string with a null character ('\0').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int strncmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Strings to compare

count                             Maximum number of characters to compare

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the string
                                    pointed to by string1 is less than,
                                    equal to, or greater than the string
                                    pointed to by string2

Compares, at most, the first count characters of string1 and string2.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strncpy( char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Destination string

string2                           Source string

count                             Number of characters copied

Returns                           string1

Copies, at most, count characters of string2 to string1. If string2 is
shorter than count, null ('\0') characters are appended to string1. Warning:
If the sum of the lengths of string1 and string2 is longer than count, no
null character will be appended.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int strnicmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1, string2                  Strings to compare

count                             Maximum number of characters compared

Returns                           A value less than, equal to, or greater
                                    than 0, depending on whether the string
                                    pointed to by string1 is less than,
                                    equal to, or greater than the string
                                    pointed to by string2

Compares, at most, the first count characters of string1 and string2,
without regard to letter case.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strnset( char *string, int c, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be initialized

c                                 Character setting

count                             Maximum number of characters set

Returns                           A pointer to the altered string

Sets, at most, the first count characters of string to the character c. If
count is longer than string, the length of string replaces count.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strpbrk( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Source string

string2                           Character set

Returns                           A pointer to the first occurrence of any
                                    character from string2 in string1

Finds the first occurrence in string1 of any character from string2, not
including the terminating null character ('\0').

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strrchr( const char *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be searched

c                                 Character to be located

Returns                           A pointer to the last occurrence of c in
                                    string; a null pointer if c is not found

Finds the last occurrence of the character c in string.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strrev( char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be reversed

Returns                           A pointer to the altered string

Reverses the order of the characters in string. The terminating null
character ('\0') remains in place.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strset( char *string, int c );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be set

c                                 Character setting

Returns                           A pointer to the altered string

Sets all of the characters of string to c, except the terminating null
character ('\0').

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t strspn( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Searched string

string2                           Character set

Returns                           The length of the initial substring of
                                    string1 that consists entirely of
                                    characters from string2

Finds the first substring and returns the index of the first character in
string1 that does not belong to the set of characters specified by string2.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strstr( const char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Searched string

string2                           String to search for

Returns                           A pointer to the first occurrence of
                                    string2 in string1; NULL if string2 is
                                    not found

Finds a substring.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *_strtime( char *timestr );

Include                           TIME.H

timestr                           Time string

Returns                           A formatted string

Copies the current time into the buffer that timestr points to, formatted as


    double strtod( const char *nptr, char **endptr );

Include                           STDLIB.H, ERRNO.H

nptr                              String to convert

endptr                            Pointer to the character causing the end
                                    of scan

Returns                           The value of the floating-point number
                                    if successful;   HUGE_VAL on overflow; 0

errno                             ERANGE

Converts a character string to a double-precision value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *strtok( char *string1, const char *string2 );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           String containing token(s)

string2                           Set of delimiter characters

Returns                           A pointer to the first token in string1;
                                    successive calls against the same string
                                    return the subsequent tokens in the

Reads string1 as a series of zero or more tokens and string2 as the set of
characters serving as delimiters of the tokens in string1. Inserts a null
character each time it is called, modifying string1.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long strtol( const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base );

Include                           STDLIB.H, ERRNO.H

nptr                              String to convert

endptr                            Pointer to the character causing the end
                                    of scan

base                              Number base to use

Returns                           The value represented in the string if
                                    successful; LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN on
                                    overflow; 0 otherwise

errno                             ERANGE

Converts a character string to a long-integer value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double _strtold( const char *nptr, char **endptr );

Include                           STDLIB.H, ERRNO.H

nptr                              String to convert

endptr                            Pointer to the character causing the end
                                    of scan

Returns                           The long double-precision value of the
                                    floating-point number if successful;
                                    _LHUGE_VAL on overflow; 0 otherwise

errno                             ERANGE

Converts a character string to a long double-precision floating-point value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    unsigned long strtoul( const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base );

Include                           STDLIB.H, ERRNO.H

nptr                              String to convert

endptr                            Pointer to the character causing the end
                                    of scan

base                              Number base to use

Returns                           The converted value if successful;
                                    ULONG_MAX on overflow;
                                    0 otherwise

errno                             ERANGE

Converts a character string to an unsigned-long-integer value.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *strupr( char *string );

Include                           STRING.H

string                            String to be capitalized

Returns                           A pointer to the converted string

Converts any lowercase letters in string to uppercase. Other characters are
not affected.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    size_t strxfrm( char *string1, const char *string2, size_t count );

Include                           STRING.H

string1                           Result string

string2                           Source string

count                             Number of characters transformed

Returns                           The length of the transformed string,
                                    excluding the terminating null character

Transforms the string pointed to by string2 into a new form, based on
locale-specific information and stores the result in string1.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    void swab( char *source, char *dest, int n );

Include                           STDLIB.H

source                            Data to be copied and swapped

dest                              Storage location for swapped data

n                                 Number of bytes copied

Returns                           No return value

Copies n bytes from source, swaps each pair of adjacent bytes, and stores
the result at dest.



    int system( const char *command );

Include                           PROCESS.H, STDLIB.H, ERRNO.H

command                           Command to be executed

Returns                           A nonzero value if command is NULL and
                                    the command interpreter is found;
                                    otherwise, the return code from spawning
                                    the command

errno                             E2BIG, ENOENT, ENOEXEC, ENOMEM

Passes command to the command interpreter and executes the string as an
operating system command.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double tan( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The tangent of x if successful; 0 if not

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the tangent of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    double tanh( double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic tangent of x

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of x.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    long double tanhl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The hyperbolic tangent of x

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of x. Long double-precision floating-point
version of tanh.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long double tanl( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Angle in radians

Returns                           The tangent of x if successful; 0 if not

errno                             ERANGE

Calculates the tangent of x. Long double-precision floating-point version of

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    long tell( int handle );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

Returns                           The current position of the file pointer
                                    (if any) associated with handle if
                                    successful; -1L if not

errno                             EBADF

Gets the current position of any file pointer associated with handle.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    char *tempnam( char *dir, char *prefix );

Include                           STDIO.H

dir                               Target directory if TMP environment
                                    variable not defined

prefix                            File-name prefix

Returns                           A pointer to the name generated if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Creates a temporary file in another directory.



    time_t time( time_t *timer );

Include                           TIME.H

timer                             Storage location for time

Returns                           The time in elapsed seconds

Returns the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 Greenwich mean time
(GMT), January 1, 1970, according to the system clock.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    FILE *tmpfile( void );

Include                           STDIO.H

Returns                           A stream pointer if successful; a null
                                    pointer if not

Creates a temporary file and returns a stream pointer to that file.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    char *tmpnam( char *string );

Include                           STDIO.H

string                            Pointer to temporary name

Returns                           A pointer to the name generated if
                                    successful; NULL if not

Generates a string that can be used as the name of a temporary file.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int toascii( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Character to be converted

Returns                           The converted character

Sets all but the low-order 7 bits of c to 0, so that the converted value
represents a character in the ASCII character set. If c already represents
an ASCII character, c is unchanged.



    int tolower( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Character to be converted

Returns                           The lowercase character corresponding to

Converts c to lowercase if c represents an uppercase letter. Otherwise, c is

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int _tolower( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Character to be converted

Returns                           The lowercase character corresponding to

Converts c to lowercase. To be used only if c is known to be an uppercase
letter. The result is undefined if c is not an uppercase letter.



    int toupper( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Character to be converted

Returns                           The uppercase character corresponding to

Converts c to uppercase if c represents a lowercase letter. Otherwise, c is

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int _toupper( int c );

Include                           CTYPE.H

c                                 Character to be converted

Returns                           The uppercase character corresponding to

Converts c to uppercase. To be used only if c is known to be a lowercase
letter. The result is undefined if c is not a lowercase letter.



    void tzset( void );

Include                           TIME.H

Returns                           No return value

Using the current setting of the environment variable TZ, assigns values to
the global variables daylight, timezone, and tzname, which are used by the
ftime and localtime functions to make corrections from GMT to local time,
and by time to compute GMT from system time.



    char *ultoa( unsigned long value, char *string, int radix );

Include                           STDLIB.H

value                             Number to be converted

string                            String result

radix                             Base of value

Returns                           A pointer to string

Converts the digits of value to a null-terminated character string and
stores the result (up to 33 bytes) in string.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int umask( int pmode );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\STAT.H, IO.H

pmode                             S_IWRITE, S_IREAD

Returns                           The previous value of pmode

Sets the file-permission mask of the current process to the mode specified
by pmode. The file-permission mask is used to modify the permission setting
of new files created by creat, open, or sopen.



    int ungetc( int c, FILE *stream );

Include                           STDIO.H

c                                 Character to be pushed

stream                            Pointer to target stream

Returns                           The character argument c if successful;
                                    EOF if not

Pushes the character c back onto the input stream and clears the end-of-file
indicator. A subsequent read operation on the stream begins with c.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int ungetch( int c );

Include                           CONIO.H

c                                 Character to be pushed

Returns                           The character argument c if successful;
                                    EOF if not

Pushes the character c back to the console, causing c to be the next
character read by getch or getche.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int unlink( const char *filename );

Include                           IO.H or STDIO.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          Path name of file to be removed

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, ENOENT

Deletes the file specified by filename.



    void _far _unregisterfonts( void );

Include                           GRAPH.H

Returns                           No return value

Frees memory previously allocated and used by the _registerfonts function.
The _unregisterfonts function removes the header information for all fonts
and unloads the currently selected font data from memory.

▼ ANSI   DOS  ▼ OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int utime( char *filename, struct utimbuf *times );

Include                           SYS\TYPES.H, SYS\UTIME.H, ERRNO.H

filename                          File path name

times                             Pointer to stored time values

Returns                           0 if successful; -1 if not

errno                             EACCESS, EINVAL, EMFILE, ENOENT

Sets the modification time for the file specified by filename.



    type va_arg( va_list arg_ptr, type );

Include                           STDARG.H (ANSI) or VARARGS.H (UNIX)

type                              Type of argument to be retrieved

arg_ptr                           Pointer to list of arguments

va_alist                          Name of parameter to called function
                                    (UNIX version only)

va_dcl                            Declaration of va_alist (UNIX version

Returns                           The current argument

Retrieves a value of type from the location given by arg_ptr. Note that
va_list is defined as the type of va_alist.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void va_end( va_list arg_ptr );

Include                           STDARG.H or VARARGS.H

arg_ptr                           Pointer to list of arguments

va_alist                          Name of parameter to called function
                                    (UNIX version only)

va_dcl                            Declaration of va_alist (UNIX version

Returns                           No return value

Resets arg_ptr to NULL. Note that va_list is defined as the type of

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    void va_start( va_list arg_ptr ); (UNIX version)

    void va_start( va_list arg_ptr, prev_param ); (ANSI version)

Include                           STDARG.H or VARARGS.H

arg_ptr                           Pointer to list of arguments

prev_param                        Parameter preceding first optional
                                    argument (ANSI version only)

va_alist                          Name of parameter to called function
                                    (UNIX version only)

va_dcl                            Declaration of va_alist (UNIX version

Returns                           No return value

Sets arg_ptr to beginning of list of optional arguments passed to the
function used before va_arg. Note that va_list is defined as the type of

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int vfprintf( FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list argptr );

Include                           STDARG.H or VARARGS.H, STDIO.H

stream                            Pointer to target stream

format                            Format control string

argptr                            Pointer to list of arguments

Returns                           The number of characters written if
                                    successful; a negative value
                                    if not

Formats and outputs data to stream.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int vprintf( const char *format, va_list argptr );

Include                           STDARG.H or VARARGS.H, STDIO.H

format                            Format control string

argptr                            Pointer to list of arguments

Returns                           The number of characters written, not
                                    counting the terminating null character
                                    ('\0'), if successful; a negative value
                                    if not

Formats and outputs data to the standard output stream, stdout.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int vsprintf( char *buffer, const char *format, va_list argptr );

Include                           STDARG.H or VARARGS.H, STDIO.H

buffer                            Storage location for output

format                            Format control string

argptr                            Pointer to list of arguments

Returns                           The number of characters written, not
                                    counting the terminating null character
                                    ('\0'), if successful; a negative value
                                    if not

Formats and outputs data to buffer.

    ANSI   DOS   OS/2   UNIX   XENIX


    int wait( int *termstat );

Include                           PROCESS.H, ERRNO.H

termstat                          Child process termination status and
                                    return code buffer

Returns                           The child process identification if
                                    returning after normal child process
                                    termination; -1 if returning after
                                    abnormal child process termination; or
                                    -1 immediately otherwise

errno                             ECHILD, EINTR

Suspends the calling process until any of the caller's immediate child
processes terminate. If all of the caller's children have terminated before
it calls the wait function, the function returns immediately.



    short _far _wrapon( short option );

Include                           GRAPH.H

option                            _GWRAPOFF, _GWRAPON

Returns                           The previous value of option

Controls whether text output with the _outtext and _outmem functions wraps
to a new line or is simply truncated when the text output reaches the edge
of the current text window.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    int write( int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int count );

Include                           IO.H, ERRNO.H

handle                            Handle referring to open file

buffer                            Data to be written

count                             Number of bytes

Returns                           The number of bytes actually written if
                                    successful; -1 if not

errno                             EBADF, ENOSPC

Writes count bytes from buffer into the file associated with handle. The
write operation begins at the current position in the file. If the file is
open for appending, the operation begins at the current end of the file.



    double yn( int n, double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

n                                 Integer order

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    HUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order n).



    long double _ynl( int n, long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

n                                 Integer order

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    _LHUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order n). Long
double-precision floating-point version of yn.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double y1( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    HUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order 1).



    long double _y1l( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    _LHUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order 1). Long
double-precision floating-point version of y1.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX


    double y0( double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Floating-point value

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    HUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order 0).



    long double _y0l( long double x );

Include                           MATH.H, ERRNO.H

x                                 Long double-precision floating-point

Returns                           The result of a Bessel function of x; -
                                    _LHUGE_VAL if x is negative

errno                             EDOM

Returns the Bessel function of the second kind (order 0). Long
double-precision floating-point version of y0.

▼ ANSI   DOS   OS/2  ▼ UNIX  ▼ XENIX

Appendix A  printf/scanf Format Specifiers

The following gives the format syntax for printf and scanf.

printf Syntax

    % «flags»«width» «.precision»«{F|N|h|l|L}»type

scanf Syntax

    % «*»«width» «{F|N}»«{h|l}»type

Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
flags      Characters that justify                           Yes     No
            output and control the
            printing of signs,
            blanks, decimal points,
            and octal and
            hexadecimal prefixes

            Code                     Description

            -                        Left justifies           Yes     No

                                    Prefixes signed output   Yes     No
                                    with + or -
                                    Always printed with

            0                        Adds leading zeros to    Yes     No
                                    reach minimum width

Field      Description                                       printf  scanf

            blank (' ')              Prefixes zero or signed  Yes     No
                                    positive value with a

            #                        1.  With o, x, X:        Yes     No
                                    Prefixes nonzero output
                                    with 0, 0x, or 0X
                                    2.  With e, E, f:
                                    Inserts decimal point
                                    3.  With g, G: Inserts
                                    decimal point and does
                                            not truncate
                                    trailing zeros

*          Suppresses assignment                             No      Yes
            of the next field

Field      Description                                       printf  scanf

width      Specifies minimum width                           Yes     Yes
            in characters. For
            printf: If width is an
            asterisk (*), the width
            is determined by the
            next argument,
            an integer. This width
            argument precedes the
            argument being

precision  Specifies precision in                            Yes     No
            number of digits and
            decimal places. If
            precision is an
            asterisk (*), the
            precision is determined
            by the next argument,
Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
            by the next argument,
            an integer. This
            precision argument
            precedes the argument
            being formatted.

            1. With d, i, u, o, x,
            X: Specifies minimum
            number of digits.
                If number is less
            than precision, pads
            output value on the
                with zeros. Does
            not truncate values
            larger than precision.
            2. With e, E: Specifies
            number of digits after
            the decimal point
Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
            the decimal point
                and rounds the last
            printed digit.
            3. With f: Specifies
            number of digits after
            the decimal point.
            4. With g, G: Specifies
            the maximum number of
            5. With c: Has no
            6. With s: Specifies
            maximum number of
            characters to be

F          Explicitly indicates                              Yes     Yes
            far value
Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
            far value

N          Explicitly indicates                              Yes     Yes
            near value

h          1.  With d, i, o, x, X:                           Yes     Yes
            Specifies short int
            2.  With u: Specifies
            short unsigned int

l          1.  With d, i, o, x, X:                           Yes     Yes
            Specifies long int
            2.  With u: Specifies
            long unsigned int
            3.  With e, E, f, g, G:
            Specifies double

L          With e, E, f, g, G:                               Yes     Yes
            Specifies long double
Field      Description                                       printf  scanf
            Specifies long double

    Continued on next page

Field   Description                                         printf  scanf
type    Characters that justify                             Yes     Yes
        output and control the
        printing of signs,
        blanks, decimal points,
        octal and hexadecimal

        Code                      Meaning

        c                         Single character          Yes     Yes
Field   Description                                         printf  scanf
        c                         Single character          Yes     Yes

        d                         Signed decimal integer    Yes     Yes

        e, E                      Exponential; case sets    Yes     Yes
                                    case of exponent key

        f                         Floating-point value      Yes     Yes

        g, G                      e or f format; case sets  Yes     Yes
                                    case of exponent key

        i                         For printf: Signed        Yes     Yes
                                    decimal integer
                                    For scanf: Signed
                                    decimal, octal, or
                                    hexadecimal integer

        n                         Number of bytes           Yes     Yes
Field   Description                                         printf  scanf
        n                         Number of bytes           Yes     Yes
                                    successfully written (
                                    printf) or read (scanf)
                                    placed in its
                                    corresponding argument,
                                    which is a pointer to an
                                    integer. No input or
                                    output is performed.

        o                         Unsigned octal integer    Yes     Yes

        p                         Pointer to void; prints   Yes     Yes
                                    address pointed to by
                                    the argument

        s                         Null-terminated string    Yes     Yes

        u                         Unsigned decimal integer  Yes     Yes

Field   Description                                         printf  scanf

        x, X                      For printf: Unsigned      Yes     Yes
                                    hexadecimal integer
                                    using "abcdef"or
                                    For scanf: Unsigned
                                    hexadecimal integer

Appendix B  Compiler Limits and Numerical Ranges

Compiler Limits

Limits Imposed by the C Compiler

Item                                 Limit
String literals                      2,048 bytes, including the
                                        terminating null character ('\0')

Constants                            Determined by its type; see on-line

Identifiers                          31 bytes (additional characters are

Declarations                         15 levels of nesting for structure
                                        and union definitions
Item                                 Limit
                                        and union definitions

Macro definition                     6K bytes, 255 formal arguments

Macro expansion                      6K

Preprocessor arguments               3K (approximately)

if, #ifdef, and #ifndef directives   16 levels of nesting

Include files                        10 levels of nesting

Initialization                       30 levels of nesting


Program Limits at Run Time

Item                                  Limit
File size                             232 - 1 bytes (4 gigabytes)

Open files (streams)                  20(a)

Command line (DOS)                    128 characters (including program

Environment table (DOS)               32K

Command line and environment table    32K, combined


(a) The default number of open files and streams allowed can be modified.
See _NFILE_ and CRT0DAT in on-line help.

Numerical Ranges

Data Ranges Defined in LIMITS.H

Manifest Constant  Description                   Value
CHAR_MAX           Maximum char value            127(a)
CHAR_MIN           Minimum char value            -127a
CHAR_MAX           Maximum char value            255(a)
CHAR_MIN           Minimum char value            0(a)
SCHAR_MAX          Maximum signed char value     127
SCHAR_MIN          Minimum signed char value     -127
UCHAR_MAX          Maximum unsigned char value   255
CHAR_BIT           Number of bits in a char      8
Manifest Constant  Description                   Value
CHAR_BIT           Number of bits in a char      8
USHRT_MAX          Maximum unsigned short value  65,535
SHRT_MAX           Maximum (signed) short value  32,767
SHRT_MIN           Minimum (signed) short value  -32,767
UINT_MAX           Maximum unsigned int value    65,535
ULONG_MAX          Maximum unsigned long value   4,294,967,295
INT_MAX            Maximum (signed) int value    32,767
INT_MIN            Minimum (signed) int value    -32,767
LONG_MAX           Maximum (signed) long value   2,147,483,647
LONG_MIN           Minimum (signed) long value   -2,147,483,647

(a)  These values are defined within an #ifndef block as follows:
ifndef _CHAR_UNSIGNED         #define CHAR_MAX      127         #define
CHAR_MIN    (-127)         #else         #define CHAR_MAX      255
#define CHAR_MIN      0         #endif

Numerical Values Defined in FLOAT.H

Manifest Constant  Description                 Value
DBL_DIG            Number of decimal digits    15

DBL_EPSILON        Smallest value such that    2.2204460492503131e-016
                    1.0+DBL_EPSILON != 1.0

DBL_MANT_DIG       Number of bits in mantissa  53

DBL_MAX            Maximum value               1.7976931348623158e+308

DBL_MAX_10_EXP     Maximum decimal exponent    308

DBL_MAX_EXP        Maximum binary exponent     1,024

Manifest Constant  Description                 Value

DBL_MIN            Minimum positive value      2.2250738585072014e-308

DBL_MIN_10_EXP     Minimum decimal exponent    307

DBL_MIN_EXP        Minimum binary exponent     -1,021

FLT_DIG            Number of decimal digits    7
                    of precision

FLT_EPSILON        Smallest value such that    1.192092896e-07F
                    1.0+FLT_EPSILON != 1.0

FLT_MANT_DIG       Number of bits in mantissa  24

FLT_MAX            Maximum value               3.402823466e+38F

FLT_MAX_10_EX      Maximum decimal exponent    38

Manifest Constant  Description                 Value

FLT_MAX_EXP        Maximum binary exponent     128

FLT_MIN            Minimum positive value      1.175494351e-38F

FLT_MIN_10_EXP     Minimum decimal exponent    -37

FLT_MIN_EXP        Minimum binary exponent     -125

LDBL_DIG           Number of decimal digits    19

LDBL_EPSILON       Smallest value such that    5.4210108624275221706e-020
                    1.0+LDBL_EPSILON != 1.0

LDBL_MANT_DIG      Number of bits in mantissa  64

LDBL_MAX           Maximum value               1.189731495357231765e+4932L
Manifest Constant  Description                 Value
LDBL_MAX           Maximum value               1.189731495357231765e+4932L

LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    Maximum decimal exponent    4,932

LDBL_MAX_EXP       Maximum binary exponent     16,384

LDBL_MIN           Minimum positive value      3.3621031431120935063e-4932L

LDBL_MIN_10_EXP    Minimum decimal exponent    -4,931

LDBL_MIN_EXP       Minimum binary exponent     -16,381
