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The Adventure of the Mysterious Mail Files

I’ve recently been sifting through many boxes of loose diskettes. Any disks with personal information are being copied and then destroyed, while any “commercial” disks are also being copied and then put in a box for resale or donation. Hopefully later this year, my house will finally be free of ancient disk clutter.

Anyway, last week, I came across a few 10-diskette boxes containing disks labelled “MAIL1.1”, “MAIL1.2”, etc. Not very illuminating. So I made copies of them all and then looked at their contents; here’s what was on the first couple of disks:

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

MAIL1    1     1442584   1-27-94  11:58a
        1 file(s)    1442584 bytes
                       14848 bytes free

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

MAIL1    2     1442584   1-27-94  11:58a
        1 file(s)    1442584 bytes
                       14848 bytes free

and except for one string near the beginning of the first file:

00000090  45 6e 67 6c 69 73 68 20  28 41 6d 65 72 69 63 61  |English (America|
000000a0  6e 29 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |n)..............|

the rest of the files contained no human-readable text.

There were 18 diskettes altogether, and fortunately, there was a clue on disk #14:

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

MAIL2    A      265513   1-27-94  12:11p
MAIL3    MMF    408321  10-18-93   5:34p
        2 file(s)     673834 bytes
                      783360 bytes free

At last it was clear that these files were pieces of Microsoft Mail Files or MMFs, and while MAIL3.MMF had been small enough to fit on a single diskette, all the other MMF files had been chopped up into diskette-sized pieces, using some sort of “splitting” utility that I had probably written specifically to make my own email backups.

It was easy enough to recombine the pieces and recreate four presumably complete MMF files, but now the question was how to read them.

My first thought was OUTLOOK, since I already had a copy of it on my MacBook; however, I couldn’t find any options for importing MMF files. I gradually came to the conclusion that the simplest solution would be to use the Inbox (Windows Messaging) application that came with Windows 95, which would allow me to create a PST file, import the MMF files, and then I could move the PST file to my MacBook and open it with OUTLOOK.

Well, that may have seemed like the simplest solution, but it was anything but simple….

Running Windows 95

I had upgraded to an M1 (Apple Silicon) MacBook a few months ago, so it turned out that getting Windows 95 to run in a virtual machine on my MacBook was harder than I’d expected. In “the old days”, with an Intel MacBook, I could (and did) run Windows 95 in a VM using VMware Fusion, Parallels, and VirtualBox. However, with an M1 MacBook, none of those were options anymore, because they all require an Intel processor to “virtualize” an x86 environment; they could not actually “emulate” one.

UPDATE: VirtualBox may eventually become a viable solution, because Oracle recently released a V7 beta that supports x86 emulation on Apple Silicon; unfortunately, the beta crashes a lot, so I’m holding off until it becomes more stable.

The only more-or-less stable “emulation” option appeared to be QEMU, and I chose the version of QEMU bundled with UTM, since UTM includes some nice UI enhancements that make it easier to manage QEMU-based VMs.

Using QEMU, Windows 95 and the “Inbox” (Windows Messaging) application were easy enough to setup, and Windows Messaging seemed willing to import my MMF files. But anticipation quickly turned to disappointment when it prompted me for a password. I had vague recollections of some passwords that I might have used over 30 years ago, but nothing I tried worked.

I knew that Microsoft’s post-MMF storage solution – PST files – had had weak password protection, because several years ago, I had unearthed some password-protected PST files, and it hadn’t been hard to find a PST tool online that could recreate working passwords. The tool seemed unable to recover the original password, but it could apparently generate any number of alternate strings that worked just as well as the original password.

Unfortunately, a quick online search for a similar MMF password recovery tool turned up absolutely nothing. In fact, I could barely find any information at all about MMF files, let alone how to recover a lost MMF password. I did find some references to an ADMIN.EXE tool as part of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks that might have offered some recovery options, but did I really want to set up my own Microsoft Mail “postoffice” server to find out? I didn’t think so.

And there was a potentially shorter path to success. Every time the “Import” command displayed the following MessageBox:

MMF Adventure

it clearly had some idea (if it was comparing password hashes), and possibly even an exact idea (if it was comparing plain-text passwords), of what the original password was. All I needed to do was to fire up a debugger and find the exact spot in memory where that check was being performed.

The game was afoot!

Debugging Windows 95

I still find that the easiest way to debug software on Windows 95 is with WDEB386.EXE, the beloved kernel debugger that I and my co-workers used to debug thousands of issues during the development of Windows 95. And I still had a small collection of symbol (SYM) files to make debugging easier, including KERNEL32.SYM, USER32.SYM, and GDI32.SYM.

So the debugging process seemed simple enough: set breakpoints on a few Win32 Dialog Box APIs, like DialogBoxParamA, then bring up the MMF password dialog, make a note of the app’s “dialog procedure” address, and then watch what happens when the “OK” button is pressed.

The app immediately called GetDlgItemTextA (no big surprise) to get the string I had just typed. At that point, debugging should have been a simple exercise of using “data” breakpoints to watch the code read that string (as well as any copies it made of the string), catching the code comparing the string to something else, and then seeing what that “something else” was.

And that’s when QEMU let me down. For whatever reason, whenever the kernel debugger’s data read breakpoint should have fired, QEMU simply hung.

So I gave up trying to do everything on my M1 MacBook, and fired up an old Windows 95 VM using VMware on an Intel Mac Mini, and repeated the entire process. And then VMware let me down. It seemed that data breakpoints simply did not work in VMware; the kernel debugger (WDEB386.EXE) could happily set the breakpoints, but they would never fire.

So, OK, I had v6.1 of VirtualBox on the Intel Mac Mini, so I decided to use that instead. Well, that was even worse: every time I tried to access a symbol, like GetDlgItemTextA, the kernel debugger would crash:

1##u getdlgitemtexta
Trap 6 - Invalid Opcode Exception - In Debugger
eax=b0000000 ebx=c13a6f9b ecx=000000fe edx=00340104 esi=00005fe6 edi=c1596d9d
eip=00000530 esp=00006a0a ebp=c13c4303 iopl=3 RF -- -- nv up di NG nz AC PE nc
cs=0058 ss=0060 ds=0060 es=0060 fs=0030 gs=0030  cr2=7fe95000  cr3=004eb000
0058:00000530 ffe8           jmp     eax

This was getting frustrating. In the end, I resorted to using two VMs side-by-side: VirtualBox with its built-in debugger to debug one machine, and QEMU running the Windows 95 kernel debugger in another machine. I would look up symbols in the QEMU machine, and then use the corresponding linear addresses in the VirtualBox machine.

What I Finally Learned

The Windows Messaging application, EXCHNG32.EXE, uses a DLL called the “MMF Migration Library” (MMFMIG32.DLL) to handle all things MMF-related. Turning on the Windows 95 kernel debugger’s segment load notifications revealed where the DLL was loaded:

MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined code(0001)=%7f801000 len 00031800
MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined data(0002)=%7f833000 len 00007600
MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined data(0003)=%7f83b000 len 00001600
MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined data(0004)=%7f83d000 len 00000200
MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined data(0005)=%7f83e000 len 00003800
MMFMIG32!MMFMIG32!undefined data(0006)=%7f842000 len 00003400

I also created a disassembled copy of the MMF Migration Library to make debugging a bit easier.

After numerous false starts, I eventually got the process down to a few steps. First, I set an INT3 breakpoint on GetDlgItemTextA (“bp %bff61657”), clicked “OK” in the password dialog, and when the breakpoint was hit, set a new INT3 breakpoint in MMFMIG32.DLL, inside 7f810181, at 7f8101f3:

eax=7f8367e4 ebx=7f8367d8 ecx=00000008 edx=00000008 esi=00000000 edi=00000008
eip=7f8101f3 esp=0063f260 ebp=0063f270 iopl=0 rf nv up ei pl nz na pe cy
cs=0137 ds=013f es=013f fs=1a8f gs=0000 ss=013f               eflags=00010203
0137:7f8101f3 3b cf                   cmp ecx, edi

At this point, EDI was the length of the typed password, and ECX was the length of the stored password. These lengths include room for a terminator, so in the above example, since EDI contained 8, a 7-character password was expected. If the lengths didn’t match, I would start over with a password guess that was the same length.

Ultimately, I finally found where the MMF’s internal password was being extracted, so all I had to do was set a write breakpoint on 7f8367e4 (“ba w 1 %7f8367e4”). It would stop on a REP MOVSD instruction, and after letting the instruction finish, I dumped the memory at 7f8367e4. For example, here’s what the 7-character password for one of my MMF files looked like:

%7f8367e4: 56 45 52 54 49 47 4f 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  VERTIGO.........

The code in MMFMIG32.DLL that actually deciphers the password stored in the MMF is located at 7f8128e1. Here’s a listing:

sub_7F8128E1    proc near

        arg_0   = dword ptr  8
        arg_4   = dword ptr  0Ch
        arg_8   = dword ptr  10h
        arg_C   = dword ptr  14h

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        push    ebx
        push    esi
        push    edi
        mov     edi, [ebp+arg_8]
        mov     eax, edi
        dec     edi
        test    eax, eax
        jz      short loc_7F81292D
        mov     eax, [ebp+arg_0]
        mov     esi, [ebp+arg_4]
        mov     edx, [ebp+arg_C]

        mov     cl, [eax]
        inc     eax
        add     cl, dl
        movzx   ecx, cl
        mov     bl, byte_7F835AE8[ecx]
        mov     cl, dh
        add     bl, cl
        movzx   ebx, bl
        mov     bl, byte_7F835CE8[ebx]
        sub     bl, cl
        movzx   ecx, bl
        mov     cl, byte_7F835BE8[ecx]
        sub     cl, dl
        inc     edx
        mov     [esi], cl
        inc     esi
        mov     ecx, edi
        dec     edi
        test    ecx, ecx
        jnz     short loc_7F8128FA

        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        pop     ebx
        pop     ebp
        retn    10h
sub_7F8128E1    endp

When it came up with the password VERTIGO, one of the inputs was this data:

%00b84a8c: 9d f5 54 33 1d 9d 87 8e-18 f3 05 ed 2c 38 bf fb  ..T3........,8..
%00b84a9c: ad f3 2f 12 da 46 6c 24-76 79 d7 5f 67 2d aa 43  ../..Fl$vy._g-.C

which corresponded to this section of the MMF:

00004200  9d f5 54 33 1d 9d 87 8e  18 f3 05 ed 2c 38 bf fb  |..T3........,8..|
00004210  ad f3 2f 12 da 46 6c 24  76 79 d7 5f 67 2d aa 43  |../..Fl$vy._g-.C|

However, the code uses multiple inputs, so I don’t think you can decipher the original password from that section alone.

In any case, once I had my passwords, I was done debugging. If anyone else wants to dig into this more and write a general-purpose MMF password recovery tool, there’s absolutely no doubt it can be done, but I also have absolutely no interest in doing that myself.

Besides, I have some old email to catch up on!

MMF Adventure

Jeff Parsons
Jan 30, 2023