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MS QuickPBASIC Programmer's Toolbox

The following document is from the Microsoft Programmer’s Library 1.3 CD-ROM.

Microsoft QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolbox


Microsoft(R) QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolbox

By John Clark Craig


    Microsoft Press
    A Division of Microsoft Corporation
    16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, Washington 98073-9717
    Copyright (C) 1988 by John Clark Craig
    All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be
    reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written
    permission of the publisher.
    Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
    Craig, John Clark.
    The Microsoft QuickBASIC programmer's toolbox.
    1. BASIC (Computer program language)  2. Microsoft QuickBASIC
    (Computer program)  I. Title.
    QA76.73.B3C7    1988    005.13'3    88-5115
    ISBN 1-55615-127-6
    Printed and bound in the United States of America.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  MLML  3 2 1 0 9 8
    Distributed to the book trade in the
    United States by Harper & Row.
    Distributed to the book trade in
    Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd.
    Distributed to the book trade outside the
    United States and Canada by Penguin Books Ltd.
    Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England
    Penguin Books Australia Ltd., Ringwood, Victoria, Australia
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    British Cataloging in Publication Data available
    Project Editor: Suzanne Viescas  Manuscript Editor: Michele Tomiak
    Technical Editor: Jon Harshaw


                This book is dedicated with love to
            the three most important people in my life:
                    Jeanie, Jennifer, and Adam.



    Advantages of Structured Programming
    The Toolboxes in This Book
    Modular Source-Code Editing
    Building a Quick Library
    Creating the Source Code for MINICAL
    Compiling and Running as an Executable (.EXE) Program

    Special Requirements
    QuickBASIC vs Executable Files

    Near and Far Addressing
    Passing Variables
    Creating Mixed-Language Toolboxes

APPENDIX A  Requirements for Running Toolboxes/Programs
APPENDIX B  Functions-to-Modules Cross Reference
APPENDIX C  Subprograms-to-Modules Cross Reference
APPENDIX D  Hexadecimal Format (.OBJ) Files
APPENDIX E  Line-Drawing Characters


Chapter One  QuickBASIC and Toolboxes

    Thanks to Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0, BASIC has finally grown into a
    flexible, full-featured, and powerful programming language. By thumbing
    through this book and glancing at the program listings, you'll see that
    BASIC isn't what it used to be. Microsoft QuickBASIC is easier to read,
    has a faster learning curve, and gives you the power to quickly create
    sophisticated programs that would have been difficult, if not impossible,
    with traditional BASIC.

    A key difference between traditional BASIC and QuickBASIC is that
    QuickBASIC allows structured programming, an important feature that makes
    large programs easier to create and maintain.

Advantages of Structured Programming

    With early versions of BASIC, a program was written and executed as a
    single block of program lines. Inexperienced programmers writing large
    programs could unknowingly create "spaghetti code" (programs that make
    frequent and improper use of GOTO statements) making them generally
    difficult to follow and maintain.

    A key feature of QuickBASIC is its ability to let you create structured
    programs──large programs constructed of small, individual program modules.
    Instead of having to create and work with a large (and often overwhelming)
    single block of code, the QuickBASIC programmer need only construct the
    program modules, which are in turn constructed from procedures called
    subprograms and functions. Each of these procedures performs a specific,
    well-defined task. By concentrating on the functionality of a single
    procedure, the programmer is freed from having to worry about other parts
    of the program and can devote full concentration to the task at hand. It's
    been proven that programmers can develop complex programs more quickly and
    accurately using this modular approach.

    An additional advantage to structured programming is that these modules
    and procedures can be organized and saved in such a way that they can be
    reused with other programs──avoiding duplication of effort from one
    programming project to another. By grouping modules with complementary
    functionality, a programmer can easily create "toolboxes" of useful
    routines that can, over time, make large programming projects progress
    quickly because major portions of the program are already written.

    After construction, a module can also be organized into a Quick Library,
    which is a file saved on disk in a special format. You can then load Quick
    Libraries with the QuickBASIC program, effectively adding the routines in
    the Quick Library to the ones built into QuickBASIC.

The Toolboxes in This Book

    If you are using (or even thinking of using) QuickBASIC, this book will be
    a valuable reference. If you're only starting out and learning QuickBASIC
    as a first language, you'll find the book immediately useful for learning
    by example. If you're a seasoned, professional programmer using QuickBASIC
    as a software development system, you'll find the routines in this book to
    be valuable extensions to the QuickBASIC language.

    Part 1 provides step-by-step instructions for constructing a complete,
    working program called MINICAL. Beginning programmers in particular will
    find this tutorial helpful. Part II contains all the QuickBASIC toolboxes
    and begins with a brief section that explains how to load and run them.
    Part III describes the use of mixed-language toolboxes and contains
    several examples. Finally, five appendixes contain information on the
    requirements for running the toolboxes, cross references to functions and
    subprograms, and additional important information.

    If you're an experienced programmer, you may want to skip ahead to Part
    II and start using some of the toolboxes. If you're new to QuickBASIC,
    turn now to the next section. You'll create two modules containing
    functions and subprograms and use them to build a Quick Library. Once
    you've learned the steps needed to create your own programs and your own
    Quick Library, you can use the modules in Parts II and III of this book,
    as well as modules of your own, to create even more Quick Libraries.
    You'll soon have powerful toolboxes that you can use to build programs

Chapter Two  MINICAL.BAS──A Complete Program

    In this section we will start from scratch and build a complete, working
    program. We'll construct the program, build a Quick Library to extend the
    QuickBASIC language, and build a stand-alone, executable program.

    Before we begin, let's take a quick look at the capabilities of the
    QuickBASIC programming environment and at some of the major concepts
    involved. The sample program in this section is made up of two separate
    modules, each consisting of several subprograms and functions. Let's look
    at how QuickBASIC handles each of these.

Modular Source-Code Editing

    One of the new features of Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0 is the way that you
    review and edit programs from within the QuickBASIC environment. If you've
    programmed in QuickBASIC, perhaps you've noticed that a program comprising
    several subprograms and functions can't be shown and edited all in one
    piece on the screen. If you haven't yet programmed in QuickBASIC, you need
    only know at this point that you select one subprogram or function from a
    list of currently loaded subprograms and functions as the one you want to
    view and edit. All the other routines are hidden from view. This might
    seem strange at first, but after working on a few programs, you'll begin
    to appreciate the power that this modular editing provides.

    A second major advance in QuickBASIC 4.0 is its ability to load into
    memory more than one source-code file at a time. This opens the door to
    creating collections of subprograms and functions, stored in separate
    source-code files by subject, that several different programs can load and
    use independently.

    The important concepts about these new features can be summarized in this
    way: A program can be made up of one or more source-code files (modules),
    and each source-code file can be made up of one or more subprograms or
    functions. You can load several of these source files into the QuickBASIC
    environment simultaneously, and all modules can work together to make a
    complete program. Although you can display and edit only one portion of a
    source file at a time, it's easy to jump from one portion to another while
    editing a program.

Building a Quick Library

    Wouldn't it be nice to create new QuickBASIC statements and functions that
    you could add to the language in such a way that they'd be available for
    your use every time you fired up QuickBASIC? That's what Quick Libraries
    can do for you!

    For example, suppose you use hyperbolic functions in almost every program
    you write. You could create these functions in a source-code file to be
    loaded into memory along with each main program you write, or you could
    create a Quick Library so that these functions load at the same time you
    load QuickBASIC. To build a Quick Library, you would simply load the
    hyperbolic function source-code file and select the appropriate menu
    choices from the Run menu.

Creating the Source Code for MINICAL

    Let's walk through the creation of a complete programming project, step by
    step, to get your feet wet. Fire up your computer and follow along to get
    the maximum benefit. The MINICAL program performs five functions:
    addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. The
    program is simple in scope, yet it has most of the major components of
    much larger software projects.

    Before we start coding, let's look at how the program should run once we
    get it built. The MINICAL program uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) for
    input. Using RPN simplifies the programming considerably because it
    eliminates the coding necessary to rearrange those math commands
    enshrouded in parentheses.

    Using RPN, you enter numbers first, followed by the operators. For
    example, to add 3 and 4, you would enter:

    3 4 +

    (We'll show how these numbers are actually entered later in the section.)
    To add 1 and 2 and then multiply the result by 3, you would enter:

    1 2 + 3 *

    MINICAL uses double-precision numbers, so you can enter any type of
    integer or floating-point numeric values. Results are displayed using as
    many as 16 digits. For example, to divide 1.2 by -3.45, you would enter:

    1.2 -3.45 /

    and the display would read:

    Result... -.3478260869565217

    NOTE: Because a computer keyboard does not have x and ÷ keys, an asterisk
    (*) is used for multiplication and a forward slash (/) is used for

    By the way, MINICAL uses a structure called a stack to hold the numbers
    and the operators while performing the calculations. (Technically, the
    structure used in MINICAL only mimics a traditional stack, but for
    discussion purposes it can be thought of as a stack.) A stack is a
    sequential series of memory locations set aside to hold a number of
    separate items──in this case, the numbers and operators provided by the
    user. RPN is used for specifying numbers and operators primarily because
    of the existence of the stack──the RPN syntax is ideal for stack-based
    calculations. The alternative method, parsing, involves "reading" the
    equation entered by the user, rearranging and selecting the separate
    elements, and acting on them. This latter method involves much more

    The stack in MINICAL can hold as many as 20 values plus the associated
    operators. You can enter numbers as explained above, or you can enter all
    numbers and then the operators. For example, to add the numbers 1 through
    5, you can enter either of these two command lines:

    1 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +
    1 2 3 4 5 + + + +


    This project consists of two parts: the MINIMATH module and the MINICAL
    module. Let's begin with MINIMATH.

    If you haven't done so yet, at the system prompt type QB and press Enter
    to start QuickBASIC. Type in the title block on the following page.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MINIMATH                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Collection of math subprograms for the MINICAL
    ' program.

    At this point, it's convenient to tell QuickBASIC this module's name. Pull
    down the File menu and choose Save As. Type the filename MINIMATH, and
    press the Enter key or move your mouse pointer to the OK box and click the
    left mouse button. The file is then saved to disk, and you're ready to
    continue entering more of the program. Note that if you omit the .BAS
    extension, as you did here, QuickBASIC automatically adds it for you.

    This first module will be made up of the five subprograms that perform the
    math functions. First, let's create the Add subprogram. Pull down the Edit
    menu and choose New SUB. When you're asked for the name of the subprogram,
    respond with Add. QuickBASIC then creates the first and last lines of your
    new subprogram:

    SUB Add

    Note that QuickBASIC also adjusts the editing window so that only the Add
    subprogram is displayed, allowing you to concentrate on this subprogram
    only. (You'll greatly appreciate this feature later on, when your
    programming projects become larger.) The next step is to add comment
    information before the first line of the subprogram and to insert the
    "guts" of the subprogram between the two lines displayed by QuickBASIC.

    Start by adding comments. Move the cursor to the first character of the
    first line of the subprogram and press Enter. When you do, a dialog box
    appears with the message Blank lines not allowed before SUB/FUNCTION line.
    Is remark OK? Since a remark (comment) is what you want, choose OK.
    QuickBASIC then inserts a blank line preceded by a ' character for the
    comment. After you type the first comment line (taken from the lines on
    the following page) and press Enter, the dialog box appears again. Click
    OK and then type the next comment line.

    Use the lines below to build the Add subprogram. Note the locations of the
    SUB Add and END SUB lines, and note that you need to append items to the
    SUB Add line. Also note that some lines are indented: Although this
    indention is not required, it is good programming style to indent
    subordinate lines so that the program is easier to read and relationships
    between lines are visually apparent. When you're done, your Add subprogram
    should look exactly like this:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Add                        **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Performs addition for the MINICAL program.
        SUB Add (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            ptr% = ptr% - 1
            IF ptr% THEN
                stack#(ptr%) = stack#(ptr%) + stack#(ptr% + 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

    You can save your work at any point. (It's a good idea to back up your
    work often to prevent losing your work in case of a power failure or other
    disaster.) Do so now by pulling down the File menu and choosing Save All.

    You're well on your way now! You will create and edit the other four math
    subprograms (shown on pages 11-12) in the same way.

    Here's a tip that can speed up the process. Notice that the initial
    comment lines for each of the five subprograms are nearly identical. So,
    instead of retyping each one, you'll copy the lines you typed in for the
    Add subprogram and paste them into the other subprograms. Let's do that

    First, set up the new subprograms. For the Subtract subprogram, choose
    New SUB from the Edit menu, enter the name Subtract, and press Enter.
    After the two lines of the Subtract subprogram are displayed, repeat the
    New SUB process for the Multiply, Divide, and SquareRoot subprograms.
    Be sure you type the subprogram names as shown here──each starts with a
    capital letter, and no space is allowed in the subprogram name SquareRoot.

    Next, make a copy of the comment lines in the Add subprogram. Pull down
    the View menu and choose SUBS. QuickBASIC displays a list of all
    subprogram names you entered. Here's where the power of QuickBASIC is
    really apparent: Using the SUBS command, you can jump to any subprogram
    for editing by simply selecting the name of the desired subprogram. You do
    this by double-clicking on the desired subprogram name with your mouse or
    by using the cursor movement keys followed by the Enter key. For now,
    choose Add.

    To copy the comment lines, move the cursor to the first character of the
    first comment line, and then (using the keyboard) hold down either Shift
    key and press the Down arrow key until all comment lines are highlighted;
    or (using the mouse) move the mouse pointer to the location of the cursor,
    hold down the left mouse button, and drag down until all comment lines are
    highlighted. Finally, choose Copy from the Edit menu to copy the
    highlighted lines to the Clipboard.

    Next, copy those lines into the four other subprograms. Choose SUBS from
    the View menu to again display a list of subprograms. Select Subtract,
    move the cursor to the first character of the first line, pull down the
    Edit menu, and choose Paste. The lines copied from the Add subprogram
    should appear. (If they don't or if you get a dialog box telling you that
    blank lines can't appear before a subprogram, go back to the Add
    subprogram and repeat the Edit-Copy process. Remember to copy only comment
    lines──those preceded by a ' character.)

    Select the remaining subprogram names in the same way, and repeat the
    Edit-Paste process. You don't have to repeat the Copy operation, because
    an item copied to the Clipboard stays there until something else is copied
    to the Clipboard or until you quit QuickBASIC. When you're done, go back
    to each subprogram. Edit the comment lines and enter the program lines as
    you did for the Add subprogram. Be sure to choose Save All from the File
    menu after completing each subprogram. Also, be sure to go back and review
    your work──the ability to view each subprogram separately using the SUBS
    option on the View menu makes this important task easier and your program
    clearer to read. Your results should match the four subprograms on the
    following two pages.

    NOTE: Don't forget to edit the comments! Remember──the comments you pasted
    in were the comments for the Add subprogram. You must change the name in
    each comment block and the information on the line below the block to
    reflect the subprogram the comments identify.

    The following is the Subtract subprogram:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Subtract                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Performs subtraction for the MINICAL program.
        SUB Subtract (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            ptr% = ptr% - 1
            IF ptr% THEN
                stack#(ptr%) = stack#(ptr%) - stack#(ptr% + 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

    The following is the Multiply subprogram:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Multiply                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Performs multiplication for the MINICAL program.
        SUB Multiply (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            ptr% = ptr% - 1
            IF ptr% THEN
                stack#(ptr%) = stack#(ptr%) * stack#(ptr% + 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

    The following is the Divide subprogram:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Divide                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Performs division for the MINICAL program.
        SUB Divide (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            ptr% = ptr% - 1
            IF ptr% THEN
                stack#(ptr%) = stack#(ptr%) / stack#(ptr% + 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

    The following is the SquareRoot subprogram:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SquareRoot                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINIMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Determines square root for the MINICAL program.
        SUB SquareRoot (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            stack#(ptr%) = SQR(stack#(ptr%))
        END SUB

    This completes the first part of the MINICAL program. The subprograms you
    created and saved as MINIMATH form the heart of MINICAL because they
    perform the actual calculations. The next part involves creating MINICAL
    itself. MINICAL performs the overhead work──taking the numbers the user
    wants to calculate, passing them to the appropriate subprograms in
    MINIMATH, and displaying the result.

The MINICAL Module

    From here, you can proceed in one of two ways. Because both MINIMATH and
    MINICAL are small, you can build the MINICAL program entirely in memory by
    creating a second module named MINICAL. (You do this by choosing Create
    File from the File menu, accepting the default choice of Module, and then
    choosing OK.) Or you can turn MINIMATH into a Quick Library and load it
    with the QuickBASIC system so that it becomes an extension to the
    language. We'll use the second method to see how easy it is to use this
    advanced QuickBASIC feature.

    To create a Quick Library, pull down the Run menu and choose Make Library.
    You'll be asked to name the library. MINIMATH will be fine, because
    QuickBASIC automatically appends a default extension of .QLB for the Quick
    Library and .LIB for the normal library it also builds. After you type
    MINIMATH, choose Make Library. (You can ignore the other options in the
    dialog box for now.) When completed, QuickBASIC will have created two new
    files in the current directory: MINIMATH.QLB and MINIMATH.LIB.

    Now quit QuickBASIC so that you can restart it and load the new Quick
    Library with it. To do this, pull down the File menu and choose Exit. Then
    start QuickBASIC from the system prompt by entering:


    You'll see no obvious sign that anything is different, but a very exciting
    event has actually taken place! Your QuickBASIC has been extended. It's
    now more than it used to be. The subprograms in MINIMATH are part of the
    QuickBASIC language, ready to be used like many of the other QuickBASIC
    keywords. In fact, because you can optionally use the CALL keyword when
    calling subprograms, these new subprograms will appear much like new
    keywords in QuickBASIC.

    Proceed with the rest of the program now so that you can try out the new,
    extended QuickBASIC. Be sure QuickBASIC is loaded, as described earlier,
    with the MINIMATH Quick Library as part of the system. Then type in the
    following program, MINICAL.BAS:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MINICAL                    **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        MINICAL.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION NextParameter$ (cmd$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Process (cmd$, stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB DisplayStack (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB Add (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB Subtract (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB Multiply (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB Divide (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB SquareRoot (stack#(), ptr%)

    ' Get the command line
        cmd$ = COMMAND$

    ' Create a pseudo stack
        DIM stack#(1 TO 20)
        ptr% = 0

    ' Process each part of the command line
        DO UNTIL cmd$ = ""
            parm$ = NextParameter$(cmd$)
            Process parm$, stack#(), ptr%
            IF ptr% < 1 THEN
                PRINT "Not enough stack values"
            END IF

    ' Display results
        DisplayStack stack#(), ptr%

    ' All done

    This is the main part of the MINICAL program, where all the action begins.
    Note the first two lines in the DO-LOOP structure, the ones that read
    parm$ = NextParameter$(cmd$) and Process parm$, stack#(), ptr%. The first
    line calls the user-defined function named NextParameter$, and the second
    line calls the user-defined subprogram named Process. (No, you haven't
    defined them yet. That's next on the list of tasks to do.) Notice that the
    keyword CALL was not used to call the Process subprogram. You can use CALL
    if desired, but there's no need to anymore. Because of the way QuickBASIC
    deals with subprograms, the Process subprogram that you'll create shortly
    will be more like part of the QuickBASIC system, rather than part of the
    program, because you can't list it or modify it while this portion of the
    program is on the screen. You also don't have to think about it or
    recompile it! Your creative energies are free to tackle the next higher
    level of the program's complexity.

    Once you've entered the main program's lines, it's again time to save this
    module to disk. Select Save As from the File menu and enter the filename

    You still have a few pieces of coding to do before you can try the
    program. To create the one function of this program, select New Function
    from the Edit menu. Type in the function name NextParameter$, and press
    the Enter key. Creating and editing functions are really no different from
    creating and editing subprograms. In fact, the only major difference
    between a function and a subprogram is that a function returns a value to
    be used in a calculation or assigned to a QuickBASIC variable. Subprograms
    return values only through passed variables. Follow the same steps you
    used to create the subprograms in MINIMATH to create the function

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          NextParameter$             **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        MINICAL.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Extracts parameters from the front of the
    ' command line. Parameters are groups of any
    ' characters separated by spaces.
        FUNCTION NextParameter$ (cmd$) STATIC
            parm$ = ""
            DO WHILE LEFT$(cmd$, 1) <> " " AND cmd$ <> ""
                parm$ = parm$ + LEFT$(cmd$, 1)
                cmd$ = MID$(cmd$, 2)
            DO WHILE LEFT$(cmd$, 1) = " " AND cmd$ <> ""
                cmd$ = MID$(cmd$, 2)
            NextParameter$ = parm$

    Now create and edit the following two subprograms as part of the MINICAL

    Create the subprogram DisplayStack:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DisplayStack               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINICAL.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays anything left on the stack when MINICAL
    ' finishes processing the command line.
        SUB DisplayStack (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                PRINT "Stack... ",
                PRINT "Result... ",
            END IF
            FOR i% = 1 TO ptr%
                PRINT stack#(i%),
            NEXT i%
        END SUB

    Next create the subprogram Process:

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Process                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MINICAL.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Processes each command parameter for the MINICAL
    ' program.
        SUB Process (parm$, stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            SELECT CASE parm$
            CASE "+"
                Add stack#(), ptr%
            CASE "-"
                Subtract stack#(), ptr%
            CASE "*"
                Multiply stack#(), ptr%
            CASE "/"
                Divide stack#(), ptr%
            CASE "SQR"
                SquareRoot stack#(), ptr%
            CASE ELSE
                ptr% = ptr% + 1
                stack#(ptr%) = VAL(parm$)
            END SELECT
        END SUB

    Be sure you save your efforts on disk by selecting Save All from the File

    You've done it! One last detail remains, however. This program reads the
    command line and assumes that numbers and operators were typed in
    following the name of the program at the system prompt. Fortunately,
    QuickBASIC provides a mechanism to let you type in a command line, even
    though you're currently going to be running the program in memory from the
    QuickBASIC system. From the Run menu select Modify COMMAND$. You'll be
    asked to enter a new command line. Enter this for the first try:

    3 4 +

    Everything should be in place now, so try running the program. Select
    Start from the Run menu. If all is well, you'll see the following:

    Result...  7

    If all is not well, you'll probably find yourself staring at an error
    message from QuickBASIC, describing an error that's probably the indirect
    result of a typographical error. If so, double-check your typing, and
    rebuild the library if the problem was in the MINIMATH module.

    Once you get the program working, take a little time to try different
    command line parameters. See what happens if several numbers are placed on
    the stack but not enough operators are given to reduce the stack to a
    final result. For example, try entering:

    3 4 5 6 7 + *

    Also, find out what happens if not enough numbers are on the stack. For
    example, enter:

    3 4 + *

Compiling and Running as an Executable (.EXE) Program

    Finally, to see how you can create programs that you can run from MS-DOS,
    select Make EXE File from the Run menu. You can create two types of .EXE
    files. The first type results in a smaller MINICAL.EXE file, but it
    requires access to the QuickBASIC file named BRUN40.EXE at runtime. The
    second type results in a larger MINICAL.EXE file that stands completely on
    its own. When you select Make EXE File from the Run menu, you are prompted
    to select the type of .EXE file you want to create. Try it both ways. Take
    a look at the resulting file sizes, and note that the BRUN40.EXE file must
    be accessible in the current directory or in a place defined by the MS-DOS
    PATH setting. (Your QuickBASIC manual discusses this subject in more

    Either way, running the MINICAL.EXE program from the system prompt uses
    the command line in the way that COMMAND$ expects. For example, to
    subtract 5 from 17, enter the following at the system prompt:

    MINICAL 17 5 -

    While building MINICAL, you've learned how easy it is to create toolboxes
    of your own or to edit existing toolboxes. Turn now to Part II of this
    book. Be sure to read the first section, which explains how to use the
    QuickBASIC toolboxes. Then choose a toolbox that interests you, and have


Chapter Three  Using QuickBASIC Toolboxes

    The toolboxes in Part II cover a wide range of topics and are presented
    alphabetically by subject. Each is designed to be loaded and called by
    user-written application software. You can run the demo module that begins
    each toolbox to illustrate the routines within the toolbox, you can ignore
    the demo module and use the routines as they are written, or you can
    restructure the routines so that they meet your application requirements.

    The toolboxes and utility programs do not require any knowledge of
    previously presented toolboxes, so you can run them in any order. Try them
    all at least once, and review the code as you run them. You'll find unique
    techniques and programming concepts in most of the listings. You'll also
    find that these toolbox routines, along with your own creations, will be
    useful in your future programming projects.

    Many of the utility programs use command line input or the COMMAND$
    variable from within QuickBASIC to pass values or parameters to the
    program. Others (those using toolboxes from different programs) might
    require an associated .MAK file. A few programs require color and graphics
    capability, and others require a mouse. Check the comments at the
    beginning of each listing or Appendix A to determine environmental and
    running requirements for each toolbox and utility program.

Special Requirements

    The following toolboxes require that the MIXED.QLB Quick Library be loaded
    into memory with QuickBASIC: BIOSCALL, CDEMO1, CDEMO2, COLORS,
    and WINDOWS. MIXED.QLB consists of a handful of subprograms and functions
    written in assembly language and in Microsoft QuickC. (The
    assembly-language and C source listings for MIXED.QLB are in Part III.)

    Although MIXED.QLB isn't required by all toolboxes in this book, it's a
    good idea to load it each time you start QuickBASIC to use the toolboxes
    in this book. Toolboxes that do not require its presence will not be
    affected if MIXED.QLB is loaded.

    Below are instructions for creating MIXED.QLB, which was written in
    Microsoft QuickC and assembly language to demonstrate how other languages
    can be used with QuickBASIC. It is beyond the scope of this book to
    explain in detail mixed-language programming concepts, so simply follow
    the steps presented here to create MIXED.QLB. In Part III of the book, you
    will have the opportunity to try some examples of mixed-language programs.

Creating MIXED.QLB

    If you own Microsoft QuickC, the first step is to compile an object-code
    file for CTOOLS1.C and CTOOLS2.C.

    You can load the C source-code files from the companion disk if you have
    purchased it, or you can type them in yourself. You will find CTOOLS1.C
    on page 445, and CTOOLS2.C on page 462. Once you have these files, enter
    the following commands at the system prompt to compile the CTOOLS1.C and
    CTOOLS2.C source-code files to create object-code files:

    QCL /Ox /AM /Gs /c CTOOLS1.C
    QCL /Ox /AM /Gs /c CTOOLS2.C

    NOTE: If you don't have QuickC, you can still create MIXED.QLB. Compile
    the assembly-language source-code files as explained below. You will then
    be able to run all toolboxes in this book except CDEMO1 and CDEMO2.

    If you have version 5.0 or later of the Microsoft Macro Assembler, load
    the assembly-language source-code files from the companion disk or type
    them in. MOUSE.ASM is on page 437 and CASEMAP.ASM is on page 436. The
    third assembly-language file, INTRPT.ASM, is part of QuickBASIC itself and
    can be found on the disk that comes with the program. Then, enter the
    following commands at the system prompt to compile the source-code files
    into object-code files:


    If you have an earlier version of the Microsoft Macro Assembler, follow
    the guidelines in your QuickBASIC documentation to replace the .MODEL
    directives with appropriate statements.

    If you don't have the Microsoft Macro Assembler, you can use HEX2BIN (on
    pages 210 and 211) to convert the MOUSE.HEX, CASEMAP.HEX, and INTRPT.HEX
    files into object-code files. The hexadecimal character files are listed
    in Appendix D.

    Once you've created the object-code files, you can build the MIXED library
    files to use with QuickBASIC. (Note that two files will be created:
    MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB. MIXED.QLB will be loaded with the QuickBASIC
    program because it is needed by some toolboxes; MIXED.LIB will be used for
    creating stand-alone programs that can be executed directly from MS-DOS.)
    The following commands accomplish this task:


    NOTE: If you don't have QuickC, remember that you cannot run CDEMO1 and
    CDEMO2; therefore, you must delete +CTOOLS1 and +CTOOLS2 from the above

    If you have a problem, the cause might be that the necessary files can't
    be located. Try moving all the files and programs into the current
    directory, including the programs LINK.EXE and LIB.EXE; the QuickBASIC
    library file, BQLB40.LIB; and, if you have Quick C, MLIBCE.LIB.

    Finally, after the MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB files are successfully created,
    enter the following lines to create a file named Q.BAT:


    NOTE: The ^Z is obtained by pressing F6 or Ctrl-Z.

    Using this batch file automates the loading process so that MIXED.QLB
    loads along with QuickBASIC. To use it, type Q and press the Enter key at
    the system prompt.

Using a .MAK File

    Those toolboxes that consist of more than one module require a .MAK file.
    When you save a program consisting of more than one module, QuickBASIC
    automatically creates a .MAK file so that it knows where to locate each
    module the next time it loads the program. If the .MAK file is not
    available, or if you must create a new .MAK file, you must load each
    module from within QuickBASIC by selecting Load File from the File menu,
    selecting the module to load, and then repeating the process for each
    additional module. After loading all the modules, choose Save All from the
    File menu and QuickBASIC creates the new .MAK file. Appendix A lists all
    toolboxes and required .MAK files.

QuickBASIC vs Executable Files

    You can run the demo modules and utility programs from within the
    QuickBASIC environment by selecting the applicable source-code file, or
    you can compile the code and create files to execute directly from MS-DOS.
    Source-code files are those with the .BAS file extension. Executable files
    are created from .BAS files from within the QuickBASIC environment and are
    saved with a .EXE file extension. All toolbox and utility programs on the
    companion diskettes are .BAS files. The steps necessary for loading and
    running the programs and toolboxes are simple.

Running Programs from the QuickBASIC Environment

    Check your QuickBASIC manual, "Learning and Using Microsoft QuickBASIC,"
    for starting QuickBASIC on your system. When the program starts, you are
    ready to load and run a demo module or utility program. Using the
    keyboard, the steps are:

    1.  Press the Alt key and then F to display the File menu.

    2.  Press O to choose the Open Program command.

    3.  Select the demo module or program from the list of .BAS files shown.
        If the file is not shown, you must set the path to the drive and
        directory where the file resides. First, type the correct path in the
        File Name box and press Enter to display the .BAS files in that path.
        Then type the name of the file you want to load, or use the Tab key to
        move to the list box and use the arrow keys to select the filename you
        want and press Enter. Filenames are displayed in all lowercase,
        directory names in all uppercase. You can also select directory names,
        including the parent(..) directory, in the list box until the .BAS
        files you want are displayed.

    4.  If command line parameters are required for execution, press Alt and
        then R to pull down the Run menu, and then press C to choose the
        Modify COMMAND$ option. Type the value(s) or input parameter(s)
        separated by spaces in the dialog box provided, and press the Enter
        key. You are now ready to execute the program and can do so by
        pressing Alt-R again and then S (or in this case Enter because the
        option is already highlighted) to choose the Start option.

    NOTE: Each listing contains a USAGE line within the comments to let you
    know when user input is expected and in what format. Parameters might be
    other filenames, numeric values, alphanumeric characters, math functions,
    drive designators, paths to directories and subdirectories, or symbols.
    You can also find parameters in Appendix A.

    5.  If no command line parameters are required, simply press Alt-R and
        then S to start the selected module. (You can also press Shift-F5 to

    These steps are basically the same for systems using a mouse device.
    Instead of pressing the Alt key, however, you move the mouse pointer to
    the desired menu names, menu options, and dialog box fields and press the
    left mouse button to make dialog box selections and execute menu commands.

    If you receive no response or the program doesn't seem to work correctly,
    look up the module in Appendix A and check that .MAK files, libraries
    (including MIXED.QLB), color graphics requirements, and so on are resident
    and that the paths to them are properly set.

Running Programs as Executable Files

    Some of the utility programs, especially those expecting command line
    variable input, are more conveniently run as stand-alone executable files
    (.EXE). If you plan to develop commercial or public domain software, the
    .EXE format is usually preferable.

    Before you can run the toolboxes and utility programs directly from
    MS-DOS, you must first compile a .BAS file or files using a special option
    to create a .EXE file. Two options are available for compiling programs.
    The first option is to compile the source code into a stand-alone .EXE
    file that runs by itself when executed from MS-DOS. The file, however,
    will be quite large, even if it is a simple application or module. The
    second option is to create a .EXE file that requires another file,
    BRUN40.EXE, to be in the same drive and directory at runtime (when you
    execute the program). The resulting compiled program file will be much
    smaller, but BRUN40.EXE must always accompany the executable file.

    To create a stand-alone executable file from within QuickBASIC, follow the
    steps below. Refer to your QuickBASIC manual for instructions on how to
    create other .EXE files from within the QuickBASIC environment or from
    MS-DOS using BC.EXE.

    1.  Load the file using steps 1 through 3 above in "Running Programs from
        the QuickBASIC Environment."

    2.  Press Alt-R to display the Run Menu.

    3.  Press X (Make EXE File).

    4.  Press Alt-A to select the Stand-Alone .EXE File option. (This method
        produces a file with the same filename as the .BAS file but appends
        the .EXE file extension. To change the filename, type over the
        displayed name before pressing Alt-A.)

    5.  Press E to choose the Make EXE and Exit command.

    QuickBASIC then creates the executable file, the QuickBASIC program is
    terminated, and you return to the system prompt. To verify that the file
    exists, type DIR and press Enter, and look for that program's filename
    with a .EXE extension.

    To run the program as a stand-alone .EXE file, type the filename (without
    the .EXE extension) from the system prompt. Type any command line values
    or input parameters after the filename, with spaces between the filename
    and parameters. The program or toolbox module begins executing as soon as
    you press the Enter key.


    The ATTRIB program generates a table showing combinations of text-mode
    character attributes, including all combinations of foreground and
    background colors. Only the blink attribute isn't demonstrated, but it is
    described at the head of the table. Use this program as a utility program.
    Compile it as a stand-alone executable program, and run it to decide what
    colors to use in your own programs.

    The sole purpose of the ATTRIB main program is to call the single
    subprogram, also named Attrib. Actually, the program has only enough
    supporting module-level code to demonstrate the subprogram.

    The Attrib subprogram may be called by other programs, either by loading
    the entire ATTRIB module into memory or by copying only the Attrib
    subprogram into another module. Refer to the MOUSTCRS program for an

Program Module: ATTRIB

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ATTRIB                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        ATTRIB.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays all combinations of text mode character
    ' attributes on the screen for review.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' FUNCTIONS:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        DECLARE SUB Attrib ()

    ' Call the subprogram

    ' All done

Subprogram: Attrib

    Creates the color attribute table on the screen for the ATTRIB module.
    Sixteen foreground and eight background color attributes are available in
    the default SCREEN 0 text mode, not counting the blink attribute for the
    foreground color. This subprogram displays all 128 combinations in a way
    that makes it easy to see which numbers result in which colors.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Attrib                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        ATTRIB.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays table of color attributes for text mode.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Attrib
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       bgd%        Background number for COLOR statement
    '                  fgd%        Foreground number for COLOR statement
    '   DECLARATIONS:              DECLARE SUB Attrib ()
        SUB Attrib STATIC
            SCREEN 0
            PRINT "Attributes for the COLOR statement in text mode (SCREEN 0)."
            PRINT "Add 16 to the foreground to cause the character to blink."
            FOR bgd% = 0 TO 7
                COLOR bgd% XOR 7, bgd%
                PRINT "Background%"; STR$(bgd%),
                PRINT "Foreground% ..."; SPACE$(41)
                FOR fgd% = 0 TO 15
                    COLOR fgd%, bgd%
                    PRINT STR$(fgd%); "  ";
                NEXT fgd%
            NEXT bgd%
            COLOR 7, 0
        END SUB


    The BIN2HEX program is a utility that creates hexadecimal format files
    showing the contents of a given binary file. In this book, its most useful
    purpose is in displaying the contents of .OBJ files created by the
    Microsoft Macro Assembler. This enables you to create the necessary files
    for using the assembly-language routines in this book, even if you don't
    have the Macro Assembler.

    The program reads bytes of the input file using binary mode, converts each
    to a two-character hexadecimal string, and then formats the output by
    blocking the hexadecimal numbers into two groups of eight bytes per line.
    The output file can be listed or printed and can easily be transferred
    over a modem using conventional ASCII protocol.

    The HEX2BIN program performs the opposite function of this program,
    converting a hexadecimal listing back to a binary file.

    You will find several assembly-language subprograms in Part III of this
    book, and Microsoft provides two assembly listings with the QuickBASIC
    language. The suggested method of creating the .OBJ files from these
    listings is to use the Microsoft Macro Assembler, version 5.0. However, if
    you don't have the Macro Assembler, type in the hexadecimal files using
    the QuickBASIC Document editing capability, and then run the HEX2BIN
    program to convert each to the required .OBJ file.

    To use BIN2HEX, type the input filename and output filename on the command
    line when you run the program. For example, to convert MOUSE.OBJ to the
    hexadecimal listing MOUSE.HEX, enter these two command line parameters:


    Be sure to use the full filename, including the extension. Separate
    filenames with spaces, as shown, or with commas if preferred.

    The BIN2HEX program was used to create the hexadecimal listings in
    Appendix D.

    Also review the HEX2BIN program for more information on using these

Program Module: BIN2HEX

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BIN2HEX                    **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        BIN2HEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reads in any file and writes out a hexadecimal format file
    ' suitable for rebuilding the original file using the HEX2BIN
    ' program.
    ' USAGE:          BIN2HEX inFileName.ext outFileName.ext
    ' .MAK FILE:      BIN2HEX.BAS
    '                 PARSE.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:     inFileName    Name of file to be duplicated in hexadeci
    '                               format
    '                 outFileName   Name of hexadecimal format file to be cre
    ' VARIABLES:      cmd$          Working copy of the command line
    '                 inFile$       Name of input file
    '                 outFile$      Name of output file
    '                 byte$         Buffer for binary file access
    '                 i&            Index to each byte of input file
    '                 h$            Pair of hexadecimal characters representi
    '                               each byte

        DECLARE SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$)
    ' Initialization

    ' Get the input and output filenames from the command line
        cmd$ = COMMAND$
        ParseWord cmd$, " ,", inFile$
        ParseWord cmd$, " ,", outFile$

    ' Verify that both filenames were given
        IF outFile$ = "" THEN
            PRINT "Usage: BIN2HEX inFileName outFileName"
        END IF

    ' Open the input file
        OPEN inFile$ FOR BINARY AS #1 LEN = 1
        IF LOF(1) = 0 THEN
            CLOSE #1
            KILL inFile$
            PRINT "File not found - "; inFile$
        END IF

    ' Open the output file
        OPEN outFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2

    ' Process each byte of the file
        byte$ = SPACE$(1)
        FOR i& = 1 TO LOF(1)
            GET #1, , byte$
            h$ = RIGHT$("0" + HEX$(ASC(byte$)), 2)
            PRINT #2, h$; SPACE$(1);
            IF i& = LOF(1) THEN
                PRINT #2, ""
            ELSEIF i& MOD 16 = 0 THEN
                PRINT #2, ""
            ELSEIF i& MOD 8 = 0 THEN
                PRINT #2, "- ";
            END IF
        NEXT i&

    ' Clean up and quit


    The BIOSCALL toolbox provides a collection of utility BIOS system calls.

    Several useful routines and data tables are in your computer's BIOS ROM
    (Basic Input/Output Services, Read Only Memory), ready to be tapped into
    by your QuickBASIC programs. This toolbox of routines provides a sampler
    of the most useful interrupt calls that return the information provided by
    BIOS. With QuickBASIC, it's easy to access the BIOS ROM.

    The module-level code provides demonstrations of the available subprograms
    when BIOSCALL is the designated main program. Later, load the BIOSCALL
    module along with any program you're developing when you need any
    information provided by the subprograms.

    Be aware that whenever you use the BIOSCALL toolbox, the mixed-language
    subprograms Interrupt and InterruptX must be accessible. Refer to "Using
    QuickBASIC Toolboxes" on page 21 for instructions on creating and loading
    the Quick Library MIXED.QLB with the QuickBASIC system.

    The Scroll subprogram, demonstrated first, prints a block of fifteen
    lines of uppercase characters on the screen. The first line is filled with
    As, the second with Bs, and so on. Each line is also printed in a
    different color scheme to make it easier to see exactly which characters
    are scrolled. The Scroll subprogram scrolls the rectangular area (from
    row 2, column 3 to row 6, column 16) up 3 lines. The attribute byte is set
    to green foreground on blue background, the same as the attribute byte at
    row 2, column 3. Study the displayed result, and notice that the lines
    moved up three rows and that the three blank lines show the blue

    The Equipment subprogram determines the computer equipment settings as
    maintained by BIOS. A short table is displayed, listing the availability
    or count of the printers, the game adapter, the serial I/O ports, the
    floppy disk drives, and the math coprocessor. Also displayed is the
    initial video state at boot-up time.

    VideoState, the next subprogram demonstrated, determines the current
    video state. The current video mode, number of text columns, and current
    active video page are displayed. Finally, GetShiftStates displays a table
    of the shift keys and shift states. This table is continuously updated
    until you press the Enter key, allowing you to try out the various shift
    keys. For example, press the left and right shift keys, singly or
    together, and notice how the state of each is monitored independently.

    In the demo module, two subprograms, PrintScreen and ReBoot, are
    commented out, as the actions they take are a bit extreme. To demo these
    subprograms, remove the apostrophes in front of these statements, which
    you'll find near the end of the module-level code. Don't forget that once
    you reboot, everything currently in memory is erased, and you'll be
    starting fresh.

    For more information on the available BIOS calls, refer to the technical
    reference manual for your computer.

    Name                     Type    Description
    BIOSCALL.BAS                    Demo module
    Equipment               Sub     Equipment/hardware information
    GetShiftStates          Sub     Shift key states
    PrintScreen             Sub     Screen dump
    ReBoot                  Sub     System reboot
    Scroll                  Sub     Moves text in designated area of screen
    VideoState              Sub     Mode, col, and page display of current

Demo Module: BIOSCALL

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BIOSCALL                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates several interrupt calls to the ROM BIOS.
    ' USAGE: No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Loop index for creating lines to scroll
    '                  equip      Structure of type EquipmentType
    '                  mode%      Video mode returned by VideoState
    '                  columns%   Video columns returned by VideoState
    '                  page%      Video page returned by VideoState
    '                  shift      Structure of type ShiftType

    ' Constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Declare the Type structures
        TYPE RegType
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            Bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE RegTypeX
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            Bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
            ds    AS INTEGER
            es    AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE EquipmentType
            printers     AS INTEGER
            gameAdapter  AS INTEGER
            serial       AS INTEGER
            floppies     AS INTEGER
            initialVideo AS INTEGER
            coprocessor  AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE ShiftType
            right           AS INTEGER
            left            AS INTEGER
            ctrl            AS INTEGER
            alt             AS INTEGER
            scrollLockState AS INTEGER
            numLockState    AS INTEGER
            capsLockState   AS INTEGER
            insertState     AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType)
        DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX)
        DECLARE SUB PrintScreen ()
        DECLARE SUB Scroll (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%, lines%, attribute%)
        DECLARE SUB Equipment (equip AS EquipmentType)
        DECLARE SUB VideoState (mode%, columns%, page%)
        DECLARE SUB GetShiftStates (shift AS ShiftType)
        DECLARE SUB ReBoot ()

    ' Demonstrate the Scroll subprogram
        FOR i% = 1 TO 15
            COLOR i%, i% - 1
            PRINT STRING$(25, i% + 64)
        NEXT i%
        COLOR 7, 0
        PRINT "Press <Enter> to scroll part of the screen"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13)
        Scroll 2, 3, 6, 16, 3, SCREEN(2, 3, 1)

    ' Wait for user before continuing
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Determine the equipment information
        DIM equip AS EquipmentType
        Equipment equip
        PRINT "Printers:", equip.printers
        PRINT "Game adapter:", equip.gameAdapter
        PRINT "Serial IO:", equip.serial
        PRINT "Floppies:", equip.floppies
        PRINT "Video:", equip.initialVideo
        PRINT "Coprocessor:", equip.coprocessor

    ' Determine the current video state
        VideoState mode%, columns%, page%
        PRINT "Video mode:", mode%
        PRINT "Text columns:", columns%
        PRINT "Video page:", page%

    ' Wait for user before continuing
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Demonstrate the shift key states
        PRINT "(Press shift keys, then <Enter> to continue...)"
        DIM shift AS ShiftType
            LOCATE 4, 1
            PRINT "Shift states:"
            GetShiftStates shift
            PRINT "Left shift:", shift.left
            PRINT "Right shift:", shift.right
            PRINT "Ctrl:", shift.ctrl
            PRINT "Alt:", shift.alt
            PRINT "Scroll Lock:", shift.scrollLockState
            PRINT "Num Lock:", shift.numLockState
            PRINT "Caps Lock:", shift.capsLockState
            PRINT "Insert:", shift.insertState
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(13)

    ' Uncomment the following line to cause a screen dump to printer....
    ' PrintScreen

    ' Uncomment the following line only if you want to reboot....
    ' ReBoot


Subprogram: Equipment

    Returns information about the available computer hardware by calling the
    BIOS service at interrupt 11H, which returns bit patterns indicating the
    equipment configuration. The definition of the data structure named
    EquipmentType lists the items that this call can determine.

    This subprogram allows your program to decide how to handle input and
    output chores. As one example, the user can be prompted to Remove the
    first disk and insert the second or to Insert the second disk in drive B,
    depending on whether the computer has one or two floppy disk drives

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Equipment                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns equipment configuration information from BIOS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Equipment equip
    ' PARAMETERS:      equip      Structure of type EquipmentType
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE EquipmentType
    '                     printers     AS INTEGER
    '                     gameAdapter  AS INTEGER
    '                     serial       AS INTEGER
    '                     floppies     AS INTEGER
    '                     initialVideo AS INTEGER
    '                     coprocessor  AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '     DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType
    '     DECLARE SUB Equipment (equip AS EquipmentType)
        SUB Equipment (equip AS EquipmentType) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            Interrupt &H11, reg, reg
            equip.printers = (reg.ax AND &HC000&) \ 16384
            equip.gameAdapter = (reg.ax AND &H1000) \ 4096
            equip.serial = (reg.ax AND &HE00) \ 512
            equip.floppies = (reg.ax AND &HC0) \ 64 + 1
            equip.initialVideo = (reg.ax AND &H30) \ 16
            equip.coprocessor = (reg.ax AND 2) \ 2
        END SUB

Subprogram: GetShiftStates

    Returns the state of each shift key at the moment the subprogram is called
    and the current shift key states.

    The left Shift, right Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys return a 1 in the
    appropriate structure variables if they are pressed at the moment this
    subprogram is called. If not pressed, a 0 is returned instead.

    This subprogram can also monitor the four shift states. If active, the
    Scroll Lock, Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Insert states return a value of 1 in
    the appropriate variable. If your keyboard has lights indicating the
    current states of these shift keys, this subprogram returns a 1 whenever a
    light is on and a 0 when the light is off.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetShiftStates             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns state of the various shift keys.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetShiftStates shift
    ' PARAMETERS:      shift      Structure of type ShiftType
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE ShiftType
    '                     right           AS INTEGER
    '                     left            AS INTEGER
    '                     ctrl            AS INTEGER
    '                     alt             AS INTEGER
    '                     scrollLockState AS INTEGER
    '                     numLockState    AS INTEGER
    '                     capsLockState   AS INTEGER
    '                     insertState     AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB GetShiftStates (shift AS ShiftType)
        SUB GetShiftStates (shift AS ShiftType) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            reg.ax = &H200
            Interrupt &H16, reg, reg
            shift.right = reg.ax AND 1
            shift.left = (reg.ax AND 2) \ 2
            shift.ctrl = (reg.ax AND 4) \ 4
            shift.alt = (reg.ax AND 8) \ 8
            shift.scrollLockState = (reg.ax AND 16) \ 16
            shift.numLockState = (reg.ax AND 32) \ 32
            shift.capsLockState = (reg.ax AND 64) \ 64
            shift.insertState = (reg.ax AND 128) \ 128
        END SUB

Subprogram: PrintScreen

    Performs exactly the same screen-to-printer dump that occurs when the
    Shift-Print Screen keys are pressed.

    Whenever you press the Shift-Print Screen keys, the operating system
    performs an interrupt 5 to activate the BIOS-level code for performing the
    screen dump. With the PrintScreen subprogram, you can program such a
    screen dump at any point in the operation of a running program without
    requiring user intervention.

    Because the screen dump BIOS routine is interrupt driven, any changes to
    the screen dump code are automatically taken into account. For example, if
    your computer loads and patches in an improved version of the screen dump
    at boot-up time, this subprogram activates the new routine with no
    problem. That's one of the nice features of the interrupt mechanism
    provided by the 8086 family of computers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          PrintScreen                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Activates interrupt 5 to cause a dump of the
    ' screen's contents to the printer.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PrintScreen
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB PrintScreen ()
        SUB PrintScreen STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            Interrupt 5, reg, reg
        END SUB

Subprogram: ReBoot

    Causes the system to reboot. Depending on the computer and its
    configuration, this reboot won't always work perfectly. Be sure to test
    the subprogram carefully for your specific circumstances if you plan to
    use it on a routine basis.

    Perhaps the best and safest use for this subprogram is as an escape route
    for unauthorized access to software, because rebooting can frustrate
    attempts to overcome copy protection schemes. For example, try rebooting
    after a user fails a password check for the third time or if an
    unauthorized copy of a program is detected.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ReBoot                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Causes the computer to reboot.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ReBoot
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB ReBoot ()
        SUB ReBoot STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            Interrupt &H19, reg, reg
        END SUB

Subprogram: Scroll

    Provides a quick scroll of text lines in a rectangular area of the
    display. The BIOS video interrupt 10H is set up to scroll. You place the
    correct parameters in the processor registers, and the BIOS code does the

    Six parameters are passed to this subprogram. The first four define the
    upper left and lower right corners of the area to be scrolled. These
    coordinates refer to text-mode character locations, with the upper left
    corner of the screen defined as row 1, column 1. The lower right corner of
    the screen is defined as row 25, column 80 for 80-column text mode, or row
    25, column 40 for 40-column text mode.

    The last two parameters provide the line count and the color attribute. If
    the line count is a positive number, the lines scroll up by the indicated
    number of rows, leaving blank lines at the bottom of the scrolled area. If
    the line count is negative, the lines scroll down. The blank lines are
    filled with space characters, and the color attribute is set by the
    attribute byte passed in the sixth parameter.

    Usually this subprogram is used to scroll text one line at a time, such as
    when displaying the contents of a long file using the MS-DOS TYPE command.
    A handy feature is the subprogram's ability to completely clear any or all
    of the screen, setting the background color at the same time. To do this,
    pass a line count of 0. The BIOS routine will fill the entire rectangular
    area with spaces, much faster than if you were to PRINT the same number of
    space strings.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Scroll                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Scrolls the screen in the rectangular area defined
    ' by the row and col parameters.  Positive line count
    ' moves the lines up, leaving blank lines at bottom;
    ' negative line count moves the lines down.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Scroll row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%, lines%, attr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      row1%    Upper left character row defining rectangular
    '                           scroll area
    '                  col1     Upper left character column defining rectangu
    '                           scroll area
    '                  row2%    Lower right character row defining rectangula
    '                           scroll area
    '                  col2%    Lower right character column defining
    '                           rectangular scroll area
    '                  lines%   Number of character lines to scroll
    '                  attr%    Color attribute byte to be used in new text
    '                           lines scrolled onto the screen
    ' VARIABLES:       reg      Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB Scroll (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%, lines%, attribute%
        SUB Scroll (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%, lines%, attribute%) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            IF lines% > 0 THEN
                reg.ax = &H600 + lines% MOD 256
                reg.ax = &H700 + ABS(lines%) MOD 256
            END IF
            reg.bx = (attribute% * 256&) AND &HFF00
            reg.cx = (row1% - 1) * 256 + col1% - 1
            reg.dx = (row2% - 1) * 256 + col2% - 1
            Interrupt &H10, reg, reg
        END SUB

Subprogram: VideoState

    Returns the current mode, the number of columns, and the page of the

    This subprogram returns information about the current video mode. The
    mode% parameter returned by the ROM BIOS is different from the number used
    in the SCREEN statement to set a video mode. The two parameters do
    correlate, however, and the following table provides a useful comparison:

    SCREEN Mode    WIDTH          Mode% (from VideoState)
    0             40              1
    0             80              3
    1             40              4
    2             80              6
    7             40             13
    8             80             14
    9             80             16
    10             80             15
    11             80             17
    12             80             18
    13             40             19

    The column% parameter is always 40 or 80, depending on the current SCREEN
    and WIDTH settings.

    The page% parameter is the currently active page number as set by the
    SCREEN statement. The default is page 0, and the maximum active page
    number is a function of the current screen mode. See the SCREEN statement
    in your QuickBASIC documentation for more information about active and
    virtual pages as set by the SCREEN statement.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          VideoState                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BIOSCALL.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Determines the current video mode parameters.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  VideoState mode%, columns%, page%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mode%      Current video mode
    '                  columns%   Current number of text columns
    '                  page%      Current active display page
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     Bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB VideoState (mode%, columns%, page%)
        SUB VideoState (mode%, columns%, page%) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            reg.ax = &HF00
            Interrupt &H10, reg, reg
            mode% = reg.ax AND &HFF
            columns% = (CLNG(reg.ax) AND &HFF00) \ 256
            page% = (CLNG(reg.bx) AND &HFF00) \ 256
        END SUB


    The BITS toolbox provides four bit manipulation routines. The
    Bin2BinStr$ and BinStr2Bin% functions convert integer numbers to and
    from binary string representations. This action is similar to that of the
    QuickBASIC HEX$, OCT$, and VAL functions, except that the conversions deal
    with base 2 representations.

    The BitGet and BitPut subprograms let you store and retrieve single bits
    from any location in any string. Up to 32767 bits can be accessed in a
    single string, which results in a string of 4096 bytes. These subprograms
    would be useful for data acquisition and process control applications
    involving a large number of contact closures. The famous sieve of
    Eratosthenes for finding prime numbers is used to demonstrate these two
    subprograms. Prime numbers from 1 through 1000 are found and printed by
    keeping track of a string of bits, each representing an integer from 1
    through 1000.

    You can change the value of max% in this demonstration to find prime
    numbers up to about 10937. Larger values of max% will cause overflow, but
    by reprogramming the variables involved, you can probably find even bigger

    Name                 Type       Description
    BITS.BAS                       Demo module
    Bin2BinStr$         Func       Integer to 16-character binary string
    BinStr2Bin%         Func       16-character binary string to integer
    BitGet              Sub        Value from any bit position in a string
    BitPut              Sub        Sets or clears bit at location in a string

Demo Module: BITS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BITS                       **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        BITS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates the bit manipulation functions
    ' and subprograms.
    ' USAGE: No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       max%       Upper limit for the prime number generator
    '                  b$         Bit string for finding prime numbers
    '                  n%         Loop index for sieve of Eratosthenes
    '                  bit%       Bit retrieved from b$
    '                  i%         Bit loop index
    '                  q$         The double quote character

        DECLARE FUNCTION BinStr2Bin% (b$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Bin2BinStr$ (b%)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB BitGet (a$, bitIndex%, bit%)
        DECLARE SUB BitPut (b$, bitIndex%, bit%)

    ' Prime numbers less than max%, using bit fields in B$
        max% = 1000
        PRINT "Primes up to"; max%; "using BitGet and BitPut for sieve..."
        PRINT 1; 2;
        b$ = STRING$(max% \ 8 + 1, 0)
        FOR n% = 3 TO max% STEP 2
            BitGet b$, n%, bit%
            IF bit% = 0 THEN
                PRINT n%;
                FOR i% = 3 * n% TO max% STEP n% + n%
                    BitPut b$, i%, 1
                NEXT i%
            END IF
        NEXT n%

    ' Demonstration of the Bin2BinStr$ function
        PRINT "Bin2BinStr$(12345) = "; Bin2BinStr$(12345)

    ' Demonstration of the BinStr2Bin% function
        q$ = CHR$(34)
        PRINT "BinStr2Bin%("; q$; "1001011"; q$; ") = ";
        PRINT BinStr2Bin%("1001011")

    ' That's all

Function: Bin2BinStr$

    Returns a 16-character binary representation of an integer value. This
    function is similar to QuickBASIC's HEX$ and OCT$ functions, except that
    the conversion base is 2 instead of 16 or 8, and that 16 characters are
    always returned. For example, Bin2BinStr$(7) returns 0000000000000111, and
    Bin2BinStr$(-1) returns 1111111111111111.

    You can easily remove leading zeros in the 16-character string by using
    the LtrimSet$ function, as shown in the STRINGS module:

    bin$ = LtrimSet$(bin$, "0")

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Bin2BinStr$                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        BITS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string of sixteen "0" and "1" characters
    ' that represent the binary value of b%.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT Bin2BinStr$(b%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      b%         Integer number
    ' VARIABLES:       t$         Working string space for forming
                                                binary string
    '                  b%         Integer number
    '                  mask%      Bit isolation mask
    '                  i%         Looping index
        FUNCTION Bin2BinStr$ (b%) STATIC
            t$ = STRING$(16, "0")
            IF b% THEN
                IF b% < 0 THEN
                    MID$(t$, 1, 1) = "1"
                END IF
                mask% = &H4000
                FOR i% = 2 TO 16
                    IF b% AND mask% THEN
                        MID$(t$, i%, 1) = "1"
                    END IF
                    mask% = mask% \ 2
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            Bin2BinStr$ = t$

Function: BinStr2Bin%

    Returns the integer represented by a string of up to 16 0s and 1s. For
    example, BinStr2Bin%("111") returns 7; BinStr2Bin%("000101") returns 5.

    If the string has more than 16 characters, only the rightmost 16 are used.
    Any character other than 1 is treated as 0.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BinStr2Bin%                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        BITS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the integer represented by a string of up
    ' to 16 "0" and "1" characters.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT BinStr2Bin%(b$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      b$         Binary representation string
    ' VARIABLES:       bin%       Working variable for finding value
    '                  t$         Working copy of b$
    '                  mask%      Bit mask for forming value
    '                  i%         Looping index
        FUNCTION BinStr2Bin% (b$) STATIC
            bin% = 0
            t$ = RIGHT$(STRING$(16, "0") + b$, 16)
            IF LEFT$(t$, 1) = "1" THEN
                bin% = &H8000
            END IF
            mask% = &H4000
            FOR i% = 2 TO 16
                IF MID$(t$, i%, 1) = "1" THEN
                    bin% = bin% OR mask%
                END IF
                mask% = mask% \ 2
            NEXT i%
            BinStr2Bin% = bin%

Subprogram: BitGet

    Returns a bit value extracted from any bit position in a string. The bits
    are numbered consecutively, starting with bit 1 in the most significant
    bit position of the first byte of the string. Bit 8 is the least
    significant bit of this same byte, bit 9 is the most significant bit of
    the second byte, and so on. This subprogram can access up to 32767 bits,
    in which case the string must be 4096 bytes in length. For example:

    a$ = "A B C"    0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1   0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0   0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

    BitGet (a$, 17, bit%) ... bit% = 0
    BitGet (a$, 18, bit%) ... bit% = 1

    The BitPut subprogram lets you set the bits in a string as desired.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BitGet                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BITS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Extracts the bit at bitIndex% into a$ and returns
    ' either 0 or 1 in bit%.  The value of bitIndex%
    ' can range from 1 to 8 * LEN(a$).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  BitGet a$, bitIndex%, bit%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String where bit is stored
    '                  bitIndex%  Bit position in string
    '                  bit%       Extracted bit value, 0 or 1
    ' VARIABLES:       byte%      Byte location in string of the bit
    '                  mask%      Bit isolation mask for given bit
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB BitGet (a$, bitIndex%, bit%)
        SUB BitGet (a$, bitIndex%, bit%) STATIC
            byte% = (bitIndex% - 1) \ 8 + 1
            SELECT CASE bitIndex% MOD 8
            CASE 1
                mask% = 128
            CASE 2
                mask% = 64
            CASE 3
                mask% = 32
            CASE 4
                mask% = 16
            CASE 5
                mask% = 8
            CASE 6
                mask% = 4
            CASE 7
                mask% = 2
            CASE 0
                mask% = 1
            END SELECT
            IF ASC(MID$(a$, byte%, 1)) AND mask% THEN
                bit% = 1
                bit% = 0
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: BitPut

    Sets or clears a single bit at any bit location in a string. The string
    can be up to 4096 bytes in length, allowing access of up to 32767 bits.
    Bits are numbered from left to right; the most significant bit of the
    first byte is bit 1, the least significant bit of the first byte is bit 8,
    the most significant bit of the second byte is bit 9, and so on. You can
    use the BitGet subprogram to get the bit values from the string as
    necessary. To initialize a string to all zeros or ones, use the STRING$
    function. For example, STRING$(4096, 0) returns a string of 32767 cleared
    bits, and STRING$(4096, 255) returns a string of 32767 set bits.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BitPut                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        BITS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' If bit% is non-zero, then the bit at bitIndex% into
    ' a$ is set to 1; otherwise, it's set to 0. The value
    ' of bitIndex% can range from 1 to 8 * LEN(a$).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  BitPut a$, bitIndex%, bit%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String containing the bits
    '                  bitIndex%  Index to the bit of concern
    '                  bit%       Value of bit (1 to set, 0 to clear)
    ' VARIABLES:       bytePtr%   Pointer to the byte position in the string
    '                  mask%      Bit isolation mask
    '                  byteNow%   Current numeric value of string byte
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB BitPut (b$, bitIndex%, bit%)
        SUB BitPut (a$, bitIndex%, bit%) STATIC
            bytePtr% = bitIndex% \ 8 + 1
            SELECT CASE bitIndex% MOD 8
            CASE 1
                mask% = 128
            CASE 2
                mask% = 64
            CASE 3
                mask% = 32
            CASE 4
                mask% = 16
            CASE 5
                mask% = 8
            CASE 6
                mask% = 4
            CASE 7
                mask% = 2
            CASE 0
                mask% = 1
                bytePtr% = bytePtr% - 1
            END SELECT
            byteNow% = ASC(MID$(a$, bytePtr%, 1))
            IF byteNow% AND mask% THEN
                IF bit% = 0 THEN
                    MID$(a$, bytePtr%, 1) = CHR$(byteNow% XOR mask%)
                END IF
                IF bit% THEN
                    MID$(a$, bytePtr%, 1) = CHR$(byteNow% XOR mask%)
                END IF
            END IF
        END SUB


    The CALENDAR toolbox is a collection of easy-to-use functions and
    subprograms for date and time conversions and calculations. See the
    MONTH program for an example of how this module can be loaded as a
    toolbox for use by another main program.

    Wherever possible, dates and times are passed in a string format identical
    to that used by the QuickBASIC DATE$ and TIME$ functions. This makes the
    required parameters easier to remember and makes it possible to define
    many of the routines as functions that would otherwise have to be defined
    as subprograms. For example, the Julian2Date$ function returns a date in
    the string format mentioned. Alternative approaches would require defining
    three functions (one for returning the year, one for the month, and one
    for the day) or defining a subprogram that returned the three numbers in
    the parameter list. Returning dates in this string format also eliminates
    output numeric formatting because the string is ready to be printed as is.

    The Julian day number is an astronomical convention that allows dates to
    be cataloged by a single, large integer. A useful feature of the Julian
    day number is that a simple subtraction can calculate the number of days
    between any two dates. Leap years and the strange pattern of days in the
    various months make this calculation difficult when dealing with the usual
    month, day, and year numbers. The Date2Julian& and Julian2Date$
    conversion functions take care of all the details for you, making calendar
    calculations a breeze. Other functions return the day of the week, day of
    the year, day of the century, name of each month, and other related
    details──just about everything you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to
    ask, about dates and time.

    The calculations are usually accurate for dates from 1583 to the
    indefinite future, although some functions generate errors for dates
    between 1583 and 1599 if the calculations involve earlier dates. For
    example, consider how the DayOfTheCentury& function would attempt to
    calculate the day of the century for July 4, 1599. First, the function
    calculates the Julian day number for 07-04-1599 and then it attempts to
    subtract from that the Julian day number for the last day of the previous
    century. Because 12-31-1499 is earlier than 1583, the function will not
    work correctly.

    Name                          Type          Description
    CALENDAR.BAS                               Demo module
    CheckDate%                   Func          Validates date with return of
    Date2Day%                    Func          Day of month number from date
    Date2Julian&                 Func          Julian day number for a given
    Name                          Type          Description
    Date2Julian&                 Func          Julian day number for a given
    Date2Month%                  Func          Month number from date string
    Date2Year%                   Func          Year number from date string
    DayOfTheCentury&             Func          Day of the given century
    DayOfTheWeek$                Func          Name of day of the week for
                                                given date
    DayOfTheYear%                Func          Day of the year (1 through
                                                366) for given date
    DaysBetweenDates&            Func          Number of days between two
    HMS2Time$                    Func          Time string for given hour,
                                                minute, and second
    Julian2Date$                 Func          Date string from given Julian
                                                day number
    MDY2Date$                    Func          Date string from given month,
                                                day, and year
    MonthName$                   Func          Name of month for a given date
    OneMonthCalendar             Sub           One-month calendar for given
    Name                          Type          Description
    OneMonthCalendar             Sub           One-month calendar for given
    Second2Date$                 Func          Seconds from last of 1979 to
                                                date given
    Second2Time$                 Func          Time of day from seconds since
                                                last of 1979
    Time2Hour%                   Func          Hour number from time string
    Time2Minute%                 Func          Minute number from time string
    Time2Second%                 Func          Seconds number from time
    TimeDate2Second&             Func          Seconds from last of 1979 from

Demo Module: CALENDAR

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CALENDAR                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE: No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       month%     Month for demonstration
    '                  day%       Day for demonstration
    '                  year%      Year for demonstration
    '                  dat$       Date for demonstration
    '                  j&         Julian day number
    '                  tim$       System time right now
    '                  hour%      Hour right now
    '                  minute%    Minute right now
    '                  second%    Second right now
    '                  sec&       Seconds since last second of 1979

        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION CheckDate% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Day% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Julian& (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Month% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Year% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION DayOfTheCentury& (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION DayOfTheWeek$ (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION DayOfTheYear% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION DaysBetweenDates& (dat1$, dat2$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HMS2Time$ (hour%, minute%, second%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Julian2Date$ (julian&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION MDY2Date$ (month%, day%, year%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION MonthName$ (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Second2Date$ (second&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Second2Time$ (second&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Time2Hour% (tim$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Time2Minute% (tim$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Time2Second% (tim$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION TimeDate2Second& (tim$, dat$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB OneMonthCalendar (dat$, row%, col%)

    ' Let's choose the fourth of July for the demonstration
        PRINT "All about the fourth of July for this year..."
        month% = 7
        day% = 4
        year% = Date2Year%(DATE$)

    ' Demonstrate the conversion to dat$
        dat$ = MDY2Date$(month%, day%, year%)
        PRINT "QuickBASIC string format for this date is "; dat$

    ' Check the validity of this date
        IF CheckDate%(dat$) = FALSE THEN
            PRINT "The date you entered is faulty... " + dat$
        END IF

    ' Day of the week and name of the month
        PRINT "The day of the week is "; DayOfTheWeek$(dat$); "."

    ' Astronomical Julian day number
        j& = Date2Julian&(dat$)
        PRINT "The Julian day number is"; j&

    ' Conversion of Julian number to date
        PRINT "Date for the given Julian number is "; Julian2Date$(j&); "."

    ' Convert the date string to numbers
        PRINT "The month, day, and year numbers are ";
        PRINT Date2Month%(dat$); ","; Date2Day%(dat$); ","; Date2Year%(dat$)

    ' The month name
        PRINT "The month name is "; MonthName$(dat$)

    ' Day of the year
        PRINT "The day of the year is"; DayOfTheYear%(dat$)

    ' Day of the century
        PRINT "The day of the century is"; DayOfTheCentury&(dat$)

    ' Days from right now
        IF Date2Julian&(dat$) < Date2Julian&(DATE$) THEN
            PRINT "That was"; DaysBetweenDates&(dat$, DATE$); "days ago."
        ELSEIF Date2Julian&(dat$) > Date2Julian&(DATE$) THEN
            PRINT "That is"; DaysBetweenDates&(dat$, DATE$); "days from now."
            PRINT "The date you entered is today's date."
        END IF

    ' Print a one-month calendar
        OneMonthCalendar dat$, 14, 25

    ' Wait for user
        LOCATE 23, 1
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Demonstrate extracting hour, minute, and second from tim$
        dat$ = DATE$
        tim$ = TIME$
        hour% = Time2Hour%(tim$)
        minute% = Time2Minute%(tim$)
        second% = Time2Second%(tim$)
        PRINT "The date today... "; dat$
        PRINT "The time now  ... "; tim$
        PRINT "The hour, minute, and second numbers are ";
        PRINT hour%; ","; minute%; ","; second%

    ' Now put it all back together again
        PRINT "Time string created from hour, minute, and second is ";
        PRINT HMS2Time$(hour%, minute%, second%)

    ' Seconds since end of 1979
        dat$ = DATE$
        PRINT "The number of seconds since the last second of 1979 is";
        sec& = TimeDate2Second&(tim$, dat$)
        PRINT sec&
        PRINT "From this number we can extract the date and time..."
        PRINT Second2Date$(sec&); " and "; Second2Time$(sec&); "."

Function: CheckDate%

    Returns TRUE if date is valid or FALSE if date is faulty.

    Was February 29, 1726, a real date? The CheckDate% function quickly finds
    the answer to this question. If the date checks out as valid, a value of
    TRUE (non-zero) is returned. If the date is faulty, a value of FALSE (0)
    is returned.

    This function is useful in any program that prompts the user to enter a
    date. A quick check can be made of the entered date, and the user can be
    asked to repeat the input if the entered date is faulty.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CheckDate%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns TRUE if the given date represents a real
    ' date or FALSE if the date is in error.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  test% = CheckDate%(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date to be checked
    ' VARIABLES:       julian&    Julian day number for the date
    '                  test$      Date string for given Julian day number
    '                  CONST TRUE = NOT FALSE
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION CheckDate% (dat$)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Julian& (dat$)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Julian2Date$ (julian&)
        FUNCTION CheckDate% (dat$) STATIC
            julian& = Date2Julian&(dat$)
            test$ = Julian2Date$(julian&)
            IF dat$ = test$ THEN
                CheckDate% = TRUE
                CheckDate% = FALSE
            END IF

Function: Date2Day%

    Extracts the day number from a date string that is in the standard format

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Date2Day%                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the day number given a date in the
    ' QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  day% = Date2Day%(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Date2Day% (dat$) STATIC
            Date2Day% = VAL(MID$(dat$, 4, 2))

Function: Date2Julian&

    Returns the Julian day number for a given date. This function and the
    related function Julian2Date$ are at the heart of many of the other
    functions in this toolbox. This function calculates the astronomical
    Julian day number for any date from January 1, 1583, into the indefinite
    future, accounting for leap years and century adjustments.

    The main advantage of converting dates to long integer numbers is in being
    able to easily calculate the number of days between dates and the day of
    the week for any date. Further, if you need to store a large number of
    dates in a disk file, storing them as four-byte, long integers is more
    efficient than storing them in the longer string format or as separate
    integers representing the month, day, and year.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Date2Julian&               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the astronomical Julian day number given a
    ' date in the QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  j& = Date2Julian&(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       month%     Month number for given date
    '                  day%       Day number for given date
    '                  year%      Year number for given date
    '                  ta&        First term of the Julian day number calcula
    '                  tb&        Second term of the Julian day number calcul
    '                  tc&        Third term of the Julian day number calcula
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Julian& (dat$)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Month% (dat$)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Year% (dat$)
        FUNCTION Date2Julian& (dat$) STATIC
            month% = Date2Month%(dat$)
            day% = Date2Day%(dat$)
            year% = Date2Year%(dat$)
            IF year% < 1583 THEN
                PRINT "Date2Julian: Year is less than 1583"
            END IF
            IF month% > 2 THEN
                month% = month% - 3
                month% = month% + 9
                year% = year% - 1
            END IF
            ta& = 146097 * (year% \ 100) \ 4
            tb& = 1461& * (year% MOD 100) \ 4
            tc& = (153 * month% + 2) \ 5 + day% + 1721119
            Date2Julian& = ta& + tb& + tc&

Function: Date2Month%

    Extracts the month number from a date string that is in the standard
    format MM-DD-YYYY.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Date2Month%                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the month number given a date in the
    ' QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  month% = Date2Month%(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Month% (dat$)
        FUNCTION Date2Month% (dat$) STATIC
            Date2Month% = VAL(MID$(dat$, 1, 2))

Function: Date2Year%

    Extracts the year number from a date string that is in the standard format

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Date2Year%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the year number given a date in the
    ' QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  year% = Date2Year%(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Date2Year% (dat$) STATIC
            Date2Year% = VAL(MID$(dat$, 7))

Function: DayOfTheCentury&

    Returns the day of the given century. Each century has more than 32767
    days, requiring this function to be declared as returning a long integer

    Dates before 01-01-1600 generate an error. See page 55 for an

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DayOfTheCentury%           **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of the day of the century.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  cDay& = DayOfTheCentury&(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       year%      Year for given date
    '                  dat1$      Date for last day of previous century
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION DayOfTheCentury& (dat$)
        FUNCTION DayOfTheCentury& (dat$)
            year% = Date2Year%(dat$)
            dat1$ = MDY2Date$(12, 31, year% - (year% MOD 100) - 1)
            DayOfTheCentury& = DaysBetweenDates&(dat1$, dat$)

Function: DayOfTheWeek$

    Finds the name of the day of the week for any date. In displaying calendar
    calculation results, it's often desirable to be able to print the name of
    the day of the week. This function lets you conveniently do so.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DayOfTheWeek$              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string stating the day of the week.
    ' Input is a date expressed in the QuickBASIC string
    ' format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT "The day of the week is "; DayOfTheWeek$(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION DayOfTheWeek$ (dat$) STATIC
            SELECT CASE Date2Julian&(dat$) MOD 7
            CASE 0
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Monday"
            CASE 1
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Tuesday"
            CASE 2
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Wednesday"
            CASE 3
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Thursday"
            CASE 4
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Friday"
            CASE 5
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Saturday"
            CASE 6
                DayOfTheWeek$ = "Sunday"
            END SELECT

Function: DayOfTheYear%

    Returns a number in the range 1 through 366, indicating the day of the
    year for the given date, by subtracting the Julian day number for the last
    day of the previous year from that of the given date. This calculation
    generates an error if the date is before January 1, 1584.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DayOfTheYear%              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of the day of the year (1-366).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT "The day of the year is"; DayOfTheYear%(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       dat1$      Date of last day of previous year
        FUNCTION DayOfTheYear% (dat$) STATIC
            dat1$ = MDY2Date$(12, 31, Date2Year%(dat$) - 1)
            DayOfTheYear% = DaysBetweenDates&(dat1$, dat$)

Function: DaysBetweenDates&

    Returns the number of days between two dates by subtracting the Julian day
    numbers of the dates. The absolute value of the difference is returned, so
    the first date can be earlier or later than the second. The number of days
    returned will always be a positive value.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DaysBetweenDates&          **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of days between any two dates.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  days& = DaysBetweenDates&(dat1$, dat2$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat1$      First date
    '                  dat2$      Second date
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION DaysBetweenDates& (dat1$, dat2$)
        FUNCTION DaysBetweenDates& (dat1$, dat2$) STATIC
            DaysBetweenDates& = ABS(Date2Julian&(dat1$) - Date2Julian&(dat2$))

Function: HMS2Time$

    Given hour, minute, and second numbers, returns a time string, in the same
    format as the string returned by QuickBASIC's TIME$ function. For example,
    HMS2Time$(23, 59, 59) returns 23:59:59.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HMS2Time$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the time in the QuickBASIC string format
    ' HH:MM:SS given hour%, minute%, and second%.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT HMS2Time$(hour%, minute%, second%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      hour%      Hour number
    '                  minute%    Minutes number
    '                  second%    Seconds number
    ' VARIABLES:       t$         Workspace for building the time string
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION HMS2Time$ (hour%, minute%, second%)
        FUNCTION HMS2Time$ (hour%, minute%, second%) STATIC
            t$ = RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(hour%), 2), 2) + ":"
            t$ = t$ + RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(minute%), 2), 2) + ":"
            HMS2Time$ = t$ + RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(second%), 2), 2)

Function: Julian2Date$

    Converts a Julian day number to a date. The smallest long integer number
    that can be passed to this function without generating an error is
    2299239, the Julian number for the date 01-01-1583.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Julian2Date$               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a date in the QuickBASIC string format
    ' MM-DD-YYYY as calculated from a Julian day number.
    '        PRINT "Date for the given Julian number is ";Julian2Date$(j&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      j&         Julian day number
    ' VARIABLES:       x&         Temporary calculation variable
    '                  y&         Temporary calculation variable
    '                  d&         Day number in long integer form
    '                  m&         Month number before adjustment
    '                  month%     Month number
    '                  year%      Year number
    '                  day%       Day number
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Julian2Date$ (julian&)
        FUNCTION Julian2Date$ (julian&) STATIC

            x& = 4 * julian& - 6884477
            y& = (x& \ 146097) * 100
            d& = (x& MOD 146097) \ 4

            x& = 4 * d& + 3
            y& = (x& \ 1461) + y&
            d& = (x& MOD 1461) \ 4 + 1

            x& = 5 * d& - 3
            m& = x& \ 153 + 1
            d& = (x& MOD 153) \ 5 + 1

            IF m& < 11 THEN
                month% = m& + 2
                month% = m& - 10
            END IF
            day% = d&
            year% = y& + m& \ 11

            dat$ = MDY2Date$(month%, day%, year%)
            Julian2Date$ = dat$

Function: MDY2Date$

    Creates a date string from the numeric values of month, day, and year for
    a given date. The string format is the same as that returned by the
    QuickBASIC DATE$ function, MM-DD-YYYY.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MDY2Date$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts month%, day%, and year% to a date string
    ' in the QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  dat$ = MDY2Date$(month%, day%, year%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      month%     Month for the date
    '                  day%       Day of the month
    '                  year%      Year number
    ' VARIABLES:       y$         Temporary year string
    '                  m$         Temporary month string
    '                  d$         Temporary day string
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION MDY2Date$ (month%, day%, year%)
        FUNCTION MDY2Date$ (month%, day%, year%) STATIC
            y$ = RIGHT$("000" + MID$(STR$(year%), 2), 4)
            m$ = RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(month%), 2), 2)
            d$ = RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(day%), 2), 2)
            MDY2Date$ = m$ + "-" + d$ + "-" + y$

Function: MonthName$

    Returns the name of the month for a given date. If the passed date string
    has the wrong number of characters, the returned name defaults to
    MM-DD-YYYY to remind you of the required format for date strings. If the
    string is the right length but the first two characters don't represent a
    valid month number, ?MonthName? is returned.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MonthName$                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string stating the month as indicated
    ' in dat$ (QuickBASIC string format MM-DD-YYYY).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT MonthName$(dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION MonthName$ (dat$) STATIC

            IF LEN(dat$) <> 10 THEN
                dat$ = "MM-DD-YYYY"
            END IF

            SELECT CASE LEFT$(dat$, 2)
            CASE "01"
                MonthName$ = "January"
            CASE "02"
                MonthName$ = "February"
            CASE "03"
                MonthName$ = "March"
            CASE "04"
                MonthName$ = "April"
            CASE "05"
                MonthName$ = "May"
            CASE "06"
                MonthName$ = "June"
            CASE "07"
                MonthName$ = "July"
            CASE "08"
                MonthName$ = "August"
            CASE "09"
                MonthName$ = "September"
            CASE "10"
                MonthName$ = "October"
            CASE "11"
                MonthName$ = "November"
            CASE "12"
                MonthName$ = "December"
            CASE ELSE
                MonthName$ = "?MonthName?"
            END SELECT


Subprogram: OneMonthCalendar

    Uses several functions from the CALENDAR toolbox to print a small,
    one-month calendar at any location on the screen. The stand-alone program
    named MONTH provides a good demonstration of this subprogram at work.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          OneMonthCalendar           **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Prints a small, one-month calendar at the row%
    ' and col% indicated.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  OneMonthCalendar dat$, row%, col%
    ' PARAMETERS:      dat$       Date of concern
    '                  row%       Screen row for upper left corner of calenda
    '                  col%       Screen column for upper left corner of cale
    ' VARIABLES:       mname$     Name of given month
    '                  month%     Month number
    '                  day%       Day number
    '                  year%      Year number
    '                  dat1$      Date for first of the given month
    '                  j&         Julian day number for each day of the month
    '                  heading$   Title line for calendar
    '                  wa%        Day of the week for each day of the month
    '                  rowloc%    Row for printing each day number
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB OneMonthCalendar (dat$, row%, col%)
        SUB OneMonthCalendar (dat$, row%, col%) STATIC
            mname$ = MonthName$(dat$)
            LOCATE row%, col% + 12 - LEN(mname$) \ 2
            PRINT mname$; ","; Date2Year%(dat$)
            month% = Date2Month%(dat$)
            day% = 1
            year% = Date2Year%(dat$)
            dat1$ = MDY2Date$(month%, day%, year%)
            j& = Date2Julian&(dat1$)
            heading$ = " Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat"
            wa% = INSTR(heading$, LEFT$(DayOfTheWeek$(dat1$), 3)) \ 4
            LOCATE row% + 1, col%
            PRINT heading$
            rowloc% = row% + 2
            LOCATE rowloc%, col% + 4 * wa%
                PRINT USING "####"; day%;
                IF wa% = 6 THEN
                    rowloc% = rowloc% + 1
                    LOCATE rowloc%, col%
                END IF
                wa% = (wa% + 1) MOD 7
                j& = j& + 1
                day% = Date2Day%(Julian2Date$(j&))
            LOOP UNTIL day% = 1
        END SUB

Function: Second2Date$

    Returns a date string given the number of seconds since the last second of
    1979. The number of seconds is limited to the range of positive long
    integers (1 to 2147483647). Given the largest possible long integer, the
    function returns the date 01-19-2048.

    Related functions are Second2Time$ and TimeDate2Second&. The
    Second2Time$ function finds the time string for a given second, and the
    TimeDate2Second$ function finds the seconds since 1979 for a given date
    and time.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Second2Date$               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the date in the QuickBASIC string format
    ' MM-DD-YYYY given a number of seconds since the
    ' last second of 1979.  Use Second2Time$ to find
    ' the time of day at the indicated second.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  dat$ = Second2Date$(second&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      second&    Number of seconds since the last second of
    ' VARIABLES:       days&      Julian day number of the date
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Second2Date$ (second&)
        FUNCTION Second2Date$ (second&) STATIC
            days& = second& \ 86400 + 2444240
            Second2Date$ = Julian2Date$(days&)

Function: Second2Time$

    Returns a time string given the number of seconds since the last second of

    Related functions are Second2Date$ and TimeDate2Second&. The
    Second2Date$ function finds the date string for a given second, and the
    TimeDate2Second$ function finds the seconds since 1979 for a given date
    and time.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Second2Time$               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the time in the QuickBASIC string format
    ' HH:MM:SS given the number of seconds since the
    ' last second of 1979.  Use Second2Date$ to find
    ' the date at the indicated second.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  tim$ = Second2Time$(second&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      second&    Number of seconds since the last second of
    ' VARIABLES:       time&      Number of seconds in current day
    '                  second%    Current second of the minute
    '                  minute%    Current minute of the hour
    '                  hour%      Current hour of the day
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Second2Time$ (second&)
        FUNCTION Second2Time$ (second&) STATIC
            IF second& > 0 THEN
                time& = second& MOD 86400
                second% = time& MOD 60
                time& = time& \ 60
                minute% = time& MOD 60
                hour% = time& \ 60
                Second2Time$ = HMS2Time$(hour%, minute%, second%)
                Second2Time$ = "HH:MM:SS"
            END IF

Function: Time2Hour%

    Extracts the numeric value of the hour from a time string if in the
    standard TIME$ format HH:MM:SS.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Time2Hour%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the hour number as indicated in a time
    ' string in the format HH:MM:SS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  hour% = Time2Hour%(tim$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      tim$       Time of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Time2Hour% (tim$) STATIC
            Time2Hour% = VAL(LEFT$(tim$, 2))

Function: Time2Minute%

    Extracts the numeric value of the hour from a time string that is in the
    standard TIME$ format HH:MM:SS.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Time2Minute%               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the minute number as indicated in a time
    ' string in the format HH:MM:SS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  minute% = Time2Minute%(tim$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      tim$       Time of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Time2Minute% (tim$)
        FUNCTION Time2Minute% (tim$) STATIC
            Time2Minute% = VAL(MID$(tim$, 4, 2))

Function: Time2Second%

    Extracts the numeric value of the seconds from a time string that is in
    the standard TIME$ format HH:MM:SS.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Time2Second%               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the second number as indicated in a time
    ' string in the format HH:MM:SS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  second% = Time2Second%(tim$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      tim$       Time of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Time2Second% (tim$)
        FUNCTION Time2Second% (tim$) STATIC
            Time2Second% = VAL(MID$(tim$, 7))

Function: TimeDate2Second&

    Returns the number of seconds since the last second of 1979 given any date
    and time between the first second of 1980 and a moment in the year 2048.

    The largest positive long integer that can be stored in four bytes using
    two's complement notation is 2147483647. From the arbitrary point in time
    at the start of 1980, counting in seconds reaches this largest possible
    positive integer at 03:14:07 on 01-19-2048.

    One advantage of converting date and time to a number of seconds is that
    this long integer is more compact; this is an advantage, for example, when
    a large number of dates and times must be recorded in a disk file. Event
    logging, data acquisition, and business transaction time stamping are
    examples of the use of this type of subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          TimeDate2Second&           **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CALENDAR.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of seconds since the last
    ' second of 1979.  If the date is not in the years
    ' 1980 to 2047, an error message is output.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  sec& = TimeDate2Second&(tim$, dat$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      tim$       Time of concern
    '                  dat$       Date of concern
    ' VARIABLES:       days&      Days since 12-31-1979
    '                  hour%      Hour of the day
    '                  minute%    Minute of the hour
    '                  second%    Second of the minute
    '                  secs&      Working number of total seconds
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION TimeDate2Second& (tim$, dat$)
        FUNCTION TimeDate2Second& (tim$, dat$) STATIC
            days& = Date2Julian&(dat$) - 2444240
            hour% = VAL(LEFT$(tim$, 2))
            minute% = VAL(MID$(tim$, 4, 2))
            second% = VAL(RIGHT$(tim$, 2))
            secs& = CLNG(hour%) * 3600 + minute% * 60 + second%
            IF days& >= 0 AND days& < 24857 THEN
                TimeDate2Second& = days& * 86400 + secs&
                PRINT "TimeDate2Second: Not in range 1980 to 2047"
            END IF


    The CARTESIA toolbox contains two subprograms and two functions that
    convert between Cartesian and polar coordinates. The program first prompts
    you to enter x and y values defining a point on the Cartesian plane and
    then prints the equivalent coordinate in polar notation.

    │ This figure can be found on p.78 of the printed version of the book.   │

    All of the variables in this module are defined as single-precision,
    floating-point values. If you need greater precision, globally change all
    exclamation point characters to pound sign characters. You'll also want to
    change the CONST PI statement in the Angle! function to provide a
    double-precision value for PI.

    Name                     Type    Description
    CARTESIA.BAS                    Demo module
    Angle!                  Func    Angle between X axis and line to x, y
    Magnitude!              Func    Distance from origin to x, y point
    Pol2Rec                 Sub     Polar to Cartesian conversion
    Rec2Pol                 Sub     Cartesian to polar conversion

Demo Module: CARTESIA

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CARTESIA                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        CARTESIA.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates a set of functions and subprograms
    ' dealing with Cartesian coordinates.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       x!     X value of Cartesian coordinate
    '                  y!     Y value of Cartesian coordinate
    '                  r!     Polar notation distance from origin
    '                  theta! Polar notation angle from X axis

        DECLARE FUNCTION Angle! (x!, y!)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Magnitude! (x!, y!)

        DECLARE SUB Pol2Rec (r!, theta!, x!, y!)
        DECLARE SUB Rec2Pol (x!, y!, r!, theta!)

        INPUT "Enter X  ", x!
        INPUT "Enter Y  ", y!
        PRINT "Magnitude!(x!, y!)", Magnitude!(x!, y!)
        PRINT "Angle!(x!, y!)", Angle!(x!, y!)
        Rec2Pol x!, y!, r!, theta!
        PRINT "Rec2Pol", , r!; theta!
        Pol2Rec r!, theta!, x!, y!
        PRINT "Pol2Rec", , x!; y!

Function: Angle!

    Returns the angle from the origin to a given Cartesian coordinate,
    measured from the positive X axis. The angle, expressed in radians, is
    returned in the range -PI < Angle! <= +PI.

    This function has a good example of an IF-ELSEIF-ELSE-ENDIF structured
    statement. Notice that even though this function contains quite a few
    statements, the routine quickly skips over the unnecessary instructions.
    These tests let the function cover all the special case situations, such
    as when the coordinate falls on one or both axes.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Angle!                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CARTESIA.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the angle (in radians) between the X axis
    ' and the line from the origin to the point x!,y!
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  a! = Angle!(x!, y!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x!         X part of the Cartesian coordinate
    '                  y!         Y part of the Cartesian coordinate
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Angle! (x!, y!) STATIC

        CONST PI = 3.141593
        CONST HALFPI = PI / 2

        IF x! = 0! THEN
            IF y! > 0! THEN
            Angle! = HALFPI
            ELSEIF y! < 0! THEN
            Angle! = -HALFPI
            Angle! = 0!
            END IF
        ELSEIF y! = 0! THEN
            IF x! < 0! THEN
            Angle! = PI
            Angle! = 0!
            END IF
            IF x! < 0! THEN
            IF y! > 0! THEN
                Angle! = ATN(y! / x!) + PI
                Angle! = ATN(y! / x!) - PI
            END IF
            Angle! = ATN(y! / x!)
            END IF
        END IF


Function: Magnitude!

    Returns the distance from the origin to a given Cartesian coordinate.

    This function, together with the Angle! function, provides the
    calculations that perform rectangular to polar coordinate conversions.
    They are both called by the Rec2Pol subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Magnitude!                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CARTESIA.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the distance from the origin to the
    ' point x!,y!
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  r! =  Magnitude!(x!, y!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x!         X part of the Cartesian coordinate
    '                  y!         Y part of the Cartesian coordinate
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Magnitude! (x!, y!)
        FUNCTION Magnitude! (x!, y!) STATIC
        Magnitude! = SQR(x! * x! + y! * y!)

Subprogram: Pol2Rec

    Converts a polar notation point (magnitude, angle) to its equivalent (x,
    y) Cartesian coordinates. The conversion assumes that theta! is expressed
    in radians and uses the built-in QuickBASIC functions for finding the sine
    and cosine of this angle.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Pol2rec                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        CARTESIA.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts polar coordinates to Cartesian notation.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Pol2Rec r!, theta!, x!, y!
    ' PARAMETERS:      r!         Distance of point from the origin
    '                  theta!     Angle of point from the X axis
    '                  x!         X coordinate of the point
    '                  y!         Y coordinate of the point
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Pol2Rec (r!, theta!, x!, y!)
        SUB Pol2Rec (r!, theta!, x!, y!) STATIC
        x! = r! * COS(theta!)
        y! = r! * SIN(theta!)
        END SUB

Subprogram: Rec2Pol

    Converts a point expressed as a Cartesian coordinate pair (x, y) to the
    equivalent polar notation (magnitude, angle). The Angle! and Magnitude!
    functions within this toolbox perform the calculations for this

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Rec2pol                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        CARTESIA.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts Cartesian coordinates to polar notation.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Rec2Pol x!, y!, r!, theta!
    ' PARAMETERS:      x!         X coordinate of the point
    '                  y!         Y coordinate of the point
    '                  r!         Distance of point from the origin
    '                  theta!     Angle of point from the X axis
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Magnitude! (x!, y!)
    '                  DECLARE SUB Rec2Pol (x!, y!, r!, theta!)
        SUB Rec2Pol (x!, y!, r!, theta!) STATIC
        r! = Magnitude!(x!, y!)
        theta! = Angle!(x!, y!)
        END SUB


    The CIPHER program securely ciphers and deciphers any file. You probably
    have some files or data that you'd prefer to keep secret, such as personal
    financial information or proprietary business matters. Several packages on
    the market let you keep your files secure from prying eyes, but they do it
    at some expense. This program does it quickly and simply.

    For each byte in the file to be ciphered, the program generates a
    pseudorandom byte in the range 0 through 255. The pseudorandom byte and
    the file byte are combined using the QuickBASIC XOR function, and the byte
    in the file is replaced with this result. To decipher the file, use the
    CIPHER program to process the file a second time, using exactly the same
    key. XOR then returns the file to its original state.

    The bytes in the ciphered file will appear to be as random as the sequence
    of pseudorandom bytes generated for this process. The RandInteger%
    function generates the bytes, which makes the number of possible
    pseudorandom sequences astronomical. Without knowing the key string used
    to initialize this sequence, a person could probably not break the cipher.
    This points out an important fact about the security of this technique:
    The ciphered file is only as secure as the key you select. Let's see how
    you can choose a secure key.

    First, the "don'ts": Don't use simple, obvious keys such as your name,
    initials, names of family members or pets, addresses, phone numbers, and
    the like. Don't use the same key repeatedly. Don't record the keys in an
    easy-to-find place, such as in a batch file containing CIPHER commands.
    And don't forget to keep track of your key in some safe way. You won't be
    able to get your file back if you forget the key!

    There are several ways to generate your own keys in a safe, secure manner.
    Be creative! For example, you might choose your own private "magic number"
    that you can easily remember and use it to define a key. If your number is
    17, you could use the first 17 characters of line 17, page 17, in your
    favorite novel. Another technique is to create a common phrase that's easy
    to remember yet contains deliberately misspelled words or an odd
    combination of upper- and lowercase characters──3 blined MiSe, for
    example. Don't get too carried away with your creativity, though, and end
    up with something you can't remember. Changing even one character in the
    key will generate an entirely different sequence of pseudorandom bytes.

    The CIPHER program has a unique feature built into it to help generate new
    words that you can use as keys. Instead of typing the filename and key
    string on the command line that invokes the CIPHER program, type CIPHER
    /NEWKEY and press the Enter key. The program will generate nine
    pseudorandom words, created by randomly selecting characters from sets of
    consonants and vowels in a way that makes most of them readable.

    When you use the /NEWKEY command line option, a unique set of new words is
    generated for every possible clock tick in the life of your computer. In
    the module-level code of CIPHER.BAS is the statement RandShuffle DATE$ +
    TIME$ + STR$(TIMER), which initializes the random number generator when
    you give the /NEWKEY option. The key string for the initialization is
    formed by combining the date, time, and timer information into a string of
    about 27 characters.

    Eighteen times each second your computer updates its internal clock. The
    TIMER function returns a different value each time this happens, and the
    date and time are unique for every possible second of each day. As a
    result, the key string that initializes the random number generator will
    always be unique, and it's safe to say you'll never see the same group of
    nine words repeated.

    If you have a large number of files that you'd like to cipher, you can
    automate the process. Create a batch file containing CIPHER command lines,
    complete with filenames and keys. Keep this batch file ciphered at all
    times, except when you want to use it to cipher or decipher the group of
    files listed in the commands. This way, the only key you must remember is
    the one for unlocking the batch command file.

    To try out the CIPHER program, follow these steps. Create a small,
    readable file using the Document mode of the QuickBASIC editor, and save
    it as TEST.TXT. Verify the file contents by typing TYPE TEST.TXT. Now, to
    cipher the file, run CIPHER with the command line TEST.TXT ABC. When
    CIPHER is finished, the file will be unreadable, and entering TYPE
    TEST.TXT will result in strange characters on your screen. To decipher the
    file, once again run CIPHER with the same command line: TEST.TXT ABC. Be
    sure to enter the key string ("ABC" in this case) exactly the same as you
    did when the file was ciphered. Finally, type out the file to verify that
    it was correctly deciphered.

    Name                        Type     Description
    CIPHER.BAS                          Program module
    NewWord$                   Func     Creates pseudorandom new word
    ProcesX                    Sub      Enciphers string by XORing bytes

Program Module: CIPHER

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CIPHER                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        CIPHER.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:   CIPHER  filename.ext key    or    CIPHER /NEWKEY
    ' .MAK FILE:       CIPHER.BAS
    '                  RANDOMS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      filename      Name of file to be ciphered or deciphere
    '                  key           String of one or more words used as the
    '                                cipher key
    ' VARIABLES:       cmd$          Working copy of COMMAND$
    '                  i%            Loop index
    '                  firstSpace%   Location in command line of first charac
    '                  fileName$     Name of file to be processed
    '                  key$          String to be used as cipher key
    '                  fileLength&   Length of file to be processed
    '                  a$            Workspace for groups of bytes from the f
    '                  count%        Number of groups of bytes to be processe
    '                  j&            Location in file of each group of bytes

    ' Constants
        CONST BYTES = 1000&

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION NewWord$ ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION Rand& ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandInteger% (a%, b%)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB RandShuffle (key$)
        DECLARE SUB ProcesX (a$)

    ' Initialization

    ' Grab the command line parameters
        cmd$ = COMMAND$

    ' If no command line parameters, then tell user what's needed
        IF cmd$ = "" THEN
            PRINT "Usage:  CIPHER /NEWKEY"
            PRINT "(or)    CIPHER filename key-string"
        END IF

    ' If /NEWKEY option, generate a few new words, and then quit
        IF INSTR(cmd$, "/NEWKEY") THEN

        ' Clear the screen and describe the output
            PRINT "Randomly created words that can be used as cipher keys..."
            RandShuffle DATE$ + TIME$ + STR$(TIMER)
            FOR i% = 1 TO 9
                PRINT NewWord$; " ";
            NEXT i%
        END IF

    ' Get the filename from the command line
        cmd$ = cmd$ + " "
        firstSpace% = INSTR(cmd$, " ")
        fileName$ = LEFT$(cmd$, firstSpace% - 1)

    ' Grab the rest of the command line as the cipher key
        key$ = LTRIM$(MID$(cmd$, firstSpace% + 1))

    ' Prepare the pseudorandom numbers using the key for shuffling
        RandShuffle key$

    ' Open up the file
        OPEN fileName$ FOR BINARY AS #1
        fileLength& = LOF(1)

    ' Process the file in manageable pieces
        a$ = SPACE$(BYTES)
        count% = fileLength& \ BYTES

    ' Loop through the file
        FOR i% = 0 TO count%
            j& = i% * BYTES + 1
            IF i% = count% THEN
                a$ = SPACE$(fileLength& - BYTES * count%)
            END IF
            GET #1, j&, a$
            ProcesX a$
            PUT #1, j&, a$
        NEXT i%

    ' All done

Function: NewWord$

    Creates a pseudorandom, new "word" by randomly selecting appropriate
    consonants and vowels to form one to three syllables. These words can be
    useful as passwords, cipher keys, or new product names.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          NewWord$                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        CIPHER.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a pseudorandom word of a possibly
    ' speakable form.
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      vowel$     String constant listing the set of vowels
    '                 consonant$ String constant listing the set of consonant
    '                 syllables% Random number of syllables for the new word
    '                 i%         Loop index for creating each syllable
    '                 t$         Temporary work string for forming the new wo
        FUNCTION NewWord$ STATIC
            CONST vowel$ = "aeiou"
            CONST consonant$ = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
            syllables% = Rand& MOD 3 + 1
            FOR i% = 1 TO syllables%
                t$ = t$ + MID$(consonant$, RandInteger%(1, 21), 1)
                IF i% = 1 THEN
                    t$ = UCASE$(t$)
                END IF
                t$ = t$ + MID$(vowel$, RandInteger%(1, 5), 1)
            NEXT i%
            IF Rand& MOD 2 THEN
                t$ = t$ + MID$(consonant$, RandInteger%(1, 21), 1)
            END IF
            NewWord$ = t$
            t$ = ""

Subprogram: ProcesX

    Enciphers a string by XORing the bytes with a sequence of pseudorandom
    bytes. The bytes are generated as pseudorandom integers in the range 0
    through 255 by the RandInteger% function.

    If you initialize the random number generator with the same sequence and
    process the ciphered string a second time with this subprogram, the
    original string will result. The CIPHER program allows deciphering in this
    way by simply requiring that the ciphered file be "ciphered" a second time
    with the same key.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ProcesX                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        CIPHER.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Enciphers a string by XORing with pseudorandom bytes.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ProcesX a$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be ciphered
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Index into the string
    '                  byte%      Numeric value of each string character
        SUB ProcesX (a$) STATIC
            FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$)
                byte% = ASC(MID$(a$, i%, 1)) XOR RandInteger%(0, 255)
                MID$(a$, i%, 1) = CHR$(byte%)
            NEXT i%
        END SUB


    The COLORS program provides a handy utility for interactively selecting
    colors from the 262,144 available in the VGA and MCGA graphics modes. To
    run this program, you must have a mouse and VGA or MCGA graphics

    The program is easy to use. Simply click on any of the three color bars to
    set the intensity of that color. The ellipse on the left side of the
    screen shows the color shade you selected, and the long integer value at
    the top of the screen shows the numeric value to use with the PALETTE
    statement for setting this same color in other programs. When you're ready
    to quit, click on the X at the lower left corner of the screen.

    You can run this program from the QuickBASIC environment, but to make it
    an easily accessible utility, it's probably better to compile it and
    create a stand-alone .EXE program module.

    Name                     Type    Description
    COLORS.BAS                      Program module
    Shade&                  Func    Color value from given red, green, and

Program Module: COLORS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          COLORS                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        COLORS.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Provides interactive selection of a color shade.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                  MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    '                  Mouse
    ' .MAK FILE:       COLORS.BAS
    '                  BITS.BAS
    '                  MOUSSUBS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       red!            Intensity of red, from 0 to 1
    '                  green!          Intensity of green, from 0 to 1
    '                  blue!           Intensity of blue, from 0 to 1
    '                  mask$           Mouse graphics cursor definition strin
    '                  xHot%           Mouse cursor hot spot X location
    '                  yHot%           Mouse cursor hot spot Y location
    '                  cursor$         Mouse cursor binary definition string
    '                  fill%           Color bar height calculation
    '                  x%              Color bar horizontal left edge
    '                  x2%             Color bar horizontal right edge
    '                  y%              Color bar vertical top edge
    '                  y2%             Color bar vertical bottom edge
    '                  leftButton%     State of left mouse button
    '                  rightButton%    State of right mouse button
    '                  xMouse%         Horizontal mouse location
    '                  yMouse%         Vertical mouse location
    '                  clickFlag%      Toggle for left mouse button state
    '                  xM%             Modified mouse horizontal location
    '                  quitFlag%       Signal to end program

    ' Logical constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Constants
        CONST REDPAL = 1
        CONST BLUEPAL = 2
        CONST GREENPAL = 3
        CONST TESTPAL = 4
        CONST WHITEPAL = 5
        CONST BARPAL = 6
        CONST DX = 15
        CONST DY = 150
        CONST RX = 180
        CONST RY = 30
        CONST GX = RX + DX + DX
        CONST GY = RY
        CONST BX = GX + DX + DX
        CONST BY = RY

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Shade& (red!, green!, blue!)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB MouseHide ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseMaskTranslate (mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$)
        DECLARE SUB MouseSetGcursor (cursor$)
        DECLARE SUB MouseShow ()
        DECLARE SUB Cursleft (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseNow (leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%)

    ' Set 256 color mode
        SCREEN 13

    ' Set first three colors as pure red, green, blue
        PALETTE REDPAL, Shade&(1!, 0!, 0!)
        PALETTE GREENPAL, Shade&(0!, 1!, 0!)
        PALETTE BLUEPAL, Shade&(0!, 0!, 1!)

    ' Set a pure white color choice
        PALETTE WHITEPAL, Shade&(1!, 1!, 1!)

    ' Set bar background color
        PALETTE BARPAL, Shade&(0!, 0!, 0!)

    ' Set background to light gray
        PALETTE 0, Shade&(.4, .4, .4)

    ' Start each intensity at midscale
        red! = .5
        green! = .5
        blue! = .5

    ' Set starting shade
        PALETTE TESTPAL, Shade&(red!, green!, blue!)

    ' Create ellipse of circle to show current shade selected
        CIRCLE (70, 100), 80, TESTPAL, , , 1.4
        PAINT (70, 100), TESTPAL

    ' Create the three color bars
        LINE (RX, RY)-(RX + DX, RY + DY), WHITEPAL, B
        LINE (GX, GY)-(GX + DX, GY + DY), WHITEPAL, B
        LINE (BX, BY)-(BX + DX, BY + DY), WHITEPAL, B

    ' Mark place to quit by clicking
        LOCATE 25, 1
        PRINT "(X) "; CHR$(27); " Quit";

    ' Make the left arrow mouse cursor
        Cursleft mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$
        MouseSetGcursor cursor$

    ' Main loop

        ' Put title and current shade number at top
            LOCATE 1, 1
            PRINT "COLOR CHOOSER"; TAB(22);
            PRINT USING "##########"; Shade&(red!, green!, blue!)

        ' Fill in the red color bar
            fill% = red! * (DY - 3) + 1
            x% = RX + 1
            x2% = RX + DX
            y% = RY + 1
            y2% = RY + DY
            LINE (x%, y%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - fill% - 1), BARPAL, BF
            LINE (x%, y2% - fill%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - 1), REDPAL, BF

        ' Fill in the green color bar
            fill% = green! * (DY - 3) + 1
            x% = GX + 1
            x2% = GX + DX
            y% = GY + 1
            y2% = GY + DY
            LINE (x%, y%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - fill% - 1), BARPAL, BF
            LINE (x%, y2% - fill%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - 1), GREENPAL, BF

        ' Fill in the blue color bar
            fill% = blue! * (DY - 3) + 1
            x% = BX + 1
            x2% = BX + DX
            y% = BY + 1
            y2% = BY + DY
            LINE (x%, y%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - fill% - 1), BARPAL, BF
            LINE (x%, y2% - fill%)-(x2% - 1, y2% - 1), BLUEPAL, BF

        ' Change the shade of the ellipse
            PALETTE TESTPAL, Shade&(red!, green!, blue!)

        ' Refresh mouse cursor

        ' Wait for fresh mouse left button click
                MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
                IF leftButton% = FALSE THEN
                    clickFlag% = FALSE
                END IF
                IF clickFlag% THEN
                    leftButton% = 0
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL leftButton%

        ' Hide mouse and set parameters
            clickFlag% = TRUE
            xM% = xMouse% \ 2

        ' Is mouse in the "Quit" area?
            IF xMouse% < 45 AND yMouse% > 190 THEN
                quitFlag% = TRUE
            END IF

        ' Is mouse at the right height to be in a bar?
            IF yMouse% > RY - 2 AND yMouse% < RY + DY + 2 THEN

            ' Is mouse in the red bar?
                IF xM% > RX AND xM% < RX + DX THEN
                    red! = 1! - (yMouse% - RY) / DY
                    IF red! < 0 THEN
                        red! = 0
                    ELSEIF red! > 1 THEN
                        red! = 1
                    END IF
                END IF

            ' Is mouse in the green bar?
                IF xM% > GX AND xM% < GX + DX THEN
                    green! = 1! - (yMouse% - RY) / DY
                    IF green! < 0 THEN
                        green! = 0
                    ELSEIF green! > 1 THEN
                        green! = 1
                    END IF
                END IF

            ' Is mouse in the blue bar?
                IF xM% > BX AND xM% < BX + DX THEN
                    blue! = 1! - (yMouse% - RY) / DY
                    IF blue! < 0 THEN
                        blue! = 0
                    ELSEIF blue! > 1 THEN
                        blue! = 1
                    END IF
                END IF

            END IF

        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

        SCREEN 0
        WIDTH 80

Function: Shade&

    Returns the long integer number for a given shade of color.

    This is the only function the COLORS utility provides, but it's useful
    when programming the VGA and MCGA SCREEN modes 11, 12, and 13. You can use
    the long integer value returned in a PALETTE statement for setting a color
    attribute to one of 262,144 color choices.

    Three single-precision numbers are passed to this routine, representing
    the desired intensities of the red, green, and blue colors. These numbers
    must be in the range 0.0 through 1.0. Shade&(1!, 0!, 0!), for example,
    returns the long integer value for bright red; Shade&(.5, .5, .5) returns
    a number for medium gray.

    The best way to see the results of setting the three colors to various
    intensity levels is by running the COLORS program.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Shade&                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        COLORS.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the long integer color number given red,
    ' green, and blue intensity numbers in the range
    ' 0 through 1.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PALETTE 1, Shade&(red!, green!, blue!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      red!       Intensity of red, from 0 to 1
    '                  green!     Intensity of green, from 0 to 1
    '                  blue!      Intensity of blue, from 0 to 1
    ' VARIABLES:       r&         Red amount
    '                  g&         Green amount
    '                  b&         Blue amount
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Shade& (red!, green!, blue!)
        FUNCTION Shade& (red!, green!, blue!) STATIC
            r& = red! * 63!
            g& = green! * 63!
            b& = blue! * 63!
            Shade& = r& + g& * 256& + b& * 65536


    The COMPLEX toolbox provides a collection of subprograms for working with
    complex numbers. The QuickBASIC TYPE definition statement is ideal for
    declaring variables to be of type Complex, as shown. The variables a, b,
    and c each comprise a pair of single-precision numbers representing the
    real and imaginary parts of a complex number. These variables are passed
    to and from the subprograms as easily as if they were simple numeric

    Complex numbers are expressed as the sum of a real and an imaginary
    number. Usually you show a complex number by writing the real number,
    followed immediately by a plus or minus sign, the imaginary number, and a
    small letter "i" or "j," which represents the square root of -1 and
    indicates the imaginary numeric component of the complex number.

    In this program, complex numbers are entered and displayed in a similar
    format. You use parentheses to surround each complex number. This sample
    run of COMPLEX shows typical input and output complex-number formats:

    Enter first complex number  ? (4-5i)

    ComplexExp                     (15.48743+52.35549i)
    ComplexLog                     1.856786-.8960554i)
    ComplexReciprocal              9.756097E-02+.1219512i)
    ComplexSqr                     2.280693-1.096158i)

    Enter second complex number    ? (3+4i)

    ComplexAdd                     (7-1i)
    ComplexSub                     (1-9i)
    ComplexMul                     (32+1i)
    ComplexDiv                     (-.32-1.24i)
    ComplexPower                   (251.4394-9454.315i)
    ComplexRoot                    (.9952651-.4262131i)

    Press any key to continue

    Name                     Type    Description
    COMPLEX.BAS                     Demo module
    Complex2String          Sub     String representation of a complex number
    ComplexAdd              Sub     Adds two complex numbers
    ComplexDiv              Sub     Divides two complex numbers
    ComplexExp              Sub     Exponential function of a complex number
    ComplexLog              Sub     Natural log of a complex number
    ComplexMul              Sub     Multiplies two complex numbers
    ComplexPower            Sub     Complex number raised to a complex number
    ComplexReciprocal       Sub     Reciprocal of a complex number
    ComplexRoot             Sub     Complex root of a complex number
    ComplexSqr              Sub     Square root of a complex number
    ComplexSub              Sub     Subtracts two complex numbers
    String2Complex          Sub     Converts string to complex variable

Demo Module: COMPLEX

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          COMPLEX                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates a set of complex number functions and
    ' subprograms.
    ' USAGE:         No command line parameters
    '                CARTESIA.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:    (none)
    ' VARIABLES:     a          Variable of type Complex
    '                b          Variable of type Complex
    '                c          Variable of type Complex
    '                x$         String representation of a complex number
    '                y$         String representation of a complex number
    '                z$         String representation of a complex number

        TYPE Complex
            r AS SINGLE
            i AS SINGLE
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB ComplexSub (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexSqr (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexRoot (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexReciprocal (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexAdd (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexLog (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexPower (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB Complex2String (a AS Complex, x$)
        DECLARE SUB String2Complex (x$, a AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexDiv (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexExp (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB ComplexMul (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        DECLARE SUB Rec2pol (x!, y!, r!, theta!)

        DIM a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex

        INPUT "Enter first complex number  "; x$
        String2Complex x$, a
        Complex2String a, x$
        PRINT x$

        ComplexExp a, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexExp", , z$

        ComplexLog a, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexLog", , z$

        ComplexReciprocal a, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexReciprocal", z$

        ComplexSqr a, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexSqr", , z$

        INPUT "Enter second complex number "; y$
        String2Complex y$, b
        Complex2String b, y$
        PRINT y$

        ComplexAdd a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexAdd", , z$

        ComplexSub a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexSub", , z$

        ComplexMul a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexMul", , z$

        ComplexDiv a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexDiv", , z$

        ComplexPower a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexPower", , z$

        ComplexRoot a, b, c
        Complex2String c, z$
        PRINT "ComplexRoot", , z$

Subprogram: Complex2String

    Creates a string representation of a complex number suitable for printing
    or displaying the results of complex number calculations. The string
    consists of two numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by either a
    plus or minus sign, with the second number followed by a lowercase "i" to
    indicate the imaginary component. The length of this string result will
    vary, depending on the numeric values of the real and imaginary parts.

    All results displayed by the demonstrations are formatted using this

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Complex2String             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Makes a string representation of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Complex2String a, x$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number variable (type Complex)
    '                  x$         String representation of the complex number
    ' VARIABLES:       r$         Working string, real part
    '                  i$         Working string, imaginary part
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB Complex2String (a AS Complex, x$)
        SUB Complex2String (a AS Complex, x$) STATIC

        ' Form the left part of the string
            IF a.r < 0 THEN
                r$ = "(" + STR$(a.r)
                r$ = "(" + MID$(STR$(a.r), 2)
            END IF

        ' Form the right part of the string
            IF a.i < 0 THEN
                i$ = STR$(a.i)
                i$ = "+" + MID$(STR$(a.i), 2)
            END IF

        ' The whole is more complex than the sum of the parts
            x$ = r$ + i$ + "i)"

        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexAdd

    Calculates the sum of two complex numbers. Complex number a is added to
    complex number b, and the result is placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexAdd                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Adds two complex numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexAdd a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First complex number for the addition
    '                  b          Second complex number for the addition
    '                  c          Result of the complex number addition
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '         DECLARE SUB ComplexAdd (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Comple
        SUB ComplexAdd (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            c.r = a.r + b.r
            c.i = a.i + b.i
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexDiv

    Calculates the result of dividing one complex number by another. The
    result of a/b is placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexDiv                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Divides two complex numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexDiv a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First complex number for the division
    '                  b          Second complex number for the division
    '                  c          Result of the complex number division a/b
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '        DECLARE SUB ComplexDiv (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex
        SUB ComplexDiv (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            t! = b.r * b.r + b.i * b.i
            c.r = (a.r * b.r + a.i * b.i) / t!
            c.i = (a.i * b.r - a.r * b.i) / t!
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexExp

    Calculates the exponential function of a complex number a. The result is
    placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexExp                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates the exponential function of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexExp a, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number argument
    '                  c          Complex result of the calculations
    ' VARIABLES:       t!         Temporary working value
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB ComplexExp (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        SUB ComplexExp (a AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            t! = EXP(a.r)
            c.r = t! * COS(a.i)
            c.i = t! * SIN(a.i)
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexLog

    Calculates the complex logarithm of a complex number a. The result is
    placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexLog                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates the log of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexLog a, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number argument
    '                  c          Complex result of the calculations
    ' VARIABLES:       r!         Magnitude of complex number a
    '                  theta!     Angle of complex number a
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB ComplexLog (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
    '                  DECLARE SUB Rec2pol (x!, y!, r!, theta!)
        SUB ComplexLog (a AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            CALL Rec2pol(a.r, a.i, r!, theta!)
            IF r! <> 0! THEN
                c.r = LOG(r!)
                c.i = theta!
                ERROR 5
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexMul

    Calculates the product of two complex numbers. Complex variables a and b
    are multiplied, and the result is placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexMul                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Multiplies two complex numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexMul a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First complex number for the multiplication
    '                  b          Second complex number for the multiplicatio
    '                  c          Result of the complex number multiplication
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '         DECLARE SUB ComplexMul (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Comple
        SUB ComplexMul (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            c.r = a.r * b.r - a.i * b.i
            c.i = a.r * b.i + a.i * b.r
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexPower

    Calculates the result of raising one complex number to the power of
    another. The result of raising a to the power of b is then placed in the
    variable c.

    Notice that this subprogram calls several others. If you extract this
    routine for use in another program module, be sure to extract the other
    subprograms as well.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexPower               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates a complex number raised to a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexPower a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number to be raised to a power
    '                  b          Complex number to raise a to
    '                  c          Result of a raised to the power of b
    ' VARIABLES:       t1         Structure of type Complex
    '                  t2         Structure of type Complex
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB ComplexPower (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex
    '      DECLARE SUB ComplexExp (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
    '      DECLARE SUB ComplexLog (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
    '      DECLARE SUB ComplexMul (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        SUB ComplexPower (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            DIM t1 AS Complex, t2 AS Complex
            IF a.r <> 0! OR a.i <> 0! THEN
                CALL ComplexLog(a, t1)
                CALL ComplexMul(t1, b, t2)
                CALL ComplexExp(t2, c)
                ERROR 5
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexReciprocal

    Calculates the reciprocal of a complex number by dividing the complex
    number (1+0i) by the complex number a. The result is placed in the
    variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexReciprocal          **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates the reciprocal of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexReciprocal a, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number to be processed
    '                  c          Result of calculating 1/a
    ' VARIABLES:       t          Structure of type Complex
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '         DECLARE SUB ComplexReciprocal (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
    '         DECLARE SUB ComplexDiv (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Comple
        SUB ComplexReciprocal (a AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            DIM t AS Complex
            t.r = 1!
            t.i = 0
            ComplexDiv t, a, c
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexRoot

    Calculates the complex root of a complex number. The ComplexReciprocal
    and ComplexPower subprograms are called by this subprogram. These
    routines allow the root to be found by raising a to the power of 1/b.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexRoot                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates the complex root of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexRoot a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First complex number
    '                  b          Complex number root
    '                  c          Result of finding the bth root of a
    ' VARIABLES:       t          Structure of type Complex
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '       DECLARE SUB ComplexRoot (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex
    '       DECLARE SUB ComplexReciprocal (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
    '       DECLARE SUB ComplexPower (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Comple
        SUB ComplexRoot (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            DIM t AS Complex
            IF b.r <> 0! OR b.i <> 0! THEN
                CALL ComplexReciprocal(b, t)
                CALL ComplexPower(a, t, c)
                ERROR 5
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexSqr

    Calculates the complex square root of a complex number. The square root of
    a is placed in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexSqr                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates the square root of a complex number.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexSqr a, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Complex number argument
    '                  c          Result of finding the square root of a
    ' VARIABLES:       r!         Magnitude of complex number a
    '                  theta!     Angle of complex number a
    '                  rs!        Square root of r!
    '                  h!         One half of theta!
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB ComplexSqr (a AS Complex, c AS Complex)
        SUB ComplexSqr (a AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            CALL Rec2pol(a.r, a.i, r!, theta!)
            rs! = SQR(r!)
            h! = theta! / 2!
            c.r = rs! * COS(h!)
            c.i = rs! * SIN(h!)
        END SUB

Subprogram: ComplexSub

    Calculates the difference between two complex numbers. The result of
    subtracting b from a is returned in the variable c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ComplexSub                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Subtracts two complex numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ComplexSub a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First complex number
    '                  b          Second Complex number
    '                  c          Result of subtracting b from a
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '         DECLARE SUB ComplexSub (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Comple
        SUB ComplexSub (a AS Complex, b AS Complex, c AS Complex) STATIC
            c.r = a.r - b.r
            c.i = a.i - b.i
        END SUB

Subprogram: String2Complex

    Converts a string representation of a complex number to a complex number
    variable of type Complex. This routine is useful for converting user input
    of a complex number to a complex variable.

    In general, the string should be in the same format as that produced by
    the Complex2String function. However, there is some flexibility to allow
    for variations in the way a user might type in complex numbers. For
    example, the "i" character indicates the imaginary part of a complex
    number, but a "j" will also be recognized. Also, parentheses around the
    numbers are optional.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          String2Complex             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        COMPLEX.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts a string representation of a complex
    ' number to a type Complex variable.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  String2Complex x$, a
    ' PARAMETERS:      x$         String representation of a complex number
    '                  a          Complex number structure of type Complex
    ' VARIABLES:       j%         Index to first numerical character
    '                  i%         Pointer to the "i" or "j" character
    '                  k%         Pointer to start of imaginary part
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Complex
    '                     r AS SINGLE
    '                     i AS SINGLE
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB Complex2String (a AS Complex, x$)
        SUB String2Complex (x$, a AS Complex) STATIC

        ' Real part starts just after left parenthesis
            j% = INSTR(x$, "(") + 1

        ' Step forward to find start of number
            DO UNTIL INSTR("+-0123456789", MID$(x$, j%, 1)) OR j% > LEN(x$)
                j% = j% + 1

        ' Imaginary part ends at the "i" or "j"
            i% = INSTR(LCASE$(x$), "i")
            IF INSTR(LCASE$(x$), "j") > i% THEN
                i% = INSTR(LCASE$(x$), "j")
            END IF

        ' Step back to find start of imaginary part
            FOR k% = i% TO 1 STEP -1
                IF INSTR("+-", MID$(x$, k%, 1)) THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT k%

        ' Error if pointers don't make sense
            IF j% = 0 OR j% > LEN(x$) THEN
                PRINT "Error: String2Complex - unrecognizable string format"
            END IF

        ' Grab the real part
            a.r = VAL(MID$(x$, j%))

        ' Grab the imaginary part
            IF k% > j% THEN
                a.i = VAL(MID$(x$, k%))
            ELSEIF k% = j% THEN
                a.r = 0
                a.i = VAL(MID$(x$, j%))
                a.i = 0
            END IF

        END SUB


    The DOLLARS toolbox contains three functions for working with monetary

    QuickBASIC provides a way for you to put commas between groups of three
    digits in numbers as they're printed or displayed. However, the Comma$
    and DollarString$ functions have the added advantage of allowing you to
    manipulate the string results further before outputting the results.

    The Round# function is presented here as a means of rounding dollar
    amounts to the nearest cent, but you can also use it for scientific and
    engineering calculations when you want to round numbers to a given number
    of decimal places.

    Name                     Type    Description
    DOLLARS.BAS                     Demo module
    Comma$                  Func    Double-precision with commas inserted
    DollarString$           Func    Dollar representation rounded with commas
    Round#                  Func    Rounding at specified decimal place

Demo Module: DOLLARS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DOLLARS                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        DOLLARS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:         No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:     (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:    (none)
    ' VARIABLES:     n#         Number for demonstration of the functions

        DECLARE FUNCTION Comma$ (n#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION DollarString$ (amount#, length%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Round# (n#, place%)

        n# = 1234567.76543#
        PRINT "Number n#:", , n#
        PRINT "Comma$(n#)", , Comma$(n#)
        PRINT "Comma$(Round#(n#, -2))", Comma$(Round#(n#, -2))
        PRINT "DollarString$(n#, 20)", ":"; DollarString$(n#, 20); ":"
        PRINT , , " 12345678901234567890"

        PRINT "Round#(n#, -3)", Round#(n#, -3)
        PRINT "Round#(n#, -2)", Round#(n#, -2)
        PRINT "Round#(n#, -1)", Round#(n#, -1)
        PRINT "Round#(n#, 0)", , Round#(n#, 0)
        PRINT "Round#(n#, 1)", , Round#(n#, 1)
        PRINT "Round#(n#, 2)", , Round#(n#, 2)

Function: Comma$

    Returns a string representation of a given double-precision number, with
    commas separating groups of three digits to the left of the decimal point.
    The returned string is the same as that returned by the QuickBASIC STR$
    function, except for the addition of the commas.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Comma$                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOLLARS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Creates a string representing a double-precision
    ' number, with commas inserted every three digits.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:    n$  =  Comma$(n#)
    ' PARAMETERS:        n#     Number to be formatted
    ' VARIABLES:         tn$    Temporary string of the number
    '                    dp%    Position of the decimal point
    '                    i%     Index into tn$
    '   DECLARATIONS:           DECLARE FUNCTION Comma$ (n#)
        FUNCTION Comma$ (n#) STATIC
            tn$ = STR$(n#)
            dp% = INSTR(tn$, ".")
            IF dp% = 0 THEN
                dp% = LEN(tn$) + 1
            END IF
            IF dp% > 4 THEN
                FOR i% = dp% - 3 TO 3 STEP -3
                    tn$ = LEFT$(tn$, i% - 1) + "," + MID$(tn$, i%)
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            Comma$ = LTRIM$(tn$)

Function: DollarString$

    Returns a string representation of a dollar amount, as passed in a
    double-precision variable. The Round# function rounds the number to the
    nearest penny, and the Comma$ function separates each group of three
    digits to the left of the decimal point with commas. The string is then
    padded on the left with spaces until the desired string length is
    achieved, and a dollar sign is placed to the left of the spaces. Thus, you
    can conveniently display the dollar amounts in columns.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DollarString$              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOLLARS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string representation of a dollar amount,
    ' rounded to the nearest cent, with commas separating
    ' groups of three digits, and with a preceding dollar sign.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:    d$ = DollarString$(dollars#)
    ' PARAMETERS:        dollars#   Amount of money
    ' VARIABLES:         tmp$       Temporary working string
    '                    DECLARE FUNCTION DollarString$ (amount#, length%)
    '                    DECLARE FUNCTION Round# (n#, place%)
        FUNCTION DollarString$ (amount#, length%) STATIC
            tmp$ = SPACE$(length%) + "$" + Comma$(Round#(amount#, -2))
            DollarString$ = RIGHT$(tmp$, length%)
            tmp$ = ""

Function: Round#

    Rounds numbers to any decimal position, as specified by the passed power
    of ten rounding value. For example, to round pi to the nearest integer
    value, you would use Round#(3.1416#, 0); to round 2/3 of ten dollars to
    the nearest cent, Round#(6.6666667#, -2); and finally, to round the
    distance to the moon to the nearest thousand miles, Round#(238857#, 3).

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Round#                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOLLARS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Rounds a number at the power of 10 decimal place.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  x# = Round#(n#, place%)
    ' EXAMPLES:        Round#(12.3456#, -2) = 12.35#
    '                  Round#(12.3456#, -1) = 12.3#
    '                  Round#(12.3456#, 0)  = 12#
    '                  Round#(12.3456#, 1)  = 10#
    ' PARAMETERS:      n#         Number to be rounded
    '                  place%     Power of 10 for rounding the number
    ' VARIABLES:       pTen#      10 raised to the indicated power of 10
    '   DECLARATIONS:             DECLARE FUNCTION Round# (n#, place%)
        FUNCTION Round# (n#, powerOfTen%) STATIC
            pTen# = 10# ^ powerOfTen%
            Round# = INT(n# / pTen# + .5#) * pTen#


    These routines use the Interrupt and InterruptX subprograms, provided as
    part of the QuickBASIC package, to access the operating system through
    software interrupts. The information returned by these functions and
    subprograms is extensive and useful.

    The DOSCALLS demo module proceeds in this way:

    The BufferedKeyInput$ function prompts you to enter up to nine
    characters. The appearance of the prompt and the input action from the
    keyboard seem very similar to the QuickBASIC INPUT statement, but there
    are some fundamental differences.

    Next, the DOSVersion! function returns the MS-DOS version number.

    The SetDrive subprogram temporarily switches the current drive, and the
    GetDrive$ function displays the results.

    The GetMediaDescriptor subprogram returns several useful pieces of
    information about the current disk drive.

    The Verify state is normally set using the MS-DOS VERIFY command, but with
    the GetVerifyState% function and the SetVerifyState subprogram, your
    programs can now control this setting directly.

    The GetDiskFreeSpace subprogram returns five useful details about the
    structure of the data and free space on any disk drive in your system.

    The GetCountry subprogram returns a data structure filled with details
    that enable you to modify your program outputs for use in other countries.
    Also returned is the address of the MS-DOS character translation
    subroutine called CaseMap, which translates certain characters for some
    foreign languages.

    The TranslateCountry$ function uses the address returned by the
    GetCountry subprogram to translate a string of characters for the
    currently set country.

    The GetDirectory$ function and SetDirectory subprogram let you determine
    or set the current directory-path string.

    The WriteToDevice subprogram is useful for outputting strings directly to
    the indicated device, using the MS-DOS output handler rather than
    QuickBASIC's. One advantage of this approach is in being able to use the
    ANSI.SYS escape-code sequences to control cursor movement, screen mode,
    and color attributes.

    Finally, the GetFileAttributes and SetFileAttributes subprograms let you
    determine or change the file attribute bits as desired. With these
    routines, it's easy to hide or unhide files and to set or clear the
    archive bit for use by the MS-DOS XCOPY command.

    Name                     Type    Description
    DOSCALLS.BAS                    Demo module
    BufferedKeyInput$       Func    ASCII string of specified length
    DOSVersion!             Func    Version number of MS-DOS returned
    GetCountry              Sub     Current country setting
    GetDirectory$           Func    Path to disk directory specified
    GetDiskFreeSpace        Sub     Disk space format and usage for input
    GetDrive$               Func    Current drive string
    GetFileAttributes       Sub     Attribute bits for given file
    GetMediaDescriptor      Sub     Drive information for system
    GetVerifyState%         Func    Verify setting (state)
    SetDirectory            Sub     Sets current directory
    SetDrive                Sub     Sets current disk drive
    SetFileAttributes       Sub     Sets the attribute bits for a given file
    SetVerifyState          Sub     Sets or clears verify state (writing to
    TranslateCountry$       Func    Translates string──current country
    WriteToDevice           Sub     Outputs a string to a device

Demo Module: DOSCALLS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DOSCALLS                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates several interrupt calls to MS-DOS.
    ' USAGE:          No command line parameters
    ' REQUIREMENTS:   MS-DOS 3.0 or later
    '                 MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    '.MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      buffer$    String for buffered input demonstration
    '                 x$         Buffered input string
    '                 drive$     Current disk drive name
    '                 desc       Structure of type MediaDescriptorType
    '                 state%     Current status of the Verify state
    '                 oppositeState%   Opposite state for Verify
    '                 disk       Structure of type DiskFreeSpaceType
    '                 country    Structure of type CountryType
    '                 i%         Loop index for creating translation characte
    '                 a$         Characters to be translated
    '                 path$      Current directory
    '                 result%    Result code from call to SetDirectory
    '                 t$         Temporary copy of TIME$
    '                 attr       Structure of type FileAttributesType
    '                 fileName$  Name of file for determining file attributes

        TYPE RegType
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE RegTypeX
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
            ds    AS INTEGER
            es    AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE MediaDescriptorType
            sectorsPerAllocationUnit AS INTEGER
            bytesPerSector AS INTEGER
            FATIdentificationByte AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE DiskFreeSpaceType
            sectorsPerCluster AS INTEGER
            bytesPerSector AS INTEGER
            clustersPerDrive AS LONG
            availableClusters AS LONG
            availableBytes AS LONG
        END TYPE

        TYPE CountryType
            dateTimeFormat AS STRING * 11
            currencySymbol AS STRING * 4
            thousandsSeparator AS STRING * 1
            decimalSeparator AS STRING * 1
            dateSeparator AS STRING * 1
            timeSeparator AS STRING * 1
            currencyThenSymbol AS INTEGER
            currencySymbolSpace AS INTEGER
            currencyPlaces AS INTEGER
            hours24 AS INTEGER
            caseMapSegment AS INTEGER
            caseMapOffset AS INTEGER
            dataListSeparator AS STRING * 1
        END TYPE

        TYPE FileAttributesType
            readOnly AS INTEGER
            hidden AS INTEGER
            systemFile AS INTEGER
            archive AS INTEGER
            result AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType)
        DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX)
        DECLARE SUB SetDrive (drive$)
        DECLARE SUB GetMediaDescriptor (drive$, desc AS MediaDescriptorType)
        DECLARE SUB SetVerifyState (state%)
        DECLARE SUB GetDiskFreeSpace (drive$, disk AS DiskFreeSpaceType)
        DECLARE SUB GetCountry (country AS CountryType)
        DECLARE SUB CaseMap (character%, BYVAL Segment%, BYVAL Offset%)
        DECLARE SUB SetDirectory (path$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB WriteToDevice (handle%, a$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB GetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType)
        DECLARE SUB SetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType)

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION DOSVersion! ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION BufferedKeyInput$ (n%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION GetDrive$ ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION GetVerifyState% ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION TranslateCountry$ (a$, country AS CountryType)
        DECLARE FUNCTION GetDirectory$ (drive$)

    ' Try the Buffered Keyboard Input call
        PRINT "BufferedKeyInput$:"
        PRINT "Enter a string of up to nine characters...  ";
        x$ = BufferedKeyInput$(9)
        PRINT "Here's the nine-character string result... ";
        PRINT CHR$(34); x$; CHR$(34)

    ' Get the MS-DOS version number
        PRINT "DosVersion!:"
        PRINT "DOS Version number is "; DOSVersion!

    ' Demonstrate the GetDrive and SetDrive routines
        PRINT "GetDrive$ and SetDrive:"
        drive$ = GetDrive$
        PRINT "The current drive is "; drive$
        PRINT "Setting the current drive to A:"
        SetDrive "A:"
        PRINT "Now the current drive is "; GetDrive$
        PRINT "Setting the current drive back to "; drive$
        SetDrive drive$
        PRINT "Now the current drive is "; GetDrive$

    ' Call the MS-DOS "Media Descriptor" function for the current drive
        PRINT "GetMediaDescriptor"
        DIM desc AS MediaDescriptorType
        GetMediaDescriptor drive$, desc
        PRINT "Drive                        "; drive$
        PRINT "Sectors per allocation unit "; desc.sectorsPerAllocationUnit
        PRINT "Bytes per sector            "; desc.bytesPerSector
        PRINT "FAT identification byte      &H"; HEX$(desc.FATIdentificationByt

    ' Wait for user
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Demonstrate the GetVerifyState and SetVerifyState routines
        PRINT "GetVerifyState% and SetVerifyState:"
        state% = GetVerifyState%
        PRINT "Current verify state is"; state%
        oppositeState% = 1 AND NOT state%
        SetVerifyState oppositeState%
        PRINT "Now the verify state is"; GetVerifyState%
        SetVerifyState state%
        PRINT "Now the verify state is"; GetVerifyState%

    ' Determine free space on the current drive
        PRINT "GetDiskFreeSpace:"
        DIM disk AS DiskFreeSpaceType
        GetDiskFreeSpace drive$, disk
        PRINT "Sectors per cluster     "; disk.sectorsPerCluster
        PRINT "Bytes per sector        "; disk.bytesPerSector
        PRINT "Total clusters on drive "; disk.clustersPerDrive
        PRINT "Available clusters      "; disk.availableClusters
        PRINT "Available bytes         "; disk.availableBytes

    ' Wait for user
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Get country-dependent information
        PRINT "GetCountry:"
        DIM country AS CountryType
        GetCountry country
        PRINT "Date and time format    "; country.dateTimeFormat
        PRINT "Currency symbol         "; country.currencySymbol
        PRINT "Thousands separator     "; country.thousandsSeparator
        PRINT "Decimal separator       "; country.decimalSeparator
        PRINT "Date separator          "; country.dateSeparator
        PRINT "Time separator          "; country.timeSeparator
        PRINT "Currency before symbol "; country.currencyThenSymbol
        PRINT "Currency symbol space  "; country.currencySymbolSpace
        PRINT "Currency decimal places"; country.currencyPlaces
        PRINT "24-hour time           "; country.hours24
        PRINT "Case map segment       "; country.caseMapSegment
        PRINT "Case map offset        "; country.caseMapOffset
        PRINT "Data list separator     "; country.dataListSeparator

    ' Let's translate lowercase characters for the current country
        PRINT "TranslateCountry$:"
        FOR i% = 128 TO 175
            a$ = a$ + CHR$(i%)
        NEXT i%
        PRINT "Character codes 128 to 175, before and after translation... "
        PRINT a$
        PRINT TranslateCountry$(a$, country)

    ' Wait for user
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Demonstrate the SetDirectory and GetDirectory routines
        PRINT "GetDirectory$ and SetDirectory:"
        path$ = GetDirectory$(drive$)
        PRINT "Current directory is "; path$
        SetDirectory GetDrive$ + "\", result%
        PRINT "Now the directory is "; GetDirectory$(drive$)
        SetDirectory path$, result%
        PRINT "Now the directory is "; GetDirectory$(drive$)

    ' Write to a file or device
        PRINT "WriteToDevice:"
        PRINT "Writing a 'bell' character to the CRT"
        WriteToDevice 1, CHR$(7), result%
        t$ = TIME$
        LOOP UNTIL t$ <> TIME$
        PRINT "Writing a 'bell' character to the printer"
        WriteToDevice 4, CHR$(7), result%

    ' Wait for user
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Demonstrate the GetFileAttributes and SetFileAttributes routines
        PRINT "GetFileAttributes and SetFileAttributes:"
        DIM attr AS FileAttributesType
        fileName$ = "C:\IBMDOS.COM"
        GetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
        PRINT "File attributes for "; fileName$
        PRINT "Result of call "; attr.result
        PRINT "Read only      "; attr.readOnly
        PRINT "Hidden         "; attr.hidden
        PRINT "System         "; attr.systemFile
        PRINT "Archive        "; attr.archive
        attr.hidden = 0
        SetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
        GetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
        PRINT "File attributes for "; fileName$
        PRINT "Result of call "; attr.result
        PRINT "Read only      "; attr.readOnly
        PRINT "Hidden         "; attr.hidden
        PRINT "System         "; attr.systemFile
        PRINT "Archive        "; attr.archive
        attr.hidden = 1
        SetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
        GetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
        PRINT "File attributes for "; fileName$
        PRINT "Result of call "; attr.result
        PRINT "Read only      "; attr.readOnly
        PRINT "Hidden         "; attr.hidden
        PRINT "System         "; attr.systemFile
        PRINT "Archive        "; attr.archive

Function: BufferedKeyInput$

    Calls the MS-DOS Buffered Keyboard Input routine, which is similar in
    concept to QuickBASIC's LINE INPUT statement but contains some useful

    When you call the BufferedKeyInput$ function, you pass an integer that
    tells the MS-DOS routine the maximum number of characters to be input. If
    extra characters are typed, the computer beeps, and the keystrokes are
    ignored. The Backspace and Left arrow keys allow editing of the input, and
    the screen is constantly updated to display the input buffer at the
    current cursor location.

    The returned string is always n% characters in length, even if the user
    entered fewer than n% characters. If necessary, the string is padded on
    the right with spaces to bring the length up to n%.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BufferedKeyInput$          **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calls the "Buffered Keyboard Input" MS-DOS function
    ' and returns the entered string of characters.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  x$ = BufferedKeyInput$(n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      buffer$    Buffer for keyboard input
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  bufSize%   Length of buffer$
    '                  b$         Working copy of buffer$
    '                  count%     Count of characters entered
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE FUNCTION BufferedKeyInput$ (n%)
        FUNCTION BufferedKeyInput$ (n%) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            b$ = CHR$(n% + 1) + SPACE$(n% + 1)
            regX.ax = &HA00
            regX.ds = VARSEG(b$)
            regX.dx = SADD(b$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            count% = ASC(MID$(b$, 2, 1))
            BufferedKeyInput$ = MID$(b$, 3, count%) + SPACE$(n% - count%)

Function: DOSVersion!

    Returns the version number of MS-DOS. Sometimes it's necessary to know the
    current version of MS-DOS before proceeding with certain MS-DOS functions.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DOSVersion!                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the version number of MS-DOS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT "MS-DOS Version number is "; DOSVersion!
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                  major%     Integer part of the MS-DOS version number
    '                  minor%     Fractional part of the MS-DOS version numbe
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE FUNCTION DOSVersion! ()
            DIM reg AS RegType
            reg.ax = &H3000
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
            major% = reg.ax MOD 256
            minor% = reg.ax \ 256
            DOSVersion! = major% + minor% / 100!

Subprogram: GetCountry

    Returns information from MS-DOS about the current country settings. This
    information can be invaluable for programs slated to be marketed in more
    than one country. A program's data output can be modified to conform to
    the standards of each country. For example, the date 3-4-88 can refer to
    March 4th or April 3rd, depending on which part of the world you are in.

    The date and time format string indicates the order of the six numeric
    values that make up a given date and time.

    Several variables are returned to indicate the desirable way to format
    monetary values. These determine whether the currency symbol is before or
    after the monetary value, whether a space separates the two, and the
    number of decimal places to use.

    The currency symbol is a four-character string such as "Lira". For
    dollars, the string contains three spaces followed by a $.

    The thousands separator is a one-character string, usually a decimal point
    or a comma.

    The decimal separator is also a one-character string, usually a decimal
    point or a comma.

    The date separator is a one-character string such as "-" or "/".

    The time separator is a one-character string such as ":".

    The hours designation indicates whether a 24-hour format or an A.M. and
    P.M. 12-hour format is more commonly used. The CaseMap address is the
    segment and offset address of the MS-DOS character translation function.
    Refer to the TranslateCountry$ function to see how this address is used.
    (The CaseMap subprogram is discussed in Part III of this book.)

    The data list separator is a one-character string such as ",".

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetCountry                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns country-dependent information as defined
    ' by MS-DOS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetCountry country
    ' PARAMETERS:      country    Structure of type CountryType
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  c$         Buffer for data returned from interrupt
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE CountryType
    '                     DateTimeFormat AS STRING * 11
    '                     CurrencySymbol AS STRING * 4
    '                     ThousandsSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     DecimalSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     DateSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     TimeSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     CurrencyThenSymbol AS INTEGER
    '                     CurrencySymbolSpace AS INTEGER
    '                     CurrencyPlaces AS INTEGER
    '                     Hours24 AS INTEGER
    '                     caseMapSegment AS INTEGER
    '                     caseMapOffset AS INTEGER
    '                     DataListSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB GetCountry (country AS CountryType)
        SUB GetCountry (country AS CountryType)
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H3800
            c$ = SPACE$(32)
            regX.ds = VARSEG(c$)
            regX.dx = SADD(c$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            SELECT CASE CVI(LEFT$(c$, 2))
            CASE 0
                country.dateTimeFormat = "h:m:s m/d/y"
            CASE 1
                country.dateTimeFormat = "h:m:s d/m/y"
            CASE 2
                country.dateTimeFormat = "y/m/d h:m:s"
            CASE ELSE
                country.dateTimeFormat = "h:m:s m/d/y"
            END SELECT
            country.currencySymbol = MID$(c$, 3, 4)
            country.thousandsSeparator = MID$(c$, 8, 1)
            country.decimalSeparator = MID$(c$, 10, 1)
            country.dateSeparator = MID$(c$, 12, 1)
            country.timeSeparator = MID$(c$, 14, 1)
            country.currencyThenSymbol = ASC(MID$(c$, 16)) AND 1
            country.currencySymbolSpace = (ASC(MID$(c$, 16)) AND 2) \ 2
            country.currencyPlaces = ASC(MID$(c$, 17))
            country.hours24 = ASC(MID$(c$, 18))
            country.caseMapSegment = CVI(MID$(c$, 21, 2))
            country.caseMapOffset = CVI(MID$(c$, 19, 2))
            country.dataListSeparator = MID$(c$, 23, 1)
        END SUB

Function: GetDirectory$

    Returns the complete path for any drive on your system. The called MS-DOS
    function doesn't return the drive designation or the first slash,
    representing the root directory, but the GetDirectory$ function adds these
    parts to the returned string for you.

    For the current directory of the current, default drive, pass a null
    string. For a specific drive, pass a string containing the letter of the
    drive in the first character position. For example, GetDirectory$("A:")
    might return A:\QB4\SOURCE.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetDirectory$              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the name of the current directory for any drive.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  path$ = GetDirectory$(drive$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      drive$     Drive of concern, or null string for defaul
    '                             drive
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  d$         Working copy of drive$
    '                  p$         Buffer space for returned path
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE FUNCTION GetDirectory$ (drive$)
        FUNCTION GetDirectory$ (drive$) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            IF drive$ = "" THEN
                d$ = GetDrive$
                d$ = UCASE$(drive$)
            END IF
            drive% = ASC(d$) - 64
            regX.dx = drive%
            regX.ax = &H4700
            p$ = SPACE$(64)
            regX.ds = VARSEG(p$)
            regX.si = SADD(p$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            p$ = LEFT$(p$, INSTR(p$, CHR$(0)) - 1)
            GetDirectory$ = LEFT$(d$, 1) + ":\" + p$
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                GetDirectory$ = ""
            END IF

Subprogram: GetDiskFreeSpace

    Returns information about the current usage and format of a given disk
    drive's contents. The data structure of type DiskFreeSpaceType lists the
    various information returned by this subprogram. Some information, such as
    the sectors per cluster, bytes per sector, and total clusters information,
    is constant in nature, so the subprogram always returns the same value for
    a given drive. The available clusters and available bytes are the variable
    information that this subprogram returns.

    Probably the most important information this subprogram returns is the
    total bytes available. Call this subprogram before creating a large file
    on a disk to prevent the program from being interrupted by a "disk full"
    message. This lets you prompt the user to insert a different disk or take
    other action before any data is lost.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetDiskFreeSpace           **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Get information about a drive's organization, including
    ' total number of bytes available.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetDiskFreeSpace drive$, disk
    ' PARAMETERS:      drive$     Disk drive designation
    '                  disk       Structure of type DiskFreeSpaceType
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                  drive%     Numeric drive designation
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE DiskFreeSpaceType
    '                     sectorsPerCluster AS INTEGER
    '                     bytesPerSector AS INTEGER
    '                     clustersPerDrive AS LONG
    '                     availableClusters AS LONG
    '                     availableBytes AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB GetDiskFreeSpace (drive$, disk AS DiskFreeSpaceType)
        SUB GetDiskFreeSpace (drive$, disk AS DiskFreeSpaceType)
            DIM reg AS RegType
            IF drive$ <> "" THEN
                drive% = ASC(UCASE$(drive$)) - 64
                drive% = 0
            END IF
            IF drive% >= 0 THEN
                reg.dx = drive%
                reg.dx = 0
            END IF
            reg.ax = &H3600
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
            disk.sectorsPerCluster = reg.ax
            disk.bytesPerSector = reg.cx
            IF reg.dx >= 0 THEN
                disk.clustersPerDrive = reg.dx
                disk.clustersPerDrive = reg.dx + 65536
            END IF
            IF reg.bx >= 0 THEN
                disk.availableClusters = reg.bx
                disk.availableClusters = reg.bx + 65536
            END IF
            disk.availableBytes = disk.availableClusters * reg.ax * reg.cx
        END SUB

Function: GetDrive$

    Returns a two-character string designation for the current disk drive. The
    first character is always an uppercase letter, and the second character is
    always a colon.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetDrive$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the current disk drive name, such as "A:".
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  drive$ = GetDrive$
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE FUNCTION GetDrive$ ()
        FUNCTION GetDrive$ STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            reg.ax = &H1900
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
            GetDrive$ = CHR$((reg.ax AND &HFF) + 65) + ":"

Subprogram: GetFileAttributes

    Returns current attribute bits for a given file. Each file has several
    attribute bits that serve useful purposes in MS-DOS. For example, whenever
    a change is made to a file, the "archive" bit is set. The MS-DOS XCOPY
    utility can check the setting of this bit and copy only those files that
    have been modified since the last XCOPY command was given for the same set
    of files. XCOPY clears this bit when a file is copied.

    The "read only" attribute bit protects a file by preventing you from
    changing or deleting its contents. You can read the file, list it, or
    access it in any normal way, but the operating system will generate an
    error if you try to edit or delete it.

    The "hidden" attribute bit makes a file invisible to the user. A good
    example of this bit's action is shown by the module-level code that
    demonstrates this subprogram. The hidden file IBMDOS.COM has its "hidden"
    bit cleared and then reset. If you leave this bit cleared, the IBMDOS.COM
    file will show up in your root directory whenever you give the DIR


    The "system" attribute bit marks files such as IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM
    as special system files. These two files are in the root directory of all
    your bootable disks and are necessary for MS-DOS to be able to
    successfully boot from a given disk.

    The variable attr.result returns a 0 if the attempt to read the file
    attribute bits was successful.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetFileAttributes          **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the file attribute settings for a file.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
    ' PARAMETERS:      fileName$  Name of file
    '                  attr       Structure of type FileAttributesType
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  f$         Null terminated copy of fileName$
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE FileAttributesType
    '                     readOnly AS INTEGER
    '                     hidden AS INTEGER
    '                     systemFile AS INTEGER
    '                     archive AS INTEGER
    '                     result AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB GetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType)
        SUB GetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H4300
            f$ = fileName$ + CHR$(0)
            regX.ds = VARSEG(f$)
            regX.dx = SADD(f$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                attr.result = regX.ax
                attr.result = 0
            END IF
            attr.readOnly = regX.cx AND 1
            attr.hidden = (regX.cx \ 2) AND 1
            attr.systemFile = (regX.cx \ 4) AND 1
            attr.archive = (regX.cx \ 32) AND 1
        END SUB

Subprogram: GetMediaDescriptor

    Returns media information about any disk drive currently defined by
    MS-DOS. For any given drive, you can determine the number of sectors per
    allocation unit, the number of bytes per sector, and the FAT
    identification byte MS-DOS uses to determine how to treat the drive. This
    information is returned by the MS-DOS function 21H.

    The GetDiskFreeSpace subprogram returns related information.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetMediaDescriptor         **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calls the MS-DOS "Get Media Descriptor" function for
    ' the indicated drive.  Results are returned in a
    ' structure of type MediaDescriptorType.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetMediaDescriptor drive$, desc
    ' PARAMETERS:      drive$     Drive designation, such as "A:"
    '                  desc       Structure of type MediaDescriptorType
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  drive%     Numeric drive designation
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  TYPE MediaDescriptorType
    '                     sectorsPerAllocationUnit AS INTEGER
    '                     bytesPerSector AS INTEGER
    '                     FATIdentificationByte AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB GetMediaDescriptor (drive$, desc AS MediaDescriptorType)
        SUB GetMediaDescriptor (drive$, desc AS MediaDescriptorType) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            IF drive$ <> "" THEN
                drive% = ASC(UCASE$(drive$)) - 64
                drive% = 0
            END IF
            IF drive% >= 0 THEN
                regX.dx = drive%
                regX.dx = 0
            END IF
            regX.ax = &H1C00
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            desc.sectorsPerAllocationUnit = regX.ax AND &HFF
            desc.bytesPerSector = regX.cx
            DEF SEG = regX.ds
            desc.FATIdentificationByte = PEEK(regX.bx)
            DEF SEG
        END SUB

Function: GetVerifyState%

    Returns the current setting of the MS-DOS Verify flag. If Verify is on,
    this function returns a 1. If Verify is off, a 0 is returned.

    See the SetVerifyState subprogram to see how to set the Verify on or off
    as desired.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetVerifyState%            **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the current state of the MS-DOS "Verify After
    ' Write" flag.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  state% = GetVerifyState%
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE FUNCTION GetVerifyState% ()
        FUNCTION GetVerifyState% STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            reg.ax = &H5400
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
            GetVerifyState% = reg.ax AND &HFF

Subprogram: SetDirectory

    Sets the current directory for the default drive in the same way as the
    MS-DOS CHDIR command.

    For example, to cause a program to change to the directory C:\TXT, use
    this program statement:

    SetDirectory "C:\TXT", result%

    The returned value of result% indicates whether the attempt to change the
    directory was successful. If result% is 0, the directory change was

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SetDirectory               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets the current directory.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SetDirectory path$, result%
    ' PARAMETERS:      path$      The path to the directory
    '                  result%    Returned error code, zero if successful
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  p$         Null terminated copy of path$
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB SetDirectory (path$, result%)
        SUB SetDirectory (path$, result%) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H3B00
            p$ = path$ + CHR$(0)
            regX.ds = VARSEG(p$)
            regX.dx = SADD(p$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                result% = regX.ax
                result% = 0
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: SetDrive

    Lets a QuickBASIC program change the current disk drive. Another way of
    doing the same thing would be to use the SHELL statement:

    SHELL "CD " + d$

    However, this subprogram is much more efficient and much faster.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SetDrive                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calls MS-DOS to set the current drive.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SetDrive d$
    ' PARAMETERS:      d$         Drive designation, such as "A:"
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                  drive%     Numeric value of drive
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB SetDrive (drive$)
        SUB SetDrive (drive$) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            IF drive$ <> "" THEN
                drive% = ASC(UCASE$(drive$)) - 65
                drive% = 0
            END IF
            IF drive% >= 0 THEN
                reg.dx = drive%
                reg.dx = 0
            END IF
            reg.ax = &HE00
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
        END SUB

Subprogram: SetFileAttributes

    Sets the file attribute bits for a file as desired. For example, to make a
    file invisible to the user, set the "hidden" attribute bit. To protect a
    file from accidentally being modified or deleted, set the "read only"
    attribute bit.

    The GetFileAttributes subprogram describes these file attribute bits in
    more detail.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SetFileAttributes          **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets attribute bits for a file.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SetFileAttributes fileName$, attr
    ' PARAMETERS:      fileName$  Name of file
    '                  attr       Structure of type FileAttributesType
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  f$         Null terminated copy of fileName$
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '                 TYPE FileAttributesType
    '                    readOnly AS INTEGER
    '                    hidden AS INTEGER
    '                    systemFile AS INTEGER
    '                    archive AS INTEGER
    '                    result AS INTEGER
    '                 END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB SetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType)
        SUB SetFileAttributes (fileName$, attr AS FileAttributesType)
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H4301
            IF attr.readOnly THEN
                regX.cx = 1
                regX.cx = 0
            END IF
            IF attr.hidden THEN
                regX.cx = regX.cx + 2
            END IF
            IF attr.systemFile THEN
                regX.cx = regX.cx + 4
            END IF
            IF attr.archive THEN
                regX.cx = regX.cx + 32
            END IF
            f$ = fileName$ + CHR$(0)
            regX.ds = VARSEG(f$)
            regX.dx = SADD(f$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                attr.result = regX.ax
                attr.result = 0
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: SetVerifyState

    Sets or clears the write verify flag MS-DOS uses during disk file writing,
    duplicating the actions of the MS-DOS commands VERIFY ON and VERIFY OFF.
    If a parameter (state%) of 0 is passed to the routine, the subprogram sets
    the Verify state to off. If non-zero, it sets it to on.

    To determine the current setting of the Verify flag, use the
    GetVerifyState% function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SetVerifyState             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets or clears the "Verify After Write" MS-DOS flag.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SetVerifyState state%
    ' PARAMETERS:      state%     If 0, resets Verify;  If non-zero,
    '                             then sets Verify on
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegType
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '      DECLARE SUB Interrupt (intnum%, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegTyp
    '      DECLARE SUB SetVerifyState (state%)
        SUB SetVerifyState (state%) STATIC
            DIM reg AS RegType
            IF state% THEN
                reg.ax = &H2E01
                reg.ax = &H2E00
            END IF
            Interrupt &H21, reg, reg
        END SUB

Function: TranslateCountry$

    Returns the translated version of the string passed to it, according to
    the current MS-DOS country setting. Only characters with byte values in
    the range 128 through 255 are candidates for translation.

    Before calling this function, you must call the GetCountry subprogram to
    fill in the structure of type GetCountryType with the address of the
    translation routine in the operating system. This housekeeping is all
    taken care of automatically if you only remember to call GetCountry
    before calling TranslateCountry$.

    The TranslateCountry$ function calls an assembly-language subprogram named
    CaseMap to translate each character of the passed string. CaseMap
    demonstrates the powerful DECLARE statement of QuickBASIC. ( CaseMap is
    discussed in Part III of this book.) Notice that the segment% and offset%
    variables representing the address of the MS-DOS translation routine are
    passed by value rather than by address, the default.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          TranslateCountry$          **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string of characters translated according to
    ' the current country setting of MS-DOS.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = TranslateCountry$(a$, country)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be translated
    '                  country    Structure of type CountryType
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Index to each character of a$
    '                  c%         Byte value of each character in a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE CountryType
    '                     DateTimeFormat AS STRING * 11
    '                     CurrencySymbol AS STRING * 4
    '                     ThousandsSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     DecimalSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     DateSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     TimeSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                     CurrencyThenSymbol AS INTEGER
    '                     CurrencySymbolSpace AS INTEGER
    '                     CurrencyPlaces AS INTEGER
    '                     Hours24 AS INTEGER
    '                     caseMapSegment AS INTEGER
    '                     caseMapOffset AS INTEGER
    '                     DataListSeparator AS STRING * 1
    '                  END TYPE
    '           DECLARE SUB CaseMap (character%, BYVAL Segment%, BYVAL Offset
    '           DECLARE FUNCTION TranslateCountry$ (a$, country AS CountryTyp
        FUNCTION TranslateCountry$ (a$, country AS CountryType) STATIC
            FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$)
                c% = ASC(MID$(a$, i%))
                CaseMap c%, country.caseMapSegment, country.caseMapOffset
                MID$(a$, i%, 1) = CHR$(c%)
            NEXT i%
            TranslateCountry$ = a$

Subprogram: WriteToDevice

    Outputs a string of bytes or characters to any device or file. QuickBASIC
    provides comprehensive input and output capabilities and should be used
    whenever possible. This routine is for those rare instances when accessing
    the MS-DOS output routines is of benefit. For example, the STDOUT toolbox
    is a good example of the use of the MS-DOS level code for output.
    QuickBASIC PRINT statements bypass the extended screen and keyboard
    control device named ANSI.SYS. Using this WriteToDevice subprogram (or the
    routines in the STDOUT toolbox) lets you use the ANSI.SYS driver's

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          WriteToDevice              **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        DOSCALLS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Writes bytes to a file or device.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  WriteToDevice handle%, a$, result%
    ' PARAMETERS:      handle%    File or device handle
    '                  a$         String to be output
    '                  result%    Error code returned from MS-DOS
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                     ax    AS INTEGER
    '                     bx    AS INTEGER
    '                     cx    AS INTEGER
    '                     dx    AS INTEGER
    '                     bp    AS INTEGER
    '                     si    AS INTEGER
    '                     di    AS INTEGER
    '                     flags AS INTEGER
    '                     ds    AS INTEGER
    '                     es    AS INTEGER
    '                  END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB WriteToDevice (handle%, a$, result%)
        SUB WriteToDevice (handle%, a$, result%) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H4000
            regX.cx = LEN(a$)
            regX.bx = handle%
            regX.ds = VARSEG(a$)
            regX.dx = SADD(a$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                result% = regX.ax
            ELSEIF regX.ax <> LEN(a$) THEN
                result% = -1
                result% = 0
            END IF
        END SUB


    The EDIT toolbox is a collection of subprograms for line and screen input
    of strings. The EditLine subprogram allows full input editing on a single
    line, and the EditBox subprogram allows user input and editing inside a
    rectangular area of the screen. The DrawBox, FormatTwo, and
    InsertCharacter subprograms enhance the capabilities of the EditBox
    routine and provide capabilities that can be useful in themselves.

    Name                     Type    Description
    EDIT.BAS                        Demo module
    DrawBox                 Sub     Creates a double-lined box on the display
    EditBox                 Sub     Allows editing in a boxed area of the
    EditLine                Sub     Allows editing of string at cursor
    FormatTwo               Sub     Splits string into two strings
    InsertCharacter         Sub     Inserts a character

Demo Module: EDIT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          EDIT                       **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       EDIT.BAS
    '                  KEYS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       a$         String to be edited by the user

        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Key code numbers
        CONST CTRLY = 25
        CONST CTRLQ = 17
        CONST DELETE = 21248
        CONST DOWNARROW = 20480
        CONST ENDKEY = 20224
        CONST ENTER = 13
        CONST ESCAPE = 27
        CONST HOME = 18176
        CONST INSERTKEY = 20992
        CONST LEFTARROW = 19200
        CONST RIGHTARROW = 19712
        CONST TABKEY = 9
        CONST UPARROW = 18432

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION KeyCode% ()

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB EditLine (a$, exitCode%)
        DECLARE SUB DrawBox (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
        DECLARE SUB EditBox (a$, row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
        DECLARE SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%)
        DECLARE SUB InsertCharacter (x$(), kee$, cp%, rp%, wide%, high%)

    ' Demonstrate the EditLine subprogram
        a$ = " Edit this line, and then press Up arrow, Down arrow, or Enter "
        COLOR 14, 1
        EditLine a$, exitCode%
        COLOR 7, 0
        PRINT "Result of edit ..."
        COLOR 14, 0
        PRINT a$
        COLOR 7, 0
        SELECT CASE exitCode%
        CASE 0
            PRINT "Enter";
        CASE -1
            PRINT "Down arrow";
        CASE 1
            PRINT "Up arrow";
        CASE ELSE
        END SELECT
        PRINT " key pressed."

    ' Demonstrate the EditBox subprogram
        a$ = "Now, edit text inside this box.  Press "
        a$ = a$ + "Esc to end the editing..."
        COLOR 12, 1
        DrawBox 8, 17, 19, 57
        COLOR 11, 1
        EditBox a$, 8, 17, 19, 57
        LOCATE 21, 1
        COLOR 7, 0
        PRINT "Result..."
        COLOR 14, 0
        PRINT a$
        COLOR 7, 0

Subprogram: DrawBox

    Draws a rectangular, double-lined box on the screen. No attempt is made to
    save the screen contents under the box area, and no control of the
    character colors is provided. The DrawBox subprogram simply provides a
    fast, flexible way to get a rectangular area of the screen cleared and
    outlined using the current foreground and background color settings. Use
    the COLOR statement before calling this subprogram if you want to change
    the foreground and background colors.

    The WINDOWS.BAS module provides a more comprehensive method of creating
    and removing windows for information and menuing tasks.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DrawBox                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Draws a double-lined box.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  DrawBox row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%
    ' PARAMETERS:      row1%    Screen text row at upper left corner of the b
    '                  col1%    Screen text column at upper left corner of th
    '                  row2%    Screen text row at lower right corner of the
    '                  col2%    Screen text column at lower right corner of t
    '                           box
    ' VARIABLES:       wide%    Inside width of box
    '                  row3%    Loop row number for creating sides of box
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB DrawBox (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
        SUB DrawBox (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%) STATIC

        ' Determine inside width of box
            wide% = col2% - col1% - 1

        ' Across the top
            LOCATE row1%, col1%, 0
            PRINT CHR$(201);
            PRINT STRING$(wide%, 205);
            PRINT CHR$(187);

        ' Down the sides
            FOR row3% = row1% + 1 TO row2% - 1
                LOCATE row3%, col1%, 0
                PRINT CHR$(186);
                PRINT SPACE$(wide%);
                PRINT CHR$(186);
            NEXT row3%

        ' Across the bottom
            LOCATE row2%, col1%, 0
            PRINT CHR$(200);
            PRINT STRING$(wide%, 205);
            PRINT CHR$(188);

        END SUB

Subprogram: EditBox

    Lets a user input and edit string characters in a rectangular area of the
    screen. This routine doesn't draw a box around the area on the display,
    but you can easily create one by calling the DrawBox subprogram before
    calling EditBox.

    This subprogram is a simple text editor. Features include automatic
    wordwrap and reformatting, line insert and delete, and support of many of
    the same editing keys used in the QuickBASIC editing environment. The keys
    acted upon are Left arrow, Right arrow, Up arrow, Down arrow, Home, End,
    Insert, Backspace, Delete, Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Q-Y, Ctrl-Right arrow, Ctrl-Left
    arrow, Enter, and Escape.

    You can force a reformat of the entire rectangular area by moving the
    cursor to the upper left corner of the rectangular area and then pressing
    the Backspace key. The cursor won't move anywhere, but all text in the
    area will be reformatted.

    To escape from the editing mode, press the Escape key. The string result
    of the edit is returned in a$ to the calling program. Note that linefeeds
    and all double spaces are removed from a$ and that a$ is trimmed of spaces
    from each end before being returned.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          EditBox                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Allows the user to edit text inside a rectangular area.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  EditBox a$, row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$     String to be edited
    '                  row1%  Screen text row at upper left corner of the are
    '                  col1%  Screen text column at upper left corner of the
    '                  row2%  Screen text row at lower right corner of the ar
    '                  col2%  Screen text column at lower right corner of the
    ' VARIABLES:       r1%    Upper inside row of rectangular area
    '                  r2%    Lower inside row of rectangular area
    '                  c1%    Left inside column of rectangular area
    '                  c2%    Right inside column of rectangular area
    '                  wide%  Width of area
    '                  high%  Height of area
    '                  rp%    Index to current working row
    '                  cp%    Index to current working column
    '                  insert%  Flag for insert/replace mode
    '                  quit%  Flag for quitting the subprogram
    '                  across%  Saved current cursor column
    '                  down%  Saved current cursor row
    '                  x$()  Workspace string array
    '                  i%  Looping index
    '                  b$  Works with a$ to format a$ into x$()
    '                  keyNumber%  Integer code for any key press
    '                  c$  Temporary string workspace
    '                  ds%  Index to double-space groupings
    '                  sp%  Index to character where split of string is to oc
    '                  ctrlQflag%  Indicates Ctrl-Q has been pressed
    '                  kee$  Character entered from keyboard
    '                  DECLARE SUB EditBox ($, row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB InsertCharacter (x$(), kee$, cp%, rp%,
    '                                               wide%, high%)
        SUB EditBox (a$, row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%) STATIC

        ' Set up some working variables
            r1% = row1% + 1
            r2% = row2% - 1
            c1% = col1% + 2
            c2% = col2% - 2
            wide% = c2% - c1% + 1
            high% = r2% - r1% + 1
            rp% = 1
            cp% = 1
            insert% = TRUE
            quit% = FALSE

        ' Record the current cursor location
            across% = POS(0)
            down% = CSRLIN

        ' Dimension a workspace array
            REDIM x$(1 TO high%)

        ' Format a$ into array space
            FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                FormatTwo a$, b$, wide%
                x$(i%) = a$
                a$ = b$
            NEXT i%

        ' Display the strings
            FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                PRINT x$(i%);
            NEXT i%

        ' Process each keystroke

            ' Update the current line
                LOCATE r1% + rp% - 1, c1%, 0
                PRINT x$(rp%);

            ' Place the cursor
                IF insert% THEN
                    LOCATE r1% + rp% - 1, c1% + cp% - 1, 1, 6, 7
                    LOCATE r1% + rp% - 1, c1% + cp% - 1, 1, 1, 7
                END IF

            ' Grab next keystroke
                keyNumber% = KeyCode%

            ' Process the key
                SELECT CASE keyNumber%

                CASE INSERTKEY
                    IF insert% THEN
                        insert% = FALSE
                        insert% = TRUE
                    END IF

                CASE BACKSPACE

                ' Rub out character to the left
                    IF cp% > 1 THEN
                        x$(rp%) = x$(rp%) + " "
                        b$ = LEFT$(x$(rp%), cp% - 2)
                        c$ = MID$(x$(rp%), cp%)
                        x$(rp%) = b$ + c$
                        cp% = cp% - 1

                    ' Upper left corner, so reformat the whole box
                    ELSEIF rp% = 1 THEN

                    ' Pull all the strings together
                        a$ = ""
                        FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                            a$ = a$ + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(x$(i%))) + " "
                        NEXT i%

                    ' Remove double spaces
                        ds% = INSTR(a$, "  ")
                        DO WHILE ds%
                            a$ = LEFT$(a$, ds% - 1) + MID$(a$, ds% + 1)
                            ds% = INSTR(a$, "  ")

                    ' Format into the array and display lines
                        FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                            FormatTwo a$, b$, wide%
                            x$(i%) = a$
                            a$ = b$
                            LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                            PRINT x$(i%);
                        NEXT i%

                    ' Concatenate to the preceding line

                    ' Use the InsertCharacter sub to insert a space
                        rp% = rp% - 1
                        cp% = wide% + 1
                        InsertCharacter x$(), " ", rp%, cp%, wide%, high%

                    ' Remove the extra spaces introduced
                        IF cp% > 2 THEN
                            b$ = LEFT$(x$(rp%), cp% - 3)
                            c$ = MID$(x$(rp%), cp%)
                            b$ = ""
                            c$ = MID$(x$(rp%), cp% + 1)
                        END IF

                    ' Pull the line pieces together
                        x$(rp%) = LEFT$(b$ + c$ + SPACE$(3), wide%)

                    ' Adjust the cursor position
                        cp% = cp% - 1

                    ' Display the lines
                        FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                            LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                            PRINT x$(i%);
                        NEXT i%
                    END IF

                CASE DELETE
                    x$(rp%) = x$(rp%) + " "
                    b$ = LEFT$(x$(rp%), cp% - 1)
                    c$ = MID$(x$(rp%), cp% + 1)
                    x$(rp%) = b$ + c$

                CASE UPARROW
                    IF rp% > 1 THEN
                        rp% = rp% - 1
                    END IF

                CASE DOWNARROW
                    IF rp% < high% THEN
                        rp% = rp% + 1
                    END IF

                CASE LEFTARROW
                    IF cp% > 1 THEN
                        cp% = cp% - 1
                    END IF

                CASE RIGHTARROW
                    IF cp% < wide% THEN
                        cp% = cp% + 1
                    END IF

                CASE ENTER
                    IF rp% < high% AND x$(high%) = SPACE$(wide%) THEN

                    ' Shuffle lines down
                        FOR i% = high% TO rp% + 1 STEP -1
                            x$(i%) = x$(i% - 1)
                        NEXT i%

                    ' Split current line at cursor
                        sp% = wide% - cp% + 1
                        IF sp% THEN
                            MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, sp%) = SPACE$(sp%)
                        END IF

                    ' Move to next line
                        rp% = rp% + 1
                        x$(rp%) = MID$(x$(rp%), cp%) + SPACE$(cp% - 1)
                        cp% = 1

                    ' Display the modified lines
                        FOR i% = rp% - 1 TO high%
                            LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                            PRINT x$(i%);
                        NEXT i%


                    ' Nowhere to push things down

                    END IF

                CASE HOME
                    cp% = 1

                CASE ENDKEY
                    cp% = wide% + 1

                ' Move back to just after last character
                    IF x$(rp%) <> SPACE$(wide%) THEN
                        DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp% - 1, 1) <> " "
                            cp% = cp% - 1
                        cp% = 1
                    END IF


                ' Find next space
                    DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) = " " OR cp% = wide%
                        cp% = cp% + 1

                ' Find first non-space character
                    DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) <> " " OR cp% = wide%
                        cp% = cp% + 1

                CASE CTRLLEFTARROW

                ' Find first space to the left
                    DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) = " " OR cp% = 1
                        cp% = cp% - 1

                ' Find first non-space character to the left
                    DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) <> " " OR cp% = 1
                        cp% = cp% - 1

                ' Find next space to the left
                    DO UNTIL MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) = " " OR cp% = 1
                        cp% = cp% - 1

                ' Adjust cursor position to first non-space character
                    IF cp% > 1 THEN
                        cp% = cp% + 1
                    END IF

                CASE CTRLY
                    IF rp% < high% THEN
                    ' Shuffle lines up, spacing out the last
                        FOR i% = rp% TO high%
                            IF i% < high% THEN
                                x$(i%) = x$(i% + 1)
                                x$(i%) = SPACE$(wide%)
                            END IF
                            LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                            PRINT x$(i%);
                        NEXT i%
                    END IF

                ' Move cursor to far left
                    cp% = 1

                CASE CTRLQ
                    ctrlQflag% = TRUE

                CASE ESCAPE
                    quit% = TRUE

                CASE IS > 255
                    SOUND 999, 1

                CASE IS < 32
                    SOUND 999, 1

                CASE ELSE
                    kee$ = CHR$(keyNumber%)

                ' Insert mode
                    IF insert% THEN
                        InsertCharacter x$(), kee$, rp%, cp%, wide%, high%
                        FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                            LOCATE r1% + i% - 1, c1%, 0
                            PRINT x$(i%);
                        NEXT i%

                    ' Must be overstrike mode
                        MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) = kee$
                        IF cp% < wide% + 1 THEN
                            cp% = cp% + 1
                            IF rp% < high% THEN
                                LOCATE r1% + rp% - 1, c1%, 0
                                PRINT x$(rp%);
                                rp% = rp% + 1
                                cp% = 1
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF

                ' Correct for bottom right corner problem
                    IF rp% > high% THEN
                        cp% = wide%
                        rp% = high%
                    END IF

                ' Check for Ctrl-Q-Y combination (del to end of line)
                    IF kee$ = "y" AND ctrlQflag% THEN
                        cp% = cp% - 1
                        IF cp% = 0 THEN
                            cp% = wide%
                            rp% = rp% - 1
                        END IF
                        sp% = wide% - cp% + 1
                        MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, sp%) = SPACE$(sp%)
                    END IF

                ' Clear out the possible Ctrl-Q signal
                    ctrlQflag% = FALSE

                END SELECT

            LOOP UNTIL quit%

        ' Concatenate the array strings to form the result
            a$ = ""
            FOR i% = 1 TO high%
                a$ = a$ + " " + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(x$(i%)))
            NEXT i%

        ' Remove double spaces
            ds% = INSTR(a$, "  ")
            DO WHILE ds%
                a$ = LEFT$(a$, ds% - 1) + MID$(a$, ds% + 1)
                ds% = INSTR(a$, "  ")

        ' Trim both ends of spaces
            a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$))

        ' Restore original cursor position
            LOCATE down%, across%, 1

        END SUB

Subprogram: EditLine

    Allows the user to edit a single line of text. The string is displayed at
    the current cursor location using the current foreground and background
    colors. Many of the same editing keys from the QuickBASIC editing
    environment are supported in the expected manner. For example, pressing
    Ctrl-Right arrow moves the cursor to the start of the next word, and
    pressing Ctrl-Q-Y deletes to the end of the line. Insert and overstrike
    modes are both supported, and you can delete characters by pressing the
    Delete or Backspace key.

    To exit the editing, press the Enter, Up arrow, or Down arrow key. The
    exitCode% value is set to 0, 1, or -1 respectively, allowing your calling
    program to determine which key terminated the editing.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          EditLine                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Allows the user to edit a string at the current cursor position
    ' on the screen.  Keys acted upon are Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Q-Y, Right arrow,
    ' Left arrow, Ctrl-Left arrow, Ctrl-Right arrow, Home, End,
    ' Insert, Escape, Backspace, and Delete.
    ' Pressing Enter, Up arrow, or Down arrow terminates
    ' the subprogram and returns exitCode% of 0, +1, or -1.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  EditLine a$, exitCode%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be edited
    '                  exitCode%  Returned code indicating the terminating
    '                             key press
    ' VARIABLES:       row%       Saved current cursor row
    '                  col%       Saved current cursor column
    '                  length%    Length of a$
    '                  ptr%       Location of cursor during the editing
    '                  insert%    Insert mode toggle
    '                  quit%      Flag for quitting the editing
    '                  original$  Saved copy of starting a$
    '                  keyNumber% Integer code for any key press
    '                  ctrlQflag% Indicates Ctrl-Q key press
    '                  kee$       Character of key just pressed
    '                  sp%        Length of space string
    '                  DECLARE SUB EditLine (a$, exitCode%)
        SUB EditLine (a$, exitCode%) STATIC

        ' Set up some variables
            row% = CSRLIN
            col% = POS(0)
            length% = LEN(a$)
            ptr% = 0
            insert% = TRUE
            quit% = FALSE
            original$ = a$

        ' Main processing loop

            ' Display the line
                LOCATE row%, col%, 0
                PRINT a$;

            ' Show appropriate cursor type
                IF insert% THEN
                    LOCATE row%, col% + ptr%, 1, 6, 7
                    LOCATE row%, col% + ptr%, 1, 1, 7
                END IF

            ' Get next keystroke
                keyNumber% = KeyCode%

            ' Process the key
                SELECT CASE keyNumber%

                CASE INSERTKEY
                    IF insert% THEN
                        insert% = FALSE
                        insert% = TRUE
                    END IF

                CASE BACKSPACE
                    IF ptr% THEN
                        a$ = a$ + " "
                        a$ = LEFT$(a$, ptr% - 1) + MID$(a$, ptr% + 1)
                        ptr% = ptr% - 1
                    END IF

                CASE DELETE
                    a$ = a$ + " "
                    a$ = LEFT$(a$, ptr%) + MID$(a$, ptr% + 2)

                CASE UPARROW
                    exitCode% = 1
                    quit% = TRUE

                CASE DOWNARROW
                    exitCode% = -1
                    quit% = TRUE

                CASE LEFTARROW
                    IF ptr% THEN
                        ptr% = ptr% - 1
                    END IF

                CASE RIGHTARROW
                    IF ptr% < length% - 1 THEN
                        ptr% = ptr% + 1
                    END IF

                CASE ENTER
                    exitCode% = 0
                    quit% = TRUE

                CASE HOME
                    ptr% = 0

                CASE ENDKEY
                    ptr% = length% - 1

                    DO UNTIL MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) = " " OR ptr% = length% - 1
                        ptr% = ptr% + 1
                    DO UNTIL MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) <> " " OR ptr% = length% - 1
                        ptr% = ptr% + 1

                CASE CTRLLEFTARROW
                    DO UNTIL MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) = " " OR ptr% = 0
                        ptr% = ptr% - 1
                    DO UNTIL MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) <> " " OR ptr% = 0
                        ptr% = ptr% - 1
                    DO UNTIL MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) = " " OR ptr% = 0
                        ptr% = ptr% - 1
                    IF ptr% THEN
                        ptr% = ptr% + 1
                    END IF

                CASE CTRLY
                    a$ = SPACE$(length%)
                    ptr% = 0

                CASE CTRLQ
                    ctrlQflag% = TRUE

                CASE ESCAPE
                    a$ = original$
                    ptr% = 0
                    insert% = TRUE

                CASE IS > 255
                    SOUND 999, 1

                CASE IS < 32
                    SOUND 999, 1

                CASE ELSE

                ' Convert key code to character string
                    kee$ = CHR$(keyNumber%)

                ' Insert or overstrike
                    IF insert% THEN
                        a$ = LEFT$(a$, ptr%) + kee$ + MID$(a$, ptr% + 1)
                        a$ = LEFT$(a$, length%)
                        IF ptr% < length% THEN
                            MID$(a$, ptr% + 1, 1) = kee$
                        END IF
                    END IF

                ' Are we up against the wall?
                    IF ptr% < length% THEN
                        ptr% = ptr% + 1
                        SOUND 999, 1
                    END IF

                ' Special check for Ctrl-Q-Y (del to end of line)
                    IF kee$ = "y" AND ctrlQflag% THEN
                        IF ptr% <= length% THEN
                            sp% = length% - ptr% + 1
                            MID$(a$, ptr%, sp%) = SPACE$(sp%)
                            ptr% = ptr% - 1
                        END IF
                    END IF

                ' Clear out the Ctrl-Q signal
                    ctrlQflag% = FALSE

                END SELECT

            LOOP UNTIL quit%

        END SUB

Subprogram: FormatTwo

    Formats text lines to a given maximum length. The value of col% is used to
    find a point in a$ where a$ can be split into two strings between words.
    The length of the returned a$ will be less than or equal to col%, and the
    rest of the original a$ will be returned in b$.

    Notice that repeated calls to this subprogram can format an entire
    paragraph of text. An example of this is shown in the subprogram EditBox.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FormatTwo                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Splits a string into two strings between words,
    ' and with spaces padded to the first string to bring it to
    ' length, col%.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FormatTwo a$, b$, col%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be split
    '                  b$         Returns the tail of the string
    '                  col%       Maximum length of a$ after being split
    ' VARIABLES:       ptr%       Pointer to split point in a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%)
        SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%) STATIC

        ' Be sure string is long enough
            a$ = a$ + SPACE$(col%)

        ' Look for rightmost space
            ptr% = col% + 1
            DO WHILE MID$(a$, ptr%, 1) <> " " AND ptr% > 1
                ptr% = ptr% - 1

        ' Do the split
            IF ptr% = 1 THEN
                b$ = MID$(a$, col% + 1)
                a$ = LEFT$(a$, col%)
                b$ = MID$(a$, ptr% + 1)
                a$ = LEFT$(a$, ptr% - 1)
            END IF

        ' Pad the first string with spaces to length col%
            a$ = LEFT$(a$ + SPACE$(col%), col%)

        ' Trim extra spaces from end of second string
            b$ = RTRIM$(b$)

        END SUB

Subprogram: InsertCharacter

    Inserts a character into the array of text being maintained by the
    EditBox subprogram. While in Insert mode, the EditBox subprogram calls
    InsertCharacter. The character insertion is simple enough, but this
    subprogram also handles the chore of performing automatic wordwrap and

    This task of character insertion could have been performed in the
    EditBox subprogram, but breaking the code out into a separate subprogram
    makes it much easier to isolate this task from the others. One great
    advantage of QuickBASIC is the ability to break complex programming tasks
    into smaller, more manageable tasks.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          InsertCharacter            **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        EDIT.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Handles the task of inserting a character
    ' for the EditBox subprogram.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  InsertCharacter x$(), kee$, rp%, cp%, wide%, high%
    ' PARAMETERS:      x$()       Array in EditBox where character is to be
    '                             inserted
    '                  kee$       Character to be inserted
    '                  rp%        Row location of insert
    '                  cp%        Column location of insert
    '                  wide%      Width of rectangular area being edited
    '                  high%      Height of rectangular area being edited
    ' VARIABLES:       dum$       Marker character
    '                  b$         String from array at insertion point
    '                  c$         Right part of string at insertion point
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  ds%        Position in string of double spaces
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB InsertCharacter (x$(), kee$, cp%, rp%,
    '                                               wide%, high%)
        SUB InsertCharacter (x$(), kee$, rp%, cp%, wide%, high%) STATIC

        ' First, insert a dummy character as a marker
            dum$ = CHR$(255)
            b$ = LEFT$(x$(rp%), cp% - 1)
            c$ = MID$(x$(rp%), cp%)
            b$ = b$ + dum$ + c$

        ' If end of string is a space, then drop it
            IF RIGHT$(b$, 1) = " " THEN
                x$(rp%) = LEFT$(b$, wide%)

            ' Otherwise, need to adjust the lines

            ' If not in the last line, then tack them all together
                IF rp% < high% THEN
                    FOR i% = rp% + 1 TO high%
                        b$ = b$ + " " + x$(i%)
                    NEXT i%
                END IF

            ' Trim both ends
                b$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(b$))

            ' Remove all double spaces
                ds% = INSTR(b$, "  ")
                DO WHILE ds%
                    b$ = LEFT$(b$, ds% - 1) + MID$(b$, ds% + 1)
                    ds% = INSTR(b$, "  ")

            ' Reformat the lines
                FOR i% = rp% TO high%
                    FormatTwo b$, c$, wide%
                    x$(i%) = b$
                    b$ = c$
                NEXT i%

            END IF

        ' Find out where that dummy character is now
            FOR rp% = 1 TO high%
                cp% = INSTR(x$(rp%), dum$)
                IF cp% THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT rp%

        ' Replace the dummy character with the keystroke character
            IF cp% THEN
                MID$(x$(rp%), cp%, 1) = kee$
            END IF

        ' Increment the cursor location
            IF cp% < wide% + 1 THEN
                cp% = cp% + 1
                IF rp% < high% THEN
                    cp% = 1
                    rp% = rp% + 1
                END IF
            END IF

        END SUB


    The ERROR toolbox contains a single subprogram that displays an error
    message in a box. If you have a color monitor, you can make the display
    quite eye-catching. In this example, the message is yellow on a red

    Name                     Type    Description
    ERROR.BAS                       Demo module
    ErrorMessage            Sub     Error message display

Demo Module: ERROR

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ERROR                      **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        ERROR.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)

    ' Subprogram
        DECLARE SUB ErrorMessage (message$)

    ' Demonstrate the subprogram

        ErrorMessage "This is a sample message for ErrorMessage"

Subprogram: ErrorMessage

    Provides a convenient, noticeable way to display error messages.

    QuickBASIC has a built-in mechanism for terminating a program when a
    serious error occurs. For example, if you try to divide by 0, the program
    immediately halts and displays the message Division by zero.

    In other situations, you might want to terminate a program because of a
    serious error that QuickBASIC would otherwise let pass. One approach in
    such a situation would be to use QuickBASIC's ERROR n% statement. This
    works fine, but unless one of the built-in error messages happens to fit
    the given situation, you're stuck with the default message Unprintable
    error, which sounds ghastly.

    A second approach to terminating a program in a controlled way would be to
    print your own descriptive error message and then follow with the SYSTEM
    statement. In many cases this technique is sufficient, but it's preferable
    to present a more polished, eye-catching display.

    This subprogram lets you systematically display your own error messages in
    a unique error-message window, just before terminating and returning to
    MS-DOS. The display──in this example, a red background and bright yellow
    message──immediately lets you know that a serious error has been detected.

    The table of color-defining constants in this subprogram can be useful in
    any program where you use the COLOR statement. A statement such as COLOR
    YELLOW, RED is much more descriptive than the equivalent COLOR 23, 4. It
    also makes programming easier because you don't have to remember or look
    up the numbers for the various colors.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ErrorMessage               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        ERROR.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays an error message and then exits to the system.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE: ErrorMessage "This is a sample message for ErrorMessage
    ' PARAMETERS:     message$         String to be displayed in the error bo
    ' VARIABLES:      lm%              Length of message$ during processing
    '                 col%             Screen character column for left edge
    '                                  of error box
    '  DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB ErrorMessage (message$)
        SUB ErrorMessage (message$) STATIC

        ' Define color constants
            CONST BLACK = 0
            CONST BLUE = 1
            CONST GREEN = 2
            CONST CYAN = 3
            CONST RED = 4
            CONST MAGENTA = 5
            CONST BROWN = 6
            CONST WHITE = 7
            CONST BRIGHT = 8
            CONST BLINK = 16

        ' Trim off spaces on each end of message
            message$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(message$))

        ' Make message length an odd number
            IF LEN(message$) MOD 2 = 0 THEN
                message$ = message$ + " "
            END IF

        ' Minimum length of message is 9 characters
            DO WHILE LEN(message$) < 9
                message$ = " " + message$ + " "

        ' Maximum length of message is 75
            message$ = LEFT$(message$, 75)

        ' Initialization of display
            SCREEN 0
            WIDTH 80

        ' Calculate screen locations
            lm% = LEN(message$)
            col% = 38 - lm% \ 2

        ' Create the error box
            COLOR RED + BRIGHT, RED
            LOCATE 9, col%
            PRINT CHR$(201); STRING$(lm% + 2, 205); CHR$(187)
            LOCATE 10, col%
            PRINT CHR$(186); SPACE$(lm% + 2); CHR$(186)
            LOCATE 11, col%
            PRINT CHR$(186); SPACE$(lm% + 2); CHR$(186)
            LOCATE 12, col%
            PRINT CHR$(200); STRING$(lm% + 2, 205); CHR$(188)

        ' The title
            COLOR CYAN + BRIGHT, RED
            LOCATE 10, 36
            PRINT "* ERROR *";

        ' The message$
            COLOR YELLOW, RED
            LOCATE 11, col% + 2
            PRINT message$;

        ' System will prompt for "any key"
            COLOR WHITE, BLACK
            LOCATE 22, 1

        END SUB


    The FIGETPUT toolbox demonstrates the FileGet$ function and FilePut
    subprogram, routines that allow efficient binary-mode access to files up
    to 32767 bytes in length. Because each of these routines uses binary-file
    mode, an entire file can be read by one GET statement or written by one
    PUT statement. Any type of file containing no more than 32767 bytes can be
    read into or written from a QuickBASIC string variable by these routines.
    When reading an ASCII file, the FileGet$ function returns all lines of
    the file in one string. A carriage return/line feed pair of characters
    marks the separation of each line in the file.

    These routines can be useful for file-processing utility programs, such as
    byte-for-byte file comparisons, text searches, and file ciphering.

    To demonstrate the routines, the module-level code reads a copy of itself
    into a single string, converts all characters to uppercase, counts the
    occurrences of each letter of the alphabet, and saves the resulting string
    in a file named FIGETPUT.TST. For a meaningful character count save
    FIGETPUT.BAS in ASCII format.

    Name                     Type    Description
    FIGETPUT.BAS                    Demo module
    FileGet$                Func    Returns a string with contents of file
    FilePut                 Sub     Writes contents of string into binary

Demo Module: FIGETPUT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FIGETPUT                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        FIGETPUT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reads itself (FIGETPUT.BAS) into a string,
    ' converts characters to uppercase, counts occurrences of
    ' the characters "A" through "Z," and saves the
    ' result in a file named FIGETPUT.TST.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      filename
    ' VARIABLES:       count%()   Tally array for the 26 alpha characters
    '                  fileName$  Name of file to be processed
    '                  a$         Contents of the file
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  c%         ASCII value of each file byte

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION FileGet$ (fileName$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB FilePut (fileName$, a$)

    ' Dimension array of counts for each ASCII code "A" to "Z"
        DIM count%(65 TO 90)

    ' Read in the file (must be no greater than 32767 bytes long)
        a$ = FileGet$("FIGETPUT.BAS")

    ' Convert to uppercase
        a$ = UCASE$(a$)

    ' Count the letters
        FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$)
            c% = ASC(MID$(a$, i%, 1))
            IF c% >= 65 AND c% <= 90 THEN
                count%(c%) = count%(c%) + 1
            END IF
        NEXT i%

    ' Output the results
        PRINT "Alphabetic character count for FIGETPUT.BAS"
        FOR i% = 65 TO 90
            PRINT CHR$(i%); " -"; count%(i%),
        NEXT i%

    ' Write out the new file
        FilePut "FIGETPUT.TST", a$

    ' All done

Function: FileGet$

    Uses the binary file mode to read the contents of any MS-DOS file into a
    string variable. The file length must be fewer than 32768 bytes to fit in
    one string. If you try to read a larger file, an error message is
    displayed, and the program halts.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FileGet$                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        FIGETPUT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string containing the contents of a file.
    ' Maximum file length is 32767 bytes.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  a$ = FileGet$(fileName$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      fileName$     Name of file to be accessed
    ' VARIABLES:       fileNumber    Next available free file number
    '                  length&       Length of file
    '                  a$            String for binary read of file
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION FileGet$ (fileName$)
        FUNCTION FileGet$ (fileName$) STATIC
            fileNumber = FREEFILE
            OPEN fileName$ FOR BINARY AS #fileNumber
            length& = LOF(fileNumber)
            IF length& <= 32767 THEN
                a$ = SPACE$(length&)
                GET #fileNumber, , a$
                FileGet$ = a$
                a$ = ""
                PRINT "FileGet$()... file too large"
            END IF
            CLOSE #fileNumber

Subprogram: FilePut

    Writes the contents of any string variable to a file using binary file
    mode. The biggest file that you can create in this way is 32767 bytes
    because that's the longest string you can build.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FilePut                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FIGETPUT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Writes contents of a$ into a binary file named fileName$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FilePut fileName$, a$
    ' PARAMETERS:      fileName$  Name of file to be written
    '                  a$         Bytes to be placed in the file
    ' VARIABLES:       fileNumber Next available free file number
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB FilePut (fileName$, a$)
        SUB FilePut (fileName$, a$) STATIC

        ' Find available file number
            fileNumber = FREEFILE

        ' Truncate any previous contents
            OPEN fileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #fileNumber
            CLOSE #fileNumber

        ' Write string to file
            OPEN fileName$ FOR BINARY AS #fileNumber
            PUT #fileNumber, , a$

        ' All done
            CLOSE #fileNumber

        END SUB


    The FILEINFO toolbox contains subprograms that obtain directory
    information about files. Basically, this program mimics the MS-DOS DIR
    command or the QuickBASIC FILES command.

    As set up, this program finds normal file entries. You can change the
    FILEATTRIBUTE constant to access other types of files. Refer to the CONST
    statements that define the various file attribute bits.

    The starting path$ for the search is set to the current directory, but you
    can change the path$ assignment to search any desired drive or directory.

    Name                     Type    Description
    FILEINFO.BAS                    Demo module
    FindFirstFile           Sub     Finds first file that matches parameter
    FindNextFile            Sub     Locates next file that matches parameter
    GetFileData             Sub     Extracts file directory information

Demo Module: FILEINFO

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FILEINFO                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        FILEINFO.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Collection of subprograms and functions for accessing
    ' directory information about files.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       path$      Path to files for gathering directory
    '                             information; wildcard characters accepted
    '                  dta$       Disk transfer area buffer string
    '                  result%    Code returned as result of directory search
    '                  file       Structure of type FileDataType
    '                  n%         File count

    ' File search attribute bits
        CONST ISNORMAL = 0
        CONST ISHIDDEN = 2
        CONST ISSYSTEM = 4

    ' Here we'll search for normal files and subdirectories

        TYPE RegTypeX
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
            ds    AS INTEGER
            es    AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE FileDataType
            finame    AS STRING * 12
            year      AS INTEGER
            month     AS INTEGER
            day       AS INTEGER
            hour      AS INTEGER
            minute    AS INTEGER
            second    AS INTEGER
            attribute AS INTEGER
            size      AS LONG
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB INTERRUPTX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX)
        DECLARE SUB FindFirstFile (path$, dta$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB FindNextFile (dta$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB GetFileData (dta$, file AS FileDataType)

    ' Data structures
        DIM file AS FileDataType

    ' For demonstration purposes, list current directory
        path$ = "*.*"

    ' Always start by finding the first match
        FindFirstFile path$, dta$, result%

    ' Check that the path$ got us off to a good start
        IF result% THEN
            PRINT "Error: FindFirstFile - found no match for path$"
        END IF

    ' List all the files in this directory
            IF n% MOD 19 = 0 THEN
                PRINT TAB(4); "File"; TAB(18); "Date"; TAB(29); "Time";
                PRINT TAB(39); "Size"; TAB(48); "Attributes"
            END IF
            GetFileData dta$, file
            PRINT file.finame;
            PRINT USING "  ##/##/####"; file.month, file.day, file.year;
            PRINT USING "  ##:##:##"; file.hour, file.minute, file.second;
            PRINT USING "  ########"; file.size;
            PRINT USING "  &"; RIGHT$("0" + HEX$(file.attribute), 2)
            PRINT "     &H";
            PRINT USING "&"; RIGHT$("0" + HEX$(file.attribute), 2)
            n% = n% + 1
            FindNextFile dta$, result%
            IF n% MOD 19 = 0 THEN
                PRINT "Press any key to continue"
                LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""
            END IF
        LOOP UNTIL result%
        PRINT n%; "files found"

Subprogram: FindFirstFile

    Finds the first directory entry that matches a given path$. This
    subprogram is called once before FindNextFile is called numerous times to
    find the rest of the entries.

    The result of this file search is returned in the dta$ variable. Call the
    GetFileData subprogram to extract the information from the string.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FindFirstFile              **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FILEINFO.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Finds first file that matches the path$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FindFirstFile path$, dta$, result%
    ' PARAMETERS:      path$      Complete path, including wildcard character
    '                             desired, for the directory search
    '                  dta$       Disk transfer area buffer space
    '                  result%    Returned result code for the search
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  thePath$   Null terminated version of path$
    '                  sgmt%      Current DTA address segment
    '                  ofst%      Current DTA address offset
    '   DECLARATIONS:  File search attribute bits
    '                     CONST ISNORMAL = 0
    '                     CONST ISREADONLY = 1
    '                     CONST ISHIDDEN = 2
    '                     CONST ISSYSTEM = 4
    '                     CONST ISVOLUMELABEL = 8
    '                     CONST ISSUBDIRECTORY = 16
    '                     CONST ISARCHIVED = 32
    '                     TYPE RegTypeX
    '                        ax    AS INTEGER
    '                        bx    AS INTEGER
    '                        cx    AS INTEGER
    '                        dx    AS INTEGER
    '                        bp    AS INTEGER
    '                        si    AS INTEGER
    '                        di    AS INTEGER
    '                        flags AS INTEGER
    '                        ds    AS INTEGER
    '                        es    AS INTEGER
    '                     END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB INTERRUPTX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB FindFirstFile (path$, dta$, result%)
        SUB FindFirstFile (path$, dta$, result%) STATIC

        ' Initialization
            DIM reg AS RegTypeX

        ' The path must be a null terminated string
            thePath$ = path$ + CHR$(0)

        ' Get current DTA address
            reg.ax = &H2F00
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg
            sgmt% = reg.es
            ofst% = reg.bx

        ' Set dta address
            dta$ = SPACE$(43)
            reg.ax = &H1A00
            reg.ds = VARSEG(dta$)
            reg.dx = SADD(dta$)
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        ' Find first file match
            reg.ax = &H4E00
            reg.cx = FILEATTRIBUTE
            reg.ds = VARSEG(thePath$)
            reg.dx = SADD(thePath$)
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        ' The carry flag tells if a file was found or not
            result% = reg.flags AND 1

        ' Reset the original DTA
            reg.ax = &H1A00
            reg.ds = sgmt%
            reg.dx = ofst%
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        END SUB

Subprogram: FindNextFile

    Continues the search for file directory entries after the FindFirstFile
    subprogram was called once. This subprogram is usually called repeatedly
    until all files that match the original path$ are found. The value of
    result% is 0 until the last file is found.

    The dta$ variable carries the important information about the search from
    call to call of this subprogram. Be careful not to alter its contents
    between calls to this routine. To extract details about each file's
    directory entry, pass dta$ to the subprogram GetFileData.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FindNextFile               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FILEINFO.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Locates next file. FindFirstFile must be called
    ' before this subprogram is called.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE: FindNextFile dta$, result%
    ' PARAMETERS:      dta$       Previously filled-in Disk Transfer Area
    '                             buffer string
    '                  result%    Result code for the search
    ' VARIABLES:       reg        Structure of type RegTypeX
    '                  thePath$   Null terminated version of path$
    '                  sgmt%      Current DTA address segment
    '                  ofst%      Current DTA address offset
    '                  CONST ISREADONLY = 1
    '                  CONST ISHIDDEN = 2
    '                  CONST ISSYSTEM = 4
    '                  CONST ISVOLUMELABEL = 8
    '                  CONST ISSUBDIRECTORY = 16
    '                  CONST ISARCHIVED = 32
    '                     TYPE RegTypeX
    '                        ax    AS INTEGER
    '                        bx    AS INTEGER
    '                        cx    AS INTEGER
    '                        dx    AS INTEGER
    '                        bp    AS INTEGER
    '                        si    AS INTEGER
    '                        di    AS INTEGER
    '                        flags AS INTEGER
    '                        ds    AS INTEGER
    '                        es    AS INTEGER
    '                     END TYPE
    '   DECLARE SUB INTERRUPTX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegType
    '   DECLARE SUB FindNextFile (dta$, result%)
        SUB FindNextFile (dta$, result%) STATIC

        ' Initialization
            DIM reg AS RegTypeX

        ' Be sure dta$ was built (FindFirstFile should have been called)
            IF LEN(dta$) <> 43 THEN
                result% = 2
                EXIT SUB
            END IF

        ' Get current DTA address
            reg.ax = &H2F00
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg
            sgmt% = reg.es
            ofst% = reg.bx

        ' Set dta address
            reg.ax = &H1A00
            reg.ds = VARSEG(dta$)
            reg.dx = SADD(dta$)
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        ' Find next file match
            reg.ax = &H4F00
            reg.cx = FILEATTRIBUTE
            reg.ds = VARSEG(thePath$)
            reg.dx = SADD(thePath$)
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        ' The carry flag tells whether a file was found or not
            result% = reg.flags AND 1

        ' Reset the original DTA
            reg.ax = &H1A00
            reg.ds = sgmt%
            reg.dx = ofst%
            INTERRUPTX &H21, reg, reg

        END SUB

Subprogram: GetFileData

    Extracts the information about a file's directory entry from the variable
    dta$ passed back from calls to FindFirstFile and FindNextFile. The
    information is returned in the data structure of type FileDataType and
    includes the date and time of the last file update, the filename, the file
    size, and the file attribute byte.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GetFileData                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FILEINFO.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Extracts the file directory information from a Disk
    ' Transfer Area (dta$) that has been filled in by a
    ' call to either FindFirstFile or FindNextFile.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  GetFileData dta$, file
    ' PARAMETERS:      dta$       Disk Transfer Area buffer string passed bac
    '                             either FindFirstFile or FindNextFile
    ' VARIABLES:       tim&       Time stamp of the file
    '                  dat&       Date stamp of the file
    '                  f$         Filename during extraction
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE FileDataType
    '                     finame    AS STRING * 12
    '                     year      AS INTEGER
    '                     month     AS INTEGER
    '                     day       AS INTEGER
    '                     hour      AS INTEGER
    '                     minute    AS INTEGER
    '                     second    AS INTEGER
    '                     attribute AS INTEGER
    '                     size      AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB GetFileData (dta$, file AS FileDataType)
        SUB GetFileData (dta$, file AS FileDataType) STATIC

            file.attribute = ASC(MID$(dta$, 22, 1))
            tim& = CVI(MID$(dta$, 23, 2))
            IF tim& < 0 THEN
                tim& = tim& + 65536
            END IF
            file.second = tim& AND &H1F
            file.minute = (tim& \ 32) AND &H3F
            file.hour = (tim& \ 2048) AND &H1F
            dat& = CVI(MID$(dta$, 25, 2))
            file.day = dat& AND &H1F
            file.month = (dat& \ 32) AND &HF
            file.year = ((dat& \ 512) AND &H1F) + 1980
            file.size = CVL(MID$(dta$, 27, 4))
            f$ = MID$(dta$, 31) + CHR$(0)
            file.finame = LEFT$(f$, INSTR(f$, CHR$(0)) - 1)

        END SUB


    The FRACTION toolbox is a set of subprograms and functions for working
    with fractions. The fractions are handled as data structures, defined by
    the TYPE statement in the module-level code. This effectively allows
    fractions, comprising a pair of long integer numerator and denominator
    numbers, to be referenced as a new type of variable.

    The demo module displays examples of the LeastComMul& and
    GreatestComDiv& functions and then prompts you to enter fraction problems
    involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of two
    fractions. Enter the problems using the format displayed on screen. The
    results, reduced to lowest terms, will be displayed.

    Name                     Type    Description
    FRACTION.BAS                    Demo module
    Fraction2String$        Func    Converts type Fraction variable to a
    FractionAdd             Sub     Adds two fractions and reduces
    FractionDiv             Sub     Divides two fractions and reduces
    FractionMul             Sub     Multiplies two fractions and reduces
    FractionReduce          Sub     Reduces fraction to lowest terms
    FractionSub             Sub     Subtracts two fractions and reduces
    GreatestComDiv&         Func    Returns greatest common divisor
    LeastComMul&            Func    Returns least common multiple
    SplitFractions          Sub     Parses fraction problem string
    String2Fraction         Sub     Converts a string to Fraction variable

Demo Module: FRACTION

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FRACTION                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates a collection of functions and subprograms
    ' for working with fractions.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       a          Structure of type Fraction
    '                  b          Structure of type Fraction
    '                  c          Structure of type Fraction
    '                  f$         Input string for fraction problems
    '                  fa$        First fraction in string format
    '                  fb$        Second fraction in string format
    '                  operator$  Function indicator
    '                  fc$        Resultant fraction in string output form

    ' Data structure definitions
        TYPE Fraction
            Num AS LONG
            Den AS LONG
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB String2Fraction (f$, a AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB FractionAdd (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB FractionDiv (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB FractionMul (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB FractionSub (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
        DECLARE SUB SplitFractions (f$, fa$, operator$, fb$)

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Fraction2String$ (a AS Fraction)
        DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LeastComMul& (n1&, n2&)

    ' Data structures
        DIM a AS Fraction
        DIM b AS Fraction
        DIM c AS Fraction

    ' Demonstrate the LeastComMul& function
        PRINT "LeastComMul&(21&, 49&)    =", LeastComMul&(21&, 49&)

    ' Demonstrate the GreatestComDiv& function
        PRINT "GreatestComDiv&(21&, 49&) =", GreatestComDiv&(21&, 49&)

    ' Demonstrate the fraction routines
            PRINT "Enter a fraction problem, or simply press Enter"
            PRINT "Example: 2/3 + 4/5"
            LINE INPUT f$
            IF INSTR(f$, "/") = 0 THEN
                EXIT DO
            END IF
            SplitFractions f$, fa$, operator$, fb$
            String2Fraction fa$, a
            String2Fraction fb$, b
            SELECT CASE operator$
            CASE "+"
                FractionAdd a, b, c
            CASE "-"
                FractionSub a, b, c
            CASE "*"
                FractionMul a, b, c
            CASE "/"
                FractionDiv a, b, c
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT
            fc$ = Fraction2String$(c)
            PRINT "Result (reduced to lowest terms) is "; fc$

Function: Fraction2String$

    Returns a string representation of a fraction. The numerator and
    denominator values are converted to strings by the QuickBASIC STR$
    function, and a slash (/) is concatenated between them to form the
    resultant string.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Fraction2String$           **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts a type Fraction variable to a string.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  fa$ = Fraction2String$(a)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Structure of type Fraction
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Fraction2String$ (a AS Fraction)
        FUNCTION Fraction2String$ (a AS Fraction) STATIC
            Fraction2String$ = STR$(a.Num) + "/" + STR$(a.Den)

Subprogram: FractionAdd

    Adds fraction a to fraction b, reduces the result to lowest terms, and
    returns the result in fraction c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionAdd                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Adds two fractions and reduces the result to lowest terms.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FractionAdd a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First fraction to add
    '                  b          Second fraction to add
    '                  c          Resulting fraction
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionAdd (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fractio
    '     DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        SUB FractionAdd (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
            c.Num = a.Num * b.Den + a.Den * b.Num
            c.Den = a.Den * b.Den
            FractionReduce c
        END SUB

Subprogram: FractionDiv

    Divides fraction b into fraction a, reduces the result to lowest terms,
    and returns the result in fraction c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionDiv                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Divides two fractions and reduces the result to
    ' lowest terms.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FractionDiv a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First fraction
    '                  b          Fraction to divide into first
    '                  c          Resulting fraction
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionDiv (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fractio
    '     DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        SUB FractionDiv (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
            c.Num = a.Num * b.Den
            c.Den = a.Den * b.Num
            FractionReduce c
        END SUB

Subprogram: FractionMul

    Multiplies fraction a times fraction b, reduces the result to lowest
    terms, and returns the result in fraction c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionMul                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Multiplies two fractions and reduces the result to
    ' lowest terms.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FractionMul a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First fraction to multiply
    '                  b          Second fraction to multiply
    '                  c          Resulting fraction
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionMul (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fractio
    '     DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        SUB FractionMul (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
            c.Num = a.Num * b.Num
            c.Den = a.Den * b.Den
            FractionReduce c
        END SUB

Subprogram: FractionReduce

    Reduces a fraction to its lowest terms by dividing the numerator and
    denominator by their greatest common divisor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionReduce             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reduces a fraction to its lowest terms.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FractionReduce a
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          Fraction to reduce
    ' VARIABLES:       d&         Greatest common divisor of the numerator an
    '                             denominator
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
            d& = GreatestComDiv&(a.Num, a.Den)
            a.Num = a.Num / d&
            a.Den = a.Den / d&
        END SUB

Subprogram: FractionSub

    Subtracts fraction b from fraction a, reduces the result to lowest terms,
    and returns the result in fraction c.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionSub                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Subtracts two fractions and reduces the result to
    ' lowest terms.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FractionSub a, b, c
    ' PARAMETERS:      a          First fraction
    '                  b          Fraction to subtract from the first
    '                  c          Resulting fraction
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  TYPE Fraction
    '                     Num AS LONG
    '                     Den AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionReduce (a AS Fraction)
    '     DECLARE SUB FractionSub (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fractio
    '     DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        SUB FractionSub (a AS Fraction, b AS Fraction, c AS Fraction)
            c.Num = a.Num * b.Den - a.Den * b.Num
            c.Den = a.Den * b.Den
            FractionReduce c
        END SUB

Function: GreatestComDiv&

    Returns the greatest common divisor of two long integers.

    The greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator of a fraction
    is efficient for reducing the fraction to its lowest terms, as
    demonstrated by the FractionReduce subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GreatestComDiv&            **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the greatest common divisor of two long integers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  gcd& = GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n1&        First long integer
    '                  n2&        Second long integer
    ' VARIABLES:       ta&        Working copy of n1&
    '                  tb&        Working copy of n2&
    '                  tc&        Working variable
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
        FUNCTION GreatestComDiv& (n1&, n2&)
            ta& = n1&
            tb& = n2&
                tc& = ta& MOD tb&
                ta& = tb&
                tb& = tc&
            LOOP WHILE tc&
            GreatestComDiv& = ta&

Function: LeastComMul&

    Returns the least common multiple of two long integers.

    Although this function is not used by any other routine in the
    FRACTION.BAS module, it is included because of its close ties to the
    GreatestComDiv& function. In fact, by using the GreatestComDiv& function
    in the calculations, the LeastComMul& function is shortened to one program
    line, as shown.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LeastComMul&               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the least common multiple of two long integers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  lcm& = LeastComMul& (n1&, n2&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n1&         First long integer
    '                  n2&         Second long integer
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION LeastComMul& (n1&, n2&)
        FUNCTION LeastComMul& (n1&, n2&)
            LeastComMul& = ABS(n1& * n2& / GreatestComDiv&(n1&, n2&))

Subprogram: SplitFractions

    Splits the input fraction problem string into two fraction strings and one
    operator string.

    This subprogram has a special purpose in the FRACTION.BAS program. After
    you enter a fraction problem, this subprogram splits your input into three
    strings: a string representation of the first fraction, a one-character
    symbol representing the desired mathematical operation, and a string
    representation of the second fraction.

    The results of this subprogram are passed to the String2Fraction
    subprogram before the indicated calculations are performed.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SplitFractions             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Splits an input fraction problem string into
    ' three strings representing each of the two
    ' fractions and a one-character string of the
    ' operation given.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE: SplitFractions f$, fa$, operator$, fb$
    ' PARAMETERS:     f$         Input string from the FRACTIONS demonstratio
    '                            program
    '                 fa$        First fraction, extracted from f$
    '                 operator$  Mathematical operation symbol, from f$
    '                 fb$        Second fraction, extracted from f$
    ' VARIABLES:      i%         Looping index
    '                 ndx%       Index to mathematical operation symbol
    '   DECLARATIONS: DECLARE SUB SplitFractions (f$, fa$, operator$, fb$)
        SUB SplitFractions (f$, fa$, operator$, fb$)
            fa$ = ""
            fb$ = ""
            operator$ = ""
            FOR i% = 1 TO 4
                ndx% = INSTR(f$, MID$("+-*/", i%, 1))
                IF ndx% THEN
                    IF i% = 4 THEN
                        ndx% = INSTR(ndx% + 1, f$, "/")
                    END IF
                    fa$ = LEFT$(f$, ndx% - 1)
                    fb$ = MID$(f$, ndx% + 1)
                    operator$ = MID$(f$, ndx%, 1)
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT i%
        END SUB

Subprogram: String2Fraction

    Converts a string representation of a fraction to a data structure of type
    Fraction. This routine is useful for converting user input of fractional
    values to type Fraction variables.

    This subprogram extracts numerator and denominator values from a string
    representation of a fraction and fills in a data structure of type
    Fraction with the results.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          String2Fraction            **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        FRACTION.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts a string to a type Fraction variable.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE: String2Fraction f$, a
    ' PARAMETERS:     f$         String representation of a fraction
    '                 a          Structure of type Fraction
    ' VARIABLES:      (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB String2Fraction (f$, a AS Fraction)
        SUB String2Fraction (f$, a AS Fraction)
            a.Num = VAL(f$)
            a.Den = VAL(MID$(f$, INSTR(f$, "/") + 1))
        END SUB


    The GAMES toolbox is a collection of subprograms and functions that
    provide some common tasks for programming games with QuickBASIC.
    QuickBASIC is an ideal language for developing many graphics- and
    text-oriented games, partly because of the interactive nature of the
    development process, and partly because of the excellent set of graphics
    functions and subprograms provided by the language.

    Name                     Type    Description
    GAMES.BAS                       Demo module
    Card$                   Func    Returns name of card given a number from
                                    1 through 52
    Collision%              Func    Returns TRUE or FALSE collision condition
    Dice%                   Func    Returns total showing for throwing N dice
    FillArray               Sub     Fills an integer array with a sequence of
                                    numbers defined by the bounds
    Shuffle$                Func    Randomizes character bytes in a string
    ShuffleArray            Sub     Randomizes integers in an array

Demo Module: GAMES

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GAMES                      **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:          No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:      (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      a$             String containing the 26 letters of the
    '                                alphabet
    '                 x%             Lower bound for array a%()
    '                 y%             Upper bound for array a%()
    '                 a%()           Array of numbers to be shuffled
    '                 i%             Looping index
    '                 size%          Dimension of bouncing ball array
    '                 object%()      Array for GET and PUT of bouncing ball
    '                 backGround%()  Array for GET and PUT of background
    '                 dx%            X velocity of bouncing ball
    '                 dy%            Y velocity of bouncing ball
    '                 px%            X coordinate of bouncing ball
    '                 py%            Y coordinate of bouncing ball
    '                 testNumber%    One of four bounce direction tests
    '                 test%          Result of the Collision% test

    ' Constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Shuffle$ (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Dice% (numberOfDice%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Card$ (cardNumber%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Collision% (object%(), backGround%())

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB FillArray (a%())
        DECLARE SUB ShuffleArray (a%())

    ' Demonstration of the Shuffle$ function
        a$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        PRINT "a$           = "; a$
        PRINT "Shuffle$(a$) = "; Shuffle$(a$)

    ' Demonstration of the FillArray subprogram
        x% = -7
        y% = 12
        DIM a%(x% TO y%)
        PRINT "FillArray a%()   where DIM a%( -7 TO 12) ..."
        FillArray a%()
        FOR i% = x% TO y%
            PRINT a%(i%);
        NEXT i%

    ' Demonstration of the ShuffleArray subprogram
        PRINT "ShuffleArray a%() ..."
        ShuffleArray a%()
        FOR i% = x% TO y%
            PRINT a%(i%);
        NEXT i%

    ' Demonstration of the Dice% function
        PRINT "Dice%(2)..."
        FOR i% = 1 TO 20
            PRINT Dice%(2);
        NEXT i%

    ' Deal a hand of seven cards
        PRINT "Seven random cards, without replacement..."
        REDIM a%(1 TO 54)
        FillArray a%()
        ShuffleArray a%()
        FOR i% = 1 TO 7
            PRINT Card$(a%(i%))
        NEXT i%

    ' Wait for user to press a key
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = ""

    ' Demonstration of the Collision% function
        size% = 6
        DIM object%(size%), backGround%(size%)

    ' Set medium resolution graphics mode
        SCREEN 1

    ' Create the bouncing ball
        CIRCLE (2, 2), 2, 3
        PAINT (2, 2), 3
        GET (0, 0)-(4, 4), object%

    ' Make solid border around screen
        LINE (14, 18)-(305, 187), 1, B
        PAINT (0, 0), 1

        PRINT " Collision% function... Press any key to quit "

    ' Make three obstacles
        CIRCLE (115, 78), 33, 2, , , .6
        PAINT (115, 78), 2
        CIRCLE (205, 78), 33, 2, , , .6
        PAINT (205, 78), 2
        LINE (90, 145)-(230, 155), 2, BF

    ' Initialize position and velocity of the object
        dx% = 1
        dy% = 1
        px% = 160
        py% = 44
        PUT (px%, py%), object%

    ' Move the object around the screen, avoiding collisions,
    ' until any key is pressed
            testNumber% = 0
                PUT (px%, py%), object%
                px% = px% + dx%
                py% = py% + dy%
                GET (px%, py%)-(px% + 4, py% + 4), backGround%
                PUT (px%, py%), object%
                test% = Collision%(object%(), backGround%())
                IF test% THEN
                    testNumber% = testNumber% + 1
                    PUT (px%, py%), object%
                    px% = px% - dx%
                    py% = py% - dy%
                    SELECT CASE testNumber%
                    CASE 1
                        dx% = -dx%
                    CASE 2
                        dx% = -dx%
                        dy% = -dy%
                    CASE 3
                        dy% = -dy%
                    CASE ELSE
                    END SELECT
                    PUT (px%, py%), object%
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL test% = 0
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Clean up a little
        SCREEN 0
        WIDTH 80

Function: Card$

    Returns the name of a card from a standard, 52-card deck, given a number
    from 1 through 52.

    The passed number is first checked to determine the suit. Numbers from 1
    through 13 indicate a Spade, 14 through 26 a Club, and so on. The face
    name or the number of the card is then determined using the MOD function.

    If the number is less than 1 or greater than 52, this function returns
    Joker, making it convenient to deal a 54-card deck if desired.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Card$                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the name of a playing card given a number
    ' from 1 to 52.  Any other number returns "Joker."
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  PRINT Card$(n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n%         Number from 1 to 52 representing a card (an
    '                             other number returns a Joker)
    ' VARIABLES:       suit$      Name of one of the four card suits
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Card$ (cardNumber%)
        FUNCTION Card$ (cardNumber%)

            SELECT CASE (cardNumber% - 1) \ 13      ' Which suit?
            CASE 0
                suit$ = " of Spades"
            CASE 1
                suit$ = " of Clubs"
            CASE 2
                suit$ = " of Hearts"
            CASE 3
                suit$ = " of Diamonds"
            CASE ELSE
                Card$ = "Joker"
                EXIT FUNCTION
            END SELECT

            SELECT CASE (cardNumber% - 1) MOD 13    ' Which card?
            CASE 0
                Card$ = "Ace" + suit$
            CASE 1 TO 9
                Card$ = MID$(STR$(cardNumber% MOD 13), 2) + suit$
            CASE 10
                Card$ = "Jack" + suit$
            CASE 11
                Card$ = "Queen" + suit$
            CASE 12
                Card$ = "King" + suit$
            END SELECT


Function: Collision%

    Returns -1 or 0 (TRUE or FALSE), indicating whether a collision or near
    collision has occurred between two graphics objects stored in integer

    The graphics images are copied into the arrays by using the QuickBASIC GET
    statement. If you're not familiar with using the GET and PUT statements to
    create graphics animation, refer to your QuickBASIC documentation. These
    two statements provide a powerful method for quickly moving or duplicating
    graphics objects on your screen.

    To use the Collision function, you must pass two integer arrays of the
    same dimension. Normally, the background is copied into one array (using
    the GET statement) just before the object stored in the second is PUT on
    the screen at that same location. These two arrays are passed to the
    Collision% function, and the returned result determines whether the object
    overlaps (or very nearly overlaps) any pixel already on the screen.

    The check for near collision of pixels proceeds as follows. The first
    three integers in each array are skipped, as these integers contain
    object-dimensioning information and don't represent any pixel. The
    remaining integers from each array are compared to the corresponding
    integers from the other. Pixels having color attribute 0 represent the
    background and are stored in the integer array as one or more 0 bits. If
    an integer is 0, then all the pixels it represents are of the background
    color. If an integer is non-zero, then one or more of the pixels stored in
    it have a non-zero color attribute. To make the collision check fast and
    efficient, this function simply checks for non-zero bits in any
    corresponding integers from the two arrays. The pixels might not actually
    be overlapping, but they'll be very close neighbors. If a near collision
    is detected, the remaining integers are not checked, and the function
    returns a value of TRUE. If all the integers are checked and no collisions
    are detected, the function returns FALSE.

    The demonstration module shows one way to use the collision function to
    allow objects to bounce off each other. The bouncing ball moves around
    quickly in the "square face," bouncing off the mouth, eyes, and screen
    edges. Try experimenting by changing the size of the mouth or eyes or by
    drawing additional objects on the screen. The ball should bounce off any
    non-zero pixel objects.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Collision%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns TRUE if any non-zero pixels occur in the
    ' same byte of video memory, as saved in the object%()
    ' and backGround%() arrays.  The arrays must be the
    ' same size.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  test% = Collision%(object%(), backGround%())
    ' PARAMETERS:      object%()       First array, filled in with the GET
    '                                  statement
    '                  backGround%()   Second array, filled in with the GET
    '                                  statement
    ' VARIABLES:       lo%             Lower bound of first array
    '                  up%             Upper bound of first array
    '                  lb%             Lower bound of second array
    '                  ub%             Upper bound of second array
    '                  i%              Index to integers in each array
    '                  CONST TRUE = NOT FALSE
    '                  DECLARE FUNCTION Collision% (object%(), backGround%())
        FUNCTION Collision% (object%(), backGround%()) STATIC
            lo% = LBOUND(object%)
            uo% = UBOUND(object%)
            lb% = LBOUND(backGround%)
            ub% = UBOUND(backGround%)
            IF lo% <> lb% OR uo% <> ub% THEN
                PRINT "Error: Collision - The object and background"
                PRINT "graphics arrays have different dimensions."
            END IF
            FOR i% = lo% + 2 TO uo%
                IF object%(i%) THEN
                    IF backGround%(i%) THEN
                        Collision% = TRUE
                        EXIT FUNCTION
                    END IF
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            Collision% = FALSE

Function: Dice%

    Returns a total for all dots that are showing when n% pseudorandom dice
    are thrown.

    The QuickBASIC RND function creates the pseudorandom sequence of
    unpredictable numbers to simulate the dice. Unless you want the same
    scores to show up every time a program is run, you should randomize the
    QuickBASIC random number generator by using the RANDOMIZE statement.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Dice%                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the total of the dots showing when any
    ' desired number of dice are rolled.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  total% = Dice%(n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n%         Number of dice
    ' VARIABLES:       toss%      Loop index for throwing the n% dice
    '                  total%     Total of the dots showing
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Dice% (numberOfDice%)
        FUNCTION Dice% (numberOfDice%)
            IF numberOfDice% < 1 THEN
                PRINT "Error: Dice%() - Can't throw fewer than one die"
            END IF
            FOR toss% = 1 TO numberOfDice%
                total% = total% + INT(RND * 6) + 1
            NEXT toss%
            Dice% = total%


Subprogram: FillArray

    Fills an integer array with a sequence of numbers defined by the bounds.
    For example, consider these two statements:

    DIM year%(1900 TO 1999)
    FillArray year%

    The array will be filled with year numbers from 1900 through 1999.

    As a second example, consider an array dimensioned from 1 through 52.
    After filling this array with the numbers 1 through 52, the array contents
    can be shuffled efficiently with the ShuffleArray subprogram. The result
    is a freshly shuffled deck of 52 cards. Pulling these random "cards"
    sequentially from the array prevents duplication of a card.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FillArray                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Initializes an integer array by putting i% into
    ' each i%th element.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FillArray a%()
    ' PARAMETERS:      a%()       Array to be filled with a sequence of numbe
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB FillArray (a%())
        SUB FillArray (a%()) STATIC
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a%) TO UBOUND(a%)
                a%(i%) = i%
            NEXT i%
        END SUB

Function: Shuffle$

    Shuffles the contents of a string by randomly swapping bytes throughout
    the string.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Shuffle$                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Randomizes the order of the character bytes in a$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Shuffle$(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be shuffled
    ' VARIABLES:       x$         Working string space
    '                  lenx%      Number of bytes in the string
    '                  i%         Pointer to each byte
    '                  j%         Pointer to randomly selected byte
    '                  t$         Temporary byte-swapping string
        FUNCTION Shuffle$ (a$) STATIC
            x$ = a$
            lenx% = LEN(x$)
            FOR i% = 1 TO lenx%
                j% = INT(RND * lenx% + 1)
                t$ = MID$(x$, i%, 1)
                MID$(x$, i%, 1) = MID$(x$, j%, 1)
                MID$(x$, j%, 1) = t$
            NEXT i%
            Shuffle$ = x$
            x$ = ""

Subprogram: ShuffleArray

    Shuffles the contents of an integer array. The array dimensions are
    automatically determined, and each integer entry is swapped with a
    randomly selected second entry.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ShuffleArray               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        GAMES.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Randomizes the order of the integers in a%()
    ' by swapping contents in a pseudorandom order.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ShuffleArray a%()
    ' PARAMETERS:      a%()       Array to be shuffled
    ' VARIABLES:       lb%        Lower bound of the array
    '                  ub%        Upper bound of the array
    '                  range%     Number of array entries
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB ShuffleArray (a%())
        SUB ShuffleArray (a%()) STATIC
            lb% = LBOUND(a%)
            ub% = UBOUND(a%)
            range% = ub% - lb% + 1
            FOR i% = lb% TO ub%
                SWAP a%(i%), a%(INT(RND * range% + lb%))
            NEXT i%
        END SUB


    The HEX2BIN program reads in a file containing hexadecimal notation and
    creates a file containing the bytes that are indicated. Characters that
    are not in the set of hexadecimal characters are ignored, and each byte is
    assumed to be indicated by a pair of hexadecimal characters.

    This program converts the hexadecimal format files created by the
    BIN2HEX program into the object code files they represent. For example,
    you can create the MOUSE.OBJ file from the MOUSE.HEX file if you don't
    have the Microsoft Macro Assembler. (If you do have the Macro Assembler,
    you should create MOUSE.OBJ directly from the MOUSE.ASM listing.)

    The command line for performing this conversion (assuming you've compiled
    HEX2BIN to an executable program to be run from the MS-DOS prompt) is:


    Refer to the BIN2HEX program for information about creating this and the
    other .HEX files.

Program Module: HEX2BIN

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HEX2BIN                    **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        HEX2BIN.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reads in a hexadecimal format file and writes out a binary
    ' file created from the hexadecimal byte numbers.
    ' USAGE:           HEX2BIN inFileName.ext outFileName.ext
    ' .MAK FILE:       HEX2BIN.BAS
    '                  PARSE.BAS
    '                  STRINGS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      inFileName.ext    Name of hexadecimal format file to b
    '                  outFileName.ext   Name of file to be created
    ' VARIABLES:       cmd$       Working copy of the command line
    '                  inFile$    Name of input file
    '                  outFile$   Name of output file
    '                  h$         Pair of hexadecimal characters representing
    '                             each byte
    '                  i%         Index into list of hexadecimal character pa
    '                  byte$      Buffer for binary file access

        DECLARE SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION FilterIn$ (a$, set$)

    ' Get the input and output filenames from the command line
        cmd$ = COMMAND$
        ParseWord cmd$, " ,", inFile$
        ParseWord cmd$, " ,", outFile$

    ' Verify both filenames were given
        IF outFile$ = "" THEN
            PRINT "Usage: HEX2BIN inFileName.ext outFileName.ext"
        END IF

    ' Open the input file
        OPEN inFile$ FOR INPUT AS #1

    ' Truncate the output file if it already exists
        OPEN outFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2
        CLOSE #2

    ' Now open it for binary output
        OPEN outFile$ FOR BINARY AS #2 LEN = 1

    ' Process each line of the hexadecimal file
            LINE INPUT #1, h$
            h$ = FilterIn$(UCASE$(h$), "0123456789ABCDEF")
            FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(h$) STEP 2
                byte$ = CHR$(VAL("&H" + MID$(h$, i%, 2)))
                PUT #2, , byte$
            NEXT i%

    ' Clean up and quit


    The JUSTIFY toolbox contains the subprogram, Justify, which pads a string
    with spaces between words in a pseudorandom manner until the string is a
    desired number of characters. This sounds simple, but the process is
    surprisingly complicated. For example, the inserted spaces must fall
    randomly between words, but it's desirable to keep the density of spaces
    as even as possible. You wouldn't want five spaces between the first two
    words and two spaces between the next two words.

    The demo module prints a paragraph justified to three different widths. As
    shown in the demo, the FormatTwo subprogram works hand in hand with the
    Justify subprogram to format a long string into several smaller strings.
    By padding the resulting shorter strings with a fixed number of spaces on
    the left, you're able to format paragraphs of text between arbitrary
    margins. Refer to .MAK FILE in the comment lines of the listing to see the
    other modules you must load for this program to run correctly.

    Name               Type     Description
    JUSTIFY.BAS                Demo module
    Justify           Sub      Adjusts strings to specified widths

Demo Module: JUSTIFY

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          JUSTIFY                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        JUSTIFY.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates the Justify subprogram.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                EDIT.BAS
    '                PARSE.BAS
    '                KEYS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:    (none)
    ' VARIABLES:     a$         String to be justified
    '                col%       Number of columns for each example of Justify
    '                x$         Working copy of a$
    '                y$         Working string space

        DECLARE SUB Justify (a$, n%)
        DECLARE SUB ParseLine (x$, sep$, a$())
        DECLARE SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%)

        a$ = ""
        a$ = a$ + "This paragraph is used to demonstrate the Justify "
        a$ = a$ + "subprogram.  First, the entire paragraph is "
        a$ = a$ + "placed in a single string variable.  This string "
        a$ = a$ + "is then split between words into shorter strings, "
        a$ = a$ + "and these shorter strings are then justified in "
        a$ = a$ + "order to align both the left and right edges of "
        a$ = a$ + "the text."

        FOR col% = 50 TO 70 STEP 10
            x$ = a$
                FormatTwo x$, y$, col%
                IF y$ <> "" THEN
                    Justify x$, col%
                END IF
                PRINT x$
                x$ = y$
            LOOP WHILE y$ <> ""
        NEXT col%


Subprogram: Justify

    Inserts spaces between words until the given string is the desired length.
    Spaces are not added before the first word or after the last word,
    resulting in a string that is left- and right-justified to the length

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Justify                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        JUSTIFY.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Spaces words with extra spaces until line
    ' is n% characters long.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Justify a$, n%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be justified
    '                  n%         Desired string length
    ' VARIABLES:       ary$()     Array to store individual words from the st
    '                  cnt%       Count of non-space characters
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  j%         Count of words
    '                  each%      Minimum space count to insert between words
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Justify (a$, n%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB ParseLine (x$, sep$, a$())
    '                  DECLARE SUB FormatTwo (a$, b$, col%)
        SUB Justify (a$, n%) STATIC

        ' If string is shorter than n%, don't bother
            IF LEN(a$) < n% THEN
                EXIT SUB
            END IF

        ' Array for list of words from original string
            REDIM ary$(1 TO n%)

        ' Split line up into individual words
            ParseLine a$, " ", ary$()

        ' Count the words and total of non-space characters
            cnt% = 0
            FOR i% = n% TO 1 STEP -1
                cnt% = cnt% + LEN(ary$(i%))
                IF ary$(i%) = "" THEN
                    j% = i% - 1
                END IF
            NEXT i%

        ' If only one or zero words, there's not much we can do
            IF j% < 2 THEN
                a$ = LEFT$(ary$(1) + SPACE$(n%), n%)
                EXIT SUB
            END IF

        ' We want an extra space at the ends of sentences, questions, etc.
            FOR i% = 1 TO j% - 1
                IF INSTR(".!?", RIGHT$(ary$(i%), 1)) THEN
                    ary$(i%) = ary$(i%) + " "
                    cnt% = cnt% + 1
                END IF
            NEXT i%

        ' How many spaces minimum to add to each word?
            each% = (n% - cnt%) \ (j% - 1)

        ' Tack on the minimum spaces to each word
            FOR i% = 1 TO j% - 1
                ary$(i%) = ary$(i%) + SPACE$(each%)
                cnt% = cnt% + each%
            NEXT i%

        ' Which is quicker, adding remaining spaces, or
        ' adding spaces to all and removing a few of them?
            IF (n% - cnt%) < j% \ 2 THEN

            ' We'll add a few spaces at random
                DO UNTIL cnt% = n%
                        i% = INT(RND * (j% - 1) + 2)
                    LOOP UNTIL LEFT$(ary$(i%), 1) <> " "
                    ary$(i%) = " " + ary$(i%)
                    cnt% = cnt% + 1


            ' We'll add a space to each, and then remove some at random
                FOR i% = 2 TO j%
                    ary$(i%) = " " + ary$(i%)
                    cnt% = cnt% + 1
                NEXT i%

            ' Now we'll take a few away at random
                DO UNTIL cnt% = n%
                        i% = INT(RND * (j% - 1) + 2)
                    LOOP UNTIL LEFT$(ary$(i%), 1) = " "
                    ary$(i%) = MID$(ary$(i%), 2)
                    cnt% = cnt% - 1

            END IF

        ' Glue it all back together
            a$ = ary$(1)
            FOR i% = 2 TO j%
                a$ = a$ + ary$(i%)
            NEXT i%

        END SUB


    The KEYS toolbox performs two enhanced keyboard input functions. It prints
    the unique integer number returned by the KeyCode% or InKeyCode%
    function for any key pressed. Run the program and press a few keys to see
    the numbers. To try the InKeyCode% function for one second at a time,
    press the Escape key followed immediately by other keys.

    The QuickBASIC INKEY$ function returns a string of zero, one, or two
    characters, depending on whether a key was pressed and whether the key has
    an extended key code. The two functions presented here always return a
    unique integer for any key pressed, even if the key normally returns an
    extended key code. For example, pressing the letter "a" returns 97, F1
    returns 15104, Alt-F1 returns 26624, and the Home key returns 18176. Run
    the program to determine other returned values.

    The EDIT.BAS module uses these functions and presents a table of CONST
    statements that define several common editing keys. Note that most
    standard alphanumeric keys return the expected ASCII code number.

    Name               Type     Description
    KEYS.BAS                   Demo module
    InKeyCode%        Func     Returns unique integer for any key pressed
    KeyCode%          Func     Waits and returns integer value for key

Demo Module: KEYS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          KEYS                       **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        KEYS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates keyboard access functions.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       kee%       Unique integer returned by KeyCode% and
    '                             InKeyCode%

        DECLARE FUNCTION KeyCode% ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION InKeyCode% ()

        PRINT "Press any key to see the unique number returned by KeyCode%."
        PRINT "Press Esc to see InKeyCode% results for 1 second."
        PRINT "Press Esc twice in a row to quit."

            kee% = KeyCode%
            PRINT kee%
            IF kee% = 27 THEN
                t0 = TIMER
                    kee% = InKeyCode%
                    PRINT kee%;
                    IF kee% THEN
                    END IF
                    IF kee% = 27 THEN
                        quitFlag% = -1
                        t0 = t0 - 1
                    END IF
                LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t0 > 1
            END IF
        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%


Function: InKeyCode%

    Immediately returns a unique integer for any key pressed or 0 if no key
    was pressed.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          InKeyCode%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        KEYS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a unique integer for any key pressed or
    ' a zero if no key was pressed.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  k% = InKeyCode%
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION InKeyCode% STATIC
            InKeyCode% = CVI(INKEY$ + STRING$(2, 0))

Function: KeyCode%

    Waits until a key is pressed, and then returns the unique key-code integer
    for each key on the keyboard.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          KeyCode%                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        KEYS.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a unique integer for any key pressed.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  k% = KeyCode%
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION KeyCode% STATIC
                k$ = INKEY$
            LOOP UNTIL k$ <> ""
            KeyCode% = CVI(k$ + CHR$(0))


    The LOOK program is a utility for viewing text-file contents. The program
    displays ASCII text-file contents and provides limited keyboard control to
    allow scrolling or paging through files.

    This program presents the FileRead subprogram for reading ASCII files
    into an array of strings and also demonstrates the VIEW PRINT statement
    for limiting printing and scrolling of text to only those display lines

    Name                     Type    Description
    LOOK.BAS                        Program module
    FileRead                Sub     Reads lines of ASCII files into an array

Program Module: LOOK

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LOOK                       **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        LOOK.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           LOOK filename.ext
    ' .MAK FILE:       LOOK.BAS
    '                  KEYS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      filename.ext  Name of file to view
    ' VARIABLES:       a$()          Array of lines from the file
    '                  fileName$     Name of file, from the command line
    '                  lineCount%    Count of lines read from the file
    '                  linePtr%      First file line currently on the display
    '                  i%            Loop index for printing 24 lines
    '                  quitFlag%     Indicates Escape key press
    '                  updateFlag%   Indicates if update of screen is necessa

    ' Constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Key code numbers
        CONST UPARROW = 18432
        CONST DOWNARROW = 20480
        CONST PGUP = 18688
        CONST PGDN = 20736
        CONST HOME = 18176
        CONST ENDKEY = 20224
        CONST ESCAPE = 27

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION KeyCode% ()

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB FileRead (fileName$, lineCount%, a$())

    ' Dimension string array
    ' NOTE:
    ' Must be dimensioned big enough to read in all lines from the file
        DIM a$(1 TO 2000)

    ' Get the command line parameters
        fileName$ = COMMAND$

    ' Read in the file
        ON ERROR GOTO FileError
        FileRead fileName$, lineCount%, a$()
        ON ERROR GOTO 0

    ' Prepare the screen
        SCREEN 0, 0, 0, 0

    ' Set line pointer
        linePtr% = 1

    ' Main loop

        ' Print information bar at top
            VIEW PRINT 1 TO 1
            COLOR 0, 3
            LOCATE 1, 1
            PRINT " Line:"; LEFT$(STR$(linePtr%) + SPACE$(7), 8);
            PRINT "File: "; LEFT$(fileName$ + SPACE$(19), 19);
            PRINT "Quit: ESC"; SPACE$(3);
            PRINT "Move: "; CHR$(24); " "; CHR$(25); " PGUP PGDN HOME END ";

        ' Update the 24 lines of text
            VIEW PRINT 2 TO 25
            COLOR 7, 1
            FOR i% = 0 TO 23
                LOCATE i% + 2, 1
                PRINT LEFT$(a$(i% + linePtr%) + SPACE$(80), 80);
            NEXT i%

        ' Wait for a meaningful key to be pressed
            SELECT CASE KeyCode%
            CASE UPARROW
                IF linePtr% > 1 THEN
                    linePtr% = linePtr% - 1
                END IF
            CASE DOWNARROW
                IF linePtr% < lineCount% THEN
                    linePtr% = linePtr% + 1
                END IF
            CASE PGUP
                IF linePtr% > 1 THEN
                    linePtr% = linePtr% - 24
                    IF linePtr% < 1 THEN
                        linePtr% = 1
                    END IF
                END IF
            CASE PGDN
                IF linePtr% < lineCount% - 24 THEN
                    linePtr% = linePtr% + 24
                    IF linePtr% > lineCount% THEN
                        linePtr% = lineCount%
                    END IF
                END IF
            CASE HOME
                IF linePtr% > 1 THEN
                    linePtr% = 1
                END IF
            CASE ENDKEY
                IF linePtr% < lineCount% - 24 THEN
                    linePtr% = lineCount% - 24
                END IF
            CASE ESCAPE
                quitFlag% = TRUE
            CASE ELSE
                updateFlag% = FALSE
            END SELECT

        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

    ' Set color back to normal
        COLOR 7, 0

        PRINT "Usage: LOOK filename.ext"

Subprogram: FileRead

    Reads all lines of a text (ASCII) file into a string array and returns the
    array of lines from the file and the count of the read lines.

    The string array must be large enough to hold all the lines from the file.
    The file to read must be readable using the LINE INPUT statement.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FileRead                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        LOOK.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reads lines of an ASCII file into a$().  The
    ' lineCount% is set to the number of lines read
    ' in.  If a$() wasn't dimensioned large enough,
    ' then lineCount% will be set to -1.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FileRead fileName$, lineCount%, a$()
    ' PARAMETERS:      fileName$     Name of file to be read into the array
    '                  lineCount%    Returned count of lines read from the fi
    '                  a$()          String array of file contents
    ' VARIABLES:       FileNumber%   Next available free file number
    '                  i%            Index for string array
    '   DECLARATIONS:    DECLARE SUB FileRead (fileName$, lineCount%, a$())
        SUB FileRead (fileName$, lineCount%, a$()) STATIC
            FileNumber% = FREEFILE
            OPEN fileName$ FOR INPUT AS FileNumber%
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a$) TO UBOUND(a$)
                LINE INPUT #FileNumber%, a$(i%)
                lineCount% = i%
                IF EOF(FileNumber%) THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            IF NOT EOF(FileNumber%) THEN
                lineCount% = -1
            END IF
        END SUB


    The MONTH program demonstrates how to use the CALENDAR.BAS toolbox to
    perform calendar-related calculations.

    When MONTH is run, a display of three one-month calendars is created. The
    current system date determines the second month displayed; the previous
    and next month are also shown.

    Included with the display are instructions on how to increment or
    decrement the years or months. Press the lowercase y key to display the
    same three months of the previous year. Press a shifted (uppercase) Y to
    increment the year. In the same way, press M to increment or m to
    decrement the range of months displayed.

Program Module: MONTH

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MONTH                      **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        MONTH.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Creates and displays a three-month calendar.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       MONTH.BAS
    '                  CALENDAR.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       year%      Year of concern
    '                  month%     Month of concern
    '                  quitFlag%  Indicates that program is to terminate
    '                  day%       Day near middle of the month
    '                  d2$        Date for second calendar month
    '                  j2&        Julian day number for second calendar month
    '                  d1$        Date for first calendar month
    '                  j1&        Julian day number for first calendar month
    '                  d3$        Date for third calendar month
    '                  j3&        Julian day number for third calendar month
    '                  k$         Key press character

    ' Constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Julian& (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION MDY2Date$ (month%, day%, year%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Year% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Month% (dat$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Julian2Date$ (julian&)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB OneMonthCalendar (dat$, row%, col%)

    ' Get today's month and year
        year% = Date2Year%(DATE$)
        month% = Date2Month%(DATE$)

    ' Make calendars until the Esc key is pressed
        DO UNTIL quitFlag%

        ' Get Julian day number for about the middle of the month
            day% = 15
            d2$ = MDY2Date$(month%, day%, year%)
            j2& = Date2Julian&(d2$)

        ' Get last month's date
            j1& = j2& - 30
            d1$ = Julian2Date$(j1&)

        ' Get next month's date
            j3& = j2& + 30
            d3$ = Julian2Date$(j3&)

        ' Display the heading
            LOCATE 1, 57
            LOCATE 2, 57
            PRINT "QuickBASIC 4.0"

        ' Create the three calendar sheets
            OneMonthCalendar d1$, 1, 1
            OneMonthCalendar d2$, 8, 25
            OneMonthCalendar d3$, 15, 49

        ' Display the instructions
            LOCATE 17, 1
            PRINT "Press <Y> to increment the year"
            LOCATE 18, 1
            PRINT "Press <y> to decrement the year"
            LOCATE 19, 1
            PRINT "Press <M> to increment the months"
            LOCATE 20, 1
            PRINT "Press <m> to decrement the months"
            LOCATE 22, 1
            PRINT "Press the Esc key to quit"

        ' Wait for a keystroke
                k$ = INKEY$
            LOOP UNTIL k$ <> ""

        ' Check for appropriate keystroke
            SELECT CASE k$
            CASE "y"
                year% = year% - 1
            CASE "Y"
                year% = year% + 1
            CASE "m"
                month% = month% - 3
            CASE "M"
                month% = month% + 3
            CASE CHR$(27)
                quitFlag% = TRUE
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT

        ' Adjust month for proper range
            IF month% < 1 THEN
                month% = month% + 12
                year% = year% - 1
            ELSEIF month% > 12 THEN
                month% = month% - 12
                year% = year% + 1
            END IF


    ' All done


    The MOUSGCRS program is a utility for designing graphics-mode mouse

    This program lets you create new graphics-mode cursors for programs that
    use the Microsoft Mouse. The program's output is a QuickBASIC subprogram
    file that other programs can load and use. To run MOUSGCRS, your computer
    must have CGA graphics capability and a mouse.

    This module can also be used as a toolbox for choosing any of the
    predefined cursors. For an example of a program using this module as a
    toolbox, see the OBJECT.BAS utility program.

    The MOUSE.ASM subprogram must be assembled and loaded with the QuickBASIC
    environment for this program to run correctly. See the MOUSE.ASM
    subprogram in Part III of this book for more information on loading this

    Two masks are displayed while this program is running. The memory-resident
    mouse driver uses the screen mask to define areas of the cursor where the
    background pixels are to be left alone (0s) or blanked out (1s) before the
    cursor mask is displayed. Often, the screen-mask pixels define an area of
    the same shape but slightly larger than the cursor mask, creating an
    outline around the cursor when it's located on a pure white background.

    To edit a cursor, click with either the left or right mouse button on any
    of the small squares that make up the two masks. The left button sets
    pixel locations on, and the right button sets them off. To change the hot
    spot to a new location, press both mouse buttons simultaneously.

    When you're ready to try out your cursor creation, click on the "Try new
    cursor" box. A solid white area at the right side of the screen lets you
    view your new cursor against a white background.

    Click on the "Try standard cursors" box to select one of the predefined
    cursors. Each time you click on this box, the cursor changes to the next
    available predefined cursor type, allowing you to preview them all.

    When you click on the "Create cursor subroutine" box, the currently
    defined cursor masks are written to a QuickBASIC subprogram source file
    named GCURSOR.BAS. This file can be loaded by or merged with any program
    in which you want to use the new cursor. To create more than one cursor,
    be sure to rename the GCURSOR.BAS file after creating each cursor

Program Module: MOUSGCRS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MOUSGCRS                   **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSGCRS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Program for the interactive design of graphics-
    ' mode mouse cursor subroutines.
    ' USAGE:          No command line parameters
    '                 MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    '                 Mouse
    '                 BITS.BAS
    '                 MOUSSUBS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      curs$()       Array of binary cursor string data
    '                 defaultMask$  Pattern mask for the default cursor
    '                 xdef%         Default hot spot X value
    '                 ydef%         Default hot spot Y value
    '                 mask$         Pattern mask for a cursor
    '                 xHot%         Hot spot X value
    '                 yHot%         Hot spot Y value
    '                 maskChr%      Index into the pattern mask
    '                 maskPtr%      Index to the background or foreground mas
    '                               pattern
    '                 y%            Cursor bit pointer, vertical
    '                 x%            Cursor bit pointer, horizontal
    '                 xbox%         X location on screen for cursor bit box
    '                 ybox%         Y location on screen for cursor bit box
    '                 xh%           Screen X location for hot spot
    '                 yh%           Screen Y location for hot spot
    '                 click$        DRAW string for creating the click boxes
    '                 quitFlag%     Indication that user wants to quit
    '                 t$            Copy of TIME$
    '                 toggle%       Once per second toggle for hot spot visib
    '                 pxl%          Pixel value at the hot spot
    '                 leftButton%   Current state of the left mouse button
    '                 rightButton%  Current state of the right mouse button
    '                 resetBox%     Indicates cursor is in the "Try standard
    '                               cursors" box
    '                 tryBox%       Indicates cursor is in the "Try new curso
    '                               box
    '                 subBox%       Indicates cursor is in the "Create cursor
    '                               subroutine" box
    '                 quitBox%      Indicates cursor is in the "Quit" box
    '                 xold%         X location of just-modified pixel box
    '                 yold%         Y location of just-modified pixel box
    '                 ix%           X bit pointer for pixel change
    '                 iy%           Y bit pointer for pixel change
    '                 q$            Double-quote character

    ' Define constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Cursdflt (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curschek (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curshand (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curshour (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursjet (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursleft (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursplus (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursup (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursx (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseShow ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseNow (lbutton%, rbutton%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseHide ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseMaskTranslate (mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$)
        DECLARE SUB MouseSetGcursor (cursor$)

    ' Arrays
        DIM curs$(0 TO 8)

    ' Initialization
        SCREEN 2

    ' Create set of cursors
        Cursdflt defaultMask$, xdef%, ydef%
        MouseMaskTranslate defaultMask$, xdef%, ydef%, curs$(0)

        Curschek mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(1)

        Curshand mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(2)

        Curshour mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(3)

        Cursjet mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(4)

        Cursleft mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(5)

        Cursplus mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(6)

        Cursup mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(7)

        Cursx mask$, xHot%, yHot%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$(8)

    ' Set the default cursor
        MouseSetGcursor curs$(0)

    ' Make the default cursor the starting point for editing
        mask$ = defaultMask$
        xHot% = xdef%
        yHot% = ydef%

    ' Place titles above pixel boxes
        LOCATE 2, 22, 0
        PRINT "Screen mask";
        LOCATE 2, 50, 0
        PRINT "Cursor mask";

    ' Outline the pixel boxes, filling the "ones" using the Mask$
        maskChr% = 0
        FOR maskPtr% = 0 TO 1
            FOR y% = 1 TO 16
                FOR x% = 1 TO 16
                    xbox% = x% * 12 + maskPtr% * 222 + 107
                    ybox% = y% * 9 + 10
                    maskChr% = maskChr% + 1
                    LINE (xbox%, ybox%)-(xbox% + 12, ybox% + 9), 1, B
                    IF MID$(mask$, maskChr%, 1) = "1" THEN
                        LINE (xbox% + 3, ybox% + 2)-(xbox% + 9, ybox% + 7), 1,
                    END IF
                    IF maskPtr% = 0 THEN
                        IF x% = xHot% + 1 AND y% = yHot% + 1 THEN
                            xh% = xbox%
                            yh% = ybox%
                        END IF
                    END IF
                NEXT x%
            NEXT y%
        NEXT maskPtr%

    ' Instruction text at bottom of display
        LOCATE 23, 1
        PRINT TAB(16); "Left button       Right button         Both buttons"
        PRINT TAB(16); "to set pixel      to clear pixel       for hot spot";

    ' Print menu items
        LOCATE 3, 2, 0
        PRINT "Try";
        LOCATE 4, 2, 0
        PRINT "standard";
        LOCATE 5, 2, 0
        PRINT "cursors";
        LOCATE 9, 2, 0
        PRINT "Try new";
        LOCATE 10, 2, 0
        PRINT "cursor";
        LOCATE 14, 2, 0
        PRINT "Create"
        LOCATE 15, 2, 0
        PRINT "cursor";
        LOCATE 16, 2, 0
        PRINT "subroutine";
        LOCATE 16, 74, 0
        PRINT "Quit";

    ' Make click box draw string
        click$ = "R20D10L20U10BF5BR1F3E6"

    ' Draw the click boxes
        DRAW "BM20,45" + click$
        DRAW "BM20,85" + click$
        DRAW "BM20,132" + click$
        DRAW "BM592,132" + click$

    ' Make a white cursor testing area
        LOCATE 5, 71
        PRINT "Cursor";
        LOCATE 6, 71
        PRINT "viewing";
        LOCATE 7, 71
        PRINT "area";
        LINE (560, 60)-(610, 100), 1, BF

    ' Turn on the mouse

    ' Main processing loop control
            GOSUB MainLoop
        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

    ' Exit the loop and end program because Quitflag% has been set

    ' Main processing loop

    ' Toggle the hot spot once per second
        IF t$ <> TIME$ THEN
            t$ = TIME$
            IF toggle% = 1 THEN
                toggle% = 0
                toggle% = 1
            END IF
            pxl% = POINT(xh% + 3, yh% + 2) XOR toggle%
            LINE (xh% + 5, yh% + 3)-(xh% + 7, yh% + 6), pxl%, BF
            pxl% = POINT(xh% + 3 + 222, yh% + 2) XOR toggle%
            LINE (xh% + 5 + 222, yh% + 3)-(xh% + 7 + 222, yh% + 6), pxl%, BF
        END IF

    ' What is the mouse location and button state right now?
        MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, x%, y%

    ' Are both buttons being pressed right now?
        IF leftButton% AND rightButton% THEN
            GOSUB WhichBox
            IF xbox% THEN
                GOSUB SetHotSpot
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Are we traversing the "Try standard cursors" click box?
        IF x% > 20 AND x% < 40 AND y% > 45 AND y% < 55 THEN
            IF resetBox% = 0 THEN
                resetBox% = 1
                LINE (17, 43)-(43, 57), 1, B
            END IF
            IF resetBox% = 1 THEN
                resetBox% = 0
                LINE (17, 43)-(43, 57), 0, B
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Are we traversing the "Try new cursor" click box?
        IF x% > 20 AND x% < 40 AND y% > 85 AND y% < 95 THEN
            IF tryBox% = 0 THEN
                tryBox% = 1
                LINE (17, 83)-(43, 97), 1, B
            END IF
            IF tryBox% = 1 THEN
                tryBox% = 0
                LINE (17, 83)-(43, 97), 0, B
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Are we traversing the "Create cursor subroutine" click box?
        IF x% > 20 AND x% < 40 AND y% > 132 AND y% < 142 THEN
            IF subBox% = 0 THEN
                subBox% = 1
                LINE (17, 130)-(43, 144), 1, B
            END IF
            IF subBox% = 1 THEN
                subBox% = 0
                LINE (17, 130)-(43, 144), 0, B
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Are we traversing the "Quit" click box?
        IF x% > 592 AND x% < 612 AND y% > 132 AND y% < 142 THEN
            IF quitBox% = 0 THEN
                quitBox% = 1
                LINE (589, 130)-(615, 144), 1, B
            END IF
            IF quitBox% = 1 THEN
                quitBox% = 0
                LINE (589, 130)-(615, 144), 0, B
            END IF
        END IF

    ' If just one button or the other is pressed, then check further
        IF leftButton% XOR rightButton% THEN
            GOSUB ButtonWasPressed
            xold% = 0
            yold% = 0
        END IF

    ' End of main loop

    ' Is the mouse currently pointing at a pixel box?
        IF x% > 320 THEN
            maskPtr% = 1
            x% = x% - 222
            maskPtr% = 0
        END IF
        ix% = (x% - 107) \ 12
        iy% = (y% - 10) \ 9
        xbox% = 0
        ybox% = 0
        IF ix% >= 1 AND ix% <= 16 THEN
            IF iy% >= 1 AND iy% <= 16 THEN
                xbox% = ix% * 12 + maskPtr% * 222 + 107
                ybox% = iy% * 9 + 10
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Move the hot spot to the current pixel box
        IF (xbox% <> xh% AND xbox% - 222 <> xh%) OR ybox% <> yh% THEN
            pxl% = POINT(xh% + 3, yh% + 2)
            LINE (xh% + 5, yh% + 3)-(xh% + 7, yh% + 6), pxl%, BF
            pxl% = POINT(xh% + 3 + 222, yh% + 2)
            LINE (xh% + 5 + 222, yh% + 3)-(xh% + 7 + 222, yh% + 6), pxl%, BF
            IF xbox% > 320 THEN
                xh% = xbox% - 222
                xh% = xbox%
            END IF
            yh% = ybox%
        END IF

    ' Process the button press depending on mouse location
        IF quitBox% THEN
            GOSUB DoQuitBox
        ELSEIF resetBox% THEN
            GOSUB DoResetCursor
        ELSEIF tryBox% THEN
            GOSUB DoSetNewCursor
        ELSEIF subBox% THEN
            GOSUB DoSetNewCursor
            GOSUB DoCreateSub
            GOSUB DoPixelControl
        END IF

    ' Button was pressed while mouse was in the "Quit" box
        quitFlag% = TRUE

    ' Button was pressed while mouse was in the "Try new cursor" box
        maskChr% = 0
        FOR maskPtr% = 0 TO 1
            FOR y% = 1 TO 16
                FOR x% = 1 TO 16
                    xbox% = x% * 12 + maskPtr% * 222 + 107
                    ybox% = y% * 9 + 10
                    maskChr% = maskChr% + 1
                    IF POINT(xbox% + 3, ybox% + 2) THEN
                        MID$(mask$, maskChr%, 1) = "1"
                        MID$(mask$, maskChr%, 1) = "0"
                    END IF
                    IF xbox% = xh% AND ybox% = yh% THEN
                        xHot% = x% - 1
                        yHot% = y% - 1
                    END IF
                NEXT x%
            NEXT y%
        NEXT maskPtr%
        MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$
        MouseSetGcursor cursor$

    ' Button was pressed while mouse was in the "Try standard cursors" box
        cursorIndex% = (cursorIndex% + 1) MOD 9
        MouseSetGcursor curs$(cursorIndex%)
            MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
        LOOP UNTIL leftButton% = 0 AND rightButton% = 0

    ' Button was pressed while mouse was in the "Create cursor subroutine" bo
        q$ = CHR$(34)
        PRINT #1, "   ' ************************************************"
        PRINT #1, "   ' **  Name:          Gcursor                    **"
        PRINT #1, "   ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **"
        PRINT #1, "   ' **  Module:        GCURSOR.BAS                **"
        PRINT #1, "   ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **"
        PRINT #1, "   ' ************************************************"
        PRINT #1, "   '"
        PRINT #1, "   SUB Gcursor (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC"
        PRINT #1, ""
        PRINT #1, "       mask$ = "; q$; q$
        FOR i% = 0 TO 31
            PRINT #1, "       mask$ = mask$ + ";
            PRINT #1, q$; MID$(mask$, 16 * i% + 1, 16); q$
            IF i% = 15 THEN
                PRINT #1, ""
            END IF
        NEXT i%
        PRINT #1, ""
        PRINT #1, "       xHot% ="; STR$(xHot%)
        PRINT #1, "       yHot% ="; STR$(yHot%)
        PRINT #1, ""
        PRINT #1, "   END SUB"

    ' Set or clear pixel box if mouse is on one
        GOSUB WhichBox
        IF xbox% THEN
            IF xold% <> xbox% OR yold% <> ybox% THEN
                xold% = xbox%
                yold% = ybox%
                IF leftButton% THEN
                    LINE (xbox% + 3, ybox% + 2)-(xbox% + 9, ybox% + 7), 1, BF
                    LINE (xbox% + 3, ybox% + 2)-(xbox% + 9, ybox% + 7), 0, BF
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF


    The MOUSSUBS toolbox presents a collection of subprograms for accessing
    and using your mouse. Your computer must have CGA graphics capability and
    a mouse for this program to be useful. If you have a mouse but are limited
    to monochrome text modes, see the MOUSTCRS.BAS module.

    The assembly-language subroutine named MOUSE.ASM must be assembled and
    linked with these routines or included in the user library loaded with
    QuickBASIC. See the MOUSE.ASM subprogram description in Part III of this
    book for more information on doing this.

    To use these subprograms in your own programs, load this module (along
    with the MOUSE.ASM routine), and be sure to declare the subprograms used
    by your main program module. For examples of programs that use this module
    as a toolbox, see the OBJECT.BAS, MOUSGCRS.BAS, MOUSTCRS.BAS, and
    WINDOWS.BAS program modules.

    Each subprogram that creates cursors defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor
    by filling in the pattern mask string and hot spot location variables.
    After this subprogram is called, call MouseMaskTranslate to translate the
    variables to a binary format string, which should then be passed to the
    MouseSetGcursor subprogram to quickly set the indicated cursor.

    You might find it helpful to follow the program listing as the interactive
    demonstration progresses.

    Name                          Type   Description
    MOUSSUBS.BAS                        Demo module
    Curschek                     Sub    Check mark mouse cursor
    Cursdflt                     Sub    Arrow mouse cursor pointing up and
    Curshand                     Sub    Pointing hand mouse cursor
    Curshour                     Sub    Hourglass mouse cursor
    Cursjet                      Sub    Jet-shaped mouse cursor
    Cursleft                     Sub    Left arrow mouse cursor
    Cursplus                     Sub    Plus sign mouse cursor
    Cursup                       Sub    Up arrow mouse cursor
    Cursx                        Sub    X-mark mouse cursor
    MouseHide                    Sub    Turns off mouse visibility
    MouseInches                  Sub    Sets mouse-to-cursor motion ratio
    MouseInstall                 Sub    Checks mouse availability; resets
                                        mouse parameters
    Name                          Type   Description
                                        mouse parameters
    MouseLightPen                Sub    Mouse emulation of a lightpen
    MouseMaskTranslate           Sub    Translates pattern/hot spot to binary
    MouseMickey                  Sub    Returns motion increments since last
    MouseNow                     Sub    Current state/location of the mouse
    MousePressLeft               Sub    Location of mouse──left button press
    MousePressRight              Sub    Location of mouse──right button press
    MousePut                     Sub    Moves cursor to the given position
    MouseRange                   Sub    Limits mouse cursor motion to
    MouseReleaseLeft             Sub    Location of mouse──left button
    MouseReleaseRight            Sub    Location of mouse──right button
    MouseSetGcursor              Sub    Sets graphics-mode mouse cursor
    MouseShow                    Sub    Activates and displays mouse cursor
    MouseSoftCursor              Sub    Sets text-mode attributes (mouse
    Name                          Type   Description
    MouseWarp                    Sub    Sets mouse double-speed threshold

Demo Module: MOUSSUBS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MOUSSUBS                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Collection of subprograms for using the Microsoft Mouse.
    ' Note:         The assembly-language subroutine named MOUSE.ASM
    '               must be assembled and linked with these routines
    '               or included in the user library loaded with
    '               QuickBASIC.
    ' USAGE:        No command line parameters
    '               MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    '               Mouse
    '              BITS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:  (none)
    ' VARIABLES:   i%            Looping index
    '              mask$         Pattern mask for each graphics mouse cursor
    '              xHot%         X hot spot location
    '              yHot%         Y hot spot location
    '              curs$         Binary bit pattern for defining mouse cursor
    '              j%            Test for left mouse button press and release
    '              leftButton%   State of left mouse button
    '              rightButton%  State of right mouse button
    '              xMouse%       X location of mouse
    '              yMouse%       Y location of mouse
    '              mflag%        Indicates mouse is available
    '              horizontal%   Horizontal mouse mickies
    '              vertical%     Vertical mouse mickies
    '              xpLeft%       X location of last left button press
    '              ypLeft%       Y location of last left button press
    '              xrLeft%       X location of last left button release
    '              yrLeft%       Y location of last left button release
    '              xpRight%      X location of last right button press
    '              ypRight%      Y location of last right button press
    '              xrRight%      X location of last right button release
    '              yrRight%      Y location of last right button release
    '              t0            Timer value
    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION BinStr2Bin% (b$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseRange (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%)
        DECLARE SUB MousePut (xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseHide ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseInches (horizontal%, vertical%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseInstall (mflag%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseMickey (horizontal%, vertical%)
        DECLARE SUB MousePressLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MousePressRight (rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseReleaseLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseReleaseRight (rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseWarp (threshold%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursdflt (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curschek (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curshand (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Curshour (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursjet (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursleft (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursplus (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursup (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB Cursx (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseMaskTranslate (mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$)
        DECLARE SUB MouseNow (leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseSetGcursor (cursor$)
        DECLARE SUB MouseShow ()

    ' Check for mouse
        SCREEN 2
        MouseInstall mflag%
        PRINT "MouseInstall ... "; mflag%

    ' Demonstrate the available graphics-mode cursors
        PRINT "Click left mouse button to see the graphics-mode cursors..."

        FOR i% = 1 TO 9
            SELECT CASE i%
            CASE 1
                Curschek mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 2
                Curshand mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 3
                Curshour mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 4
                Cursjet mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 5
                Cursleft mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 6
                Cursplus mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 7
                Cursup mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE 8
                Cursx mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            CASE ELSE
                Cursdflt mask$, xHot%, yHot%
            END SELECT
            MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, curs$
            FOR j% = -1 TO 0
                    MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
                LOOP UNTIL leftButton% = j%
            NEXT j%
            MouseSetGcursor curs$
        NEXT i%

    ' Mouse hide and show
        PRINT "MouseHide ... (Press any key to continue)"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""
        PRINT "MouseShow ... (Press any key to continue)"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Mouse inches per screen
        PRINT "Setting MouseWarp to 9999 to prevent doubling of speed."
        MouseWarp 9999
        PRINT "Setting MouseInches to 8 by 11. (8 inches of mouse motion"
        PRINT "across desk to move across screen, and 11 inches vertical"
        PRINT "mouse motion from top to bottom of screen) ..."
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        MouseInches 8, 11
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Resetting the mouse
        PRINT "Resetting the mouse"
        MouseInstall mflag%

    ' Show realtime mouse data
        PRINT "Instantaneous mouse information (Press any key to continue)"
            MouseMickey horizontal%, vertical%
            MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
            MousePressLeft leftCount%, xpLeft%, ypLeft%
            MouseReleaseLeft leftCount%, xrLeft%, yrLeft%
            MousePressRight rightCount%, xpRight%, ypRight%
            MouseReleaseRight rightCount%, xrRight%, yrRight%
            LOCATE 3, 1
            PRINT "Mickies       ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; horizontal%, vertical%
            PRINT "Position      ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; xMouse%, yMouse%
            PRINT "Buttons       ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; leftButton%, rightButton%
            PRINT "Left Press    ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; xpLeft%, ypLeft%
            PRINT "Left Release  ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; xrLeft%, yrLeft%
            PRINT "Right Press   ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; xpRight%, ypRight%
            PRINT "Right Release ";
            PRINT USING "#######, #######"; xrRight%, yrRight%
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Mouse placement
        PRINT "MousePut..."
        FOR i% = 1 TO 20
            xMouse% = RND * 639
            yMouse% = RND * 199
            MousePut xMouse%, yMouse%
            t0 = TIMER
            LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t0 > .2
        NEXT i%

    ' Range limiting
        PRINT "Range limited to a rectangular area ..."
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        MouseRange 200, 50, 400, 100
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' All done
        SCREEN 0

Subprogram: Curschek

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining a check mark cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Curschek                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (check mark).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Curschek mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Curschek (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Curschek (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111110000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111110000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111100000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000001100"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000011000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000110000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111000011000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001110110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011100000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 6
            yHot% = 7

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursdflt

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining the default cursor (an arrow pointing up and left).

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursdflt                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a default graphics-mode mouse cursor (arrow pointing up and lef
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursdflt mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATION:   DECLARE SUB Cursdflt (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursdflt (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1001111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000011111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000001111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000100001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1001100001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0010000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011100000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011110000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111100000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111111100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0010001100000000"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001100000000"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"

            xHot% = 1

            yHot% = 1

        END SUB

Subprogram: Curshand

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining a pointing hand cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Curshand                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (pointing hand).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Curshand mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Curshand (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Curshand (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0001111000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001001001001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001001001001001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111001001001001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1001000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1001000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1001000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            xHot% = 5
            yHot% = 0

        END SUB

Subprogram: Curshour

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining an hourglass cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Curshour                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (hourglass).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Curshour mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:    DECLARE SUB Curshour (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Curshour (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000000111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000000111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000001"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111111111111110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0110000000000110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011000000001100"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001100000011000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000110000110000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000110000110000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001100110011000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011001111001100"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0110011111100110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111111111111110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 7
            yHot% = 7

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursjet

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining a jet aircraft cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursjet                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (jet aircraft).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursjet mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Cursjet (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursjet (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000000111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000100000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000111111100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001111111110000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111111111000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0110001110001100"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000110001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 7
            yHot% = 1

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursleft

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining a left arrow cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursleft                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (left arrow).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursleft mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:    DECLARE SUB Cursleft (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursleft (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000011000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111111111111110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000011000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 0
            yHot% = 3

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursplus

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining a plus sign cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursplus                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (plus sign).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursplus mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Cursplus (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursplus (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111110000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111111111111110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 7
            yHot% = 4

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursup

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining an up arrow cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursup                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (up arrow).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursup mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Cursup (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursup (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111100111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1110000001111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1000000000011111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000011111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000111100000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000111100000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001111110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001111110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0011111111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111111111100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 5
            yHot% = 0

        END SUB

Subprogram: Cursx

    Creates a graphics mouse cursor; fills in the pattern mask and hot spot
    values for defining an X-mark cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cursx                      **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Defines a graphics-mode mouse cursor (X mark).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Cursx mask$, xHot%, yHot%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask for creating cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location for cursor hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location for cursor hot spot
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Cursx (mask$, xHot%, yHot%)
        SUB Cursx (mask$, xHot%, yHot%) STATIC

            mask$ = ""
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011111100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111000000001111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1100000000000011"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000110000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"
            mask$ = mask$ + "1111111111111111"

            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111000000001110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001110000111000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000001111000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000011001100000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0001110000111000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0111000000001110"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"
            mask$ = mask$ + "0000000000000000"

            xHot% = 7
            yHot% = 4

        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseHide

    Deactivates the mouse cursor, making it invisible and inaccessible. Use
    the MouseShow subprogram to reactivate the cursor.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseHide                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Hides the mouse cursor.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseHide
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseHide ()
        SUB MouseHide STATIC
            Mouse 2, 0, 0, 0
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseInches

    Sets the ratio of mouse motion to cursor motion. The horizontal% and
    vertical% parameters indicate the number of inches of desktop motion that
    your mouse must move to move the mouse cursor from one edge of the screen
    to the other. Note that the vertical and horizontal values are independent
    of each other.

    Before calling this subprogram, set the double-speed threshold to a large
    value by calling the MouseWarp subprogram. This prevents fast mouse
    motion from doubling the cursor velocity, keeping the motion ratios

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseInches                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets mouse motion ratio in inches per screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseInches horizontal%, vertical%
    ' PARAMETERS:      horizontal%   Inches of horizontal mouse motion per
    '                                screen width
    '                  vertical%     Inches of vertical% mouse motion per
    '                                screen height
    ' VARIABLES:       h%            Calculated value to pass to mouse driver
    '                  v%            Calculated value to pass to mouse driver
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseInches (horizontal%, vertical%)
        SUB MouseInches (horizontal%, vertical%) STATIC
            IF horizontal% > 100 THEN
                horizontal% = 100
            END IF
            IF vertical% > 100 THEN
                vertical% = 100
            END IF
            h% = horizontal% * 5 \ 2
            v% = vertical% * 8
            Mouse 15, 0, h%, v%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseInstall

    Checks the memory-resident mouse driver to determine whether a mouse is
    available. The value of mflag% is returned as 0 if no mouse is available
    and as -1 if one is.

    This subprogram also initializes the mouse driver to the default state.
    The original cursor is set, and the mouse velocity, threshold, and other
    parameters are all set to their original states.

    Normally, this subprogram is called immediately when a program is run.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseInstall               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Determines whether mouse is available and resets all mouse parameters.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseInstall mflag%
    ' PARAMETERS:      mflag%     Returned indication of mouse availability
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseInstall (mflag%)
        SUB MouseInstall (mflag%) STATIC
            mflag% = 0
            Mouse mflag%, 0, 0, 0
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseLightPen

    Activates or deactivates lightpen emulation by the mouse.

    The QuickBASIC PEN function provides ten unique functions for accessing
    information on the lightpen, depending on the parameter you pass to it.
    This complete set of lightpen functions can be emulated using the mouse
    rather than the lightpen. To activate lightpen emulation, call
    MouseLightPen with a non-zero parameter. To deactivate lightpen emulation,
    use a zero parameter.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseLightPen              **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************

    ' Activates and deactivates lightpen emulation mode.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseLightPen switch%
    ' PARAMETERS:      switch%    non-zero to activate lightpen emulation,
    '                             zero to deactivate
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseLightPen (switch%)
        SUB MouseLightPen (switch%) STATIC
            IF switch% THEN
                Mouse 13, 0, 0, 0
                Mouse 14, 0, 0, 0
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseMaskTranslate

    Translates the pattern mask and hot spot values for a given graphics-mode
    mouse cursor to a binary format string suitable for passing to the
    memory-resident mouse driver for setting the cursor.

    This translation process is relatively time-consuming and should normally
    only be performed once, when a program first starts up. To save multiple
    cursors for quick switching between cursor types, save only the cursor$
    result from this subprogram. The call to MouseSetCursor, using this binary
    format cursor$, is very fast.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseMaskTranslate         **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Translates mouse graphics cursor Mask$ to Cursor$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseMaskTranslate mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$
    ' PARAMETERS:      mask$      Pattern mask that defines a mouse
    '                             graphics-mode cursor
    '                  xHot%      X location of the hot spot
    '                  yHot%      Y location of the hot spot
    '                  cursor$    The returned binary buffer string
    '                             for the cursor
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Looping index
    '                  b%         Integer formed from string bit representati
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB MouseMaskTranslate (mask$, xHot%, yHot%,
    '                              cursor$)
        SUB MouseMaskTranslate (mask$, xHot%, yHot%, cursor$) STATIC
            cursor$ = CHR$(xHot%) + CHR$(yHot%) + STRING$(64, 0)
            IF LEN(mask$) = 512 THEN
                FOR i% = 1 TO 32
                    b% = BinStr2Bin%(MID$(mask$, i% * 16 - 15, 16))
                    MID$(cursor$, i% + i% + 1, 2) = MKI$(b%)
                NEXT i%
            END IF
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseMickey

    Returns the mouse "mickies," or relative motion counts, since the last
    call to this routine. If the mouse has not been moved since the last call,
    zeros are returned.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseMickey                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reads mouse mickey counts.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseMickey horizontal%, vertical%
    ' PARAMETERS:      horizontal%   Horizontal motion mickey counts
    '                  vertical%     Vertical motion mickey counts
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseMickey (horizontal, vertical%)
        SUB MouseMickey (horizontal%, vertical%) STATIC
            Mouse 11, 0, horizontal%, vertical%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseNow

    Returns the state of the mouse buttons and the mouse location. This
    subprogram is one of the most useful routines presented. Four parameters
    are passed back: the states of the two mouse buttons and the horizontal
    and vertical location of the mouse.

    The horizontal position is scaled according to the current video mode. In
    most cases, the X position at the right edge of the screen is 639, no
    matter what the screen pixel range is. Check the returned values for the
    mode you want to use.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseNow                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the state of the mouse.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
    ' PARAMETERS:      leftButton%   Indicates left mouse button state
    '                  rightButton%  Indicates right mouse button state
    '                  xMouse%       X location of mouse
    '                  yMouse%       Y location of mouse
    ' VARIABLES:       m2%           Mouse driver parameter containing button
    '                                press information
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseNow (leftButton%, rightButton%,
    '                                        xMouse%, yMouse%)
        SUB MouseNow (leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            Mouse 3, m2%, xMouse%, yMouse%
            leftButton% = ((m2% AND 1) <> 0)
            rightButton% = ((m2% AND 2) <> 0)
        END SUB

Subprogram: MousePressLeft

    Returns the position of the mouse at the time the left button was last
    pressed. Also returned is the number of left button presses since the last
    call to this subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MousePressLeft             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the mouse state at last press of left button.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MousePressLeft leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
    ' PARAMETERS:      leftCount%    Number of times the left button has been
    '                                pressed since the last call to this
    '                                subprogram
    '                  xMouse%       X location of the mouse at the last pres
    '                                of the left button
    '                  yMouse%       Y location of the mouse at the last pres
    '                                of the left button
    ' VARIABLES:       m1%           Parameter for call to mouse driver
    '   DECLARATIONS:    DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                    DECLARE SUB MousePressLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMo
        SUB MousePressLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            m1% = 5
            leftCount% = 0
            Mouse m1%, leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MousePressRight

    Returns the position of the mouse at the time the right button was last
    pressed. Also returned is the number of right button presses since the
    last call to this subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MousePressRight            **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the mouse state at last press of right button.
        SUB MousePressRight (rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            m1% = 5
            rightCount% = 1
            Mouse m1%, rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MousePut

    Allows you to move the mouse to any desired location.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MousePut                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets the mouse position.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MousePut xMouse%, yMouse%
    ' PARAMETERS:      xMouse%    Horizontal location to place cursor
    '                  yMouse%    Vertical location to place cursor
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:   DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                   DECLARE SUB MousePut (xMouse%, yMouse%)
        SUB MousePut (xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            Mouse 4, 0, xMouse%, yMouse%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseRange

    Sets a rectangular area of the screen to which the mouse cursor will be
    limited. The mouse cursor will stay in the bounds defined, no matter which
    way the mouse is moved.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseRange                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets mouse range of motion.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseRange x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%
    ' PARAMETERS:      x1%        Upper left corner X coordinate
    '                  y1%        Upper left corner Y coordinate
    '                  x2%        Lower right corner X coordinate
    '                  y2%        Lower right corner Y coordinate
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:   DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                   DECLARE SUB MouseRange (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%)
        SUB MouseRange (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%) STATIC
            Mouse 7, 0, x1%, x2%
            Mouse 8, 0, y1%, y2%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseReleaseLeft

    Returns the position of the mouse at the time the left button was last
    released. Also returned is the number of left button releases since the
    last call to this subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseReleaseLeft           **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the mouse state at last release of left button.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseReleaseLeft leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
    ' PARAMETERS:      leftCount%    Number of times the left button has been
    '                                released since the last call to this
    '                                subprogram
    '                  xMouse%       X location of the mouse at the last
    '                                release of the left button
    '                  yMouse%       Y location of the mouse at the last
    '                                release of the left button
    ' VARIABLES:       m1%           Parameter for call to mouse driver
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseReleaseLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%,
    '                                               yMouse%)
        SUB MouseReleaseLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            m1% = 6
            leftCount% = 0
            Mouse m1%, leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseReleaseRight

    Returns the position of the mouse at the time the right button was last
    released. Also returned is the number of right button releases since the
    last call to this subprogram.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseReleaseRight          **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the mouse state at last release of right button.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseReleaseRight rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
    ' PARAMETERS:      rightCount%   Number of times the right button has bee
    '                                released since the last call to this
    '                                subprogram
    '                  xMouse%       X location of the mouse at the last
    '                                release of the right button
    '                  yMouse%       Y location of the mouse at the last
    '                                release of the right button
    ' VARIABLES:       m1%           Parameter for call to mouse driver
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseReleaseRight (rightCount%, xMouse%,
    '                                                 yMouse%)
        SUB MouseReleaseRight (rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%) STATIC
            m1% = 6
            rightCount% = 1
            Mouse m1%, rightCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseSetGcursor

    Sets the mouse cursor using the binary-format cursor string created by an
    earlier call to the subprogram MouseMaskTranslate.

    To quickly switch among a selection of mouse cursors, keep the
    binary-format cursor strings available, and call this subprogram to change

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseSetGcursor            **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets mouse graphics cursor using cursor$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseSetGcursor cursor$
    ' PARAMETERS:      cursor$    Binary format cursor string
    ' VARIABLES:       xHot%      X hot spot location
    '                  yHot%      Y hot spot location
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseSetGcursor (cursor$)
        SUB MouseSetGcursor (cursor$) STATIC
            xHot% = ASC(LEFT$(cursor$, 1))
            yHot% = ASC(MID$(cursor$, 2, 1))
            Mouse 9, xHot%, yHot%, SADD(cursor$) + 2
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseShow

    Activates the mouse cursor, making it visible and movable by the mouse. To
    turn the cursor off, use the MouseHide subprogram.

    When you are updating the screen, such as when printing text in a graphics
    mode, it's a good idea to hide the mouse just before printing and then
    show it after the printing is done. This helps prevent glitches or blank
    spots from appearing due to overlapping and unsynchronized pixel mapping
    between your program and the mouse driver.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseShow                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Shows the mouse cursor.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseShow
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseShow ()
        SUB MouseShow STATIC
            Mouse 1, 0, 0, 0
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseSoftCursor

    Sets the software mouse cursor for text mode. This cursor changes the
    attributes of screen characters (foreground/background color, intensity,
    or underscoring) when the display adapter is in text mode. The easiest way
    to get a feel for how these masks work is by running the MOUSTCRS.BAS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseSoftCursor            **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets text-mode software cursor.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseSoftCursor screenMask%, cursorMask%
    ' PARAMETERS:      screenMask%   Integer bit pattern for the screen mask
    '                  cursorMask%   Integer bit pattern for the cursor mask
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB MouseSoftCursor (screenMaks%, cursorMask%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
        SUB MouseSoftCursor (screenMask%, cursorMask%) STATIC
            Mouse 10, 0, screenMask%, cursorMask%
        END SUB

Subprogram: MouseWarp

    Sets the double-speed threshold for the mouse in units of mickies per
    second. The default setting is 64 mickies per second.

    Whenever the mouse is moved at a rate greater than the threshold value,
    the cursor motion is doubled. This helps zip the cursor across the screen
    during quick moves but allows slower, more accurate motion at slower

    To use the MouseInches subprogram to approximate the action of an
    absolute-motion pointing device, set the threshold to a large, unreachable
    value. For example, MouseWarp 9999 effectively turns off the threshold

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MouseWarp                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSSUBS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************

    ' Sets double-speed threshold.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  MouseWarp threshold%
    ' PARAMETERS:      threshold%    Mickies per second rate of threshold
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB MouseWarp (threshold%)
        SUB MouseWarp (threshold%) STATIC
            Mouse 19, 0, 0, threshold%
        END SUB


    The MOUSTCRS program lets you experiment with the screen and cursor masks
    that define the action of the software mouse cursor in text modes.

    Run the program and move the mouse cursor to any of the mask bits
    displayed near the bottom of the screen. Click with the left mouse button
    on any bit to toggle that bit, and move the cursor around the screen to
    see how the cursor's appearance is affected.

    To set any screen and cursor mask combination in your own programs, record
    the hexadecimal numbers for the two masks, and pass these two numbers to
    the MouseSoftCursor subprogram in the MOUSSUBS.BAS toolbox.

Program Module: MOUSTCRS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          MOUSTCRS                   **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        MOUSTCRS.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                  Mouse
    '                  MOUSSUBS.BAS
    '                  BITS.BAS
    '                  ATTRIB.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       screenMask%   Integer bit mask for screen mask
    '                  cursorMask%   Integer bit mask for cursor mask
    '                  leftCount%    Count of left mouse button presses
    '                  xm%           Mouse X position at last left button pre
    '                  ym%           Mouse Y position at last left button pre
    '                  row%          Code for which screen bit row was select
    '                  bit%          Bit pattern determined by screen column
    '                                click on
    '                  screenMask$   String of 0s and 1s for bit pattern disp
    '                  cursorMask$   String of 0s and 1s for bit pattern disp
    '                  i%            Looping index
    '                  Shex$         Hexadecimal representation of the screen
    '                  Chex$         Hexadecimal representation of the cursor

    ' Define constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Bin2BinStr$ (b%)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Attrib ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseHide ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseInstall (mouseFlag%)
        DECLARE SUB MousePressLeft (leftCount%, xMouse%, yMouse%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseShow ()
        DECLARE SUB MouseSoftCursor (screenMask%, cursorMask%)

    ' Is the mouse out there?
        MouseInstall mouseFlag%
        IF mouseFlag% = 0 THEN
            PRINT "Mouse does not appear to be installed.  Check"
            PRINT "your mouse documentation for proper installation."
        END IF

    ' Put all attributes on the screen

    ' Set masks to initial state
        screenMask% = &H77FF
        cursorMask% = &H7700

    ' Create the outlined boxes
        COLOR 14, 0
        PRINT "                  +---+-------+---+--------+----------+--------+
        PRINT "                  | b | bckgd | i | foregd |   char   |   =    |
        PRINT "    +-------------+---+-------+---+--------+----------+--------+
        PRINT "    | screen mask | 0 |  111  | 0 |  111   | 11111111 | &H77FF |
        PRINT "    | cursor mask | 0 |  111  | 0 |  111   | 00000000 | &H7700 |
        PRINT "    +-------------+---+-------+---+--------+----------+--------+

    ' Print the instructions
        COLOR 11, 0
        PRINT "Click the mouse on any of the mask bits shown.  Then, try the"
        PRINT "new cursor by moving across the attribute fields above.";

    ' Special indication for quitting
        COLOR 15, 0
        LOCATE 17, 1, 0
        PRINT "Click here";
        LOCATE 18, 1, 0
        PRINT "to Quit - ";
        COLOR 10, 0
        PRINT "X";

    ' Put mask bits into boxes on screen
        GOSUB PrintScreenMask
        GOSUB PrintCursorMask

    ' Activate the mouse

    ' Do the main processing loop until the quit flag is set
            GOSUB MainLoop
        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

    ' All done

    ' Main processing loop

    ' Where was mouse when left button was last pressed?
        MousePressLeft leftCount%, xm%, ym%

    ' Was it on one of the two important rows of the screen?
        SELECT CASE ym%
        CASE 152
            row% = 1
        CASE 160
            row% = 2
        CASE ELSE
            row% = 0
        END SELECT

    ' Was it on an important column?
        SELECT CASE xm%
        CASE 80
            IF ym% = 136 THEN
                quitFlag% = TRUE
            END IF
        CASE 160
            bit% = &H8000
        CASE 200
            bit% = &H4000
        CASE 208
            bit% = &H2000
        CASE 216
            bit% = &H1000
        CASE 256
            bit% = &H800
        CASE 296
            bit% = &H400
        CASE 304
            bit% = &H200
        CASE 312
            bit% = &H100
        CASE 360
            bit% = &H80
        CASE 368
            bit% = &H40
        CASE 376
            bit% = &H20
        CASE 384
            bit% = &H10
        CASE 392
            bit% = &H8
        CASE 400
            bit% = &H4
        CASE 408
            bit% = &H2
        CASE 416
            bit% = &H1
        CASE ELSE
            bit% = 0
        END SELECT

    ' Modify the masks and update the cursor
        IF leftCount% THEN
            SELECT CASE row%
            CASE 1
                screenMask% = screenMask% XOR bit%
            CASE 2
                cursorMask% = cursorMask% XOR bit%
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT
            MouseSoftCursor screenMask%, cursorMask%
            GOSUB PrintScreenMask
            GOSUB PrintCursorMask
        END IF

    ' End of main processing loop

    ' Put screen mask bits on the screen
        COLOR 12, 0
        screenMask$ = ""
        screenMask$ = Bin2BinStr$(screenMask%)
        FOR i% = 0 TO 15
            SELECT CASE i%
            CASE 0 TO 7
                LOCATE 20, 53 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(screenMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 8 TO 10
                LOCATE 20, 48 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(screenMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 11
                LOCATE 20, 44 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(screenMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 12 TO 14
                LOCATE 20, 40 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(screenMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 15
                LOCATE 20, 36 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(screenMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT
        NEXT i%
        shex$ = "&H" + RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(screenMask%), 4)
        LOCATE 20, 57, 0
        COLOR 10, 0
        PRINT shex$;

    ' Put cursor mask bits on the screen
        COLOR 12, 0
        cursorMask$ = ""
        cursorMask$ = Bin2BinStr$(cursorMask%)
        FOR i% = 0 TO 15
            SELECT CASE i%
            CASE 0 TO 7
                LOCATE 21, 53 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(cursorMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 8 TO 10
                LOCATE 21, 48 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(cursorMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 11
                LOCATE 21, 44 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(cursorMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 12 TO 14
                LOCATE 21, 40 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(cursorMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE 15
                LOCATE 21, 36 - i%, 0
                PRINT MID$(cursorMask$, 16 - i%, 1);
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT
        NEXT i%
        chex$ = "&H" + RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(cursorMask%), 4)
        LOCATE 21, 57, 0
        COLOR 10, 0
        PRINT chex$;


    The OBJECT program lets you interactively create subprograms that produce
    graphics objects for your programs.

    When a QuickBASIC program uses the GET and PUT statements for graphics
    animation purposes, you'll often notice the objects being created on the
    screen as the program first starts up. The normal procedure is to create
    the graphics objects using the LINE and DRAW statements and then to save
    the objects in integer arrays using the GET statement. The creation of the
    objects the first time is relatively slow, compared with the very fast PUT

    The OBJECT program lets you create these objects interactively and
    "off-line" until you're satisfied with their appearance. Then, this
    program automatically writes a subprogram source file that, when loaded or
    merged with your main program, quickly creates the integer arrays by
    simply reading the appropriate integers into the arrays.

    The best way to get a feel for this program is to give it a try. Run it,
    and follow the directions. You can edit a DRAW string, try it to see what
    the new object looks like, and then re-edit the string until you like the
    results. When you select the "Save" option, the program automatically
    determines the smallest integer array that will hold the object you've
    created and writes a source code subprogram file that creates and fills an
    integer array with the bit pattern for your object. Later on, you can load
    this source code file and re-edit the object to make other changes.

    To use the new object source code in your own program, merge the file into
    the program where you want to use the object. The program should run
    through the statements once, but you can use PUT statements repeatedly to
    animate or duplicate the image.

    Name                     Type    Description
    OBJECT.BAS                      Program module
    SaveObject              Sub     Creates graphics "PUT" file source code

Program Module: OBJECT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          OBJECT                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        OBJECT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Allows interactive graphics object creation.
    ' Dumps code for another program to be able to create
    ' the graphics object "PUT array" directly.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       OBJECT.BAS
    '                  KEYS.BAS
    '                  EDIT.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       quitFlag%     Indicates user is ready to quit
    '                  modeFlag%     Indicates a valid graphics mode was sele
    '                  mode%         Graphics mode
    '                  xMax%         Maximum screen X coordinate
    '                  yMax%         Maximum screen Y coordinate
    '                  fileName$     Name of object creation subprogram file
    '                  exitCode%     Return code from EditLine subprogram
    '                  t$            Temporary work string while reading file
    '                                contents
    '                  a$            The DRAW string
    '                  editFlag%     Indicates an edit of the string is desir
    '               drawErrorFlag%   Indicates an error occurred during the D
    '                  keyNumber%    Integer key code returned by KeyCode%
    '                                function
    '                  okayFlag%     Shared flag for determining array dimens

    ' Logical constants
        CONST FALSE = 0

    ' Key code constants
        CONST SKEYLC = 115
        CONST SKEYUC = SKEYLC - 32
        CONST QKEYLC = 113
        CONST QKEYUC = QKEYLC - 32
        CONST ESC = 27

    ' Color constants
        CONST BLACK = 0
        CONST BLUE = 1
        CONST GREEN = 2
        CONST CYAN = 3
        CONST RED = 4
        CONST MAGENTA = 5
        CONST BROWN = 6
        CONST WHITE = 7
        CONST BRIGHT = 8
        CONST BLINK = 16

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION KeyCode% ()

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB DrawBox (row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
        DECLARE SUB EditBox (a$, row1%, col1%, row2%, col2%)
        DECLARE SUB EditLine (a$, exitCode%)
        DECLARE SUB SaveObject (mode%, xMax%, yMax%, fileName$, a$)

    ' Initialization
        SCREEN 0
        quitFlag% = FALSE

    ' Title
        PRINT "OBJECT - Interactive graphics object editor"

    ' Display screen mode table
        PRINT "Adapter       SCREEN modes allowed"
        PRINT "----------    --------------------"
        PRINT "Monochrome    (none)"
        PRINT "Hercules      3"
        PRINT "CGA           1,2"
        PRINT "EGA           1,2,7,8,9"
        PRINT "MCGA          1,2,11,13"
        PRINT "VGA           1,2,7,8,9,11,12,13"

    ' Ask user for the graphics screen mode
            PRINT "Enter a SCREEN mode number, ";
            INPUT "based on your graphics adapter "; mode%
            modeFlag% = TRUE
            SELECT CASE mode%
            CASE 1, 7, 13
                xMax% = 319
                yMax% = 199
            CASE 2, 8
                xMax% = 639
                yMax% = 199
            CASE 9, 10
                xMax% = 639
                yMax% = 349
            CASE 11, 12
                xMax% = 639
                yMax% = 479
            CASE 3
                xMax% = 719
                yMax% = 347
            CASE ELSE
                modeFlag% = FALSE
            END SELECT
        LOOP UNTIL modeFlag% = TRUE

    ' Ask user for the filename
        fileName$ = "IMAGEARY.BAS" + SPACE$(20)
        SCREEN 0
        WIDTH 80
        PRINT "Name of the file where source code will be written:"
        PRINT "Edit the default filename IMAGEARY.BAS ";
        PRINT "if desired, and then press Enter..."
        PRINT SPACE$(12);
        EditLine fileName$, exitCode%

    ' Try to read in previous contents of the file
        ON ERROR GOTO FileError
        OPEN fileName$ FOR INPUT AS #1
        ON ERROR GOTO 0
        DO UNTIL EOF(1)
            LINE INPUT #1, t$
            IF INSTR(t$, "(DRAW$)") THEN
                t$ = MID$(t$, INSTR(t$, CHR$(34)) + 1)
                t$ = LEFT$(t$, INSTR(t$, CHR$(34)) - 1)
                a$ = a$ + t$
            END IF
        CLOSE #1

    ' Main loop

        ' Prepare for DRAW string editing by the user
            SCREEN 0
            WIDTH 80
            editFlag% = FALSE

        ' Display useful information
            PRINT "OBJECT - Screen mode"; mode%
            PRINT "Edit the DRAW string workspace; then press"
            PRINT "the Esc key to try out your creation..."
            PRINT , "                Cn      Color"
            PRINT , " H   U   E      Mx,y    Move absolute"
            PRINT , "   \ | /        M+|/-x,y Move relative"
            PRINT , " L -   - R      An      Angle (1=90,2=180...)"
            PRINT , "   / | \        TAn     Turn angle (-360 to 360)"
            PRINT , " G   D   F      Sn      Scale factor"
            PRINT , "                Pc,b    Paint (color, border)"
        PRINT "(These commands are described in detail in the ";
        PRINT "Microsoft QuickBASIC Language Reference)"

        ' Input DRAW string via EditBox subprogram
            DrawBox 15, 1, 24, 80
            COLOR YELLOW, BLUE
            EditBox a$, 15, 1, 24, 80

        ' Try out the DRAW string
            SCREEN mode%
            drawErrorFlag% = FALSE
            ON ERROR GOTO DrawError
            DRAW a$
            ON ERROR GOTO 0

        ' Give user idea of what to do
            LOCATE 1, 1
            PRINT "<S>ave, <Esc> to edit, or <Q>uit"

        ' Get next valid keystroke
            DO UNTIL editFlag% OR drawErrorFlag% OR quitFlag%

            ' Grab key code
                keyNumber% = KeyCode%

            ' Process the keystroke
                SELECT CASE keyNumber%

                CASE ESC
                    editFlag% = TRUE

                CASE QKEYLC, QKEYUC
                    quitFlag% = TRUE

                CASE SKEYLC, SKEYUC
                    SaveObject mode%, xMax%, yMax%, fileName$, a$

                CASE ELSE
                END SELECT


        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

    ' All done
        SCREEN 0
        WIDTH 80

    ' Create the new file
        OPEN fileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1
        CLOSE #1
        OPEN fileName$ FOR INPUT AS #1

        drawErrorFlag% = TRUE
        SCREEN 0
        PRINT "Your DRAW string caused an error"
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        okayFlag% = FALSE

Subprogram: SaveObject

    Creates a source code subprogram module file for the OBJECT program.

    This subprogram performs the tricky task of finding the boundaries of the
    graphics object, dimensioning an integer array of exactly the right size,
    getting the object from the screen and into the array, and writing a
    source code subprogram file that will recreate the array when merged into
    a different program.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SaveObject                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        OBJECT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Creates source code file for creating graphics mode
    ' objects for efficient "PUT" graphics.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:   SaveObject mode%, xMax%, yMax%, fileName$, a$
    ' PARAMETERS:       mode%      Graphics mode
    '                   xMax%      Maximum X screen coordinate for given
    '                              graphics mode
    '                   yMax%      Maximum Y screen coordinate for given
    '                              graphics mode
    '                   fileName$  Name of source code file to edit and/or
    '                              create
    '                   a$         The DRAW string that creates the object
    '                              initially
    ' VARIABLES:        okayFlag%  Shared flag used to determine array size
    '                   size%      Array sizing
    '                   edge%      Array for efficiently finding edges of obj
    '                   stepSize%  Scanning step for search for object edges
    '                   yTop%      Y coordinate at top edge of object
    '                   yBot%      Y coordinate at bottom edge of object
    '                   y1%        Starting edge search Y coordinate
    '                   y2%        Ending edge search Y coordinate
    '                   i%         Looping index
    '                   xLeft%     X coordinate at left edge of object
    '                   xRight%    X coordinate at right edge of object
    '                   x1%        Starting edge search X coordinate
    '                   x2%        Ending edge search X coordinate
    '                   object%()  Array to hold GET object from screen
    '                   objName$   Name of object, derived from filename
    '                   ndx%       Index to any special characters in objName
    '                   ary$       Name of array, derived from filename
    '                   d$         Works string for building lines for file
    '   DECLARATIONS: DECLARE FUNCTION SaveObject (mode%, xMax%, yMax%,
    '                                              fileName$, a$)
        SUB SaveObject (mode%, xMax%, yMax%, fileName$, a$) STATIC

        ' Shared error trap variable
            SHARED okayFlag%

        ' Select the right array size for the mode
            SELECT CASE mode%
            CASE 1, 2
                size% = 93
            CASE 7, 8
                size% = 367
            CASE 9
                size% = 667
            CASE 10
                size% = 334
            CASE 11
                size% = 233
            CASE 12
                size% = 927
            CASE 13
                size% = 161
            CASE ELSE
            END SELECT

        ' Build the array space
            DIM edge%(size%)

        ' Scan to find top and bottom edges of the object
            stepSize% = 32
            yTop% = yMax%
            yBot% = 0
            y1% = 17
            y2% = yMax%
                FOR y% = y1% TO y2% STEP stepSize%
                    IF y% < yTop% OR y% > yBot% THEN
                        GET (0, y%)-(xMax%, y%), edge%
                        LINE (0, y%)-(xMax%, y%)
                        FOR i% = 2 TO size%
                            IF edge%(i%) THEN
                                IF y% < yTop% THEN
                                    yTop% = y%
                                END IF
                                IF y% > yBot% THEN
                                    yBot% = y%
                                END IF
                                i% = size%
                            END IF
                        NEXT i%
                        PUT (0, y%), edge%, PSET
                    END IF
                NEXT y%
                IF yTop% <= yBot% THEN
                    y1% = yTop% - stepSize% * 2
                    y2% = yBot% + stepSize% * 2
                    IF y1% < 17 THEN
                        y1% = 17
                    END IF
                    IF y2% > yMax% THEN
                        y2% = yMax%
                    END IF
                END IF
                stepSize% = stepSize% \ 2
            LOOP UNTIL stepSize% = 0

        ' Scan to find left and right edges of the object
            stepSize% = 32
            xLeft% = xMax%
            xRight% = 0
            x1% = 0
            x2% = xMax%
                FOR x% = x1% TO x2% STEP stepSize%
                    IF x% < xLeft% OR x% > xRight% THEN
                        GET (x%, yTop%)-(x%, yBot%), edge%
                        LINE (x%, yTop%)-(x%, yBot%)
                        FOR i% = 2 TO size%
                            IF edge%(i%) THEN
                                IF x% < xLeft% THEN
                                    xLeft% = x%
                                END IF
                                IF x% > xRight% THEN
                                    xRight% = x%
                                END IF
                                i% = size%
                            END IF
                        NEXT i%
                        PUT (x%, yTop%), edge%, PSET
                    END IF
                NEXT x%
                IF xLeft% <= xRight% THEN
                    x1% = xLeft% - stepSize% * 2
                    x2% = xRight% + stepSize% * 2
                    IF x1% < 0 THEN
                        x1% = 0
                    END IF
                    IF x2% > xMax% THEN
                        x2% = xMax%
                    END IF
                END IF
                stepSize% = stepSize% \ 2
            LOOP UNTIL stepSize% = 0

        ' Draw border around the object
            LINE (xLeft% - 1, yTop% - 1)-(xRight% + 1, yBot% + 1), , B

        ' Build the right size integer array
            stepSize% = 256
            size% = 3
                    IF size% < 3 THEN
                        size% = 3
                    END IF
                    REDIM object%(size%)
                    okayFlag% = TRUE
                    ON ERROR GOTO ArrayError
                    GET (xLeft%, yTop%)-(xRight%, yBot%), object%
                    ON ERROR GOTO 0
                    IF okayFlag% = FALSE THEN
                        size% = size% + stepSize%
                        IF stepSize% > 1 THEN
                            size% = size% - stepSize%
                        END IF
                    END IF
                LOOP UNTIL okayFlag%
                stepSize% = stepSize% \ 2
            LOOP UNTIL stepSize% = 0

        ' Make the name of the object
            objName$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(fileName$)) + "."
            ndx% = INSTR(objName$, "\")
            DO WHILE ndx%
                objName$ = MID$(objName$, ndx% + 1)
                ndx% = INSTR(objName$, "\")
            ndx% = INSTR(objName$, ":")
            DO WHILE ndx%
                objName$ = MID$(objName$, ndx% + 1)
                ndx% = INSTR(objName$, ":")
            ndx% = INSTR(objName$, ".")
            objName$ = LCASE$(LEFT$(objName$, ndx% - 1))
            IF objName$ = "" THEN
                objName$ = "xxxxxx"
            END IF

        ' Make array name
            ary$ = objName$ + "%("

        ' Open the file for the new source lines
            OPEN fileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1

        ' Print the lines
            PRINT #1, " "
            PRINT #1, "  ' " + objName$
            FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$) STEP 50
                PRINT #1, "  ' (DRAW$) "; CHR$(34);
                PRINT #1, MID$(a$, i%, 50); CHR$(34)
            NEXT i%
            PRINT #1, "    DIM " + ary$; "0 TO";
            PRINT #1, STR$(size%) + ")"
            PRINT #1, "    FOR i% = 0 TO"; size%
            PRINT #1, "        READ h$"
            PRINT #1, "        " + ary$ + "i%) = VAL(";
            PRINT #1, CHR$(34) + "&H" + CHR$(34);
            PRINT #1, " + h$)"
            PRINT #1, "    NEXT i%"
            FOR i% = 0 TO size%
                IF d$ = "" THEN
                    d$ = "    DATA "
                    d$ = d$ + ","
                END IF
                d$ = d$ + HEX$(object%(i%))
                IF LEN(d$) > 60 OR i% = size% THEN
                    PRINT #1, d$
                    d$ = ""
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            PRINT #1, " "

        ' Close the file

        ' Erase the border around the object
            LINE (xLeft% - 1, yTop% - 1)-(xRight% + 1, yBot% + 1), 0, B

        END SUB


    The PARSE toolbox demonstrates the ParseLine and ParseWord subprograms.
    A sample string of text (x$) is parsed by each of these subprograms, and
    the results are displayed for review.

    The purpose of these subprograms is to split a string into substrings,
    where each substring is delineated by any of a given set of characters
    that you define. For example, a string can be parsed into individual words
    by splitting the string wherever spaces or commas occur.

    A common use for these subprograms would be the processing of a list of
    commands passed to a QuickBASIC program from the MS-DOS command line,
    available in the special variable COMMAND$. The HEX2BIN, BIN2HEX, and
    QBFMT programs use the PARSE toolbox in this way.

    Name                     Type    Description
    PARSE.BAS                       Demo module
    ParseLine                Sub     Breaks a string into individual words
    ParseWord                Sub     Parses and removes first word from string

Demo Module: PARSE

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          PARSE                      **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        PARSE.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       a$()       Array of words parsed from x$
    '                  x$         String to be parsed
    '                  sep$       Characters defining word separation
    '                  word$      Each word from the string
    '                  n%         Index to each word in array

        DECLARE SUB ParseLine (x$, sep$, a$())
        DECLARE SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$)

    ' Initialization
        DIM a$(1 TO 99)

    ' Demonstrate ParseWord
        x$ = "This is a test line. A,B,C, etc."
        sep$ = " ,"
        PRINT "x$:", x$
        PRINT "sep$:", CHR$(34); sep$; CHR$(34)
        ParseWord x$, sep$, word$
        PRINT "ParseWord x$, sep$, word$"
        PRINT "x$:", x$
        PRINT "word$:", word$

    ' Demonstrate ParseLine
        x$ = "This is a test line. A,B,C, etc."
        sep$ = " ,"
        PRINT "x$:", x$
        PRINT "sep$:", CHR$(34); sep$; CHR$(34)
        ParseLine x$, sep$, a$()
        PRINT "ParseLine x$, sep$, a$()"
        PRINT "a$()..."
            n% = n% + 1
            PRINT n%, a$(n%)
        LOOP UNTIL a$(n% + 1) = ""

    ' All done

Subprogram: ParseLine

    Parses a string into individual words, returning the list of words in a
    string array. You can list any characters in sep$ to define the division
    between words, but the most commonly used characters are space, comma, and
    tab. The string array will contain a null string after the last word
    parsed from the string.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ParseLine                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        PARSE.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Breaks a string into an array of words, as defined
    ' by any characters listed in sep$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ParseLine x$, sep$, a$()
    ' PARAMETERS:      x$      String to be parsed
    '                  sep$    List of characters defined as word separators
    '                  a$()    Returned array of words
    ' VARIABLES:       t$      Temporary work string
    '                  i%      Index to array entries
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB ParseLine (x$, sep$, a$())
        SUB ParseLine (x$, sep$, a$()) STATIC
            t$ = x$
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a$) TO UBOUND(a$)
                ParseWord t$, sep$, a$(i%)
                IF a$(i%) = "" THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            t$ = ""
        END SUB

Subprogram: ParseWord

    Extracts the first word from the front of a string, returning the word and
    the original string minus the leading word. You can call this routine
    repeatedly to parse out each word, one at a time. You set the characters
    that separate words in sep$. For example, to parse words separated by
    either spaces or commas, set as follows:

    sep$ = " ,"

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ParseWord                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        PARSE.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Breaks off the first word in a$, as delimited by
    ' any characters listed in sep$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ParseWord a$, sep$, word$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be parsed
    '                  sep$       List of characters defined as word separato
    '                  word$      Returned first word parsed from a$
    ' VARIABLES:       lena%      Length of a$
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  j%         Looping index
    '                  k%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$)
        SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$) STATIC
            word$ = ""
            lena% = LEN(a$)
            IF a$ = "" THEN
                EXIT SUB
            END IF
            FOR i% = 1 TO lena%
                IF INSTR(sep$, MID$(a$, i%, 1)) = 0 THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            FOR j% = i% TO lena%
                IF INSTR(sep$, MID$(a$, j%, 1)) THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT j%
            FOR k% = j% TO lena%
                IF INSTR(sep$, MID$(a$, k%, 1)) = 0 THEN
                    EXIT FOR
                END IF
            NEXT k%
            IF i% > lena% THEN
                a$ = ""
                EXIT SUB
            END IF
            IF j% > lena% THEN
                word$ = MID$(a$, i%)
                a$ = ""
                EXIT SUB
            END IF
            word$ = MID$(a$, i%, j% - i%)
            IF k% > lena% THEN
                a$ = ""
                a$ = MID$(a$, k%)
            END IF
        END SUB


    The PROBSTAT toolbox is a collection of functions for probability and
    statistics calculations.

    Name                          Type   Description
    PROBSTAT.BAS                        Demo module
    ArithmeticMean#              Func   Arithmetic mean of an array of
    Combinations#                Func   Combinations of n items, r at a time
    Factorial#                   Func   Factorial of a number
    GeometricMean#               Func   Geometric mean of an array of numbers
    HarmonicMean#                Func   Harmonic mean of an array of numbers
    Permutations#                Func   Permutations of n items, r at a time
    QuadraticMean#               Func   Quadratic mean of an array of numbers

Demo Module: PROBSTAT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          PROBSTAT                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates several probability- and statistics-
    ' related mathematical functions.
    ' USAGE:          No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:      (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      a#()       Array of numbers to be processed
    '                 i%         Index into array
    '                 n&         Number of items for combinations and permuta
    '                 r&         Quantity for combinations and permutations
        DECLARE FUNCTION Combinations# (n&, r&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Factorial# (n&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Permutations# (n&, r&)
        DECLARE FUNCTION GeometricMean# (a#())
        DECLARE FUNCTION HarmonicMean# (a#())
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArithmeticMean# (a#())
        DECLARE FUNCTION QuadraticMean# (a#())

    ' Demonstrations
        PRINT "Array of numbers..."
        DIM a#(-3 TO 6)
        FOR i% = -3 TO 6
            READ a#(i%)
            PRINT a#(i%),
        NEXT i%
        DATA  1.2,3.4,5.6,7.8,9.1,2.3,4.5,6.7,8.9,1.2

        PRINT "Arithmetic mean = "; ArithmeticMean#(a#())
        PRINT "Geometric mean  = "; GeometricMean#(a#())
        PRINT "Harmonic mean   = "; HarmonicMean#(a#())
        PRINT "Quadratic mean  = "; QuadraticMean#(a#())

        n& = 17
        r& = 5
        PRINT "Combinations of"; n&; "objects taken";
        PRINT r&; "at a time = "; Combinations#(n&, r&)

        PRINT "Permutations of"; n&; "objects taken";
        PRINT r&; "at a time = "; Permutations#(n&, r&)

        PRINT "Factorial of 17 = "; Factorial#(17&)

    ' All done

Function: ArithmeticMean#

    Returns the arithmetic mean of an array of double-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArithmeticMean#            **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the arithmetic mean of an array of numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ArithmeticMean# a#()
    ' PARAMETERS:      a#()       Array of double-precision numbers to be
    '                             processed
    ' VARIABLES:       n%         Count of array entries
    '                  sum#       Sum of the array entries
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION ArithmeticMean# (a#())
        FUNCTION ArithmeticMean# (a#()) STATIC
            n% = 0
            sum# = 0
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a#) TO UBOUND(a#)
                n% = n% + 1
                sum# = sum# + a#(i%)
            NEXT i%
            ArithmeticMean# = sum# / n%

Function: Combinations#

    Calculates the number of combinations of n& items taken r& at a time. This
    function returns a double-precision result to allow for larger answers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Combinations#              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of combinations of n& items
    ' taken r& at a time.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  c# = Combinations#(n&, r&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n&         Number of items
    '                  r&         Taken r& at a time
    ' VARIABLES:       result#    Working result variable
    '                  j&         Working copy of r&
    '                  k&         Difference between n& and r&
    '                  h&         Values from r& through n&
    '                  i&         Values from 1 through j&
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Combinations# (n&, r&)
        FUNCTION Combinations# (n&, r&) STATIC
            result# = 1
            j& = r&
            k& = n& - r&
            h& = n&
            IF j& > k& THEN
                SWAP j&, k&
            END IF
            FOR i& = 1 TO j&
                result# = (result# * h&) / i&
                h& = h& - 1
            NEXT i&
            Combinations# = result#

Function: Factorial#

    Returns the factorial of a long integer. The returned value is
    double-precision, allowing for larger arguments. This is a recursive
    function. If the argument n& is greater than 1, n& is multiplied by the
    result of finding the factorial of n& - 1. The result is that this
    function will call itself n& times.

    Notice that the STATIC keyword is missing from the end of the FUNCTION
    statement because recursive functions must not be defined as STATIC.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Factorial#                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the factorial of n& (recursive).
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  f# = Factorial#(n&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n&         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Factorial# (n&)
            IF n& > 1 THEN
                Factorial# = n& * Factorial#(n& - 1)
                Factorial# = 1
            END IF

Function: GeometricMean#

    Returns the geometric mean of an array of double-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          GeometricMean#             **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the geometric mean of an array of numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  gm# = GeometricMean#(a#())
    ' PARAMETERS:      a#()       Array of numbers to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       n%         Count of numbers
    '                  product#   Product of all the numbers
    '                  i%         Index to array entries
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION GeometricMean# (a#())
        FUNCTION GeometricMean# (a#()) STATIC
            n% = 0
            product# = 1
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a#) TO UBOUND(a#)
                n% = n% + 1
                product# = product# * a#(i%)
            NEXT i%
            GeometricMean# = product# ^ (1 / n%)

Function: HarmonicMean#

    Returns the harmonic mean of an array of double-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HarmonicMean#              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the harmonic mean of an array of numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  hm# = HarmonicMean#(a#())
    ' PARAMETERS:      a#()       Array of numbers to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       n%         Number of array entries
    '                  sum#       Sum of the reciprocal of each number
    '                  i%         Index to each array entry
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION HarmonicMean# (a#())
        FUNCTION HarmonicMean# (a#()) STATIC
            n% = 0
            sum# = 0
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a#) TO UBOUND(a#)
                n% = n% + 1
                sum# = sum# + 1# / a#(i%)
            NEXT i%
            HarmonicMean# = n% / sum#

Function: Permutations#

    Returns the number of permutations of n& items taken r& at a time.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Permutations#              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the permutations of n& items taken r& at a time.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  perm# = Permutations#(n&, r&)
    ' PARAMETERS:      n&         Number of items
    '                  r&         Taken r& at a time
    ' VARIABLES:       p#         Working variable for permutations
    '                  i&         Loop index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Permutations# (n&, r&)
        FUNCTION Permutations# (n&, r&) STATIC
            p# = 1
            FOR i& = n& - r& + 1 TO n&
                p# = p# * i&
            NEXT i&
            Permutations# = p#

Function: QuadraticMean#

    Returns the quadratic mean of an array of double-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QuadraticMean#             **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        PROBSTAT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the quadratic mean of an array of numbers.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  qm# = QuadraticMean#(a#())
    ' PARAMETERS:      a#()       Array of numbers to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       n%         Count of array entries
    '                  sum#       Sum of the square of each number
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION QuadraticMean# (a#())
        FUNCTION QuadraticMean# (a#()) STATIC
            n% = 0
            sum# = 0
            FOR i% = LBOUND(a#) TO UBOUND(a#)
                n% = n% + 1
                sum# = sum# + a#(i%) ^ 2
            NEXT i%
            QuadraticMean# = SQR(sum# / n%)


    The QBFMT program reformats QuickBASIC modules by indenting the lines
    according to the structure of the statements. For example, all lines found
    between matching DO and LOOP statements are indented four character
    columns more than the DO and LOOP statements. Of course, nested structures
    are indented even farther.

    One advantage of processing a file with this program is that improperly
    matched statements are detected. Improper matching can happen if, for
    example, you forget to type an END IF statement to match an IF. A special
    comment line is placed in the file at the point where each error is

    This utility program was an immense help throughout the creation of this
    book. Each module was formatted with this program, resulting in a
    consistent structure, style, and general appearance to the listings.

    Notice that QuickBASIC programs to be processed by the QBFMT program must
    be saved in text format and have the extension .BAS.

    Name                     Type    Description
    QBFMT.BAS                       Program module
    Indent                  Sub     Performs line indention
    SetCode                 Sub     Determines indention code by keyword
    SplitUp                 Sub     Splits line into major components

Program Module: QBFMT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QBFMT                      **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        QBFMT.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reformats a QuickBASIC program by indenting
    ' lines according to the structure of the statements.  The
    ' default amount is 4 spaces if no indention parameter
    ' is given on the command line.
    ' USAGE:  QBFMT filename [indention]
    '         Command$ = filename [indention]
    '              PARSE.BAS
    '              STRINGS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:  filename(.BAS)   Name of QuickBASIC module to be formatted
    '                               the module must be saved in "Text" format
    ' VARIABLES:   md$              Working copy of COMMAND$ contents
    '              fileName$        Name of QuickBASIC module to be formatted
    '              dpoint%          Position of the decimal point character
    '                               in cmd$
    '              ndent$           Part of cmd$ dealing with optional
    '                               indention amount
    '              indention%       Number of character columns per
    '                               indention level
    '              progline$        Each line of the file being processed
    '              indentLevel%     Keeps track of current indention amount
    '              nest$            Message placed in file if faulty structur
    '                               detected

        DECLARE FUNCTION LtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION RtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE SUB Indent (a$, indention%, indentLevel%)
        DECLARE SUB ParseWord (a$, sep$, word$)
        DECLARE SUB SetCode (a$, keyWord$, code%)
        DECLARE SUB SplitUp (a$, comment$, keyWord$)

    ' Decipher the user command line
        cmd$ = COMMAND$
        IF cmd$ = "" THEN
            PRINT "Usage:  QBFMT filename(.BAS) [indention]"
            ParseWord cmd$, " ,", fileName$
            dpoint% = INSTR(fileName$, ".")
            IF dpoint% THEN
                fileName$ = LEFT$(fileName$, dpoint% - 1)
            END IF
            ParseWord cmd$, " ,", ndent$
            indention% = VAL(ndent$)
            IF indention% < 1 THEN
                indention% = 4
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Try to open the indicated files
        ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrapOne
        OPEN fileName$ + ".BAS" FOR INPUT AS #1
        OPEN fileName$ + ".@$@" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
        ON ERROR GOTO 0

    ' Process each line of the file
            LINE INPUT #1, progLine$
            Indent progLine$, indention%, indentLevel%
            PRINT progLine$
            PRINT #2, progLine$
            IF indentLevel% < 0 OR (EOF(1) AND indentLevel% <> 0) THEN
                SOUND 555, 5
                SOUND 333, 9
                nest$ = "'<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Nesting error detected!"
                PRINT nest$
                PRINT #2, nest$
                indentLevel% = 0
            END IF
        LOOP UNTIL EOF(1)

    ' Close all files

    ' Delete any old .BAK file
        ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrapTwo
        KILL fileName$ + ".BAK"
        ON ERROR GOTO 0

    ' Rename the files
        NAME fileName$ + ".BAS" AS fileName$ + ".BAK"
        NAME fileName$ + ".@$@" AS fileName$ + ".BAS"

    ' We're done

    '----------- Error trapping routines

        PRINT "Error while opening files"


Subprogram: Indent

    Performs the task of indenting each line of a program for the QBFMT
    program. The indention amount is determined by the first word of each
    line, and spaces are added to the front end of each line accordingly.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Indent                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QBFMT.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Determines the indention for each line.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Indent a$, indention%, indentLevel%
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$             Program line to be indented
    '                  indention%     Spaces to add for each indention level
    '                  indentLevel%   Level of indention
    ' VARIABLES:       comment$       Part of program line that represents a
    '                                 REMARK
    '                  keyWord$       First word of the program line
    '                  code%          Indention control code determined by
    '                                 keyWord$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Indent (a$, indention%, indentLevel%)
    SUB Indent (a$, indention%, indentLevel%) STATIC

        ' Break line into manageable parts
            SplitUp a$, comment$, keyWord$

            IF keyWord$ <> "" THEN

            ' Set indention code according to type of keyword
                SetCode a$, keyWord$, code%

            ' Build a string of spaces for the indicated indention
                SELECT CASE code%
                CASE -2
                    a$ = SPACE$(indention% * indentLevel%) + a$
                CASE -1
                    a$ = SPACE$(indention% * indentLevel%) + a$
                    indentLevel% = indentLevel% - 1
                CASE 0
                    a$ = SPACE$(indention% * (indentLevel% + 1)) + a$
                CASE 1
                    indentLevel% = indentLevel% + 1
                    a$ = SPACE$(indention% * indentLevel%) + a$
                CASE ELSE
                END SELECT
                a$ = SPACE$(indention% * indentLevel% + 2)
            END IF

        ' Round out the position of trailing comments
            IF comment$ <> "" THEN
                IF a$ <> SPACE$(LEN(a$)) AND a$ <> "" THEN
                    a$ = a$ + SPACE$(16 - (LEN(a$) MOD 16))
                END IF
            END IF

        ' Tack the comment back onto the end of the line
            a$ = a$ + comment$

        END SUB

Subprogram: SetCode

    Determines the indention code for the QBFMT program based on the first
    word of each program line. For example, if the first word of a program
    line is FOR, a code number is returned that signals the QBFMT program to
    indent the following lines one more level. When NEXT is encountered, the
    indention level decreases by one.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SetCode                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QBFMT.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Determines a code number for the type of indention
    ' implied by the various types of keywords that begin
    ' each line of QuickBASIC programs.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:   SetCode a$, keyWord$, code%
    ' PARAMETERS:       a$         Program line to indent
    '                   keyWord$   First word of the program line
    '                   code%      Returned code indicating the action to be
    ' VARIABLES:        (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:   DECLARE SUB SetCode (a$, keyWord$, code%)
        SUB SetCode (a$, keyWord$, code%) STATIC
            SELECT CASE keyWord$
            CASE "DEF"
                IF INSTR(a$, "=") THEN
                    code% = 0
                    IF INSTR(a$, " SEG") = 0 THEN
                        code% = 1
                    END IF
                END IF
            CASE "ELSE"
                code% = -2
            CASE "ELSEIF"
                code% = -2
            CASE "CASE"
                code% = -2
            CASE "END"
                IF a$ <> "END" THEN
                    code% = -1
                    code% = 0
                END IF
            CASE "FOR"
                code% = 1
            CASE "DO"
                code% = 1
            CASE "SELECT"
                code% = 1
            CASE "IF"
                IF RIGHT$(a$, 4) = "THEN" THEN
                    code% = 1
                    code% = 0
                END IF
            CASE "NEXT"
                code% = -1
            CASE "LOOP"
                code% = -1
            CASE "SUB"
                code% = 1
            CASE "FUNCTION"
                code% = 1
            CASE "TYPE"
                code% = 1
            CASE "WHILE"
                code% = 1
            CASE "WEND"
                code% = -1
            CASE ELSE
                code% = 0
            END SELECT
        END SUB

Subprogram: SplitUp

    Breaks each program line into its major components for the QBFMT program.
    Leading spaces and tabs are removed, and the first word and any REMARK
    part are returned. Later, after the line is indented the proper amount,
    the parts of the line are patched back together and output to the program
    listing file.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SplitUp                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QBFMT.BAS                  **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Splits the line into statement, comment, and keyword.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SplitUp a$, comment$, keyWord$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         Program line to be split up
    '                  comment$   Part of line following "REM" or "'"
    '                  keyWord$   First word of program line
    ' VARIABLES:       set$       Characters to be trimmed, space and tab
    '                  strFlag%   Indication of a quoted string
    '                  k%         Index to start of REMARK
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  m%         Pointer to REMARK
    '                  sptr%      Pointer to first space following the
    '                             first word in a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB SplitUp (a$, comment$, keyWord$)
        SUB SplitUp (a$, comment$, keyWord$) STATIC
            set$ = " " + CHR$(9)
            strFlag% = 0
            k% = 0
            FOR i% = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1
                IF MID$(a$, i%, 1) = CHR$(34) THEN
                    IF strFlag% = 0 THEN
                        strFlag% = 1
                        strFlag% = 0
                    END IF
                END IF
                IF MID$(a$, i%, 1) = "'" OR MID$(a$, i%, 3) = "REM" THEN
                    IF strFlag% = 0 THEN
                        k% = i%
                    END IF
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            IF k% > 0 THEN
                m% = 0
                FOR j% = k% - 1 TO 1 STEP -1
                    IF INSTR(set$, MID$(a$, j%, 1)) = 0 THEN
                        IF m% = 0 THEN m% = j%
                    END IF
                NEXT j%
                IF m% THEN
                    comment$ = MID$(a$, m% + 1)
                    a$ = LEFT$(a$, m%)
                    comment$ = a$
                    a$ = ""
                END IF
                comment$ = ""
            END IF
            a$ = LtrimSet$(a$, set$)
            a$ = RtrimSet$(a$, set$)
            comment$ = LtrimSet$(comment$, set$)
            comment$ = RtrimSet$(comment$, set$)
            sptr% = INSTR(a$, " ")
            IF sptr% THEN
                keyWord$ = UCASE$(LEFT$(a$, sptr% - 1))
                keyWord$ = UCASE$(a$)
            END IF
        END SUB


    The QBTREE program performs a recursive directory search and then displays
    all file entries indented for each level of subdirectory encountered. If a
    command line parameter is given, the search starts at the indicated path.
    If no command line parameter is given, the search begins with the current

    Name                          Type   Description
    QBTREE.BAS                          Program module
    FileTreeSearch               Sub    Recursive directory search routine

Program Module: QBTREE

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QBTREE                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        QBTREE.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' This program creates a list of directories and
    ' subdirectories, and all files in them.  If no
    ' command line path is given, the search
    ' begins with the current directory.
    ' USAGE:          QBTREE [path]
    ' .MAK FILE:      QBTREE.BAS
    '                 FILEINFO.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:     path       Path for starting directory search
    ' VARIABLES:      path$      Path string, from the command line, or set
    '                            to "*.*"
    '                 indent%    Indention amount for printing

        TYPE RegTypeX
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
            ds    AS INTEGER
            es    AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

        TYPE FileDataType
            finame    AS STRING * 12
            year      AS INTEGER
            month     AS INTEGER
            day       AS INTEGER
            hour      AS INTEGER
            minute    AS INTEGER
            second    AS INTEGER
            attribute AS INTEGER
            size      AS LONG
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Interruptx (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX)
        DECLARE SUB FindFirstFile (path$, dta$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB FindNextFile (dta$, result%)
        DECLARE SUB GetFileData (dta$, file AS FileDataType)
        DECLARE SUB FileTreeSearch (path$, indent%)

    ' Create structure for deciphering the DTA file search results
        DIM file AS FileDataType

    ' Get the command line path for starting the file search
        path$ = COMMAND$

    ' If no path was given, then use "*.*" to search the current directory
        IF path$ = "" THEN
            path$ = "*.*"
        END IF

    ' If only a drive was given, then add "*.*"
        IF LEN(path$) = 2 AND RIGHT$(path$, 1) = ":" THEN
            path$ = path$ + "*.*"
        END IF

    ' Adjust the given path if necessary
        IF INSTR(path$, "*") = 0 AND INSTR(path$, "?") = 0 THEN
            FindFirstFile path$, dta$, result%
            IF result% = 0 OR RIGHT$(path$, 1) = "\" THEN
                IF RIGHT$(path$, 1) <> "\" THEN
                    path$ = path$ + "\"
                END IF
                path$ = path$ + "*.*"
            END IF
        END IF

    ' Start with a clean slate

    ' Call the recursive search subprogram
        FileTreeSearch path$, indent%

    ' That's all there is to it

Subprogram: FileTreeSearch

    Performs a recursive search for filenames in directories. Whenever a
    subdirectory is encountered, the subprogram builds a modified search path
    string (by adding the subdirectory name to the end of the current search
    path) and calls itself again. In this way, all files in all subdirectories
    are located, starting with the initial search path given.

    The filenames are printed with an indention amount that is a function of
    the level of recursion. This means that each subdirectory entry is
    indented four spaces more than its parent directory.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FileTreeSearch             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QBTREE.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Directory searching and listing subprogram for
    ' the QBTREE program.  (recursive)
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  FileTreeSearch path$, indent%
    ' PARAMETERS:      path$      Path for search of files
    '                  indent%    Level of indention, function of recursion
    '                             level
    ' VARIABLES:       file       Structure of type FileDataType
    '                  path$      Path for search of files
    '                  dta$       Disk Transfer Area buffer string
    '                  result%    Returned result code from FindFirstFile or
    '                             FindNextFile
    '                  newPath$   Path with added subdirectory for recursive
    '                             search
    '   DECLARATIONS: TYPE FileDataType
    '                     finame    AS STRING * 12
    '                     year      AS INTEGER
    '                     month     AS INTEGER
    '                     day       AS INTEGER
    '                     hour      AS INTEGER
    '                     minute    AS INTEGER
    '                     second    AS INTEGER
    '                     attribute AS INTEGER
    '                     size      AS LONG
    '                  END TYPE
    '                  DECLARE SUB FindFirstFile (path$, dta$, result%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB FindNextFile (dta$, result%)
    '                  DECLARE SUB GetFileData (dta$, file AS FileDataType)
    '                  DECLARE SUB FileTreeSearch (path$, indent%)
        SUB FileTreeSearch (path$, indent%)

        ' Create structure for deciphering the DTA file search results
            DIM file AS FileDataType

        ' Find the first file given the current search path
            FindFirstFile path$, dta$, result%

        ' Search through the directory for all files
            DO UNTIL result%

            ' Unpack the Disk Transfer Area for file information
                GetFileData dta$, file

            ' Skip the "." and ".." files
                IF LEFT$(file.finame, 1) <> "." THEN

                ' Print the filename, indented to show tree structure
                    PRINT SPACE$(indent% * 4); file.finame;

                ' Print any other desired file information here
                    PRINT TAB(50); file.size;
                    PRINT TAB(58); file.attribute

                ' If we found a directory, then recursively search through it
                    IF file.attribute AND &H10 THEN

                    ' Modify path$ to add this new directory to the search pa
                        newPath$ = path$
                        IF INSTR(newPath$, "\") = 0 THEN
                            newPath$ = "\" + newPath$
                        END IF
                        DO WHILE RIGHT$(newPath$, 1) <> "\"
                            newPath$ = LEFT$(newPath$, LEN(newPath$) - 1)
                        newPath$ = newPath$ + file.finame + "\*.*"

                    ' Example of recursion here
                        FileTreeSearch newPath$, indent% + 1

                    END IF

                END IF

            ' Try to find the next file in this directory
                FindNextFile dta$, result%


        END SUB


    The QCAL program provides scientific calculator functions from the MS-DOS
    command line. This program is a modified and expanded version of
    MINICAL.BAS, presented earlier in this book. The original version's goal
    was to demonstrate the methods used to create a small, modular program.
    The functionality of the program wasn't the important issue. Here, the
    program has been enhanced, and several new functions and capabilities make
    this program more useful as a utility. Run the program by typing QCAL
    HELP, QCAL ?, or QCAL, and a list of the available functions will be
    displayed. In addition to the original five functions, several new
    trigonometric, hyperbolic, and logarithmic functions have been added.

    You might want to review the original MINICAL program, which is on pages
    5 through 18. You'll find an explanation of how the numeric values are
    placed on the stack and how the functions operate on those values.

    Because of the modular, structured organization of QuickBASIC programs,
    you can easily modify this program to include other functions. To add a
    new function, modify the Process and QcalHelp subprograms where
    applicable, and follow the same pattern of stack and variable
    manipulations exhibited by the other routines when writing your own.

    Name                          Type   Description
    QCAL.BAS                            Program module
    DisplayStack                  Sub    Displays final results of the program
    NextParameter$                Func   Extracts number or command from
    Process                       Sub    Controls action for command line
    QcalHelp                      Sub    Provides a "Help" display for program

Program Module: QCAL

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QCAL                       **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        QCAL.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           QCAL [number] [function] [...]
    ' .MAK FILE:       QCAL.BAS
    '                  QCALMATH.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      [number]      Numbers to be placed on the stack
    '                  [function]    Operations to be performed on the stack
    '                                contents
    ' VARIABLES:       cmd$          Working copy of COMMAND$
    '                  stack#()      Array representing the numeric stack
    '                  ptr%          Index into the stack
    '                  parm$         Each number of command extracted from cm

    ' Constants
        CONST PI = 3.141592653589793#

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION AbsoluteX# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Add# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Ceil# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ChangeSign# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Cosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Divide# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Exponential# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION FractionalPart# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION IntegerPart# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogBase10# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogBaseN# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogE# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Modulus# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Multiply# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION NextParameter$ (cmd$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION OneOverX# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Sign# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Sine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION SquareRoot# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Subtract# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Tangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Xsquared# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION YRaisedToX# (y#, x#)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB QcalHelp ()
        DECLARE SUB Process (parm$, stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB DisplayStack (stack#(), ptr%)
        DECLARE SUB SwapXY (stack#(), ptr%)

    ' Get the command line
        cmd$ = COMMAND$

    ' First check if user is asking for help
        IF cmd$ = "" OR cmd$ = "HELP" OR cmd$ = "?" THEN
        END IF

    ' Create a pseudo stack
        DIM stack#(1 TO 20)
        ptr% = 0

    ' Process each part of the command line
        DO UNTIL cmd$ = ""
            parm$ = NextParameter$(cmd$)
            Process parm$, stack#(), ptr%
            IF ptr% < 1 THEN
                PRINT "Not enough stack values"
            END IF

    ' Display results
        DisplayStack stack#(), ptr%

    ' All done

Subprogram: DisplayStack

    Displays the final results of the QCAL program. When the QCAL program is
    finished, one or more numeric values are left on the stack, representing
    the final values of the calculations. If the stack has a single value
    remaining on it, this number is displayed with the label Result.... If,
    however, two or more values are left on the stack after QCAL has acted on
    all functions, the values are displayed with the label Stack ...,
    indicating to the user that more than a single result was left on the

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          DisplayStack               **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QCAL.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays the value(s) left on the stack when QCAL
    ' is finished processing the command line.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  DisplayStack stack#(), ptr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      stack#()   Array of numbers representing the stack
    '                  ptr%       Index into the stack
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB DisplayStack (stack#(), ptr%)
        SUB DisplayStack (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                PRINT "Stack ... ",
                PRINT "Result... ",
            END IF
            FOR i% = 1 TO ptr%
                PRINT stack#(i%),
            NEXT i%
        END SUB

Function: NextParameter$

    Returns the first group of nonspace characters found at the left of the
    passed string. The passed string is then trimmed of these characters,
    along with any extra spaces.

    The PARSE.BAS module contains alternative routines that perform the same
    function in a slightly different way. Take a look at the ParseWord and
    ParseLine routines found there. The NextParameter$ subprogram
    demonstrates how the code from a module can be copied and modified for a
    specific purpose, with any extra code removed. This results in a smaller
    program but has the disadvantage that any future changes to the
    PARSE.BAS module will probably not show up here in the QCAL.BAS module.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          NextParameter$             **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCAL.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Extracts parameters from the front of the
    ' command line.  Parameters are groups of any
    ' characters separated by spaces.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  parm$ = NextParameter$(cmd$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      cmd$       The working copy of COMMAND$
    ' VARIABLES:       parm$      Each number or command from cmd$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION NextParameter$ (cmd$)
        FUNCTION NextParameter$ (cmd$) STATIC
            parm$ = ""
            DO WHILE LEFT$(cmd$, 1) <> " " AND cmd$ <> ""
                parm$ = parm$ + LEFT$(cmd$, 1)
                cmd$ = MID$(cmd$, 2)
            DO WHILE LEFT$(cmd$, 1) = " " AND cmd$ <> ""
                cmd$ = MID$(cmd$, 2)
            NextParameter$ = parm$

Subprogram: Process

    Acts upon each command line parameter. If the parameter is a valid
    function, the function is called, and the stack is adjusted appropriately.
    If the parameter isn't a recognizable function, it is assumed to be a
    numeric quantity. The VAL function converts the parameter to its numeric
    equivalent, and the result is pushed on the stack, ready for the next

    This subprogram demonstrates a fairly long CASE statement. The same logic
    could be developed using IF THEN, ELSE IF, ELSE, and END IF statements,
    but the CASE statement is ideal for making selections from a large number
    of choices in this way.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Process                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QCAL.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Processes each command parameter for the QCAL
    ' program.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Process parm$, stack#(), ptr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      parm$      The command line parameter to be processed
    '                  stack#()   Array of numbers representing the stack
    '                  ptr%       Index pointing to last stack entry
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Process (parm$, stack#(), ptr%)
        SUB Process (parm$, stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            SELECT CASE parm$
            CASE "+"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Add#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "-"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Subtract#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "*"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Multiply#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "/"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Divide#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "CHS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ChangeSign#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "ABS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = AbsoluteX#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "SGN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Sign#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "INT"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = IntegerPart#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "MOD"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Modulus#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "FRC"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = FractionalPart#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "1/X"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = OneOverX#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "SQR"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = SquareRoot#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "X2"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Xsquared#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "SIN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Sine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "COS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Cosine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "TAN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Tangent#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "ASN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcSine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "ACS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcCosine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "ATN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcTangent#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "HSN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = HypSine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "HCS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = HypCosine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "HTN"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = HypTangent#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "AHS"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcHypSine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "AHC"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcHypCosine#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "AHT"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = ArcHypTangent#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "LOG"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = LogE#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "LOG10"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = LogBase10#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "LOGN"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = LogBaseN#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "EXP"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Exponential#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "CEIL"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = Ceil#(stack#(ptr%))
                END IF
            CASE "Y^X"
                ptr% = ptr% - 1
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr%) = YRaisedToX#(stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% + 1))
                END IF
            CASE "PI"
                ptr% = ptr% + 1
                stack#(ptr%) = PI
            CASE "SWAP"
                SwapXY stack#(), ptr%
            CASE "DUP"
                IF ptr% > 0 THEN
                    stack#(ptr% + 1) = stack#(ptr%)
                    ptr% = ptr% + 1
                END IF
            CASE ELSE
                ptr% = ptr% + 1
                stack#(ptr%) = VAL(parm$)
            END SELECT
        END SUB

Subprogram: QcalHelp

    Provides a Help display for the QCAL program.

    One feature that sets good software apart from mediocre software is the
    ability to provide on-line help for the user. Nothing is more frustrating
    than a program that terminates suddenly, without any explanation of the
    problem or suggestion for solving it.

    The QcalHelp subprogram demonstrates one approach to helping the user with
    a program. Entering any of the following command lines will cause the QCAL
    program to call QcalHelp:

    QCAL ?

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QcalHelp                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QCAL.BAS                   **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays a help screen when QCAL is run with no
    ' parameters or with a parameter of ? or HELP.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  QcalHelp
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        SUB QcalHelp STATIC
            PRINT "Usage:  QCAL [number] [function] [...] <Enter>"
            PRINT "Numbers are placed on an RPN stack, and functions operate"
            PRINT "on the stacked quantities.  When the program is finished,"
            PRINT "whatever is left on the stack is displayed."
            PRINT "List of available functions..."
            PRINT "Two numbers:     +  -  *  /"
            PRINT "One number:      CHS ABS SGN INT MOD FRC CHS 1/X SQR X2 CEIL
            PRINT "Trigonometric:   SIN COS TAN ASN ACS ATN"
            PRINT "Hyperbolic:      HSN HCS HTN AHS AHC AHT"
            PRINT "Logarithmic:     LOG LOG10 LOGN EXP Y^X"
            PRINT "Constants:       PI"
            PRINT "Stack:           SWAP DUP"
        END SUB


    QCALMATH is a toolbox of scientific functions for the QCAL program.
    Several functions included in QCALMATH are similar to functions provided
    by QuickBASIC. You could shorten QCALMATH by deleting these functions here
    and coding the QuickBASIC routines directly in the Process subprogram,
    located in the QCAL.BAS module. However, there's something to be said for
    keeping the functions as shown here: QCALMATH checks for additional error
    conditions and generates clear messages if errors exist. For example,
    although the SquareRoot# function duplicates a QuickBASIC function,
    SquareRoot# checks for values less than 0 before trying to find the
    square root and prints a clear message if such an attempt is made.

    It's easy to add your own functions to the QCAL program. Simply create
    the function in the same format and style as shown in this module. You'll
    also need to modify the Process subprogram in the QCAL module to let the
    program call the new function. For the final touch, be sure to add the new
    function to the list displayed by the QcalHelp subprogram.

    QCALMATH is the only toolbox in this book that doesn't have any
    module-level code to demonstrate the subprograms and functions. The QCAL
    program loads this toolbox and provides the demonstration code.

    Name                          Type   Description
    Name                          Type   Description
    QCALMATH.BAS                        Toolbox
    AbsoluteX#                   Func   Absolute value of a number
    Add#                         Func   Sum of two numbers
    ArcCosine#                   Func   Arc cosine function of a number
    ArcHypCosine#                Func   Inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
    ArcHypSine#                  Func   Inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
    ArcHypTangent#               Func   Inverse hyperbolic tangent of a
    ArcSine#                     Func   Inverse sine of a number
    ArcTangent#                  Func   Inverse tangent of a number
    Ceil#                        Func   Smallest whole number greater than a
    ChangeSign#                  Func   Reverses sign of a number
    Cosine#                      Func   Cosine of a number
    Divide#                      Func   Result of dividing two numbers
    Dup                          Sub    Duplicates top entry on the stack
    Exponential#                 Func   Exponential function of a number
    FractionalPart#              Func   Fractional part of a number
    HypCosine#                   Func   Hyperbolic cosine of a number
    Name                          Type   Description
    HypCosine#                   Func   Hyperbolic cosine of a number
    HypSine#                     Func   Hyperbolic sine of a number
    HypTangent#                  Func   Hyperbolic tangent of a number
    IntegerPart#                 Func   Integer part of a number
    LogBase10#                   Func   Log base 10 of a number
    LogBaseN#                    Func   Log base N of a number
    LogE#                        Func   Natural logarithm of a number
    Modulus#                     Func   Remainder of the division of two
    Multiply#                    Func   Product of two numbers
    OneOverX#                    Func   Result of dividing 1 by a number
    Sign#                        Func   Sign of a number
    Sine#                        Func   Sine of a number
    SquareRoot#                  Func   Square root of a number
    Subtract#                    Func   Difference between two numbers
    SwapXY                       Sub    Swaps top two entries on the stack
    Tangent#                     Func   Tangent of a number
    Xsquared#                    Func   Square of a number
    YRaisedToX#                  Func   Number raised to the power of a
    Name                          Type   Description
    YRaisedToX#                  Func   Number raised to the power of a


    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          QCALMATH                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Collection of math functions and subprograms for
    ' the QCAL program.
    ' USAGE:         (loaded by the QCAL program)
    '.MAK FILE:      (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:    (none)
    ' VARIABLES:     (none)
    ' Constants
        CONST PI = 3.141592653589793#
        CONST L10 = 2.302585092994046#

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION AbsoluteX# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Add# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcHypTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Ceil# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ChangeSign# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Cosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Divide# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Exponential# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION FractionalPart# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION HypTangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION IntegerPart# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogBase10# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogBaseN# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LogE# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Modulus# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Multiply# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION OneOverX# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Sign# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Sine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION SquareRoot# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Subtract# (y#, x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Tangent# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Xsquared# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION YRaisedToX# (y#, x#)

Function: AbsoluteX#

    Returns the absolute value of the passed value. The absolute value of a
    number is that number's positive value.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          AbsoluteX#                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = AbsoluteX#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Double-precision value to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION AbsoluteX# (x#) STATIC
            AbsoluteX# = ABS(x#)

Function: Add#

    Returns the sum of two double-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Add#                       **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  z# = Add#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         First number
    '                  x#         Second number
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Add# (y#, x#) STATIC
            Add# = y# + x#

Function: ArcCosine#

    Returns the arc cosine of a number; the returned angle is expressed in
    radians. If the number passed is less than 1, an error message is
    displayed, and the program terminates.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcCosine#                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcCosine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcCosine# (x#) STATIC
            x2# = x# * x#
            IF x2# < 1# THEN
                ArcCosine# = PI / 2# - ATN(x# / SQR(1# - x# * x#))
                PRINT "Error: ACS(x#) where x# < 1"
            END IF

Function: ArcHypCosine#

    Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. If the number passed is
    less than or equal to 1, an error message is displayed, and the program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcHypCosine#              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcHypCosine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcHypCosine# (x#) STATIC
            IF ABS(x#) > 1# THEN
                ArcHypCosine# = LOG(x# + SQR(x# * x# - 1#))
                PRINT "Error: AHS(x#) where -1 <= x# <= +1"
            END IF

Function: ArcHypSine#

    Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcHypSine#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcHypSine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#    Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcHypSine# (x#) STATIC
            ArcHypSine# = LOG(x# + SQR(1# + x# * x#))

Function: ArcHypTangent#

    Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. If the number passed
    is less than -1 or greater than 1, an error message is displayed, and the
    program terminates.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcHypTangent#             **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcHypTangent#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcHypTangent# (x#) STATIC
            IF ABS(x#) < 1 THEN
                ArcHypTangent# = LOG((1# + x#) / (1# - x#)) / 2#
                PRINT "Error: AHT(x#) where x# <= -1 or x# >= +1"
            END IF

Function: ArcSine#

    Returns the inverse sine of a number. If the number passed is greater than
    or equal to 1, the function displays an error message, and the program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcSine#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcSine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcSine# (x#) STATIC
            x2# = x# * x#
            IF x2# < 1# THEN
                ArcSine# = ATN(x# / SQR(1# - x# * x#))
                PRINT "Error: ASN(x#) where x# >= 1"
            END IF

Function: ArcTangent#

    Returns the inverse tangent of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ArcTangent#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ArcTangent#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ArcTangent# (x#) STATIC
            ArcTangent# = ATN(x#)

Function: Ceil#

    Returns the smallest whole number that is greater than a number. For
    example, Ceil#(3.14) returns 4, Ceil#(-3.14) returns -3, and Ceil#(17)
    returns 17.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Ceil#                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Ceil#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Ceil# (x#) STATIC
            Ceil# = -INT(-x#)

Function: ChangeSign#

    Returns a number with its sign changed. This function could easily be
    deleted from QCAL by changing the Process subprogram so that it directly
    performs negation in the CASE statement in which the CHS command is acted
    upon. I decided to provide a consistent interface between the functions in
    the QCALMATH module and the Process subprogram, however, making it
    easier to add, delete, or modify functions as desired.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ChangeSign#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = ChangeSign#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION ChangeSign# (x#) STATIC
            ChangeSign# = -x#

Function: Cosine#

    Returns the cosine of an angle.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Cosine#                    **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Cosine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Angle to be evaluated
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Cosine# (x#) STATIC
            Cosine# = COS(x#)

Function: Divide#

    Returns the result of dividing two numbers. If a division by 0 is
    attempted, the function displays an error message, and the program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Divide#                    **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Divide#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         Number to be processed
    '                  x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Divide# (y#, x#)
        FUNCTION Divide# (y#, x#) STATIC
            IF x# <> 0 THEN
                Divide# = y# / x#
                PRINT "Error: Division by zero"
            END IF

Subprogram: Dup

    Duplicates the top entry on the stack for the QCAL program.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Dup                        **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Dup stack#(), ptr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      stack#()   Numeric stack
    '                  ptr%       Index to last entry on stack
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Dup (Stack#(), ptr%)
        SUB Dup (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            IF ptr% THEN
                ptr% = ptr% + 1
                stack#(ptr%) = stack#(ptr% - 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

Function: Exponential#

    Returns the exponential function of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Exponential#               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Exponential#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Exponential# (x#)
        FUNCTION Exponential# (x#) STATIC
            Exponential# = EXP(x#)

Function: FractionalPart#

    Returns the fractional part of a number. For example, the fractional part
    of 3.14 is .14, of -3.14 is -.14, and of 17 is 0.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FractionalPart#            **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = FractionalPart#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION FractionalPart# (x#)
        FUNCTION FractionalPart# (x#) STATIC
            IF x# >= 0 THEN
                FractionalPart# = x# - INT(x#)
                FractionalPart# = x# - INT(x#) - 1#
            END IF

Function: HypCosine#

    Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HypCosine#                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = HypCosine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION HypCosine# (x#) STATIC
            HypCosine# = (EXP(x#) + EXP(-x#)) / 2#

Function: HypSine#

    Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HypSine#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = HypSine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION HypSine# (x#) STATIC
            HypSine# = (EXP(x#) - EXP(-x#)) / 2#

Function: HypTangent#

    Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          HypTangent#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = HypTangent#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION HypTangent# (x#) STATIC
            HypTangent# = (EXP(x#) - EXP(-x#)) / (EXP(x#) + EXP(-x#))

Function: IntegerPart#

    Returns the integer part of a number. For example, the integer part of
    3.14 is 3, of -3.14 is -4, and of 17 is 17.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          IntegerPart#               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = IntegerPart#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION IntegerPart# (x#) STATIC
            IntegerPart# = INT(x#)

Function: LogBase10#

    Returns the logarithm, base 10, of a number. If the number is not greater
    than 0, the function displays an error message, and the program

    Look in the listing at the constant L10, defined in the module-level code
    of QCALMATH. This constant is the double-precision natural logarithm of
    10. The constant can be replaced with LOG(10), its mathematic equivalent,
    but using a constant makes the program faster and the compiled program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LogBase10#                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Log10#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION LogBase10# (x#) STATIC
            IF x# > 0 THEN
                LogBase10# = LOG(x#) / L10
                PRINT "Error: LOG10(x#) where x# <= 0"
            END IF

Function: LogBaseN#

    Returns the logarithm, base N, of a number. This function checks for
    several possible error conditions. The number to be processed must be
    greater than 0, and the base for finding the logarithm must be greater
    than 0 and must not be exactly 1. If one of these checks fails, a message
    is displayed, and the program terminates.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LogBaseN#                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = LogBaseN#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         Number to be processed
    '                  x#         The base for finding the logarithm
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION LogBaseN# (y#, x#) STATIC
            IF x# <= 0 THEN
                PRINT "Error: LOGN(y#, x#) where x# <= 0"
            ELSEIF x# = 1# THEN
                PRINT "Error: LOGN(y#, x#) where x# = 1"
            ELSEIF y# <= 0 THEN
                PRINT "Error: LOGN(y#, x#) where y# is <= 0"
                LogBaseN# = LOG(y#) / LOG(x#)
            END IF

Function: LogE#

    Returns the natural logarithm of a number. The QuickBASIC function LOG()
    is used to calculate the logarithm, but this function first checks that
    the number is greater than 0. If the number is equal to or less than 0, an
    error message is displayed, and the program terminates.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LogE#                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = LogE#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION LogE# (x#) STATIC
            IF x# > 0 THEN
                LogE# = LOG(x#)
                PRINT "Error: LOGE(x#) where x# <= 0"
            END IF

Function: Modulus#

    Returns the remainder of the division of two numbers. If a division by 0
    is attempted, the function displays an error message, and the program
    terminates. The function is valid for non-integer quantities.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Modulus#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Modulus#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         Number to be divided
    '                  x#         Number for dividing by
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Modulus# (y#, x#)
        FUNCTION Modulus# (y#, x#) STATIC
            IF x# <> 0 THEN
                Modulus# = y# - INT(y# / x#) * x#
                PRINT "Error: MOD(y#, x#) where x# = 0"
            END IF

Function: Multiply#

    Returns the product of two numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Multiply#                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Multiply#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         First number to be processed
    '                  x#         Second number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Multiply# (y#, x#)
        FUNCTION Multiply# (y#, x#) STATIC
            Multiply# = y# * x#

Function: OneOverX#

    Returns the result of dividing 1 by a number. If a division by 0 is
    attempted, the function displays an error message, and the program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          OneOverX#                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = OneOverX#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION OneOverX# (x#) STATIC
            IF x# <> 0 THEN
                OneOverX# = 1# / x#
                PRINT "Error: 1/x where x = 0"
            END IF

Function: Sign#

    Returns -1 for all negative numbers, 1 for positive numbers, and 0 for

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Sign#                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Sign#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Sign# (x#) STATIC
            Sign# = SGN(x#)

Function: Sine#

    Returns the sine of an angle; assumes the angle is expressed in radians.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Sine#                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Sine#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Angle, expressed in radians
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Sine# (x#) STATIC
            Sine# = SIN(x#)

Function: SquareRoot#

    Returns the square root of a number. Before the QuickBASIC SQR function is
    used to actually find the square root, the number is checked to be sure it
    isn't negative. If it is, an error message is displayed, and the program

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SquareRoot#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = SquareRoot#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION SquareRoot# (x#) STATIC
            IF x# >= 0 THEN
                SquareRoot# = SQR(x#)
                PRINT "Error: SQR(x#) where x# < 0"
            END IF

Function: Subtract#

    Returns the difference of two numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Subtract#                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:   y# = Subtract#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:       y#         Number to be processed
    '                   x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:        (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:   DECLARE FUNCTION Subtract# (y#, x#)
        FUNCTION Subtract# (y#, x#) STATIC
            Subtract# = y# - x#

Subprogram: SwapXY

    Swaps the top two entries on the stack.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          SwapXY                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  SwapXY stack#(), ptr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      stack#()   Numeric stack
    '                  ptr%       Pointer to top of stack
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB SwapXY (stack#(), ptr%
        SUB SwapXY (stack#(), ptr%) STATIC
            IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                SWAP stack#(ptr%), stack#(ptr% - 1)
            END IF
        END SUB

Function: Tangent#

    Returns the tangent of an angle; assumes the angle is in radians.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Tangent#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Tangent#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Angle, expressed in radians
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Tangent# (x#) STATIC
            Tangent# = TAN(x#)

Function: Xsquared#

    Returns the square of a number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Xsquared#                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  y# = Xsquared#(x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x#         Number to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Xsquared# (x#) STATIC
            Xsquared# = x# * x#

Function: YRaisedToX#

    Returns a number raised to the power of a second number.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          YRaisedToX#                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        QCALMATH.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  z# = YRaisedToX#(y#, x#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      y#         Number to be raised to a power
    '                  x#         Power to raise the other number to
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION YRaisedToX# (y#, x#) STATIC
            YRaisedToX# = y# ^ x#


    The RANDOMS toolbox provides a collection of random number generators.

    At the heart of these routines are two techniques, which are described in
    The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Seminumerical Algorithms, by
    Donald Knuth and which are combined to form the method in the Rand&
    function. The Rand& function returns pseudorandom integers in the range 0
    through 999999999. No multiplication or division is used, the algorithm is
    easily translated to any language that supports 32-bit integers, and all
    digits in the returned numbers are equally random. A table-shuffling
    technique further increases the randomness of the sequence.

    Several other functions use the random long integers returned by the
    Rand& function to create other random number distributions. For example,
    the RandReal!(x!, y!) function returns random real numbers in the range x!
    through y!. One common example of this function, RandReal!(0!, 1!),
    returns a pseudorandom, single-precision, floating-point value in the
    range 0 through 1.

    The RandShuffle subprogram and the RandInteger% function are used by
    CIPHER to generate a repeatable but secure sequence of random byte values
    in the range 0 through 255. See the CIPHER program for more information
    on using this file-ciphering technique.

    Name                          Type   Description
    RANDOMS.BAS                          Demo module
    Rand&                        Func   Long integers
    RandExponential!             Func   Real value with exponential
                                        distribution from mean
    RandFrac!                    Func   Single-precision positive value < 1.0
    RandInteger%                 Func   Integers within desired range
    RandNormal!                  Func   Single-precision value from mean
                                        and standard deviation
    RandReal!                    Func   Single-precision value in desired
    RandShuffle                  Sub    Initializes random number generator

Demo Module: RANDOMS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RANDOMS                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       i%      Loop index for generating pseudorandom numbers

        DECLARE FUNCTION Rand& ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandExponential! (mean!)
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandFrac! ()
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandInteger% (a%, b%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandNormal! (mean!, stddev!)
        DECLARE FUNCTION RandReal! (x!, y!)

        DECLARE SUB RandShuffle (key$)

    ' Array of long integers for generating all randoms
        DIM SHARED r&(1 TO 100)

    ' Clear the screen

    ' Shuffle the random number generator, creating a
    ' unique sequence for every possible second
        RandShuffle DATE$ + TIME$

        PRINT "Rand&"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT Rand&,
        NEXT i%

        PRINT "RandInteger%(0, 9)"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT RandInteger%(0, 9),
        NEXT i%

        PRINT "RandReal!(-10!, 10!)"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT RandReal!(-10!, 10!),
        NEXT i%

        PRINT "RandExponential!(100!)"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT RandExponential!(100!),
        NEXT i%

        PRINT "RandNormal!(100!, 10!)"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT RandNormal!(100!, 10!),
        NEXT i%

        PRINT "RandFrac!"
        FOR i% = 1 TO 5
            PRINT RandFrac!,
        NEXT i%

Function: Rand&

    Returns a pseudorandom long integer in the range 0 through 999999999,
    inclusive. Using the Rand& function provides you several advantages: It is
    fast because a minimal number of mathematical manipulations are performed;
    the sequence length is long, much greater than 2^55; and all digits in the
    returned random integer are equally random.

    The array of long integers, r&(1 TO 100), is shared by this function and
    the RandShuffle subprogram. This array contains a table of 55 random
    integers, a table of 42 values for shuffling the order of the random
    numbers upon output, two index pointers into the first 55 values, and the
    last generated random integer.

    You must call the RandShuffle subprogram once before you use the Rand&
    function. This initializes the tables and presets the two index numbers
    used to access table entries. If you don't call RandShuffle

    first, the Rand& function stops, you receive a Subscript out of range
    error message, and the program halts.

    Here's how Rand& works. The index numbers stored in r&(98) and r&(99) are
    always in the range 1 through 55 and are used to access two numbers stored
    in the first 55 entries of r&(). The first of these values is subtracted
    from the second, and if the result is less than zero, 1000000000 is added
    to bring the result somewhere into the range 0 through 999999999. This
    result replaces the number at the first location accessed. Finally, the
    two index numbers are decremented by 1, adjusted if necessary so that they
    remain in the range 1 through 55, and stored back in r&(98) and r&(99) for
    the next call to this routine.

    This table subtraction algorithm results in a good-quality random long
    integer, but an additional technique is used within Rand& to generate a
    significantly more random sequence of numbers. The generated number is
    used to point to one of the 42 entries in the locations r&(56) through
    r&(97). The previously generated number stored at that location is
    extracted, saved in r&(100), and replaced with the number just generated.
    Finally, the value saved in r&(100) is returned as the result. This
    randomly shuffles the order of the output values and effectively
    obliterates any subtle patterns that the sequence might have.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Rand&                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a pseudorandom long integer in the range
    ' 0 through 999999999.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  n& = Rand&
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         First index into random number table
    '                  j%         Second index into random number table
    '                  t&         Working variable
    '                  DIM SHARED r&(1 TO 100)

        ' Get the pointers into the table
            i% = r&(98)
            j% = r&(99)

        ' Subtract the two table values
            t& = r&(i%) - r&(j%)

        ' Adjust result if less than zero
            IF t& < 0 THEN
                t& = t& + 1000000000
            END IF

        ' Replace table entry with new random number
            r&(i%) = t&

        ' Decrement first index, keeping in range 1 through 55
            IF i% > 1 THEN
                r&(98) = i% - 1
                r&(98) = 55
            END IF

        ' Decrement second index, keeping in range 1 through 55
            IF j% > 1 THEN
                r&(99) = j% - 1
                r&(99) = 55
            END IF

        ' Use last random number to index into shuffle table
            i% = r&(100) MOD 42 + 56

        ' Grab random from table as current random number
            r&(100) = r&(i%)

        ' Put new calculated random into table
            r&(i%) = t&

        ' Return the random number grabbed from the table
            Rand& = r&(100)


Function: RandExponential!

    Returns a pseudorandom real value with an exponential distribution, which
    is defined by the passed value of the mean.

    Be sure to call the RandShuffle subprogram before using this function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandExponential!           **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns an exponentially distributed pseudorandom,
    ' single-precision number given the mean of the
    ' distribution.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  x! = RandExponential!(mean!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      mean!   The mean of the exponential distribution
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION RandExponential! (mean!)
        FUNCTION RandExponential! (mean!) STATIC
            RandExponential! = -mean! * LOG(RandFrac!)

Function: RandFrac!

    Returns a pseudorandom real value in the range 0 through 1. This function
    is similar to the QuickBASIC function RND, but has a much longer sequence
    and a more random distribution.

    Be sure to call the RandShuffle subprogram before using this function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandFrac!                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a pseudorandom, single-precision number
    ' in the range 0 through 1.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  x! = RandFrac!
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION RandFrac! STATIC
            RandFrac! = Rand& / 1E+09

Function: RandInteger%

    Returns a pseudorandom integer in the range a% through b%, inclusive. For
    example, RandInteger%(0, 9) returns a random digit from 0 through 9.

    The passed value of a% must be less than b%; if it is not, this function
    generates incorrect random numbers. These parameters must be in the legal
    range of 16-bit signed integers, not less than -32768 nor greater than

    Be sure to call the RandShuffle subprogram before using this function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandInteger%               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a pseudorandom integer in the range
    ' a% to b% inclusive.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  n% = RandInteger%(a%, b%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a%    Minimum value for returned integer
    '                  b%    Maximum value for returned integer
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION RandInteger% (a%, b%)
        FUNCTION RandInteger% (a%, b%) STATIC
            RandInteger% = a% + (Rand& MOD (b% - a% + 1))

Function: RandNormal!

    Returns pseudorandom real values with a normal distribution, which is
    defined by the passed mean and standard deviation.

    Be sure to call the RandShuffle subprogram before using this function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandNormal!                **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a normally distributed single-precision,
    ' pseudorandom number given the mean and standard deviation.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  x! = RandNormal!(mean!, stddev!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      mean!    Mean of the distribution of returned
    '                           values
    '                  stddev!  Standard deviation of the distribution
    ' VARIABLES:       u1!      Pseudorandom positive real value
    '                           less than 1
    '                  u2!      Pseudorandom positive real value
    '                           less than 1
    '                  x!       Working value
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION RandNormal! (mean!, stddev!)
        FUNCTION RandNormal! (mean!, stddev!) STATIC
            u1! = RandFrac!
            u2! = RandFrac!
            x! = SQR(-2! * LOG(u1!)) * COS(6.283185 * u2)
            RandNormal! = mean! + stddev! * x!

Function: RandReal!

    Returns a pseudorandom real value in the range x! through y! For example,
    RandReal!(-10!, 10!) returns a floating-point, single-precision value in
    the range -10 through +10.

    Be sure to call the RandShuffle subprogram before using this function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandReal!                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a pseudorandom, single-precision real
    ' number in the range x! to y!.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  z! = RandReal!(x!, y!)
    ' PARAMETERS:      x!    Minimum for returned value
    '                  y!    Maximum for returned value
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION RandReal! (x!, y!)
        FUNCTION RandReal! (x!, y!) STATIC
            RandReal! = x! + (y! - x!) * (Rand& / 1E+09)

Subprogram: RandShuffle

    Initializes the sequence of random numbers that the Rand& function
    returns. The r&() array contains all the values necessary for the Rand&
    function. This subprogram initializes all values in r&() based on the
    characters passed in key$. Refer to the Rand& function for a description
    of the contents of the shared array r&().

    The passed string key$ is first modified to a length of 97 characters.
    Notice that an arbitrary string (in this subprogram, Abra Ca Da Bra) is
    concatenated to the front end of key$. Any string can be used, but at
    least one character must have an odd byte number. This guarantees that at
    least one initial table entry will be odd, a necessity of this
    random-number-generation algorithm.

    Each character of the new key string (k$) is used to generate a
    pseudorandom long integer to be entered in the first 97 entries of r&().
    To "warm up" the sequence, 997 iterations of the Rand& algorithm, slightly
    modified, are performed on the table.

    Finally, starting values for the index values necessary for the Rand&
    function are stored in r&(98) and r&(99), and an initial value for the
    last generated number is stored in r&(100).

    All the other random number generators in this toolbox call the Rand&
    function, which generates an error and quits if RandShuffle isn't run
    first to initialize r&(). Therefore, you must be sure to call RandShuffle
    once during a program run before calling any of these functions.

    To generate the same sequence every time the program is run, pass the same
    key$ each time. To generate a unique sequence each time, pass a unique
    string. For example, to generate a unique sequence for every clock tick of
    your computer's existence, you could enter RandShuffle(DATE$ + TIME$ +

    The key$ can be any reasonable length, but only the first 83 characters
    are used to seed the generator. Because there are 256 possible characters
    for each of the 83, there are 256^83 possible unique sequences. It's safe
    to say you'll never run out!

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RandShuffle                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        RANDOMS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Creates original table of pseudorandom long integers
    ' for use by the function Rand&.  The contents of key$
    ' are used to seed the table.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  RandShuffle(key$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      key$            String used to seed the generator
    '          r&(1 TO 100) (shared)   Array of long integers for
    '                                  generating pseudorandom numbers
    ' VARIABLES:       k$              Modified key string
    '                  i%              Index into k$, index into table
    '                  j%              Index into table
    '                  k%              Loop count for warming up generator
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB RandShuffle (key$)
        SUB RandShuffle (key$) STATIC

        ' Form 97-character string, with key$ as part of it
            k$ = LEFT$("Abra Ca Da Bra" + key$ + SPACE$(83), 97)

        ' Use each character to seed table
            FOR i% = 1 TO 97
                r&(i%) = ASC(MID$(k$, i%, 1)) * 8171717 + i% * 997&
            NEXT i%

        ' Preserve string space
            k$ = ""

        ' Initialize pointers into table
            i% = 97
            j% = 12

        ' Randomize the table to get it warmed up
            FOR k% = 1 TO 997

            ' Subtract entries pointed to by i% and j%
                r&(i%) = r&(i%) - r&(j%)

            ' Adjust result if less than zero
                IF r&(i%) < 0 THEN
                    r&(i%) = r&(i%) + 1000000000
                END IF

            ' Decrement first index, keeping in range of 1 through 97
                IF i% > 1 THEN
                    i% = i% - 1
                    i% = 97
                END IF

            ' Decrement second index, keeping in range of 1 through 97
                IF j% > 1 THEN
                    j% = j% - 1
                    j% = 97
                END IF

            NEXT k%

        ' Initialize pointers for use by Rand& function
            r&(98) = 55
            r&(99) = 24

        ' Initialize pointer for shuffle table lookup by Rand& function
            r&(100) = 77

        END SUB


    The STDOUT toolbox is a collection of subprograms for outputting
    characters through the MS-DOS standard output channel rather than through
    the QuickBASIC PRINT statement.

    QuickBASIC bypasses the ANSI.SYS driver. However, some nice features are
    built into this driver, and this toolbox lets you access them from
    QuickBASIC. For example, the AssignKey subprogram lets you redefine keys
    on the keyboard to any character or string of characters you want.

    Be sure you load the ANSI.SYS driver before trying this program. Several
    of the escape code sequences create meaningless output if the ANSI.SYS
    driver is not resident. In most cases, a statement similar to the
    following in your CONFIG.SYS file will load the ANSI.SYS driver at boot-up


    When you run the STDOUT demo module, pay close attention to the prompts
    that appear. In one case you are prompted to press the "a" and "b" keys,
    immediately before the program exits to MS-DOS via the SHELL statement. Be
    sure you press "a" and then "b" to prevent the program from getting lost.

    Name                     Type    Description
    STDOUT.BAS                      Demo module
    AssignKey               Sub     Reassigns a string to a key
    Attribute               Sub     Sets screen color (ANSI driver
    ClearLine               Sub     Clears current line from cursor to end of
    ClearScreen             Sub     Clears screen
    CrLf                    Sub     Sends carriage return and line feed
    CursorDown              Sub     Moves cursor down specified number of
    CursorHome              Sub     Moves cursor to upper left corner of
    CursorLeft              Sub     Moves cursor left specified number of
    CursorPosition          Sub     Moves cursor to specified row and column
    CursorRight             Sub     Moves cursor right specified number of
    CursorUp                Sub     Moves cursor up specified number of lines
    StdOut                  Sub     Sends a string to standard output channel

Demo Module: STDOUT

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          STDOUT                     **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:            No command line parameters
    '                   ANSI.SYS
    ' .MAK FILE:        (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:       (none)
    ' VARIABLES:        t0         Timer variable
    '                   bell$      ASCII character 7 (bell)

    ' Attribute definitions
        CONST NORMAL = 0
        CONST BRIGHT = 1
        CONST BLINK = 5
        CONST REVERSE = 7

        TYPE RegTypeX
            ax    AS INTEGER
            bx    AS INTEGER
            cx    AS INTEGER
            dx    AS INTEGER
            Bp    AS INTEGER
            si    AS INTEGER
            di    AS INTEGER
            flags AS INTEGER
            ds    AS INTEGER
            es    AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX)
        DECLARE SUB ClearLine ()
        DECLARE SUB ClearScreen ()
        DECLARE SUB StdOut (a$)
        DECLARE SUB CrLf ()
        DECLARE SUB CursorPosition (row%, col%)
        DECLARE SUB CursorDown (n%)
        DECLARE SUB CursorLeft (n%)
        DECLARE SUB CursorRight (n%)
        DECLARE SUB CursorUp (n%)
        DECLARE SUB AssignKey (keyCode%, assign$)
        DECLARE SUB Attribute (attr%)

    ' Demonstrate the ClearLine and ClearScreen routines
        PRINT "This will be erased quickly, in two steps..."
        t0 = TIMER
        LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t0 > 2
        LOCATE 1, 27
        t0 = TIMER
        LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t0 > 2
        LOCATE 15, 1

    ' Demonstrate the StdOut routine
        bell$ = CHR$(7)
        StdOut "Sending a 'Bell' to StdOut" + bell$

    ' Set cursor position
        CursorPosition 3, 20
        StdOut "* CursorPosition 3, 20"

    ' Move the cursor around the screen
        StdOut "Cursor movements..."
        CursorDown 1
        StdOut "Down 1"
        CursorRight 12
        StdOut "Right 12"
        CursorDown 2
        StdOut "Down 2"
        CursorLeft 99
        StdOut "Left 99"

    ' Character attributes
        Attribute YELLOWFOREGROUND
        Attribute BRIGHT
        Attribute BLUEBACKGROUND
        StdOut "Bright yellow on blue"
        Attribute NORMAL
        StdOut "Back to normal attributes"
    ' Key reassignment
        AssignKey 97, "REM The 'a' and 'b' keys have been redefined" + CHR$(13)
        AssignKey 98, "EXIT" + CHR$(13)
        CursorDown 1
        Attribute BRIGHT
        Attribute YELLOWFOREGROUND
        StdOut "NOTE:"
        StdOut "Press the 'a' key and then the 'b' key ... "
        StdOut "The program will then continue ........ "
        Attribute NORMAL
        AssignKey 97, ""
        AssignKey 98, ""

Subprogram: AssignKey

    Assigns a string to any key on the keyboard. The first parameter is the
    key code number returned by the ASC(INKEY$) statement for a given key
    press. The second parameter is a string of characters assigned to the
    indicated key. The string can be a maximum of 63 characters in length. If
    the string is null, the original key definition is returned to the key.

    One complication arises if the key normally returns an extended key code.
    Recall that such keys return CHR$(0), followed by a second character that
    identifies the key. The AssignKey subprogram recognizes negative key
    numbers as extended key codes. Pass the negative of the second byte of an
    extended key code to indicate the key.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          AssignKey                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Assigns a string to any key using ANSI.SYS driver.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  AssignKey keyCode%, assign$
    ' PARAMETERS:      keyCode%   ASCII number for key to be reassigned
    '                  assign$    String to assign to key
    ' VARIABLES:       k$         Command string for ANSI.SYS driver
    '                  i%         Index to each character of assign$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB AssignKey (keyCode%, assign$)
        SUB AssignKey (keyCode%, assign$) STATIC
            IF keyCode% <= 0 THEN
                k$ = "[0;"
                k$ = "["
            END IF
            k$ = k$ + MID$(STR$(keyCode%), 2)
            IF assign$ <> "" THEN
                FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(assign$)
                    k$ = k$ + ";" + MID$(STR$(ASC(MID$(assign$, i%))), 2)
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            StdOut CHR$(27) + k$ + "p"
        END SUB

Subprogram: Attribute

    Sets screen color attributes as defined by the ANSI.SYS driver.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Attribute                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sets the foreground, background, and other color
    ' attributes.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Attribute attr%
    ' PARAMETERS:      attr%      Number for attribute to be set
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '                  DECLARE SUB Attribute (attr%)
        SUB Attribute (attr%) STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + MID$(STR$(attr%), 2) + "m"
        END SUB

Subprogram: ClearLine

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that erases the
    current line from the cursor to the end of the line. The current cursor
    position is maintained.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ClearLine                  **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Clears the display line from the current cursor
    ' position to the end of the line.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ClearLine
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '                  DECLARE SUB StdOut (a$)
        SUB ClearLine STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[K"
        END SUB

Subprogram: ClearScreen

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that clears the
    screen; positions the cursor at the top left of the screen.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ClearScreen                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the
    ' home position.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  ClearScreen
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB ClearScreen ()
    '                  DECLARE SUB StdOut (a$)
        SUB ClearScreen STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[2J"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CrLf

    Sends carriage return and line feed to a standard output.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CrLf                       **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Sends line feed and carriage return characters
    ' to standard output.
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '                  DECLARE SUB CrLf ()
        SUB CrLf STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorDown

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor down the screen n% lines. The cursor stays in the same column and
    stops at the bottom line of the screen.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorDown                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor n% lines down the screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:   CursorDown n%
    ' PARAMETERS:       n%         Number of lines to move the cursor down
    ' VARIABLES:        (none)
    '                   DECLARE SUB CursorDown (n%)
        SUB CursorDown (n%) STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + MID$(STR$(n%), 2) + "B"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorHome

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor to the home position; does not erase the display.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorHome                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor to the top left of the
    ' screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  CursorHome
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        SUB CursorHome STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[H"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorLeft

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor to the left n% columns. The cursor stays in the same row and stops
    at the left column of the screen.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorLeft                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor n% columns left on the screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  CursorLeft n%
    ' PARAMETERS:      n%      Number of columns to move the cursor left
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB CursorLeft (n%)
        SUB CursorLeft (n%) STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + MID$(STR$(n%), 2) + "D"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorPosition

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor to a given row and column.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorPosition             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor to the indicated row and column.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  CursorPosition row%, col%
    ' PARAMETERS:      row%       Row to move the cursor to
    '                  col%       Column to move the cursor to
    ' VARIABLES:       row$       String representation of row%
    '                  col$       String representation of col%
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB CursorPosition (row%, col%)
        SUB CursorPosition (row%, col%) STATIC
            row$ = MID$(STR$(row%), 2)
            col$ = MID$(STR$(col%), 2)
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + row$ + ";" + col$ + "H"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorRight

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor to the right n% columns. The cursor stays in the same row and stops
    at the right column of the screen.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorRight                **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor n% columns right on the screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  CursorRight n%
    ' PARAMETERS:      n%     Number of columns to move the cursor right
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB CursorRight (n%)
        SUB CursorRight (n%) STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + MID$(STR$(n%), 2) + "C"
        END SUB

Subprogram: CursorUp

    Sends to standard output the ANSI.SYS escape-code sequence that moves the
    cursor up the screen n% lines. The cursor stays in the same column and
    stops at the top line of the screen.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CursorUp                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Moves the cursor n% lines up the screen.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  CursorUp n%
    ' PARAMETERS:      n%         Number of lines to move the cursor up
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB CursorUp (n%)
        SUB CursorUp (n%) STATIC
            StdOut CHR$(27) + "[" + MID$(STR$(n%), 2) + "A"
        END SUB

Subprogram: StdOut

    Sends a string of bytes to the standard output device. The string is
    output through the MS-DOS function for string output, bypassing the
    QuickBASIC PRINT statement.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          StdOut                     **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STDOUT.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Writes string to the MS-DOS standard output.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  StdOut a$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be output
    ' VARIABLES:       regX       Structure of type RegTypeX
    '   DECLARATIONS:    DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum%, inreg AS RegTypeX,
    '                                          outreg AS RegTypeX)
    '                  DECLARE SUB StdOut (a$)
        SUB StdOut (a$) STATIC
            DIM regX AS RegTypeX
            regX.ax = &H4000
            regX.cx = LEN(a$)
            regX.bx = 1
            regX.ds = VARSEG(a$)
            regX.dx = SADD(a$)
            InterruptX &H21, regX, regX
            IF regX.flags AND 1 THEN
                PRINT "Error while calling StdOut:"; regX.ax
            END IF
        END SUB


    The STRINGS toolbox provides several common (and not so common)
    string-manipulation functions and subprograms.

    Name                     Type    Description
    STRINGS.BAS                     Demo module
    Ascii2Ebcdic$           Func    Converts string from ASCII to EBCDIC
    BestMatch$              Func    Returns best match to input string
    BuildAEStrings          Sub     Builds ASCII and EBCDIC character
                                    translation tables
    Center$                 Func    Centers string by padding with spaces
    Detab$                  Func    Replaces tab characters with spaces
    Ebcdic2Ascii$           Func    Converts a string from EBCDIC to ASCII
    Entab$                  Func    Replaces spaces with tab characters
    FilterIn$               Func    Retains only specified characters in
    FilterOut$              Func    Deletes specified characters from string
    Lpad$                   Func    Returns left-justified input string
    LtrimSet$               Func    Deletes specified characters from left
    Ord%                    Func    Returns byte number for ANSI mnemonic
    Repeat$                 Func    Combines multiple copies into one string
    Replace$                Func    Replaces specified characters in string
    Reverse$                Func    Reverses order of characters in a string
    Name                     Type    Description
    Reverse$                Func    Reverses order of characters in a string
    ReverseCase$            Func    Reverses case for each character in a
    Rpad$                   Func    Returns right-justified input string
    RtrimSet$               Func    Deletes specified characters from right
    Translate$              Func    Exchanges characters in string from table

Demo Module: STRINGS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          STRINGS                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       a$       Working string for demonstrations
    '                  b$       Working string for demonstrations
    '                  c$       Working string for demonstrations
    '                  x$       Working string for demonstrations
    '                  y$       Working string for demonstrations
    '                  set$     Set of characters that define word separation

        DECLARE FUNCTION Ascii2Ebcdic$ (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION BestMatch$ (a$, x$, y$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Center$ (a$, n%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Detab$ (a$, tabs%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Ebcdic2Ascii$ (e$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Entab$ (a$, tabs%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION FilterIn$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION FilterOut$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Lpad$ (a$, n%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION LtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Ord% (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Repeat$ (a$, n%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Replace$ (a$, find$, substitute$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Reverse$ (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ReverseCase$ (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Rpad$ (a$, n%)
        DECLARE FUNCTION RtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Translate$ (a$, f$, t$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB BuildAEStrings ()

    ' Quick demonstrations
        a$ = "This is a test"
        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "ReverseCase$(a$)", ReverseCase$(a$)
        PRINT "Reverse$(a$)", , Reverse$(a$)
        PRINT "Repeat$(a$, 3)", Repeat$(a$, 3)

        set$ = "T this"
        PRINT "set$", , set$
        PRINT "LtrimSet$(a$, set$)", LtrimSet$(a$, set$)
        PRINT "RtrimSet$(a$, set$)", RtrimSet$(a$, set$)
        PRINT "FilterOut$(a$, set$)", FilterOut$(a$, set$)
        PRINT "FilterIn$(a$, set$)", FilterIn$(a$, set$)

        a$ = "elephant"
        x$ = "alpha"
        y$ = "omega"
        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "x$", , x$
        PRINT "y$", , y$
        PRINT "BestMatch$(a$, x$, y$)", BestMatch$(a$, x$, y$)

        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        a$ = "BEL"
        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "Ord%(a$)", , Ord%(a$)

        a$ = "This is a test"
        find$ = "s"
        substitute$ = "<s>"
        PRINT "a$", , , a$
        PRINT "find$", , , find$
        PRINT "substitute$", , , substitute$
        PRINT "Replace$(a$, find$, substitute$)", Replace$(a$, find$, substitut

        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "Lpad$(a$, 40)", , ":"; Lpad$(a$, 40); ":"
        PRINT "Rpad$(a$, 40)", , ":"; Rpad$(a$, 40); ":"
        PRINT "Center$(a$, 40)", ":"; Center$(a$, 40); ":"

        a$ = "a$ character" + STRING$(2, 9) + "count" + CHR$(9) + "is"
        PRINT a$; LEN(a$)
        PRINT "a$ = Detab$(a$, 8)"
        a$ = Detab$(a$, 8)
        PRINT a$; LEN(a$)
        PRINT "a$ = Entab$(a$, 8)"
        a$ = Entab$(a$, 8)
        PRINT a$; LEN(a$)

        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        a$ = "You know this test string has vowels."
        x$ = "aeiou"
        y$ = "eioua"
        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "x$", , x$
        PRINT "y$", , y$
        PRINT "Translate$(a$, x$, y$)", Translate$(a$, x$, y$)

        a$ = "This is a test."
        b$ = Ascii2Ebcdic$(a$)
        c$ = Ebcdic2Ascii$(b$)
        PRINT "a$", , a$
        PRINT "b$ = Ascii2Ebcdic$(a$)", b$
        PRINT "c$ = Ebcdic2Ascii$(b$)", c$


Function: Ascii2Ebcdic$

    Converts a string of ASCII characters to EBCDIC equivalents.

    Almost all computers use the ASCII character set to define which byte
    represents which character. This standard makes it possible for computers,
    printers, plotters, and other equipment to communicate effectively.
    However, IBM's larger computers have long used the EBCDIC character set,
    an alternative way for computers and peripherals to communicate. If files
    are to be transferred to or from an IBM mainframe, it's necessary to
    translate character bytes between the two methods. This function, along
    with its counterpart Ebcdic2Ascii$, translates strings of characters
    between the ASCII character set and the EBCDIC character set.

    These functions and the BuildAEStrings subprogram share a pair of string
    variables, ascii$ and ebcdic$. The SHARED statement lets these two strings
    be accessed by each of these three routines while remaining invisible and
    unalterable to all other parts of a program.

    The BuildAEStrings subprogram is called only once, to build both the
    ascii$ and ebcdic$ translation strings the first time that the
    Ascii2Ebcdic$ or Ebcdic2Ascii$ function is called. All subsequent calls
    to these functions use these strings immediately, as the contents of the
    strings are preserved between calls.

    Refer to the BuildAEStrings subprogram for more information about how
    these two strings are built. Refer to the Translate$ function for more
    information about the character-by-character translation.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Ascii2Ebcdic$              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a$ with each character translated from ASCII to EBCDIC.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  e$ = Ascii2Ebcdic$(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String of ASCII characters to be
    '                             converted
    ' VARIABLES:       ebcdic$    Table of translation characters
    '                  ascii$     Table of translation characters
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Ascii2Ebcdic$ (a$)
        FUNCTION Ascii2Ebcdic$ (a$) STATIC
            SHARED ebcdic$, ascii$
            IF ebcdic$ = "" THEN
            END IF
            Ascii2Ebcdic$ = Translate$(a$, ascii$, ebcdic$)

Function: BestMatch$

    Compares two strings with a third and returns the string that most closely
    matches the third.

    Everybody's talking "artificial intelligence" these days. Programs capable
    of making decisions based on "fuzzy" facts are already being used for
    voice analysis, pattern matching, and other similar tasks. This function
    provides a way to make an educated guess as to the best pattern match when
    comparing two strings.

    The method of comparison used here scans substrings of the target string
    and checks for occurrences of these substrings in each of the other two
    strings. A score is kept for the number of substring matches found for
    each string. The score is weighted heavier for longer substring matches.
    For example, finding an occurrence of the substring "ABC" is worth 6
    points, while finding separate occurrences of "E," "F," and "G" is worth a
    total of only 3 points.

    When all substrings of the target string have been checked, the points are
    compared for each test string. The highest score wins, and that string is
    returned as the result.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BestMatch$                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns either x$ or y$, whichever is a best match to a$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = BestMatch$(a$, x$, y$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$          The string to be matched
    '                  x$          The first string to compare with a$
    '                  y$          The second string to compare with a$
    ' VARIABLES:       ua$         Uppercase working copy of a$
    '                  ux$         Uppercase working copy of x$
    '                  uy$         Uppercase working copy of y$
    '                  lena%       Length of a$
    '                  i%          Length of substrings of ua$
    '                  j%          Index into ua$
    '                  t$          Substrings of ua$
    '                  xscore%     Accumulated score for substring matches
    '                              found in ux$
    '                  yscore%     Accumulated score for substring matches
    '                              found in uy$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION BestMatch$ (a$, x$, y$)
        FUNCTION BestMatch$ (a$, x$, y$) STATIC
            ua$ = UCASE$(a$)
            ux$ = UCASE$(x$)
            uy$ = UCASE$(y$)
            lena% = LEN(ua$)
            FOR i% = 1 TO lena%
                FOR j% = 1 TO lena% - i% + 1
                    t$ = MID$(ua$, j%, i%)
                    IF INSTR(ux$, t$) THEN
                        xscore% = xscore% + i% + i%
                    END IF
                    IF INSTR(uy$, t$) THEN
                        yscore% = yscore% + i% + i%
                    END IF
                NEXT j%
            NEXT i%
            IF xscore% > yscore% THEN
                BestMatch$ = x$
                BestMatch$ = y$
            END IF

Subprogram: BuildAEStrings

    Initializes the ASCII-EBCDIC translation table strings. This subprogram is
    called once per program run, by either the Ascii2Ebcdic$ or
    Ebcdic2Ascii$ function, when one is called first. Each function checks to
    see whether the shared strings, ascii$ and ebcdic$, are filled in or
    whether they are still null (empty) strings. If they are null, this
    subprogram is called to fill them in before they are used as character
    translation tables.

    The method used to fill in the strings can easily create strings
    containing any binary bytes. First, ebcdic$ is created as a string of
    hexadecimal characters, each pair of which represents a single byte. At
    this point, ebcdic$ is twice the desired length. The processing loop near
    the end of the function converts each pair of hexadecimal characters to
    the byte it represents and replaces the hexadecimal characters with these
    bytes. After all hexadecimal character pairs are converted, the STRINGS

    first half of ebcdic$ contains the desired string of bytes. The second
    half of ebcdic$ is deleted.

    The string variable ascii$ is filled in with binary byte values 0 through
    127. This string is built to be passed to the Translate$ function, which
    requires a string table for both lookup as well as replacement.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          BuildAEStrings             **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Called by the Ascii2Ebcdic$ and Ebcdic2Ascii$
    ' functions to build the translation strings.
    ' This subprogram is called only once.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Called automatically by either the Ascii2Ebcdic$ or
    '                  Ebcdic2Ascii$ function
    ' PARAMETERS:      ascii$     Shared by Ascii2Ebcdic$, Ebcdic2Ascii$, and
    '                             BuildAEStrings
    '                  ebcdic$    Shared by Ascii2Ebcdic$, Ebcdic2Ascii$, and
    '                             BuildAEStrings
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Index into strings
    '                  byte%      Binary value of character byte
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB BuildAEStrings ()
        SUB BuildAEStrings STATIC
            SHARED ebcdic$, ascii$
            ascii$ = SPACE$(128)
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "00010203372D2E2F1605250B0C0D0E0F"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "101112133C3D322618193F271C1D1E1F"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "404F7F7B5B6C507D4D5D5C4E6B604B61"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F97A5E4C7E6E6F"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "7CC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9D1D2D3D4D5D6"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "D7D8D9E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E94AE05A5F6D"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "79818283848586878889919293949596"
            ebcdic$ = ebcdic$ + "979899A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9C06AD0A107"
            FOR i% = 0 TO 127
                MID$(ascii$, i% + 1, 1) = CHR$(i%)
                byte% = VAL("&H" + MID$(ebcdic$, i% + i% + 1, 2))
                MID$(ebcdic$, i% + 1, 1) = CHR$(byte%)
            NEXT i%
            ebcdic$ = LEFT$(ebcdic$, 128)
        END SUB

Function: Center$

    Returns a string of length n% by padding a$ with spaces on both ends.

    The original string is centered in the new string. If n% is less than the
    length of a$ (after any spaces are stripped from the ends), the string is
    returned with no spaces tacked on and with a length greater than n%.

    One obvious use for this function is centering titles and labels on a
    printed or displayed page.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Center$                    **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Pads a$ with spaces on both ends until text is
    ' centered and the string length is n%.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Center$(a$, n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String of characters to be padded with spac
    '                  n%         Desired length of resulting string
    ' VARIABLES:       pad%       Number of spaces to pad at ends of string
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Center$ (a$, n%)
        FUNCTION Center$ (a$, n%) STATIC
            a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$))
            pad% = n% - LEN(a$)
            IF pad% > 0 THEN
                Center$ = SPACE$(pad% \ 2) + a$ + SPACE$(pad% - pad% \ 2)
                Center$ = a$
            END IF

Function: Detab$

    Replaces tab characters with the appropriate number of spaces.

    Tab characters are useful for forcing text alignment into predictable
    columns and for conserving space in text files. If you then need to
    exchange the tab characters for the equivalent number of spaces, this
    function lets you do so.

    Your computer display and (probably) your printer use a tab spacing
    constant of 8. For this reason, the most common value passed to this
    function for tabs% is 8. Spaces are inserted in a$ in place of tab
    characters to align the following characters into columns that are
    multiples of 8. Displaying or printing the string before and after it's
    processed by this function should result in exactly the same output.

    Also see Entab$, which performs exactly the opposite function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name           Detab$                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Replaces all tab characters with spaces, using
    ' tabs% to determine proper alignment.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Detab$(a$, tabs%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String with possible tab characters
    '                  tabs%        Tab spacing
    ' VARIABLES:       t$           Working copy of a$
    '                  tb$          Tab character
    '                  tp%          Pointer to position in t$ of a tab charac
    '                  sp$          Spaces to replace a given tab character
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Detab$ (a$, tabs%)
        FUNCTION Detab$ (a$, tabs%) STATIC
            t$ = a$
            tb$ = CHR$(9)
                tp% = INSTR(t$, tb$)
                IF tp% THEN
                    Sp$ = SPACE$(tabs% - ((tp% - 1) MOD tabs%))
                    t$ = LEFT$(t$, tp% - 1) + Sp$ + MID$(t$, tp% + 1)
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL tp% = 0
            Detab$ = t$
            t$ = ""

Function: Ebcdic2Ascii$

    Converts a string of EBCDIC characters to ASCII equivalents. This function
    performs the exact opposite of the Ascii2Ebcdic$ function.

    Refer to the Ascii2Ebcdic$ function for more information.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Ebcdic2Ascii$              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a$ with each character translated from
    ' EBCDIC to ASCII.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Ascii2Ebcdic$(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$          String of EBCDIC characters to be converte
    ' VARIABLES:       ebcdic$     Table of translation characters
    '                  ascii$      Table of translation characters
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Ebcdic2Ascii$ (e$)
        FUNCTION Ebcdic2Ascii$ (e$) STATIC
            SHARED ebcdic$, ascii$
            IF ebcdic$ = "" THEN
            END IF
            Ebcdic2Ascii$ = Translate$(e$, ebcdic$, ascii$)

Function: Entab$

    Replaces spaces with tab characters wherever possible, providing a way to
    compress the size of a text file.

    For the opposite function, replacing tabs with appropriate numbers of
    spaces, see Detab$.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Entab$                     **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Replaces groups of spaces, where possible, with
    ' tab characters, keeping the alignment indicated
    ' by the value of tabs%.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Entab$(a$, tabs%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$            String with possible tab characters
    '                  tabs%         Tab spacing
    ' VARIABLES:       t$            Working copy of a$
    '                  tb$           Tab character
    '                  i%            Index into t$
    '                  k%            Count of spaces being replaced
    '                  j%            Index into t$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Entab$ (a$, tabs%)
        FUNCTION Entab$ (a$, tabs%) STATIC
            t$ = a$
            tb$ = CHR$(9)
            FOR i% = (LEN(t$) \ tabs%) * tabs% + 1 TO tabs% STEP -tabs%
                IF MID$(t$, i% - 1, 1) = " " THEN
                    k% = 0
                    FOR j% = 1 TO tabs%
                        IF MID$(t$, i% - j%, 1) <> " " THEN
                            k% = i% - j%
                            EXIT FOR
                        END IF
                    NEXT j%
                    IF k% = 0 THEN
                        k% = i% - tabs% - 1
                    END IF
                    t$ = LEFT$(t$, k%) + tb$ + MID$(t$, i%)
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            Entab$ = t$
            t$ = ""

Function: FilterIn$

    Filters a string, character by character, and removes any characters that
    are not in the designated set. FilterIn$("EXAMPLE", "AEIOU"), for example,
    returns the string EAE, because all characters, except uppercase vowels,
    are removed from EXAMPLE.

    To filter a string by removing characters listed in set$ (as opposed to
    removing all characters not in set$), see the FilterOut$ function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FilterIn$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a$ with all occurrences of any characters
    ' that are not in set$ deleted.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = FilterIn$(a$, set$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$          String to be processed
    '                  set$        Set of characters to be retained
    ' VARIABLES:       i%          Index into a$
    '                  j%          Count of characters retained
    '                  lena%       Length of a$
    '                  t$          Working string space
    '                  c$          Each character of a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION FilterIn$ (a$, set$)
        FUNCTION FilterIn$ (a$, set$) STATIC
            i% = 1
            j% = 0
            lena% = LEN(a$)
            t$ = a$
            DO UNTIL i% > lena%
                c$ = MID$(a$, i%, 1)
                IF INSTR(set$, c$) THEN
                    j% = j% + 1
                    MID$(t$, j%, 1) = c$
                END IF
                i% = i% + 1
            FilterIn$ = LEFT$(t$, j%)
            t$ = ""

Function: FilterOut$

    Filters a string, character by character, and removes any characters that
    are listed in the designated set. FilterOut$("EXAMPLE", "AEIOU"),
    STRINGSfor example, returns the string XMPL, because all uppercase vowels
    are removed from EXAMPLE.

    To filter a string by removing characters not listed in set$ (as opposed
    to removing all characters found in set$), see the FilterIn$ function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          FilterOut$                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a$ with all occurrences of any characters
    ' from set$ deleted.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = FilterOut$(a$, set$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String to be processed
    '                  set$         Set of characters to be retained
    ' VARIABLES:       i%           Index into a$
    '                  j%           Count of characters retained
    '                  lena%        Length of a$
    '                  t$           Working string space
    '                  c$           Each character of a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION FilterOut$ (a$, set$)
        FUNCTION FilterOut$ (a$, set$) STATIC
            i% = 1
            j% = 0
            lena% = LEN(a$)
            t$ = a$
            DO UNTIL i% > lena%
                c$ = MID$(a$, i%, 1)
                IF INSTR(set$, c$) = 0 THEN
                    j% = j% + 1
                    MID$(t$, j%, 1) = c$
                END IF
                i% = i% + 1
            FilterOut$ = LEFT$(t$, j%)
            t$ = ""

Function: Lpad$

    Returns a left-justified string of n% characters by shifting a$ to the
    left and adding space characters on the right.

    This function actually does an amazing amount of work for only one program
    line. First, the string passed as parameter a$ has all spaces removed from
    its left, the final goal being to left justify the string.

    The desired string length is n%. To guarantee that you have at least n%
    characters to work with, n% space characters are added to the right of the
    string. Most likely, the string is now longer than desired. So, the LEFT$
    function returns the first n% characters from the string, finishing the
    desired processing of a$ and assigning the result to Lpad$, the name of
    the function.

    See Rpad$ for a similar function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Lpad$                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string of length n%, with a$ left justified
    ' and padded on the right with spaces.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Lpad$(a$, n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$          String to be left justified and padded
    '                  n%          Length of string result
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Lpad$ (a$, n%) STATIC
            Lpad$ = LEFT$(LTRIM$(a$) + SPACE$(n%), n%)

Function: LtrimSet$

    Trims characters in set$ from the left of a$ until a character is found
    that is not in set$.


    The QuickBASIC LTRIM$() function removes space characters from the end of
    a string. This function goes a step further and lets you remove any of
    several characters from the left of a string. For example,
    LtrimSet$("EXAMPLE", "AXE") returns MPLE.

    One use for this function is to remove tabs and spaces from the left of a

    See RtrimSet$ for a similar function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          LtrimSet$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Trims occurrences of any characters in set$
    ' from the left of a$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = LtrimSet$(a$, set$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String to be trimmed
    '                  set$         Set of characters to be trimmed
    ' VARIABLES:       i%           Index into a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION LtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        FUNCTION LtrimSet$ (a$, set$) STATIC
            IF a$ <> "" THEN
                FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$)
                    IF INSTR(set$, MID$(a$, i%, 1)) = 0 THEN
                        LtrimSet$ = MID$(a$, i%)
                        EXIT FUNCTION
                    END IF
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            LtrimSet$ = ""

Function: Ord%

    Returns the byte number defined by ANSI standard mnemonics.

    This function interprets ANSI standard mnemonics for control characters
    and returns the numeric value of the byte the mnemonics represent (the
    ordinal of the mnemonic). Ord%("BEL"), for example, returns 7, the byte
    number for the bell character. (Recall that PRINT CHR$(7) causes your
    computer to beep.)

    Other common control-character mnemonics include CR (carriage return), LF
    (line feed), FF (form feed), and NUL (the zero byte value). Many others
    are available, however, including mnemonics for the lowercase alphabetic

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Ord%                       **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Similar to ASC() function; returns
    ' numeric byte values for the ANSI standard
    ' mnemonics for control characters.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  byte% = Ord%(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$          ANSI standard character mnemonic string
    ' VARIABLES:      (none)
        FUNCTION Ord% (a$) STATIC
            SELECT CASE UCASE$(a$)
            CASE "NUL"              'Null
                Ord% = 0
            CASE "SOH"              'Start of heading
                Ord% = 1
            CASE "STX"              'Start of text
                Ord% = 2
            CASE "ETX"              'End of text
                Ord% = 3
            CASE "EOT"              'End of transmission
                Ord% = 4
            CASE "ENQ"              'Enquiry
                Ord% = 5
            CASE "ACK"              'Acknowledge
                Ord% = 6
            CASE "BEL"              'Bell
                Ord% = 7
            CASE "BS"               'Backspace
                Ord% = 8
            CASE "HT"               'Horizontal tab
                Ord% = 9
            CASE "LF"               'Line feed
                Ord% = 10
            CASE "VT"               'Vertical tab
                Ord% = 11
            CASE "FF"               'Form feed
                Ord% = 12
            CASE "CR"               'Carriage return
                Ord% = 13
            CASE "SO"               'Shift out
                Ord% = 14
            CASE "SI"               'Shift in
                Ord% = 15
            CASE "DLE"              'Data link escape
                Ord% = 16
            CASE "DC1"              'Device control 1
                Ord% = 17
            CASE "DC2"              'Device control 2
                Ord% = 18
            CASE "DC3"              'Device control 3
                Ord% = 19
            CASE "DC4"              'Device control 4
                Ord% = 20
            CASE "NAK"              'Negative acknowledge
                Ord% = 21
            CASE "SYN"              'Synchronous idle
                Ord% = 22
            CASE "ETB"              'End of transmission block
                Ord% = 23
            CASE "CAN"              'Cancel
                Ord% = 24
            CASE "EM"               'End of medium
                Ord% = 25
            CASE "SUB"              'Substitute
                Ord% = 26
            CASE "ESC"              'Escape
                Ord% = 27
            CASE "FS"               'File separator
                Ord% = 28
            CASE "GS"               'Group separator
                Ord% = 29
            CASE "RS"               'Record separator
                Ord% = 30
            CASE "US"               'Unit separator
                Ord% = 31
            CASE "SP"               'Space
                Ord% = 32
            CASE "UND"              'Underline
                Ord% = 95
            CASE "GRA"              'Grave accent
                Ord% = 96
            CASE "LCA"              'Lowercase a
                Ord% = 97
            CASE "LCB"              'Lowercase b
                Ord% = 98
            CASE "LCC"              'Lowercase c
                Ord% = 99
            CASE "LCD"              'Lowercase d
                Ord% = 100
            CASE "LCE"              'Lowercase e
                Ord% = 101
            CASE "LCF"              'Lowercase f
                Ord% = 102
            CASE "LCG"              'Lowercase g
                Ord% = 103
            CASE "LCH"              'Lowercase h
                Ord% = 104
            CASE "LCI"              'Lowercase i
                Ord% = 105
            CASE "LCJ"              'Lowercase j
                Ord% = 106
            CASE "LCK"              'Lowercase k
                Ord% = 107
            CASE "LCL"              'Lowercase l
                Ord% = 108
            CASE "LCM"              'Lowercase m
                Ord% = 109
            CASE "LCN"              'Lowercase n
                Ord% = 110
            CASE "LCO"              'Lowercase o
                Ord% = 111
            CASE "LCP"              'Lowercase p
                Ord% = 112
            CASE "LCQ"              'Lowercase q
                Ord% = 113
            CASE "LCR"              'Lowercase r
                Ord% = 114
            CASE "LCS"              'Lowercase s
                Ord% = 115
            CASE "LCT"              'Lowercase t
                Ord% = 116
            CASE "LCU"              'Lowercase u
                Ord% = 117
            CASE "LCV"              'Lowercase v
                Ord% = 118
            CASE "LCW"              'Lowercase w
                Ord% = 119
            CASE "LCX"              'Lowercase x
                Ord% = 120
            CASE "LCY"              'Lowercase y
                Ord% = 121
            CASE "LCZ"              'Lowercase z
                Ord% = 122
            CASE "LBR"              'Left brace
                Ord% = 123
            CASE "VLN"              'Vertical line
                Ord% = 124
            CASE "RBR"              'Right brace
                Ord% = 125
            CASE "TIL"              'Tilde
                Ord% = 126
            CASE "DEL"              'Delete
                Ord% = 127
            CASE ELSE               'Not ANSI Standard ORD mnemonic
                Ord% = -1
            END SELECT

Function: Repeat$

    Returns the string result of concatenating n% copies of a$. If the length
    of the result is less than 0 or greater than 32767, an error message is
    displayed, and the program terminates.

    To create a string of 80 spaces, you can use the QuickBASIC function
    SPACE$(80). To create a string of 80 equal signs, you can use STRING$(80,
    "="). But how can you create an 80-character string made up of 40
    repetitions of "+-"? The Repeat$ function lets you do so. Repeat$("+-",
    40) would do the trick.

    At first glance, this function looks like more code than is needed.
    Consider the short function on the following page that returns the same

    FUNCTION SlowRepeat$ (a$, n%) STATIC
        x$ = ""
        FOR i% = 1 to n%
            x$ = x$ + a$
        NEXT i%
        SlowRepeat$ = x$

    In tests of operating speed, this shorter function often ran about 10
    times slower than did the Repeat$ function! The difference is in how the
    string space is handled.

    SlowRepeat$ performs much string-manipulation overhead for each n%
    repetition of a$. In particular, the statement x$ = x$ + a$ creates
    working copies of x$ and a$ in the string workspace for each iteration. As
    x$ becomes larger, this shuffling of strings begins to bog down the
    function, even though QuickBASIC performs these functions efficiently.

    The Repeat$ function avoids much of this string-manipulation overhead by
    assigning string results to the MID$ of a large string (t$) that was
    created only once. First, t$ is created as a string of spaces long enough
    to hold all n% copies of a$. Each copy of a$ is then assigned to the
    appropriate substring location in t$ by use of the MID$ statement.

    This technique can often be used to speed up other string manipulations.
    The difference in speed is often insignificant, except in cases where a
    large number of string operations are performed.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Repeat$                    **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a string formed by concatenating n%
    ' copies of a$ together.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Repeat$(a$, n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String to be repeated
    '                  n%           Number of copies of a$ to concatenate
    ' VARIABLES:       lena%        Length of a$
    '                  lent&        Length of result
    '                  t$           Work space for building result
    '                  ndx%         Index into t$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Repeat$ (a$, n%)
        FUNCTION Repeat$ (a$, n%) STATIC
            lena% = LEN(a$)
            lent& = n% * lena%
            IF lent& < 0 OR lent& > 32767 THEN
                PRINT "ERROR: Repeat$ - Negative repetition, or result too long
            ELSEIF lent& = 0 THEN
                Repeat$ = ""
                t$ = SPACE$(lent&)
                ndx% = 1
                    MID$(t$, ndx%, lena%) = a$
                    ndx% = ndx% + lena%
                LOOP UNTIL ndx% > lent&
                Repeat$ = t$
                t$ = ""
            END IF

Function: Replace$

    Replaces all occurrences of find$ in a$ with substitute$.

    One common function provided by text editors and word processors is the
    ability to globally replace occurrences of character strings with other
    character strings. This function performs such a global replacement in a
    single string. By using this function repeatedly, you can globally edit
    entire files of strings.

    For example, Replace$ ("This is a test", "i", "ii") returns the string
    Thiis iis a test.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Replace$                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Replaces all occurrences of find$ in a$ with substitute$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Replace$(a$, find$, substitute$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$            String to make substring replacements in
    '                  find$         Substring to be searched for
    '                  substitutes$  String for replacing the found
    '                                substrings
    ' VARIABLES:       t$            Working copy of a$
    '                  lenf%         Length of find$
    '                  lens%         Length of substitute$
    '                  i%            Index into a$, pointing at substrings
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Replace$ (a$, find$, substitute$)
        FUNCTION Replace$ (a$, find$, substitute$) STATIC
            t$ = a$
            lenf% = LEN(find$)
            lens% = LEN(substitute$)
            i% = 1
                i% = INSTR(i%, t$, find$)
                IF i% = 0 THEN
                    EXIT DO
                END IF
                t$ = LEFT$(t$, i% - 1) + substitute$ + MID$(t$, i% + lenf%)
                i% = i% + lens%
            Replace$ = t$
            t$ = ""

Function: Reverse$

    Quickly reverses the order of all characters in a string. For example,
    Reverse$("QuickBASIC") returns CISABkciuQ.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Reverse$                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Reverses the order of all characters in a$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Reverse$(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       n%         Length of the string
    '                  r$         Working string space
    '                  i%         Index into the string
        FUNCTION Reverse$ (a$) STATIC
            n% = LEN(a$)
            r$ = a$
            FOR i% = 1 TO n%
                MID$(r$, i%, 1) = MID$(a$, n% - i% + 1, 1)
            NEXT i%
            Reverse$ = r$
            r$ = ""

Function: ReverseCase$

    Changes the case of all alphabetical characters in a passed string.
    Nonalphabetic characters are left undisturbed.

    Some text editors can change the case of characters from the current
    cursor location to the end of the line. This function was designed with
    that concept in mind. ReverseCase$("Testing 1,2,3"), for example, returns
    tESTING 1,2,3.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          ReverseCase$               **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Changes all lowercase characters to uppercase
    ' and all uppercase characters to lowercase.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = ReverseCase$(a$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       r$         Working copy of a$
    '                  i%         Index into r$
    '                  t$         Character from middle of a$
        FUNCTION ReverseCase$ (a$) STATIC
            r$ = a$
            FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(a$)
                t$ = MID$(a$, i%, 1)
                IF LCASE$(t$) <> t$ THEN
                    MID$(r$, i%, 1) = LCASE$(t$)
                    MID$(r$, i%, 1) = UCASE$(t$)
                END IF
            NEXT i%
            ReverseCase$ = r$
            r$ = ""

Function: Rpad$

    Returns a right-justified string of n% characters by shifting a$ to the
    right as far as possible and adding space characters on the left.

    See Lpad$ for a similar function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Rpad$                      **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns string of length n%, with a$ right justified
    ' and padded on the left with spaces.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Rpad$(a$, n%)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String to be right justified and padded
    '                  n%           Length of string result
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Rpad$ (a$, n%) STATIC
            Rpad$ = RIGHT$(SPACE$(n%) + RTRIM$(a$), n%)

Function: RtrimSet$

    Trims characters in set$ from the right of a$ until a character is found
    that is not in set$.

    The QuickBASIC RTRIM$() function removes space characters from the right
    of a string. This function goes a step further and lets you remove any of
    several characters from the right of a string. For example,
    RtrimSet$("EXAMPLE", "LEAVE") returns EXAMP.

    One use for this function is to remove tabs and spaces from the right of a

    See LtrimSet$ for a similar function.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          RtrimSet$                  **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Trims occurrences of any characters in set$
    ' from the right of a$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = LtrimSet$(a$, set$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$           String to be trimmed
    '                  set$         Set of characters to be trimmed
    ' VARIABLES:       i%           Index into a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION RtrimSet$ (a$, set$)
        FUNCTION RtrimSet$ (a$, set$) STATIC
            IF a$ <> "" THEN
                FOR i% = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1
                    IF INSTR(set$, MID$(a$, i%, 1)) = 0 THEN
                        RtrimSet$ = LEFT$(a$, i%)
                        EXIT FUNCTION
                    END IF
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            RtrimSet$ = ""

Function: Translate$

    Performs a table-lookup translation of the characters in a$. Each
    character in a$ is searched for in f$. If found, the character is replaced
    by the character located in the same position in t$. Take a look at a
    simple example to help clarify the explanation.

    Translate$("EXAMPLE", "ABCDE", "vwxyz") returns zXvMPLz. The first
    character of "EXAMPLE" is found in the fifth character position of
    "ABCDE," so it is replaced with the fifth character of "vwxyz." (The "E"
    is replaced with a "z.") Then each remaining character in "EXAMPLE" is
    searched for and replaced in the same way.

    The Ascii2Ebcdic$ and Ebcdic2Ascii$ functions call this function to
    translate characters from one standard set to the other.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Translate$                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        STRINGS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns a$ with each character translated from
    ' f$ to t$.  If a character from a$ is found in f$,
    ' it is replaced with the character located
    ' in the same position in t$.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  b$ = Translate$ (a$, f$, t$)
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String to be translated
    '                  f$         Table of lookup characters
    '                  t$         Table of replacement characters
    ' VARIABLES:       ta$        Working copy of a$
    '                  lena%      Length of a$
    '                  lenf%      Length of f$
    '                  lent%      Length of t$
    '                  i%         Index into ta$
    '                  ptr%       Pointer into f$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION Translate$ (a$, f$, t$)
        FUNCTION Translate$ (a$, f$, t$) STATIC
            ta$ = a$
            lena% = LEN(ta$)
            lenf% = LEN(f$)
            lent% = LEN(t$)
            IF lena% > 0 AND lenf% > 0 AND lent% > 0 THEN
                FOR i% = 1 TO lena%
                    ptr% = INSTR(f$, MID$(ta$, i%, 1))
                    IF ptr% THEN
                        MID$(ta$, i%, 1) = MID$(t$, ptr%, 1)
                    END IF
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            Translate$ = ta$
            ta$ = ""


    The TRIANGLE toolbox is a collection of analytical geometry functions and
    subprograms for calculating parts of triangles.

    The demonstration module-level code of this toolbox provides a useful
    triangle calculator utility.

    Run the program, and enter the known sides and/or angles of a triangle
    when prompted. If it's possible to calculate the remaining sides and
    angles, the program does so and then displays the results.

    Name                          Type   Description
    TRIANGLE.BAS                        Demo module
    Deg2Rad#                     Func   Converts degree angular units to
    Rad2Deg#                     Func   Converts radian angular units to
    Triangle                     Sub    Calculates sides and angles of
    TriangleArea#                Func   Calculates area of triangle from 3

Demo Module: TRIANGLE

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          TRIANGLE                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        TRIANGLE.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:          No command line parameters
    '                 QCALMATH.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:     (none)
    ' VARIABLES:      sA$        User input of side a
    '                 sB$        User input of side b
    '                 sC$        User input of side c
    '                 aA$        User input of angle A
    '                 aB$        User input of angle B
    '                 aC$        User input of angle C
    '                 sA#        Side A
    '                 sB#        Side B
    '                 sC#        Side C
    '                 aA#        Angle A
    '                 aB#        Angle B
    '                 aC#        Angle C

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION Deg2Rad# (deg#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION Rad2Deg# (rad#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcCosine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION ArcSine# (x#)
        DECLARE FUNCTION TriangleArea# (sA#, sB#, sC#)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Triangle (sA#, sB#, sC#, aA#, aB#, aC#)

    ' Initialization
        SCREEN 2

    ' Draw a representative triangle
        WINDOW (0, 0)-(1, 1)
        LINE (.3, .7)-(.8, .7)
        LINE -(.4, 1)
        LINE -(.3, .7)

    ' Label the triangle sides
        LOCATE 4, 26
        PRINT "a"
        LOCATE 3, 48
        PRINT "b"
        LOCATE 9, 42
        PRINT "c"

    ' Label the triangle angles
        LOCATE 7, 55
        PRINT "A"
        LOCATE 7, 28
        PRINT "B"
        LOCATE 2, 33
        PRINT "C"

    ' Ask user for the known data
        LOCATE 12, 1
        PRINT "Enter known sides and angles (deg),"
        PRINT "and press Enter for unknowns..."
        LOCATE 16, 1
        LINE INPUT "Side  a  "; sA$
        LINE INPUT "Side  b  "; sB$
        LINE INPUT "Side  c  "; sC$
        LINE INPUT "Angle A  "; aA$
        LINE INPUT "Angle B  "; aB$
        LINE INPUT "Angle C  "; aC$

    ' Convert to numeric values
        sA# = VAL(sA$)
        sB# = VAL(sB$)
        sC# = VAL(sC$)
        aA# = Deg2Rad#(VAL(aA$))
        aB# = Deg2Rad#(VAL(aB$))
        aC# = Deg2Rad#(VAL(aC$))

    ' Solve for the unknowns
        Triangle sA#, sB#, sC#, aA#, aB#, aC#

    ' Output the results
        LOCATE 16, 1
        PRINT "Side  a  "; sA#
        PRINT "Side  b  "; sB#
        PRINT "Side  c  "; sC#
        PRINT "Angle A  "; Rad2Deg#(aA#); "Deg"
        PRINT "Angle B  "; Rad2Deg#(aB#); "Deg"
        PRINT "Angle C  "; Rad2Deg#(aC#); "Deg"
        LOCATE 20, 40
        PRINT "Area = "; TriangleArea#(sA#, sB#, sC#)

    ' All done
        LOCATE 24, 1
        PRINT "Press any key to continue";
        LOOP WHILE INKEY = ""
        SCREEN 0

Function: Deg2Rad#

    Converts degrees to radians.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Deg2Rad#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        TRIANGLE.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts degree angular units to radians.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  r# = Deg2Rad#(deg#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      deg#       Degrees
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Deg2Rad# (deg#) STATIC
            Deg2Rad# = deg# / 57.29577951308232#

Function: Rad2Deg#

    Converts radians to degrees.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Rad2Deg#                   **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        TRIANGLE.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Converts radian angular units to degrees.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  d# = Rad2Deg#(rad#)
    ' PARAMETERS:      rad#       Radians
    ' VARIABLES:       (none)
        FUNCTION Rad2Deg# (rad#) STATIC
            Rad2Deg# = rad# * 57.29577951308232#

Subprogram: Triangle

    Calculates sides and angles of a triangle if enough sides and/or angles
    are given to be able to deduce the rest. Any combination of sides and
    angles can be given, although illegal combinations will produce
    unpredictable results.

    Double-precision numbers are used throughout this subprogram to maintain
    high accuracy. Change all the pound signs to exclamation points if you
    prefer to work with single-precision numbers.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Triangle                   **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        TRIANGLE.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Calculates all sides and angles of a triangle,
    ' assuming enough sides and angles are given.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Triangle sA#, sB#, sC#, aA#, aB#, aC#
    ' PARAMETERS:      sA#        Side A
    '                  sB#        Side B
    '                  sC#        Side C
    '                  aA#        Angle A
    '                  aB#        Angle B
    '                  aC#        Angle C
    ' VARIABLES:       i%         Looping index
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Triangle (sA#, sB#, sC#, aA#, aB#, aC#)
        SUB Triangle (sA#, sB#, sC#, aA#, aB#, aC#) STATIC

            FOR i% = 1 TO 18

                IF aA# = 0# THEN
                    IF sA# <> 0# AND sB# <> 0# AND sC# <> 0# THEN
                        t# = sB# * sB# + sC# * sC# - sA# * sA#
                        aA# = ArcCosine#(t# / 2# / sB# / sC#)
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF aB# = 0# THEN
                    IF sA# <> 0# AND sB# <> 0# AND aA# <> 0# THEN
                        aB# = ArcSine#(sB# * SIN(aA#) / sA#)
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF aC# = 0# THEN
                    IF aA# <> 0# AND aB# <> 0# THEN
                        aC# = 3.141592653589793# - aA# - aB#
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF sB# = 0# THEN
                    IF sA# <> 0# AND aB# <> 0# AND aA# <> 0# THEN
                        sB# = sA# * SIN(aB#) / SIN(aA#)
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF sC# = 0# THEN
                    IF sA# <> 0# AND sB# <> 0# AND aC# <> 0# THEN
                        t# = sA# * sA# + sB# * sB#
                        sC# = SQR(t# - 2# * sA# * sB# * COS(aC#))
                    END IF
                END IF

                IF i% MOD 2 THEN
                    SWAP sB#, sC#
                    SWAP aB#, aC#
                    SWAP sA#, sB#
                    SWAP aA#, aB#
                END IF

            NEXT i%

        END SUB

Function: TriangleArea#

    Calculates the area of a triangle given the three sides of the triangle.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          TriangleArea#              **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        TRIANGLE.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the area of a triangle given the three sides.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  TriangleArea# sA#, sB#, sC#
    ' PARAMETERS:      sA#        Side A
    '                  sB#        Side B
    '                  sC#        Side C
    ' VARIABLES:       s#         Sum of the three sides of the triangle
    '                             divided by two
    '                  t1#        Temporary variable
    '                  t2#        Temporary variable
    '                  t3#        Temporary variable
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION TriangleArea# (sA#, sB#, sC#)
        FUNCTION TriangleArea# (sA#, sB#, sC#) STATIC
            s# = (sA# + sB# + sC#) / 2#
            t1# = s# - sA#
            t2# = s# - sB#
            t3# = s# - sC#
            TriangleArea# = SQR(s# * t1# * t2# * t3#)


    The WINDOWS demo module demonstrates the windows subprograms. One lets
    you create several types of windows for displaying information and menu
    selections. A second subprogram removes the most recently created window.

    The WindowsType data structure completely defines the action and
    appearance of the windows that you can create. Although the list of
    variables in this structure is fairly long, you have the advantage of
    complete control over the windows.

    Set the action code to 0, 1, or 2. An action code of 0 indicates a return
    to the calling program immediately after the window is created, leaving
    the window on the screen. You could use this type of window for simply
    displaying information.

    An action code of 1 creates the window and then waits for the user to
    press any key before continuing. The code for the key pressed is returned
    to the calling program, making it possible to use a type 1 window to ask
    yes-or-no, multiple choice, or other questions.

    An action code of 2 creates the most sophisticated type of window. In this
    case, a menu window is created, providing several methods for the user to
    select from among the available menu choices. One line of the menu window
    is highlighted to indicate the currently selected choice. You can use the
    up and down arrow keys or the mouse to move this highlight to the desired
    line. Clicking with the mouse or pressing the Enter key selects the
    currently highlighted line. You can also press the key for the first
    unique character of a line, which immediately selects that line. The
    Windows subprogram then returns the line number for a type 2 action code

    The edgeLine variable in the WindowsType data structure should also be set
    to 0, 1, or 2. This parameter tells the Windows subprogram to draw a
    border around the window with 0-, 1-, or 2-line graphics characters.

    You can select and control the foreground and background colors for each
    part of a window individually. The color definition constants used in the
    demonstration program can be very useful for setting these parameters.

    The row and column variables define the placement of the upper left corner
    of the window. The Windows subprogram automatically sizes the window for
    both the number of lines and the length of the longest line. Be sure to
    place the window where it won't hit the edges of the screen.

    The title string appears in the center of the top border of the window,
    and the prompt string appears in the center of the bottom border of the
    display. If these strings are null, nothing is displayed in the window

    The PCOPY statement copies screen pages for saving and restoring the
    background information under the windows. This technique results in very
    quick window appearance and disappearance without using complicated
    assembly-language routines. In 40-column SCREEN mode 0, you can display up
    to seven windows at once, one for each available screen page. Depending on
    the graphics adapter you have, other video modes let you display two to
    four windows simultaneously.

    Name                          Type   Description
    WINDOWS.BAS                         Demo module
    Windows                      Sub    Creates a pop-up window
    WindowsPop                   Sub    Removes last displayed window

Demo Module: WINDOWS

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          WINDOWS                    **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        WINDOWS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                  Mouse (optional)
    ' .MAK FILE:       WINDOWS.BAS
    '                  BITS.BAS
    '                  BIOSCALL.BAS
    '                  MOUSSUBS.BAS
    '                  KEYS.BAS
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       w1         Structure of type WindowsType
    '                  w2         Structure of type WindowsType
    '                  w3         Structure of type WindowsType
    '                  w1Text$()  Strings to display in first window
    '                  w2Text$()  Strings to display in second window
    '                  w3Text$()  Strings to display in third window
    '                  w1Title$   Title string for first window
    '                  w1Prompt$  Prompt string for first window
    '                  w2Title$   Title string for second window
    '                  w2Prompt$  Prompt string for second window
    '                  w3Title$   Title string for third window
    '                  arrow$     String showing up and down arrows
    '                  entSymbol$ String showing the Enter key symbol
    '                  w3Prompt$  Prompt string for third window
    '                  i%         Looping index
    '                  t0         Timer value

    ' Define color constants
        CONST BLACK = 0
        CONST BLUE = 1
        CONST GREEN = 2
        CONST CYAN = 3
        CONST RED = 4
        CONST MAGENTA = 5
        CONST BROWN = 6
        CONST WHITE = 7
        CONST BRIGHT = 8
        CONST BLINK = 16

        TYPE WindowsType
            action       AS INTEGER
            edgeLine     AS INTEGER
            row          AS INTEGER
            col          AS INTEGER
            fgdEdge      AS INTEGER
            bgdEdge      AS INTEGER
            fgdBody      AS INTEGER
            bgdBody      AS INTEGER
            fgdHighlight AS INTEGER
            bgdHighlight AS INTEGER
            fgdTitle     AS INTEGER
            bgdTitle     AS INTEGER
            fgdPrompt    AS INTEGER
            bgdPrompt    AS INTEGER
            returnCode   AS INTEGER
        END TYPE

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION InKeyCode% ()

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB Windows (w AS WindowsType, wText$(), wTitle$, wPrompt$)
        DECLARE SUB WindowsPop ()
        DECLARE SUB VideoState (mode%, columns%, page%)
        DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseMickey (horizontal%, vertical%)
        DECLARE SUB MouseNow (leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%)

    ' Data structures
        DIM w1 AS WindowsType
        DIM w2 AS WindowsType
        DIM w3 AS WindowsType

    ' Arrays
        DIM w1Text$(1 TO 5)
        DIM w2Text$(1 TO 3)
        DIM w3Text$(1 TO 9)

    ' Define first window
        w1.action = 0
        w1.edgeLine = 1
        w1.row = 2
        w1.col = 3
        w1.fgdEdge = YELLOW
        w1.bgdEdge = BLUE
        w1.fgdBody = BRIGHT + WHITE
        w1.bgdBody = BLUE
        w1.fgdHighlight = 0
        w1.bgdHighlight = 0
        w1.fgdTitle = YELLOW
        w1.bgdTitle = BLUE
        w1.fgdPrompt = YELLOW
        w1.bgdPrompt = BLUE
        w1Title$ = " First Window "
        w1Text$(1) = "This window demonstrates how information"
        w1Text$(2) = "can be displayed without requesting any"
        w1Text$(3) = "response from the user.  The action code"
        w1Text$(4) = "is 0, causing an immediate return to the"
        w1Text$(5) = "program after the window is displayed."
        w1Prompt$ = ""

    ' Define second window
        w2.action = 1
        w2.edgeLine = 2
        w2.row = 10
        w2.col = 12
        w2.fgdEdge = CYAN + BRIGHT
        w2.bgdEdge = BLACK
        w2.fgdBody = YELLOW
        w2.bgdBody = BLACK
        w2.fgdHighlight = 0
        w2.bgdHighlight = 0
        w2.fgdTitle = CYAN + BRIGHT
        w2.bgdTitle = BLUE
        w2.fgdPrompt = CYAN + BRIGHT
        w2.bgdPrompt = BLUE
        w2Title$ = " Second window, action code is 1 "
        w2Text$(1) = "This window waits for the user to press"
        w2Text$(2) = "any key before continuing.  The key code"
        w2Text$(3) = "is passed back to the calling program."
        w2Prompt$ = " Press any key to continue. "

    ' Define third window
        w3.action = 2
        w3.edgeLine = 2
        w3.row = 7
        w3.col = 15
        w3.fgdEdge = YELLOW
        w3.bgdEdge = WHITE
        w3.fgdBody = BLACK
        w3.bgdBody = WHITE
        w3.fgdHighlight = WHITE + BRIGHT
        w3.bgdHighlight = BLACK
        w3.fgdTitle = YELLOW
        w3.bgdTitle = WHITE
        w3.fgdPrompt = YELLOW
        w3.bgdPrompt = WHITE
        w3Title$ = " Third window, action is 2 (menu selection) "
        arrows$ = CHR$(24) + " " + CHR$(25) + " "
        entSymbol$ = CHR$(17) + CHR$(196) + CHR$(217)
        w3Prompt$ = " <Character> " + arrows$ + entSymbol$ + " or use mouse "
        w3Text$(1) = "1. This is the first line in the window."
        w3Text$(2) = "2. This is the second."
        w3Text$(3) = "3. This is the third line."
        w3Text$(4) = "4. The fourth."
        w3Text$(5) = "5. The fifth."
        w3Text$(6) = "A. You can press <A> or <a> to select this line."
        w3Text$(7) = "B. You can press <1> to <5> for one of the first 5 lines.
        w3Text$(8) = "C. Try moving the cursor up or down and pressing Enter."
        w3Text$(9) = "D. Also, try the mouse. Click with left button."

    ' Initialize the display
        SCREEN 0, , 0, 0
        WIDTH 80
        FOR i% = 1 TO 20
            PRINT STRING$(80, 178)
        NEXT i%
        LOCATE 6, 24
        PRINT " * Windows toolbox demonstration * "

    ' Wait for any key to be pressed
        LOCATE 22, 1
        PRINT "Press any key to continue"
        LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

    ' Clear the "press any key" prompt
        LOCATE 22, 1
        PRINT SPACE$(25)

    ' Create the three windows
        Windows w1, w1Text$(), w1Title$, w1Prompt$
        Windows w2, w2Text$(), w2Title$, w2Prompt$
        Windows w3, w3Text$(), w3Title$, w3Prompt$

    ' Display the result codes, and erase each window
        FOR i% = 1 TO 4
            LOCATE 21, 1
            COLOR WHITE, BLACK
            PRINT "The three return codes...";
            PRINT w1.returnCode; w2.returnCode; w3.returnCode
            COLOR YELLOW
            PRINT "Every five seconds another window will disappear..."
            COLOR WHITE, BLACK
            t0 = TIMER
            LOOP UNTIL TIMER - t0 > 5
        NEXT i%

    ' All done

Subprogram: Windows

    Creates a pop-up window for displaying string data or menu selections. The
    data structure of type WindowsType defines the action, colors, borders,
    and other attributes of the windows. If you provide invalid parameters,
    you receive an appropriate error message, and the program terminates.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Windows                    **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        WINDOWS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Displays a rectangular window for information display
    ' or menu selection.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  Windows w1, wText$(), wTitle$, wPrompt$
    ' PARAMETERS:      w1            Structure of type WindowsType
    '                  wTest$()      Array of strings to be displayed
    '                  wTitle$       Title string
    '                  wPrompt$      Prompt string
    ' VARIABLES:       mode%         Current video mode
    '                  columns%      Current number of character columns
    '                  page%         Current video page
    '                  cursorRow%    Saved cursor row position
    '                  cursorCol%    Saved cursor column position
    '                  newpage%      Next video page
    '                  lbText%       Lower boundary of array of text lines
    '                  ubText%       Upper boundary of array of text lines
    '                  i%            Looping index
    '                  maxlen%       Length of longest string to display
    '                  length%       Length of each array string
    '                  row2%         Row number at bottom right corner of win
    '                  col2%         Column number at bottom right corner of
    '                                window
    '                  ul%           Upper left corner border character code
    '                  ur%           Upper right corner border character code
    '                  ll%           Lower left corner border character code
    '                  lr%           Lower right corner border character code
    '                  vl%           Vertical border character code
    '                  hl%           Horizontal border character code
    '                  r%            Index to each line of text
    '                  ptr%          Highlighted line pointer
    '                  lastPtr%      Last highlighted line
    '                  horizontal%   Horizontal mouse mickies
    '                  vertical%     Vertical mouse mickies
    '                  mickies       Accumulated vertical mickies
    '                  choice$       Set of unique characters for each menu l
    '                  tmp$          Work string
    '                  kee%          Key code returned by InKeyCode% function
    '                  leftButton%   Mouse left button state
    '                  rightButton%  Mouse right button state
    '                  xMouse%       Mouse X position
    '                  yMouse%       Mouse Y position
    '   DECLARATIONS:  SUB Windows (w AS WindowsType, wText$(), wTitle$,
    '                               wPrompt$) STATIC
        SUB Windows (w AS WindowsType, wText$(), wTitle$, wPrompt$) STATIC
        ' Key code numbers
            CONST DOWNARROW = 20480
            CONST ENTER = 13
            CONST ESCAPE = 27
            CONST UPARROW = 18432

        ' Determine current video page
            VideoState mode%, columns%, page%

        ' Record current cursor location
            cursorRow% = CSRLIN
            cursorCol% = POS(0)

        ' Window will be on the next page, if available
            newpage% = page% + 1
            IF newpage% > 7 THEN
                SCREEN , , 0, 0
                PRINT "Error: Windows - not enough video pages"
            END IF

        ' Copy current page to new page
            PCOPY page%, newpage%

        ' Show the current page while building window on new page
            SCREEN , , newpage%, page%

        ' Determine array bounds
            lbText% = LBOUND(wText$)
            ubText% = UBOUND(wText$)

        ' Check the text array bounds, lower always 1, upper > 0
            IF lbText% <> 1 OR ubText% < 1 THEN
                SCREEN , , 0, 0
                PRINT "Error: Windows - text array dimensioned incorrectly"
            END IF

        ' Determine longest string in the text array
            maxLen% = 0
            FOR i% = lbText% TO ubText%
                length% = LEN(wText$(i%))
                IF length% > maxLen% THEN
                    maxLen% = length%
                END IF
            NEXT i%

        ' Determine the bottom right corner of window
            row2% = w.row + ubText% + 1
            col2% = w.col + maxLen% + 3

        ' Check that window is on screen
            IF w.row < 1 OR w.col < 1 OR row2% > 25 OR col2% > columns% THEN
                SCREEN , , 0, 0
                PRINT "Error: Windows - part of window is off screen"
            END IF

        ' Set the edge characters
            SELECT CASE w.edgeLine
            CASE 0
                ul% = 32
                ur% = 32
                ll% = 32
                lr% = 32
                vl% = 32
                hl% = 32
            CASE 1
                ul% = 218
                ur% = 191
                ll% = 192
                lr% = 217
                vl% = 179
                hl% = 196
            CASE 2
                ul% = 201
                ur% = 187
                ll% = 200
                lr% = 188
                vl% = 186
                hl% = 205
            CASE ELSE
                SCREEN , , 0, 0
                PRINT "Error: Windows - Edge line type incorrect"
            END SELECT

        ' Draw top edge of the box
            LOCATE w.row, w.col, 0
            COLOR w.fgdEdge, w.bgdEdge
            PRINT CHR$(ul%); STRING$(maxLen% + 2, hl%); CHR$(ur%);

        ' Draw the body of the window
            FOR r% = w.row + 1 TO row2% - 1
                LOCATE r%, w.col, 0
                COLOR w.fgdEdge, w.bgdEdge
                PRINT CHR$(vl%);
                COLOR w.fgdBody, w.bgdBody
                tmp$ = LEFT$(wText$(r% - w.row) + SPACE$(maxLen%), maxLen%)
                PRINT " "; tmp$; " ";
                COLOR w.fgdEdge, w.bgdEdge
                PRINT CHR$(vl%);
            NEXT r%

        ' Draw bottom edge of the box
            LOCATE row2%, w.col, 0
            COLOR w.fgdEdge, w.bgdEdge
            PRINT CHR$(ll%); STRING$(maxLen% + 2, hl%); CHR$(lr%);

        ' Center and print top title if present
            IF wTitle$ <> "" THEN
                LOCATE w.row, (w.col + col2% - LEN(wTitle$) + 1) \ 2, 0
                COLOR w.fgdTitle, w.bgdTitle
                PRINT wTitle$;
            END IF

        ' Center and print prompt if present
            IF wPrompt$ <> "" THEN
                LOCATE row2%, (w.col + col2% - LEN(wPrompt$) + 1) \ 2, 0
                COLOR w.fgdPrompt, w.bgdPrompt
                PRINT wPrompt$;
            END IF

        ' Now make the new page visible and active
            SCREEN , , newpage%, newpage%

        ' Take next action based on action code
            SELECT CASE w.action
            CASE 1

            ' Get a key code number and return it
                    w.returnCode = InKeyCode%
                LOOP UNTIL w.returnCode

            CASE 2

            ' Set choice pointer to last selection if known
                IF w.returnCode > 0 AND w.returnCode < ubText% THEN
                    ptr% = w.returnCode
                    ptr% = 1
                END IF

            ' Start with last pointer different, to update highlighting
                IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                    lastPtr% = 1
                    lastPtr% = 2
                END IF

            ' Clear any mouse mickey counts
                MouseMickey horizontal%, vertical%
                mickies% = 0

            ' Create unique key selection string
                choice$ = ""
                FOR i% = 1 TO ubText%
                    tmp$ = UCASE$(LTRIM$(wText$(i%)))
                        IF tmp$ <> "" THEN
                            t$ = LEFT$(tmp$, 1)
                            tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, 2)
                            IF INSTR(choice$, t$) = 0 THEN
                                choice$ = choice$ + t$
                            END IF
                            SCREEN 0, , 0
                            PRINT "Error: Windows - No unique character"
                        END IF
                    LOOP UNTIL LEN(choice$) = i%
                NEXT i%

            ' Main loop, monitor mouse and keyboard

                ' Add the mouse mickies
                    MouseMickey horizontal%, vertical%
                    mickies% = mickies% + vertical%

                ' Check for enough mickies
                    IF mickies% < -17 THEN
                        mickies% = 0
                        IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                            ptr% = ptr% - 1
                        END IF
                    ELSEIF mickies% > 17 THEN
                        mickies% = 0
                        IF ptr% < ubText% THEN
                            ptr% = ptr% + 1
                        END IF
                    END IF

                ' Check keyboard
                    kee% = InKeyCode%
                    IF kee% >= ASC("a") AND kee% <= ASC("z") THEN
                        kee% = ASC(UCASE$(CHR$(kee%)))
                    END IF
                    SELECT CASE kee%
                    CASE UPARROW
                        IF ptr% > 1 THEN
                            ptr% = ptr% - 1
                        END IF
                    CASE DOWNARROW
                        IF ptr% < ubText% THEN
                            ptr% = ptr% + 1
                        END IF
                    CASE ENTER
                        w.returnCode = ptr%
                    CASE ESCAPE
                        w.returnCode = -1
                    CASE ELSE
                        w.returnCode = INSTR(choice$, CHR$(kee%))
                        IF w.returnCode THEN
                            ptr% = w.returnCode
                        END IF
                    END SELECT

                ' Check the left mouse button
                    MouseNow leftButton%, rightButton%, xMouse%, yMouse%
                    IF leftButton% THEN
                        w.returnCode = ptr%
                    END IF

                ' Update the highlight if line has changed
                    IF ptr% <> lastPtr% THEN
                        LOCATE lastPtr% + w.row, w.col + 2, 0
                        COLOR w.fgdBody, w.bgdBody
                        tmp$ = LEFT$(wText$(lastPtr%) + SPACE$(maxLen%), maxLen
                        PRINT tmp$;
                        LOCATE ptr% + w.row, w.col + 2, 0
                        COLOR w.fgdHighlight, w.bgdHighlight
                        tmp$ = LEFT$(wText$(ptr%) + SPACE$(maxLen%), maxLen%)
                        PRINT tmp$;
                        lastPtr% = ptr%
                    END IF

                LOOP WHILE w.returnCode = 0

            CASE ELSE
                w.returnCode = 0
            END SELECT

        ' Reset the cursor position
            LOCATE cursorRow%, cursorCol%

        END SUB

Subprogram: WindowsPop

    Removes the most recently created window from the screen. The SCREEN
    statement is used to change the apage and vpage parameters simultaneously,
    resulting in nearly instant removal of the window.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          WindowsPop                 **
    ' **  Type:          Subprogram                 **
    ' **  Module:        WINDOWS.BAS                **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Removes last displayed window.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  WindowsPop
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       mode%      Current video mode
    '                  columns%   Current number of display columns
    '                  page%      Current display page
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB WindowsPop ()
        SUB WindowsPop STATIC
            VideoState mode%, columns%, page%
            IF page% THEN
                SCREEN 0, , page% - 1, page% - 1
            END IF
        END SUB


    The WORDCOUN toolbox counts words in a file and contains a function that
    counts words in a string. Enter a filename on the command line when you
    run this program.

    Name                          Type   Description
    WORDCOUN.BAS                        Demo module
    WordCount%                   Func   Returns number of words in a string

Demo Module: WORDCOUN

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          WORDCOUN                   **
    ' **  Type:          Toolbox                    **
    ' **  Module:        WORDCOUN.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           WORDCOUN filename
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      filename      Name of file to be processed
    ' VARIABLES:       fileName$     Name of file from the command line
    '                  sep$          List of characters defined as word separ
    '                  a$            Each line from the file
    '                  totalCount&   Total count of words

        DECLARE FUNCTION WordCount% (a$, sep$)

    ' Assume a filename has been given on the command line
        fileName$ = COMMAND$

    ' Open the file
        OPEN fileName$ FOR INPUT AS #1

    ' Define the word-separating characters as space, tab, and comma
        sep$ = " " + CHR$(9) + ","

    ' Read in and process each line
            LINE INPUT #1, a$
            totalCount& = totalCount& + WordCount%(a$, sep$)
        LOOP UNTIL EOF(1)

    ' Print the results
        PRINT "There are"; totalCount&; "words in "; fileName$

    ' That's all

Function: WordCount%

    Returns the number of words in a string. Words are defined as groups of
    characters separated by one or more of the characters in sep$. The
    WORDCOUN toolbox passes sep$ with a space, a tab, and a comma in it, but
    you can place any characters in sep$ that you want to use to define the
    separation of words.

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          Wordcount%                 **
    ' **  Type:          Function                   **
    ' **  Module:        WORDCOUN.BAS               **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Returns the number of words in a string.
    ' EXAMPLE OF USE:  WordCount% a$, sep$
    ' PARAMETERS:      a$         String containing words to be counted
    '                  sep$       List of word separation characters
    ' VARIABLES:       count%     Count of words
    '                  flag%      Indicates if scanning is currently inside o
    '                             word
    '                  la%        length of a$
    '                  i%         Index to each character of a$
    '   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE FUNCTION WordCount% (a$, sep$)
        FUNCTION WordCount% (a$, sep$) STATIC
            count% = 0
            flag% = 0
            la% = LEN(a$)
            IF la% > 0 AND sep$ <> "" THEN
                FOR i% = 1 TO la%
                    IF INSTR(sep$, MID$(a$, i%, 1)) THEN
                        IF flag% THEN
                            flag% = 0
                            count% = count% + 1
                        END IF
                        flag% = 1
                    END IF
                NEXT i%
            END IF
            WordCount% = count% + flag%



Chapter Four  Using Mixed-Language Toolboxes

    Although Microsoft QuickBASIC is a sophisticated and powerful
    software-development tool, other languages, such as C, FORTRAN, Pascal,
    and assembly language, have unique strengths. The ability to mix
    subprograms and functions written in any of these languages lets you use
    the best features of each. FORTRAN, for example, has extensive mathematics
    and engineering libraries, and C is a powerful development language. For
    the fastest running programs, assembly language can't be beat. Once you
    understand a few concepts, you'll be able to easily combine routines from
    these languages.

Near and Far Addressing

    MS-DOS runs on the 8088, 8086, 80286, and 80386 family of microprocessors
    found at the heart of IBM Personal Computers and compatibles. These chips
    use special hardware registers that allow quicker access and shorter
    instruction when referring to data or procedures located in the same block
    of 65536 (64 KB) bytes of memory.

    From a software point of view, microprocessor instructions can address
    memory locations by referring to either locations in a currently defined,
    single block of 64 KB memory addresses or to any possible locations in
    memory space. These references are called "near" and "far," respectively.
    Near references require one word, and far references require two words.
    Normally, high-level languages such as QuickBASIC take care of all these
    details for you, but when you link subprograms from other languages with
    QuickBASIC, you need to be sure that references to variables and calls to
    subprograms and functions all use the same type of near or far addressing.

    You can adjust Microsoft QuickC and Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0 to
    create programs using a variety of memory models that indicate whether
    memory locations are referred to by near or far addressing. To be
    compatible with QuickBASIC's method, you should use Medium Model settings
    for both compilers. In fact, this is the default setting for QuickC,
    making it easy for you to write QuickC routines to be called from

Passing Variables

    Most programming languages, including QuickBASIC and QuickC, let you pass
    variables to called subprograms, functions, and subroutines by listing
    them in parentheses as part of the calling statement. This list matches
    one for one the parameters defined and used in the called routine.

    You can pass these parameters to and from a subprogram or function by
    reference or by value. Some languages pass the address of the referenced
    variable, and changes made to the variable by the routine modify the
    contents of memory that this address points to. Other languages pass
    copies of the values of the variables. Changes to the passed variables
    don't affect the originals because the changes are made only to the

    The important concept is that both the calling routine and the called
    routine must agree as to how they pass parameters back and forth. For
    example, QuickBASIC usually passes parameters by reference, and QuickC by
    value. Fortunately, both languages let you control whether parameters are
    passed by value or by reference. See the CDECL modifier of the QuickBASIC
    DECLARE statement for an example of how you can control parameter passing.

    Parameter passing can also vary from language to language in the order in
    which the parameters are pushed onto the stack as well as in the method
    used to remove these parameters from the stack when the called routine is
    finished. For example, consider a QuickBASIC program that passes
    parameters (A, B, C) to a QuickC subprogram. The QuickC routine processes
    the parameters as (C, B, A). The CDECL modifier in the QuickBASIC DECLARE
    statement can tell QuickBASIC to reverse the normal order of parameter
    pushing to be compatible with QuickC.

    In most languages, when a subprogram or function is finished, the
    parameters are removed from the stack before the routine returns to the
    calling program. QuickC routines expect the calling program to clean up
    the stack after the return. (This allows passing a variable number of
    parameters in C.) The CDECL modifier instructs QuickBASIC to clean up the
    stack after calling a subprogram or function.

    By using standard parameter-passing techniques and by following the
    examples in this book and in your Microsoft QuickBASIC and Microsoft Macro
    Assembler manuals, you'll find mixed-language programming easy and

    The routines in Part III of this book demonstrate passing integers, arrays
    of integers, and string variables. The Microsoft Macro Assembler was used
    to develop the mouse interface subprogram, and Microsoft QuickC was used
    to create some bit manipulation and byte-movement routines.

Creating Mixed-Language Toolboxes

    In the section "Using QuickBASIC Toolboxes," you will find the steps to
    follow for using the QuickC and Macro Assembler routines presented in Part
    III of this book. Please see "Creating MIXED.QLB," beginning on page 22.

    In addition to compiling from the system prompt, you can also compile each
    QuickC toolbox, CTOOLS1.C and CTOOLS2.C, from within the QuickC
    environment. Run QuickC by typing QC, and notice that the environment is
    very similar in appearance and feel to that of QuickBASIC. Pull down the
    Files menu and choose Open. Select CTOOLS1.C to load the first toolbox
    into QuickC. Then pull down the Run menu and choose Compile. A dialog box
    opens, providing several compiling options. In the Output Options section,
    select Obj, rather than the default Memory, and then select Compile File,
    rather than the default Build Program option. You can experiment with the
    options listed under Miscellaneous, but selecting Optimizations and
    deselecting the Stack Checking and Debug options generally results in a
    smaller .OBJ file. QuickC then compiles the CTOOLS1.C source code
    currently in memory and writes the resulting CTOOLS1.OBJ file to disk.
    Repeat the process for the CTOOLS2.C file.

    Once you have created the object-code files and the MIXED.QLB Quick
    Library and have loaded MIXED.QLB with QuickBASIC, you can then call any
    or all of the QuickC and Macro Assembler functions and subprograms from
    within programs running in the QuickBASIC environment. Be sure to declare
    the subprogram or function in the module-level code, and then call the
    routines freely, as though they were part of the standard set of
    QuickBASIC functions and commands.

    Once a program is running as desired in the QuickBASIC environment you may
    want to compile it into a stand-alone .EXE format file. Simply compile the
    program from within QuickBASIC and the appropriate .LIB file will be
    searched. The MIXED.LIB file will automatically pull in the necessary code
    during the LINK process.

    NOTE: You must have QuickC installed to compile CDEMO1 and CDEMO2 into
    executable files.

Assembly Source-Code Files

    The CASEMAP.ASM and MOUSE.ASM source-code files are listed here for your
    convenience in building both the MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB libraries.

    The CASEMAP.ASM subprogram is called by TranslateCountry$, a function
    found in the DOSCALLS module, to translate each character, one at a time.

    This routine demonstrates how you can use QuickBASIC's DECLARE statement
    to pass parameters by value rather than by reference. In this case, the
    segment- and offset-address parameters for the MS-DOS translation routine
    are passed by value, resulting in a very efficient branch to the MS-DOS
    character-translation routine from CaseMap.

    ; **********************************************
    ; **  CASEMAP.ASM                   MASM 5.0  **
    ; **                                          **
    ; **  Assembly subprogram for translating     **
    ; **  some characters according to the        **
    ; **  currently loaded MS-DOS country-        **
    ; **  dependent information.                  **
    ; **                                          **
    ; **  Use:  CALL CASEMAP (CHAR%, SEG%, OFS%)  **
    ; **  Note: CHAR% is passed by reference      **
    ; **        SEG% and OFS% are passed by value **
    ; **********************************************
    ; EXAMPLE OF USE:  CALL CaseMap (char%, seg%, ofs%)
    ; PARAMETERS:      char%      Character byte to be translated
    ;                  seg%       Segment of address of MS-DOS translate routi
    ;                  ofs%       Offset of address of MS-DOS translate routin
    ; VARIABLES:       (none)
    ;   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB GetCountry (country AS CountryType)
    ;                  DECLARE SUB CaseMap (character%, BYVAL Segment%,
    ;                                       BYVAL Offset%)
    ;                  DECLARE FUNCTION TranslateCountry$ (a$, country AS Coun

            public  casemap

    casemap proc

    ; Standard entry
            push    bp
            mov     bp,sp

    ; Get CHAR% into AX register
            mov     bx,[bp+10]
            mov     ax,[bx]

    ; Call the translate function in MS-DOS
            call    dword ptr [bp+6]

    ; Return translated character to CHAR%
            mov     bx,[bp+10]
            mov     [bx],ax

    ; Standard exit, assumes three variables passed
            pop     bp
            ret     6

    ; End of the procedure
    casemap endp

    The MOUSE.ASM subprogram provides a fast and efficient method of
    interfacing QuickBASIC with the memory-resident mouse-driver software.
    (See your mouse documentation for information on loading this driver into

    ; **********************************************
    ; **  MOUSE.ASM              Macro Assembler  **
    ; **                                          **
    ; **  Assembly subprogram for accessing the   **
    ; **  Microsoft Mouse from QuickBASIC 4.00    **
    ; **                                          **
    ; **  Use:  CALL MOUSE (M1%, M2%, M3%, M4%)   **
    ; **********************************************
    ; EXAMPLE OF USE:  CALL Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)
    ; PARAMETERS:      m1%        Passed in AX to the mouse driver
    ;                  m2%        Passed in BX to the mouse driver
    ;                  m3%        Passed in CX to the mouse driver
    ;                  m4%        Passed in DX to the mouse driver
    ; VARIABLES:       (none)
    ;   DECLARATIONS:  DECLARE SUB Mouse (m1%, m2%, m3%, m4%)

            public  mouse

    mouse   proc

    ; Standard entry
            push    bp
            mov     bp,sp

    ; Get M1% and store it on the stack
            mov     bx,[bp+12]
            mov     ax,[bx]
            push    ax

    ; Get M2% and store it on the stack
            mov     bx,[bp+10]
            mov     ax,[bx]
            push    ax

    ; Get M3% into CX register
            mov     bx,[bp+8]
            mov     cx,[bx]

    ; Get M4% into DX register
            mov     bx,[bp+6]
            mov     dx,[bx]

    ; Move M2% from stack into BX register
            pop     bx

    ; Move M1% from stack into AX register
            pop     ax

    ; Set ES to same as DS (for mouse function 9)
            push    ds
            pop     es

    ; Do the mouse interrupt
            int     33h

    ; Save BX (M2%) on stack to free register
            push    bx

    ; Return M1% from AX
            mov     bx,[bp+12]
            mov     [bx],ax

    ; Return M2% from stack (was BX)
            pop     ax
            mov     bx,[bp+10]
            mov     [bx],ax

    ; Return M3% from CX
            mov     bx,[bp+8]
            mov     [bx],cx

    ; Return M4% from DX
            mov     bx,[bp+6]
            mov     [bx],dx

    ; Standard exit, assumes four variables passed
            pop     bp
            ret     8

    ; End of this procedure
    mouse   endp


    The CDEMO1.BAS program is a QuickBASIC program that demonstrates the
    proper declaration and calling of the QuickC routines presented in the
    CTOOLS1.C toolbox.

    The IsIt[Type]% functions can efficiently determine the classification of
    any character, given its ASCII numeric value. For example, given c% =
    ASC("A"), the IsItAlnum%, IsItAlpha%, IsItAscii%, IsItGraph%,
    IsItPrint%, IsItUpper%, and IsItXDigit% functions all return a true
    (non-zero) value, and all other functions return zero.

    The MovBytes and MovWords subprograms allow movement of bytes or words
    from any location in memory to any other, using the QuickC movedata
    function. You can use these subprograms to copy the contents of variables
    into variables of a different type. The eight bytes of a double-precision
    number, for example, can be easily extracted from an eight-character
    string after the data has been moved from the number into the string.
    Large arrays of data can efficiently be moved into arrays of a different
    type, and video memory can be stored in a string, as demonstrated by the
    module-level code of CDEMO1.

    Name                     Type    Description
    CDEMO1.BAS                      QuickBASIC program module
    CTOOLS1.C                       C-language toolbox containing
    IsItAlnum%              Func    Alphanumeric character determination
    IsItAlpha%              Func    Alphabetic character determination
    IsItAscii%              Func    Standard ASCII character determination
    IsItCntrl%              Func    Control character determination
    IsItDigit%              Func    Decimal digit (0─9) determination
    IsItGraph%              Func    Graphics character determination
    IsItLower%              Func    Lowercase character determination
    IsItPrint%              Func    Printable character determination
    IsItPunct%              Func    Punctuation character determination
    IsItSpace%              Func    Space character determination
    IsItUpper%              Func    Uppercase character determination
    IsItXDigit%             Func    Hexadecimal character determination
    MovBytes                Sub     Moves bytes from one location to another
    MovWords                Sub     Moves blocks of words in memory

Program Module: CDEMO1

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CDEMO1                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        CDEMO1.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' Demonstrates the QuickC routines presented in
    ' the file CTOOLS1.C.
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                  MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       a%(0 TO 1999) Storage space for first text screen
    '                  b%(0 TO 1999) Storage space for second text screen
    '                  i%            Looping index
    '                  sseg%         Word and byte move source segment
    '                                part of address
    '                  soff%         Word and byte move source offset
    '                                part of address
    '                  dseg%         Word and byte move destination segment
    '                                part of address
    '                  doff%         Word and byte move destination offset
    '                                part of address
    '                  nwords%       Number of words to move
    '                  nbytes%       Number of bytes to move
    '                  t$            Copy of TIME$
    '                  quitflag%     Signal to end first demonstration

    ' Functions

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB MovBytes CDECL (sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nbytes%)
        DECLARE SUB MovWords CDECL (sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nwords%)

    ' Make two buffers for the first page of video memory
        DIM a%(0 TO 1999), b%(0 TO 1999)

    ' Prevent scrolling when printing in row 25, column 80
        VIEW PRINT 1 TO 25

    ' Create the first page of text
        COLOR 14, 4
        FOR i% = 1 TO 25
            PRINT STRING$(80, 179);
        NEXT i%
        COLOR 15, 1
        LOCATE 11, 25
        PRINT STRING$(30, 32);
        LOCATE 12, 25
        PRINT "    -  Calling MovWords  -    "
        LOCATE 13, 25
        PRINT STRING$(30, 32);

    ' Move the screen memory into the first array
        sseg% = &HB800
        soff% = 0
        dseg% = VARSEG(a%(0))
        doff% = VARPTR(a%(0))
        nwords% = 2000
        MovWords sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nwords%

    ' Create the second page of text
        COLOR 14, 4
        FOR i% = 1 TO 25
            PRINT STRING$(80, 196);
        NEXT i%
        COLOR 15, 1
        LOCATE 11, 25
        PRINT STRING$(30, 32);
        LOCATE 12, 25
        PRINT "    -  Calling MovBytes  -    "
        LOCATE 13, 25
        PRINT STRING$(30, 32);

    ' Move the screen memory into the second array
        sseg% = &HB800
        soff% = 0
        dseg% = VARSEG(b%(0))
        doff% = VARPTR(b%(0))
        nwords% = 2000
        MovWords sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nwords%

    ' Set destination to the video screen memory
        dseg% = &HB800
        doff% = 0

    ' Do the following until a key is pressed

        ' Move 2000 words from first array to screen memory
            sseg% = VARSEG(a%(0))
            soff% = VARPTR(a%(0))
            nwords% = 2000
            MovWords sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nwords%

        ' Wait one second
            t$ = TIME$
                IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN
                    t$ = ""
                    quitFlag% = 1
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL TIME$ <> t$

        ' Move 4000 bytes from second array to screen memory
            sseg% = VARSEG(b%(0))
            soff% = VARPTR(b%(0))
            nbytes% = 4000
            MovBytes sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nbytes%

        ' Wait one second
            t$ = TIME$
                IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN
                    t$ = ""
                    quitFlag% = 1
                END IF
            LOOP UNTIL TIME$ <> t$

        LOOP UNTIL quitFlag%

    ' Create a table of all 256 characters and their type designations
        FOR i% = 0 TO 255

        ' After each screenful, display a heading
            IF i% MOD 19 = 0 THEN

            ' If not the first heading, prompt user before continuing
                IF i% THEN
                    PRINT "Press any key to continue"
                    DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""
                END IF

            ' Print the heading
                PRINT "Char   Alnum Alpha Ascii Cntrl Digit Graph ";
                PRINT "Lower Print Punct Space Upper XDigit"
            END IF

        ' Some characters we don't want to display
            SELECT CASE i%
            CASE 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31
                PRINT USING "###    "; i%;
            CASE ELSE
                PRINT USING "### \ \"; i%, CHR$(i%);
            END SELECT

        ' Display "1" if test is true, "0" otherwise
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItAlnum%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItAlpha%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItAscii%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItCntrl%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItDigit%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItGraph%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItLower%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItPrint%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItPunct%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItSpace%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItUpper%(i%));
            PRINT USING "  #   "; 1 + (0 = IsItXDigit%(i%))

        NEXT i%

Toolbox: CTOOLS1.C

    The CTOOLS1.C toolbox provides access to the efficient QuickC functions
    for classifying characters and to QuickC's fast memory move functions for
    copying blocks of bytes or words from any location in memory to any other.

    You can determine character types using QuickBASIC code, but the QuickC
    routines are optimized for speed. Also, adhering to the definitions
    provided by QuickC guarantees that character classifications will be the
    same for both languages.

    You must add both of the following #include statements at the top of the
    CTOOLS1.C source-code file, before the function definitions are given.
    These two statements pull in the contents of header files necessary for
    correct compilation by QuickC:

    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <memory.h>

Function: IsItAlnum%

    Determines whether a character is alphanumeric. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents an alphanumeric ASCII
    character or a zero if the value does not. Alphanumeric characters are in
    the ranges A through Z, a through z, and 0 through 9.

    **  Name:         IsItAlnum%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:   result% = IsItAlnum%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:       c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:        (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:   #include <ctype.h>        */

    int isitalnum (c)
    int c;
        return (isalnum(c));

Function: IsItAlpha%

    Determines whether a character is alphabetic. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents an alphabetic ASCII
    character or a zero if the value does not. The alphabetic characters are
    in the ranges A through Z and a through z.

    **  Name:         IsItAlpha%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:   result% = IsItAlpha%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:       c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:        (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:   #include <ctype.h>        */

    int isitalpha (c)
    int c;
        return (isalpha(c));

Function: IsItAscii%

    Determines whether a character is standard ASCII. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents an ASCII character or a
    zero if the value does not. The ASCII character values are in the range 0
    through 127.

    **  Name:         IsItAscii%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItAscii%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitascii (c)
    int c;
        return (isascii(c));

Function: IsItCntrl%

    Determines whether a character is a control character. This function
    returns a non-zero value if the integer value represents a control
    character or a zero if the value does not. The control characters are in
    the range 0 through 31, and 127.

    **  Name:         IsItCntrl%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:   result% = IsItCntrl%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:       c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:        (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:   #include <ctype.h>        */

    int isitcntrl (c)
    int c;
        return (iscntrl(c));

Function: IsItDigit%

    Determines whether a character is a numeric digit. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a decimal digit or a zero
    if the value does not. The digit characters are in the range 0 through 9.

    **  Name:         IsItDigit%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **

    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItDigit%(c%)

    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code

    * VARIABLES:       (none)


    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitdigit (c)

    int c;


        return (isdigit(c));


Function: IsItGraph%

    Determines whether a character is graphic. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a printable character, not
    including the space character. These character values are in the range 33
    through 126.

    **  Name:         IsItGraph%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItGraph%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitgraph (c)
    int c;
        return (isgraph(c));

Function: IsItLower%

    Determines whether a character is lowercase. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a lowercase character or a
    zero if the value does not. The lowercase characters are in the range a
    through z.

    **  Name:         IsItLower%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItLower%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitlower (c)
    int c;
        return (islower(c));

Function: IsItPrint%

    Determines whether a character is printable. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a printable character or a
    zero if the value does not. The printable characters are in the range 32
    through 126.

    **  Name:         IsItPrint%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItPrint%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitprint (c)
    int c;
        return (isprint(c));

Function: IsItPunct%

    Determines whether a character is punctuation. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a punctuation character or
    a zero if the value does not. The punctuation characters are in the ranges
    33 through 47, 59 through 64, 91 through 96, or 123 through 126.

    **  Name:         IsItPunct%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItPunct%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitpunct (c)
    int c;
        return (ispunct(c));

Function: IsItSpace%

    Determines whether a character is white space. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents a white-space character or
    a zero if the value does not. The white-space character values are in the
    range 9 through 13, and 32.

    **  Name:         IsItSpace%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItSpace%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitspace (c)
    int c;
        return (isspace(c));

Function: IsItUpper%

    Determines whether a character is uppercase. This function returns a
    non-zero value if the integer value represents an uppercase character or a
    zero if the value does not. The uppercase characters are in the range A
    through Z.

    **  Name:         IsItUpper%                  **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:   result% = IsItUpper%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:       c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:        (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:   #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitupper (c)
    int c;
        return (isupper(c));

Function: IsItXDigit%

    Determines whether a character is a hexadecimal digit. This function
    returns a non-zero value if the integer value represents a hexadecimal
    character or a zero if the value does not. The hexadecimal characters are
    in the ranges 0 through 9, a through f, or A through F.

    **  Name:         IsItXDigit%                 **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  result% = IsItXDigit%(c%)
    * PARAMETERS:      c%         ASCII character code
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <ctype.h>         */

    int isitxdigit (c)
    int c;
        return (isxdigit(c));

Subprogram: MovBytes

    Calls the QuickC movedata function to quickly copy a block of bytes from
    any address in memory to any other.

    **  Name:         MovBytes                    **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    *  Moves bytes from a source segment and offset
    *  location in memory to a destination segment and
    *  offset location.
    *  EXAMPLE OF USE:  MovBytes sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nbytes%
    *  PARAMETERS:      sseg%      Source segment address of bytes to be moved
    *                   soff%      Source offset address of bytes to be moved
    *                   dseg%      Destination segment address of bytes to be m
    *                   doff%      Destination offset address of bytes to be mo
    *                   nbytes%    Number of bytes to be moved
    * VARIABLES:        (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:   #include <memory.h>     */

    void movbytes (srcseg, srcoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes)
    unsigned int *srcseg, *srcoff, *destseg, *destoff, *nbytes;
        movedata(*srcseg, *srcoff, *destseg, *destoff, *nbytes);

Subprogram: MovWords

    Moves a block of words from any memory location to any other. This
    subprogram calls the QuickC movedata function to quickly copy a block of
    words from any address in memory to any other.

    **  Name:         MovWords                    **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS1.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    *  Moves words from a source segment and offset
    *  location in memory to a destination segment and
    *  offset location.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  MovWords sseg%, soff%, dseg%, doff%, nbytes%
    * PARAMETERS:      sseg%      Source segment address of words to be moved
    *                  soff%      Source offset address of words to be moved
    *                  dseg%      Destination segment address of words to be mo
    *                  doff%      Destination offset address of words to be mov
    *                  nwords%    Number of words to be moved
    * VARIABLES:       (none)
    *   DECLARATIONS:  #include <memory.h>        */

    void movwords (srcseg, srcoff, destseg, destoff, nwords)
    unsigned int *srcseg, *srcoff, *destseg, *destoff, *nwords;
        unsigned int nbytes;

        nbytes = *nwords + *nwords;
        movedata(*srcseg, *srcoff, *destseg, *destoff, nbytes);


    The CDEMO2.BAS program is a QuickBASIC program that demonstrates the
    proper declaration and calling of the QuickC routines presented in the
    CTOOLS2.C toolbox.

    The MenuString% function creates a horizontal bar menu, similar to the
    menu line at the top of the display in the QuickBASIC environment. The
    function call returns the number of the word selected. You can place the
    menu bar anywhere on the screen, and it can contain any number of one-word
    choices. The first letter of each word must be uppercase, and no more than
    two words can have the same first letter.

    The BitShiftLeft% and BitShiftRight% functions let you shift all the
    bits in a string of bytes one position to the left or right. Each function
    returns the bit shifted off the end of the string and shifts in a zero at
    the other end.

    The NumberOfBits& function returns the number of bits in all the bytes of
    a string. You could do this by using the bit-shifting functions and adding
    up the returned values, but the NumberOfBits& function is much faster.
    The string contents are unchanged by the function.

    The PackWord and UnPackWord subprograms let you pack and unpack two byte
    values (integers in the range 0 through 255) into an integer variable.
    This can be accomplished using the QuickBASIC math functions (although it
    gets complicated when dealing with negative numbers), but QuickC has
    features ideal for performing these types of data manipulations. By
    declaring a union of a two-byte structure with an integer, the bytes can
    simply be moved into place instead of calculated.

    The TextGet and TextPut subprograms let you quickly save and restore
    rectangular areas of the text-mode screen. These routines are similar in
    concept to the QuickBASIC GET and PUT statements that save and restore
    rectangular areas of graphics-mode screens. Unlike the GET and PUT
    statements, though, the rectangular area restored can be of a different
    shape than the area that was saved. The total number of bytes must be
    identical, but the width and height of the area can differ. The program
    module first prints a line of text that is saved into a string using
    TextGet and is then restored in a vertical (one column wide) rectangular

    Name                     Type    Description
    CDEMO2.BAS                      QuickBASIC program module
    CTOOLS2.C                       C-language toolbox containing
    BitShiftLeft%           Func    Shifts all bits in a string left one bit
    BitShiftRight%          Func    Shifts all bits in a string right one bit
    MenuString%             Func    Bar menu and user response function
    NumberOfBits&           Func    Determines number of 1 bits in a string
    PackWord                Sub     Packs two bytes into an integer value
    TextGet                 Sub     Saves characters and attributes from area
                                    of screen
    TextPut                 Sub     Restores text from TextGet to screen
    UnPackWord              Sub     Unpacks values from high and low bytes

Program Module: CDEMO2

    ' ************************************************
    ' **  Name:          CDEMO2                     **
    ' **  Type:          Program                    **
    ' **  Module:        CDEMO2.BAS                 **
    ' **  Language:      Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00  **
    ' ************************************************
    ' USAGE:           No command line parameters
    '                  MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    ' .MAK FILE:       (none)
    ' PARAMETERS:      (none)
    ' VARIABLES:       m$            Menu string
    '                  word%         Integer to be packed with two bytes
    '                  hi%           Most significant byte unpacked from an
    '                                integer
    '                  lo%           Least significant byte unpacked from an
    '                                integer
    '                  a$            Workspace for TextGet and TextPut
    '                  b$            Workspace for TextGet and TextPut
    '                  n%            Timing constant for TextPut demonstratio
    '                  row%          Row location to put small "window" using
    '                                TextPut
    '                  col%          Column location to put small "window" us
    '                                TextPut
    '                  t0            Timer variable
    '                  x$            String variable for bit shifting
    '                  i%            Looping index

    ' Functions
        DECLARE FUNCTION MenuString% CDECL (row%, col%, a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION BitShiftleft% CDECL (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION BitShiftRight% CDECL (a$)
        DECLARE FUNCTION NumberOfBits& CDECL (a$)

    ' Subprograms
        DECLARE SUB PackWord CDECL (word%, hi%, lo%)
        DECLARE SUB UnPackWord CDECL (word%, hi%, lo%)
        DECLARE SUB TextGet CDECL (r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%, a$)
        DECLARE SUB TextPut CDECL (r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%, a$)

    ' Build menu string
        m$ = "Packword Unpackword Textget Textput "
        m$ = m$ + "Bitshiftleft Bitshiftright Numberofbits Quit"

    ' Let user repeatedly select the demonstrations
            COLOR 15, 1
            PRINT "MenuString function..."
            PRINT "Select one of the CTOOLS2 demonstrations by ";
            PRINT "pressing the Left arrow,"
            PRINT "Right arrow, first letter of the choice, or Enter keys."

        ' Use MenuString to choose demonstrations
            SELECT CASE MenuString%(1, 1, m$)

        ' PackWord demonstration
            CASE 1

                PRINT "PackWord word%, 255, 255  ...  word% = ";
                PackWord word%, 255, 255
                PRINT word%
                PRINT "PackWord word%,   0,   1  ...  word% = ";
                PackWord word%, 0, 1
                PRINT word%
                PRINT "PackWord word%,   1,   0  ...  word% = ";
                PackWord word%, 1, 0
                PRINT word%

                PRINT "Press any key to continue..."

                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' UnPackWord demonstration
            CASE 2

                PRINT "UnPackWord  -1, hi%, lo%  ...  hi%, lo% =";
                UnPackWord -1, hi%, lo%
                PRINT hi%; lo%
                PRINT "UnPackWord   1, hi%, lo%  ...  hi%, lo% =";
                UnPackWord 1, hi%, lo%
                PRINT hi%; lo%
                PRINT "UnPackWord 256, hi%, lo%  ...  hi%, lo% =";
                UnPackWord 256, hi%, lo%
                PRINT hi%; lo%

                PRINT "Press any key to continue..."

                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' TextGet and TextPut demonstration
            CASE 3, 4

            ' TextGet a line of text
                PRINT "A Vertical Message"
                a$ = SPACE$(36)
                TextGet 1, 1, 1, 18, a$

            ' TextPut it back, but stretch it vertically
                TextPut 6, 1, 23, 1, a$

            ' Now just a normal line of text at top
                LOCATE 1, 1
                PRINT "TextGet and TextPut - Press any key to stop"

            ' Create first of two colorful text patterns
                COLOR 14, 4
                LOCATE 13, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(201); CHR$(205); CHR$(209); CHR$(205); CHR$(187)
                LOCATE 14, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(199); CHR$(196); CHR$(197); CHR$(196); CHR$(182)
                LOCATE 15, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(200); CHR$(205); CHR$(207); CHR$(205); CHR$(188)
                a$ = SPACE$(30)
                TextGet 13, 13, 15, 17, a$

            ' Create second of two colorful text patterns
                COLOR 10, 1
                LOCATE 13, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(218); CHR$(196); CHR$(210); CHR$(196); CHR$(191)
                LOCATE 14, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(198); CHR$(205); CHR$(206); CHR$(205); CHR$(181)
                LOCATE 15, 13, 0
                PRINT CHR$(192); CHR$(196); CHR$(208); CHR$(196); CHR$(217)
                b$ = SPACE$(30)
                TextGet 13, 13, 15, 17, b$

            ' Randomly pop up little "windows"
                n% = 0
                    row% = INT(RND * 21 + 3)
                    col% = INT(RND * 73 + 4)
                    TextPut row%, col%, row% + 2, col% + 4, a$
                    row% = INT(RND * 21 + 3)
                    col% = INT(RND * 73 + 4)
                    TextPut row%, col%, row% + 2, col% + 4, b$
                    IF n% < 10 THEN
                        n% = n% + 1
                        t0 = TIMER
                        LOOP UNTIL TIMER > t0 + (10 - n%) / 10
                    END IF
                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' BitShiftLeft demonstration
            CASE 5

                x$ = "This string will be shifted left 8 bits"
                PRINT x$
                FOR i% = 1 TO 8
                    PRINT "bit ="; BitShiftleft%(x$)
                NEXT i%
                PRINT x$

                PRINT "Press any key to continue..."

                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' BitShiftRight demonstration
            CASE 6

                x$ = "This string will be shifted right 8 bits"
                PRINT x$
                FOR i% = 1 TO 8
                    PRINT "bit ="; BitShiftRight%(x$)
                NEXT i%
                PRINT x$

                PRINT "Press any key to continue..."

                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' BitShiftRight demonstration
            CASE 7

                x$ = "The number of bits in this string is ..."
                PRINT x$
                PRINT NumberOfBits&(x$)

                PRINT "Press any key to continue..."

                LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""

        ' Must be time to quit
            CASE ELSE
                COLOR 7, 0
            END SELECT

Toolbox: CTOOLS2.C

    The CTOOLS2.C toolbox provides a collection of functions and subprograms
    that perform tasks that QuickC is well suited for.

    You must enter the following block of lines into the first lines of the
    CTOOLS2.C source-code file, immediately before the functions and
    subprograms. Note that the definition for VIDEO_START should be changed to
    0xb0000000 for monochrome operation.

    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <conio.h>

    #define VIDEO_START         0xb8000000

    #define BLACK_ON_CYAN       48
    #define RED_ON_CYAN         52
    #define BRIGHT_WHITE_ON_RED 79

    #define ENTER               13
    #define RIGHT_ARROW         77
    #define LEFT_ARROW          75

    /* Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure */
    struct bas_str
        int  sd_len;
        char *sd_addr;

Function: BitShiftLeft%

    Shifts all bits in a QuickBASIC string variable to the left one bit
    position. The number of bits in a string is eight times the length of the
    string. The function returns the leftmost bit of the first character of
    the string.

    **  Name:         BitShiftLeft%               **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * Shifts all bits in a QuickBASIC string one bit
    * to the left.  The leftmost bit is returned, and
    * the rightmost bit is set to zero.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  bit% = BitShiftLeft%(bit$)
    * PARAMETERS:      bit$       String containing a bit pattern
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of the string (number of bytes)
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  i          Looping index to each byte of the string
    *                  carry      Bit carried over from byte to byte
    *                  the_byte   Working copy of each byte of the string
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *    struct bas_str
    *        {
    *        int  sd_len;
    *        char *sd_addr;
    *        };                                    */

    int bitshiftleft (basic_string)
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len = basic_string->sd_len;
        unsigned char *str = basic_string->sd_addr;
        int i, carry;
        unsigned int the_byte;

        for (i=len-1, carry=0; i>=0; i--)
            the_byte = *(str + i);
            *(str + i) = (the_byte << 1) + carry;
            carry = the_byte >> 7;

        return (carry);

Function: BitShiftRight%

    Shifts all bits in a QuickBASIC string variable to the right one bit
    position. The number of bits in a string is eight times the length of the
    string. The function returns the rightmost bit of the last character of
    the string.

    **  Name:         BitShiftRight%              **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * Shifts all bits in a QuickBASIC string one bit to
    * the right.  The rightmost bit is returned, and the
    * leftmost bit is set to zero.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  bit% = BitShiftRight%(bit$)
    * PARAMETERS:      bit$       String containing a bit pattern
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of the string (number of bytes)
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  i          Looping index to each byte of the string
    *                  carry      Bit carried over from byte to byte
    *                  the_byte   Working copy of each byte of the string
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *    struct bas_str
    *        {
    *        int  sd_len;
    *        char *sd_addr;
    *        };                                             */

    int bitshiftright (basic_string)
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len = basic_string->sd_len;
        unsigned char *str = basic_string->sd_addr;
        int i, carry;
        unsigned int the_byte;

        for (i=0, carry=0; i<len; i++)
            the_byte = *(str + i);
            *(str + i) = (the_byte >> 1) + carry;
            carry = (the_byte & 1) << 7;

        if (carry)

Function: MenuString%

    Creates a horizontal menu bar, highlights the one-word choices, and
    returns the number of the choice selected when the Enter key is pressed.
    The menu is highlighted using the same color scheme as the main pull-down
    menu bars of both the QuickBASIC and QuickC environments.

    **  Name:         MenuString%                 **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    *  Displays a horizontal bar menu and waits for a
    *  response from the user.  Returns the number of
    *  the word selected from the string.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  choice% = MenuString%(row%, col%, menu$)
    * PARAMETERS:      row%       Row location to display the menu string
    *                  col%       Column location to display the menu string
    *                  menu$      String containing list of words representing
    *                             choices
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of the menu string
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  vidptr     Pointer to video memory
    *                  attribute  Index into string
    *                  character  Character from keyboard press
    *                  both       Combination of a character and its attribute
    *                  i          Looping index
    *                  j          Looping index
    *                  k          Looping index
    *                  c          Looping index
    *                  choice     Menu selection number
    *                  wordnum    Sequential count of each word in the menu str
    *                  refresh    Signals to redraw the menu string
    * #include <ctype.h>
    * #include <conio.h>
    * #define VIDEO_START         0xb8000000
    * #define BLACK_ON_CYAN       48
    * #define RED_ON_CYAN         52
    * #define BRIGHT_WHITE_ON_RED 79
    * #define ENTER               13
    * #define RIGHT_ARROW         77
    * #define LEFT_ARROW          75
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *    struct bas_str
    *        {
    *        int  sd_len;
    *        char *sd_addr;
    *        };                                        */

    int menustring (row, col, basic_string)
    int *row, *col;
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len;
        char * str;
        int far * vidptr;
        int attribute, character, both;
        int i, j, k, c;
        int choice, wordnum;
        int refresh;
        void packword();

        /* Initialize variables */
        len = basic_string->sd_len;
        str = basic_string->sd_addr;
        vidptr = (int far *) VIDEO_START + (*row - 1) * 80 + (*col - 1);
        choice = 1;
        refresh = 1;

        /* Loop until return() statement */
        while (1)

            /* Display the string only if refresh is non-zero */
            if (refresh)
                refresh = 0;

                /* Loop through each character of the string */
                for (wordnum = 0, i=0; i<len; i++)

                    /* Set the character and default attribute */
                    character = str[i];
                    attribute = BLACK_ON_CYAN;

                    /* Uppercase? */
                    if (isupper(character))
                        attribute = RED_ON_CYAN;

                    /* In the middle of the current selection? */
                    if (wordnum == choice && character != ' ')
                        attribute = BRIGHT_WHITE_ON_RED;

                    /* Move data to video */
                    packword(&both, &attribute, &character);
                    vidptr[i] = both;

            /* Check for any key presses */
            if (kbhit())

                /* Get the key code and process it */
                switch (c = getch())

                    /* Return the choice when Enter is pressed */
                    case ENTER:
                        return (choice);

                    /* Highlight next choice if Right arrow is pressed */
                    case RIGHT_ARROW:
                        if (choice < wordnum)
                            refresh = 1;

                    /* Highlight previous choice if Left arrow is pressed */
                    case LEFT_ARROW:
                        if (choice > 1)
                            refresh = 1;

                    /* Check for match on first character of each word */
                        c = _toupper(c);
                        for (k=0, j=0; j<len; j++)

                            /* Each choice starts at an uppercase char */
                            if (isupper(str[j]))

                            /* Match if same char and not current choice */
                            if (str[j] == c && k != choice)
                                choice = k;
                                refresh = 1;

Function: NumberOfBits&

    Returns the number of bits in a string without altering its contents.

    **  Name:         NumberOfBits&               **
    **  Type:         Function                    **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * Counts the 1 bits in a QuickBASIC string.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  count& = NumberOfBits&(a$)
    * PARAMETERS:      a$         String containing bits to be counted
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of the string
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  i          Looping index to each byte
    *                  the_byte   Working copy of each byte of the string
    *                  count      Count of the bits
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *    struct bas_str
    *        {
    *        int  sd_len;
    *        char *sd_addr;
    *        };                                           */

    long numberofbits (basic_string)
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len = basic_string->sd_len;
        unsigned char *str = basic_string->sd_addr;
        int i,the_byte;
        long count = 0;

        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            the_byte = *(str+i);
            while (the_byte)
                count += (the_byte & 1);
                the_byte >>= 1;
        return (count);

Subprogram: PackWord

    Packs two bytes into an integer value. For example, the high and low (most
    significant and least significant) bytes of the integer value 258 are 1
    and 2. QuickBASIC can pack two values into an integer by multiplying the
    first value by 256 and adding the second. This works well for small byte
    values but becomes awkward when the high byte is 128 or greater. In such
    cases, the resulting integer is a negative number.

    PackWord uses the QuickC union and structure data definition features to
    pack the byte values using simple data moves in memory.

    **  Name:         PackWord                    **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    *  Packs two byte values into the high and low
    *  bytes of an integer (word).
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  PackWord hiloword%, hibyte%, lobyte%
    * PARAMETERS:      hiloword%  Integer word to pack the two bytes into
    *                  hibyte%    Integer value of the most significant byte
    *                  lobyte%    Integer value of the least significant byte
    * VARIABLES:       both       A union of a two-byte structure and an intege
    *                             variable                                */

    void packword (hiloword, hibyte, lobyte)
    int *hiloword, *hibyte, *lobyte;
                unsigned char lo;
                unsigned char hi;
                } bytes;
            int hilo;
            } both;

        both.bytes.hi = *hibyte;
        both.bytes.lo = *lobyte;
        *hiloword = both.hilo;

Subprogram: TextGet

    Copies a rectangular area of the text screen into a string variable. This
    is similar in concept to the graphics-oriented GET statement, except that
    this subprogram copies text-mode screen data. To redisplay the text
    anywhere on the screen, use the TextPut subprogram.

    The string variable must be exactly the right length for the amount of
    data to be copied, or the call will be ignored. There are two bytes of
    screen memory for each character displayed (the character and its color
    attribute), so the string must contain width * height * 2 bytes. For
    example, to save the area from row 3, column 4, to row 5, column 9, the
    string length must be 3 * 6 * 2, or 36 characters. The SPACE$ statement is
    ideal for preparing strings for this call. For example, a$ = SPACE$(36)
    makes the previous string the correct length.

    **  Name:         TextGet                     **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * Saves characters and attributes from a rectangular
    * area of the screen.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  TextGet r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%, a$
    * PARAMETERS:      r1%        Pointer to row at upper left corner
    *                  c1%        Pointer to column at upper left corner
    *                  r2%        Pointer to row at lower right corner
    *                  c2%        Pointer to column at lower right corner
    *                  a$         String descriptor, where screen contents
    *                             will be stored
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of string
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  video      Pointer to video memory
    *                  i          Index into string
    *                  row        Looping index
    *                  col        Looping index
    * #define VIDEO_START         0xb8000000
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *  struct bas_str
    *      {
    *      int  sd_len;
    *      char *sd_addr;
    *      };                                           */

    void textget (r1,c1,r2,c2,basic_string)
    int *r1,*c1,*r2,*c2;
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len;
        int * str;
        int far * video;
        int i,row,col;

        len = basic_string->sd_len;
        str = (int *) basic_string->sd_addr;
        video = (int far *) VIDEO_START;

        if (len == (*r2 - *r1 + 1) * (*c2 - *c1 + 1) * 2)
            for (row = *r1 - 1, i = 0; row < *r2; row++)
                for (col = *c1 - 1; col < *c2; col++)
                    str[i++] = video[row * 80 + col];

Subprogram: TextPut

    Restores a rectangular area of a text screen from a string variable
    previously used to copy screen contents via the TextGet subprogram. This
    is similar to the graphics-oriented PUT statement, except that this
    subprogram copies text-mode screen data.

    The string variable must be exactly the right length for the amount of
    data to be copied onto the screen, or the call will be ignored. There are
    two bytes of screen memory for each character displayed (the character and
    its color attribute), so the string must contain width * height * 2 bytes.
    See the TextGet subprogram for more details on string length

    The shape of the restored area can differ from the original area as long
    as the total number of bytes is the same. For example, an area three
    characters wide by four characters high can be copied using TextGet and
    then placed back on the screen in an area two wide by six high. As long as
    the width times the height remains constant, TextPut will move the data
    onto the screen.

    **  Name:         TextPut                     **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    * Restores characters and attributes to a rectangular
    * area of the screen.
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  TextPut r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%, a$
    * PARAMETERS:      r1%        Pointer to row at upper left corner
    *                  c1%        Pointer to column at upper left corner
    *                  r2%        Pointer to row at lower right corner
    *                  c2%        Pointer to column at lower right corner
    *                  a$         String descriptor where screen contents are s
    * VARIABLES:       len        Length of string
    *                  str        Pointer to string contents
    *                  video      Pointer to video memory
    *                  i          Index into string
    *                  row        Looping index
    *                  col        Looping index
    * #define VIDEO_START         0xb8000000
    * Definition of the QuickBASIC string descriptor structure
    *    struct bas_str
    *        {
    *        int  sd_len;
    *        char *sd_addr;
    *        };                                        */

    void textput (r1,c1,r2,c2,basic_string)
    int *r1,*c1,*r2,*c2;
    struct bas_str *basic_string;
        int len;
        int * str;
        int far * video;
        int i,row,col;

        len = basic_string->sd_len;
        str = (int *) basic_string->sd_addr;
        video = (int far *) VIDEO_START;

        if (len == (*r2 - *r1 + 1) * (*c2 - *c1 + 1) * 2)
            for (row = *r1 - 1, i = 0; row < *r2; row++)
                for (col = *c1 - 1; col < *c2; col++)
                    video[row * 80 + col] = str[i++];

Subprogram: UnPackWord

    Extracts two bytes from a QuickBASIC integer value. For example, the high
    and low (most significant and least significant) bytes of the integer
    value 258 are 1 and 2, and the two bytes of -1 are 255 and 255.


    This subprogram uses the QuickC union and structure data definition
    features to unpack the byte values using simple data moves in memory.

    **  Name:         UnPackWord                  **
    **  Type:         Subprogram                  **
    **  Module:       CTOOLS2.C                   **
    **  Language:     Microsoft QuickC/QuickBASIC **
    *  Unpacks two byte values from the high and low
    *  bytes of an integer (word).
    * EXAMPLE OF USE:  UnPackWord hiloword%, hibyte%, lobyte%
    * PARAMETERS:      hiloword%  Integer word containing the two bytes
    *                  hibyte%    Integer value of the most significant byte
    *                  lobyte%    Integer value of the least significant byte
    * VARIABLES:       both       A union of a two-byte structure and an intege
    *                             variable                               */

    void unpackword (hiloword, hibyte, lobyte)
    int *hiloword, *hibyte, *lobyte;
                unsigned char lo;
                unsigned char hi;
                } bytes;
            int hilo;
            } both;

        both.hilo = *hiloword;
        *hibyte = both.bytes.hi;
        *lobyte = both.bytes.lo;


Appendix A  Requirements for Running Toolboxes/Programs

    In the following table, the Usage line assumes execution from the system
    prompt after you compile the .BAS program. From QuickBASIC, modify
    COMMAND$ and enter any parameters before selecting Run and Start.

    CGA─Color Graphics Adapter/Monitor

    EGA─Enhanced Graphics Adapter/Monitor

    VGA─Video Graphics Adapter/Monitor



    Name                 Description
    ATTRIB.BAS          Screen/Text Attribute Display
                        Utility Program: 1 Sub
                        Usage: ATTRIB
                        Requirements: CGA
    BIN2HEX.BAS         Binary-to-Hex Conversion
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: BIN2HEX inFileName.ext outFileName.ext
                        .MAK File: BIN2HEX.BAS
    BIOSCALL.BAS        ROM BIOS Interrupt Calls
                        Toolbox: 6 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: BIOSCALL
    Name                 Description
                        Usage: BIOSCALL
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    BITS.BAS            Bit Manipulation
                        Toolbox: 2 Func/2 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: BITS
    CALENDAR.BAS        Calendar and Time Routines
                        Toolbox: 19 Func/1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: CALENDAR
    CARTESIA.BAS        Cartesian Coordinate Routines
                        Toolbox: 2 Func/2 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: CARTESIA
    CDEMO1.BAS          Demo 1 of C-Language Routines
                        Usage: CDEMO1
                        Requirements: CGA
                                        Microsoft QuickC
    CDEMO2.BAS          Demo 2 of C-Language Routines
    Name                 Description
                        Usage: CDEMO2
                        Requirements: CGA
                                        Microsoft QuickC
    CIPHER.BAS          Cipher File Security
                        Utility Program: 1 Func/1 Sub
                        Usage: CIPHER filename.ext key or CIPHER /NEWKEY
                        .MAK File: CIPHER.BAS
    COLORS.BAS          VGA Color Selection
                        Utility Program: 1 Func
                        Usage: COLORS
                        Requirements: VGA or MCGA
                        .MAK File: COLORS.BAS
    Name                 Description
    COMPLEX.BAS         Complex Numbers
                        Toolbox: 12 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: COMPLEX
                        .MAK File: COMPLEX.BAS
    CTOOLS1.C           C Functions──Characters
                        C-Language Toolbox: 12 Func/2 Sub
                        Usage: Place in MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB
                                after compiling into object files and then run
                                CDEMO1.BAS from QuickBASIC
    CTOOLS2.C           C Functions──Text
                        C-Language Toolbox: 4 Func/4 Sub
                        Usage: Place in MIXED.QLB and MIXED.LIB
                                after compiling into object files and then run
                                CDEMO2.BAS from QuickBASIC
    DOLLARS.BAS         Dollar Formatting
                        Toolbox: 3 Func with Demo Module
                        Usage: DOLLARS
    Name                 Description
                        Usage: DOLLARS
    DOSCALLS.BAS        MS-DOS System Calls
                        Toolbox: 6 Func/9 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: DOSCALLS
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
                                        MS-DOS 3.3 or later
    EDIT.BAS            Editing
                        Toolbox: 5 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: EDIT
                        .MAK File: EDIT.BAS
    ERROR.BAS           Error Message
                        Toolbox: 1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: ERROR
    FIGETPUT.BAS        FILEGET and FILEPUT Routines
                        Toolbox: 1 Func/1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: FIGETPUT
    FILEINFO.BAS        Directory/File Listing Information
                        Toolbox: 3 Sub with Demo Module
    Name                 Description
                        Toolbox: 3 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: FILEINFO
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    FRACTION.BAS        Fractions
                        Toolbox: 3 Func/7 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: FRACTION
    GAMES.BAS           Games
                        Toolbox: 4 Func/2 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: GAMES
                        Requirements: CGA
    HEX2BIN.BAS         Hex-to-Binary Conversion
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: HEX2BIN inFileName.ext outFileName.ext
                        .MAK File: HEX2BIN.BAS
    JUSTIFY.BAS         Paragraph Justification
                        Toolbox: 1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: JUSTIFY
    Name                 Description
                        Usage: JUSTIFY
                        .MAK File: JUSTIFY.BAS
    KEYS.BAS            Enhanced Keyboard Input Functions
                        Toolbox: 2 Func with Demo Module
                        Usage: KEYS
    LOOK.BAS            Text File Display Utility
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: LOOK filename.ext
                        .MAK File: LOOK.BAS
    MONTH.BAS           Three-Month Calendar
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: MONTH
                        .MAK File: MONTH.BAS
    MOUSGCRS.BAS        Custom Graphics Mouse Cursors
    Name                 Description
    MOUSGCRS.BAS        Custom Graphics Mouse Cursors
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: MOUSGCRS
                        Requirements: CGA
                        .MAK File: MOUSGCRS.BAS
    MOUSSUBS.BAS        Mouse Subroutines
                        Toolbox: 26 Subs with Demo Module
                        Usage: MOUSSUBS
                        Requirements: CGA
                        .MAK File: MOUSSUBS.BAS
    MOUSTCRS.BAS        Text-Mode Mouse Cursor
                        Utility Program
    Name                 Description
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: MOUSTCRS
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
                        .MAK File: MOUSTCRS.BAS
    OBJECT.BAS          Interactive Graphics Creation
                        Toolbox and Utility Program: 1 Sub
                        Usage: OBJECT
                        Requirements: CGA
                        .MAK File: OBJECT.BAS
    PARSE.BAS           Command Line Parsing
                        Toolbox: 2 Subs with Demo Module
                        Usage: PARSE
    PROBSTAT.BAS        Probability and Statistical Routines
    Name                 Description
    PROBSTAT.BAS        Probability and Statistical Routines
                        Toolbox: 7 Func with Demo Module
                        Usage: PROBSTAT
    QBFMT.BAS           Formatting Utility
                        Utility Program: 3 Subs
                        Usage: QBFMT filename [indention]
                        .MAK File: QBFMT.BAS
    QBTREE.BAS          Directory/Subdirectory/Files Listing
                        Utility Program
                        Usage: QBTREE [path]
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
                        .MAK File: QBTREE.BAS
    QCAL.BAS            Command Line Scientific Calculator
                        Utility Program: 1 Func/3 Subs
                        Usage: QCAL [number] [function] [...]
                        .MAK File: QCAL.BAS
    Name                 Description
                        .MAK File: QCAL.BAS
    QCALMATH.BAS        Math Functions
                        Toolbox: 31 Func/2 Sub
                        Usage: loaded by the QCAL program
    RANDOMS.BAS         Pseudorandom Numbers
                        Toolbox: 6 Func/1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: RANDOMS
    STDOUT.BAS          MS-DOS Standard (ANSI) Output
                        Toolbox: 12 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: STDOUT
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
    STRINGS.BAS         String Manipulation
                        Toolbox: 18 Func/1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: STRINGS
    TRIANGLE.BAS        Triangles
                        Toolbox: 3 Func/1 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: TRIANGLE
    Name                 Description
                        Usage: TRIANGLE
                        Requirements: CGA
                        .MAK File: TRIANGLE.BAS
    WINDOWS.BAS         Windows
                        Toolbox: 2 Sub with Demo Module
                        Usage: WINDOWS
                        Requirements: MIXED.QLB/.LIB
                                        Mouse (optional)
                        .MAK File: WINDOWS.BAS
    WORDCOUN.BAS        Word Counting
                        Toolbox: 1 Func with Demo Module
                        Usage: WORDCOUN filename

    Name                 Description

Appendix B  Functions-to-Modules Cross Reference

    Function            Module        Description
    AbsoluteX#         QCALMATH      Absolute value of a number
    Add#               QCALMATH      Sum of two numbers
    Angle!             CARTESIA      Angle between X axis and line to x, y
    ArcCosine#         QCALMATH      Arc cosine function of a number
    ArcHypCosine#      QCALMATH      Inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
    ArcHypSine#        QCALMATH      Inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
    ArcHypTangent#     QCALMATH      Inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
    Function            Module        Description
    ArcHypTangent#     QCALMATH      Inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
    ArcSine#           QCALMATH      Inverse sine of a number
    ArcTangent#        QCALMATH      Inverse tangent of a number
    ArithmeticMean#    PROBSTAT      Arithmetic mean of an array of numbers
    Ascii2Ebcdic$      STRINGS       Converts string from ASCII to EBCDIC
    BestMatch$         STRINGS       Returns best match to input string
    Bin2BinStr$        BITS          Integer to 16-character binary string
    BinStr2Bin%        BITS          16-character binary string to integer
    BitShiftLeft%      CTOOLS2       Shifts all bits in a string left one bit
    BitShiftRight%     CTOOLS2       Shifts all bits in a string right one
                                    1 through 52
    BufferedKeyInput$  DOSCALLS      numberstring of specified length
    Card$              GAMES         Returns name of card given a number from
    Ceil#              QCALMATH      Smallest whole number greater than a
    Center$            STRINGS       Centers string by padding with spaces
    ChangeSign#        QCALMATH      Reverses sign of a number
    CheckDate%         CALENDAR      Validates date with return of TRUE/FALSE
    Collision%         GAMES         Returns TRUE or FALSE collision
    Function            Module        Description
    Combinations#      PROBSTAT      Combinations of n items, r at a time
    Comma$             DOLLARS       Double-precision with commas inserted
    Cosine#            QCALMATH      Cosine of a number
    Date2Day%          CALENDAR      Day of month number from date string
    Date2Julian&       CALENDAR      Julian day number for a given date
    Date2Month%        CALENDAR      Month number from date string
    Date2Year%         CALENDAR      Year number from date string
    DayOfTheCentury&   CALENDAR      Day of the given century
    DayOfTheWeek$      CALENDAR      Name of day of the week for given date
    DayOfTheYear%      CALENDAR      Day of the year (1 through 366) for
                                    given date
    DaysBetweenDates&  CALENDAR      Number of days between two dates
    Deg2Rad#           TRIANGLE      Converts degree angular units to radians
    Detab$             STRINGS       Replaces tab characters with spaces
    Dice%              GAMES         Returns total showing for throwing n
    Divide#            QCALMATH      Result of dividing two numbers
    DollarString$      DOLLARS       Dollar representation rounded with
    Function            Module        Description
    DollarString$      DOLLARS       Dollar representation rounded with
    DOSVersion!        DOSCALLS      Version number of MS-DOS returned
    Ebcdic2Ascii$      STRINGS       Converts a string from EBCDIC to ASCII
    Entab$             STRINGS       Replaces spaces with tab characters
    Exponential#       QCALMATH      Exponential function of a number
    Factorial#         PROBSTAT      Factorial of a number
    FileGet$           FIGETPUT      Returns a string with contents of file
    FilterIn$          STRINGS       Retains only specified characters in
    FilterOut$         STRINGS       Deletes specified characters from string
    Fraction2String$   FRACTION      Converts type Fraction variable to a
    FractionalPart#    QCALMATH      Fractional part of a number
    GeometricMean#     PROBSTAT      Geometric mean of an array of numbers
    GetDirectory$      DOSCALLS      Path to disk directory specified
    GetDrive$          DOSCALLS      Current drive string
    GetVerifyState%    DOSCALLS      Verify setting (state)
    GreatestComDiv&    FRACTION      seconds greatest common divisor
    Function            Module        Description
    GreatestComDiv&    FRACTION      seconds greatest common divisor
    HarmonicMean#      PROBSTAT      Harmonic mean of an array of numbers
    HMS2Time$          CALENDAR      Time string for given hour, minute, and
    HypCosine#         QCALMATH      Hyperbolic cosine of a number
    HypSine#           QCALMATH      Hyperbolic sine of a number
    HypTangent#        QCALMATH      Hyperbolic tangent of a number
    InKeyCode%         KEYS          Returns unique integer for any key
    IntegerPart#       QCALMATH      Integer part of a number
    IsItAlnum%         CTOOLS1       Alphanumeric character determination
    IsItAlpha%         CTOOLS1       Alphabetic character determination
    IsItAscii%         CTOOLS1       Standard ASCII character determination
    IsItCntrl%         CTOOLS1       Control character determination
    IsItDigit%         CTOOLS1       Decimal digit (0─9) determination
    IsItGraph%         CTOOLS1       Graphics character determination
    IsItLower%         CTOOLS1       Lowercase character determination
    IsItPrint%         CTOOLS1       Printable character determination
    IsItPunct%         CTOOLS1       Punctuation character determination
    IsItSpace%         CTOOLS1       Space character determination
    Function            Module        Description
    IsItSpace%         CTOOLS1       Space character determination
    IsItUpper%         CTOOLS1       Uppercase character determination
    IsItXDigit%        CTOOLS1       Hexadecimal character determination
    Julian2Date$       CALENDAR      Date string from given Julian day number
    KeyCode%           KEYS          Waits and returns integer value for key
    LeastComMul&       FRACTION      Returns least common multiple
    LogBase10#         QCALMATH      Log base 10 of a number
    LogBaseN#          QCALMATH      Log base N of a number
    LogE#              QCALMATH      Natural logarithm of a number
    Lpad$              STRINGS       Returns left-justified input string
    LtrimSet$          STRINGS       Deletes specified characters from left
    Magnitude!         CARTESIA      Distance from origin to x, y point
    MDY2Date$          CALENDAR      Date string from given month, day, and
    MenuString%        CTOOLS2       Bar menu and user response function
    Modulus#           QCALMATH      Remainder of the division of two numbers
    MonthName$         CALENDAR      Name of month for a given date
    Multiply#          QCALMATH      COMMAND$of two numbers
    NewWord$           CIPHER        Creates pseudorandom new word
    Function            Module        Description
    NewWord$           CIPHER        Creates pseudorandom new word
    NextParameter$     QCAL          Extracts number or command from
    NumberOfBits&      CTOOLS2       Determines number of 1 bits in a string
    OneOverX#          QCALMATH      Result of dividing 1 by a number
    Ord%               STRINGS       Returns byte number for ANSI mnemonic
    Permutations#      PROBSTAT      Permutations of n items, r at a time
    QuadraticMean#     PROBSTAT      Quadratic mean of an array of numbers
    Rad2Deg#           TRIANGLE      from meanradian angular units to degrees
    Rand&              RANDOMS       Long integers
    RandExponential!   RANDOMS       Real value with exponential distribution
    RandFrac!          RANDOMS       deviationecision positive value < 1.0
    RandInteger%       RANDOMS       Integers within desired range
    RandNormal!        RANDOMS       Single-precision from mean and standard
    RandReal!          RANDOMS       Single-precision value in desired range
    Repeat$            STRINGS       Combines multiple copies into one string
    Replace$           STRINGS       Replaces specified characters in string
    Reverse$           STRINGS       Reverses order of characters in a string
    ReverseCase$       STRINGS       Reverses case for each charater in a
    Function            Module        Description
    Round#             DOLLARS       Rounding at specified decimal place
    Rpad$              STRINGS       Returns right-justified input string
    RtrimSet$          STRINGS       Deletes specified characters from right
    Second2Date$       CALENDAR      Seconds from last of 1979 to date given
    Second2Time$       CALENDAR      Time of day from seconds since last of
    Shade&             COLORS        Color value from given red, green, and
    Shuffle$           GAMES         Randomizes character bytes in string
    Sign#              QCALMATH      Sign of a number
    Sine#              QCALMATH      Sine of a number
    SquareRoot#        QCALMATH      Square root of a number
    Subtract#          QCALMATH      Difference between two numbers
    Tangent#           QCALMATH      Tangent of a number
    Time2Hour%         CALENDAR      Hour number from time string
    Time2Minute%       CALENDAR      Minute number from time string
    Time2Second%       CALENDAR      Seconds number from time string
    TimeDate2Second&   CALENDAR      Seconds from last of 1979 from date/time
    Function            Module        Description
    TimeDate2Second&   CALENDAR      Seconds from last of 1979 from date/time
    Translate$         STRINGS       Exchanges characters in string from
    TranslateCountry$  DOSCALLS      Translates string──current country
    TriangleArea#      TRIANGLE      Calculates area of triangle from three
    WordCount%         WORDCOUN      Returns number of words in a string
    Xsquared#          QCALMATH      Square of a number
    YRaisedToX#        QCALMATH      Number raised to the power of a second

Appendix C  Subprograms-to-Modules Cross Reference

    Subprogram               Module      Description
    AssignKey               STDOUT      Reassigns a string to a key
    Attrib                  ATTRIB      Table of color attributes (text mode)
    Attribute               STDOUT      Sets screen color (ANSI driver
    BitGet                  BITS        Value from any bit position in a
    BitPut                  BITS        translation tables at location in a
    BuildAEStrings          STRINGS     Builds ASCII and EBCDIC character
    ClearLine               STDOUT      Clears line from cursor to end of
    ClearScreen             STDOUT      Clears screen
    Complex2String          COMPLEX     String representation of a complex
    ComplexAdd              COMPLEX     Adds two complex numbers
    ComplexDiv              COMPLEX     Divides two complex numbers
    ComplexExp              COMPLEX     Exponential function of a complex
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    ComplexLog              COMPLEX     numberl log of a complex number
    ComplexMul              COMPLEX     Multiplies two complex numbers
    ComplexPower            COMPLEX     Complex number raised to a complex
    ComplexReciprocal       COMPLEX     Reciprocal of a complex number
    ComplexRoot             COMPLEX     Complex root of a complex number
    ComplexSqr              COMPLEX     Square root of a complex number
    ComplexSub              COMPLEX     Subtracts two complex numbers
    CrLf                    STDOUT      Sends carriage return and line feed
    Curschek                MOUSSUBS    Check-mark mouse cursor pattern mask
    Cursdflt                MOUSSUBS    Arrow mouse cursor pointing up and
    Curshand                MOUSSUBS    Pointing hand mouse cursor
    Curshour                MOUSSUBS    Hourglass mouse cursor
    Cursjet                 MOUSSUBS    Jet-shaped mouse cursor
    Cursleft                MOUSSUBS    Left arrow mouse cursor
    CursorDown              STDOUT      Moves cursor down specified number of
    CursorHome              STDOUT      Moves cursor to upper left corner of
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    CursorHome              STDOUT      Moves cursor to upper left corner of
    CursorLeft              STDOUT      Moves cursor left specified number of
    CursorPosition          STDOUT      Moves cursor to specified row and
    CursorRight             STDOUT      Moves cursor right specified number
                                        of spaces
    CursorUp                STDOUT      Moves cursor up specified number of
    Cursplus                MOUSSUBS    Plus sign mouse cursor
    Cursup                  MOUSSUBS    Up arrow mouse cursor
    Cursx                   MOUSSUBS    X-mark mouse cursor
    DisplayStack            QCAL        Displays final results of the program
    DrawBox                 EDIT        Creates a double-lined box on the
    Dup                     QCALMATH    Duplicates top entry on the stack
    EditBox                 EDIT        Allows editing in a boxed area of the
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    EditLine                EDIT        Allows editing of string at cursor
    Equipment               BIOSCALL    Equipment/hardware information
    ErrorMessage            ERROR       Error message display
    FilePut                 FIGETPUT    Writes contents of string into binary
    FileRead                LOOK        Reads lines of ASCII files into an
    FileTreeSearch          QBTREE      numbers defined by the boundsutine
    FillArray               GAMES       Fills an integer array with a
    FindFirstFile           FILEINFO    Finds first file that matches
    FindNextFile            FILEINFO    Finds next file that matches
    FormatTwo               EDIT        Splits string into two strings
    FractionAdd             FRACTION    Adds two fractions and reduces
    FractionDiv             FRACTION    Divides two fractions and reduces
    FractionMul             FRACTION    Multiplies two fractions and reduces
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    FractionMul             FRACTION    Multiplies two fractions and reduces
    FractionReduce          FRACTION    Reduces fraction to lowest terms
    FractionSub             FRACTION    Subtracts two fractions and reduces
    GetCountry              DOSCALLS    Current country setting
    GetDiskFreeSpace        DOSCALLS    Disk space format and usage for input
    GetFileAttributes       DOSCALLS    Attribute bits for given file
    GetFileData             FILEINFO    Extracts file directory information
    GetMediaDescriptor      DOSCALLS    Drive information for system
    GetShiftStates          BIOSCALL    Shift key states
    Indent                  QBFMT       Performs line indention
    InsertCharacter         EDIT        Inserts a character
    Justify                 JUSTIFY     Adjusts strings to specified widths
    MouseHide               MOUSSUBS    Turns off mouse visibility
    MouseInches             MOUSSUBS    parameters-to-cursor motion ratio
    MouseInstall            MOUSSUBS    Checks mouse availability; resets
    MouseLightPen           MOUSSUBS    Mouse emulation of a lightpen
    MouseMaskTranslate      MOUSSUBS    Translates pattern/hot spot to binary
    MouseMickey             MOUSSUBS    Returns motion increments since last
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    MouseMickey             MOUSSUBS    Returns motion increments since last
    MouseNow                MOUSSUBS    Current state/location of the mouse
    MousePressLeft          MOUSSUBS    Location of mouse──left button press
    MousePressRight         MOUSSUBS    Location of mouse──right button press
    MousePut                MOUSSUBS    Moves cursor to the given position
    MouseRange              MOUSSUBS    Limits mouse cursor motion to
    MouseReleaseLeft        MOUSSUBS    Location of mouse──left button
    MouseReleaseRight       MOUSSUBS    Location of mouse──right button
    MouseSetGcursor         MOUSSUBS    Sets graphics-mode mouse cursor
    MouseShow               MOUSSUBS    Activates and displays mouse cursor
    MouseSoftCursor         MOUSSUBS    Sets text-mode attributes (mouse
    MouseWarp               MOUSSUBS    Sets mouse double-speed threshold
    MovBytes                CTOOLS1     Moves bytes from one location to
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    MovWords                CTOOLS1     Moves blocks of words in memory
    OneMonthCalendar        CALENDAR    One-month calendar for given date
    PackWord                CTOOLS2     Packs two bytes into an integer value
    ParseLine               PARSE       Breaks a string into individual words
    ParseWord               PARSE       Parses and removes first word from
    Pol2Rec                 CARTESIA    Polar to Cartesian conversion
    PrintScreen             BIOSCALL    Screen dump
    Process                 QCAL        Controls action for command line
    ProcesX                 CIPHER      Enciphers string by XORing bytes
    QcalHelp                QCAL        Provides a "Help" display for program
    RandShuffle             RANDOMS     Initializes random number generator
    ReBoot                  BIOSCALL    System reboot
    Rec2Pol                 CARTESIA    Cartesian to polar conversion
    SaveObject              OBJECT      Creates graphics "PUT" file source
    Scroll                  BIOSCALL    Moves text in designated area of
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    Scroll                  BIOSCALL    Moves text in designated area of
    SetCode                 QBFMT       Determines indention code by keyword
    SetDirectory            DOSCALLS    Sets current directory
    SetDrive                DOSCALLS    Sets current disk drive
    SetFileAttributes       DOSCALLS    Sets the attribute bits for a given
    SetVerifyState          DOSCALLS    Sets or clears verify state (writing
                                        to file)
    ShuffleArray            GAMES       Randomizes integers in an array
    SplitFractions          FRACTION    Parses fraction problem string
    SplitUp                 QBFMT       Splits line into major components
    StdOut                  STDOUT      Sends a string to standard output
    String2Complex          COMPLEX     Converts string to complex variable
    String2Fraction         FRACTION    Converts a string to Fraction
    SwapXY                  QCALMATH    of screen two entries on the stack
    TextGet                 CTOOLS2     Saves characters and attributes from
    Subprogram               Module      Description
    TextGet                 CTOOLS2     Saves characters and attributes from
    TextPut                 CTOOLS2     Restores text from TextGet to screen
    Triangle                TRIANGLE    Calculates sides and angles of
    UnPackWord              CTOOLS2     Unpacks values from high and low
    VideoState              BIOSCALL    Mode, column, and page display of
    Windows                 WINDOWS     Creates a pop-up window
    WindowsPop              WINDOWS     Removes last displayed window
    WriteToDevice           DOSCALLS    Outputs a string to a device

Appendix D  Hexadecimal Format (.obj) Files

    Three assembly-language modules are discussed in this book. The suggested
    method for creating object-code files is to use the Microsoft Macro
    Assembler 5.0 on the source-code files. If necessary, however, you can
    process these files using the HEX2BIN.BAS program to create the desired
    object-code files. (See the HEX2BIN.BAS program for information about how
    to make the conversions.)

    80 0B 00 09 4D 4F 55 53 - 45 2E 41 53 4D D4 96 24
    00 00 06 44 47 52 4F 55 - 50 04 44 41 54 41 04 43
    4F 44 45 0A 4D 4F 55 53 - 45 5F 54 45 58 54 05 5F
    44 41 54 41 7D 98 07 00 - 48 39 00 05 04 01 D6 98
    07 00 48 00 00 06 03 01 - 0F 9A 04 00 02 FF 02 5F
    90 0C 00 00 01 05 4D 4F - 55 53 45 00 00 00 D5 88
    04 00 00 A2 01 D1 A0 3D - 00 01 00 00 55 8B EC 8B
    5E 0C 8B 07 50 8B 5E 0A - 8B 07 50 8B 5E 08 8B 0F
    8B 5E 06 8B 17 5B 58 1E - 07 CD 33 53 8B 5E 0C 89
    07 58 8B 5E 0A 89 07 8B - 5E 08 89 0F 8B 5E 06 89
    17 5D CA 08 00 BC 8A 02 - 00 00 74

    80 0C 00 0A 49 4E 54 52 - 50 54 2E 41 53 4D 7A 88
    03 00 80 9E 57 96 25 00 - 00 06 44 47 52 4F 55 50
    04 44 41 54 41 04 43 4F - 44 45 05 5F 44 41 54 41
    0B 49 4E 54 52 50 54 5F - 54 45 58 54 23 98 07 00
    48 07 01 06 04 01 06 98 - 07 00 48 00 00 05 03 01
    10 9A 04 00 02 FF 02 5F - 90 1E 00 00 01 09 49 4E
    54 45 52 52 55 50 54 00 - 00 00 0A 49 4E 54 45 52
    52 55 50 54 58 0D 00 00 - 3F 88 04 00 00 A2 01 D1
    A0 0B 01 01 00 00 55 8B - EC 83 C4 E2 C7 46 FA 08
    00 EB 0B 55 8B EC 83 C4 - E2 C7 46 FA 0A 00 89 76
    E4 89 7E E2 8C 5E FC 9C - 8F 46 FE 8B 76 08 8D 7E
    E6 8B 4E FA FC 16 07 F3 - A5 55 8B 76 0A 8B 1C 0A
    FF 74 03 E9 00 00 80 FB - 25 74 05 80 FB 26 75 0E
    B8 08 00 50 B8 02 CA 50 - B8 83 C4 50 EB 07 33 C0
    50 B8 CA 06 50 8A E3 B0 - CD 50 0E B8 00 00 50 16
    8B C4 05 06 00 50 8B 46 - F4 25 D5 0F 50 8B 46 E6
    8B 5E E8 8B 4E EA 8B 56 - EC 8B 76 F0 8B 7E E2 83
    7E FA 08 74 14 81 7E F6 - FF FF 74 03 8E 5E F6 81
    7E F8 FF FF 74 03 8E 46 - F8 8B 6E EE 9D CB 55 8B
    EC 8B 6E 02 9C 8F 46 F4 - FF 76 FE 9D 89 46 E6 89
    5E E8 89 4E EA 89 56 EC - 8B 46 DE 89 46 EE 89 76
    F0 89 7E E2 8C 5E F6 8C - 46 F8 8E 5E FC 8D 76 E6
    1E 07 8B 7E 06 8B 4E FA - FC F3 A5 8B 76 E4 8B 7E
    E2 8B E5 5D CA 06 00 8B - 76 0A C7 04 FF FF 8B 76
    E4 8B 7E E2 8E 5E FC 8B - E5 5D CA 06 00 0B 9C 0F
    00 84 3E 00 01 01 F1 00 - C4 66 00 01 01 A8 00 CC
    8A 02 00 00 74

    80 0D 00 0B 43 41 53 45 - 4D 41 50 2E 41 53 4D 5F
    96 26 00 00 06 44 47 52 - 4F 55 50 0C 43 41 53 45
    4D 41 50 5F 54 45 58 54 - 04 44 41 54 41 04 43 4F
    44 45 05 5F 44 41 54 41 - 08 98 07 00 48 14 00 03
    05 01 FC 98 07 00 48 00 - 00 06 04 01 0E 9A 04 00
    02 FF 02 5F 90 0E 00 00 - 01 07 43 41 53 45 4D 41
    50 00 00 00 60 88 04 00 - 00 A2 01 D1 A0 18 00 01
    00 00 55 8B EC 8B 5E 0A - 8B 07 FF 5E 06 8B 5E 0A
    89 07 5D CA 06 00 E3 8A - 02 00 00 74

Appendix E  Line-Drawing Characters

    You can enter line-drawing characters into QuickBASIC programs by pressing
    and holding the Alt key while typing up to three decimal digits on the
    numeric keypad. You can then use QuickBASIC strings to outline screen
    areas or to draw boxes around text. This chart organizes the line-drawing
    characters by type rather than by ASCII value.

        201  203  187                   218  194  191
        ╔     ╦     ╗                   ┌     ┬     ┐

    204 ╠           ╣ 185           195 ├           ┤ 180

        ╚     ╩     ╝                   └     ┴     ┘
        200  202  188                   192  193  217

                        206  205  197
                        ╬     ═     ┼

                    186 ║           │ 179

                        ╪     ─     ╫
                        216  196  215

        213  209  184                   214  210  183
        ╒     ╤     ╕                   ╓     ╥     ╖

    198 ╞           ╡ 181           199 ╟           ╢ 182

        ╘     ╧     ╛                   ╙     ╨     ╜
        212  207  190                   211  208  189

    John Clark Craig has written several books on computer programming since
    1980, including True BASIC Programs and Subroutines. He lives with his
    family in Eagle River, Alaska, where he is a programmer for ARCO Alaska,